1. He flat out lied. Facebook 100% prohibited the sharing of the NY Post story in messenger.

2. The FBI supposedly warned about “Russian disinformation” except this story wasn’t Russian Disinformation. This was a news story generated inside an American newsroom, not some troll farm in Macedonia, and everyone at Facebook knew it.

3. Zuck’s admission right here is about 10x more evidence of Big Techs election interference crimes than has ever been offered to support the claim of “Russian election interference.”

4. Fuck Mark Zuckerberg.

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Fuck the Zuck, yeah, fuck the Zuck, woo-oo...

Kinda feel sorry for the kid. I'm sure he never had a clue how much he'd become hated. He's getting a clue now, tho. If he cares.

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Google routinely throws out the most bland dissenting comments even those quoting newspaper headlines! and they throw them out WITHOUT indication you've been thrown in the bin.

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Fascism is the collaboration between government and industry.

I find it hilarious that Biden wants to suggest the MAGA ideology is fascism on the very same day that the DNC, DOJ and Facebook fascism is exposed. Coincidence ?

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Exactly the point I was going to make about fascism! And I suspect MSM (which now includes DN and the indie left) are being manipulated in both directions. It censors Trump in order to make him more popular, imo.

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I am giddy with anticipation for the dollar collapse, it has been my position for many years that the tyranny of the US Empire can only be ended through. currency collapse and bankruptcy of the federal government. I know the resulting financial devastation will be hell on the American citizen but better a financial reset than a Great Reset.

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The BS reset will not happen, unless China and Russia play along; who would manufacture their brain control chips and whatnot if they don't even have an industrial base? What they are trying now is to enslave those countries and - as Alexander Mercouris likes to say, they "don't have a reverse gear".

They will fail, but might start WW3 with nukes instead.

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We agree totally on the necessity (and inevitability) of the dollar collapse. Although I think it doesn't need to mean financial devastation for the US people. Here's a couple episode on my alternatives:



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Well, hello there, Tereza; nice to see you here :)...

I actually believe that they are THAT stupid and incompetent... Do you suppose they were rooting for President Putin when they "sanctioned" Russia :P?

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Hello Hubris! I completely agree. I think you may have seen my episode already on "Is Russia a Wrench in the Reset Gears?" I'll attach if not. I don't think Putin reacted as they had planned. They were counting on the military response, for which they were prepared, but not his economic coalition of the BRIICS-BRI initiative, which may end up including 90% of the world's population and ALL of the world's producer nations. Something new is afoot in the world. I don't know what it bodes for us (US) but I think it's going to turn things around for a lot of people now crushed under dollar hegemony


and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/ukraine-the-hegemons-last-stand

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Thank you :)...

We may think they play 4D chess, while they are plain stupid and incompetent :P...

Nobody can vote out the Deep State out of office, so there is NO real competition there... This is why I say that we need a regime change, to remove those criminals from power - elections have no real consequences.


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the deep state algo issues you a friendly warning [do not reply to this message it was generated by algo]: "your statement uniting the left and right exposing callousness of the rulerz is not allowed. have a nice day."

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Which definition of Fascism are you using? George Orwell's, Mussolini's, Stalin's, Ian Kershaw?

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Fascism has been so much abused and misapplied, that perhaps we should be talking about corporatism, oligarchy. But they lack the negative charge that the word fascism has.

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Fascism like any system is never going to be exactly the same at any two points in time or locations. Fascism is what the global system runs on.

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lets call it neo-fascism, some combination of the various definitions that ultimately results in the basic idea of government-industry collaboration that injures a nations liberty.

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Liberty is one of those dirty words that for example James Madison used to foist on the nation the outcome of the soft coup on the government under the articles of confederation that was known as the Constitutional Convention. It made him an extremely wealthy man. It's almost as vague as Fascism, and almost no one agrees to work within the definitions in Webster's dictionary when it comes to their fellow citizens.

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Now you are just choosing to argue over irrelevant minutia.

James Madisons wealth is nothing when compared to leaders of the day, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Tsars were all exponentially more wealthy that any founding father.

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Now you've built a strawman, subconsciously I suspect. I feel for you. Cognitive Dissonance is a bitch.

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Wow, do you always jump to ad homonyms and insults so easily ?

Im done, have a nice life

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Zuck is lying. They didn't just limit the visibility of the story, they blocked it completely. I tried posting the Hunter Biden laptop story of Facebook, it was taken down in minutes and I got a warning that my account would be suspended if I continued posting "misinformation" like that.

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Exactly. This asshole is trying to rewrite history just in case there’s an investigation into his election interference should R’s take control in November. Which is actually hilarious considering that even if they did do an investigation it’ll amount to nothing more than a few hours of grandstanding and chest beating.

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Nothing happens by accident in the Empire. There is some ulterior motive behind these revelations, whether they are true (in the manner he stated), or not. The new trick with today's corporate media is discovering these ulterior motives, if we can.

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Regarding ulterior notices: When you openly admit crimes, corruption, and wrongdoing, and there is no universal condemnation, prosecution, or any other consequences, then that wrongdoing is legitimized, normalized, and institutionalized.

That what Obama did for Bush's illegal wars, war crimes, and torture.

That's what Zuck just did for censorship and his own corporate power.

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Worse than legitimizing wrongdoing, which is exactly what they're doing, they also are rubbing our noses in it and telling us that, not only can they break the law with impunity, there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. This kind of admission legitimizes their crimes and their ability to commit them, it also demonstrates most clearly (as if we needed such demonstration) that there really are 2 standards of justice, one for us deplorables, and a different one for the elites.

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This has been the case in any capitalist country that ever existed. That is how the system works.

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Get a clue: Tyranny and dictatorships are independent of the economic system being used. Feel free to prove me wrong by pointing to the government that is loaded up with moral and ethical politicians ?

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sorry for typo: that's "motives" not "notices". Auto spellcheck strike again!

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FYI, if you click the three dots to the left of "Reply Collapse", there is an edit function.

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Actually, this is nothing new and it's hardly confined to social media. Establishment ideas have always sought to crush verifiable phenomena. I encountered it in the 80s, probably when Zuckerberg was just beginning to hatch his devious sociopathy. Science faculty beginning to teach impending climate catastrophe had "naughty-boy (or girl)" index fingers waved at them for "scaring their students." It was job-threat , aka "we'll steal your livelihood" censorship, similar to what faces honest journalists like you, Caitlin, and sites like the Grayzone and Consortium News. Sane historians were likewise threatened if they taught the truth about US aboriginal genocide. What we have now is the looming monster of Big Tech able to globalize such threats through algorithms. Folks who see this as "progress" are real brain-stunners for me

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Yes, but now it includes stopping true news about a presidential election.

We all know there is propaganda. But the swaying of a person's vote is truly heinous, as is "Brandon" and his heinous family.

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Sure thing. But I rate deflecting the knowledge that we're facing extinction as a bit more serous chunk of criminality; that's not just propaganda, it's pure sociopathy. There are of course degrees of this phenomenon, but it all shares that characteristic of insouciance about committing criminal acts of censorship.

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Climate change is nothing but propaganda, absolutely everything you believe about climate change and CO2 is a lie, a propaganda campaign to convince you to live as a serf. basically the open air prison that is the modern world is using to much resources for the elites so they convince the prisoners to eat less and sleep in colder cells.

Jettison the propaganda and be free.

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Haha. If you can't see climate change is real, go look at some glacier before and after pics. I worked in Tetons in the 80s. There was a glacier named "frying pan" because it looked a skillet with an egg in it. Now, it looks like a guitar because it's melted so much. But, yes, just live your life.

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Im not saying climate doesn't change but seriously "Climate Crisis", "Climate Emergency" ? It has all the hallmarks of propaganda, climate change predictions have been wrong for 40 years.

The planet has been warming since the end of the last ice age, the sea level has been rising at 3mm per year since the end of the last ice age. Glaciers melting is not evidence of carbon based climate change.

Are you such a poor scientist that you think that your anecdotal observations support a worldwide series of chemical reactions. You are obviously one of the climate faithful.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

Students of history may recall that, during the Civil Rights Era, the local sheriff would act as a government official when the powers that be wanted to arrest troublemakers and otherwise use the law as a sword. The same sheriff would claim to be acting as a private citizen, just exercising his constitutional rights, when it came time to avoid pesky civil rights suits.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022

By a similar token, I suspect that the real reason that the "Disinformation Governance Board" was scrapped earlier this year was because it made more sense to outsource the job to Big Tech, thereby insulating this work from pesky FOIA suits, civil rights claims and undesired electoral results.

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Not sure if Disinfo Board was scrapped - I think they blamed the explosion of opposition on partisan politics, a poor rollout, and public paranoia and misconceptions.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

I suspect the disinfo board was a feint, a fake thing to claim that they were trying to control us but failed ! Social media already has a strong grasp on the public opinion about everything, the disinof board was unnecessary from the start. The only reason I can see for its existence and sloppy launch was to make a publicity splash to claim that the Ministry of Truth doesn't exist.

The Ministry of Truth does exist, has existed and has always existed.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

I wondered the same thing, at least when that flaky-ass Mary Poppins video came out.

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I thought I read today that it was formally scrapped. Doesn't matter, it's going nowhere.

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They said the torture and black sites programs were scrapped too. They lied.

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In this case, however, there is no need to lie. They just outsourced the job.

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It was already being done.. they don't need a dept with a scary name when it was also redundant

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Agree but suggest "it's going nowhere" should read "it's superfluous".

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Also in the Civil Rights Era political hits were called assassinations. Now they are called "suicide." Big difference.

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Prior 1945 they were called Eugenics. https://press.princeton.edu/books/hardcover/9780691172422/hitlers-american-model

Even earlier manifest destiny. However much I appreciated Senator Charles Sumner for his ethics and horror against slavery and genocide/extirpation, it's kind of sad that canning to death of Senators is no longer an allowed sport.

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Shocked at his admission - surprising - wonder what the next revelation will be - This is nothing new, the Parallels between 911, Covid & this new "Project Mockingbird" are so vast to be astounding. I am also stunned how the American People seem so blind. Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Egypt, Somalia, Yemen, Ukraine - all dirty War work from the Intelligence agencies with decades of meddling all over the world, but when pressed about 911, the same folks balk & say something like "that was already investigated" or "Plenty of people were in the Media questioning the official story at the time" - these of course are completely incorrect and wishful thinking. The Media/Corporate Interests & Political Class held a tight grip on the subject and continue to do so. Julian Assange will remain in Prison as a warning to anyone from the 5 Eyes nations to keep silent about what they may know & why. His imprisonment is not just about vengeance. The Psychopaths' have taken over. The Intelligence Agencies have helped create a break away society. The people of the West are still so blind & Propagandized that they will attack the very people who are on their side. It's a shame - Podcasters like Dore, going out of their way to humiliate & disparage someone trying to do the right thing is so sad. Laughing at another human being's suffering is a sickening act of Schadenfreude and should be avoided at all costs - Especially since they haven't even bothered to speak with me for clarification on how/why I know what I know. I still love his show though & will continue to watch as he does great work on most other topics. I just won't reach out or post anything again - he probably though I was trying to ride his coat tails. SWJW.

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911 was the Shock and Awe, not flattening Baghdad.

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Exactly my point....

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911 was also an inside job - the media coverage over Covid is exactly the same Propaganda re: 911. Critics silenced, actual journalists targeted. Don't worry though - ten years from now everyone will be saying that Covid Conspiracy theories were wrong etc etc...

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The first and biggest lie ever.

Fakeasfuckbook is the FBI.

Okay, sorry, zuck Fuckerberg is cia

CIA took direction from FBI, sure whatever.

Or, FBI from CIA

The Fact the mark says it makes it a lie

He is a liar.

Marck Fuckerberg has never once told the truth in his whole life

Now he tells us

I love you and get your fake inject

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Facebook was a collaboration of the CIA and private interests. Zuck sold out to them as he was being groomed at Harvard, I believe. He made it easy for those evil fucks.. Peace

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Explains why he is always a little nervous and ....spookie

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The "counsel" from the FBI sounds exactly like the mob's tactics:

"Nice store you got there. Many stores in this neighborhood are burning. Just, be careful. We wouldn't want your store to burn."

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When I moved to silicon valley a little while back I lived about a 3 minute walk from Facebook's main campus. Virtually all of our neighbors worked at Facebook. A super nice and social older couple quickly struck a friendship with my partner and I. They seemed like they could be anyone's grandma and grandpa.

In the weeks afterward several conversations with them veered into vague stories about the older man's time in the "three letter agencies" and their connections to the top of those agencies. The older man had joined the Navy out of high school and ended up in naval intelligence officially for the next 50 odd years. They mentioned that while the older man, who was in his 70s or so was retired, the wife who was maybe 20 years younger was not, and Facebook was contracting her as some nondescript project manager. The old man continually heaped praise on his wife never failing to say how much better she was at the job than he ever was. She would go silent or change the subject any time he brought stuff like that up.

They stayed about a total of 6 months before they moved back to Virginia. My partner formed an especially close bond with them and still keeps in touch. The wife is always going somewhere for a few months at a time so the old man goes too.

Meeting them was when things clicked for me. Obviously the state is going to have a lot of deals with these tech companies, whether or not the companies want anything to do with them. The platforms didn't get as powerful and concentrated into the hands of so few by magic. The really crazy thing was understanding that an agent could look and act so normal that you would never suspect them of being an agent in a million years if the beans hadn't already been slightly spilled.

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This: "We are ruled by unelected sociopaths who have no wisdom, no compassion, and no intention of ever relinquishing their rule. This will continue unless and until enough of us wake up to what's going on to stop them."

WAKE UP EVERYONE! We've got sociopaths to lock up and/or lead to a guillotine.

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"Those who live under the US empire are a propagandized and politically impotent population who only think they are free because they've been given the illusion of freedom, and less and less effort is being made to sustain that illusion."

Yeah it's sort of sad and ironic that the major effect of the internet/alt media may be to get us straight to the brick wall at the back of the theater. Revolution just isn't keeping pace with revelation

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You will love this quote from Michelle Witte at "Potlical Misfits" (as I do):

""Again, i feel it is worth pointing out, what stories like these show, is that this society we consider to be the land of so many choices, the land of freedom, and choices, and you can choose to do whatever you want....Sure! You can choose all of those things, as long as you also choose to get married, choose to be constantly employed at a large company so you can have health insurance, choose never to spend very much time out of the country, and thus not pay into your social security so you're not choosing to die of poverty in old age, as long as you choose to stay exactly between the gutters, and i mean, this is the case for your professional choices as well as your personal choices....as long as you stay exactly between those lanes, the world is your oyster,if you also have the right education, and the right career, and you don't get sick at the wrong time, but...if you step slightly off the beaten path, you know, you can choose all you want,....you'll never goint to be able to have anything for the rest of your life. ...This idea "we are swamped by choice", we just have 20 different sodas you can buy, that's not the same as truly having the freedom of choice to choose what kind of life you want to live! "

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One more revelation of which there were scores already for anyone paying attention. I doubt if this one will make a difference. As someone mentioned in the comments - by now this censorship has been legitimized and accepted.

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... by "about 1776" this censorship has... Not a peep about "everything that flies on everything that moves" which dumped more ammo that all of WW2 on tiny Laos, to the extent that it makes Russia's 60,000 rounds a day on Ukraine look very civilized, which considering it's Russia and not America doing the later, it is.

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The UN says that so far there are still under 6,000 dead civilians in Ukraine, the majority in the Donbass so they would have been killed by Ukrainians rather than Russians. I believe the US killed more civilians than that just in Fallujah.

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Many people are confused by the first amendment. It says “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press”. Algorithms are covered by “abridging.”. And further, “of the press” is lowercase. In those days, a “press” was a hand operated printing press. So “of the press” means the freedom to publish. It has nothing to do with organized media whatsoever, although they would be covered as a subcategory.

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So sharing a link is a publishing activity, the action of an individual using the power of the small “p” press.

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Please go on Russell Brand for a chat

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A buncha damn fascists! It surrounds and is infused within capitalist structures yet most don't ever recognize its existence. Banks, Big Pharma, finance, work, etc., all controlled by fascists, and, oh yeah, Facebook. Peace

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