And people believe the bullshit totally. Like that the Ukrainians have Russia "on the run" completely delusional. And now suggesting diplomacy, to obtain peace is suddenly unacceptable. Will they not be happy until the nuclear weapons are deployed? Can we not reign this in before that happens? Clearly Biden is not at the helm. Oh we see him there but in body only I think. So who are the unelected people who really run this bullshit??
The Ukrainians aren't "fighting with more vigor". They have more numbers and commanders who aren't particularly concerned with casualties.
The nuclear weapons are likely in the form of a Ukrainian dirty bomb, especially as Ukraine is running through troops and western stockpiles, and is in desperate need of NATO intervention.
Fortunately for the world, "dirty bombs" are very much in the realm of Hollywood weapons that are far more dangerous in people's imaginations than in reality, for several reasons. Firstly, it is actually very difficult to turn radioactive material into dust fine enough that it is capable of being suspended in the air and travelling great distances. Most of the radioactive material dispersed by a dirty bomb wouldn't travel far from the blast site before settling out. Secondly, most of the kinds of radioactive materials in spent nuclear fuel, which is most likely what any radioactive source material would be, aren't good at binding to things like asphalt, concrete and soil, so most of what gets dispersed by a dirty bomb will be quickly washed away by rain, either as surface runoff that is eventually deposited in the ocean, or through infiltration into ground water, where they will eventually be deposited in the ocean or sequestered as minerals far below the surface. In either event, they will wind up being somewhere where any radiation they emit will be blocked (water, for example, is an excellent radiation shield). Thirdly, radioactivity just isn't as deadly as people think it is. Yes, if doses and dose rates are high enough, radiation exposure can cause health problems like acute radiation sickness and cancer, but the kinds of doses anyone would be likely to receive by being in an area contaminated by a dirty bomb aren't likely to be high enough to reach the threshold where any negative health effects are detectable. This has been made plainly evident by the Chernobyl and Fukushima human health disasters-that-weren't. This isn't to say that a dirty bomb would necessarily be a non-event that we should feel blasé about, but it wouldn't be the kind of disaster people seem to think it would be.
It's *a* point for people who imagine that the use of a dirty bomb would be a human health disaster. The weapon's effectiveness is almost entirely derived from what people erroneously believe rather than what its actual destructive capabilities are. People's erroneous beliefs are the only reason such a weapon could ever serve as a pretext for NATO intervention. If people understood what the actual dangers such a weapon presented were, they would understand what a pathetic pretext it is.
the point is it will be used and blamed on Russia as a pretext to escalate the conflict and bring in USA troops leading to a real showdown that will nuke us all...
Western leaders are INSANE and must be stopped..or we all may face extinction..
Hollywood is exactly where all the Russian xenophobia and Putin bogeyman syndrome stems from permeating the brain stem of the average western nµmpty
A cell phone camera can detect radiation ..look for scintillation of the Cmos detector that causes a sparkle effect on any pictures or video taken of the event. proof of radiation admitting from a dirty bomb.
SO "they" (west) get everything wrong..because they cant stop LYING even to themselves..
WHO is at the helm of this..its not that doddering old fool Biden that is for sure...the squad is useless performance theater and the american empire will HAVE to be destroyed to stop them
It's destroying itself. If you lie to everyone you no longer know who you are. It is a kind of Hell. The last days of the Soviet Union may come to mind. I wonder how long it will take before it all comes down.
CXK, you say the “American Empire” is “the most powerful force on the planet.”
Tell that to the Vietnamese and Taliban who actually defeated the U.S. military, and to the North Koreans, Iranians, and Venezuelans who are still surviving despite all that "most powerful force" being used against them.
And in a few months, when all of Ukraine is either annexed to Russia or a smoldering ruin because the U.S. refused to negotiate, tell that to the few Ukrainian survivors.
Fuck the USA i would like to see it crumbled into dust and all its dumb fucking numpty population too... too stupid to survive... Childish?? pfff...look how fucking childish you have all acted for generations..fuck you
I love my country but I agree with you—we have to be destroyed (the empire has to be) for us to become the country we’ve always had the potential to become—a thriving democracy with equal rights, socialist-capitalism, and liberty for all.
Ukraine fighting with more vigor? Not according to the Ukraine Telegram channels I watch. Literally tens of videos of company's of the AFU complaining about command and strategy and mistreatment. One whole Brigade is on trial for refusing to fight. They will not go on suicide missions...who can blame them? Russians realise that rather than 'Putin's' war, this fight really is existential. Even the anti-Putin Russians are seeing this now. The AFU is weary and running out of steam unlike the Russians, they are not getting much if any rotation.
Ukraine can't afford to stretch its supply lines. They have no air support and are short on heavy artillery (That's why they never stop whingeing and begging for more. The Russians are very adept at destroying their tanks and artillery and now their vital infrastructure). That is why their two great offensives have stalled.
Ukraine is running out of puff and takes appalling casualties and equipment loss with every little 'advance'. Despite the large amount of NATO private mercenaries poured in to hold the line. Russia gives up territory only to destroy the AFU advancing; a good low casualty strategy (Kharkov: AFU 4000 dead and up to 30,000 wounded. Russia: 200 casualties period.) When Russia goes into a counteroffensive this will be game over for Ukraine's army.
Zelensky calling for preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia indicates unhinged desperation. The end may be nearer than appears and Kiev won't be negotiating they will be unconditionally surrendering.
John Pilger once met Leni Reifenstahl, Nazi propagandist.
"She told me that the “patriotic messages” of her films were dependent not on “orders from above” but on what she called the “submissive void” of the German public.
Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I asked. “Yes, especially them,” she said."
"...Ukraine stands no chance at outright victory in this war...." the war machine wants and needs perpetual war, and have sunk plenty of US taxpayer dollars into military adventures they had no intention of winning; the $ were just passing through on the way to private pockets
The good part about that tho is that maybe Ukraine can be to the US what Afghanistan was to the Russians. And eventually us. Every protracted, impossible, invasive war we wage weakens us and brings our imperial collapse closer. It’s a good thing. Plus, it seems to be putting that feckless EU into an energy crisis, hopefully enough to foment rebellion and revolution. That won’t happen here, due to Reifenstahl’s observation, (bloody yuppies! ), but it could happen in a more liberal Europe.
Some analysts believe Europe will be permanently damaged, now that BASF has announced they are moving some operations out of Germany and to China. As a chemical manufacturer, they require gas and other fossil fuels as components, and the blown Russian pipeline has put the supplies to Germany into question for the foreseeable future, maybe to be considered permanently at this point. Germany had planned to narrow commercial supplies to keep homes heated. It remains to be seen if that will be sufficient to prevent a large number of deaths of babies and the elderly. If there is too much hardship, there will be demonstrations and possibly changes to government, but that will not make more gas available. Many of the nuclear facilities are in a state of shutdown process, which takes years, and will not be back on line this winter.
I was hopeful for Alexandria Ocasio, Rashida Talib, and the rest, and I rather think they were hopeful about bringing change to a thoroughly ossified Democratic Party. At first they were out there causing a ruckus, but then they suddenly got very quiet and have stayed that way since. I rather wonder what they were threatened with to get them to shut up, and what they were bribed with to get them to stay.
I credit the CIA with an amazingly successful psyop that started with Russiagate, and ended up turning most Progressives into supporters of U.S. imperialism in Ukraine, along with media censorship. A brilliant piece of work that has left me politically homeless...
Indeed right...all alphabet agency's are populated with abusive psychopathic personalities.. there is no other conclusion to be drawn..and they made sure that the political theatrical landscape is only populated with grifters con artists and phony progressives.. a psyops so deep that Time magazine exists in every forced to read waiting room in america and most licklly the world flowing copious amounts of western bull shit into the brain stems of the entire western world
No one said anything about writing a news letter,,so either you are too used to getting things wrong or you are too stupid to even know it. And of course you can never cop to your own mistakes and that ensures you always will keep making just outed yourself as an intellectual coward who can't even read a paragraph and get it right.
The fact you made an issue out of this "Writes ChazLB’s Newsletter" demonstrates what kind of manipulative personality you cant address the actual comments just look for some gotcha bull shit that i forgot i even wrote there.. so you attack that cause your feelings got hurt.. typical, then play the victim... Unbelievable what you people are really like ...and one can always tell what kind of personality on how they do "battle" because the mindset you with you fµckerds is always an art of war. brainwashed by hierarchy for thousands of years and don't even know it.
Aww did i hurt your wittle feelings.. "ad hominem " ,ugh more stupid little phrases you neoliberal nµmpties always resort to because you heard it on the MSM or your "progressive" millennial useful idiots that make that garbage popular.. and then like the second hand hack you all are you repeat it like a parrot on a perch..
CAnt take it like a man so you call everyone else childish about projection! man you are so typically pedestrian.
But then use the title of my name as an attack strategy because like all you mother fµckers you exist in the mindset of contest and war! think you can pour over everything to eek out things to find the petty error to exploit! because the truth is you have nothing you didn't steal form some one else.!
"Sleazy?" fµcking manipulative baby,,you out yourself. pretending to be sacrosanct without an ounce of personal integrity or the intellectual courage to ever find any.
Regarding Russiagate, supposedly the whole thing started with George PapaD blabbing in a pub to the Australian ambassador to the UK. But he was fed information by the mysterious Mifsud, and other strange characters were circling around this hapless guy well before the FBI opened up their investigation. Strange stuff.
The few people who oppose this war who are very visible, like Trump and Musk, are under threat of prosecution. You may not like Trump or Musk, but--against armageddon--take the allies you have.
Col. Douglas Macgregor yesterday explained why he thinks Ukraine is nearly decimated, and Russia is only getting stronger. But this is where the damn warmongers are going to want to use a nuke--because they are losing so badly. Macgregor gets accused of being pro-Putin simply for doing his best to get at the truth in the midst of the fog of war, and the endless, sickening propaganda, and the deep desire for people like Biden, Pelosi, and McConnell to get us all killed.
Its so revolting to see Matt Stoller calling for war with China, and Markos of DailyKos wanting full on war in Ukraine against Russia. I worked with these guys for a decade, always anti-war. They've certainly changed. These progressives are progressive in what way? War is not progress.
What happened was that progressives got the whip hand. If the price of a share of power meant a wholehearted alliance with the MIC, the Stollers and Markoses of the world (not to mention the Obamas) were happy to pay that price.
Note how the CIA has enthusiastically embraced woke (at least when convenient) and the various neocons have seamlessly shifted their allegiances from Team R to Team D, and none of them ever skipped so much as a single beat.
I did notice it, but not as early as Joe Costello. These enablers will be blown out of the water this midterm, but given the amount of arrogance they won't listen.
and you are not even aware of how brain washed by them you have actually become but your arrogant personality can never consider that fact thus they have you too.
I thought they also recruited a fair number of Mormons, back in the day. But yes, the CIA now chooses from The Best And Brightest (as determined by authoritative sources).
The Ivy League schools (especially Yale) have always been fertile ground for recruiting spooks. Think of the type of students who attend those schools--smart, affluent, hyper-ambitious, intensely career focused and extremely arrogant--all generalizations, I realize, but true enough to attract the alphabet agencies.
That was a specific reference to the the decade I worked with them, they were both very antiwar, helped with the bipartisan effort to stop Obama's syrian war efforts.
"I worked with these guys for a decade, always anti-war."
You were on mydd too, when stoller blogged? I don't recal... anyway, I am not here to defend Markos. My experience is not yours. You can read it in the book we coauthored in 2006 about what his position on it was then, very antiwar.
They have been co-opted, just like The Young Turks and so many other formerly progressive voices. Whether it's for money, power, intimidation or something else, none of us knows.
Fear. I have talked with them, my old gang, enough to know they've fallen to misinfo and propoganda. Anyway, the trip to the wilderness my expose rift; hope so.
This is so stupid that it is almost beyond belief. It is such a relief to be able to read this article - and to follow people like Aaron Maté and Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore and Dave DeCamp - and, of course, Caitlin Johnstone.
The state of politics in the US, the UK, Australia, and most of the west in scary. Yesterday, it was good to wake up and hear that a few politicians were saying something that was slightly good. The fact that they backed down says so much about them. Decent politicians are few and far between.
By curious coincidence, a seriously good political advert came out on YouTube yesterday, which said it all. You don't have to agree with every word of it (there are one or two things about it that I would have said differently) - but it makes the point about the folly of war, and the sad state of our world, very effectively. I think that it is worth watching.
"It was personally slammed by Bernie Sanders, the pope of American progressivism" - I see that "progressivism" has been redefined by the Democrats. And "incrementalism" means "not in your lifetime, which may be shorter than you think, anyway, so STFU". Bernie is merely the pope of the useless "progressive" caucus now. Useful for fund-raising purposes only. Are they selling designer "Tax the Rich" t-shirts for $300 yet?
"what TO do" - the most important one is to UNregister to vote. A lot of those non-participants contrary to the propaganda are conscientious abstainers.
All the efforts to bring in more voters - like fraudulent mail-in schemes - are to inflate those numbers to keep appearance of "democracy". Like organizations soliciting donations when they don't really need them - merely to disguise themselves as something they're not.
I would comment further but its all in the title..WORTHLESS house progressives.
The performance theater of the gate keepers who are nothing but the WHORE'S of the status quo.
The USA empire will have to be with all abusers they will never stop till they are stopped ..and sadly the people that will suffer the most for the inevitable earned downfall of american empire will have never have deserved it.. but the people that caused it may go unscathed..but how i dream of the sounds of guillotines and the rolling of heads..
Support for war, almost any war, has long been the common ground of both parties. And somehow, that consensus translates into strength because war is the unifying principle. Minority rights based on ethnicity or gender can be bargained, as can social polices like universal health care, but war is the very essence, the gruel in the stew pot of state that must be kept hot. That has been the case, at least, until now. But "know your enemy", as a cardinal rule of war doesn't figure too prominently in this instance. That Russia is not Iraq seems to elude even Westerners like Sanders. That blind-spot automatically makes us roller-skaters downhill on concrete at 45 degrees - headed for a brick wall.
Scott Ritter’s FAMOUS tweet below (April 6, 2022). He was immediately banned from Tweeter – than reinstated and soon again permanently banned without explanation.
Remember, Scott courageously fought US bipartisan War party’s WMD fraud in Iraq from the very start.
“The Ukrainian National Police committed numerous crimes against humanity in Bucha. Biden, in seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders to Russia, is guilty of aiding and abetting these crimes. Congratulations America…. We’ve created yet another Presidential war criminal !!” Bucha, Revisited - "60 Minutes" regurgitates disinformation about who committed war crimes (Oct. 21, 2022)
And people believe the bullshit totally. Like that the Ukrainians have Russia "on the run" completely delusional. And now suggesting diplomacy, to obtain peace is suddenly unacceptable. Will they not be happy until the nuclear weapons are deployed? Can we not reign this in before that happens? Clearly Biden is not at the helm. Oh we see him there but in body only I think. So who are the unelected people who really run this bullshit??
The Ukrainians aren't "fighting with more vigor". They have more numbers and commanders who aren't particularly concerned with casualties.
The nuclear weapons are likely in the form of a Ukrainian dirty bomb, especially as Ukraine is running through troops and western stockpiles, and is in desperate need of NATO intervention.
Fortunately for the world, "dirty bombs" are very much in the realm of Hollywood weapons that are far more dangerous in people's imaginations than in reality, for several reasons. Firstly, it is actually very difficult to turn radioactive material into dust fine enough that it is capable of being suspended in the air and travelling great distances. Most of the radioactive material dispersed by a dirty bomb wouldn't travel far from the blast site before settling out. Secondly, most of the kinds of radioactive materials in spent nuclear fuel, which is most likely what any radioactive source material would be, aren't good at binding to things like asphalt, concrete and soil, so most of what gets dispersed by a dirty bomb will be quickly washed away by rain, either as surface runoff that is eventually deposited in the ocean, or through infiltration into ground water, where they will eventually be deposited in the ocean or sequestered as minerals far below the surface. In either event, they will wind up being somewhere where any radiation they emit will be blocked (water, for example, is an excellent radiation shield). Thirdly, radioactivity just isn't as deadly as people think it is. Yes, if doses and dose rates are high enough, radiation exposure can cause health problems like acute radiation sickness and cancer, but the kinds of doses anyone would be likely to receive by being in an area contaminated by a dirty bomb aren't likely to be high enough to reach the threshold where any negative health effects are detectable. This has been made plainly evident by the Chernobyl and Fukushima human health disasters-that-weren't. This isn't to say that a dirty bomb would necessarily be a non-event that we should feel blasé about, but it wouldn't be the kind of disaster people seem to think it would be.
That's not the point.
The point is to provide a pretext for NATO to intervene more directly.
It's *a* point for people who imagine that the use of a dirty bomb would be a human health disaster. The weapon's effectiveness is almost entirely derived from what people erroneously believe rather than what its actual destructive capabilities are. People's erroneous beliefs are the only reason such a weapon could ever serve as a pretext for NATO intervention. If people understood what the actual dangers such a weapon presented were, they would understand what a pathetic pretext it is.
It it gets Zelenskii the NATO war he craves, then it's a good enough pretext.
the point is it will be used and blamed on Russia as a pretext to escalate the conflict and bring in USA troops leading to a real showdown that will nuke us all...
Western leaders are INSANE and must be stopped..or we all may face extinction..
Hollywood is exactly where all the Russian xenophobia and Putin bogeyman syndrome stems from permeating the brain stem of the average western nµmpty
A cell phone camera can detect radiation ..look for scintillation of the Cmos detector that causes a sparkle effect on any pictures or video taken of the event. proof of radiation admitting from a dirty bomb.
Nope, just someone who understands these things.
SO "they" (west) get everything wrong..because they cant stop LYING even to themselves..
WHO is at the helm of this..its not that doddering old fool Biden that is for sure...the squad is useless performance theater and the american empire will HAVE to be destroyed to stop them
It's destroying itself. If you lie to everyone you no longer know who you are. It is a kind of Hell. The last days of the Soviet Union may come to mind. I wonder how long it will take before it all comes down.
CXK, you say the “American Empire” is “the most powerful force on the planet.”
Tell that to the Vietnamese and Taliban who actually defeated the U.S. military, and to the North Koreans, Iranians, and Venezuelans who are still surviving despite all that "most powerful force" being used against them.
And in a few months, when all of Ukraine is either annexed to Russia or a smoldering ruin because the U.S. refused to negotiate, tell that to the few Ukrainian survivors.
Fuck the USA i would like to see it crumbled into dust and all its dumb fucking numpty population too... too stupid to survive... Childish?? pfff...look how fucking childish you have all acted for generations..fuck you
I love my country but I agree with you—we have to be destroyed (the empire has to be) for us to become the country we’ve always had the potential to become—a thriving democracy with equal rights, socialist-capitalism, and liberty for all.
there is no WHO at the helm ,,then your all fucking guilty
Ukraine fighting with more vigor? Not according to the Ukraine Telegram channels I watch. Literally tens of videos of company's of the AFU complaining about command and strategy and mistreatment. One whole Brigade is on trial for refusing to fight. They will not go on suicide missions...who can blame them? Russians realise that rather than 'Putin's' war, this fight really is existential. Even the anti-Putin Russians are seeing this now. The AFU is weary and running out of steam unlike the Russians, they are not getting much if any rotation.
Ukraine can't afford to stretch its supply lines. They have no air support and are short on heavy artillery (That's why they never stop whingeing and begging for more. The Russians are very adept at destroying their tanks and artillery and now their vital infrastructure). That is why their two great offensives have stalled.
Ukraine is running out of puff and takes appalling casualties and equipment loss with every little 'advance'. Despite the large amount of NATO private mercenaries poured in to hold the line. Russia gives up territory only to destroy the AFU advancing; a good low casualty strategy (Kharkov: AFU 4000 dead and up to 30,000 wounded. Russia: 200 casualties period.) When Russia goes into a counteroffensive this will be game over for Ukraine's army.
Zelensky calling for preemptive nuclear strikes on Russia indicates unhinged desperation. The end may be nearer than appears and Kiev won't be negotiating they will be unconditionally surrendering.
troll. ignore and he might go away.
Witch troll are you referring too?
If you say so.
John Pilger once met Leni Reifenstahl, Nazi propagandist.
"She told me that the “patriotic messages” of her films were dependent not on “orders from above” but on what she called the “submissive void” of the German public.
Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I asked. “Yes, especially them,” she said."
"...Ukraine stands no chance at outright victory in this war...." the war machine wants and needs perpetual war, and have sunk plenty of US taxpayer dollars into military adventures they had no intention of winning; the $ were just passing through on the way to private pockets
yup, the war is fake as fuck, but the dead bodies are real, half a million now. How is that helping our economy? Not mine, not yours....
nope, but they don't care about us, seemingly only about money, and the power money brings
The good part about that tho is that maybe Ukraine can be to the US what Afghanistan was to the Russians. And eventually us. Every protracted, impossible, invasive war we wage weakens us and brings our imperial collapse closer. It’s a good thing. Plus, it seems to be putting that feckless EU into an energy crisis, hopefully enough to foment rebellion and revolution. That won’t happen here, due to Reifenstahl’s observation, (bloody yuppies! ), but it could happen in a more liberal Europe.
Some analysts believe Europe will be permanently damaged, now that BASF has announced they are moving some operations out of Germany and to China. As a chemical manufacturer, they require gas and other fossil fuels as components, and the blown Russian pipeline has put the supplies to Germany into question for the foreseeable future, maybe to be considered permanently at this point. Germany had planned to narrow commercial supplies to keep homes heated. It remains to be seen if that will be sufficient to prevent a large number of deaths of babies and the elderly. If there is too much hardship, there will be demonstrations and possibly changes to government, but that will not make more gas available. Many of the nuclear facilities are in a state of shutdown process, which takes years, and will not be back on line this winter.
I agree with every word. Thank you, Caitlin!
I was hopeful for Alexandria Ocasio, Rashida Talib, and the rest, and I rather think they were hopeful about bringing change to a thoroughly ossified Democratic Party. At first they were out there causing a ruckus, but then they suddenly got very quiet and have stayed that way since. I rather wonder what they were threatened with to get them to shut up, and what they were bribed with to get them to stay.
They don't have to be a troll to simply be a standard doµchebag
I just have this weird feeling that the CIA controls everything...
I credit the CIA with an amazingly successful psyop that started with Russiagate, and ended up turning most Progressives into supporters of U.S. imperialism in Ukraine, along with media censorship. A brilliant piece of work that has left me politically homeless...
Indeed right...all alphabet agency's are populated with abusive psychopathic personalities.. there is no other conclusion to be drawn..and they made sure that the political theatrical landscape is only populated with grifters con artists and phony progressives.. a psyops so deep that Time magazine exists in every forced to read waiting room in america and most licklly the world flowing copious amounts of western bull shit into the brain stems of the entire western world
No one said anything about writing a news letter,,so either you are too used to getting things wrong or you are too stupid to even know it. And of course you can never cop to your own mistakes and that ensures you always will keep making just outed yourself as an intellectual coward who can't even read a paragraph and get it right.
The fact you made an issue out of this "Writes ChazLB’s Newsletter" demonstrates what kind of manipulative personality you cant address the actual comments just look for some gotcha bull shit that i forgot i even wrote there.. so you attack that cause your feelings got hurt.. typical, then play the victim... Unbelievable what you people are really like ...and one can always tell what kind of personality on how they do "battle" because the mindset you with you fµckerds is always an art of war. brainwashed by hierarchy for thousands of years and don't even know it.
Aww did i hurt your wittle feelings.. "ad hominem " ,ugh more stupid little phrases you neoliberal nµmpties always resort to because you heard it on the MSM or your "progressive" millennial useful idiots that make that garbage popular.. and then like the second hand hack you all are you repeat it like a parrot on a perch..
CAnt take it like a man so you call everyone else childish about projection! man you are so typically pedestrian.
But then use the title of my name as an attack strategy because like all you mother fµckers you exist in the mindset of contest and war! think you can pour over everything to eek out things to find the petty error to exploit! because the truth is you have nothing you didn't steal form some one else.!
"Sleazy?" fµcking manipulative baby,,you out yourself. pretending to be sacrosanct without an ounce of personal integrity or the intellectual courage to ever find any.
The CIA, or someone like them.
Regarding Russiagate, supposedly the whole thing started with George PapaD blabbing in a pub to the Australian ambassador to the UK. But he was fed information by the mysterious Mifsud, and other strange characters were circling around this hapless guy well before the FBI opened up their investigation. Strange stuff.
100% true.
The few people who oppose this war who are very visible, like Trump and Musk, are under threat of prosecution. You may not like Trump or Musk, but--against armageddon--take the allies you have.
Col. Douglas Macgregor yesterday explained why he thinks Ukraine is nearly decimated, and Russia is only getting stronger. But this is where the damn warmongers are going to want to use a nuke--because they are losing so badly. Macgregor gets accused of being pro-Putin simply for doing his best to get at the truth in the midst of the fog of war, and the endless, sickening propaganda, and the deep desire for people like Biden, Pelosi, and McConnell to get us all killed.
thanks for this.
That’s cuz Pelousy is already dead! Broad looks like a cadaver!
Its so revolting to see Matt Stoller calling for war with China, and Markos of DailyKos wanting full on war in Ukraine against Russia. I worked with these guys for a decade, always anti-war. They've certainly changed. These progressives are progressive in what way? War is not progress.
What happened was that progressives got the whip hand. If the price of a share of power meant a wholehearted alliance with the MIC, the Stollers and Markoses of the world (not to mention the Obamas) were happy to pay that price.
Note how the CIA has enthusiastically embraced woke (at least when convenient) and the various neocons have seamlessly shifted their allegiances from Team R to Team D, and none of them ever skipped so much as a single beat.
I did notice it, but not as early as Joe Costello. These enablers will be blown out of the water this midterm, but given the amount of arrogance they won't listen.
I dunno, have you not noticed that election results never seem to change anything that the MIC doesn't want changed?
and you are not even aware of how brain washed by them you have actually become but your arrogant personality can never consider that fact thus they have you too.
I thought they also recruited a fair number of Mormons, back in the day. But yes, the CIA now chooses from The Best And Brightest (as determined by authoritative sources).
The Ivy League schools (especially Yale) have always been fertile ground for recruiting spooks. Think of the type of students who attend those schools--smart, affluent, hyper-ambitious, intensely career focused and extremely arrogant--all generalizations, I realize, but true enough to attract the alphabet agencies.
Markos and DKos have always been unprincipled partisan hacks pretending to be progressive. "Always anti-war"? are you kidding me?
That was a specific reference to the the decade I worked with them, they were both very antiwar, helped with the bipartisan effort to stop Obama's syrian war efforts.
"I worked with these guys for a decade, always anti-war."
Not now.
Please. Obama was the Drone King with a Kill List and Markos and DKos cheered that effort.
Agreed. 🤢🤮🤑
I am talking about the Bush era. The netroots, mydd, CTG... I guess you were not there.
But yea, electing Obama was the end, cause he was a farce.
Oh, I was there. Markos was always a dictator and the cult followed his lead in early efforts of suppression and cancel culture.
You were on mydd too, when stoller blogged? I don't recal... anyway, I am not here to defend Markos. My experience is not yours. You can read it in the book we coauthored in 2006 about what his position on it was then, very antiwar.
They have been co-opted, just like The Young Turks and so many other formerly progressive voices. Whether it's for money, power, intimidation or something else, none of us knows.
Fear. I have talked with them, my old gang, enough to know they've fallen to misinfo and propoganda. Anyway, the trip to the wilderness my expose rift; hope so.
This is so stupid that it is almost beyond belief. It is such a relief to be able to read this article - and to follow people like Aaron Maté and Glenn Greenwald and Jimmy Dore and Dave DeCamp - and, of course, Caitlin Johnstone.
The state of politics in the US, the UK, Australia, and most of the west in scary. Yesterday, it was good to wake up and hear that a few politicians were saying something that was slightly good. The fact that they backed down says so much about them. Decent politicians are few and far between.
By curious coincidence, a seriously good political advert came out on YouTube yesterday, which said it all. You don't have to agree with every word of it (there are one or two things about it that I would have said differently) - but it makes the point about the folly of war, and the sad state of our world, very effectively. I think that it is worth watching.
thanks for the link.
And it seems I was there
Where? Everywhere
Every battle ever fought
Every stab, every shot
Through the ages of humans, this killing machine
I could feel everything though
It wasn’t a dream
I was every soldier that had ever fought
With a shield and a sword
All the blood ever drawn
From a dagger, or a bayonet
An axe that will slay your neck
Automatic gats that clap only spraying, death
I was in a tank that exploded in Iraq
In a drive-by in gang wars spraying out of cars
I was in ‘Nam, dropping napalm, but it burned my skin
I was also Viet Minh
I was an Italian massacring Ethiopians
But the bullets only pierced my flesh because I was both of them
I could feel every single wound of the flesh
But also the pleasure of causing the death
I was a soldier of the Caliphate on a crusade, a killer
Using Christ in exactly the same way
I was every woman ever killed in a witch hunt
Or every little girl forced to grow with a split soul
Cause men like to snip clits and zip bits closed
So the rape feels nice
Before they take my life
I was fighting for liberation, a woman and general
Bringing death to cowards that sold my genitals
One moment I killed to be freed
The next, I was a monarch that killed for my greed
Thutmose the Third
Alexander the Fake
Caesar, Napoleon, Francis Drake
The arms of the state, the armies that are great
But I was also the resistance that’s hardly ever praised
I was every indigenous person of America
That died trying to protect their homes from a predator
Then the robe-cladden Roman senator
And every noble that showed you the ways of the treacherous
I was in the Belgian Congo hacking off limbs
In Rwanda, Akazu doing the same thing
I was a Japanese general occupying the Philippines
A Filipino child too young to know what it means
I was at Sharpeville, I was just two
My mother, with a bullet in her head, and I knew
Barely out of her womb, I played with her wound
I knew life was a cycle, she’ll be back soon
I was a soldier of Ashanti resisting the British
But at the same time still selling humans to the Dutch
If you’re honest with yourself and you look back through human history you’d see that we’re totally fucked
Cause I was that little girl in that church in Alabama
Then a grand-wizard, then Margaret Sanger
Then I was Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr
Feeling just fine in a B-29
I did my job
One-hundred thousand dead
-(Greasy. Yellow. Japs)-
I went home to relax
Then I was every child ever born with deformed limbs
Cause they were just pawns on a board to inform kings
I saw sharks following ships, intrigued by the trail that comes overboard
I saw sharks following the ship I was on I knew then that it couldn’t be long
We had tried to get free
But as if that were wrong
We were thrown overboard from the deck of the Zong
So many bodies that the sharks couldn’t finish the flesh
It took the waves to administer death
And I joined the rest at the bottom of the sea
The uncounted millions that dreamed to be free
The next minute I was back on a ship
This time as a soldier of the French
Right off the coast of Haiti we made a gas chamber for African rebels, I couldn’t deal with the stench
Then my head was chopped off
By one of Dessalines’ henchmen
He gave the order for killing all Frenchmen
Then all I could see was pyramids
Can you see?
Designed by man's mind but built by his greed
The strangest pyramids, I ever did see
Was not built by stones, but the bones of families...
"It was personally slammed by Bernie Sanders, the pope of American progressivism" - I see that "progressivism" has been redefined by the Democrats. And "incrementalism" means "not in your lifetime, which may be shorter than you think, anyway, so STFU". Bernie is merely the pope of the useless "progressive" caucus now. Useful for fund-raising purposes only. Are they selling designer "Tax the Rich" t-shirts for $300 yet?
"incrementalism" means "not in your lifetime, which may be shorter than you think, anyway, so STFU".
Well said.
Sanders is one of the few reasons why many progressives still give the Democrats the time of day.
Well, just more confirmation that sending any money to someone who calls themselves a progressive is an absolute waste.
I know what NOT to do, but I have no idea what TO do.
If you care to listen to Garland Nixon pick apart the "piece of trash" letter line by line:
"what TO do" - the most important one is to UNregister to vote. A lot of those non-participants contrary to the propaganda are conscientious abstainers.
All the efforts to bring in more voters - like fraudulent mail-in schemes - are to inflate those numbers to keep appearance of "democracy". Like organizations soliciting donations when they don't really need them - merely to disguise themselves as something they're not.
Holy shit, we're doomed.
I would comment further but its all in the title..WORTHLESS house progressives.
The performance theater of the gate keepers who are nothing but the WHORE'S of the status quo.
The USA empire will have to be with all abusers they will never stop till they are stopped ..and sadly the people that will suffer the most for the inevitable earned downfall of american empire will have never have deserved it.. but the people that caused it may go unscathed..but how i dream of the sounds of guillotines and the rolling of heads..
Support for war, almost any war, has long been the common ground of both parties. And somehow, that consensus translates into strength because war is the unifying principle. Minority rights based on ethnicity or gender can be bargained, as can social polices like universal health care, but war is the very essence, the gruel in the stew pot of state that must be kept hot. That has been the case, at least, until now. But "know your enemy", as a cardinal rule of war doesn't figure too prominently in this instance. That Russia is not Iraq seems to elude even Westerners like Sanders. That blind-spot automatically makes us roller-skaters downhill on concrete at 45 degrees - headed for a brick wall.
THANK you... Keep in mind that utterly corrupt Biden and GOP RINOs are all MAJOR US war criminals !!
Interview w/Scott Ritter, April 6, 2022, By Don DeBar -- Bucha
Scott Ritter’s FAMOUS tweet below (April 6, 2022). He was immediately banned from Tweeter – than reinstated and soon again permanently banned without explanation.
Remember, Scott courageously fought US bipartisan War party’s WMD fraud in Iraq from the very start.
“The Ukrainian National Police committed numerous crimes against humanity in Bucha. Biden, in seeking to shift blame for the Bucha murders to Russia, is guilty of aiding and abetting these crimes. Congratulations America…. We’ve created yet another Presidential war criminal !!” Bucha, Revisited - "60 Minutes" regurgitates disinformation about who committed war crimes (Oct. 21, 2022)
The USgov deserves to be destroyed.
Too bad millions of innocent people are going down with it.