1. Most self-styled journalists are in fact glorified PR agents. They have the same function as Renaissance courtiers, but without the colorful outfits or the self-awareness that they in fact perform a similar function with respect to power as fluffers.
2. The much-hyped Mueller Report states that the Internet Research Agency was a "commercial operation". The DoJ was forced to dismiss its much ballyhooed indictment under threat of judicial sanctions, when it was unable to demonstrate any link between the Agency and the Russian government.
In other words, we ramped up tensions with a nuclear power over a click bait troll farm.
3. Even taking the allegations of Muh Foreign Influence as given, all this boils down to is that no Russian person ever may express an opinion or preferred outcome regarding U.S. elections or policy, lest some unsuspecting American overhear and be led astray.
This is doubly ironic, considering that the United States has by far the largest and most sophisticated propaganda apparatus of all time.
"In other words, we ramped up tensions with a nuclear power over a click bait troll farm."
Indeed, although you say that as though this is a bug and not a feature. I can assure you that the western political elites view it as the latter.
Russiagate, MH17, Skripal, the ginned up "Russian gas attack" assertions provided by terrorists in the US employ and the attendant OCPW coverup, the Navalny novichok attack melodrama, and last but by no means not least, the serial liar William Browder's outrageously fraudulent Magnitsky fairy tale, are all manufactured provocations, all combined with which to both damage Russia's public image on the world stage and to ultimately compel a reaction, which brings is to where we are today.
Of course, a Scary Enemy is needed, both as a means of deflecting calls for reform (we don't have time for that now, and besides, we can't afford it! Don't you know, we gotta fight Saddam/Milosevic/Assad/Khamenei/Saddam again/Bin Laden/Kim/Xi/Putin?) and as an excuse for domestic crackdowns (if you are against the latest expansion of the so-called "Patriot Act" then you are on the side of the terrorists!)
Thank you for the "Most". There are journalist and journalist organs like the Grayzone who fall outside that definition, as in they are rare.
Key identifiers of who are among the "most" include do they work for a large corporation, do they have a lot of school debt from Journalism at Columbia or other CIA agent training grounds, etc. A user of information (vs. a consumer, who just craps it back out later) has to skill themselves in how to detect Qui Bono, Class Alignment, etc to sieve to whom the journalist works, ie: information peddler or a cattle feed shop.
When I investigate the funding sources for "news" that I find questionable and post the results online I'm almost always called a 'conspiracy theorist'. Never mind that all I'm doing is posting links TO THEIR OWN WEB SITE, I'm a whack-job conspiracy theorist.
"Journalists" are boot-licking soy bugmen and karens. As Orwell said, "He was a fattish but active man of paralysing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms – one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the Party depended." NYT Editor Carlos Tejada "died suddenly" the day after getting a booster, but the NYT will never investigate its Big Pharma Masters: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-spot-a-soy-bugman-part-2
The best argument that explodes the myth of foreign interference in US politics in general, and US elections in particular, is the fact that after any election since 1962 US foreign policy has not changed. At least not noteworthy.
Only one country has meddled in every US election since 1964. I call it the little squatter state in the Middle East.
There may be fawning mutual support among Western journalists, but they are playing ultimately to the shadow state, and their fraternal kudos are a form of denial: it allows them to feel they are autonomous free -thinking supporters of a superior system, when they are nothing but pawns and liars.
I wonder what sort of dream land these MSM fake ass journalist who just spew out what they are told to say like puppets live in. Must not be much of a dream land being they seem to have no mind of their own.
They are NOT interested in the facts if the facts threaten their livelihood. Therein lies the problem. They're not serving you, they're looking after their mortgages, car payments, etc.
I battled this for more than three decades while working as a reporter for MSM. To my face, they said "good job" with the national awards, but behind my back, it was a different story.
The MSM is a cesspool and for those still in the game, the shit is up to their necks.
Maybe so, but what good is money when you are hanging from a lamppost?
And frankly, from a jurisprudence standpoint all this journalist who have espoused word-for-word the lies of their masters, are guilty of a grave crime for which the punishment ought be full of recompense equivalent.
So I propose that any journalist out there wants to commence a debate with yours truly regarding the propaganda they been spewing, then after I decimate them in debate....maybe their life will be spared?
Because little do they know tis a life and death situation we find ourselves in and they are big part of the cause of this unfortunate situation, but they sure as hell are gonna get some recompense for their chosen acts to be puppets of others nefarious and the punishment for that is death.
you must realize there are so many more of us then there are of them and if they give up their principle and then wish harm upon others, the fate they get will be even more deserved.
The difference between the Roman empire and the US empire? The Romans knew they lived in an empire. Acknowledging the truth, taking the red pill, waking up can feel very uncomfortable.
"Cloistered incestuous circle jerk" may possibly be the most accurate analogy ever. And it rolls right off the tongue. I mean, you want to wash your tongue afterward, but still...very effective. In all seriousness, it really does say it all. Thanks for all the analysis. You really hit the nail on the head so many times.
Lackies, boot lickers, Stasi, snitches, congenital liars, ass kissers, weasels, bottom dwellers, low life, rats who willingly live in the sewer and describe it as paradise.
The Washington Post's readership, to be honest, appears to be a bunch of nut cases without hope, at least judging from comment threads... so, at least in this sense, there is little Starks could have done :)
It sure looks that way. But I think the majority of the halfwitted commenters on WaPo are brought to you courtesy of the US military and are much more aware than they let on.. If they make bald unsupported claims, esp. about China, and if they don’t engage you , provide no attempt at rebuttal and never provide a link, suspicions should be heightened.
Many of those commentators are locals and other wannabes auditioning for one or the other church choir, so to speak, in the hope that their Party betters will recognize and uplift them for their righteousness, or at least owe them a favor at the ward level. That much is plain old machine politics.
That said, IPSO/NAFO are no doubt there in force to keep the sphere of acceptable discourse centered on themselves.
Western journalist acting toadying toe the line of their tycoon bosses. They are receiving lucrative salaries, millions of dollars, to acting slavishly, these journalists even adopted their bosses mentality. Corporate control media and the production and the dissemination of news. We are bombarded every day by the plan lesson of corporate war industry outlet of communication, CIA, Pentagon, and their branches of government that are acting in tandem to shape our reasoning and views.
The narrative machines across our corrupt society have become so entrenched, they're all many know, both the victims and the sycophant functionaries. As easy to believe them incapable of reasoning outside of it, as deliberately duplicitous. They can justify the censorship of any dissonant suggestion, with unexamined reactionary self-righteousness and amplify the most unlikely lie without a thought, assuring the approval of their echo chambers and paymasters.
And any who confront their hypocrisy, are the pariah in this upside-down, fatally flawed horror show. Reasoned assessment of the trends over decades and especially our accellerated corruption since they got away with the '08 financial criminality, cause me to believe it's now time to turn to #DirectAction for #Essential Needs and forge #TrustedCommunities.
And please get, there's no reason to believe the machine will change course significantly. The steering is being done, by unaddressed, inherent, human irrationality, being manipulated by psychopathic narcissism and greed, unfettered by any effective, timely countering process. We're undergoing the empire's collapse accelerating, yet filtered by endless denial.
"The most important reporting a journalist can do in the western world today is help expose the lies, propaganda and malpractice of other western journalists and news outlets. But that is also the last thing a western journalist is ever likely to do, because western journalists seek praise and approval not from the public, but from other western journalists."
Spot on. What has the public's right to know got to do with their journalistic efforts? Nada it seems. Journalists in the mainstream media/propaganda farms exist only for the sole pleasure of their corporate masters. Bootlicking doesn't come close to what they're doing. You were correct to call it a "circle jerk," except you'd have to include the corporate masters in the circle as well.
We as a people through our tacit programmed support, have bred generations of sociopaths that are raised up through the ranks to become influencers of our own programming, through the cult of personality. Totalitarian Feed back loop.
Stop birthing psychopaths. Only women can stop the lemming like march toward total trans-humanism by not nurturing Psychopaths. We are all being used.
1. Most self-styled journalists are in fact glorified PR agents. They have the same function as Renaissance courtiers, but without the colorful outfits or the self-awareness that they in fact perform a similar function with respect to power as fluffers.
2. The much-hyped Mueller Report states that the Internet Research Agency was a "commercial operation". The DoJ was forced to dismiss its much ballyhooed indictment under threat of judicial sanctions, when it was unable to demonstrate any link between the Agency and the Russian government.
In other words, we ramped up tensions with a nuclear power over a click bait troll farm.
3. Even taking the allegations of Muh Foreign Influence as given, all this boils down to is that no Russian person ever may express an opinion or preferred outcome regarding U.S. elections or policy, lest some unsuspecting American overhear and be led astray.
This is doubly ironic, considering that the United States has by far the largest and most sophisticated propaganda apparatus of all time.
"In other words, we ramped up tensions with a nuclear power over a click bait troll farm."
Indeed, although you say that as though this is a bug and not a feature. I can assure you that the western political elites view it as the latter.
Russiagate, MH17, Skripal, the ginned up "Russian gas attack" assertions provided by terrorists in the US employ and the attendant OCPW coverup, the Navalny novichok attack melodrama, and last but by no means not least, the serial liar William Browder's outrageously fraudulent Magnitsky fairy tale, are all manufactured provocations, all combined with which to both damage Russia's public image on the world stage and to ultimately compel a reaction, which brings is to where we are today.
Of course, a Scary Enemy is needed, both as a means of deflecting calls for reform (we don't have time for that now, and besides, we can't afford it! Don't you know, we gotta fight Saddam/Milosevic/Assad/Khamenei/Saddam again/Bin Laden/Kim/Xi/Putin?) and as an excuse for domestic crackdowns (if you are against the latest expansion of the so-called "Patriot Act" then you are on the side of the terrorists!)
What could ever possibly go wrong?
Thank you for the "Most". There are journalist and journalist organs like the Grayzone who fall outside that definition, as in they are rare.
Key identifiers of who are among the "most" include do they work for a large corporation, do they have a lot of school debt from Journalism at Columbia or other CIA agent training grounds, etc. A user of information (vs. a consumer, who just craps it back out later) has to skill themselves in how to detect Qui Bono, Class Alignment, etc to sieve to whom the journalist works, ie: information peddler or a cattle feed shop.
The words "veal pen" come prominently to mind.
When I investigate the funding sources for "news" that I find questionable and post the results online I'm almost always called a 'conspiracy theorist'. Never mind that all I'm doing is posting links TO THEIR OWN WEB SITE, I'm a whack-job conspiracy theorist.
You can not
hope to bribe or twist,
Thank God!
the British Journalist,
but seeing what the man will do
there's no reason to.
--Humbert Wolfe, 1885-1940.
Not "we", pal.
"Journalists" are boot-licking soy bugmen and karens. As Orwell said, "He was a fattish but active man of paralysing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms – one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the Party depended." NYT Editor Carlos Tejada "died suddenly" the day after getting a booster, but the NYT will never investigate its Big Pharma Masters: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-spot-a-soy-bugman-part-2
The best argument that explodes the myth of foreign interference in US politics in general, and US elections in particular, is the fact that after any election since 1962 US foreign policy has not changed. At least not noteworthy.
Only one country has meddled in every US election since 1964. I call it the little squatter state in the Middle East.
please....help if you can:
(last congressional session).
screenshot of youtube video by IRMEP of title given in pic
The title alone was enough to make me like this.
And apparently we, or many of us, never grow out of being susceptible to peer pressure the way I used to think we did.
Community standards are just peer pressure we happen to like.
There may be fawning mutual support among Western journalists, but they are playing ultimately to the shadow state, and their fraternal kudos are a form of denial: it allows them to feel they are autonomous free -thinking supporters of a superior system, when they are nothing but pawns and liars.
I wonder what sort of dream land these MSM fake ass journalist who just spew out what they are told to say like puppets live in. Must not be much of a dream land being they seem to have no mind of their own.
They are NOT interested in the facts if the facts threaten their livelihood. Therein lies the problem. They're not serving you, they're looking after their mortgages, car payments, etc.
I battled this for more than three decades while working as a reporter for MSM. To my face, they said "good job" with the national awards, but behind my back, it was a different story.
The MSM is a cesspool and for those still in the game, the shit is up to their necks.
It's a dreamland of reliable money in an reliable peer community with reliable institutional credentials. Quite a prosaic dream, if you ask me.
Maybe so, but what good is money when you are hanging from a lamppost?
And frankly, from a jurisprudence standpoint all this journalist who have espoused word-for-word the lies of their masters, are guilty of a grave crime for which the punishment ought be full of recompense equivalent.
That suggests lamppost to me - what you think?
The journalists who espoused the lies of the masters are betting you'll be one hanging from the lamppost
ok yeah - game on!
So I propose that any journalist out there wants to commence a debate with yours truly regarding the propaganda they been spewing, then after I decimate them in debate....maybe their life will be spared?
Because little do they know tis a life and death situation we find ourselves in and they are big part of the cause of this unfortunate situation, but they sure as hell are gonna get some recompense for their chosen acts to be puppets of others nefarious and the punishment for that is death.
you must realize there are so many more of us then there are of them and if they give up their principle and then wish harm upon others, the fate they get will be even more deserved.
The difference between the Roman empire and the US empire? The Romans knew they lived in an empire. Acknowledging the truth, taking the red pill, waking up can feel very uncomfortable.
"Cloistered incestuous circle jerk" may possibly be the most accurate analogy ever. And it rolls right off the tongue. I mean, you want to wash your tongue afterward, but still...very effective. In all seriousness, it really does say it all. Thanks for all the analysis. You really hit the nail on the head so many times.
Lackies, boot lickers, Stasi, snitches, congenital liars, ass kissers, weasels, bottom dwellers, low life, rats who willingly live in the sewer and describe it as paradise.
The Washington Post's readership, to be honest, appears to be a bunch of nut cases without hope, at least judging from comment threads... so, at least in this sense, there is little Starks could have done :)
It sure looks that way. But I think the majority of the halfwitted commenters on WaPo are brought to you courtesy of the US military and are much more aware than they let on.. If they make bald unsupported claims, esp. about China, and if they don’t engage you , provide no attempt at rebuttal and never provide a link, suspicions should be heightened.
Many of those commentators are locals and other wannabes auditioning for one or the other church choir, so to speak, in the hope that their Party betters will recognize and uplift them for their righteousness, or at least owe them a favor at the ward level. That much is plain old machine politics.
That said, IPSO/NAFO are no doubt there in force to keep the sphere of acceptable discourse centered on themselves.
Western journalist acting toadying toe the line of their tycoon bosses. They are receiving lucrative salaries, millions of dollars, to acting slavishly, these journalists even adopted their bosses mentality. Corporate control media and the production and the dissemination of news. We are bombarded every day by the plan lesson of corporate war industry outlet of communication, CIA, Pentagon, and their branches of government that are acting in tandem to shape our reasoning and views.
The narrative machines across our corrupt society have become so entrenched, they're all many know, both the victims and the sycophant functionaries. As easy to believe them incapable of reasoning outside of it, as deliberately duplicitous. They can justify the censorship of any dissonant suggestion, with unexamined reactionary self-righteousness and amplify the most unlikely lie without a thought, assuring the approval of their echo chambers and paymasters.
And any who confront their hypocrisy, are the pariah in this upside-down, fatally flawed horror show. Reasoned assessment of the trends over decades and especially our accellerated corruption since they got away with the '08 financial criminality, cause me to believe it's now time to turn to #DirectAction for #Essential Needs and forge #TrustedCommunities.
And please get, there's no reason to believe the machine will change course significantly. The steering is being done, by unaddressed, inherent, human irrationality, being manipulated by psychopathic narcissism and greed, unfettered by any effective, timely countering process. We're undergoing the empire's collapse accelerating, yet filtered by endless denial.
They have also gotten away with the NARRATIVES on Covid and Ukraine ... so far.
Not even journalists, copy typists. and cowards.
"The most important reporting a journalist can do in the western world today is help expose the lies, propaganda and malpractice of other western journalists and news outlets. But that is also the last thing a western journalist is ever likely to do, because western journalists seek praise and approval not from the public, but from other western journalists."
Spot on. What has the public's right to know got to do with their journalistic efforts? Nada it seems. Journalists in the mainstream media/propaganda farms exist only for the sole pleasure of their corporate masters. Bootlicking doesn't come close to what they're doing. You were correct to call it a "circle jerk," except you'd have to include the corporate masters in the circle as well.
We as a people through our tacit programmed support, have bred generations of sociopaths that are raised up through the ranks to become influencers of our own programming, through the cult of personality. Totalitarian Feed back loop.
Stop birthing psychopaths. Only women can stop the lemming like march toward total trans-humanism by not nurturing Psychopaths. We are all being used.
Just commenting for a friend.
Empire collapsing? Not yet. Don't kid yourself.