Tucker Carlson really gave it to AOC and her squad last night for being a bunch of phony progressives. That video of pissed off voters yelling for AOC to quit supporting Biden's war was terrific and long overdue. I wonder if any other networks covered it? Then Tucker took on that little punk in Kiev in his green muscle shirts, always demanding more US taxpayer money, while he hid behind a green screen. Tucker's response, "Up yours, pal" was classic.
No fan of Tucker Carlson here but am appreciating his coverage of the current conflict. However, I have to wonder if he will have the same views once the Republicans are back in power?
I believe he will. If you watch Tucker much, you'd see that he is just as critical of the Republicans as the Democrats - esp. when it comes to the neocons who actually run both parties.
She seems very bright, but she has some really horrible advisors. She opposed Amazon because she thought they were going to bring a bunch of warehouse jobs to her district, her staff knew that these were $100,000+ per year positions and that there was a major infrastructure upgrade at company expense in the package, but seems to not have told her that so she opposed $4.5 billion in jobs.
Equally she probably thinks that she's getting the real inside scoop on what's going on from the CIA/NSA/etc. I've seen the bulletins that Fatherland Security puts out, and they're Hollywood script level garbage. They should at least hire the writers from 'Burn Notice' so they can invent "threats" that are technically possible.
TLDR; When one is inside the DC "bubble" you really only know what you're being told, not what is actually going on. I suppose that's why they call it Brainwashington.
I live it. Amazon started here in Seattle, which is still its main headquarters. Terrible things happen, like tens of thousands of people getting paid six figures, complete renovation of rundown areas of town, millions of dollars donated by the company towards social services and public art, and massive company-paid infrastructure improvements. Who would ever want something like that? /s
I worked for AWS for five years and Amazon Corporate for four more doing their physical security, it was the best job that I've ever had and a great way to cap a career.
So, as usual, someone comes back at me, doubling down on their own views, without looking at the resources that I gave them, because it might present another point of view and cause them some cognitive dissonance.
You remind me of the many people in the 1980s who profited from Reagonomics and said, "I don't question, I'm just thankful," when millions of others were suffering. You don't question what Amazon did to Seattle, which has the third largest homeless population in America (which Fulfillment will tell you is caused by Amazon); you're just thankful that you yourself have prospered. You have about the same level of social consciousness as Amazon: no wonder you were successful there.
Note how Russia is misportrayed as a fascist theocracy when the target audience are liberals, and as Stalinist, when the target audience are conservatives.
The more I delve into the dynamics and history of the events that have led up to this state of affairs, the more I become convinced that our oligarchic rulers are the enemies of humankind. They have robbed and murdered millions of people for centuries, with no conscience, and no regrets. Why would anyone think our rulers would have beneficial intents for any citizen on Earth?
Lies are the very fabric of power, and power is in control of information. Most of official recorded history is a lie because of that fact. I was just reading case for Truman's exoneration on the basis of misinformation: he somehow was misled about the fact actual human beings lived in Hiroshima, and the same for Nagasaki. But his own quotes make it obvious he new the dreadful destructive power of the nuclear bomb, and what it would do to the Japanese: it had already been tested in New Mexico on 88 cattle (and some humans at a distance): did he figure we were made of different stuff? ForCS. It's really all so sickening. The constant lies, and undignified, mad grappling for power, even if that last, golden bauble comes with explosive power the world has never seen, and from which we will never recover.
I think the information war has next to nothing to do with events on the ground in the real war. The propaganda exists to keep Western populations quiescent and compliant, so that the Tweedledee and Tweedledum parties of all Western “democracies” can go on changing places while nothing much changes. The singular characteristic about nuclear war that distinguishes it from climate catastrophe economic depression and virtually all other man-made disasters is that it is just about the only one that can reach out to kill our otherwise untouchable oligarchs and the ruling elites who serve them. Not just their wealth and power but their very lives and the lives of those they care about (their heirs) will almost certainly die if they let things with Russia develop to nuclear war. Incidentally, Russian conventional weapons from hypersonics to Poseidon submarine drones are fully capable of taking out not only Wall St and DC but the Hamptons and Arlington as well. War with Russia, barring low probability miscalculations, is highly unlikely for the simple reason that our rulers love their lives and power too much to risk them so directly. It’s no perfect guarantee of course, but it’s enough of one for me to be able to sleep at night.
I think it is fine to get angry and even hate certain actions but not the actors. We need to follow the Golden Rule and treat all others like we would like to be treated. Love is the answer.
I wonder if there's any way we can get them to target only the Hamptons and all the places where the oligarchs and ruling elites live... Why not target Davos when all the billionaires gather? Kill several birds with one stone.
That is a very silly analysis lol. US hegemony is provoking war to maintain empire rule. If they were "colluding" then why is the US the only nation with almost 900 military bases most of which surround China and Russia?
Who are "they"? We know who in the US and the "enlightened" West wants an endless war - they don't hide and are very explicit about it. Who in Russia and China (if you include them in "they") wants that and why would they?
The beginnings of what is now taking place in regard to Russia/Ukraine go back to the coup we helped perpetrate in Ukraine during the Obama administration. The link below explains it all. I think if we had a Clinton win in 2016 we would be further along in regard to the outcome Obama was striving to obtain. The democrats bridged that gap by undermining Trump and most definitely the agenda he initially put forth of getting along with Russia. Russia-gate was implemented by the democrats to make sure such an agenda never happened.
Rump thought he could "get along with Russia" because he thought he could make money there, since he'd been laundering money for the Russian mob for a couple of decades. Narcissists don't do anything that doesn't benefit them personally.
How about getting along with Russia? I thought that was a very good idea he had, but the democrats wouldn't let him. Now it's pretty obvious why they wouldn't I once caught a little speech he gave to reporters after a meeting he had of some kind, where he berated our constant wars that kill millions of people and cost millions of dollars. No new war under Trump. Tell me, do you think things are a lot better under Biden that claims Putin has to go, and now we face the possibility of a nuclear war, and don't forget it was Obama, complicit with "Fascists, Nazi's, who put us at Ukraine's front door, not Trump.
If Rump had been invested in war stocks like Biden and Pelosi we'd be bogged down in a quagmire in Venezuela. It's just luck that his father gave him a real estate empire to bankrupt instead. Nice people who are actually interested in peace don't get to that level of society.
Not sure why you think "Putin has got to go", or who the frack you're going to replace him with. The only other viable candidates are a few oligarchs, mafia figures (there's a lot of overlap there), or a couple of generals who are super-nationalists. The people I worked with in Moscow said, "We don't like him much, but all the other alternatives are an order of magnitude worse so we'll vote for him again." The Russians are stuck with the "lesser evil", the same as we are.
Oh, by the way, it wasn't Obama who started shipping tons of weapons to Ukraine, it was Rump.
No one is saying that he may not have been corrupt in many ways regarding his business dealings, but I know nothing of that. All I know is that during his 4 years in office no wars in the 21st century. Now of course we may experience WWIII. Even Chomsky who had not one good word to say about Trump claimed he thought he, Trump, was the only one who get us out of this mess and prevent a nuclear war. https://eraoflight.com/2022/05/07/noam-chomsky-trump-is-only-western-statesman-pushing-to-end-war-in-ukraine/
I take a little comfort from the fact that slowly, but surely, there is starting to be a groundswell of criticism appearing in social media. That I’m not being downvoted or drowned in posts on Reddit or FB when critical about this proxy war.
It is equally sad and disappointing to understand just how many thousands of people there are who are actively aiding and abetting the spread of propaganda and working diligently to stifle the truth. I imagine many, or most, truly believe they are doing the right thing, but I also wonder how many of them really do know the truth, but are unwilling to accept it for fear of becoming an outcast from the group.
Right over the target, Caitlin. We need to stop this insanity now! Any fool recognizes that geopolitical conflicts are heavily nuanced and influenced by history and considerations that belie the simplicity of false dichotomies. It's not "you're either for Putin or your for the US (or Ukraine or whatever)." This from Jon Rappoport's October 13 substack:
So…something else is going on. Only a few hundred million people know what it is. Therefore, the string pullers who control the demented Biden should just step out of the shadows and say: "We don’t want the war to end. We’re helping to disable and destroy European economies who depend on Russian energy. It’s part of the wider plan to, yes, we admit it, install global governance. That’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a brutal fact.
"By extending the war, we’re also creating the false pretext that the US absolutely depends on Russian energy, and this is why we’re suffering from inflation.”
“The truth is, the war gives us the opportunity to shift from fossil fuels to alternatives that don’t exist. Get it? More destruction on the road to global takeover.”
Just come right out with it. It’s not a fucking secret. Only the terminally dim and the low level ideologues on the Left are clueless.
The Biden marionette is fronting for the war and ALL IT IMPLIES.
It’s no use asking for bold leadership from the White House for ending the war.
MANY MANY MANY people are going to have to speak up, in no uncertain terms. It’s called PRESSURE. It’s called rebellion.
"The weakest part of an empire that's held together by lies and manipulation is its lies and manipulations; that's why it's such an aggressively protected aspect of its power. And it happens to be the one part that anyone with a voice can attack, and attack effectively."
Amen and amen! That's why for the past 7 years we've kept publishing The Revolution Continues every week, rain or shine, experiencing depression or joy, in sickness or in health. The empire and its trolls may shadow-ban and censor us on social media, but they can't shut our voice down without our permission. While we're still breathing, we will use our voice! (Please follow us here on Substack at http:// therevolutioncontinues.substack.com )
Those 'anti-war' activists seen calling out AOC for exactly what she is - a puppet of the war-think-tank-media complex - are members of the Schiller Institute - the only think tank focussed on bringing an end to all this insanity. And you will probably think me insane for letting you know that we are working on conveying a meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin to sign the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons and to bring an end to the funding by the US State Department of the major weapons manufacturers - at that is where all these billions of dollars are being funnelled . Yes, you may heap scorn on my endorsement of Trump here, but can you tell me any other US leader who would have the sense to enter into direct talks. Forget Biden, as he is a geriatric puppet of the Deep State, and likewise Zelensky who works full time for the Zionsit cabal. Trump is key to this, like it or not.
"The following Excerpts from “America's Secret Establishment” by Antony C. Sutton, will help the readers understand what is the Hegelian dialectic process and how it’s been used by the elites throughout history to create favorable outcomes to further their agendas. "
I was thinking about A Few Good Men and the infamous "You can't handle the truth." line. Maybe subconsciously many Americans want to be number one in the world. They want the strongest military and security against any perceived threats to their privileged position. They want national security agencies working on their behalf and they don't want to know how they do it. They aren't aware that they think they are better than.
I found virtue signaling about vaccines really irritating, which has been transferred to war now.
I am a leftist (though I no longer prefer to use those misunderstood and divisive labels but sometimes I do.) I would not call the neolibs or even the progressives now leftwing.
Some on the right saw through the Covid narrative and are against endless war just as some on the left: Dore, Brand, Grayzone, Iversen, Rogan on Covid at least and Chomsky and Hedges on the war at least.
Actually, the mainstream, the neocons/libs are now all right-wing. The US installs right-wing dictatorships around the world. The oligarchs have more affinity or find easier to manipulate the right-wing.
Zelensky being filmed in front of a green screen while shaking the west down for money means we’re all living in a black mirror episode.
Funny how openly they advertised his hologram letting everyone know from now on it'll be impossible to say whether he's real or not.
More to this.
AOC's voters express their disappointment that she has been voting for nuclear war:
Tucker Carlson really gave it to AOC and her squad last night for being a bunch of phony progressives. That video of pissed off voters yelling for AOC to quit supporting Biden's war was terrific and long overdue. I wonder if any other networks covered it? Then Tucker took on that little punk in Kiev in his green muscle shirts, always demanding more US taxpayer money, while he hid behind a green screen. Tucker's response, "Up yours, pal" was classic.
No fan of Tucker Carlson here but am appreciating his coverage of the current conflict. However, I have to wonder if he will have the same views once the Republicans are back in power?
I believe he will. If you watch Tucker much, you'd see that he is just as critical of the Republicans as the Democrats - esp. when it comes to the neocons who actually run both parties.
Tucker is against this war because it distracts us from the war he wants with China.
She seems very bright, but she has some really horrible advisors. She opposed Amazon because she thought they were going to bring a bunch of warehouse jobs to her district, her staff knew that these were $100,000+ per year positions and that there was a major infrastructure upgrade at company expense in the package, but seems to not have told her that so she opposed $4.5 billion in jobs.
Equally she probably thinks that she's getting the real inside scoop on what's going on from the CIA/NSA/etc. I've seen the bulletins that Fatherland Security puts out, and they're Hollywood script level garbage. They should at least hire the writers from 'Burn Notice' so they can invent "threats" that are technically possible.
TLDR; When one is inside the DC "bubble" you really only know what you're being told, not what is actually going on. I suppose that's why they call it Brainwashington.
I hope you will read the book Fulfillment to see what goes wrong when Amazon lands in an area. Maybe AOC wasn't as far off as you think.
I live it. Amazon started here in Seattle, which is still its main headquarters. Terrible things happen, like tens of thousands of people getting paid six figures, complete renovation of rundown areas of town, millions of dollars donated by the company towards social services and public art, and massive company-paid infrastructure improvements. Who would ever want something like that? /s
I worked for AWS for five years and Amazon Corporate for four more doing their physical security, it was the best job that I've ever had and a great way to cap a career.
So, as usual, someone comes back at me, doubling down on their own views, without looking at the resources that I gave them, because it might present another point of view and cause them some cognitive dissonance.
You remind me of the many people in the 1980s who profited from Reagonomics and said, "I don't question, I'm just thankful," when millions of others were suffering. You don't question what Amazon did to Seattle, which has the third largest homeless population in America (which Fulfillment will tell you is caused by Amazon); you're just thankful that you yourself have prospered. You have about the same level of social consciousness as Amazon: no wonder you were successful there.
Note how Russia is misportrayed as a fascist theocracy when the target audience are liberals, and as Stalinist, when the target audience are conservatives.
lololol good point
The more I delve into the dynamics and history of the events that have led up to this state of affairs, the more I become convinced that our oligarchic rulers are the enemies of humankind. They have robbed and murdered millions of people for centuries, with no conscience, and no regrets. Why would anyone think our rulers would have beneficial intents for any citizen on Earth?
Lies are the very fabric of power, and power is in control of information. Most of official recorded history is a lie because of that fact. I was just reading case for Truman's exoneration on the basis of misinformation: he somehow was misled about the fact actual human beings lived in Hiroshima, and the same for Nagasaki. But his own quotes make it obvious he new the dreadful destructive power of the nuclear bomb, and what it would do to the Japanese: it had already been tested in New Mexico on 88 cattle (and some humans at a distance): did he figure we were made of different stuff? ForCS. It's really all so sickening. The constant lies, and undignified, mad grappling for power, even if that last, golden bauble comes with explosive power the world has never seen, and from which we will never recover.
I think the information war has next to nothing to do with events on the ground in the real war. The propaganda exists to keep Western populations quiescent and compliant, so that the Tweedledee and Tweedledum parties of all Western “democracies” can go on changing places while nothing much changes. The singular characteristic about nuclear war that distinguishes it from climate catastrophe economic depression and virtually all other man-made disasters is that it is just about the only one that can reach out to kill our otherwise untouchable oligarchs and the ruling elites who serve them. Not just their wealth and power but their very lives and the lives of those they care about (their heirs) will almost certainly die if they let things with Russia develop to nuclear war. Incidentally, Russian conventional weapons from hypersonics to Poseidon submarine drones are fully capable of taking out not only Wall St and DC but the Hamptons and Arlington as well. War with Russia, barring low probability miscalculations, is highly unlikely for the simple reason that our rulers love their lives and power too much to risk them so directly. It’s no perfect guarantee of course, but it’s enough of one for me to be able to sleep at night.
Have you seen the bunkers these ruling Elites have prepared for themselves?
Have you seen what happens when you pour concrete down the air shafts of those bunkers?
I think it is fine to get angry and even hate certain actions but not the actors. We need to follow the Golden Rule and treat all others like we would like to be treated. Love is the answer.
Since the ruling scum you described is going to burn too I'm able to sleep even with the worst case in mind.
I wonder if there's any way we can get them to target only the Hamptons and all the places where the oligarchs and ruling elites live... Why not target Davos when all the billionaires gather? Kill several birds with one stone.
There is a possibility that no one talks about... since they seem to want endless war that the big three (US, Russia and China) are colluding.
That is a very silly analysis lol. US hegemony is provoking war to maintain empire rule. If they were "colluding" then why is the US the only nation with almost 900 military bases most of which surround China and Russia?
Who are "they"? We know who in the US and the "enlightened" West wants an endless war - they don't hide and are very explicit about it. Who in Russia and China (if you include them in "they") wants that and why would they?
"They" = all three countries
That's exactly what it is .
I pose a what if question not an analysis. We don't know who is doing what behind the scenes.
Questions usually end with a question mark.
You are correct. I should have written that I posed a what if possibility not an analysis.
I like your chain of reasoning, but I am sure you are aware that events can still easily spiral out of control.
ALL WARS are 'started' on a fiction!
just now
The beginnings of what is now taking place in regard to Russia/Ukraine go back to the coup we helped perpetrate in Ukraine during the Obama administration. The link below explains it all. I think if we had a Clinton win in 2016 we would be further along in regard to the outcome Obama was striving to obtain. The democrats bridged that gap by undermining Trump and most definitely the agenda he initially put forth of getting along with Russia. Russia-gate was implemented by the democrats to make sure such an agenda never happened.
Rump thought he could "get along with Russia" because he thought he could make money there, since he'd been laundering money for the Russian mob for a couple of decades. Narcissists don't do anything that doesn't benefit them personally.
How about getting along with Russia? I thought that was a very good idea he had, but the democrats wouldn't let him. Now it's pretty obvious why they wouldn't I once caught a little speech he gave to reporters after a meeting he had of some kind, where he berated our constant wars that kill millions of people and cost millions of dollars. No new war under Trump. Tell me, do you think things are a lot better under Biden that claims Putin has to go, and now we face the possibility of a nuclear war, and don't forget it was Obama, complicit with "Fascists, Nazi's, who put us at Ukraine's front door, not Trump.
If Rump had been invested in war stocks like Biden and Pelosi we'd be bogged down in a quagmire in Venezuela. It's just luck that his father gave him a real estate empire to bankrupt instead. Nice people who are actually interested in peace don't get to that level of society.
Not sure why you think "Putin has got to go", or who the frack you're going to replace him with. The only other viable candidates are a few oligarchs, mafia figures (there's a lot of overlap there), or a couple of generals who are super-nationalists. The people I worked with in Moscow said, "We don't like him much, but all the other alternatives are an order of magnitude worse so we'll vote for him again." The Russians are stuck with the "lesser evil", the same as we are.
Oh, by the way, it wasn't Obama who started shipping tons of weapons to Ukraine, it was Rump.
No one is saying that he may not have been corrupt in many ways regarding his business dealings, but I know nothing of that. All I know is that during his 4 years in office no wars in the 21st century. Now of course we may experience WWIII. Even Chomsky who had not one good word to say about Trump claimed he thought he, Trump, was the only one who get us out of this mess and prevent a nuclear war. https://eraoflight.com/2022/05/07/noam-chomsky-trump-is-only-western-statesman-pushing-to-end-war-in-ukraine/
I take a little comfort from the fact that slowly, but surely, there is starting to be a groundswell of criticism appearing in social media. That I’m not being downvoted or drowned in posts on Reddit or FB when critical about this proxy war.
It is equally sad and disappointing to understand just how many thousands of people there are who are actively aiding and abetting the spread of propaganda and working diligently to stifle the truth. I imagine many, or most, truly believe they are doing the right thing, but I also wonder how many of them really do know the truth, but are unwilling to accept it for fear of becoming an outcast from the group.
Right over the target, Caitlin. We need to stop this insanity now! Any fool recognizes that geopolitical conflicts are heavily nuanced and influenced by history and considerations that belie the simplicity of false dichotomies. It's not "you're either for Putin or your for the US (or Ukraine or whatever)." This from Jon Rappoport's October 13 substack:
So…something else is going on. Only a few hundred million people know what it is. Therefore, the string pullers who control the demented Biden should just step out of the shadows and say: "We don’t want the war to end. We’re helping to disable and destroy European economies who depend on Russian energy. It’s part of the wider plan to, yes, we admit it, install global governance. That’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a brutal fact.
"By extending the war, we’re also creating the false pretext that the US absolutely depends on Russian energy, and this is why we’re suffering from inflation.”
“The truth is, the war gives us the opportunity to shift from fossil fuels to alternatives that don’t exist. Get it? More destruction on the road to global takeover.”
Just come right out with it. It’s not a fucking secret. Only the terminally dim and the low level ideologues on the Left are clueless.
The Biden marionette is fronting for the war and ALL IT IMPLIES.
It’s no use asking for bold leadership from the White House for ending the war.
MANY MANY MANY people are going to have to speak up, in no uncertain terms. It’s called PRESSURE. It’s called rebellion.
Here , how wars are done. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d676CVPsp0k
"The weakest part of an empire that's held together by lies and manipulation is its lies and manipulations; that's why it's such an aggressively protected aspect of its power. And it happens to be the one part that anyone with a voice can attack, and attack effectively."
Amen and amen! That's why for the past 7 years we've kept publishing The Revolution Continues every week, rain or shine, experiencing depression or joy, in sickness or in health. The empire and its trolls may shadow-ban and censor us on social media, but they can't shut our voice down without our permission. While we're still breathing, we will use our voice! (Please follow us here on Substack at http:// therevolutioncontinues.substack.com )
Those 'anti-war' activists seen calling out AOC for exactly what she is - a puppet of the war-think-tank-media complex - are members of the Schiller Institute - the only think tank focussed on bringing an end to all this insanity. And you will probably think me insane for letting you know that we are working on conveying a meeting between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin to sign the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear weapons and to bring an end to the funding by the US State Department of the major weapons manufacturers - at that is where all these billions of dollars are being funnelled . Yes, you may heap scorn on my endorsement of Trump here, but can you tell me any other US leader who would have the sense to enter into direct talks. Forget Biden, as he is a geriatric puppet of the Deep State, and likewise Zelensky who works full time for the Zionsit cabal. Trump is key to this, like it or not.
Russia and the Collective West Are Marching Together Towards the Agenda 2030 Goals
"The following Excerpts from “America's Secret Establishment” by Antony C. Sutton, will help the readers understand what is the Hegelian dialectic process and how it’s been used by the elites throughout history to create favorable outcomes to further their agendas. "
The World is a Stage
I was thinking about A Few Good Men and the infamous "You can't handle the truth." line. Maybe subconsciously many Americans want to be number one in the world. They want the strongest military and security against any perceived threats to their privileged position. They want national security agencies working on their behalf and they don't want to know how they do it. They aren't aware that they think they are better than.
I found virtue signaling about vaccines really irritating, which has been transferred to war now.
I was walking on a beach in Hawaii with a right-wing friend. A very large US battleship appeared on the horizon. She swelled with pride. I felt fear.
Must have been a while ago. Nowadays a left-winger would burst from that same kind of pride.
I am a leftist (though I no longer prefer to use those misunderstood and divisive labels but sometimes I do.) I would not call the neolibs or even the progressives now leftwing.
That argument is brought up a lot lately. Somehow "right-wing" doesn't seem to get the same treatment.
Some on the right saw through the Covid narrative and are against endless war just as some on the left: Dore, Brand, Grayzone, Iversen, Rogan on Covid at least and Chomsky and Hedges on the war at least.
Actually, the mainstream, the neocons/libs are now all right-wing. The US installs right-wing dictatorships around the world. The oligarchs have more affinity or find easier to manipulate the right-wing.
Look how historians glorify war and empires. This is Patriarchy. The solution is balance between the masculine and feminine, the Yang and Yin.