What strikes me is here you are, riddled by bedbugs and staring down eviction, yet you list multiple globe-spanning manifestations of political idiocy with absolute clarity while so many here in the US living in supreme comfort appear to be self-hypnotized nincompoops. I can't quite make out the correlation, if there is one.

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true! a one-woman-think-tank!

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Careful. I believe think tank is an insult these days, but if it gets her on CNN, then I'm all for it.

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The US interest in the Horn of Africa is related to the fact that the Strait of Hormuz is a vital oil choke point.

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The Horn of Africa is happening right before our eyes now starting with Clinton's "black hawk down".


The US new global military posture is based on: "We have security, let chaos reign" ie, "Habemus Securitatem, Chaos Regnabit".


To understand it, you have to understand the rise of the 2nd world. There are two worlds: 1) the OECD wealthy northern countries. 2) the relatively newly risen 2nd world (which also includes pieces of the 3rd): china, brics, Argentina, etc. It would be natural for the 2nd world to want to turn to the resource states independent of US involvement, for further development. The purpose is to sow utter chaos in the resource states. Chaos comes cheap. And Australia, US, Canada, UK are all island nations with big oceans as firewalls.

LIsten to this, this is policy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQIjGh9s4eg

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Says something about the nasty nature of America, that the large majority of Cubans, so close to the USA, have very little interest in getting there even after receiving 60+years of direct, illegal warfare and terrorism. The memory of the American boot from before the revolution fades slowly, because it kicked often, viciously, and stupidly.

ASPI paid (hope it's paid, but it is stupid) trolls in 1 2 3...

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I'm pretty sure that that's what the Bay of Pigs affair was all about. Been there, did that?

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I think Albert E (or Narcotics Anonymous) covered this in his/their aphorism on insanity. I tend to lean toward Narcotics Anonymous. The CIA is a big part of the drug trade, so America's war on drugs should be a war against the CIA. Instead they keep trying the wrong approach, which helps the CIA dominate the market. It's similar cordyceps infecting an ant colony, looks like Oz has an infection in Canberra.

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Thanks -- the last three paragraphs are poetic and profound

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Maybe the people who fall into the "safe-dangerous" category such as yourself play an important role. Had to give a "like" for the tweet about GG and Rogan and Biden being a Marxist.

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