Yes they are the Merchants of Death. They destabilize Governments for the Benefit of the Greedy Multinational Corporations. Finance one Side supply weapons to Both . The Deaths and suffering of the People especially Women and Children are Just Collateral Damage in the Bigger Scheme of things.
Very true. And the sad part is the average American citizen doesn’t participate in any of that. In fact, our opinion is mostly, please stay out of the wars. Please focus on the needs of our people inside of our country. Please stop sending money and weapons overseas. It’s a small handful of globalist demonic pigs at the top who control everything, pushing the military industrial complex into these wars. Your everyday person wants nothing to do with this garbage.
Typical American Christian comment. You know the ones who can’t stand to have an abortion happen, but are onboard with genocide. As long as they aren’t white, it’s ok to kill them.
Yes, the real threat is not from the power of giant cartels wreaking total bloody havoc with human lives and the environment while enriching the very few: it's from scary commies and socialists.
A “commie” to one who would use the term is just another term for what other religions would call a sinner or a “demon”. Those were my words. The following words are from Kurt Vonnegut. “Socialism" is no more an evil word than "Christianity." Socialism no more prescribed Joseph Stalin and his secret police and shuttered churches than Christianity prescribed the Spanish Inquisition. Christianity and socialism alike, in fact, prescribe a society dedicated to the proposition that all men, women, and children are created equal and shall not starve.
Watching American propaganda at work for that not deriding China and Russia which are not communists now but people still think they are.
We all know that the US has 'used' Communism to scare people.
Does Satan scare many people. Only if one is religious.
Well if democrats call themselves 'leftists' ( some who have at least a bit of humanity do this !) why not characterise anti-racists , anti sexists , believers in human rights and all other well-meaning types as evil commies ? I have a born again Christian type friend who is very free with describing me and others as 'Satanists' . Why is she my friend - you may well ask !
YEAH!! Just like Chrissy said, “ Pussy ass bitch.. “ that Donald hasn’t seen in years.. unless you believe Laura Loomer is an actual, corporeal human! She Ain’t!! She’s either a blow up sex doll of dead Ivana OR a wind up automaton!!!
Then stop playing "sports". Make supporting ghoulish teams passe. You choice of government officials shouldn't be considered a "game." Vote your conscience. Support moral and compassionate candidates. And build guillotines to get rid of the sociopaths.
Yes, they do exist but not in the USA. 85% sponsored by AIPAC.
In all the Western vassal states, opposition voices do exist, but like all countries, the elections that are able to determine a possible change of policy, are some way off.
Germany’s election is recently past, as is France, the next in 2027. Canada is a year away. The UK, with its dismal result, just completed with a wait until 2029 before the voters can show their real concern. New Zealand not due until December 2026.
Australia, however, due in some months, but in country under tight control by militarised-looking state-centered police forces, harassing students as their speciality, with politicians possibly dictated to by the Zionist brigade to the point of absolute disgrace, unbelievable in fact, with a government who are so US oriented that that country could be the 51st State. Ask any member of that government what their attitude is to the genocide, the Israel butchery in Lebanon, the killings and rape in Palestine and you will never get an answer. One Senator did have a contrary opinion on a subject and was shuffled out of government. Freedom of speech? Not even in the government. This is Australia, 2024.
So that’s Australia, once a democracy, now a US controlled state full of US military activities, now forced to spend 380 billion dollars on nuclear submarines (2042 delivery) to make the US and UK even more wealthy. A country now nothing but a US whore. All the while the cost of living increases daily, education is beyond the young and health matters are at an ever increasing cost. Along with everything else.
But, on the plus side, the current government party called Labor, could soon to be dispensed with in no uncertain terms (hopefully early in 2025) and which may force them to have to team with the mirror-image Liberal Party, just to form a government. What a pairing that would be, answerable to and influenced by the Zionists in Sydney and Melbourne in what was once a free and democratic country. The numbers of independents may be the decider. Yes, a guess, but likely.
The possible resulting contribution to the routing of Israel from Palestinian lands…
So we have one Western government with an election which could make a difference coming soon. But afterwards, the same old US / Israel subservience.
It is just the way Australia has been since its foundation in 1788. First Britain until 1945, then the USA, a resulting disgraced country under the influence of a hegemonic USA and a genocidal Israel and populated with government sponsored holocaust museums. How did all that happen? What a frightening future.
An example in that same now feeble country, once respected, clearly a US puppet by any measure, they have a highly respected Australian journalist being challenged in a court by the Zionist Federation of Australia. Yes. It is unbelievable. What the hell is that bunch with the name Zionist doing in that country, one has to ask. The name Zionist alone, undoubtedly all with the same mental attitude as those Israeli and Jewish IDF volunteers and mercenaries from places like the USA now fighting in Lebanon and Palestine, killing everything in sight with the totally corrupted mainstream media hardly mentioning the massacres and deaths.
Israel and USA. Joint criminal partners in the deaths of multi-thousands with their dual-passported members living the high life in places like Australia and daring to preach to or challenge really respected and genuine Australians what is and what isn’t acceptable to them.
The Green Party, the DSA, and other parties aren’t bought by AIPAC. They exist and should be voted for, but wouldn’t be allowed to win, even if they received the most votes. I would bring light to the fact THE US ISN’T A DEMOCRACY.
That's right, because the politicians are just puppets of Big Oil and the Rockefellers. All this hot air about politicians and parties, what a waste of time- it's the power (and propaganda) of the fossil fuel cartels that we should be focusing on.
US Democracy is the Rape and Pillage of other Countries Resources Using the CIA to destabilize and Remove the leadership. Then in walk the Corporations Stripping the assets . US Democracy at its Finest . Then they have the Audacity to say they are a Christian Country.
Contrarian, you've said it! Australia has become a supine, spineless lackey of Uncle Sam, an utter embarrassment. Our two major (hopefully soon to be minor) parties are largely two sides of the same coin, with one slightly better at pretending to act in the best interests of the populace. They act for big-end-of-town lobbyists, domestically and internationally. We are really The Plutocratic States of Australia. If we do not increase our distance from the US, fast, it will not end well. Our mealy-mouthed pronouncements on Israeli war crimes are to be abhorred; our craven response to Zionist pressure is simply awful. We are complicit in the bastardry being committed in Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon. Your question, Contrarian, is perfectly justied, with a slight edit, Who the hell do we think we are?
Yes exactly, David Baird and Contrarian. We have been the 51st State for years as I’ve said on other ‘stacks’. Absolutely appalling and shameful. I am SO angry with nowhere to focus anger that would result in ANY meaningful policy change on either woeful support of climate wreckers or the deliberate heinous ever expanding Israeli regional carnage. Yes I vote Green and protest march for Palestine - what else can I do? My friends - the few I have left - will not engage - except in a sort of ‘head dropping’ - yes isn’t this awful way - but then go back to their daily struggle to pay mortgages/rents/groceries etc. Keep the majority struggling and a country can do what it wants.
No, but my conscience and responsibility to the world and disgust for my government force me to vote for a moral choice, Jill Stein. And, should Trump win,, I'm so ready for all the blaming voice coming at me.
Are you for real? Jill Stein is a liberal Zionist who just accused the honourable Cynthia McKinney of being an "anti-semite" for saying that 9/11 was done by iSRAELI/MOSSAD agents. Cynthia was merely telling the truth. Wake up to the Zionist evil in America which is behind all the problems there including the hurricanes & floods, mass immigration and everything else. Take away the power of the Jews to print your money from nothing at the Federal Reserve and you will solve all the problems.
And WHO Sanctioned 9/11 money Grubbing US Gentile Politicians who allowed US Citizens to die .the Israelis are a useful Whipping boy but Gutless Spinless Gentile Politicians watched it happen and turned a Blind Eye.
Some might say if they were voting with their conscience they'd look at the American Solidarity Party. Either way; neither has a prayer in life. It will be one of the two major candidates.
As always, much gratitude to Caitlin and Tim for yet another excellent insightful and perfectly expressed perspective on the genocidal war machine we call “establishment” America. #AmericasWars #UKsWars #IsraelsWars #NATOsWars
"We’re the fucking terrorists. We are. All of us who live in the western power alliance who haven’t stopped our governments from backing this mass atrocity." - this should be qualified though. There are many who have known all this time that the so called "democracy" is a sham and in reality nothing meaningful can be done to subvert the system.
But they are tiny minority. Even Assange thought differently so one might excuse the majority somewhat. But the statement fully applies to that majority, who is either clueless or actively delusional.
I'm somewhat an outsider hence in a "privileged" position to have a wider outlook. Just like you are from what I read so far.
Most commenting public here is of a typical shitlib disposition so prepare to be assaulted every time. The global reading public I hope is more reasonable.
Anyone who would willingly vote for either of the 2 warmongering, genocidal (Innocent Women & Children Killing) war criminals Kamala Harris or Donald Trump is “Sick In The Head!”
And deep down in that sick brainwashed brain, they know it!
And them being sick in the brain makes all their comments and opinions completely WORTHLESS!
I would go even further and say that anyone who votes is sick in the head. A vote implies agreement with the system itself which is rotten to its core.
Voting for either is an immoral act, because you are voting for a racist, genocidal, colonial regime. Neither party gives a damn about the proletariat, yet people flock to them like they are some savior. All they do is steal our tax money by buying bombs from the weapons manufacturers for Israel and Ukraine, among other avenues that they steal from the poor and give to the rich. These parties are sick to their core, and at this point I don’t think one is better than the other. There is no lesser of two evils, just the same evil acting like they are somehow different. VOTING FOR A DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN IS AN IMMORAL ACT AND AGAINST YOUR BEST INTEREST!!!
Good lord! The replies to the tweet about Biden saying that he’s a great friend of Israel. The only thing that he could have done more for Israel is to send our planes over there to bomb Gaza. He’s already had our intelligence planes there to help Israel’s targeting of civilians.
I am so disgusted with my fellow Americans. Disgusted isn’t a strong enough word.
The truth is not propaganda. Look at the ruins in Gaza and pretend this is anything but murder — mass graves, blockades on food, clean water, medical supplies, and the torture of prisoners. Justifying this, Zionists rely on propaganda, slogans, the pretense that somehow God backs them up (when it’s only Uncle Sam and the neocons) and years of crafting a false history of “heroic freedom fighters.” They’ve been very successful — I’ll give them that — but nothing changes the truth no matter how much they try to twist the facts.
The US has 2 types of terrorists under the patriot act.
If you speak out in opposition of domestic government policies you are a domestic terrorist. If you speak out against US government foreign policy you are an agent of a terrorist organization abroad and therefore a terrorist.
“One of the most striking revelations of that war was the age of the men who entered it. It has often been commonly said that great wars are planned by old men and fought by young men. Statistics show that more than two million of the men who enlisted in the Civil war were under 20 years of age and that 150,000 were under 14 years of age.”
It's not black and white Finn. Governments do serve an essential service and some governments do provide what a civilized country needs.
The problem we have in the US is not government itself, but the corruption of government by obscenely wealthy people. We have an Oligarchy not a Democracy. That is the problem here - not "governments" in general. That's a red herring used by the Billionaires to destroy whatever civilized country we Americans have left.
Who's claiming that the US is a democracy? [I certainly didn't]
The problem in the US is ongoing because it's citizens still haven't figured out how to turn things around.
The US was never a Democracy to begin with - War is a racket and the US has been at war for at least 93% of the time since the famous declaration of independence.
If you like paying $20/gallon for gasoline, you are gonna love a direct US war with Iran. And that will seem like a bargain when the global economy shudders to a stop.
"This election cycle is mostly just Republicans and Democrats having a “who will give Israel more genocide weapons to start World War III” contest."
Bingo! That's why I've tuned out all advertisements and "newscasts" from the mainstream media. There's no need to waste time and energy listening to these genocidal maniacs trying to outdo each other.
"A direct war with Iran would be a nightmare". I agree, but a direct war with any country that has nuclear capability would be an even bigger nightmare than we are already experiencing. They have devastated Gaza, murdered thousands of children there, and now they are working on Lebanon. The nightmare is only getting more intense. And very few terrorists are dying.
Has IsraHell responded to Iran’s attack, which took out Mossad HQ and several airfields?
Times have changed, Bro. Iran now has Russia on its side. If the Izzies dare touch Iran, IsraHell’s gonna be a nice parking lot for the Palestinian people.
Occi, I really do not appreciate this game show kind of questioning. If you need clarification, ask. The article is called "WE are the fucking terrorists." Does that answer your question? Do I win the prize now?
you know nothing at all about me. I could be from the Middle East, I could be from Hong Kong, I could be from India, I could be from anywhere. But you make your judgments and decisions about me like you probably do about others and you don't give them or yourself a chance to get to any kind of understanding at all.
that is not what I said. I said I COULD be. I don't care what you believe because you judge me and probably others without knowing who you are judging. I am tired of that attitude. It is prevalent all over the place and you have obviously lived somewhere to pick it up.
Occi - again, you are generalizing. You are WAY OFF MARK here. Maybe direct your ANGER towards the appropriate people instead of the people here that are on the same side as you?
Maybe learn to know who are your enemies and who are your friends? There is no point in attacking friends. I'm not sure what you hope to gain here with your attitude and rhetoric.
Again, the fact that you think anyone is "toning" anyone means you didn't understand my comment. Maybe make an effort to understand, rather than venting your anger/frustration at the wrong crowd?
Here's a suggestion: Why don't you instead spend some time on Zionist substacks educating/enlightening the people there (that are in much need of truth) instead of preaching to the crowd here? Your time will be better spent and more productive/useful that way.
The Belgians did a Damn good Job Murdering ,Raping a Pillaging the Resources of the Congo .the Rest of the Would knew what was happening but did Bugger all. Nothing much have changed .
The Israeli Zionists have a dream. And that dream features implementing GREATER ISRAEL at the expense of the Islamic world and the American people. I'm the only person who will tell you that Zionists in our government and media are actively doing everything they can to put someone in the White House who will push the nuclear button on Israel's primary enemies, who are the only two obstacles to Israel achieving GREATER ISRAEL: Russia and Iran.
That's why Americans are subjected to constant 24/7/365/366 anti-Russia, anti-Iranian propaganda.
You have to be really stupid to subscribe to irrational Ziohatred of Russia, Iran and Palestinians.
You hit the nail on the head by listing nations with oil reserves!
This is NOT Israel's war. This is the war of the Empire to preserve control of Arabian Peninsula energy resources.
The Empire is already in an existential crisis, as the fiat money construct, that is the foundation of its hegemonic power is crumbling. Suffice to note:
- Inflation: Real YoY growth of your weekly supermarket bill not bs government data
- Depreciation: Fiat currencies vs. precious metals YoY depreciation 33%
Israel, the Empire's proxy for maintaining security of oil vassals on the Peninsula, has morphed from the "unsinkable aircraft carrier" to a "sinking carrier", as its weakness was exposed by its inability to subdue the Palestinian Resistance in a 140sqm flat strip that has been under siege for 19 years.
Losing control of the Arabian Peninsula oil reserves will crash the fiat currencies construct and bring an immediate end to the millennial empire.
War in Southwest Asia is thus a matter of life or death for the Empire. In this existential war, genocide and war crimes are irrelevant.
It will be a long bloody war. The empire will lose and humanity will be freed of this thousand year monster.
Terrorism, that is, political violence, begins with the invasion of territories where other people live and work, continues with the exploitation of other people's labor, and is justified by the propaganda of invaders and exploiters. The terrorist was not the slave Spartacus but his slave-owner Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sura.
This is what Jimmy Dore says all the time. The US is the biggest terrorist.
Yes they are the Merchants of Death. They destabilize Governments for the Benefit of the Greedy Multinational Corporations. Finance one Side supply weapons to Both . The Deaths and suffering of the People especially Women and Children are Just Collateral Damage in the Bigger Scheme of things.
Very true. And the sad part is the average American citizen doesn’t participate in any of that. In fact, our opinion is mostly, please stay out of the wars. Please focus on the needs of our people inside of our country. Please stop sending money and weapons overseas. It’s a small handful of globalist demonic pigs at the top who control everything, pushing the military industrial complex into these wars. Your everyday person wants nothing to do with this garbage.
It should be obvious by now that it does not matter what citizens want.
YOUR citizens should be looking at Economic News.
No, most Americans are convinced we’re the good guys. Propaganda works
Typical commie Denver comment
Typical American Christian comment. You know the ones who can’t stand to have an abortion happen, but are onboard with genocide. As long as they aren’t white, it’s ok to kill them.
They only care about fetuses. Once that kid’s actually born, it’s on its own.
Economic news right now dear Gypsy is what everyone should be watching.
Forget the 'claptrap' US News.
US is killing babies in Palestine while the US is centred on abortion.
asshole comment.
Butthurt comment ☝️
Hi my friend Crumpled! Just LOVE your speak and nom de plume! Enjoy your evening, my compatriot!!
Thank you for the compliment my friend!
Why is this a commie comment?
Think as I do or else I will call you Bad Name.
Yes, the real threat is not from the power of giant cartels wreaking total bloody havoc with human lives and the environment while enriching the very few: it's from scary commies and socialists.
What is a 'commie' in you mind?
A “commie” to one who would use the term is just another term for what other religions would call a sinner or a “demon”. Those were my words. The following words are from Kurt Vonnegut. “Socialism" is no more an evil word than "Christianity." Socialism no more prescribed Joseph Stalin and his secret police and shuttered churches than Christianity prescribed the Spanish Inquisition. Christianity and socialism alike, in fact, prescribe a society dedicated to the proposition that all men, women, and children are created equal and shall not starve.
Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country.
Well I am not Christian - at least partly because any Church is very , very male and usually does not believe men and women are created equals .
I don't think so:
Watching American propaganda at work for that not deriding China and Russia which are not communists now but people still think they are.
We all know that the US has 'used' Communism to scare people.
Does Satan scare many people. Only if one is religious.
Thanks for the comment.
The US like many Countries are now Fascist Totalitarian.
For some, politics is a religion. That was my point.
Well if democrats call themselves 'leftists' ( some who have at least a bit of humanity do this !) why not characterise anti-racists , anti sexists , believers in human rights and all other well-meaning types as evil commies ? I have a born again Christian type friend who is very free with describing me and others as 'Satanists' . Why is she my friend - you may well ask !
One of the many reasons I asked this is because I am quite certain most people in the US don't know what a Communist is!
There’s nothing wrong with communist comments because they wind up reactionaries which is good for the reactionaries spiritual development
STFU you barefoot, brainless redneck. Come get your buttnaked drunk mama out of my driveway, you pinko punkass bitch.
YEAH!! Just like Chrissy said, “ Pussy ass bitch.. “ that Donald hasn’t seen in years.. unless you believe Laura Loomer is an actual, corporeal human! She Ain’t!! She’s either a blow up sex doll of dead Ivana OR a wind up automaton!!!
Mate you have Issues that need addressing.
This response is deprived of insight from someone with nothing intelligent to say …
Western leaders are the terrorists, and we should support non Israel supporting politicians.
where is that non-Israel supporting politician anyway? I know he/she is here, but where?
Jill Stein of the Green Party doesn't support Israel.
Claudia de la Cruz
Are there any and will they win?
Support them and they could win. Either way, don't support genocidal maniacs.
Voting in the US is like team sports, it's all about your team WINNING, no matter what kind of ghouls its members are - because they are YOUR ghouls.
Then stop playing "sports". Make supporting ghoulish teams passe. You choice of government officials shouldn't be considered a "game." Vote your conscience. Support moral and compassionate candidates. And build guillotines to get rid of the sociopaths.
You are preaching to the choir, but yes.
Unfortunately that's simply not how many USians think about politics.
Yes, they do exist but not in the USA. 85% sponsored by AIPAC.
In all the Western vassal states, opposition voices do exist, but like all countries, the elections that are able to determine a possible change of policy, are some way off.
Germany’s election is recently past, as is France, the next in 2027. Canada is a year away. The UK, with its dismal result, just completed with a wait until 2029 before the voters can show their real concern. New Zealand not due until December 2026.
Australia, however, due in some months, but in country under tight control by militarised-looking state-centered police forces, harassing students as their speciality, with politicians possibly dictated to by the Zionist brigade to the point of absolute disgrace, unbelievable in fact, with a government who are so US oriented that that country could be the 51st State. Ask any member of that government what their attitude is to the genocide, the Israel butchery in Lebanon, the killings and rape in Palestine and you will never get an answer. One Senator did have a contrary opinion on a subject and was shuffled out of government. Freedom of speech? Not even in the government. This is Australia, 2024.
So that’s Australia, once a democracy, now a US controlled state full of US military activities, now forced to spend 380 billion dollars on nuclear submarines (2042 delivery) to make the US and UK even more wealthy. A country now nothing but a US whore. All the while the cost of living increases daily, education is beyond the young and health matters are at an ever increasing cost. Along with everything else.
But, on the plus side, the current government party called Labor, could soon to be dispensed with in no uncertain terms (hopefully early in 2025) and which may force them to have to team with the mirror-image Liberal Party, just to form a government. What a pairing that would be, answerable to and influenced by the Zionists in Sydney and Melbourne in what was once a free and democratic country. The numbers of independents may be the decider. Yes, a guess, but likely.
The possible resulting contribution to the routing of Israel from Palestinian lands…
So we have one Western government with an election which could make a difference coming soon. But afterwards, the same old US / Israel subservience.
It is just the way Australia has been since its foundation in 1788. First Britain until 1945, then the USA, a resulting disgraced country under the influence of a hegemonic USA and a genocidal Israel and populated with government sponsored holocaust museums. How did all that happen? What a frightening future.
An example in that same now feeble country, once respected, clearly a US puppet by any measure, they have a highly respected Australian journalist being challenged in a court by the Zionist Federation of Australia. Yes. It is unbelievable. What the hell is that bunch with the name Zionist doing in that country, one has to ask. The name Zionist alone, undoubtedly all with the same mental attitude as those Israeli and Jewish IDF volunteers and mercenaries from places like the USA now fighting in Lebanon and Palestine, killing everything in sight with the totally corrupted mainstream media hardly mentioning the massacres and deaths.
Israel and USA. Joint criminal partners in the deaths of multi-thousands with their dual-passported members living the high life in places like Australia and daring to preach to or challenge really respected and genuine Australians what is and what isn’t acceptable to them.
Who the hell do they think they are?
The Green Party, the DSA, and other parties aren’t bought by AIPAC. They exist and should be voted for, but wouldn’t be allowed to win, even if they received the most votes. I would bring light to the fact THE US ISN’T A DEMOCRACY.
It's not a democracy - it is an "OUR Democracy"
When they refer to "our democracy", they are referring to themselves. Not all of us. Just themselves.
That's right, because the politicians are just puppets of Big Oil and the Rockefellers. All this hot air about politicians and parties, what a waste of time- it's the power (and propaganda) of the fossil fuel cartels that we should be focusing on.
US Democracy is the Rape and Pillage of other Countries Resources Using the CIA to destabilize and Remove the leadership. Then in walk the Corporations Stripping the assets . US Democracy at its Finest . Then they have the Audacity to say they are a Christian Country.
Contrarian, you've said it! Australia has become a supine, spineless lackey of Uncle Sam, an utter embarrassment. Our two major (hopefully soon to be minor) parties are largely two sides of the same coin, with one slightly better at pretending to act in the best interests of the populace. They act for big-end-of-town lobbyists, domestically and internationally. We are really The Plutocratic States of Australia. If we do not increase our distance from the US, fast, it will not end well. Our mealy-mouthed pronouncements on Israeli war crimes are to be abhorred; our craven response to Zionist pressure is simply awful. We are complicit in the bastardry being committed in Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon. Your question, Contrarian, is perfectly justied, with a slight edit, Who the hell do we think we are?
Yes exactly, David Baird and Contrarian. We have been the 51st State for years as I’ve said on other ‘stacks’. Absolutely appalling and shameful. I am SO angry with nowhere to focus anger that would result in ANY meaningful policy change on either woeful support of climate wreckers or the deliberate heinous ever expanding Israeli regional carnage. Yes I vote Green and protest march for Palestine - what else can I do? My friends - the few I have left - will not engage - except in a sort of ‘head dropping’ - yes isn’t this awful way - but then go back to their daily struggle to pay mortgages/rents/groceries etc. Keep the majority struggling and a country can do what it wants.
Australia is an Overseas owned Corporation.The Police are Corporate Security. Fascism is in Control. Not Socialism.
No, but my conscience and responsibility to the world and disgust for my government force me to vote for a moral choice, Jill Stein. And, should Trump win,, I'm so ready for all the blaming voice coming at me.
Tell them to blame the people who voted for Trump.
I find no difference between between Harris and Trump anyways, except with Trump you see what you get.
Well understood.
Are you for real? Jill Stein is a liberal Zionist who just accused the honourable Cynthia McKinney of being an "anti-semite" for saying that 9/11 was done by iSRAELI/MOSSAD agents. Cynthia was merely telling the truth. Wake up to the Zionist evil in America which is behind all the problems there including the hurricanes & floods, mass immigration and everything else. Take away the power of the Jews to print your money from nothing at the Federal Reserve and you will solve all the problems.
And WHO Sanctioned 9/11 money Grubbing US Gentile Politicians who allowed US Citizens to die .the Israelis are a useful Whipping boy but Gutless Spinless Gentile Politicians watched it happen and turned a Blind Eye.
Some might say if they were voting with their conscience they'd look at the American Solidarity Party. Either way; neither has a prayer in life. It will be one of the two major candidates.
Sucketh dicketh. Ya know, like Vladdy’s lil peenie!!!
As always, much gratitude to Caitlin and Tim for yet another excellent insightful and perfectly expressed perspective on the genocidal war machine we call “establishment” America. #AmericasWars #UKsWars #IsraelsWars #NATOsWars
"We’re the fucking terrorists. We are. All of us who live in the western power alliance who haven’t stopped our governments from backing this mass atrocity." - this should be qualified though. There are many who have known all this time that the so called "democracy" is a sham and in reality nothing meaningful can be done to subvert the system.
But they are tiny minority. Even Assange thought differently so one might excuse the majority somewhat. But the statement fully applies to that majority, who is either clueless or actively delusional.
Mr. Bot, why do you love Trump? Why do you say shitlib more than anyone I’ve ever met? Why do you love fetus’s? Why are you my bitch
Many Westerners who agree with you lost all their social media accounts.
Because "democracy" needs protecting from alternative views. [/sarc].
I'm somewhat an outsider hence in a "privileged" position to have a wider outlook. Just like you are from what I read so far.
Most commenting public here is of a typical shitlib disposition so prepare to be assaulted every time. The global reading public I hope is more reasonable.
Sadly true.
Anyone who would willingly vote for either of the 2 warmongering, genocidal (Innocent Women & Children Killing) war criminals Kamala Harris or Donald Trump is “Sick In The Head!”
And deep down in that sick brainwashed brain, they know it!
And them being sick in the brain makes all their comments and opinions completely WORTHLESS!
I would go even further and say that anyone who votes is sick in the head. A vote implies agreement with the system itself which is rotten to its core.
And in a month that number will be revealed.
Voting for either is an immoral act, because you are voting for a racist, genocidal, colonial regime. Neither party gives a damn about the proletariat, yet people flock to them like they are some savior. All they do is steal our tax money by buying bombs from the weapons manufacturers for Israel and Ukraine, among other avenues that they steal from the poor and give to the rich. These parties are sick to their core, and at this point I don’t think one is better than the other. There is no lesser of two evils, just the same evil acting like they are somehow different. VOTING FOR A DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN IS AN IMMORAL ACT AND AGAINST YOUR BEST INTEREST!!!
Good lord! The replies to the tweet about Biden saying that he’s a great friend of Israel. The only thing that he could have done more for Israel is to send our planes over there to bomb Gaza. He’s already had our intelligence planes there to help Israel’s targeting of civilians.
I am so disgusted with my fellow Americans. Disgusted isn’t a strong enough word.
It is disappointing but not surprising.
Yes; and the fucking terrorists are pushing propaganda on fucking Zionist Bitcoin (BlackRock, politicians, Zionists, WEF, etc)
Propaganda is a fundamental 2 edged sword: one man’s truth is another’s propaganda rinse wash repeat
The truth is not propaganda. Look at the ruins in Gaza and pretend this is anything but murder — mass graves, blockades on food, clean water, medical supplies, and the torture of prisoners. Justifying this, Zionists rely on propaganda, slogans, the pretense that somehow God backs them up (when it’s only Uncle Sam and the neocons) and years of crafting a false history of “heroic freedom fighters.” They’ve been very successful — I’ll give them that — but nothing changes the truth no matter how much they try to twist the facts.
How does this make any sense, when one is an obvious lie and the other isn’t?
The US has 2 types of terrorists under the patriot act.
If you speak out in opposition of domestic government policies you are a domestic terrorist. If you speak out against US government foreign policy you are an agent of a terrorist organization abroad and therefore a terrorist.
Got it?
They kept it simple for us.
And they must be hard at work to simplify it even further.
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets - Voltaire.
“One of the most striking revelations of that war was the age of the men who entered it. It has often been commonly said that great wars are planned by old men and fought by young men. Statistics show that more than two million of the men who enlisted in the Civil war were under 20 years of age and that 150,000 were under 14 years of age.”
~Reverend E.W. Elstron, 1930
It's perfectly clear to me that governments simply do not function to serve the interest of the people they're pretending to represent.
It's not black and white Finn. Governments do serve an essential service and some governments do provide what a civilized country needs.
The problem we have in the US is not government itself, but the corruption of government by obscenely wealthy people. We have an Oligarchy not a Democracy. That is the problem here - not "governments" in general. That's a red herring used by the Billionaires to destroy whatever civilized country we Americans have left.
Who's claiming that the US is a democracy? [I certainly didn't]
The problem in the US is ongoing because it's citizens still haven't figured out how to turn things around.
The US was never a Democracy to begin with - War is a racket and the US has been at war for at least 93% of the time since the famous declaration of independence.
If you like paying $20/gallon for gasoline, you are gonna love a direct US war with Iran. And that will seem like a bargain when the global economy shudders to a stop.
But Exxon Mobil will soar in value. Buy their stock and get rich quick.
Good advice!
"This election cycle is mostly just Republicans and Democrats having a “who will give Israel more genocide weapons to start World War III” contest."
Bingo! That's why I've tuned out all advertisements and "newscasts" from the mainstream media. There's no need to waste time and energy listening to these genocidal maniacs trying to outdo each other.
Instead, I watch inspirational videos like this one:
Yes, We the People have the Power!
"A direct war with Iran would be a nightmare". I agree, but a direct war with any country that has nuclear capability would be an even bigger nightmare than we are already experiencing. They have devastated Gaza, murdered thousands of children there, and now they are working on Lebanon. The nightmare is only getting more intense. And very few terrorists are dying.
Do you mean the US terrorists?
what are the choices in terrorists these days?
Paraphrasing the late Yuri Bezmenov, "hot war is a stupid way to obtain your objective."
It should then be asked of Netanyahu, "what is your objective?"
I suspect it is something bigger than conquering and usurping Lebanon and Gaza.
Something bigger would be something like starting WW3 because he doesn't want to die before the apocalypse. He wants to see it.
They (NeoCons) and Netanyahu believe there is no better chance to attack Iran. They've been waiting for it twenty years.
Not any more, el Dragon.
Has IsraHell responded to Iran’s attack, which took out Mossad HQ and several airfields?
Times have changed, Bro. Iran now has Russia on its side. If the Izzies dare touch Iran, IsraHell’s gonna be a nice parking lot for the Palestinian people.
Occi, I really do not appreciate this game show kind of questioning. If you need clarification, ask. The article is called "WE are the fucking terrorists." Does that answer your question? Do I win the prize now?
you know nothing at all about me. I could be from the Middle East, I could be from Hong Kong, I could be from India, I could be from anywhere. But you make your judgments and decisions about me like you probably do about others and you don't give them or yourself a chance to get to any kind of understanding at all.
that is not what I said. I said I COULD be. I don't care what you believe because you judge me and probably others without knowing who you are judging. I am tired of that attitude. It is prevalent all over the place and you have obviously lived somewhere to pick it up.
Occi = troll
probably on JIDF payroll
>>" Your morality is all fucked up"
Occi - again, you are generalizing. You are WAY OFF MARK here. Maybe direct your ANGER towards the appropriate people instead of the people here that are on the same side as you?
Maybe learn to know who are your enemies and who are your friends? There is no point in attacking friends. I'm not sure what you hope to gain here with your attitude and rhetoric.
Again, the fact that you think anyone is "toning" anyone means you didn't understand my comment. Maybe make an effort to understand, rather than venting your anger/frustration at the wrong crowd?
Here's a suggestion: Why don't you instead spend some time on Zionist substacks educating/enlightening the people there (that are in much need of truth) instead of preaching to the crowd here? Your time will be better spent and more productive/useful that way.
The Belgians did a Damn good Job Murdering ,Raping a Pillaging the Resources of the Congo .the Rest of the Would knew what was happening but did Bugger all. Nothing much have changed .
Quite right. King Leopold’s genocidal brutality is often overlooked, because of the complexion of the skin of the victims …
The Israeli Zionists have a dream. And that dream features implementing GREATER ISRAEL at the expense of the Islamic world and the American people. I'm the only person who will tell you that Zionists in our government and media are actively doing everything they can to put someone in the White House who will push the nuclear button on Israel's primary enemies, who are the only two obstacles to Israel achieving GREATER ISRAEL: Russia and Iran.
That's why Americans are subjected to constant 24/7/365/366 anti-Russia, anti-Iranian propaganda.
You have to be really stupid to subscribe to irrational Ziohatred of Russia, Iran and Palestinians.
My Substack:
God bless you Caitlin
You hit the nail on the head by listing nations with oil reserves!
This is NOT Israel's war. This is the war of the Empire to preserve control of Arabian Peninsula energy resources.
The Empire is already in an existential crisis, as the fiat money construct, that is the foundation of its hegemonic power is crumbling. Suffice to note:
- Inflation: Real YoY growth of your weekly supermarket bill not bs government data
- Depreciation: Fiat currencies vs. precious metals YoY depreciation 33%
Israel, the Empire's proxy for maintaining security of oil vassals on the Peninsula, has morphed from the "unsinkable aircraft carrier" to a "sinking carrier", as its weakness was exposed by its inability to subdue the Palestinian Resistance in a 140sqm flat strip that has been under siege for 19 years.
Losing control of the Arabian Peninsula oil reserves will crash the fiat currencies construct and bring an immediate end to the millennial empire.
War in Southwest Asia is thus a matter of life or death for the Empire. In this existential war, genocide and war crimes are irrelevant.
It will be a long bloody war. The empire will lose and humanity will be freed of this thousand year monster.
Terrorism, that is, political violence, begins with the invasion of territories where other people live and work, continues with the exploitation of other people's labor, and is justified by the propaganda of invaders and exploiters. The terrorist was not the slave Spartacus but his slave-owner Publius Cornelius Lentulus Sura.