Mar 14, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Thank you from those of us in the "cheap seats". There are a lot of us out here trying to make ends meet and stay abreast on what is really going in the new world order. Substacks are my go to with yours being a favorite. Much appreciated.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Caitlin, your passionate commitment to the truth is something I deeply admire, and why I look forward to everything you deem significant enough to frame in a commentary. It is good fortune that you are not dependent upon the generosity of your readers to do what you so artfully do, but I do hope your many readers are aware that there is no such thing as a free lunch.;

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Never any confusion in understanding your writings on Substack.

However,.........what is

the best (simplest) way to send a donation to you, Caitlin to contribute to the future of my country, currently being led by the nose into an unwanted war with China.

Yes. it's called little Australia, a babe in the woods.

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Yeah I'll definitely be staying on top of the warmongering in Australia. I find it interesting that after all this time focusing on the US empire's shenanigans around the world, one of its most significant frontlines has wound up forming right here in our little neck of the woods. All the donation systems are good and simple from what I can tell on this end. Patreon is great (https://www.patreon.com/caitlinjohnstone), as is PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/caitlinjohnstone), or you can put whatever you want into a pay-what-you-feel e-book on Gumroad (https://caitoz.gumroad.com/). Substack looks simple and straightforward too. Thanks for asking!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

I support you on Patreon. Would you prefer here instead or shall I leave it as is?


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Mar 14, 2023·edited Mar 14, 2023Author

Oh no Patreon is great, this is to accommodate the preferences of my supporters; either way is fine for me. Thank you for asking though; I've updated the message to make this clear.

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Thanks. Keep up the fight, I'm trying to!! 🙏🏻


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Does one platform take less of a cut? I support people using Patreon and Substack (maybe others?), so it makes zero difference to me. I don't give a shit which billionaire gets a cut of my donation. I do give a shit if you get more of the pie on one platform or another.

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Thanks Caitlin...

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Enjoy that sweet cash from this right-of-left-winger.

Well worth it, keep up the great work, Caitlin.

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Good Stuff

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While I support your work, I would like to see the option of making a smaller one time donation from Time to Time as I can afford it.

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As Caitlin mentioned there's this other option where it's completely up to you when and how much and for what: https://caitoz.gumroad.com/

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Thank you for what you do, and thank you for keeping it available to those of us who really can't afford 1 more expense, but find your work so enlightening

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

I will send a few mostly dead rodents in the post your way.

Hope you enjoy the treats!

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Good for you, Caitlin!

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Seriously if they are begging for money and VC bailed it means its a broken model. Think about it, how many regular people are paying per writer $5 to $10 per month? Not enough apparently and the next thing they will introduce is advertising which is 1million times worse. This monetization model is for elites, elite writers and elite readers who can afford to pay to "benefit" from their writing. Its not Twitter but its just as elitist as Twitter and will devolve into the same mess and control mechanism.

Go check out web3. Go check out crypto. Go check out the MVP of my solo hobbiest project "dplatform.me" The next platforms will be web3, crypto, micro-transactions, and governed by decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) or no one

The future is decentralized!

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Paid you so fast it made my head spin. Thank you for the work you do.

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Is the Russian propaganda ministry not providing the promised funding for your operation?

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If you are sincere, that was uncalled for.

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However, that said, if the author is a teenager then I withdraw the comment with apologies. Nobody is born knowing everything, and we all have a learning curve to climb.

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Here's an example of uncalled for, from the author:

"It's good that these disgusting war propagandists are crying. They deserve a lot worse than a public tongue-lashing from a former prime minister."

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So you are "pro-war propagandist?" Really?

What is "uncalled for" in Caitlin's response?

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If a serial killer breaks in to your home at 3am with plans to rape your kids and kill your family (see Ukraine coverage) are you pro-war, or anti-war in that situation?

Is it your intention to sit down peacefully with the serial killer and work out a compromise? Maybe try to give him half the kids? You know, are you going to be reasonable? Are you going to be peaceful? Or are you going to be one of those evil warmongers?

Again, if the author of this site is a teenager, somebody just tell me that and I'll be understanding.

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So why do you use an analogy? I suspect because then you can create a strawman to beat down instead of dealing with the reality of the situation. That reality being that Russia is not a serial killer.

Russia was talking with Ukraine, Germany, France and the US about getting Minsk II implemented in December 2021. That was the agreement signed by Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE (representing the EU countries) to stop the civil war in the Donbas that had killed already 15,000 and been going on for 7 years killing ethnic Russians/Ukrainian separatists.

Russia was trying to NOT go to war with Ukraine. Did they try hard enough? I am not expert enough to judge 100%, but everything I've seen since Russia's invasion says the US/UK/NATO were going to continue to push Russia until Russia either became encircled and then invaded (again) by the US and Europe (3 times since 1917), or Russia attacked first. Russia chose the latter.

Russia is a big powerful country with 6000 nuclear weapons. They are no longer the destroyed nation they were in 1992. That is reality. When Russia says we will not accept NATO forces on our border in Ukraine, over and over since 2008, maybe we should not have poked that bear.

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I stopped reading when you said this....

"That reality being that Russia is not a serial killer."

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It took me about 15 seconds to find that quote.

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Hi Caitlin. I noticed a few days ago that Substack have started deleting comments. This occurred on Substack founder Hamish McKenzie's channel when he interviewed Emily Oster of the Ivy League bubble. Thanks. https://youtu.be/0CKvKN5wjt4

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Caitlin, I found your writing a few years ago, before they unleashed the weaponized cold virus. Then, I wasn’t ready to hear the truth about the GAE. I’ve experienced wave after wave of glimpsing the reality. Your work has helped me to wake up. Thank you.

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