To absolutely no one’s surprise… the folks who are still tied to the Zionist’s lies are definitely not human

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They truly could not possibly be human. THAT is very scary. This planet is being run by non- humans, no question. How are we all not totally scared to death?

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It is being run by humans who really believe that having lots of money and power will save them from the destruction they are bringing about. They appear to have no morals or empathy at all for anyone. Probably not even for those close to them. It is really difficult to watch people going to work, being "normal", getting dressed up to go out, smiling and chattering on as if there are not thousands of people being killed in Gaza and in other places. That is the only way that people can not be scared to death though. By pretending not to notice.

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And telling us that we must vote for the party that is complicit in genocide. As Caitlin said, fuck them six ways to Sunday.

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Yes, so true. How does true evil fit into this picture, though? So ...mind control. pretence, robotic conditioning ...so many ways to go wrong, in ways that can lead to evil...

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Try education in the USA!

Dim stupid people who believe the MSM.

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I’m in the camp that uninformed people are a product of their circumstances, if we had five hour work days we could live and increase our understanding.

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Exactly this

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Just in case there is anyone reading this who thinks that a nuclear war would not be so terrible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM1kfDsS9Uc

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Years ago I told my boys not to have children. I told them if the western oligarchy wins, we descend into fascism and increasingly worse economic slavery and abuse. And if they lose, we face their self destruction by implosion and civil chaos. The elites fueled by decades of intelligence assassinations have become megalomaniacs in reducing people to fodder for their elitism, and wealth supremacy that dehumanizes and demoralizes humanity. And Ukraine and Palestine are added to the list of first fruits of violence, violence that we will see come home.

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Yes it's coming for the USA.....and still people are having babies!

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Bhavana Lymworth. Stop gaslighting...........these people are humans!

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I can understand the anger and incredulity at the cruelty and horror which is probably behind you saying that - unfortunately and sadly, they are very definitely human.

Indeed it is the most frightening and disturbing aspect of this whole conflict that in spite of history showing us that armed conflict and war is devastating for so many and in so many ways, human beings continue to engage in it and even refer to it as inhuman.

According to the International Red Cross, as of May this year (2024) there were "120 armed conflicts around the world, involving over 60 states and 120 non-state armed groups. The majority of these armed conflicts are of a non-international character, the number of which has *tripled since the turn of the millenium*." (* My emphasis)

It is human beings who order, fight, maim and kill in these conflicts. It is human beings who murdered 6 million Jews in attempted ethnic cleansing by the Nazi regime. Now it is Jews, Zionist Jews that is, (though that may be an oxymoron), who are attempting ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and acting in no less cruel and savage way than did those who carried out the atrocities against their relatives, ancestors and fellows in WWII.

Israel has now dropped more than 85,000 tonnes of bombs in this conflict which, for an idea of scale, compares with 56,000 tonnes of bombs dropped on Germany in the whole of WWII.

More Palestinians have now been killed by Israel than Australia lost in the whole of World War II, but in inverse proportion of Civilians to Soldiers.

All of this committed by human beings.

It seems that humanity has learned little, if anything, from its history of conflict, regardless of the sides on which they fought, for surely there really haven't been any winners.

Those interested may wish to check out the following links for, whilst not wishing in any way to imply that the Holocaust was not a crime of horrendous cruelty, the figure of 6 million Jewish deaths is probably one of the most widely known and has engendered enormous sympathy for Jews. However the figures shown for other human beings killed, even during WWII, show another perspective, possibly even more horrendous, yet one which is barely recognised other than by students of history or the particular groups or nations involved.:

* https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-worldwide-deaths-world-war

* https://www.helion.co.uk/periods/21st-century.php

* https://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-policy/2024/05/02/defining-armed-conflict-some-clarity-in-the-fog-of-war/

* https://www.iwm.org.uk

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Commited by Jews per the Talmud. Go to hell with your whitewashing of this genocide.

6 million Jews doesn't excuse this genocide or any genocide.

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Using the holocaust to excuse the genocide that is happening in Gaza is an insult to those who endured the holocaust, if they survived. The cycle of violence will go on and on and on until somehow people, humans, manage to stop taking revenge, stop killing, stop traumatizing more people who will grow up with hate in their hearts.

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Susan T, because of the strange way in which Substack organises its threads, I don't know whether you are responding to me, to Caitlin or to someone else.

However, I agree with you, as ought to be obvious to anyone who has read and understood what I've written in this thread, though clearly Blue1818 hasn't done so.

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I have read your statements. You shouldn't even bring up the Holocaust at all.

When you bring up the Holocaust you come off trying to downplay the Genocide of Levant and Israel's designs for the millions of people there.

Why don't you explain to everyone what the Sampson Option is?

Ever read the Talmud?

You are controlled opposition

Or you made a careless mistake.

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Judging by Netanyahu's shaking hands recently and Russia's warning and supply of 'weapons' (who knows what exactly) Bibi looks like he is close to that 'Hitler in the Bunker' time. They locked themselves in and threw away the key. But I suspect Sinwar is Sampson in this scenario and Israel the reveling idol worshipers in the doomed Temple of Dagon.

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Susan T.

Your education is the problem!

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I don't know what you mean by that comment

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I think that you are on the wrong platform.

Your rudeness and abuse does not give your aggressive and offensive view any more credence.

I have done no whitewashing of this or any other genocide, neither in my comments here or anywhere else so I can only assume that you have either not read what I've written or have failed to understand it.

Now, please go away and find some other uninformed, opinionated troll with whom to spar.

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No, you certainly haven’t whitewashed the current murderous crime spree. Sorry you had to be subjected to such obtuse misframing.

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Thank you, it is unfortunate that some, I think, simply jump to follow another's comment either without reading in full or without comprehension. As you say, I have never justifies, excused, supported or acted as an apologist for the genocidal actions of Israel. Quite the opposite is true and easily verified with a simple search on Substack and/or Medium as well as other places.

Unfortunately, some are such victims of their own ignorance and prejudice that they cannot or will not think rationally or take time to seek the facts and realities of a situation or issue. In this case, that is particularly unfortunate because it is one of the very factors that cause conflicts such as this.

Thank you again.

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Roger. IF you write something more than a few words 'muricans don't have the attentions span to understand.

I am in this category of finding things difficult to understand....yes only 75yrs old BUT getting brain dead.

How long has this 'circus' been going on? A year or 2?

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I read your thoughtful comment.

I have no idea why everyone is attacking you.

We are all human beings.

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Jenny, I appreciate your attempts to clarify for those whose conditioning, lack of abillity, personal prejudice or whatever causes them to view through blinkered eyes.

Unfortunately, whilst our school systems may achieve much and most teachers, (I believe), sincerely attempt to equip their students to be caring and useful individuals, the reality is that socialisation is a fundamental aim and result of schooling. When coupled with parental and peer group pressure and extensive insidious propaganda that, by nature, often skews a person's views without their knowledge, it is not surprising that some are unable to reason and analyse rationally.

Perhaps it would have been more easily received if, instead of attempting a reasoned explanation, I had simply had your wisdom and written simply what you did in your last line above:


Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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You take care Roger and I look forward to your comments.

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Your projection is revealing. Your guilt is apparent. Leave here abd take your hasbara with you. We are not your goyim.

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What you write is complete nonsense. Please go away.

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It's not. Stop deflecting the fact that Judaism is the major factor and it has no redeeming qualities.

Just like American Religion

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'If 'they' are human'?! Palestine doesn't need this kind of advocacy. You are doing more harm than good with this kind of content. I would take a break from being online and sit with your heart for a while.

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Are you a 'human being?'

Because you can comment on here I suggest you are.

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Most Jews have not read the Talmud. White supremacists like you are much more familiar with it, which is why you keep bringing it up.

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Commited by the USA and Western powers who support this genocide.

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Oct 19
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It is their biggest lie

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Thank you for your contributions here, I may not be glad to admit that such people are just as human as anyone else, but I guess I shall admit

It’s just beyond my little brain’s comprehension, and I’m sure I’m not the only one

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I'm sure that you're not, also. My point, of course, is that to do anything about it, we first have to take responsibility for it and, meaning no disrespect for I know its not intentional and, in fact, a natural response, as long as we deny that *we*, i.e. human beings are responsible and not just somehow deplorable monsters who are different to the rest of us, then we fool ourselves - the consequences being that history repeats itself continually.

Take Care. Stay safe. ☮️

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You made your point Roger and I agree whole heartedly with you.

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Yet again, thank you all for making me see this in a new lens 🙏

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You write well and appear fairly well read. So I find it difficult to understand how you have not come across all the evidence - including most especially that provided by jewish historians and scholars - that there was no concerted german plan to kill the jews. And you brush off the jews’ hand in fomenting WWII.

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I "brush off" nothing. Neither do I subscribe to fictions propagated as propaganda in order to instill a false narrative. Such is the notion that the Jews deliberately worked against Germany and hence Germany had to resort to "Self defense". That whole narrative is akin to Holocaust denialism and massive evidence to the contrary.

Historians and scholars are people - human beings. Regardless of their notability or expertise, qualifications or experience they are not all disinterested observers or reporters of reality or truth.

You, for instance, make a false assumption about what I have "come across" in relation to WWII and its participants, causes, events, and etc. Having grown up at the end of the war but within streets of broken buildings and the legacy of bombing, fire, injury, death and destruction, I was connected from an early age to what I'd been fortunate enough to escape. An insatiable curiosity about human nature and many hours spent reading through a local library collection and much more, which led to a career as an educator, significant research skills and their utilisation in following eclectic interests has led me to the conclusions I have. In addition, my early life in a slum district among working class people showed me the nature of gullibility, 'inverted snobbery' and the very real oppression created by those with power and control of information, social movement and life itself.

So, you may choose to believe propaganda and false descriptions of it as 'evidence' which excuses the excesses of the German military and the atrocious cruelty inflicted on Jews in Germany, Poland and elsewhere, driven by a false ideology of a fictional Aryan racial superiority.

I choose not to subscribe to such false narratives as reliable evidence is so extensive that they are simply not credible. If, indeed, you consider me to "write well and appear fairly well read" you should not find it difficult to understand my stance; at least you should not if you were considering it objectively and yourself had researched the whole period and assessed it objectively.

Clearly, you have not.

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Like you Roger. I was born in Sri Lanka after Independence.

Most Americans do not know world history and have never been in 'bombed' or involved in Civil Wars.

In my daughters education for 23yrs she didn't even learn Geography/World History. Everything was centred on the USA.

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Yes, Jenny, there are many reasons why people adopt the stances that they do. Unfortunately, owing to conditioning, human frailty and common understandings (populism) that are often neither valid nor rational, far too many accept notions of 'blame', 'evil', and then apply these labels to particular beliefs, causes, actions, groups or individuals.

These notions and labels are all human constructs, spread predominantly by religions, governments for their own ends - usually to preserve their own control of the masses. They are destructive concepts, not least because they engender division, dislike and even hate, rather than collaboration, understanding and conciliation.

Schooling is a considerable contributor to maintaining and implanting such views. This is not generally understood because for most, schooling is confused with education because the two are continually used interchangeably.

There is a stark contrast between the often extremely beneficial contributions of developments in science and technology that humanity has achieved and the relative stagnation in human relations and progress in the affective domains.

Until humanity acknowledges and takes action to change this, it is highly improbable that not only will conflicts such as are the subject of this thread continue but also will the enmity, abusive and even hateful views of individual and collective human beings.

It is long past time that humanity learned to see 'difference' as 'opportunity' rather than something to be feared, reviled or even attacked and destroyed. Synergy, i.e. 1 +1 = 3 could contribute much to achieving a more peaceful, caring and united world. - At least in my view it could and would. Sadly, the affective domains are little in evidence in our schools and in higher education, humanities courses are costantly being eliminated or reduced because of focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Not only that but such courses are focused very much on how these areas serve business and wealth creation rather than human betterment. Even where this is not the case, they still tend to supplant courses in the affective domain.

So, please excuse my long-winded answer to your comment, but what you say of your daughter's schooling doesn't surprise me and it is an example of what I've written about. From what you write and your insight, however, I imagine that your daughter is well aware of much of what I've what I've written and/or has gained much understanding of a positive approach to others and a need for understanding and compassion, both from yourself and other sources.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️

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Again Roger well written.

Sometimes there is a complete misunderstanding between people who mostly 'think outside the box.'

I have always been an outsider....it was sad sometimes as a young girl but as a woman I am proud that I have never been pulled into the box.

This maybe is because I really have NO country/lived in 4. for many years. Never really agreed with any govt..

My daughter now lives in N. Carolina with husband and son. Have not seen them for years so I really have NO idea what she thinks or feels. She is presently working as the premier teacher in a school for autistic kids.

She came from being a 'drug addled' teenager in California/worked her way up without going to college.

I am very proud of her and personally think it was our never ending support for her and our values that she got a life.

This is NOT blowing my own trumpet.

Some of her friends would come to our house/try to raid our refrigerator. I made a meal and made them sit down and talk.

Most of these friends of hers had no parents at home when they came back from school. They used the Pizza delivery man who also supplied them with drugs.

We left America when we saw GW Bush was going to get in.

I remeber the whole 'family' thing with Ronald Reagan..complete hoax.

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But I don't find it at all difficult to understand your stance. And now that you have revealed a bit about your early childhood experiences amidst ruined streets and lives all the more reason to understand your position. So I'll reveal that in my earlier innocence I too believed without a doubt in the holocaust. I grew up about as sheltered as one can be here in the States so had no personal experiences to draw upon to strengthen that belief. But having subsequently read quite widely on the subject of WWII I reached a point about five years ago (I'm 75 now) that had me seething with cold rage at the sudden realization that I had been taken for a fool all these years to believe what to me now are clearly grotesque lies. You believe, and I no longer believe. Perhaps we can leave it at that.

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I don't know what you've read but it must certainly have been one-sided.

There is ample evidence for the Holocaust and nothing credible to suggest that it didn't happen.

I cannot really comment on what you claim you learned over many years that you now see as 'grotesque lies'. What I can say with certaintly is that if it was information about the existence and nature of the Holocaust then it was likely the truth or close to it. Nothing is perfect and human beings interpret even facts in different ways and with various nuances so there may be differences in what you have been told, read, heard or seen. However, there is definitely no doubt that the Holocaust did take place.

I have read much disinformation from Holocaust deniers and none of them are credible. Indeed, the very nature of their presentation and those behind them indicate very strongly that they are propaganda designed to support a re-writing of a history about a time during which some of those affected are still alive and of which there have been many accounts from a wide variety of those who experienced it or saw its results.

So, if you wish to believe clear false propaganda of some of the worst sort, so be it. I can't change that. I can only point to the absurdity and negatavity of doing so.

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Why are people still talking about abortion?

Why are people still bringing babies into this world of terror?

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I can only assume that it is the inherent drive for survival of the race, i.e. procreation. Other, less inherent and perhaps more conditioned factors such as socialisation of girls and women to see having a child as expected and 'the family', (narrowly defined usually), as the ideal grouping in which people should live, hence the common focus of governments on family focused policies.

Against this, is the understanding that I feel is probably behind your questions, i.e. with a world in such a chaotic state, millions suffering conflict, poverty, homelessness, lack of medical facilities, self-serving demagogues, inequity, inequality and ever present danger of imprisonment or worse for breaking some imposed law emanating from religious doctrine (or it's inappropriate interpretation) or other false notions of morality inflicted by a dominant group on the masses.

Indeed, that any intelligent and rational minded person would seriously make the decison to bring more children into this world seems impossible to believe.

However, despite knowing the situation, it is also a common human attribute to ignore or push aside factors of which they are aware but which stand in the way of their desires, ambitions, expectations and, if I may be so bold, selfish interests.

In brief and perhaps poorly explained, what I've suggested I think would not be far from the truth and does at least give some explanation as to the 'why' of your questions.

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"Selfish interests." Exactly and in a country without adequate healthcare!

One also has to factor in the very strong feelings in women to procreate.

I don't understand this overwhelming feeling myself/ in 1969 when I had my son I was aware of what was happening in the world BUT I went ahead!

Is it that we need to produce another human who looks like us?

In which case as you rightly say this is nothing but selfish.

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"...are definitely not human" - quite the opposite. They're all human, just like you.

When shit hits the fan you will not recognize your relatives, neighbors, etc. Right now you probably consider them human. Well, they'll still be human then. Just like you.

And don't bet which side you'll end up on too.

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I try to not call Israeli's animals. Because genocide and murder and stealing resources is human

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Genocide would seem to be white human behaviour.

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Wrong. That's a racist statement. There's nothing "white" about genocide.

Many examples:

- Rohingya muslims genocide in Myanmar

- Iraqi Turkmen genocide

- Yazidi genocide

- Darfur genocide

- Rwandan genocide

- Isaaq genocide

- East Timor genocide

Too many others to list, but you get the idea. Genocide is a "human" action, and has nothing to do with whiteness or skin color or ethnicity or nationality.

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Well you forgot biggest and ugliest genocides such as what the white Christian colonizers and settlers did to native Americans, genocide of African-Americans slaves, genocides of black and semitic arab Africans by white European colonizers (Germany, Belgium, UK, NL, France), etc. Genocides of Central and South American natives by Spanish and Portuguese colonizers. Also horrible genocides committed by Japan in 20th century (China, Korea, East Asia). Australian and NZ genocides of native aboriginals, etc. About 95+% of all genocides in human history were committed by white Christians bringing "civilization, peace, and human rights". And of course the most recent, shameless, and horrible genocide by Jews on native Palestinian population and live on camera. In almost all cases of recorded genocides Western culture ("garden" of evil) was involved directly or indirectly.

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>>"Well you forgot biggest and ugliest genocides such as what the white Christian"

I didn't forget anything. I showed that Genocides are not a "White" phenomenon, they are a "human" phenomenon. This is NOT about WHITE vs NON-WHITE. This is about Genocide and human behavior. If you failed to realize that, then you may have bought into the "flawed logic" of Genocides being something particular to "whites". And yes, there is such a thing as "racism against whites".

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well, it's often western 'white' institutions that get to judge if something is a genocide or not. also, there's a trend to equate 'whiteness' with capitalist oligarchy, which is the dominant ruling system in the world today and which thereby is often the only 'policeman' capable in preventing genocides (iirc, interventions in yugoslavia and libya were marketed as 'genocide prevention').

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NO. US is dead. White Imperialism is dead.

Let the Chinese and Russians figure this out.

BUT you old (white) Imperialists cannot accept defeat.

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You completely missed the point. I'm pointing out genocides that don't nacessarily have a "white element" to them - there are many such genocides in history that have nothing to do with "whiteness". You are going off on another point altogether about "who judges what is a genocide".

Here's some reference for you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genocides

Also, capitalist oligarchy exists outside of racial thinking (like whiteness). If there is such a trend, it's illogical and flawed thinking. For example, capitalist oligarchies exist in India, Brazil, Russia, and almost EVERY Capitalist country (whether predominantly white or not).

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Well, maybe you’re right

I just don’t comprehend how there’s people watching and not feeling at all

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Just like they don't understand you. You're already on opposite sides of this particular issue.

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I don't think murdering people with white phosphorous and starving them for a year is a "particular issue"

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Yet it is human. Note there's no 'e' at the end.

Otherwise not sure what you wanted to convey.

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For the first time Russian-bot I agree.

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Thank you for your input, Adolf.

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That would be the whole Western hemisphere.

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I dont think people have realised that in the space of less than a year, "western" media have now sunk to showing snuff videos, not only sometimes as propaganda like in this case, but also like people being bombed, burned alive etc. Snuff videos are known to cause psychological damage to people who are steadily exposed to them.....especially children. What effect will this have on the mass of people over time?

The west is literally destroying itself. All in service of zionism.

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And we are supposed to be cheering on the burning.

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is the question why is the west servicing Israel or rather how Israel took over the west?

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from my perspective 'western', be it mainstream, media are not showing those snuff videos. they're not talking about or showing the 19-year on an iv who burned alive in a hospital bed, they're talking about a speaker at a protest who said 'allah, burn the jews'. the psychological damage from perpetrators' impunity when witnessing these atrocities will probably indeed be impactful. it creates a new normal (aaron bushnel quote) and erodes concepts like justice, empathy and solidarity, which is a goal of the ruling class that has decided that those ideas will no longer be needed to ensure the survival of their particular tribe of our species.

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Major newspapers and national broadcasters and their websites in Europe have in past few weeks been showing the pictures of burning people and the video of Sinawar battle death. Have been showing images of Palestinians blown to pieces.

If you go to BBC website today there is sniff porn there masquerading as “analysis” by “BBC Verified”

But not in a sympathetic way - mostly like it was dogs being described in passing. Then on to more discussion of antisemitism or will the US “strike” Iran.

Not one headline asking when own govts will issue sanctions on Israel or stop supplying the bombs and weapons for the slaughter.

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“…and erodes concepts like justice, empathy and solidarity, which is a goal of the ruling class…”


Insightful comment.

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Israel is using starvation as a weapon.


Perverse, like dancing on a grave,

Israelis are enjoying a holiday - celebrating, dancing and feasting.


"Come visit Israel, y'all."


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Is it that we don't show these murderous human beings?

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The cowards are the men who shoot children, not the ones who die defending their homes and the people they love.

It’s been obvious to anyone who cared to pay attention this was a land grab from the first day and the Israeli strategy has been to create such a nightmare other nations would be forced to take the Palestians as refugees. I’m convinced they’ll do anything to push them off their land and could care less what the world thinks. Trump is Miriam Adlestein’s spaniel and Kamala is a placeholder, at best. I don’t think the world is silent but I do think the world is impotent and some countries are flat out sell outs like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan. Their leaders, not the people.

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Right, SW. And the execution of Israeli policies is based on an attitude that any supporter of Hamas, whether tacit or explicit MUST be a 'terrorist' and, therefore, a legitimate target. All of which is to provide cover for their scorched-earth tactics. The evil being perpetrated is beyond reason. And they're just getting cranked up in Lebanon for more of the same, with the US' and others' disingenuous warnings about careful targeting. Mainstream media's general coverage together with avoidance of historical fact is to be deplored. Caitlin's anger is completely justified.

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Caitlin's anger gives me the courage to express my own shock and anger at how little the mainstream media let me know. When I traded fb for Substack and befriended two Palestinian families on Mastodon, I felt feelings.

I would love to save these two families, but they are two of many. My "honorary grandbabies" might not have survived last night.

I am hated for my "big, fat, ugly mouth" because I live in a van down by the river and I still use standard English instead of babytalk or celebrity wardrobe malfunctionese or whatever language unemployed elderly working class people are expected to speak at the "food" banks in the future former USA.

But my big, fat, ugly mouth is the only power I have and I'm only going to die anyway.

Thank you for your time if you actually read all this.

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I read you with pleasure and admiration! Godspeed....

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“Israeli policies is based on an attitude that any supporter of Hamas, whether tacit or explicit MUST be a 'terrorist' and, therefore, a legitimate target” I would disagree with this claim. The Israelis know exactly what they are doing and why: it’s a land grab. They also know exactly why the Palestinians are fighting them: its resistance. Yes, maybe there are some who believe the lies, especially in the propagandized west, but that mostly a cover story.

You can lookup comments to that effect from many Israeli leaders, including Moshe Dayan.

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Ther don’t even care if Palestinians support Hamas or not!!!

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Ther don’t even care if Palestinians support Hamas or not!!!

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The American People are guilty of supporting this genocide. They are happy the Arabs are dying

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It's a white supremacist agenda run by the "US exceptionals".

They committed genocide against the indigenous indians, enslaved the Africans, impoverished Latin America, dropped nuclear bombs on the Japanese, napalmed the Vietnamese, bombed Laos for a decade, killed 1 million Iraquis.

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Ain’t much resistance been takin’ place in the Arab world, with a few notable exceptions.

Does that also mean that Arabs and happy to see their fellow Arabs die???

Most Muricans suck.

But, they ain’t the only ones.

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A lot fewer than in the past!

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Kamala will be Haim Sabin's (?) spaniel just as much. He’s the top dem donor and he built a new DNC complex for them.

The world is willfully impotent. There are enough countries that could stop Israel and America, but it would cost a lot of lives.

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So obvious who fits any description of cowardice here. Remote depersonalized killing, sniping children's brains into mush, cheering rape. To simply call them fucking hypocrites for trying to characterize heroic freedom fighters as cowards is an insufficient plunge into the depths of their darkness.

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Worse, they aim for the bodies, so that the children suffer and others come to help, getting shot in the process.

Israelis are inhuman.

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Hypocrites doesn’t really get at the core of this issue. If they thought telling the truth would help their cause, they would. Right now, it’s just a cover story.

They are butchers, what they say about their butchery is unimportant. We need to keep that it’s who they are and what they are doing that tells us who they are.

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Israel can only be changed through violence. Anyone finally seeing the lights come on hasn't been paying attention for the last 20, 30, 40 and more years. Just read the hundred year old statements by zionism's founders and all the jewish backers of zionist Israel in the UK and US. Nothing new, everything right there in front for all to see. There are no jewish zionist victims. They won't change, won't be convinced to modify their genocidal nature, because they can't. Instead, Zionists, including non-jewish zionists, throughout the world must be brought to justice. The question is how many who oppose zionism must die before a moral world power settles the score.

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Even if by some miracle, Israel decides to stop its violent rampage, what then? Millions of their citizens have already left. The majority of the world has condemned Israel for its violence. And a year of complete lies has destroyed any credibility Israel once had with the rest of the world.

I guess we're all waiting now to see what happens if Israel really is stupid enough to hit Iran yet again. It's almost certain Iran will respond, but this time without warning and with far more force.

But maybe Israel will wait it out. And just keep the murderfest up in GAZA and Lebanon? And even attack U.N. forces. What then? Are we just going to watch this drag out for another year?

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Hi Jamenta, why would Israel stop its rampage now, after 75 years of it? If a miracle stopped it , it wouldn't be Israel anymore cos Israel is a settler colonist state secured by constant violence, supported by Western, particularly German, guilt over the Holocaust and funded by white supremacist fossil fuel barons in the US- if this Israel/unsinkable aircraft carrier in the oil rich area went- they couldn't invent another one. Not now BRICS is rising.

They can't stop and they can't continue. I think there will be more exchanges with Iran, the Yemen stranglehold on the economy will continue.

After the election and Ukraine has been dumped, though with many refugees (possibly the neonazis) flooding into the EU- I think this draining hot potato of a failing economy will somehow be dumped (though with lots of Zionists flooding the EU and US).

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In the last 150 years or so Germany committed and supported several genocides (Africa, WW1, WW2, etc.). The last one supporting Israel over some fake "guilt" is the most pervert one. Now beating up and jailing peaceful demonstrators who are protesting genocide in Palestine. One could easily think that genocides and mass murder are in the German blood and genes. No words to describe this perversion.

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Of course, Israel and its mouthpieces were consciously lying the entire time, about everything.

They know, they know we know, they know that as long as we are unable to do anything about it, it makes no difference, any more than a barroom bully needs a different excuse to start a fight, and if no excuse is available, he just starts one.

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I am in my 96th year and have been involved in many wars But Gaza is something else again. I am in my96th yea rand never had a hero before,On yer Caitlin

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Zionists are psychopaths.Not everyZionists of course but the vast majority Very few people are born as psychopaths and the way they deteriorate into that state is by being with and imitating their psychopathic mentor mates in an approved psychopathic background and much of he US and all of the Israeli armies fit that description. Gaza is the showground for psychopaths to perform in and to show their mates how it done.

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All Jews are complicit.

I don't see any mass condemnation of the genocide by Jews.

Fuck the lot of them.

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If you don’t see the many Jews speaking out, getting arrested, writing, demonstrating, etc., then, forgive me for saying this, but you are looking in the wrong places. Here are a few examples of what you have not been seeing:

Gideon Levy, at Haaretz, Glenn Greenwald, on Rumble, Norman Finkelstein, his website, and many interviews, Katie Halper, on Patreon and YouTube, Max Blumenthal, at The Gray Zone, Aaron Maté, many places, including Judge Napolitano’s show, Alon Mizrahi, his Substack, R.J. Escow, his Substack, Amy Goodman, on Democracy Now…the list goes on.

There really is no factual basis on which to hold that position.

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There are 7 million in the US.

Not even 0.1% are raising their voices against what their governments (sic) are doing.

The vast majority want to see the Palestinians eliminated from their land and Israel to expand its borders to the river.

Jews have a complete contempt for Arabs and judge them to be an inferior race. Just talk to them. I have.

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Not Jews, Zionists - Jewish AND Christian ones (and all the other kinds of Zionists that support Israel)

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Of course all Jews are NOT complicite .Many are protesting the slaughter all over the world. Many Jews were silent and some even complicite in the mass murder of their fellows by the German Third Reich almost a century ago. There are always a few bad apples in any barrel.

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In this case there are a couple of good apples in the festering mass of bad ones.

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How quaint of Israel to tacitly admit Sinwar was in no tunnel, in no school, hospital, refugee camp, in the midst of civilians, or all the rest of lies they have been feeding us not only last year, but along with the US the last two and a half decades of "counter-terrorism" (actually large scale terrorism) propaganda. One would think this simple realization would single-handedly severely undermine the justification for all the massacres. Alas, cognitive dissonance is a powerful force, and people will just shut off facts from their brain when inconvenient to their worldview. Even though all the visible "terrorists" are in the battlefield, invisible ones will keep being invented "hidden" in order for the invaders to murder scores of innocent people in the most gruesome ways imaginable.

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There is no point in anything the Israeli military does. It’s all madness. They commit crimes to cover up their crimes. And my country, the USA, is guilty, is implicated, in the same shit. The USA has always had the potential of redemption, yet here we are standing victorious over the bodies of children…

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I’m sure it is insane, but to quote the Bard, “Though this be madness, yet there’s method in’t.”

There are important objectives being pursued here, which are more than willing to use that madness to their own ends. Of course, madness is the tiger once grasped, cannot be let go of without serious consequences. Dismissing it all as madness underestimates what we are dealing with.

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The methodical reality of Israeli madness can be traced back to the source not only of their weapons but of their fundamental torment and hate. Which is the sociopathic and psychopathic disconnect of the US ruling elite with humanity. Take away this evil impetus ($) and Israel would crumble. Take away this evil impetus ($) from the US Congress and it might regain some vestige of its integrity.

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Caitlin,Thank you! You have said it for me, and no doubt for many others. For, today I am unable to find the words to express my feelings of anger, sadness, frustration and the injustice of it all. Israel has targeted and murdered another liberation fighter - and there have been many down the colonial era to the present day - and the West is rejoicing., befitting their values, their way of life no doubt.

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