Oh, Caitlin and Tim! This is indeed one of your best! (& there are MANY!) writings sooo targeted at the blinders/avoidance/shoulder-shrugging as if our current reality should just be accepted as is! 💔Thank you for putting into words my very own feelings and observations!!

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Such an important point. We can't let ourselves numb out and miss life on its terms.

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I lived a 'calloused' life for a long time. It took a lot of work to begin to appreciate the world's beauty again, even longer to appreciate the world's beautiful people. It is literally like eyesight, it can get out of focus and if you're not aware of it, you start to believe that's just the way the world looks. Another great piece, thanks.

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Some men (and women) just want to see the world burn. Those men and women must be separated and confined from the rest of us. Forever.

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Poetry of the highest order.

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Refreshing! Thank you!

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We were created in a planet so beautiful, we cannot even imagine one more beautiful. Nature is awe-inspiring, all other animals have grace, love, and complete adaptation. They could not live anywhere else any more than we could. Yet the crazy myth persists, and even Stephen Hawking the renowned physicist, bought into the idea that migration into space is our only hope for future survival. How dumb: abandon a perfectly viable planet for a very hostile unknown instead of using the brains nature gave us to solve the problems we have created, all on our own. Which brings into question the concept of intelligence: obviously, it's often confused with something quite different: a knack for a discipline , either in science or art.

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I wish we’d not allowed ourselves to become desensitized to everything that is going on right now. For example, homelessness.

It is a problem that keeps growing and will continue to do so until we put our foot down and demand the wealthiest civilization in human history... actually provides housing for everyone within its grip.

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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"That’s what authentic living is, in my view: meeting life just as it is, without egocentric filters, distortions or manipulations, come what may. This is the only way to really live our time on this earth, to really experience each moment instead of missing it. It’s also the only way for ordinary people to respond to tyranny and abuse with the emotional energy it requires."

Emotional energy--and maturity--are what is necessary to bring about positive change in this world. If we can't love our neighbors as we love ourselves then we aren't serious about building a better world. We just want more of the same with ourselves on top. Socialists include everyone as equals in a better world.

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"That’s what authentic living is, in my view: meeting life just as it is, without egocentric filters, distortions or manipulations, come what may. This is the only way to really live our time on this earth, to really experience each moment instead of missing it." Caitlin Johnstone

Great paragraph by CJ. This is how I live my life.

But I don't like anyone telling me what I must do or never do. And that includes CJ and commenters on this site.

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BE HERE NOW. You are an integral part of a conmos that is evolving every nanosecond. imho

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Keeping with the zeitgeist, photos from me to you:

Long Lost Warhol Files Found: The Forest Papers


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Expanded Awareness is Impact Awareness plus sensitivity to beauty.Indeed the same aperture.

Perception is our greatest treasure.It is automatically imprinted by ideology and the blueprints of experience.

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You are correct Caitlin never let a day go by without taking in and marveling the creation around you. We know our start date and we never know our end date. Live for the hyphen that's between. I stopped watching TV years ago so I'm not up to speed on what is being used to propagandize the populous. I do know that our military-industrial complex is responsible for the tragedies that unfold around the world.

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