My personal political preference is flat-out revolution along anarcho-syndicalist lines, an ideology that's about to be made obsolete by AI. That said by way of showing that I really have no dog in this fight, the unprecedented viciousness that Trumpty Dumpty has mined in your population is not comparable to anything being done by Democrats. The current centrepiece of Trumptyist viciousness consists of Trumpty attempting to orchestrate a violent popular uprising amongst his delusional, authoritarian base, using BS claims about an election allegedly and uniquely rigged against HIM, as Fuhrer-in-training. Biden = Claudius, Trump = Caligula.

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Caity, I understand why you think elections are rigged top to bottom, as they are. But I'm unclear why you think there is no evidence of 2020 fraud. When every election has been rife with fraud. This one especially. FINALLY a political leader is fighting it, which is what we wanted so badly from Bernie in 2016. There are hundreds (Or thousands?) of sworn affidavits, statistical anomalies, server data, etc.. Imagine it they had 1/10000 of this proving Russian meddling?

Ive been a supporter of yours since 2016 (2015?), and have enjoyed your writing tremendously. But I'm not understanding this disconnect. Am I being bamboozled by the Trump train? This is a possibility too. It's not that I think Trump is great. I am iffy on him, and against many of the things he has done. But I am all for him going after election fraud. I would like to see him, and perhaps he is, shed a major light on a super corrupt system. It also telling to me that the entire establishment is so against him (unless he is simply controlled opposition)- but their fanatical attacks and censorship tell me he is dangerous to their mission.

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She didn't say there was no evidence of fraud. She said the entire system - from candidate selection and vetting to election and inauguration - is corrupt.

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Determining what is correct and therefore publishable, vs what is incorrect and therefore non-publishable, is inherently an editorial decision.

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Excellent commentary on the shenanigans around internet censorship and the manufacturing of consent.

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Very important article. Thank you Caitlin.

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