It's almost impossible now to believe that COVID was anything but a psyop to break and demoralize you and install a hostile regime that wants you dead...

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As were the BLM-Antifa riots, but they almost brought blowback and may well yet in Democratic controlled states and cities. The Democrats and other Deep State never Trumpers were willing to destroy the economy, the entire society, in order to get rid of someone who embarrasses and sometimes disobeys them. No question Trump is evil. I did not vote for him, but I will never vote for another Democrat. They have taken evil to an entirely new level. I will vote 3rd party or for the rare principled Republican like Thomas Massie or Rand Paul. There's no longer space in the Democratic Party for anyone like Tulsi Gabbard. Even Bernie Sanders shunned her. Disgusting.

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1. Trump was foolhardy enough to even try to drain the swamp, and yet his somewhat lukewarm and ineffectual efforts were met with the most fierce and violent opposition.

2. You say: "Conspiracy theories only exist because the government often does evil things and lies about them with the help of the mass media, forcing people to just guess what's happening behind the opaque wall of government secrecy."

If government officials conspire with others (Wall Street, big corporations, etc.) and do evil things on purpose, and if the media covers up for them, we cannot dismiss attempts to expose their crimes as "conspiracy theories" (when the liberal media fails to report the truth and the conservative media tries to pick apart the deception).

3. The establishment elites are not going to change their ways. They are just a bunch of crooks. Liberals, too, are beyond redemption (most of them are either perpetrators of evil or useful idiots). Progressiveism is dead in the water. Time to change course and return to fundamentals.

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I guess even the term "lickspittle" is not sufficient to mock the circa 2021 boot leather aficionado, but it has a nice ring to it.

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