Dear Caitlin! I am so proud to be one of your readers and followers. You are shining point of light in the vast darkness the US, Israel and NATO thrive though. For now, all this modest Palestinian wants to say is THANK YOU and SOLIDARITY. Peace and love always. Bishara Costandi

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Without 'Israel', the United States ceases to be an Empire. It NEEDS the chaos that 'Israel' brings to the world at large, as well as the post WW-II 'moral' argument (all but now collapsed.)

Without the Zionist entity, West Asia would naturally unify & Jews, Muslims & Christians can once more live in harmony & peace, as they did for millennia during the reign of the Khilafa.

Without Zionism, there will be Peace. The sooner 'Israel' ceases to be & The peoples of the region can organically unify, the better. Apartheid & Settler Colonialism will end & so will 'Israel.'

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American flag pic on this article needs to have skulls and crossbones instead of stars - the true flag.

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Meanwhile, the Davos crowd is trying to figure out how to rebuild trust in the system. Fat chance!

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"You can’t leave"

But you can check-out anytime you like ...

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Perfect, Caitlin. You hit it (the hypocrisy, the arrogance, the double standards, the warmongers...) out of the park every time. Would that We the People, seeking Egalite, Liberte, Fraternite, could hit the empire (aka Western colonialism, oppressing everyone and all except for the 'elite') out of this world park. Someday, somehow....

Viva Hamas! Viva Gaza and its huddled, starving masses! Viva ALL of Falasteen! Viva la Resistance!

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I’m getting this framed. Thank you.

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Historically many genocides have been in the millions. Like wars and famines the lives lost are horrendous. We can excuse only so many things as being "the ways of the world"; but we must also ask ourselves are we willing to see the world become a wanton slaughterhouse where lives are dispatched for the sake of pure greed and power. It has been this way throughout history but now the slaughter has become more indiscriminate than ever and the psychosis of war and genocide only become more deeply entrenched and a palpable disgrace to our humanity.

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US Foreign Policy in a nutshell...

(Bribes, Bombing & Blockades)

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"You can’t get rid of the empire

If you get rid of the empire, this world could be taken over by tyrants"

This sounds like the Democrats' threats online: "You can't not vote for Genocide Joe, or you 'll get Trump and he'll take away your right to vote/censor pro-Palestinian journalists/continue building the wall at the Southern Border, etc."

You know what threats like that make me do? It makes me say, "Let's test that thesis. Let's get rid of the empire and see if we can organize a world based on principles of compassion and mutual understanding. It's worth a shot, isn't it?"

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Wonderful! Fabulous!!

Thank you!!!

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yes. you said it all. well done.

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“Where black is the color, where none is the number”

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Empire is my friend

Because they told me they were

Whom I to object?

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Not my empire. I do not believe in them.

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Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum just issued a Report that warned:

"Misinformation and disinformation is the most severe short-term risk the world faces."


Get that? Repeat: "the most severe short term risk the world faces".

And the elites are doing everything to repress, suppress, block, and deny the distribution of "misinformation and disinformation".

Get it? The crackdown is underway.

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