Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

They don't even oppose the last war, rather they simply don't bring it up, as if the last war and the untold death and suffering it engendered were an embarrassing but ultimately inconsequential social faux pas.

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As the war before that, and the war before that, and the war before that, and the w……..

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Yep. Good is bad, up is down, war is peace, freedom Is slavery, ignorance is strength, losing is winning....turns out, the only thing Orwell was wrong about is the year.

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Zelensky is as big a war criminal as any

His voice is more weasely than George bushies

How can he look at his self?

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Subscribe to _Vogue_.

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...as we can see G. Carlin was, is and it will be forever right!, about 'education in America'!.....> cheeseburger , potato and beer!.....oops footbaball .....

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George HW Bush was the CIA director and a key figure in the privatization in Ukraine.

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Poppy was so MUCH more; ask Zbignew, Albright or dead Kennedy & Trilaterist victims, everywhere? I wonder who actually suggested bin Laden's "brilliant" kid to take back Europe's Heroin trade from the Evil Empire? Cheney, Rice & the rest had designs on Russian gas, percolating up from where permafrost USED to be?

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Two giant POS. They deserve each other.

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Gee, why didn't George W. go ahead and invite Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Henry Kissinger as well? A real rogues' gallery of war hawks. They could all trade laughs and stories about how many drones they launched and how many innocents they killed in their immoral wars.They could make it a regular rock festival of American warmongery. I can see the t-shirts now...

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Why in God's name did you leave out Cheney.

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Ooops! It was late and I sort of get him and George W. mixed up in my mind... like their Siamese twins or something.

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Apology excepted. I understand.

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You would think the last person they would chose to shore up people's confidence in continuing to support our proxy war in Ukraine's would be Bush Baby. I know there are some who believe Saddam got rid of those weapons of mass destruction before we entered the war, but it seems unlikely most continue to hold on to that idea, and see the war for what it was, a lie. I wonder if Bush baby will once again speak of the threat of a mushroom cloud, and if he does hopefully they will see him as the death cap mushroom, which is widely spread throughout Europe and is highly poisonous. I don't think the US or Bush cares that it could bring Europe to it's knees along with Russia.

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It’s a feature not a bug.

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They don't care about Europe. If the worst happens can you imagine that the US won't be using Europe to launch it's nukes thereby making THEM the target for reprisal? I'm pretty sure there are some in the US who think that is the way to avoid being hit back. Insane.

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No, they don't care about Europe otherwise Obama never would have supported a coup in Ukraine in 2014, the most corrupt country in Europe, and the force behind that coup were neo-nazis. It only served our interests, if you want to look at it a certain way, but not Europe's. I don't know why Europe went, and is going along with the American agenda in Ukraine now, and Britain keeps stoking the fires. Mate has an article in which they claim things might come to an end, a resolution to the war. I'll believe it when I see it.

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Perhaps, in a modern day reversal of those hugely uplifting 1970s occasions when Tom Jones was the on-stage recipient of various pairs of female fans' sweaty and otherwise moistened underpants thrown in emotional hysteria ....we might see the rugged 'freedom fighter' Zelensky throw copious numbers of his hopefully pre-worn and thus sweat-sogged green T shirts into an equally adoring crowd of brain dead war mongers at the 'W' presidential center........ What a sight to see, and what progress since the boring war-less 70s......

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

onwar.com lists over 100 conflicts, wars and coups in the 70s and don't forget the cold war and Vietnam

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It is disingenuous to keep calling it a proxy war.

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Seems Republican gains in the House unRepresentatives has put a spark in the old Trojan war horse batteries that may last long enough for GW Bush to remember his own name, and perhaps Zelenski's. But not nearly enough juice to bring to mind the half million child deaths from sanctions, and a million more Iraqi deaths including children and pregnant women, in sacrifice to the God of War- and Raw Greed. So we're in for wall-to-wall thread-bare homilies, wan, insincere smiles and - boring lies. NED and Freedom House? Blow-Me-Down Impressive.

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Has CNN hired Borat, yet? I used to hope 'Baggers would flock to Syria to fight Daesch, with Walmart BushMASTERS, but PMC could finance Yuppie Liberal trips beneath Azovstal to tape non-Aryan kids to poles to lurn Fredum to commie Rooskibots, or whatever will save DNC's FRACKING Ponzi scheme & stop Krauts from electrifying rich folks' BMW, Audi, Maybach & Porsches or commercial vehicles?

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Borat owns CNN.

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On RBN Live today, we contrasted President Putin with Jeremy Raskin (D-MD 8th Congressional District) who openly wants to destroy Russia for GloboHomo : https://www.republicbroadcastingarchives.org/the-dankof-report-with-mark-dankof-11-11-22/

Roadmap of Stories:


Bush and Zelensky in Dallas. 🤬🤬🤬👎👎👎🚽🚽🚽

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Raskin said in protecting Ukraine we are protecting woke values. So I guess he feels the neo-nazi's can't do it alone.

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The irony being that Ukraine is not that much more woke than Saudi Arabia (where there is tons of gay sex on the DL) and we have lent support to the most unwoke factions in Ukraine.

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Two peas in a very dark pod.

One, a puppet of the U.S. Fascist, Corporate Deep State and the other, a puppet of Ukrainian Nazi Stormtroopers ... as well as the U.S. Fascist Deep State.

Isn't it a wonderful world. (a reference to the end ot Dr. Strangelove)

It really brings a tear to my eye.

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George Bush and Volodymyr Zelensky together at the Bush Presidential Center. What could go wrong?

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promoting endless wars and death

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