I was just on X telling some guy that he was being way too obvious about his support of Mister Genocide himself, Benjamin Netanyahu. Didn’t he have any shame? It really is amazing how f***ed up this all is & how so many people in the USA are just too distracted to pay any attention to the situation.

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It’s altogether nauseating how effective decades of wide scale propaganda has had on an impressionable American public. Just disgusting!!!

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I completely agree! I just had a conversation with a friend earlier trying as best as i could to convey the intensity of the madness in Gaza only to be yelled at in return with"Your just taking this way to seriously" WTF!!!!

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The great majority of people don't even realise that our own 'governments' are trying to cull us to a fraction of our number, and to make us the survivors 'transhuman' mind-controlled slaves.

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The opposite is true. In the US they've restricted abortion and have their eye on birth control as well. They took over Zero Population Growth and subverted its objective. The Deep State wants a pool of humans to be used as disposable slave laborers and cannon fodder. The earth cannot support 8 billion people, but our overlords are short-sighted.

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I don’t think so. They still want to kill peasant babies. The abortion rights ‘attack’ was timed perfectly and designed to keep us distracted.

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Killing "peasant" babies is not inconsistent with what Marci says above. It is breeding the "right kind" of babies and killing the rest.

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Well yes and obviously . In the UK poor and nonwhite women have the least problem obtaining abortions whether they want them or not and various women judged as incapable of being good middle-class mothers are not exactly forced but 'strongly advised ' to have sterilizations . I understand that eg in Israel it is far easier to get contraception or abortion if you are Arab than if you are Jewish . Unfortunately doctors are not averse to such positions of power .

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Who are these "peasants" of whom you speak? If you mean disadvantaged people living below the poverty line, these are the first to be denied abortion and/or birth control since Roe v Wade fell and conservatives running red states passed restrictive laws and cut funding for Planned Parenthood.

(Both my comments are in response to Paul Barbara's statement above and have zero to do with the ongoing genocide in Palestine.)

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I didn't say SFA about 'peasants'.

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Which Constellation do you live in? Not in ours, obviously. Making it a criminal offense to prayerfully picket human foetus abatoirs, encouraging transgender surgeries and chemiocal mutilation in children (with or without parental consent), waging increasing wars against healthy foods, poisoning them with pesticides, herbicides, GMO's, 'spontaneously combusting' big food distribution hubs, wharehouses and farms, engageing in Weather Warfare, creating floods, droughts, steering and increasing the power of hurricanes, spreaing poisons in the air via Chemtraiks, calling CO2 a 'deadly gas' that has to be curbed, when it is absolutely central to life on earth. I suspect your Constellation is in the Satanic Realm, where everything is the reverse of God's plans.

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i wouldn't worry too much about yourself though, you're the right kind of baby.

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Hello Paul.

I might remind you that the US does not exist anymore.

It is now a Zionist country.

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So too is the UK where I abide, unfortunately. Control of the world's banks, bribery, blackmail and murder have made their mark, plus the backing of the Prince of this world, Satan, who has the power and can give it to who he wishes. They will pay in the Afterlife, when they are condemned to serve Satan forever more after the Day of Judgement. This is the choice they made, this world is a trial, and there will be no bent lawyers or Judges on Judgement Day!

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UH this is religious nonsense.

Sorry to be so belligerant BUT anyone who believes in religion is persona non grata for me.

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"Distracted!" Stupid I think might be a better word.

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Some of us have people in our governments who have not been able to face up to the problems of the past, especially if those problems were with someone close to them. https://breachmedia.ca/chrystia-freelands-denials-grandfather-complicit-nazi-genocide/

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I have a friend who admits that one of her grandfathers was a Nazi doctor. But her father and mother emigrated from Austria to escape the persecution because her father was Jewish. It can get really convoluted even within a single family.

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MLK said it perfectly: We live together as brothers or we perish together as fools.

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Ethnic annihilation was merely a minor stumbling block to the ultimate goal for full annexation of Gaza into the Greater Israel project!!

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Quite right, Andy. This invasion/mass murder/genocide is merely a means to an end. In this case literally - the end of the original inhabitants and the installation of their god's chosen people in their rightful god-given land. And there's the small matter of keeping Bibi out of court and potentially, gaol, as a side benefit. Doubtless their god had a hand in that, too.

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God is their real estate agent.

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Now THAT's a slogan!

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David. When are Americans going to understand that you have been taken over by Zionists.

Easy to do in a country with no decent education.

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You're right, Jenny. Zionists have the US pollies and mainstream media dancing on the end of a string. It's quite similar down here in Australia, to our utter shame.

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Many people (especially Zionists) misunderstand the Israel-Palestine conflict:

(1) The Israeli Zionists have ALWAYS wanted ALL of Palestine for themselves (i.e. ethnic cleansing of non-Jews and to a lesser extent colored Jews).

(2) If the ethnic-cleansing strategy didn't deliver, a "genocide" was the alternative.

(3) But the Israelis couldn't just execute a Genocide without any pretext. They've always wanted to upto now, but the US (and other nations) would not have accepted it (until recently).

(4) The Oct.7th incident gave the Israeli Zionists an opportunity TO ACT on something they've been wanting to do for a LONG TIME. This time around, many things aligned to make it possible for them to go ahead with the Genocide - (i) Fanatical extreme Far-Right Israeli Govt. (ii) multiple decades of racist indoctrination in Israeli society and culture coming to fruition (iii) maturation of high-tech systems and weapons of war (iv) adequate influence on US entities so as to gain their full-throated support (v) weakening of some Arab states (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen) (vi) anti-pathy towards Palestinians from other Arab states (Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman), (vii) other factors...

This is NOT the first genocide by settler-colonials - think America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa (failed), Algeria (failed), many others... Unfortunately, I don't think this is going to be the LAST settler-colonial Genocide (I hope I'm wrong). Capitalism depends on COLONIALISM & IMPERIALISM to survive - the Capitalist system cannot continue to exist without such OPPRESSION, SUPPRESSION, EXPLOITATION, WAR, and GENOCIDE.

Hence, the CAPITALIST SYSTEM ***MUST*** be taken down if humanity is to progress, evolve, and survive!

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Every last line SPOT ON!

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Of course this was always the plan, even as the State Department piously preaches about International Law and Borders Are Sacred.

What does anyone propose to do about it? Reward and punishment are the only language sociopaths understand.

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De-funding Israel would be a start, but I fear it's too late now, plus it will never happen. The propaganda is strong here in the US, and there would be a massive backlash.

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USA is controlled by Zionists.

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Silly cat…they use 'rules based order' now not international law.


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Perhaps Iran should nuke Israel nuclear weapon facility in Negev desert ASAP — to demo the capability and state that if reaction Tel Aviv or Haifa will be next.

ONLY this will stop current horrors…

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Bad bad bad idea. Nuclear spreads the harm exponentially. And with longevity.Please do everything in your power not to normalize nuclear. There is zero amount of normal in anything nuclear. Do you want you and your dearests living under nuclear fallout drinking radiated water from contaminated springs and aquifers and eating radiated veggies?

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Murdering children is the ultimate evil. To calmly put a bullet in the brain of a little kid. May god forgive , I won't. These monsters Never find peace. Nor should they. Deliberate

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It seems to me that 5 different countries in that region (excluding Iran) should each cripple an Israeli city with conventional weapons, all at the same time. I doubt even Israel would think it could invade 5 countries in quick succession, especially while trying to recover (though it could well hasten the end of Israel altogether). The U.S. would no doubt respond with belligerent rhetoric but would likely also be hard-pressed to make war on 5 countries, and the Israeli public might actually take the hint that their genocide will never allow them any peace and cry uncle. The problem would be getting all the attackers to coordinate and carry out the plan despite inevitable sanctions from our dear empire. In the absence of any sanity where Israel’s concerned I cannot think of a better plan.

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The problem with that is the fact that the US gov’t has been buying off neighboring countries with very generous aid packages for years. They would like the Palestine issue to continue as long as they get American money out of it. At some point though the people in those countries may finally rise up and demand their leaders help the Palestinians. But it may be too little too late if the region explodes.

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Yes, Egypt and Jordan are out. I’d have to research before suggesting 5 participants aside from Yemen.

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Having listened to experts on U-Tube.

The US is way behind in weapons manufacturing.....why?

The US is uneducated ....easy for Zionists to take over your miserable country.

Keep shopping!

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I’m pretty sure Iraq doesn’t, and never did, have nuclear weapons. Iran might have some, or at least has close friends that do, but they aren’t the ones likely to do a first strike. I think we know who’s more likely to do that.

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Think again — a preemptive strike would likely freeze the current horror…

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They can't and won't.

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Oh yes they can but Iranians are smarter than the ill-educated in the USA

US is now owned by Zionists.

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Nuke Washington DC first.

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i think empire would actually like that, if that was a possibility.

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A typo — Iran

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To abate the guilt the Germans earned about their role in the holocaust, they should have carved out of their own country a region establishing the Jewish homeland. Certainly more parochial and ethnically compatible than stealing Palestinian land to do so.

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I have said that if Americans feel guilty for not having done more about The Holocaust, and maybe they should, facilitating armed robbery against people who were not committing genocide is not the answer.

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There is a very big reason this did not happen and the real reason for what has happened is this was a "Fall back for "Nazism" to continue to exist". The Zionist since 1905 were busy conducting various terrorist activities and during the WW2 they approached Hitler with a plan (look for "Document 51" free on the Internet Archives which is the actual communications between the Zionist before, during and after the attack/colonisation on Palestine). What needs to be clearly understood (and the reason you always see me refer to them as "Zionist Nazis" is that Zionism is the Worst Form of Nazism! These creatures used and killed Jews with every bit of fervour as Hitler ever did. They tried to kill Churchill during the war, bribed Wilson with a Million dollar pay off, tried to kill Truman and the lists go on. They have Always been terrorist! They quite literally both invented terrorism and are truly the only terrorist on the planet. They have only used the Jewish people as a scapegoat and Zionism is not a religion it is a "Racist Ideology"!

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i'm pretty sure empire's elites in europe and the us (including churchill, truman) were not on the side of the jews that were killed in ww2 and exporting the 'jewish problem' to palestine seemed a good deal to them. imo, ww2 (and most wars since) was more about curbing socialism/communism than the jews (despite all public rhetoric and there was some overlap).

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Israel is bad enough with its arrogance and total disregard for any other nationality than its own.

But the USA exceeds the mental derangement even of an Israeli with its support for massacres, starvation, civilian murders, sniper deaths for children by the thousands and the support in both funding and weapons and feet on the ground, therefore active participation, tolerating the dual-passported "Americans" fighting against unarmed women and children in a foreign land, able to return to America as if nothing had happened. Who else has dual passports, dual personalities and dual loyalties.

In one burst, America has undone in one selfish but profitable action all the good that it may have done over time, time that is before hegemony became the No.1 game and military power became the objective. Profitable objective, of course.

There is not a single thing that a person should be able to attribute to the USA since its inception that has not been cancelled out by the dirty deeds of Biden and his profiteering advisers, the AIPAC's, Neocons, BlackRocks and Vanguards, Boeings, Northrops and the rest of the militarists all rubbing their hands with glee as they see this profitable climate continuing into the foreseeable future. New President? Same country. Thousands of deaths? Who really gives a damn in the good old USA?

From here on in, more of the same. Same game, different players.

Then to add insult to injury we see the voters out of 330 million people willing to vote in misfits with the same values as Biden, who is leaving soon, not under a cloud and despised by all the decent people that one assumes live in that country, but as some sort of hero.

Now there is the danger. America is seemingly incapable of telling who is a criminal and who is a respected leader with qualities that can be admired and worthy of being a leader of a once proud country whose values are now shot to hell.

And I mean hell.

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Summed it up Con 33. And now, with tacit US approval, they're adopting the same brutal tactics in Lebanon. And, no doubt, Biden and co will supply the wherewithal and advise Bibi to 'bomb responsibly'.

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So well said!

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We need to start in kindergarten or before teaching our children that all people are equal. Different in some ways such as skin colour, language, culture, but equal. We must not treat everyone as we want to be treated: we must find out how others want to be treated and try to treat them as they wish, unless they want to be treated like gods who are above everyone else. We need to stop consuming. We need to understand that we share this planet with other humans and other species. We need to stop thinking we have all the answers and we need to LISTEN to others.

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Kids naturally accept all kinds of people. They’re mostly interested in those who are good playmates. I don’t know when we become capable of racism and other bigotries but it couldn’t hurt to start treating young people better so that we have fewer adults with unprocessed trauma.

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Children learn racism and bigotry from their parents, grandparents, and uncles and aunts. Plain and simple.

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They don’t learn it from people at large? From school? From the media? I agree that parents and family have an enormous impact on children—100%—but kids spend 15,000 hours in school. Young people are part of a society too. My parents, despite their terrible record as caregivers, did not display a speck of racism that I could ever recall, but I learned to cross the street when there was a black guy back there anyway. Implicit bias is nearly unavoidable in this country, even for those not being schooled in racism at home. I really don’t think it’s entirely “plain and simple.”

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I think we can agree that young people learn racism from adults. No one is born with it.

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"It was always about stealing land from the indigenous people of Palestine."

And it was always glaringly obvious that this is what it's been about all along. Any excuse to steal the land. Who cares about its original occupants?

"Humanity can’t keep living like this."

It can't and remain "human" and "humane". I just worry that as more and more sociopaths take positions in our governments, we'll eventually find being human outlawed and find ourselves victims of the next genocide. Humanity must unite and rid itself of these mass murderers!

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The kind caring nation? I would vote for a just nation committed to truth. The way capitalism is practiced today and its competitiveness for profit and monopolization (dominance) cancels “kind and caring.” Doesn’t it?

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None of us are free until all of us are free. We must understand multi-generational trauma and its power over us and we need to uncover our personal roots of trauma to do that. I encourage everyone to attend or host a screening of Where Olive Tree Weep.com. The film "offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice. This emotional journey bares the humanity of the oppressed while grappling with the question: what makes the oppressor so ruthlessly blind to its own cruelty?" Here in southern Illinois, we are screening it on November 4 at the university library.

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As we know it was NEVER about Hamas or hostages but about Israel/US expansion and they have a long way to go to achieve the goal so there is no relief in sight with more and more deaths and destruction makes us ashamed to even be a part of Western civilization we foolishly believed that we were the good guys who had Democracy and fought for justice

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Your justice was NEVER about Democracy it was about pillaging.

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Spot on! I have a list which covers the wars the US have been involved in and it goes way back to just about the 4th of July 1776!

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The "dreamer" in me responds to Caitlin's idealism of what has to be done if the human race is to go on, get out of the abyss we are in. But then realism sets in with the force of a sledge hammer.

Where are we right now in human history?

Settler colonialism in all its gory brutal forms has happened before. Imperialism, slavery, subjugation, stealing of land and resources, extermination of native people and countless other atrocities were visited on the Global South.

The "victors" wrote the history to suit their narrative and preened themselves on being great humanitarians in bringing the Nazis to justice. The fact it wouldn't have happened if not for the Soviet Union is not even a footnote. Even the decolonisation of nations wouldn't have happened if not for the support that the Soviet Union gave "the third world".

Communism wasn't treated as another form of government, a philosophy, but a threat to Western hegemony and their capitalist way of life. And a series of proxy wars in the Global South kept the "peace" and prosperity in the West.

The US/West found ways and means to keep the recently decolonised under control, subjugating them to a virulent kind of neo-colonialism. I recall a protest song from one of the blighted, lamenting - " The white man didn't stay; neither did he go away; the flag is ours; the rope is his... " illustrating what really happened ( a very rough translation from the original - my apologies ).

The capitalist infrastructure - the World Bank, IMF and so on - is used to subject nations to a fate of unbearable debt.

The United Nations was always manipulated by the US/West and the pretence of caring for "human rights" was weaponised.

But were the guilty ever brought to justice for these crimes against humanity? Were reparations to the victims ever made? They carried on regardless creating a world of war, injustice and inhumanity.

Israel is the natural born killer descendant of this legacy. Why wouldn't they get away with it if their mentors did just that. And they are now executing their legacy with utmost impunity.

Is a world revolution ( at least with half the world participating ) possible, to overthrow the narcissistic, virulent world order that is destroying all that is good and possible... and the planet?

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Very much exactly on target! This is a very major part of the problem for the world and more than likely it has to be done by the "Global South" (perhaps with Russian assistance!) because here in the US and the UK the people fight their enemies fight for them!

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Indu, you seem to have a VERY INCOMPLETE (biased) understanding/knowledge of Russian history. Check out Russia's history of imperialism AND colonization. It has done many of the same things "the West" has, though on different scales and in different periods of history.

Idolizing Russia (while ignoring its history) is similar to idolizing the US (while ignoring its history). Do you want me to provide sources/links to what I say? Or will you be able to search the internet on your own? There are also many books that go into detail about Russian imperialism, colonialism, etc.

Here's some links to get you started:

(1) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/5/24/how-russia-tried-to-colonise-africa-and-failed

(2) https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/1/24/how-western-scholars-overlooked-russian-imperialism

(3) https://european-resilience.org/analytics/russias-hidden-colonialism-its-origins-forms-and-ways-escape-it (this one goes into more detail and also references Russian sources)

Also, the history of WW2 and Russia's role in it is WAY MORE NUANCED than your narrative. Check out the "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" between Stalin and Hitler in 1939 just before the start of the war. Read some detailed books on Russian pogroms of Jews (there is a long history there). Putin is NOT a good guy. There are NO "good" guys at that level - good guys DON"T make it to that level. All the people involved are BAD guys - just to different levels.

If you care about being objective, unbaised, truthful, and accurate, then I suggest dropping your idealism about Russia, Putin, etc. - THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS (at the world leader level). The same applies to your "idealism about Communism". Everything is nuanced. Nothing is black-and-white.

I hope you take this comment in a positive way (as I meant it). As a realist, I like seeing the pros and cons of each side (rather than ignoring information that goes against my confirmation biases).

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Chang, I never said I needed you to sort me out!

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Your previous comments and idolization of Russia, Putin (and always blaming just the US/West - instead of recognizing the common threads) says otherwise.

Just as many Americans/Westerners are blind to real US history and propaganda, you seem to be displaying a similar blindness towards "the enemies of the US/West".

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I am not sure where you got the idolising Russia part from what was said? I got a different take and whole heartily agree!

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It's a continuation from a previous discussion about Russia, Putin, Communism, "the West" made in previous comments by Indu.

What most people (on this substack) fail to realize is that Russia is not that different from the US in the sense that it too has a history of Imperialism, colonialism, pogroms on Jews, suppression, oppression, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, etc. much like the US. It too wants "superpower" status.

If you read/listen to John Maersheimer's theory of "offensive realism" and "how states think", Russia, China, etc. are just other states that are not as yet as powerful as the US. Indu has a habit of idolizing Russia into the "good guys". In geopolitics and "great power politics" there are NO good guys.

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"What most people (on this substack) fail to realize is that" - chokaski is talking out of its ass full steam all the time with no breaks except of the wind variety.

full time googling specialist, template collector, shitty editor to appropriate propaganda links supplied "knowledge" as its own. voluminous "baffle them with bullshit" dumper, as no "dazzle them with brilliance" ability is possessed.

impressive to submissive and gullible types of the forum. mostly of the bimbo variety of both sexes. atta chokaski of the forum.

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I feel sorry for you - what a wasted life you must have had to make you the abusive, toxic, bullying, misogynist person that you are. Hope you are able to heal somehow...

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recycling same adjectives over and over poor chokaski lacking googling technique while claiming champion.

do not despair chokaski, stress the google, save, categorize, randomize, tweak to look bigger than you are chokaski.

impress the bimbos. uncrumple orestes vasquez's foreskin. learn moheling. help him out.

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"Check out the "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" between Stalin and Hitler in 1939 just before the start of the war. " - just this one fart of yours chokaski shows you're an ignorant moron bordering on a well-rounded imbecile.

regarding propaganda links - aljazeera, chokaski, is not a non-biased source to be trusted. it's a full-on propaganda outlet, just a bit more subtle on middle east.

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>>"aljazeera, chokaski, is not a non-biased source to be trusted"

"russian_bot (aka Mr. I Elect Trumps™) is not a non-biased source to be trusted".

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Totally agree. I remember living in W. Germany as a young military bride, attending with two German teen agers, actual films of Germany horrible actions against humans. At that time the German government appeared to be making an effort. We, also, toured Dachau. The U.S. used many of the Nazis post WWII, turning their attention to Russia. I don’t know how many Americans are aware of how critical the situation their government has helped create over the years. It’s football season, you know. Israel is absolutely evil, I can’t say that the U.S. isn’t evil.

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No, we don't have to become a kind and caring people to avoid genocide. We just have to oppose geopolitically killing them. This we are afraid to do because the USA has a homicidal culture and we are defying it by opposing genocide. After all, the USA spent the first three centuries of its four century history by the genocide and enslavement of non-White people. And so we must oppose American real history rather than identify with the power delusions promoted by the US plutocracy. And we can't; no guts.

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Stealing land, it's what they do and what they've done since the beginning.

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