Dear Caitlin! I am so proud to be one of your readers and followers. You are shining point of light in the vast darkness the US, Israel and NATO thrive though. For now, all this modest Palestinian wants to say is THANK YOU and SOLIDARITY. Peace and love always. Bishara Costandi
Well Bishara, in support of our comments and hoping that it may add to your comfort, let me say that the readers of these pages will work to get your country back, to rid that same country of the evil planted on your land in 1946 by the UK, primarily to rid them of a problem, not created by you, but by yet another so-called "civilised" country, six years before. That same country now having chosen to turn its back on you and your people.
We will also never forget the evil done to you and your people by those who based on their own false understanding of their importance in this world, their self-promoted and naive feelings that they are special, incorrectly promoted as 'Gods's own' and their historical characteristics of greed and corruption and who since that date have caused your people to be tortured for seventy eight long years with little or no help form those who should have helped.
Yes, the people of the world have let you down. They have succumbed to greed and corruption and discarded any semblance of humanity.
So you are not alone although on this day, you have been discarded by so many Western countries who have also been infected with the evil qualities of your oppressors, a disease which now seems to have infected so many, shown daily by their actions.
Don't despair, therefore. Np one will ever forget the history of this world in which Palestine was a major part. in centuries past. Nor will they forget the countries that allowed this to happen along with the perpetrator's hateful cruelty while so many others stood by and watched and did nothing.
We are with you and yours. You need to know that.
I am sure I speak for all the readers of Caitlin's writings on these pages.
Contrarian! Very fitting name. Mine, among those who know me, is Against the Grain :). It's very opportune that we have come to meet. Thank you for your kind words and let's keep our common trek along contrarian views of Empire and its tails. Love
Be confident that one day the world will wake up to the crimes of the US and its sycophants, Israel and its murdering genociders and the weak Western world for its complicity in crimes against humanity in Palestine, for over 70 years with no credit to the United nations, a failed organisation if ever there was one.
It really is time for the Middle East bloc, minus the hated Israelis on stolen land, to form a partnership with China, Russia and the African states.
Worse to come yet, however as Biden and his white, Anglo / Christian criminals with 8 years only of oil reserves, wake to what that means to US industry when compared to 1,000 years of reserves in Venezuela and other very substantial reserves in places like Kuwait, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Saudi, with the exception of Venezuela, all located in the Middle East.
That's the game right now. Power plays for oil, at any price. Right, Netanyahu?
The medium used, wars, sanctions, blockades, starvation and plain bloody murder. It is the only thing that 2024 Americans and their evil cohorts, Israel, can do and they will continue to do ithis, one now as evil as the other.
The sole reason for the genocide, with total US support.
You know Chaz, it is the years upon years of dogmatic indoctrination that built arrogance in both. Whether as God's Chosen, or "American Exceptionalism". Peace and Respect :)
Palestinians are not statistics. The deceased had names, lives, hopes and dreams. WE WILL NEVER FORGET and we will not stop fighting until your people are FREE
Thanks again Gypsy33. This IS an international struggle, not just for Palestine. But also against colonialism and monopoly capital at home as well. It is this, which creates colonialism overseas and poverty at home.
Without 'Israel', the United States ceases to be an Empire. It NEEDS the chaos that 'Israel' brings to the world at large, as well as the post WW-II 'moral' argument (all but now collapsed.)
Without the Zionist entity, West Asia would naturally unify & Jews, Muslims & Christians can once more live in harmony & peace, as they did for millennia during the reign of the Khilafa.
Without Zionism, there will be Peace. The sooner 'Israel' ceases to be & The peoples of the region can organically unify, the better. Apartheid & Settler Colonialism will end & so will 'Israel.'
Where the US goes, there is England. The Brits are flying spy planes to provide "Israel" with intelligence. England is the mother of both the settler colonialism in North America (the US) and Palestine ("Israel").
UK and the EU, AUS all seem to have become the sniveling obsequious toads and lap dogs to the greater USrAel project. My guess is they have all been carfully and stelthy infiltrated with Zionist operatives. But shielded by the kryptonight accusations of antisemitism if you dare hint they have a coordinated agenda afoot. The cleverness of their diceate they seem so proud of.. You MUST view them as sacrosanct or face their wrath .
Funny that as soon as point out their ability and power to shut everyone up they procead to use that power to shut you up.
The antisemitism smear is how the USrAel shame people into silence's the mind weapon of choice for them to hide behind.
And in the end all it can manifest is hate towards themselves.
I have to remind myself all the time of my jewish friends and people I admire speaking out against Zionism ... Because it's not easy to see the state of Israel using the shield of Judaism against innocent people they murder for profit ...
Would like to add that this nonsense (and I believe 40-60 million of this US ..Judeo-Christian "religious folk"), must be as dumb as hell; as it a contradiction in terms.
Never thought about the slavery bit into the prison system - good call; but we do not really have that in the UK - not on the same scale anyway (NOW AT LEAST !!!).
Biden, Sunak and previous leaders INCLUDING TRUMP are all WEF puppets... I have no trust in any of them. Have a good weekend.
He is a globalist puppet. Same thing happening in UK and EU - left WEF globalist parasitical puppet scum -> GET OVERTHROWN and it goes to some right wing WEF globalist parasitical puppet scum... or vice versa.
Always was just the most successful frat boy. Has all the personality of a wall street criminal. Has always displayed the mindset of predatory capitalism and all its beliefs and he will go along with all the wars the deep state wants as he's been brain washed by middle Americans buisness beife systems ..
Ever read Glen Greenwalds artical in the intercept titled Obama killed a 16 year old in Yemen?
Trumps mentioned having drone bombed his sister, both American citizens.
I have a meme of Trump signing some degree to assasinate the Iranian general in Syria, both Netanyahu and Kushner standing behind him smirking as Trump was geting manipulated into signing off on it.
Trumps ego blinds him to the real game he's in on and part of.
I used to live in California, and went to San Quentin a number of times to join demos against capital punishment. The police in the US originated from the plantation guards, who used to watch the slaves at work, chase the runaways to catch, torture or kill. It's the ideology at work still within "Law" enforcement.
Just let us get rid of the chaos-masterminds lavishly residing on that small island in the Northeast Atlantic.
And assuming the small island in the Northeast Atlantic is Britain (including NI)... I just clarified; AS I AM BRITISH.
PS I do like this substack thing, but I do wish they could add the last few posts BEFORE the reply onto it, as sometimes I get lost or just reply to the latest as in this case.
Take it easy mate !! If you wish to reply to a specific post, just click on the grey reply-button EXACTLY below the text you want to reply to.
In case there are already various replies to the post before YOU start hitting the keyboard, your text will automatically slide downwards the thread. To check, just follow the vertical line that HITS the TEXT (of the post in question) downwards until you reach your opus magnum.
Any avatar IN-LINE means, its text is a reply to the previous post (line HITS TEXT, not avatar) !!
Very simple and entirely legal ...🤣🤣.
Substack is TOP 👍💪👏; pick & chew as you please, in case the taste-buds consider non palatable in the beginning, maybe some ingredients are "unusual" but these can often be quite mind-opening and usually get well digested in the end ...
So, maybe you agree that the husbands (ugly, fats guys puffing Havannas while recklessly farting in leather couches owned by these infamous "men only' clubs) to the gorgeous ladies attending the Ascot horse events, the ones with the colored hats shading half the race-track are among the folks I mentioned ??
Ya~bna Qais! (apologies to the readers, this is in formal Arabic, simply means Ibn Qais) you speak the truth and I will follow you on Substack. Shookrun.
Yep. Their God literally killed his own son, their primary symbol is an object of execution, and they believe in a bloody apocalypse end of the world where God kills everybody (and think it will be a GOOD thing!).
Ikr? I have such difficulty when I see so-called Christians and preachers, joining anti-death-penalty efforts. As if they don't see what their own religion actually represents, as if their beloved saviour hadn't endorsed the death penalty with his acceptance of the crucifixion for not only himself, but for the other condemned men as well. Although I support such groups, and always will, it repels me to see it crawling with these religious types, who claim to oppose the death penalty for religious reasons. Are they joking? Where would their salvation come from if not for the death penalty?
I did forget about the dick cutting and cannabalism and blood drinking. Also: god-commanded genocide of multiple tribes, and god-endorsed slavery and patriarchy. Also god encoding private property and a caste system, and the beginning of the cult of individualism due to the personal relationship with god, a very unique new conception.
As you say Jon, capitalism values property over lives, so any destruction of property will be met with State violence. In fact even non-violent protest is increasingly being met with violence. If I happen to be feeling optimistic, I tell myself that means they are getting desperate.
The more over the top these psycopaths get the more it's revealed...unless you are the type to actually like the abusive system as they think they benfit.
Or as in the case of friends and family they are more comfortable believing the main stream status quo. The "normals" are intellectual cowards when it comes down to it.
Its sad that even people I like and appreciate for their own talents are devoid of real critical thought and are so unsuspecting of how deep the mind fuck game goes.
Yeah the disconect and everyone gravitated to their own echo chambers and then the smears of being propaganda of the other side only and conspiracy loon acusations come from both sides to dismiss discussing anything real..
It's a clever way to stick blinders on..
But truth is truth..
And the emotional investment into guilt reparations the Zionists have worked over the public for generations so that they can not break out of that mindset even while Israel commits war crimes in plain site. They still want to chose denial ... I don't know how to reach them and get too discouraged to even try so I don't destroy my relationships
Chaz , I HAVE destroyed relationships with family members who support IsraHell ( husband’s family, as my own is too intelligent to do so.) That door is slammed shut, and I’ll never look back.
>> "there is no need to discuss because we obviously don't read the same media"
Man, I hear it ALL the time - that excuse is always thrown at my face. Doesn't matter if it is from the "right" or from the "left". The "right" have their sources of media and the "left" have their sources of media.
I had a similar experience with my brother. This was in relation to the Israel-Palestine situation. Everytime I bring up facts, he says - "so you think you are always right?". I say - "No, here are the facts - tell me which of my facts are incorrect". He says - "Just because you read more, you think you know more? I have my own facts". I repeat, "tell me even a single fact that I have told you that is wrong". He says - "you keep throwing your facts on my face. Who do you think you are? You think you are so great." And then he goes onto personal attacks - "You're insignificant! You're insignificant". I ask him again - "I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if you can tell me where I'm wrong and which facts I got wrong". At this point, he just hangs up the phone.
So how does one resolve this conundrum of not being able to agree on anything due to their own preferred sources that feed into their own confirmation bias?
I have the same problem with a friend. She is completely convinced that Russia wants not only the entirety of Ukraine, but Poland as well. When I dispute her, she says, What are you reading?!
I keep hearing these subtle demonizing of Russians by people I know ..They have all been mind controlled (by Hollywood) into all the xenophobia and Putin bogyman syndrome the Russians sit around rubbing their hands together for world domination ..all this "kgb" mythology and what the CIA does is far worse..
Funny because I'm the only one in that group that has walked red square.
Another thing I notice about the linguistics tricks they all use now is they want you to believe them when they lie and call this "trust" like a con artists saying trust me I'm on your hold this bag of your money for safe keeping but don't look in it till I'm gone.
Perfect, Caitlin. You hit it (the hypocrisy, the arrogance, the double standards, the warmongers...) out of the park every time. Would that We the People, seeking Egalite, Liberte, Fraternite, could hit the empire (aka Western colonialism, oppressing everyone and all except for the 'elite') out of this world park. Someday, somehow....
Viva Hamas! Viva Gaza and its huddled, starving masses! Viva ALL of Falasteen! Viva la Resistance!
Part of the entire Zionist philosophy is to pick on the weakest parts and wear down their enemys because they can't take on a real Army.That's why it manipulates the. USA and western allies to be it's big dumb stupid bodyguard and world "police". And that's why The USrAel goes after all Russia's smaller allied nations one by one as westley Clark pointed out.
The end goal is the empires world domination ...then our WEF slavery can really get started in earnest
You better watch out. You keep talking like that out in the open, and you WILL be visited by "Homeland '(In)Security'" [sic(k!)]. I know what you said is nothing but legal free speech, but the PsTB don't believe that, and believe that it is "perceived threatening conduct" under the oxymoronic "U.S.A. '(UN) P.A.T.R.I.O.T.(IC)' Act". I know about their visits from firsthand experience for calling a federal employee "evil", which all federal employees are now as far as little old, harmless me is concerned, though most of them are (completely?) clueless to that fact.
Besides, are you OOYFM saying "Viva Hamas" regarding a terrorist organization (and I'm NOT pro what "Israehell" has been doing for the past 75-years-plus) created by the Zionist terrorist state known as "Israehell"?!?!? But I agree entirely with "Viva la (non-Violent) Resistance!".
I'm not a degreed historian, generally eschew "alternative history," and am probably dated and jaded at my 80 yo. But my recall of reading such as the Washington Report On Middle East Affairs in the 1990s remains IMO valid: Hamas' forming leadership and national spirit, mid-'80s, led the movement to consider that the PLO-cum-Fatah-cum-PA was already tending to tend to itself and its entrenchment rather than to the people of Palestine and their legitimate social, political, human-rights, justice, freedom-from-oppression/illegal occupation et al aspirations. That reality was reinforced for me by WRMEA's reports that Intifada I (1987 start?) first featured Palestinian women taking to the streets of Palestine, beating rhythmically on pots and pans, and chanting "No to Occupation! Yes to Dignity, our Rights, and Freedom!"
I first took up the Palestinian cause in 1964 while studying the Arabic language, culture, and extant facts at the Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA. That's 60 years and counting....
I came to the same awareness a couple of yesrs after you, no later than 1960. The years of deliberate deception, obfuscation, and outright lies has never stopped. It is at least somewhat gratifying that there are now millions of people worldwide who now see the truth of the basic situation, if not every detail.
Thank you, Joy. We're brothers and sisters in humanity, hoping/praying, waiting for surcease for all oppressed (weary and burdened) fellow children of this planet. Ma'assalaama to you!
Actually, I think that (legislative) election was 2006 -- and the vassal US and its master 'Israel' set about furiously to "do it in." Didn't the Zios arrest-and-incarcerate some 42 duly elected Hamas folk in the West Bank and put the "do it in" train in motion? The Zios are so good at such...divide and conquer, control and dominate et al.
Well, perhaps I (we) are deviating from Caitlin's prime, "big picture" objective in this great posting by her. But, after all, it's all about "empire," isn't it -- and the hapless Palestinians are at the locus, the flashpoint, the Ground Zero, of "empire machinations and evildoing"? Palestine Is STILL THE ISSUE!
Historically many genocides have been in the millions. Like wars and famines the lives lost are horrendous. We can excuse only so many things as being "the ways of the world"; but we must also ask ourselves are we willing to see the world become a wanton slaughterhouse where lives are dispatched for the sake of pure greed and power. It has been this way throughout history but now the slaughter has become more indiscriminate than ever and the psychosis of war and genocide only become more deeply entrenched and a palpable disgrace to our humanity.
I was raised by a born again Christian and have all the emotonal scars to prove it. Rejection of all abrehamic religons is the result.
Still I see humans on the whole for centuries using it and inflicting suffering on each other to be king of some hill they all end up dying on.
Archamidies built a star tracking analog computer hundreds of years before the Christ character was said to exist and yet a Roman soldier at the invasion of Greece ran him through with his sword because as an old man he would not move fast enough for that jar head to let him.
Nothing at all has really changed in over two thousand years other than a fancy smart phone replaced a guill.
I don't see your idea that any dogma is any better than any other,,no cult guru or shaman holds any appeal to me what do's very posible in pure natural terms humans are the cancer.. And I have far more statistical evidence to back up that assumption than any hippy beads chanting anyone else can come up with..
If you get rid of the empire, this world could be taken over by tyrants"
This sounds like the Democrats' threats online: "You can't not vote for Genocide Joe, or you 'll get Trump and he'll take away your right to vote/censor pro-Palestinian journalists/continue building the wall at the Southern Border, etc."
You know what threats like that make me do? It makes me say, "Let's test that thesis. Let's get rid of the empire and see if we can organize a world based on principles of compassion and mutual understanding. It's worth a shot, isn't it?"
Such a vast revolution would likely create chaos and destruction of a magnitude never seen before, possibly including nuclear annihilation. Don't be naive. Change must occur gradually.
Right? The man's the second coming of Christ. Oh my, the terrible persecution of this saintly, loving man. My heart breaks for him. Just an innocent, sweet, kindly man sent by God to bring us together in harmony.
I'm not nearly a trump supporter but what you just did is the same mentality of every type of person who indulges in witch hunts .
Your "logic" amounts to this,
"Throw her in the lake if she sinks she's innocent if she swims she must be made of wood, if she's made of wood witches are made of wood , wood burns,,BURN THE WITCH!."
This is what you sound like to rational human beings.
SO in addition if I point out the corruption of the neoleft you automatically place me in the far right camp as you have been trained to be trainable to do by your cultural systems administrators to assume the opposite of the left right pick a team and fight paradigm curated for your consumption because you have not an original thought in your skull your entire second hand hack existence that was not scripted by some one else in your group tribe or cult.
Then you don't have the capacity to take it in and learn from dismiss anything outside your own dogma and orthodoxy and thats why you will stay ignorant for the rest of your days. Stuck in the middle America trance like one of the two minute hate prolitariates unable to think for yourself due to your intellectual cowardice and lack of personal integrity.
Btw dump and biden? Any Democrat is better than the fascist Repugs who want to ban individual liberties, yet want to deregulate all environmental protection, and who worship at the throne of corporate power more, with their tax cuts for the very rich while people and infrastructure crumble. Both sides are compromised by corporate influence, but Repugs care only about profit and control, along with white supremacy. Democrats do have much greater concern for the environment, the well-being of all Americans, and for our already severely compromised democracy. So the conclusion is Vote Blue No Matter Who.
The WEF Report itself reveals the crackdown. The number one ranked risk management method is - ... wait for it - "censorship and surveillance". Seriously. Check out Figure 3.1 on page 86
Don't be lazy and do a quick Google (off AAP!). Read their Report -0 their solution is "censorship and surveillance" - that's a quote and the number 1 ranked solution, see:
Elites Say The Number One Risk To The World Is "Misinformation And Disinformation" - The Top Recommended Solution Is "Censorship And Surveillance"
Dear Caitlin! I am so proud to be one of your readers and followers. You are shining point of light in the vast darkness the US, Israel and NATO thrive though. For now, all this modest Palestinian wants to say is THANK YOU and SOLIDARITY. Peace and love always. Bishara Costandi
Well Bishara, in support of our comments and hoping that it may add to your comfort, let me say that the readers of these pages will work to get your country back, to rid that same country of the evil planted on your land in 1946 by the UK, primarily to rid them of a problem, not created by you, but by yet another so-called "civilised" country, six years before. That same country now having chosen to turn its back on you and your people.
We will also never forget the evil done to you and your people by those who based on their own false understanding of their importance in this world, their self-promoted and naive feelings that they are special, incorrectly promoted as 'Gods's own' and their historical characteristics of greed and corruption and who since that date have caused your people to be tortured for seventy eight long years with little or no help form those who should have helped.
Yes, the people of the world have let you down. They have succumbed to greed and corruption and discarded any semblance of humanity.
So you are not alone although on this day, you have been discarded by so many Western countries who have also been infected with the evil qualities of your oppressors, a disease which now seems to have infected so many, shown daily by their actions.
Don't despair, therefore. Np one will ever forget the history of this world in which Palestine was a major part. in centuries past. Nor will they forget the countries that allowed this to happen along with the perpetrator's hateful cruelty while so many others stood by and watched and did nothing.
We are with you and yours. You need to know that.
I am sure I speak for all the readers of Caitlin's writings on these pages.
You do speak for me and very eloquently. Thank you. I will RESIST EMPIRE until my last breath.
I will do the same Penelope!
Thank you, Penelope. You are a sincere person.
Yes we are with you & thank you.
But please less "Mealy mouthed" it is & has been a horrendous crime perpetrated by UK:
Contrarian! Very fitting name. Mine, among those who know me, is Against the Grain :). It's very opportune that we have come to meet. Thank you for your kind words and let's keep our common trek along contrarian views of Empire and its tails. Love
Thanks, Bishara.
Be confident that one day the world will wake up to the crimes of the US and its sycophants, Israel and its murdering genociders and the weak Western world for its complicity in crimes against humanity in Palestine, for over 70 years with no credit to the United nations, a failed organisation if ever there was one.
It really is time for the Middle East bloc, minus the hated Israelis on stolen land, to form a partnership with China, Russia and the African states.
Worse to come yet, however as Biden and his white, Anglo / Christian criminals with 8 years only of oil reserves, wake to what that means to US industry when compared to 1,000 years of reserves in Venezuela and other very substantial reserves in places like Kuwait, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Saudi, with the exception of Venezuela, all located in the Middle East.
That's the game right now. Power plays for oil, at any price. Right, Netanyahu?
The medium used, wars, sanctions, blockades, starvation and plain bloody murder. It is the only thing that 2024 Americans and their evil cohorts, Israel, can do and they will continue to do ithis, one now as evil as the other.
The sole reason for the genocide, with total US support.
Agreed whole heartedly. Palistinians are a far cut above those gaudy ignorant small minded isralies and Americans.
In all my many interactions with both those experiences bare my statement out.
You know Chaz, it is the years upon years of dogmatic indoctrination that built arrogance in both. Whether as God's Chosen, or "American Exceptionalism". Peace and Respect :)
Roll steady. We are with you.
Caitlin is the brightest star in the night sky, Bishara, is she not? 🙂❤️
Very true "Gypsy33". I admire Caitlin's solid courage and her writings. Love and Respect
Hi Bishara
Palestinians are not statistics. The deceased had names, lives, hopes and dreams. WE WILL NEVER FORGET and we will not stop fighting until your people are FREE
Thanks again Gypsy33. This IS an international struggle, not just for Palestine. But also against colonialism and monopoly capital at home as well. It is this, which creates colonialism overseas and poverty at home.
!!إنشاء الله
MUY fuerte !!
Without 'Israel', the United States ceases to be an Empire. It NEEDS the chaos that 'Israel' brings to the world at large, as well as the post WW-II 'moral' argument (all but now collapsed.)
Without the Zionist entity, West Asia would naturally unify & Jews, Muslims & Christians can once more live in harmony & peace, as they did for millennia during the reign of the Khilafa.
Without Zionism, there will be Peace. The sooner 'Israel' ceases to be & The peoples of the region can organically unify, the better. Apartheid & Settler Colonialism will end & so will 'Israel.'
(For those interested)
If you wish to read (& listen!) to more of My commentary, here is my Main Stack:
Thank You Kindly to everyone!
Yep and I believe that the UK (Britain or even England to be exact) are at least up there as well, if not higher than both.
I do not believe that the British Empire ever died; it just turned from a hard power (military) to a soft power. Crazy talk hey ?.
It became a satellite of the US.
Or a 'nanny' state!
We must agree to disagree even though it does look that way.
Where the US goes, there is England. The Brits are flying spy planes to provide "Israel" with intelligence. England is the mother of both the settler colonialism in North America (the US) and Palestine ("Israel").
UK and the EU, AUS all seem to have become the sniveling obsequious toads and lap dogs to the greater USrAel project. My guess is they have all been carfully and stelthy infiltrated with Zionist operatives. But shielded by the kryptonight accusations of antisemitism if you dare hint they have a coordinated agenda afoot. The cleverness of their diceate they seem so proud of.. You MUST view them as sacrosanct or face their wrath .
Funny that as soon as point out their ability and power to shut everyone up they procead to use that power to shut you up.
Have a read of this and see what you think.
Yes indeed...great articles..
The antisemitism smear is how the USrAel shame people into silence's the mind weapon of choice for them to hide behind.
And in the end all it can manifest is hate towards themselves.
I have to remind myself all the time of my jewish friends and people I admire speaking out against Zionism ... Because it's not easy to see the state of Israel using the shield of Judaism against innocent people they murder for profit ...
Cannot argue.
Would like to add that this nonsense (and I believe 40-60 million of this US ..Judeo-Christian "religious folk"), must be as dumb as hell; as it a contradiction in terms.
Never thought about the slavery bit into the prison system - good call; but we do not really have that in the UK - not on the same scale anyway (NOW AT LEAST !!!).
Biden, Sunak and previous leaders INCLUDING TRUMP are all WEF puppets... I have no trust in any of them. Have a good weekend.
I'm not sure if the trump witch hunt is a real persecution or theater facade so he's just the bogyman to frighten the sheep .
He is a globalist puppet. Same thing happening in UK and EU - left WEF globalist parasitical puppet scum -> GET OVERTHROWN and it goes to some right wing WEF globalist parasitical puppet scum... or vice versa.
But no matter how bad Trump is it can never be worse than watching the neoliberal democrats go after him in every slimy scumy underhanded way posable.
Trump is like that chemical eliment that starts a chain reaction of corruption to burst forth for all to see.. Like the elephants foot.
It may be theater for the mass's but it's exposed it for what it is, a swamp turned cesspool.. And no one's going to drain it.
He's a corporate globalist puppet for sure.
Always was just the most successful frat boy. Has all the personality of a wall street criminal. Has always displayed the mindset of predatory capitalism and all its beliefs and he will go along with all the wars the deep state wants as he's been brain washed by middle Americans buisness beife systems ..
They all are..
Ever read Glen Greenwalds artical in the intercept titled Obama killed a 16 year old in Yemen?
Trumps mentioned having drone bombed his sister, both American citizens.
I have a meme of Trump signing some degree to assasinate the Iranian general in Syria, both Netanyahu and Kushner standing behind him smirking as Trump was geting manipulated into signing off on it.
Trumps ego blinds him to the real game he's in on and part of.
I used to live in California, and went to San Quentin a number of times to join demos against capital punishment. The police in the US originated from the plantation guards, who used to watch the slaves at work, chase the runaways to catch, torture or kill. It's the ideology at work still within "Law" enforcement.
Very well put brother Jon. My salutes :)
Simply BEAUTIFUL !!👍👍
Just let us get rid of the chaos-masterminds lavishly residing on that small island in the Northeast Atlantic.
Not all of us ... just the globalist parasitical scum and their political puppets; most of us "useless eaters" are OK.
I wrote: "chaos-masterminds",
therefore, when reading your {...Not all of us..} reply, I just 🤔🤔🤔 ???
OH !!!?
I just got
Klaus Hubbertz
Jan 20
Simply BEAUTIFUL !!👍👍
Just let us get rid of the chaos-masterminds lavishly residing on that small island in the Northeast Atlantic.
And assuming the small island in the Northeast Atlantic is Britain (including NI)... I just clarified; AS I AM BRITISH.
PS I do like this substack thing, but I do wish they could add the last few posts BEFORE the reply onto it, as sometimes I get lost or just reply to the latest as in this case.
No offense intended Klaus.
Take it easy mate !! If you wish to reply to a specific post, just click on the grey reply-button EXACTLY below the text you want to reply to.
In case there are already various replies to the post before YOU start hitting the keyboard, your text will automatically slide downwards the thread. To check, just follow the vertical line that HITS the TEXT (of the post in question) downwards until you reach your opus magnum.
Any avatar IN-LINE means, its text is a reply to the previous post (line HITS TEXT, not avatar) !!
Very simple and entirely legal ...🤣🤣.
Substack is TOP 👍💪👏; pick & chew as you please, in case the taste-buds consider non palatable in the beginning, maybe some ingredients are "unusual" but these can often be quite mind-opening and usually get well digested in the end ...
So, maybe you agree that the husbands (ugly, fats guys puffing Havannas while recklessly farting in leather couches owned by these infamous "men only' clubs) to the gorgeous ladies attending the Ascot horse events, the ones with the colored hats shading half the race-track are among the folks I mentioned ??
Ya~bna Qais! (apologies to the readers, this is in formal Arabic, simply means Ibn Qais) you speak the truth and I will follow you on Substack. Shookrun.
American flag pic on this article needs to have skulls and crossbones instead of stars - the true flag.
And splashes of blood...
{...Skulls & Crossbones...} ??
How about some stars of David, slightly larger that the usual ones ?? ...
:) :) :) I like this :) :) :)
I think I might have made that meme years ago on their flag in soft blue and white.
I have just the one
Yep. Their God literally killed his own son, their primary symbol is an object of execution, and they believe in a bloody apocalypse end of the world where God kills everybody (and think it will be a GOOD thing!).
Ikr? I have such difficulty when I see so-called Christians and preachers, joining anti-death-penalty efforts. As if they don't see what their own religion actually represents, as if their beloved saviour hadn't endorsed the death penalty with his acceptance of the crucifixion for not only himself, but for the other condemned men as well. Although I support such groups, and always will, it repels me to see it crawling with these religious types, who claim to oppose the death penalty for religious reasons. Are they joking? Where would their salvation come from if not for the death penalty?
You know you touched on an aspect that always bothered me about the Jesus story, turn the other cheek ,,so your enemy may also slap that one too.
Somthing about remaining a docile victims to the abuses of a hiarchy seemed such a fallacy in thinking.
And at the same time all this Christian soldier rhetoric to stomp around the globe beating the indigenous over the head with their "good book"
I find religion to be full of ludicrus contradictions, And don't they all have a million excuses for it.
A real religion of “peace”, eh Gavin?
I did forget about the dick cutting and cannabalism and blood drinking. Also: god-commanded genocide of multiple tribes, and god-endorsed slavery and patriarchy. Also god encoding private property and a caste system, and the beginning of the cult of individualism due to the personal relationship with god, a very unique new conception.
Meanwhile, the Davos crowd is trying to figure out how to rebuild trust in the system. Fat chance!
But they want to rebuild trust with PR ( propaganda and brainwashing ) rather than actually changing their behaviours.
Always in a desperate state of damage control. They lie, and people die. Malignant narcissism masking as "leadership ".
Well put... The opulent psycopaths order society in their image creating contact sociopaths .
And it will fail miserably, Dave.
THANK YOU, internet!
Thus all the censorship and hiden fascism of algorithms ..
As you say Jon, capitalism values property over lives, so any destruction of property will be met with State violence. In fact even non-violent protest is increasingly being met with violence. If I happen to be feeling optimistic, I tell myself that means they are getting desperate.
I didn't give them anything, they just took it.
Sadly the only thing the establisment seems to recognise is violence and it's pocket book.
Hi Jon
I believe that riots will once again ensue in Chicago during the “Democratic” convention.
I hope so. How appropriate that it will once again be held there!
Sadly, we haven’t one…
We don't need red scare 2.0 though either. Oh sorry that was McCarthy...
It's not the "trust" as much as the blind obedience to their lies.
It's a hopefull sign..
The more over the top these psycopaths get the more it's revealed...unless you are the type to actually like the abusive system as they think they benfit.
Or as in the case of friends and family they are more comfortable believing the main stream status quo. The "normals" are intellectual cowards when it comes down to it.
Its sad that even people I like and appreciate for their own talents are devoid of real critical thought and are so unsuspecting of how deep the mind fuck game goes.
Yeah the disconect and everyone gravitated to their own echo chambers and then the smears of being propaganda of the other side only and conspiracy loon acusations come from both sides to dismiss discussing anything real..
It's a clever way to stick blinders on..
But truth is truth..
And the emotional investment into guilt reparations the Zionists have worked over the public for generations so that they can not break out of that mindset even while Israel commits war crimes in plain site. They still want to chose denial ... I don't know how to reach them and get too discouraged to even try so I don't destroy my relationships
Chaz , I HAVE destroyed relationships with family members who support IsraHell ( husband’s family, as my own is too intelligent to do so.) That door is slammed shut, and I’ll never look back.
>> "there is no need to discuss because we obviously don't read the same media"
Man, I hear it ALL the time - that excuse is always thrown at my face. Doesn't matter if it is from the "right" or from the "left". The "right" have their sources of media and the "left" have their sources of media.
I had a similar experience with my brother. This was in relation to the Israel-Palestine situation. Everytime I bring up facts, he says - "so you think you are always right?". I say - "No, here are the facts - tell me which of my facts are incorrect". He says - "Just because you read more, you think you know more? I have my own facts". I repeat, "tell me even a single fact that I have told you that is wrong". He says - "you keep throwing your facts on my face. Who do you think you are? You think you are so great." And then he goes onto personal attacks - "You're insignificant! You're insignificant". I ask him again - "I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if you can tell me where I'm wrong and which facts I got wrong". At this point, he just hangs up the phone.
So how does one resolve this conundrum of not being able to agree on anything due to their own preferred sources that feed into their own confirmation bias?
Simply dismiss them as idiots and be glad you're smarter than they are.
I have the same problem with a friend. She is completely convinced that Russia wants not only the entirety of Ukraine, but Poland as well. When I dispute her, she says, What are you reading?!
To which I reply, what are YOU reading?
I keep hearing these subtle demonizing of Russians by people I know ..They have all been mind controlled (by Hollywood) into all the xenophobia and Putin bogyman syndrome the Russians sit around rubbing their hands together for world domination ..all this "kgb" mythology and what the CIA does is far worse..
Funny because I'm the only one in that group that has walked red square.
Another thing I notice about the linguistics tricks they all use now is they want you to believe them when they lie and call this "trust" like a con artists saying trust me I'm on your hold this bag of your money for safe keeping but don't look in it till I'm gone.
Snake oil salesmen, as we used to say
"You can’t leave"
But you can check-out anytime you like ...
In fact, it's obligatory as the bills are being served.
Perfect, Caitlin. You hit it (the hypocrisy, the arrogance, the double standards, the warmongers...) out of the park every time. Would that We the People, seeking Egalite, Liberte, Fraternite, could hit the empire (aka Western colonialism, oppressing everyone and all except for the 'elite') out of this world park. Someday, somehow....
Viva Hamas! Viva Gaza and its huddled, starving masses! Viva ALL of Falasteen! Viva la Resistance!
May I add, Robert:
Viva the Hout’hi! What MEN they are, compared to the IDF running away with their tails between their legs! 😁
Yes, yes, yes! Thank you!
Part of the entire Zionist philosophy is to pick on the weakest parts and wear down their enemys because they can't take on a real Army.That's why it manipulates the. USA and western allies to be it's big dumb stupid bodyguard and world "police". And that's why The USrAel goes after all Russia's smaller allied nations one by one as westley Clark pointed out.
The end goal is the empires world domination ...then our WEF slavery can really get started in earnest
You better watch out. You keep talking like that out in the open, and you WILL be visited by "Homeland '(In)Security'" [sic(k!)]. I know what you said is nothing but legal free speech, but the PsTB don't believe that, and believe that it is "perceived threatening conduct" under the oxymoronic "U.S.A. '(UN) P.A.T.R.I.O.T.(IC)' Act". I know about their visits from firsthand experience for calling a federal employee "evil", which all federal employees are now as far as little old, harmless me is concerned, though most of them are (completely?) clueless to that fact.
Besides, are you OOYFM saying "Viva Hamas" regarding a terrorist organization (and I'm NOT pro what "Israehell" has been doing for the past 75-years-plus) created by the Zionist terrorist state known as "Israehell"?!?!? But I agree entirely with "Viva la (non-Violent) Resistance!".
FUCK “Homeland Security”.
If they visit yours truly they’ll get a nice little surprise.
Damn straight Che! 😁
Jeebers! You know first hand? You must be high on the list for work or other.
I'm not a degreed historian, generally eschew "alternative history," and am probably dated and jaded at my 80 yo. But my recall of reading such as the Washington Report On Middle East Affairs in the 1990s remains IMO valid: Hamas' forming leadership and national spirit, mid-'80s, led the movement to consider that the PLO-cum-Fatah-cum-PA was already tending to tend to itself and its entrenchment rather than to the people of Palestine and their legitimate social, political, human-rights, justice, freedom-from-oppression/illegal occupation et al aspirations. That reality was reinforced for me by WRMEA's reports that Intifada I (1987 start?) first featured Palestinian women taking to the streets of Palestine, beating rhythmically on pots and pans, and chanting "No to Occupation! Yes to Dignity, our Rights, and Freedom!"
I first took up the Palestinian cause in 1964 while studying the Arabic language, culture, and extant facts at the Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA. That's 60 years and counting....
I came to the same awareness a couple of yesrs after you, no later than 1960. The years of deliberate deception, obfuscation, and outright lies has never stopped. It is at least somewhat gratifying that there are now millions of people worldwide who now see the truth of the basic situation, if not every detail.
Thank you, Joy. We're brothers and sisters in humanity, hoping/praying, waiting for surcease for all oppressed (weary and burdened) fellow children of this planet. Ma'assalaama to you!
Actually, I think that (legislative) election was 2006 -- and the vassal US and its master 'Israel' set about furiously to "do it in." Didn't the Zios arrest-and-incarcerate some 42 duly elected Hamas folk in the West Bank and put the "do it in" train in motion? The Zios are so good at such...divide and conquer, control and dominate et al.
Well, perhaps I (we) are deviating from Caitlin's prime, "big picture" objective in this great posting by her. But, after all, it's all about "empire," isn't it -- and the hapless Palestinians are at the locus, the flashpoint, the Ground Zero, of "empire machinations and evildoing"? Palestine Is STILL THE ISSUE!
I’m getting this framed. Thank you.
Historically many genocides have been in the millions. Like wars and famines the lives lost are horrendous. We can excuse only so many things as being "the ways of the world"; but we must also ask ourselves are we willing to see the world become a wanton slaughterhouse where lives are dispatched for the sake of pure greed and power. It has been this way throughout history but now the slaughter has become more indiscriminate than ever and the psychosis of war and genocide only become more deeply entrenched and a palpable disgrace to our humanity.
Killing of the gentle men thinkers honest scholars and artist always precede despots.
Humans kill off their best and brightists like they have some self hatred death wish..
If you speak out against the empire the empire seeks to kill you.
Or if you don't make them laugh they will kill you..
So we get the worst as leaders and rullers who get off on power.
We squander our great potential and yes have for centuries ...
What's this say about humans?
We are the cancer..?
This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend
The end of our elaborate plans
The end of everything that stands.
I was raised by a born again Christian and have all the emotonal scars to prove it. Rejection of all abrehamic religons is the result.
Still I see humans on the whole for centuries using it and inflicting suffering on each other to be king of some hill they all end up dying on.
Archamidies built a star tracking analog computer hundreds of years before the Christ character was said to exist and yet a Roman soldier at the invasion of Greece ran him through with his sword because as an old man he would not move fast enough for that jar head to let him.
Nothing at all has really changed in over two thousand years other than a fancy smart phone replaced a guill.
I don't see your idea that any dogma is any better than any other,,no cult guru or shaman holds any appeal to me what do's very posible in pure natural terms humans are the cancer.. And I have far more statistical evidence to back up that assumption than any hippy beads chanting anyone else can come up with..
Maybe I need to be more specific about who is the cancer.
Just like the body has good and bad bateria where some live in harmony some do not.
How does one identify the metastasized humans who do harm to the body?
If we don't identify and cut it out the host will die.
As in,who owns us?
US Foreign Policy in a nutshell...
(Bribes, Bombing & Blockades)
The USrAel is a death cult
Chaz, it’s a rabid dog that needs to be put out of its misery.
And hypocrisy
"You can’t get rid of the empire
If you get rid of the empire, this world could be taken over by tyrants"
This sounds like the Democrats' threats online: "You can't not vote for Genocide Joe, or you 'll get Trump and he'll take away your right to vote/censor pro-Palestinian journalists/continue building the wall at the Southern Border, etc."
You know what threats like that make me do? It makes me say, "Let's test that thesis. Let's get rid of the empire and see if we can organize a world based on principles of compassion and mutual understanding. It's worth a shot, isn't it?"
Such a vast revolution would likely create chaos and destruction of a magnitude never seen before, possibly including nuclear annihilation. Don't be naive. Change must occur gradually.
Sure, that sounds just like dump, so compassionate and understanding. Wtf?
No matter how bad trump is his persecution by the left tells us far more about them than he
Right? The man's the second coming of Christ. Oh my, the terrible persecution of this saintly, loving man. My heart breaks for him. Just an innocent, sweet, kindly man sent by God to bring us together in harmony.
I'm not nearly a trump supporter but what you just did is the same mentality of every type of person who indulges in witch hunts .
Your "logic" amounts to this,
"Throw her in the lake if she sinks she's innocent if she swims she must be made of wood, if she's made of wood witches are made of wood , wood burns,,BURN THE WITCH!."
This is what you sound like to rational human beings.
SO in addition if I point out the corruption of the neoleft you automatically place me in the far right camp as you have been trained to be trainable to do by your cultural systems administrators to assume the opposite of the left right pick a team and fight paradigm curated for your consumption because you have not an original thought in your skull your entire second hand hack existence that was not scripted by some one else in your group tribe or cult.
Then you don't have the capacity to take it in and learn from dismiss anything outside your own dogma and orthodoxy and thats why you will stay ignorant for the rest of your days. Stuck in the middle America trance like one of the two minute hate prolitariates unable to think for yourself due to your intellectual cowardice and lack of personal integrity.
So who is better, Lisa? That's the problem with your type of blindness.
See Project 2025.
Btw dump and biden? Any Democrat is better than the fascist Repugs who want to ban individual liberties, yet want to deregulate all environmental protection, and who worship at the throne of corporate power more, with their tax cuts for the very rich while people and infrastructure crumble. Both sides are compromised by corporate influence, but Repugs care only about profit and control, along with white supremacy. Democrats do have much greater concern for the environment, the well-being of all Americans, and for our already severely compromised democracy. So the conclusion is Vote Blue No Matter Who.
Perfect example of a brain diarrhea that irrevocably afflicted partisans. Having turned blue in the face from your voting blue has not been enough?
I'm not saying you vote red. I'm saying you are insane.
Lesser evil is the mindsets of intellectual cowards
I'm considering writing in AOC.
I have noticed a trend in people who tend to over exagerate to try and sell somthing have a weak sense of integrity
Like the FRENCH did it, Che!
‘rising up’ is in their DNA... (fortunately someone has that transmission.)
Hideous violence. What we need is education and sanity.
Sanity, at least Karl, does not appear to be a factor here.
As Dane Wigington says, Welcome to the Asylum.
Thanks, Karl😉
Jon, if we do that, can we help ourselves to a little cash as well? 😁
Just be sure it isn't in my country, thank you.
Wonderful! Fabulous!!
Thank you!!!
yes. you said it all. well done.
“Where black is the color, where none is the number”
Empire is my friend
Because they told me they were
Whom I to object?
Well most Americans pretend ignorance to the empires boots stomping in a face forever so that they may personely benefit...even if imaginary.
Not my empire. I do not believe in them.
Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum just issued a Report that warned:
"Misinformation and disinformation is the most severe short-term risk the world faces."
Get that? Repeat: "the most severe short term risk the world faces".
And the elites are doing everything to repress, suppress, block, and deny the distribution of "misinformation and disinformation".
Get it? The crackdown is underway.
By "world" they mean themselves.
The WEF Report itself reveals the crackdown. The number one ranked risk management method is - ... wait for it - "censorship and surveillance". Seriously. Check out Figure 3.1 on page 86
Top global risks addressed by National and local regulations
"Which approach(es) do you expect to have the most potential for driving action on risk reduction and preparedness over the next 10 years?"
Censorship and surveillance (64%)"
"The crackdown is underway." - those who pay attention didn't need confirmation from them. It's been obvious for quite some time.
Their solution : “Rebuilding Trust”.
In other words they will intensify their barrage of propaganda
Don't be lazy and do a quick Google (off AAP!). Read their Report -0 their solution is "censorship and surveillance" - that's a quote and the number 1 ranked solution, see:
Elites Say The Number One Risk To The World Is "Misinformation And Disinformation" - The Top Recommended Solution Is "Censorship And Surveillance"