I am suffering from mortal shame over the genocide the United States is perpetrating. I am sick unto death.

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Yes. Finding it difficult to eat while thousands of people are being massacred. This is NOT a war.

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Jenny, I’m an actual empath and I’ve lost six lbs. that I didn’t need to lose since IsraHell began its attempted genocide. I just end up scraping my dinner plate into the garbage.

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You have to eat or you will lose energy.

A year ago I had a bad time with malnutrition because of depression. Really screwed up my body.


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Thank you Jenny ❤️

I do have a history of anorexia.

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What you need is gallons of love................sending it now.

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Jenny, love right back to you ❤️

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I hope you pull through OK. When I was younger, I was bullimic. That turned into anorexia. At that time nobody talked about eating disorders. I went to a doctor when I couldn't keep any food down and had lost a huge amount of weight. He yelled at me and told me that if I didn't eat, I would die. It really scared me. I worked hard at it and eventually was able to eat and keep food down. What that doctor said to me is not at all recommended these days, but it worked for me. I am not suggesting that such an approach would work for you, but I hope you will try everything you can until you are able to eat at least enough to keep your weight normal.

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Thank you Susan. As a teenager, I was full-blown anorexic. I managed to somewhat recover, but since then I have a real love-hate relationship with food. I still don’t believe I know what “normal” eating is.

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My sympathies.

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I can't sleep it is so horrifying.

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Me too you guys.

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GOSH! Now, it's all about yourselves! Pathetic.

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We are SPEAKING of the effects that human suffering has on the rest of humanity. If you can go about your daily life and not be affected by the carnage, fuckin’ good on ya.

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One of the best things for us all is to be kind to one another. Iy's called empathy!

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Yes, but if you keep voting for the same two parties of war for profit, then you will also be complicit in greenwashing their sins.

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It's time for Americans to grow some backbones and stand up for what is morally right and tell those in government who support genocide where to go--straight to hell. And then demonstrate their resolve to make the world a better place at the ballot box. (Vote Green: "People, planet and peace over (corporate) profits.")

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How 'bout the genocide the U.S, perpetrated on MAUI?

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That's the heart of the matter. You've expressed it as it truly is.

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I'm expressing "my concerns" also. Concerns that we are aiding Israel in a ground invasion.....!! .......I'm starting to hate the USA! Yes. I'll vote for Biden, because, goodgod, the other guy is totally off the rails. But, maybe, he's closer to the reality of the human race: a bunch of real F-ups.

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"Yeah, so one guy is for hanging people and the other one is for shooting them. I'll vote for the latter since the former is "totally off the rails". Because, see, if I don't vote then the hanging will take place!"

With such reasoning of the majority of population is there any wonder about the current hell on earth.

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The lesser of two evils is still evil.

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Exactly. Can someone be "lesser dead"? No, evil is just evil. And Americans have been brainwashed into thinking they have an actual choice at the ballot box. Time to grow up and stop voting for the evil of the duopoly. (Vote Green: "People, planet and peace over (corporate) profits.")

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Are you fucking nuts?

Ever heard of THIRD PARTIES?

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I’ll vote for RFKJ

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And pressure him to change his mind about Israel

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Oh yeah, he's so sensitive to pressure. He'll buckle at the very hint of it.

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He can't possibly win if he continues unilaterally supporting Israel. He also can't possibly win if he appears to support Israel's destruction. To be consistent, he needs to oppose war, genocide, occupation, and the US funding thereof. If he can't do that he is toast.

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Are you sure he thinks he can win? That would add "delusional" to his characteristics.

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He keeps saying "heal the divide," well baby, here's your challenge.

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He's not a sane candidate.

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Based on what?

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Ick. Zionazi.

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The Israelis in Gaza are provoking the Arab countries the way Nato in Ukraine provoked Russia. An empire in decline must do what an empire in decline must do.

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And of course they are on a recruiting campaign, encouraging young Palestinians - and others - to take up arms and become violent militants.

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"Violent militants" is what the imperialists call resistance fighters,

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People have lots of different names for them. You know the old saying: "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

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Does anyone remember "The Battle of Algiers"? The young woman who went into a French café to plant a bomb, and saw the maybe year-, year and a half–old baby she was going to kill?

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Does anyone remember what the French were doing?

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Yes. And I think the filmmaker Gillo Pontecorvo was saying “This is the price.” It was a morally ambiguous moment. Why does that baby have to pay that price? How does that woman feel about killing that other mother’s baby? It was not simple. It was riveting.

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If Israel had done the same thing to ordinary Texans for fifty years, what do

you think Texans would have done?

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If you think that the Arab countries won’t support Palestine… watch this:

Arab & Islamic Nations Will FIGHT Israel if Attack Against Gaza Continues-Saudi Ex-Senior Advisor: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sVdetoKf0obH/

And this:

The unrealized potential of Palestinian oil and gas reserves: https://unctad.org/news/unrealized-potential-palestinian-oil-and-gas-reserves

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Really. Lebanon doesn’t allow Palestinians to own land or work in skilled professions. Neither Egypt or Saudi Arabia or Jordan will take a single additional Palestinian refugee or immigrant. The Sunni Arabs are not so secretly rooting for Israel to destroy Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the Iranian Shia. Learn some history.

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You couldn't make it and a stand up comedian so you decided to try your luck at trolling? Have you not seen the demonstrations worldwide against the israeli genocide of Palestinians? Did you bother to watch the link above? I didn't give my opinion. I linked to someone who is far better qualified than I am to project the Arab point of view. It is you who should learn some history... but you're too steeped in israeli propaganda to clear the wax from your ears.

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In what way did "Nato in Ukraine" provoke Russia? Russia chose to illegally invade Ukraine and has committed various crimes, such as assassinations, in NATO countries for decades. If anyone is provoking anyone it's Russia provoking NATO countries.

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Really the Sunni Arabs would be glad to see Israel destroy Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran. You might see big demonstrations and strong speeches to mollify public opinion. But most Arab governments and leaders are trying hard to stay out of any fighting.

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No one in Israel ever promised anyone in Gaza that they would never move an inch west.

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Even if they had, it would make no difference, as Israel has reneged on so many promises.

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The only thing that matters to them is their maniacal Zionism.

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That brings to mind a quote by Lakota Chief Red Cloud, concerning the US government:

You promised us many things and kept only one. You promised to take our land, and you did it.

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reneged on signed promises.

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Even if Gaza had a population of old people Israel’s bombardment, occupation, Apartheid laws, ethnic cleansing, genocide, settlement activity and blockade would still be wrong.

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Israel left Gaza in 2006. It does not occupy it. There is no ethnic cleansing in Gaza. No genocide either. The settlements in Gaza were given to Palestinians who promptly trashed them. Gaza by the way was not a hellhole or open air prison. It had nice beaches and apartment buildings. Heck it even had a Taco restaurant. Gaza could have prospered in peace. But Hamas wanted a war.

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naw, there is ethnic cleansing/genocide. the settlement "given" to the Palestinians in this open air concentration camp are frequently stolen by violent thuggish Israeli settlers, protected by the IDF. that's not "leaving".

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The IDF left Gaza. Your assertion that Israelis steal anything in Gaza is pretty weird and is unsupported by any facts. Hamas even fought a brutal war against the Palestinian group

Fatah in Gaza and killed a bunch and kicked out or imprisoned the rest.

A place with open beaches and malls and markets and restaurants is not a concentration camp. Take a trip to Aushwitz and then to Gaza - there’s a tremendous difference.

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IsraHell is relentlessly bombing a captive population…sure sounds like Shangri-la to me.

I suggest you return to paid-hasbarist.com.

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your comment is pretty much propaganda. open beaches and malls and markets and toxic water and unsafe food the kids killed by brutal IDF thugs and bombs is not the pretty mall you describe. Israel controls the supplies going in like prison guards, and has made calculations how to provide inadequate nutrition. bombing hospitals does not enhance the pleasure of eating at a local restaurant, assuming you survive the experience.

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Oh we’ve got a Holocaust denier or outright Nazi sympathizer or maybe a real Nazi. You forgot to mention the gas chambers and ovens. The Palestinian Arabs have it nice, Israeli Arabs even better. Individual rights and a nice standard of living, with no gas chambers and no ovens.

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Does the Koolaid taste great?

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Hamas didn't start this war, Mossad/Shin ba executed a false flag, blamed it on Hamas and then launched a propaganda campaign to cover up their genocidal response.

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Hamas livestreamed its atrocities and has been proud to claim it started it. Why don’t you take a trip to Gaza and see how long you last denying their “accomplishment” ?

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

Right, Hamas does exactly as their mossad master instruct them to do. Im not saying they are lying just that the entire war has been and remains a false flag to justify genocide.

Do you not understand modern terrorists organizations?

They are fronts for governments to commit atrocities and foment war. Hamas is not a grass roots organization representing the people, it is a political tool created, trained and funded by Israel.

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Yes, that's how I see it. They have such a long history of false flags that you really have to be suspicious of everything. It seems like we have a lot of allegations and claims from the Israeli govt of Hamas (Mossad) crimes, but where is the evidence? Much of the claims turned out to be lies (e.g. 40 beheaded babies, the rape story). If there were real crimes, then why resort to atrocity propaganda? And I've seen endless videos of injured Palestinians in the hospital, but haven't seen the same of Israelis.

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The organized immediate propaganda onslaught is a sign that it was preplanned, story lines don't develop naturally the same way as propaganda launches.

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Change the last sentence to, “and then the god damn Gews showed up”, and we are approaching reality.

Nah, your entire premise is bull$hit.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

You could have used comparable arguments to show that the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was unjustified. "Jews were given their very own open air concentration camp which they ungratefully trashed. It even had theaters and a Kehillah and restaurants (it in fact, did have these things). But no...."

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You forget the Nazis periodically shipped Warsaw Ghetto residents to concentration camps to be gassed and burned in ovens. The Jews who rose up in the Warsaw Ghetto did not rape and torture and mutilate German women or behead German babies.

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So if the Germans simply confined people in concentration camps, that would make it okay.

And the "beheading babies" has long been debunked.


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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Israel did not “leave” Gaza. It occupies it and has full control over its borders, upon which it has imposed a blockade for more than a decade now.


Your statement is therefore factually incorrect. Or in plain english, a LIE.

Israel is copying Gaza. And the West Bank of Palestine. And the Golan Heights of Syria.

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Occupying means you have troops on site. Israel and Egypt have imposed a limited blockade on Gaza with respect to weapons and items with military applications. Given all the weapons Hamas has, the arms blockade was not terribly effective. It is possible you are not a native English speaker and do not understand what “occupy” means. But under the standard use of the term, Israel ceased to occupy Gaza in any sense when it removed all its troops in 2006.

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Oct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023

You don’t get to make up fake definitions.

The UN status of all Palestinian lands including Gaza, is that is it an occupied territory - by Israel.




And that it is occupied by the state of Israel. And that under the conventions of the United Nations Israel has specific duty of care to the occupants of Gaza. And that Israel is in breach of all its humanitarian responsibilities under those rules. Which Israel is party to as a member of the UN.

Not coincidentally Israel is insulting and has been insulting the U.N. for daring to demand that it follows the rules that all occupying powers are responsible for.

And then we get the inevitable digital sock puppet army, trying to spread lies of fudge or cloud.

But Palestine is not occupied territory because there are IMAGINARY FARIES there holding them shooting and bombing them and controlling their electricity water and food. It’s ISRAEL occupying Palestine.

Israel is occupying Gaza and is committing war crimes there. Every day for over a decade now.

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Boy, are you uninformed. Where do you get this bullshit from? Your imagination?

You being, perhaps, on this site, paying or free, makes me wonder about the value of paying for it for myself.

Who ARE you???

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

John Helmer reports that Austin has redirected the Eisenhower to the Persian Gulf.


Both carriers will be in striking distance of Russian Kinzhal missiles.

Moon of Alabama reports of a "massacre" of Ukrainian combat aircraft over the last several weeks.


And the US is planning on evacuating 600,000 "American Citizens" from Israel and Lebanon. I oppose this because how do we know that the ones being evacuated won't be Zionist Nazis? Was this the attitude Americans had about Jews before WWII? What is the "real" source of anti-Semitism? Seems to me that the Jews are doing this to themselves. I want nothing to do with it. If this means Israel will be destroyed, as it has been so many times in the past, and the only way to prevent it is WWIII, I'm not going to support Israel.

Things are "heating up fast".

I don't mean to sound like "Chicken Little", but it appears to me that "The sky is falling!"

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That’s actually bombs falling. The ones we gave to Israel. I’m afraid we have a LOT to do with it.

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I agree that the USA has a lot to do with it. And I, as an American Citizen who is suppose to vote, haven't done enough to prevent the Israeli tail wagging the US dog. I was a Democratic Precinct officer for 8 some years, but that just meant I was coopted into the system.

But, maybe these events will activate Americans to say "no more, this stops here and now." Of course, there will be the propaganda about the dangers of those "rag heads" whom we have to fight over there so we don't fight them here, but don't you think people finally see through that bluster? And if they don't, won't the obvious threat of nuclear annihilation motivate them?

I think it revealing that the cries of anti-Semitism have been silenced on the media I consume.

Isn't there a group of Jews who are anti-Zionists? I don't hear their voices. OTOH, I have heard that the Zionists hate that group even more than they hate the Palestinians. They assassinated Rabin. That is mostly ignored.

I dunno,

I don't want to die for Israel. If that means Israel's complete destruction, I view it as similar to trying to talk someone out of suicide. Unless you're willing to put them in an institution, eventually they'll be successful.

What kind of institution exists to put Israel into a psycho ward?

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

"Isn't there a group of Jews who are anti-Zionists?"

There are many Jews who detest Israel as it is currently established.

BTW, John, it is good that you got wise. Too many keep on doubling down. The best thing I ever did for my own intellectual honesty was to become an independent, because I no longer felt duty-bound to defend the indefensible.

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I hear from Norm Finkelstein. But he still supports Israel’s right to exist.

When you encounter a mad dog don’t you put it down?

Isn’t that the problem with the US financial system? Failed banks are propped us with money defrauded from citizens?

Many more examples. How stupid are we to accept these crimes? How do we stop them?

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The Satmar Hassidim are the largest Hassidic congregation, and they regard Israel as literally Satanic.

Anyway, if I had any easy answers, I would have given them a long time ago.

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Norman Finkelstein is not a nut case. Of course, Israel has a right to exist. But, wouldn't it nice if they could play nice with those whose land they inhabit...(have stolen). Israel aggressively imported Jews in Arab counties and other countries who didn't want to leave their homes.

But, Israel needed to up the numbers so they could create this "Democracy" of majority Jews. Any Jew from anywhere is better than those Arabs.

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Well I have agreed for decades that Israel had a “right to exist”. I think that is no longer true.

Perhaps you were stating something that came out wrong but isn’t your last sentence totally racist and doesn’t that argue against Israel’s “right to exist?”

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Same here, Feral. I vote my conscience, not for the Lesser of Two Evils. It’s the only way I can live with myself.

I’m voting early and often for Dr. Cornel West.

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Thank you for trying to sway the Dim Dam Dems during their demise. The last time the Dems were beyond our reach there were citizen uprisings that helped prevent Viet Nam from being napalmed to death. There are such groups now. Look up Jewish Voices for Peace. They are demonstrating in the Zionist’s whore city, NY. And all over the country. Also Rashida Tlaib has information on her website about actions you can do.

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The institution to put rogue nations into a hold is supposed to be the UN. Sadly, the US has co-opted the UN as well.

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Makes me really sick. The Jewish Lobby. They aren't kidding around. Watch for more righteous fury.

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I highly recommend watching on youtube:

Ilan Pappehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipT1dHU1ya4 ................and also Norman Finkelstein, Edward Said, Gideon Levy, Dr. Alice Rothchild, Noam Chomsky. Prof. Sam Vadnin. This is ethnic cleansing.

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Let me add a few other resources, such as The Katie Halper Show, Status Coup, Counter Punch, Common Dreams, code Pink, Haymarket Books

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Katie Halper!..she's terrific, and thanks for the others that have not come to my attention.

here's one :Rabbi Dovid Weiss; What a mensch!!


I wasn't sure if he was in NYC or Canada. I don't know how he could get away with it in NYC....I think they're pretty strict there. But, I don't know everything.

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Hello, Yes! But, they aren't Jews.

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Actually some Palestinian are Jewish and some are Christian. They're not a "one size fits all" ethnicity. Israel just bombed the third oldest Christian church in the world located in Gaza. This isn't a religious war--it's a massacre to get rid of the indigenous people so Israel can steal the rest of their lands.

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Anti-semitism only means anti-jewish. Forget all the other semites, whoever they might be, they're a non-issue. The Jews have never been a non-issue.

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I disagree that antisemitism is fueled by the actions of Jews such as the behavior of Israel. That prejudice existed for centuries and the Jews did little to cause it.

There are Jews who renounce Israel's behavior, both in Israel and in other countries.

You might as well say that anti-Germanism was caused by the actions of the Nazis.

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Sometimes they did little to cause it, but, often they did things that got on the nerves of the other, majority population. It wasn't just the Christkiller excuse. Sometimes it had to do with money, like the King owed them $$ to fight a war and since the Christians were against usury, it was only the Jews who would lend. The King proclaimed, "Damn Jews, they're poisoning the wells: get them out!"

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Being Jewish is not the same as the State of Israel. The people of Israel are not formenting this war. Netanyahu and his cronies are the ones in charge. They, like many governments, do not represent or even necessarily care about the people they govern. They are power hungry capitalists.

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While you are technically correct, there are many videos of extremist Jews tormenting the Palestinians. The IDF stealing a kids bicycle. Shooting a journalist. Running Rachael Courie over with a bulldozer. The people of Israel keep returning the Fascists to power.

Same thing can be said about the USA.

After WWII, the Germans said "we didn't know", they were held responsible anyway.

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Israeli's support any attack on Palestinians: 90%.

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I predicted several years ago that Israel would cause WW3. Don't ask me how why I thought that. Intuition?

Don't call me an anti-semite. That trope is over, as far as I'm concerned.

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Israel is not causing ww3 all by itself. they have a lot of support.

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But, there's always a spark. ...........I really hope I'm wrong.

We're trying to avoid it w/ terrible Russia. No one wants to start anything REALLY big....that drags NATO in. Whereas, w/ Israel and Iran and the other hotheads in that region.....

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Btw, when’s the last time Iran started a war?

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“Terrible Russia”?

OhhhhhKay, you’ve lost me for good.

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Right now....everything?

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RemovedOct 26, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023
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I checked out that movie on wiki. It's interesting how Nada had difficulty getting people to even look through the sunglasses. If only we could see what is really happening with those glasses.

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I am disheartened over the genocide the west, of which my birth-nation and my current residence nation belongs, is co-responsible for. I, clearly, as many, either here, in UK, and there, in Italy, have no meaningful-way to stop it: it's now evident my vote doesn't count and my voice isn't heard... I can just whine on social media and rage on twitter. Still, l I am a contributor to the economy and to society as a whole: am I corresponsable? At what point being a small wheel in a big equipment makes you part of the homicidal machine? And what are the options to escape it?

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Ever hear of Mario Savio? Look up the speech he gave at UC Berkeley during the Vietnam war. Ever hear of marches, rally’s, demo’s? How about sending money and support to Jewish Voices for Peace or to Rachida Tlaib or to Eva Bartlett? If you don’t do one or two of these things then yes, you are just a whiner and you are co-responsible. We all are.

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I contribute monthly to the excellent website Mondoweiss and have them written into my will. I wish I could do more, but my only income is SS.

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I’ll take your views into consideration, Che. I don’t like that your comments disappeared. Perhaps I’ll look into giving to If Americans Knew instead. Thanks for the head’s up.

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The world wide "turnout" after the murder of George Floyd led to some significant actions/changes (never enough)...I am thinking, Maybe.....People are starting to wake up. It's images that do it. The video of Floyd being killed: no one could stand it and I knew the jury would say, "guilty" because one just can't justify that no matter what the defense puts up.

Images of the slaying of Israelis were very powerful. Wait for the some even worse images to come out of Gaza..................BTW: I was wondering: where can I contribute?....Thanks, Jeano

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Mondoweiss. If Americans Knew. Electronic Intifada, for starters.

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Oh , and practice BDS.

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THANK YOU! Long read....went through about half of it, saved in Israel file. I'm doing a "doctorate' on this ...at 84, it sure is great being able to learn and learn to piece this big puzzle together. I have been curious about the Jews since the early '60's when I found out about what happened in Germany. Kept my ear to the ground...living in pretty Jewish NYC, one does not get info. from Jewish friends...lips buttoned shut.

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You correctly described the situation for those who are conscientious yet feel trapped in the system. I wouldn't worry about being "co-responsible" as long as you do the minimum required for you to take care of yourself and your family. The keyword is "minimum". As soon as you go overboard you start contributing to the system by overconsumption.

On top of that, If possible, not ducking when asked to voice your position and express your opinions. All the crap re "uprisings" etc in the West is not going to move anything until the bloodsuckers of the world start feeling physical pain. Whether it's conscription and people dying overseas (like Vietnam), or such economic conditions that people start going hungry. Until then, demonstrate all you want - it won't move them. In fact, they'll allow it to show they have "democracy". And the stupid population falls for it again and again, effectively going along.

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The establishment doesn't care about protests or marches, they are not afraid of losing your vote. The only thing they worry about is the loss of the money printing press. A collapse of the dollar is the only thing that will end the war industries death orgy.

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Look up the work of the late Dr Gene Sharp. He was a Harvard professor who spent his life studying nonviolent civil disobedience. He wrote From Dictatorship to Democracy and there's a documentary about him called How to Start a Revolution. You can find them on eBay or from the Einstein Institution in Boston MA USA.

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Please don't peddle that "Dr Gene Sharp" character to me. I've addressed this scumbag's role before and not going to repeat myself here.

In short, all his color revolutions are possible if and only if they are backed by the interested parties, ie the system. If not, then they only serve to expose the would be leaders to that same system to be taken care of, which is the idea. That scumbag deserves to rot in hell, which he undoubtedly does.

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Well I think they are getting ready to throw us all into their "War Machine". I keep remembering the documentary "While We All Die" (We being you and I) while the Criminal Elite get to hang around in underground cities and personal bunkers. They have planned this a long time.

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If everyone in the empire stopped paying taxes ... dream on.

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Average people don't pay taxes: direct taxes are detracted from paycheck before its paid, indirect taxes are collected whenever buying something and property taxes or service taxes can't be avoided, being subject to the forcible confiscation of the property itself or the end of the service. The only way to not pay taxes is either hermitage or dying... so, no: not paying taxes it's not an option

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it is possible if youa re willing to go to war over it, most people are not.

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Yeah ... I know.

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Taxes don't fund spending at the Federal level anyway, if you live in the UK or the US. Both countries have a fiat currency. Please learn Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) because it explains how the monetary system works.

And come talk to me when you really know it. Don't bother to repeat some gossip that you heard about it.

You can find out about it on YouTube on The Rogue Scholar, MMT Mondays, Macro'n'Cheese, or Real Progressives. Stephanie Kelton also has several great videos on YouTube about it.

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I’ll take your word for it that the gossip I have heard about it (crudely put, money is a human creation, so if you need more, just print more) is misleading. Thank you for the leads.

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I decided to put in leads when I found that most people didn't know how to find the real scuttlebutt. Thanks!

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P.S. MMT is an empirical look at how a monetary system works. It's like a scientist looking through a microscope at a microorganism. It's not something you "do." You can't say that the microscope is something you "do." You just use it to look at something.

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Being a member of the human race? Sorry. Guilty all around. All of us, even the women, who stay home (if they still have one).

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Thanks for covering this appalling inhumane take on where we're at. How disgusting that this is the Norm.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Regardless of where you are ... We are all sitting ducks, every single one of us ...

Don't forget that Agenda 21 is not only a DePop initiative, but also a literal rezoning of the entire planet ... here in the U.S., the odds of my dying an unpleasant death, perhaps a sudden, violent death have increased dramatically with the GAZA and MAUI atrocities ...


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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

I like to think that sitting here in my small town in New Zealand I am not a sitting duck.

The biggest problem isn’t necessarily nuclear winter. We’d probably be able to grow enough food if temperatures fell somewhere between 2 and 3C.

That small shift in temperatures “would fall into insignificance for New Zealand, compared to how society would respond”.

Sociologists proffer the problems would be panic-buying and looting, machinery breaking down because we couldn’t import parts like ball bearings, the health system buckling given the lack of supplies, financial systems breaking down and people reverting to bartering or “coercive methods” of finding a meal.

We may be able to farm enough food, but its distribution would be precarious, leading to people rushing out of cities, adding to social breakdown. Survivors would return to subsistence living.


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I think the deployment of neutron bombs is more likely than nuclear ...

Neutrons do not destroy buildings, just us useless eaters!

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Like napalm.

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P.S. Your description is why I have been encouraging everyone to learn how to grow their own food.

And the positive thing about "subsistence living" is that you survive. It may not be as bad as we're taught to believe: we are spoiled by having too much Stuff. Slowing down and cutting down would be better for us and for the planet.

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Luckily, you live in NZ. The health system in the US is already buckling, er, has buckled.

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Susan, I am struggling with cancer of my blood. Leukemia

I have been in and out of NZ's state-of-the-art hospitals for 16mths.

Doing OK all things considered. With all the latest treatments.

I have so far paid NZ$0.00 for my care.

Yes, I am very lucky.

Kiwi's call NZ Godzone......but do not claim a God gave them their land.

Unlike Israel, New Zealand is not an apartheid country.

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I am sorry to hear of your affliction. I hope that you can achieve a good quality of life while you are struggling.

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That's how I feel too - and I'm 85.

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{Regardless of where you are ... We are all sitting ducks, every single one of us ...}

You nailed it! The longer this continues - the more people Israel slaughters - the more danger you are putting every single Jew around the entire world in! Does anyone really beleive Hamas has to fight Israel in Gaza?

There is going to be a massive coordinated attack somewhere. Whether it's in the USA or just separate attacks throughout the world. It's going to happen. The Jews will become the new African Americans pre Civil Rights Movement and face the same violence and discrimination.

Given the US porous boarders, massive crime rate and depleted law enforcement and military throughout the Country - this is a no brainer! They make up almost 40% of the US population.

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You really believe that every Jew in the world will rush to the aid of Israel?

You're conveniently ignoring the many Jews who oppose the behavior of the Israeli government.

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US records surge in anti-Semitism – report

The Anti-Defamation League claims there has been a 388% rise in anti-Semitism since October 7


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Then the Israeli government is bringing it on themselves - or rather, on innocent American Jews who may actually oppose their actions. Sow the wind and you reap the whirlwind.

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As I've said elsewhere if they pursue this invasion Israel will be responsible for wiping Israel off the map. There is not one expert who is not saying this is suicide mission. Therefore what is the real reason behind this?

Part of it of course is to divert attention away from the Covid injections and how many millions they will have killed! But clearly that would be overkill! There is more to all of this but it's also all related.

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Tell that to the ignoramus that tries or does kill them - simply because of attire or something else. Have you noticed the huge uptick in hate crime against blacks and Jews, before this even started.

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Depleted law enforcement and military in the US? Where do you get this stuff?

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I live on the east coast and we have electronic billboards on the highways begging for law enforcement officers. NYPD have quit in record numbers or retired. It's not only NYC which has the largest force but nation wide - same holds true with the military! Hence offering the illegals citizenship if they join!


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That’s what you get for living in NOO YAWK.

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Who is this 40% of the population that you refer to?

Police and military?


Please excuse the redundancy.

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I "Smell" a Worldwide Military Draft!! It allows the Globalists to implement a massive forced vaccination program, and it is their way of thinning out the herd that these demons want!! We are in a disguised global war with the so-called 1%, and most people are oblivious to this!!

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There is the real rotten core issue showing up again!

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Ya, I’ve had that thought too, but I think they see decimating the world population as a good side effect of their wars for profit rather than the goal. Also, their primary enemies have a population like 3 times what ours is, so they need cannon fodder not depopulation. But still…they did after all make Covid so what do I know?

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Well said

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Warren Buffett said, "There is a class war and we are winning it."

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Very deep thought

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Has anybody noticed White House press secretaries don't last very long? They end up lying themselves out existence and out of a job. Perpetual lying is a perpetual disconnect from reality and the human psyche can only withstand it for so long . Too many senior politicians are zombies living on by the lies they tell and the grotesque damage they do.

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Correction: not out of a job. They recycle into the media, for one example.

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It's representative of the entire American nation.

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Hey! No fair! I'M an American and I have disagreed with what the government has been doing since 1968.

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Now if we could just find a fast way to rot the core of these people we could have a better chance of the sun coming up tomorrow!

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Their cores are already rotten. It's just that they don't die from it.

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I'm just wondering if either America or Israel, or both, have prayed to the gods they claim they believe in and are led by about what to do concerning the Gaza region conflict. Nah, I'm a 100% sure they didn't. Countries ruled by evil don't care one iota about who and how many souls they annihilate.

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Have you read the OT?? It's about nothing BUT a vindictive , violent and authoritarian "god". They're following the example set by religion. I'm right, you're wrong, you need to die.

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In Genesis or Exodus, that same God gave the Israelites the go-ahead, even the command, to slaughter the Canaanites (including women, children, and babies) and take their land. Crusades, settler colonialism, can all be traced back there.

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Oh PLEASE STOP with the Bible-based nonsense. The Bible is nothing but a big book of violent stories. The Brothers Grimm did it much better.

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I don’t think she was recommending it. I think she was saying that Israel has always used their upstart desert god and his shitty book to claim innocence while committing genocide. And just once it was committed against them and they’ve been dining out on that holocaust ever since.

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I think there's a lot of truth in the Bible. You just have to look for it. I think it's our history and (tragically) our model of correct behavior. I would suggest you read "The Lost Book of Enki" - an earlier and alternative take on the history of Genesis. And to my mind, more historically accurate.

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Life’s too short. Read the Tao de Ching. Plus, the Bible is the “truth” of an insane bunch of patriarchs telling of their victories over Arabs. Just like they’re telling it today. So just read the NYT and you’ll know all you need to know about “his-story” from a Jewish point of view.

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Now, this is my kinda thread.

Our own chapter of the freedom from religion foundation.

What a great place this forum is.

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Freedom...it's a glorious feeling.

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You two might not be as lonesome as you think.

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Me too. I sat down and read the Judeo-Christian bible without prejudice whether it was holy scrip or not. Holy moly!

It contradicts itself internally.

It was written by a bunch of ancient self-serving Hebrew good ol' boys.

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Thanks, Ernesto. But contrary to what some might think, I’m very spiritual. I’m Pagan and my Higher Power is Nature.

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Me either 😁

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So, what you're essentially saying is that what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is totally OK because the Bible states that it's required living as an Israelite. 🤔

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No! I'm not saying it's OK! I'm saying the whole fucking tradition is not OK.

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Apologies for my misunderstanding. I agree with you that it's not OK.

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I don't think that's what she said at all. She said nothing about justifying it.

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Read Matthew 24!!

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I'm familiar with the 2nd coming of Christ. What does that have to do with supposedly "God-fearing" countries who don't pray before killing people in cold blood?

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Jesus never came twice.

He couldn’t get it up a second time.

Enough with the fantasy freak show stories.

There’s reality happening in Palestine, right now.

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Predicted 2,000 years ago by the Messiah!!

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I was raised Roman Catholic. When I was sitting through an endless sermon on Sunday morning, I always wondered what the hell I was doing there when I could be enjoying the great outdoors.

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End Times prophecy? Hmmm 🤔

I've been hearing about this topic as a churchgoer for 40 years. Could it be that our generation is the one that witnesses Christ coming to rapture the saved?

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Don't hold your breath

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I'm definitely not.

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No thanks.

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So you are the one that's causing all this mayhem.

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Within 3 months, according to a Duran analytst, the derivatives market is going to collapse, 2008 on metamphetamine.

Plan A, was to provoke, defeat, and asset-strip Russia to pay the West's debts, with the rest of the World cowed by what happened to Russia. This failed.

There is no Plan B.


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Well, I'm 15 minutes into the video. I'm scared.

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This isn't war, it is the endless bombing and starvation of the Palestinian people' by Israel. If it is war where is Palestine's army, navy, and air force.

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Like shooting fish in a barrel!

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"This is war."

No, it's not. It's a genocide conducted in flagrant defiance of international law.

"Innocent citizens are going to be hurt going forward."

No, innocent citizens are going to be brutally shredded with massive campaigns using advanced military bombs. More than 6,000 Palestinians have already been massacred.

"This is combat."

No, this is a one-sided mass aerial bombardment.

"We will do everything we can to help the Israelis limit it."

By that we mean sending two carrier strike groups, eleven Burke-class destroyers, a number of Ticonderoga-class cruisers, amphibious assault ships, THAAD and Patriot missile defense systems, multiple squadrons of fighter jets, strategic bombers, and undisclosed assets. At least $13B. And 2000 Marines.

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Not to say “like”. Just that you are totally right. Thank you for cleaning up the double-speak.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023

Retired US Navy Admiral John Kirby embodies the genocidal agenda of our military and political leaders who wage constant wars against countries that have our resources (gas and oil) under their soil. He shrugs and calmly states that "it is going to happen" because WE need those resources and the Palestinians are unfortunately in the way. This war could not happen without full US support as we feed the vicious, rabid poodle called Israel.

This soulless SOB should be hung from the gallows, along with anyone else who advocates for supporting this war. Peace will never be possible absent the complete cleansing of this mentality.

There must be a new Nuremberg trial with teeth... to rid the world of this rapidly spreading cancer. The goal is to reduce the world's population by 7 billion, and imprison those who remain in 15 minute cities, awaiting their untimely end after mandatory jabs that sterilize the recipients and destroy what little remains of their immune system. The jab hasn't worked fast enough so mass death from bombs and missiles is the only remaining option. And our leaders are incentivized to not stand in the way.

Arab & Islamic Nations Will FIGHT Israel if Attack Against Gaza Continues-Saudi Ex-Senior Advisor https://www.bitchute.com/video/sVdetoKf0obH/

GLOBALIST BULLSHIT POKER IS BEING CALLED https://www.bitchute.com/video/oqk7bpfq0J7M/

Shahid Bolsen - Message to the Israeli people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djrk5KeoUOw

How the West is Laundering Lies Through "Experts" to Target Gaza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-nqRcDRTVs

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A) That's a little unfair to poodles.

B) They had bombs and missiles a long time before the jab.

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Apologies to our canine friends, Susan.

But "conventional" bombs and missiles are not going to help Israel or the US in this war. They will resort to using nukes out of desperation.

Once Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen and Lebanon unleash their missiles you'll see this theater explode in a way few can imagine. The US and Israel will have no option but to resort to nukes once the carrier groups in the Med, Red Sea etc are sunk and all US bases in the Middle East are attacked. Sane minds in the US will more than likely not prevail... especially with the genocidal Netanyahu at Israel's helm.

The jab was meant to preclude that possibility, and the night is young with respect to it's long term effects on those who chose to take it.

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That's right I've had 4 Poodles in my life and the last one was my best friend for over 22 years! Poodles are loyal though but definitely not "Rabid"! You have to be human for that to truly mean what it depicts!

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What I call Biden's 'Day Of Shame' was October 18th,: that was the day he gave Netanyahu carte blanch to massacre Palestinians, the day that the USA vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution for a humanitarian pause to the siege and bombing, and, worst of all he made a PR point that he had negotiated just 20 trucks to be allowed to enter Gaza to serve the desperate humanitarian needs of 2.2 million people caged in an area the size of Washington DC being bombed to oblivion.

That day brought shame on America and it's getting worse.

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“Dehistorizing Oct 7” is an illuminating lecture by Israeli historian Llan Pappé.” The Israeli historian explains the history essential to understanding the current attacks on Gaza and the danger of suppressing that history. He spoke last Thursday at UC Berkeley.” See Consortiumnews.com. Obviously, our neoliberal hawks Biden included - have either learned this history and have given it the finger, or have not learned it, or are Zionists themselves - consciously or unconsciously- in their apparent moral immunity to the slaughter of Palestinians. Palestinians with no escape routes are mere fish in the barrel to be exterminated. Professor Pappé explained that one pillar of Zionism has been and is the extinguishing of the indigenous population of Israel. And the insult to us by our government of calling this a war suggests Biden and his neoliberal hawk triplets- Nuland, Sullivan and Blinken - have a very dim view of us citizens. Intentionally parading a lie that we are unable to recognize and name what we are seeing with our own eyes is anything but a war. It is a slaughter, (of Palestinians labeled by Israel’s Defense Ministre as “human animals,) toward which Biden is throwing billions of our tax monies to its furtherance. And Biden and his ilk cannot understand why his polling numbers are sickly. Is the canary in the mine alerting the citizenry and world that this is what the core of USA leadership actually is beneath the high fallutin grandiosity of bringing democracy to the world.

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Taxes don't fund spending at the Federal level.

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Where does our tax money go?

The three biggest categories of expenditures are: Major health programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid. Social security. Defense and security.7 days ago (inuit.com)

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