"Never mind herd immunity, how about immunity to the herd?"

This is a very beautiful prayer. Amen to every line.

(Hammerhead whales I haven't heard of, only sharks. Humpback whales?)

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The desire to conform seems to be a strong tendency that runs deeper than just the expectations of our current corrupt society/political system.

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That is a core problem with humans. They are so easily persuaded to be nasty and cynical but so difficult to convince on evidence to see a positive. They willingly follow the most obvious snake-oil salesmen like Bojo or Farage or have blind faith in a cardboard prophet like Corbyn or Sanders.

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Thank you! You've given voice to everything I've been feeling for a long while, why I feel like an alien among too many of my fellow human being. It took me sixty years to get here and I'm not turning back. Sharing this is my duty to humanity.

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I am convinced that the global ruling Rightwing pathocrats hate Life, and are pursuing the extirpation of Life on Earth as an act of vengeance against all that will be living when they have returned to the shite from which they emerged. The religious ones add a divinely endorsed hatred of Life as an expression of monotheistic xenophobia and misanthropy, as seen in page after page of the Old Testament. Resistance is futile because killing is their religion.

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I need a laughing/shaking my head button for the extremely sensitive individuals on here denying rape culture and diminishing the actual change the BLM movement has positively effected, so that I don't get lost in this. Did her article hurt your feelings? It's an opinion article. Her opinion was to let everyone have their opinions, regardless of what society expects. This applies across party lines, but the piece was written from her perspective after all. Do your laughable opinions feel diminished by others being able to voice theirs equally? That doesn't sound like liberals, conservatives, or anything in-between... Or it sounds like all of them actually. Interesting 🤔🧐

P.S. rape culture is real. BLM is awesome. Beta males wasn't a thing until guys like y'all started speaking up, but I respect even your right to your opinion 😂✌️

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100%. Take the UK for example there is a core block of the population that still trusts the BBC.

This boggles my mind. It is a willing surrender that a state like North Korea has to use the threat of shipping you and every living relative off to a gulag to achieve the same level of conformity.

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Fucking Brilliant. I Love You Woman. A Million 'Thank Yous' wouldn't be enough.

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I'm a hippy. We figured this out in the 1960s. And we have taken a lot of shit for it, too. They're still demonizing us.

And I haven't given up.

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this feeling has been pervasive for some time now..

much love

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There may be rapists but there is no rape culture. Yes you are a sexist bigot. Judge all people by the content of their character not their external characteristics then you will be an adult.

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I do take issue with this part

"You have no obligation to conform to a society where you are branded a dangerous radical for saying that Black and Indigenous lives matter and that police funding should be re-routed to programs which actually work."

BLM and antifa are NOT interested in "programs which actually work" they are not interested in programs, knowledge, rational thinking, facts, evidence, civil conduct and they have no community or ecological conscience whatsoever. They are moron brained trash who are in fact pawns willing or not of the DEM establishment. Conservatives can see this fact clear as day but sadly Leftists are deluding themselves into an infantile belief that BLM and antifa are some kind of freedom fighters or care about justice, history or being informed about anything. They are not and do not. DEFUND THE POLICE is one of the most moronic slogans ever conjured maybe the most moronic. Every issue that needs addressing cost money the BLM and antifar morons could not do a city budget to save their own useless uneducated, ignorance clinging backsides. So far they and DEM mayors have destroyed budgets, buildings and forced the resignation of one of the USA's few maybe only big city Black female police chiefs. Way to go idiots. Yes I do not have to conform to stupid societal conventions that includes calling the police "Nazis" in every case involving a Black person even when that person is literally waving a gun in the faces of the police officers and is recorded on video doing so. According to BLM and antifa morons they are saying that either Black people have no capacity for personal responsibility which implies a racial inferiority (so who is racist now?) or they are the ones entitled to a privilege of being able to resist arrest, shout profanity at police officers and even brandished a firearm in an officer's face. Without a single regard for a single fact for any specific case the BLM antifa morons scream "Nazi" at the police officer involved.

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well said.

It's a great artilce by Caitlin Johnstone. But I raised my eyes at the BLM line.


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I like the article too. People fail to get that. I agree with most of the article.

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These must be the same 'conservatives' who 'plainly saw, clear as day' that Hussein was hiding WMD and that the US had some right to invade the country. Nice broad brush you toss around on the BLM and antifa groups, but of course it's utter bullshit. I'd take one of them over a hundred of you nasty pricks any day of the week. You may now go back to licking boots or whatever it is that rage-blind halfwits like you do when you aren't posting nasty screeds.

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obama dropped more bombs than bush ever did, during 8 years in office. And Bill Clinton was the author of the 1994 legislation, that saw massive numbers of black people jailed for the rest of their lives.

Sorry, I didn't meant to put facts inthe way of your hate mantra. Carry on.

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Clinton committed a genocide on the civilian population of Iraq especially the children. Started by Bush snr doubled down by Clinton, completed by W.

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PS. Have you not noticed all the "woke" millionaire Hollywood liberal full on DEM talk show hosts love and fabulous dancing friendships with George W Bush ?

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US foreign policy is a bipartisan crime against humanity. Biden, HRC and Obama backed the war in Iraq. Read about Scott Ritter exchange with Senator Joe Biden over WMD and Iraq.

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Brilliant. Thankyou 💜

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Thank you.

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