#31 You fail to see the USA, Canada and all other NATO member are being cannibalized economically and culturally as slave states to wars the empire cannot afford and is "asset stripping" them for corporate wars for corporate. profits.

#32 You are ignoring the atrocious economic indicators that show collapse of the West is on the horizon.

#33 Colonization of the mind and soul is a degenerative condition which ends with the sociocide we are now living through.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

#34 You insist US healthcare is the best in the world, and the fairest.

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How do we SAFELY reverse the course which these corrupt centralized entities have us on?

We build new systems that make the old ones obsolete- ones 100% controlled and built by the people - then plug them into the system with decentralized leadership.

We feel like we are down a rabbit hole and found a fix for all of the corruption and most of our problems, but can’t scream loud enough for others to hear us. We need to build better Swarming systems, and plug them into our current broken systems using leaders who decentralize their own positions. We implore you to read this and understand the importance https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Yikes. Absolutely not.. to be honest this is so wrong it is highly sus...

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We don't have the numbers to do this. People aren't waking up and too many are subservient to the agenda.

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31) You fail to see that " countries" are indexing firms for the power elite and spectacle formation instead of sovereign entities with agency.

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Definitely the social and economic repercussions are going to be with us for a few decades, assuming we get back to rationality and common sense

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How did you limit the list to just 30?

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Caitlin is experimenting with lengths to find a sweet spot to keep us engaged.

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Aug 27, 2023·edited Aug 27, 2023

Yes, Feral, I thought that as well, as did many others, judging by the responses today.

As a suggestion to those with family contacts, or a list of friends, or business associates that are approachable, try doing what I have just done and copy out the list and distribute it widely.

30 is enough to start with and it would be one way of making those that do not think on this subject very often, a little more aware of the realities of past historical events.

It is worth expanding on.

Excellent approach, Caitlin.

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Excellent, Dr.

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In both Canada and the USA they are being used for partisan politics as immigrants vote for the incumbent party that brought them here. Biden and Trudeau are counting on them to win elections for them.

Landing in the USA the immigrants get a 2200. dollar a month allowance which is more than US and Canadian pensioners get.

In stupid Canada we admitted over a million immigrants last year and we cannot provide housing for them. Prices and interest rates are going through the roof which is just what happened in the nineties, thousands of Canadians are losing their homes as a result.

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But immigrants can't vote--can they? Or is this a long haul political plan?

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In Canada it takes 5 years to vote, with full citizenship.

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The question is "how did these people get here". I read an article, which I think may have been a joke, that suggested the CIA financed their transportation to South America and then the recruitment of the smugglers to move them north.

Now, is this seriously possible? Or am I going down a rabbit hole that Snowden warned us about.

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The whole "inability" to stop them is a joke. It's a manufactured crisis, purposely so.

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RFK Jr has an interview about this.

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Like the migrants in Europe.....

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33. You think Julian Assange stole secret documents and endangered US national security and should be shot as a Traitor after conviction by a military tribunal at Gitmo.

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Well, I wouldn't go THAT far.

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just hung? Or put on the rack and drawn and quartered?

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Come on! Most of our government has secret documents on their private email servers. It's no big deal--UNLESS you don't agree with their beliefs.

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I guess you missed the meaning

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My meaning with this comment is that very very few people in our society care about Julian Assange. If a small puppy falls down a well, or a kitten gets stuck up in a tree--people are heart broken and will donate to rescue these "trapped" animals. They can see the animals are suffering. They are innocent animals and deserve our sympathy. OK? Ukraine, also, is portrayed as an innocent victim.

But Julian Assange? He's a grown man. One grown man. He's not even an American citizen. I think at least 10 substack journalists and other journalists have gotten outraged by his plight. It's similar to getting outraged by all the censorship going on right now.

I bet you right now if I went out on the street and asked people "Have you ever heard of Julian Assange?" 90% would say NO Who is he? When I tell them he exposed war crimes, they will say, "What war crimes?"

There must be some statements in the list saying that any war we start or enhance is definitely NOT a crime, because we wouldn't be participating in a war unless it was to preserve democracy, support women's rights (Afghanistan), or depose nasty dictator.

Julian Assange basically gave his life to preserve transparency and expose malfeasance--and nobody gives a shit. It's like beating a dead horse. I once told my mother I was sorry so many innocent men were in jail. (In the 1960's we weren't aware of female crime) My mother replied, "There ARE no innocent men in jail. If they are in jail, why then they must have done something and deserve to be there!"

Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning--two people unfairly imprisoned for exposing things the government doesn't want you to know. Oh we are so far beyond this now. I think people have been killed for saying things the government doesn't like. Doctors will lose their license if they oppose government Covid policy.

A major reason that Hilary Clinton lost to Trump (aside from more voter fraud) is because the FBI revealed how she stored secret private government documents on her own email server. ROASTED. But what about Obama? It turns out he did the same thing. Our presidents are total idiots when it comes to being able to access sensitive documents. They are not tech savvy--except when it comes to calling up Elon Musk or Zuckerberg and asking them to impose censorship on sensitive material. Hunter Biden also was lax about storing governemt documents. And Trump was no better. Lots of government documents in Mara Lago. He's even worse than Julian Assange in how many documents he acquired.

Yeah, I definitely missed the meaning. I just don't believe people care very much about Assange. They're way too busy fighting off Covid infection, dealing with inflation, trying not to lose their jobs, avoiding nuclear war. ALTHOUGH, I do have a friend who is absolutely outraged that DeSatntis signed a resolution to make it a crime to teach sex education supporting gender ID surgeries and also to oppose teaching critical race theory. He's disrespecting the first amendment! Censorship! Unfair! (I'll have to ask her how she feels about Assange.) Seriously, most everything that outrages us is because it challenges some deep seated moral value that we probably all agree with. Just that we don't agree on the facts. For example, I had a friend deeply frightened of Covid, convinced that saying 5000 people died of Covid was a sick joke, felt only vaccines would save us, etc. We pretty much were set to kill each other. I set out to prove we were on the same side. DEATH! We can both agree that it's very very important to avoid death and we both want to do it as number one priority. (ME: Avoid vaccine deaths by skipping vaccine mandates. HIM: Avoid Covid deaths by imposing them) 5000 DEATHS We can both feel outrage by this number! ME: 5000 people just DIED from vaccine injury--and MSM ignores this and CDC says vaccines are safe and this was just a coincidence HIM: 5000 Covid deaths! Neil Ferguson predicted 2 million and over half a million Americans died the first year of Covid. AWFUL! I think there were 3 or 4 other points of deep agreement. He agreed very reluctantly that we were thinking the same. Had to, because we were both trembling in fear and hugging each other to provide some meager solice. Or at least trying to hug over zoom--so disappointing for body contact.

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31. You think that the irrational domestic policies of federal agencies like CDC, FDA, EPA etc. have no connection to foreign-policy empire-simp propaganda. When, in fact, the lies, censorship and crushing of free speech promoted by these federal criminal agencies are all integral parts of the brain softening necessary to sell a foreign policy of silent acquiescence to psychological enslavement to the perpetual violence and unlimited mendacity of war.

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For me silent acquiescence to war was MUCH easier than silent acquiescence to vaccines. After all war is always "over there"--never here. So I can dismiss it--just as most citizens are dismissing vaccine injury. But maybe not so much any more. Propaganda says unvaccinated people are a tiny minority that must be punished for their failure to carry out their civic duties. For sure my brain will be softened if I ever agree to be vaccinated--with anything.

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But corporations are people too! Just a bit Sociopathic!

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32. You think "BRICS" is an album by that anti-Semitic Nazi sympathizer Roger "Red Floyd" Waters.

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You hate Besos but love Musk

You love Besos but hate Musk

You hate Trump but think George W Bush is cuddly & misunderstood, same for McCain.

You believe Trump is battling the swamp & fighting for the working class

You believe Trump is a Russian agent

You believe Biden is paid by the Chinese gov

You want to prosecute Trump but ignore Biden conflicts of interest

You strongly support gender fluidity

You’re strongly against gender fluidity

Abortion rights are your biggest concern

You think people concerned about mask and vax mandates are selfish & stupid

You think Obama cared about poor people

You believe we have fair elections

I could go on..

It would be an interesting SurveyMonkey survey. I say do it!

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Got to rephrase "concerned about mask and vax mandates" EVERYBODY is concerned about mask and vax mandates. You need two statements: You think we need more mask mandates, lock downs, and vax mandates to protect us from Covid (no other health condition matters). AND You think masking is worthless, lock downs are worthless and destroy the economy, and vax mandates are tyrannical ways of ensuring population control.

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What's gender fluidity? Is it the same as non binary?

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#99. You honestly think that the reason the US federal government hasn't implemented universal healthcare is because it can only be effectively implemented by each individual state

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#99 rephrased? The reason the US federal government hasn't implemented universal healthcare is because those stupid (insert opposite political party name) wouldn't support it!

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# ___ You live in a “democracy” that Sacrifices more Human Lives, than any other nation, to MILITARIZED POLICING and FOR PROFIT PRISONS yet do nothing to end the Militarized Policing of your Political, Economic & Judicial Apartheid State, except celebrate JUNETEENTH.

#___ You believe Government Of By and FOR ThePeople is “democracy” but insist YOUR Nation is the most respected democracy on Earth for its obliteration of any domestic group or “Backward” foreign nation that LIVES by that credo “because they’re Socialist.”

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Oh I just love this one! I got all the way to 29 and then found 30 was the clincher! This is so spot on because seeing that Ukrainian flag in "Xweets"? will bring up any number of these 30 "Simp" responses IF NOT ALL! Ha!

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Excellent! How do we get that list in the hands of every senator and congressperson in the US. Mostly Just for fun, I'm pretty sure the cognitive dissonance for most of them would be so great they either wouldn't understand it or more likely they would think it's from a conspiracy nut.

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They know all about it. They don't care.

I'm surprised there are still people left out there thinking "if only my senator/rep knew".

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

Of course there are those pulling the strings, but I don't believe the majority of them are any more aware than the general public. It's one big brainwash. I met and spoke to Nancy Pelosi one time. It's unbelievable just how out of it people can be.

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Do you think she opened up to you?

Let me put it differently - if they didn't know they'd be let know and behave the way they're expected to.

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There's no question they're on board for empire's agenda. I just question how much they understand what's really happening and how.

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It doesn't matter why they vote the way they do.

The vote counts just the same.

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She didn't believe that people needed to pay money to get their groceries and that public transportation wasn't free.

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You think they don't know?

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The Tsar already knows, sigh.

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My bad! I thought our government was the conspiracy nut.

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31. You believe corporate media is the "free press".

32. You believe free speech must be "protected" from "disinformation".

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31-1 and PBS/BBC/DW/etc is a non-government, unbiased, "public" media.

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Oooh the "free press." Reminds me of one of my favorite operas, "The Consul," which features Anna Sorel the wife of John Sorel a freedom fighter in some nameless Eastern European country. Every dissident or person fleeing oppression is desperate to get to America and they apply for a visa claiming their right because of illness, mistreatment, urgent business, exceptional talent, etc. But the secretary never lets anyone see the American consul. Somehow they never can manage to fill out the forms correctly or manage to make themselves understood if they don't speak English. Anna is desperate to have her husband leave the country and save himself. He is desperate to sacrifice himself to avoid having her arrested. So desperate, in fact, that he surrenders himself as a martyr to the secret police who will arrest him, find him guilty, and kill him. But it's all good because now he knows that Anna is free to leave the country since they already have their martyr. (He doesn't know that the baby starved to death, and his mother died from unknown respiratory illness, and his wife is busy committing suicide so that he will be free to go.) The police as they arrest him ask him if he is coming with them of his own free will. (So they can't be accused of murdering him.) "Oh yes. I'm coming with you of my own "free will," he replies. Nobody mandated or coerced vaccines. We took them of our own "free will."

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47. You believe that Hitler was correct about eugenics and the existence of a "Master Race", but he just picked the wrong one.

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Aug 26, 2023·edited Aug 26, 2023

21a. You believe that modern terrorism in the Middle East was begun by Arabs.

21b. You've never heard of the USS Liberty.

21c. You believe in the official Holocaust narrative, despite verifiable historical records, are absolutely terrible at elementary school math, and believe that about 3 million minus 6 million equals over 5 million.

21d. You've never heard of the Lavon Affair, the Deir Yassin Massacre, and so many others ...

21e. You really believe the official narrative/fairy-tale about 9-11.

21f. You don't understand that Lahaina is the same exact thing ideologically speaking as 9-11, and serves the same exact ultimate goal and purpose.

21g. You have no idea that most of the highest positions in our government are filled by people possessing Israeli citizenship.

21h. You've never heard of the "Dancing Israelis."

21i. You don't know what the Balfour Declaration is or who was behind it.

22j. You're gullible (or stupid, choice here) enough to believe that entirely oppressed Palestineans are actually a threat to a heavily militarized Israel.

Etc., etc., etc.!!!

Funny how 21 has so much to do with just about every other item on the list. But nothin' to see here as it were.

As the rallying cry goes, "We're all Palestineans now!" That's getting closer and closer and closer to home by the week now, soon to be by the day.

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I think I passed.

My Russian friends would agree.

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Imperial Simps also parrot the line that Putin's plan is to conquer all of Ukraine, when in fact he quite clearly declared his objectives from the start. Also, these Simps often fancy themselves Putin mind readers.

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That's a real point of issue. I see the total chaos that occurs in US wars. Lots of civilians killed or even targeted. President Putin's methods are extremely different and very precise. He does not just do random destruction like every single US war campaigns have done. The interview that Tucker did with that Colonel says it all and really is a must view for the whole world to see.

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50. You think that the woods (forests) and oceans are inhabitant and ruled by evil spirits and that nature is man's enemy and must be tamed and controlled by man.

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