A man named Krishnamurti daid: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

I couldn't agree more.

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I live in Sonoma County, California about an hour north of San Francisco in wine (whine) country.

A: I am surrounded by assholes.

B: I am ruled by assholes.

C: Deserve has nothing to do with life whether man-made or nature-made or God-made.

D: No one gets out of here alive.

E: My new mission in life is to turn beer into urine.

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People also unwittingly make it harder on themselves by paying ANY attention at all to the MSM.

People would be MUCH better served looking at what's behind the MSM, like reading up on Edward Bernays for example. Or Rockefeller and how he coopted the medical industry and squelched nutriceuticals and natural health.

Or who the Central Banking Cabal are. But I've found that people would rather pollute their minds with crap on the Lobotomy Box than actually educate themselves, which requires more effort than just plopping down with a bunch of crap food and clicking the remote.

That's a choice however.

I tell people all the time, the reason why history seems to be so boring as they teach it, is because it's false, and therefore it is boring and quite often even contradictory. That if they knew and understood real history, then it would invigorate them, but at the same time it would anger then to action.

Back to Edward Bernays, ... there's a reason why it's called Propaganda and why that's what passes as education.

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EXACTLY! Thank you Ms. Johnstone!

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

Speaking of Propaganda, most people don't realize that in 2013, the US passed a law " Extending Radio Free Europe to cover the Western Hemisphere". Radio Free Europe was a CIA Propaganda ops.

This is how the MSM wrote it ---but in Reality it read - " We the USGov now have the right to use Propaganda - Against the Citizens of the USA" signed by B Obama in 2013. At Midnight most likely. And they weren't joking around because as long as the MSM gets their news from the USGov. they can't be sued for the BS content. Sabe' ?

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What does a person do when they realize the world they've been living in is insane? It's like growing up in an insane asylum being told by everyone, and believing, it's the normalist of all worlds, only to realize as you navigate it how deranged it all is. It's disconcerting to discover that those few remaining endangered societies that more closely adhere to the real normal (human evolution before it was roped-off and pepper-sprayed) are the ones being systematically destroyed by the ruling lunatics of your own society. It's a bitter pill; disorienting and isolating. Yet this gnawing unease is the norm for Western society, so that people don't see it as a sickness, as an illness that needs curing. Instead, we're told that more of the disease is the cure. Any happiness to be found in such a context has to be based on lies, gullibility and profound ignorance by those still refusing to question it, or by mental and/or physical withdrawal. Perhaps this malaise of awakening is what King Solomon had in mind when he said, "With much knowledge comes much sorrow". The only thing remaining for those traumatized from this rude awakening is to find kindred spirits, close ranks, and comfort each other while working for change, and making your own corner of existence as livable as possible without the internecine squabbling over pedantic trifles (the favorite pastime of liberals).

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The old saw, liberally indulged in by psychiatrists and psychologists was that if you didn't "fit in" to society, the obvious conclusion was there was something wrong with you: there couldn't possibly be something wrong with society. That was assumed to be obvious. What was obvious but ignored was that it represented vested interests, and the establishment. They were all obviously accessories before and after the fact. Modernity has its drawbacks, but skepticism isn't one of them.

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This is what Marx said would happen to capitalism - the worker's conditions would get worse and worse and real wages would go down and down - a revolution would be inevitable and a state were the proles owed the means of production would ensue- perhaps with a bit of class consciousness and awareness practice of the workers own subjugation from Luxemburg and a bit of violence from Lenin thrown in.

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" Imprison the fifty richest bankers and there will be no more war on Earth. Henry Ford "

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I laughed out loud four or five times. Bravo. I feel so much better just from that five minutes.

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The megalomaniacs have gone further than that these days. Stress is a killer and I believe it has been weaponized as a very useful tool to help attain depopulation à la WEF. Stress is never mentioned on death certificates. It stultifies, weakens, & renders us sickly & wide open to an early death from a variety of preventative causes. Corporate media pumps up stress from every possible direction. I'm relatively immune since, apart from references in social media, I don't partake of any offerings from TV or the wireless. In fact I'm becoming steadily more acquainted with *my* own mind. So please don't do what I say but do as I do. With maximum catharsis, throw your TV away & start your new life where you are much more in charge! Bon voyage!

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Eliminate the assholes and rule oneself with anarcho-capitalism!

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Apr 30, 2023·edited Apr 30, 2023

The poor are even worse off now than when Feudalism was the system of choice by the assholes in charge. Why, you might ask? Well back a number of centuries ago, it was a commonly held belief under Feudalism that your class was your Fate, born a Serf or born an Aristocrat, this was not something you were held responsible for - and thus poverty was not something you necessarily need be ashamed about - it was simply preordained for you.

But in today's world, not only if you are poor you carry the burden of soul crushing poverty, but you are then blamed for your own poverty - and you are meant to believe the system and the assholes in charge have no hand in your poverty. We are all to believe in the meritocracy myth of the Capitalists and Warmongers in charge.

Poverty is the worst form of violence. Ghandi.

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Start liking it. If The Iron Law Of Oligarchy has any truth in it, we're just reverting to the mean, and today's oligarchs have tools that would make Ivy Lee or Goebbels weep hot salty pony tears of envy.

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Success is waking up to a new day and looking forward to acting, not in a theatrical sense but in a doing sense (though contributing to performing a play would be just fine and dandy).

What can I do today that makes me feel good, which helps those around me, which contributes to the communities in which I live? Know also that the more you do this not only the better you feel but the more you inspire others to find their own joy and validity in similar actions. Its a feedback loop of love and it starts with the smallest of things.

Hold a door open for someone. Pick up something that an old or injured person has dropped. Thank someone for the smallest kindness. Smile.

I'm very playfully serious about smiling. It is the most natural and trivial of things and it speads joy. Hey, why not make a game of it? For one week count the number of smiles you get each day from persons you do not know. Just the smallest of positive reponses counts, for you have suceeded is spreading happiness. Can you get two? Or, heaven forfend, THREE smiles from strangers in a day!

Now, if while reading this you had a little smile, dont click the heart button. Instead, create a smile in a stranger. Approach the activiity like a child; its not a mission, its a game for the fun of it.

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More evidence that US Empire managers are getting desperate: NPR featured a spinmeister from Brookings Institute who spewed drivel to downplay the rise of China.

When asked about economic competition, he straight up lied by saying that no new China led economic block was arising (like during Cold War 1), ignoring massive evidence that exposes that lie. On military conflict, he claimed Biden's role was to deescalate rising tensions via personal calls to Xi, again contradicting lots of conflicting evidence about US military provocations and Biden's warmongering rhetoric.

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