I love your writing Caitlin, but you are unfairly shitting on animals here. I am pretty sure that animals - from reptiles to the great apes - are far closer to the here-and-now, no-self-exists, no-storylines-playing state of mind than any humans ever will be. They are also not currently destroying the world. It is not our animals selves that are the problem, I really don't think.

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Thank you. And - more details on St. Obama:

( Barack Obama is a spook, from a spook family, and his political campaigns were financed by spooks… )

In 1965 CIA organized a coup against Indonesia founding president Sukarno by CIA-trained generals. The US considered Sukarno too progressive (he implemented land-reform – same reason for CIA coup in Guatemala which resulted with a genocide of high-land Mayas). CIA installed one of the most murderous military regime (under Suharto dictatorship) on Earth which killed more than two millions ( 2M ) civilians – the massacres are known as “The Jakarta Method” (see book by Vincent Bevins) used subsequently in Africa (Angola, Mozambique) and throughout Latin and Central America.

What is important here is that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, worked for U.S. government agencies and allied NGOs—the Ford Foundation, Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives Inc., and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—in Indonesia in the 1960s and 1970s as well as later in Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Thailand.

Obama’s mother married Indonesian Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro; they had a daughter Maya Soetoro when Barack Obama was four. The colonel was from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform; the marriage was likely arranged, Obama’s mother may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets

Obama claimed that his mother did not know about the countless atrocities that were committed by the Suharto government, which is implausible given her CIA background and the fact that they were much reported on by mainstream newspapers at the time (although mostly favorably by right-wing media). Of significance, Obama underplayed his stepfather Lolo’s army rank in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine


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Really nice Caitlin Collective...

the egoic condition leads to our being dominated by the reptilian/ape/ survival brain and the result is individual and collective madness and brutality...

Avenues where we can talk freely without Corp. or govt. control will be important and seeing each other— even if we are simply reading out our tweets or ‘ quakes’ on camera will help neutralize the power of amateur or professional disruptors that use online anonymity and survival brain- triggering comments to keep people from consensus, clarity, and collective, calm courage. We may not have to do it all the time we nice we build an honest sincere reputation but with practice we will know when face to face interaction is necessary to disarm, clarify and humanize... or reveal insincerity or deception.

Human beings can be bamboozled by slick visuals but basic webcams bring us all down to earth... heck the paparazzi has made a billion dollar industry out of grabbing embarrassing/ humanizing video and photos of the rich and powerful looking and behaving just like the rest of us mere mortals.

It is much harder to deceive the human brain when we are visually humanized and can more easily read intentions compared to the current context where we are propagandized and triggered and divided so easily.

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I'm old enough to remember when Google first came out their tag line was "Don't Be Evil." That got dropped so quickly I wonder how many even noticed.

Our politics is broken. Totally useless. As Einstein said, the minds that got us into this mess cannot get us out, or words to that effect. So we're all doing the Twist, waiting for the Beatles.

I have no idea exactly what comes next; I only know we desperately need one. In order to usher a next in, we need to create space for it. That means stopping feeding the machine. No lesser of two evils voting. Laughing at all wealthy corporate gasbags instead of tuning in. Rejecting faux fixes like Trump. Thumbing our noses at our alphabet agencies. No kneejerk thanking of troops.

In the stillness, what's next will make itself known.

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Best writing ever.

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Thank you. It is too late. The masters will soon implement a global facist state...we will be slaves...emprisoned...tortured...deported...it is coming....poverty everywhere...however...they forget...the Life Force or Nature is being awaken from neoliberal abuses on forests..seas...animals...Nature shall generate monstruous pandemics that will collapse human societies....little neoliberal nazis will have to go...they will fire on the masses in the streets...but even..they will go...

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And again: Thank you ,Caitlin .

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Man, am I being chatty this morning.

As I was reading, Caitin's article reminded me of this short article found on Op Ed News, "King George Was More Democratic Than American Revolutionaries"


Which summarizes the theme of Howard Zinn's book, which, in turn, reminds me of how mistaken I was about the 9/11 overthrow of Chile's government and the role the US played. Most Americans seem to be unaware of the (Evil) Empire.

Then, as I paused to review the point I'm trying to make, RCP posted this article by Madeleine Albright, "The Coming Democratic Revival"


Just a few paragraphs in and you have to wonder if Albright is so blinded by her dedication to the idea of democracy that she isn't suffering from some cognitive dissonance. Every sentence she uses "Democracy" could substitute "Empire" and it would still make complete sense -- except the former version is "good" and the later is "bad". A perfect example of double-speak.

Which brings us back to Caitlin's point, "But of course it's not as clear-cut as good guys vs bad guys, us vs them," perhaps shining some light on the fear gripping Zionists who commit unspeakable crimes to protect themselves.

"The sociopaths who rule our world are no more conscious of their own inner processes than your average serial killer. "

What is it you feel when you read Albright's article? Are we all sociopaths? Doesn't claiming our leaders to be sociopaths without acknowledging our own sociopathic tendencies just fertilize the us vs. them mentality that has led us to this point in history? Are we self-selecting the silo of hate we want to occupy?

It "would be nice" if folks would recommend commentators they respect, like: Taibbi, Dore, Mate, Greenwald, Blumenthal, as well as alternates to substack like OpEd News (where the quality of articles is quite mixed.)

In the end though, the question always left unanswered is, "What are you going to do about it?"

I don't know.

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The corporate fascists responsible for resource-theft aggressions and most of the destruction of our ecosystem have usurped our media, our politics, and our global economy. The duopoly parties masquerading as our "representatives" now serve up their Kabuki Theatre Politics solely in service to these corporate fascists. The primacy of these fascists is the culmination of more than forty years of the targeted dismantling of our essential economic safety measures, the deliberate usurpation of our nation's commons, a massive upward transfer of wealth, and the installation of political sycophants willing to bend over for them. Don't even get me started about the militarized police...

We must recognize that a minuscule fraction of old white men (less than a thousand out of eight billion of us peeps, hailing from over sixty countries) now owns virtually the entire planet. Resource-theft aggressions are their favorite wealth acquisition vectors. Their power and influence are immeasurable.

These old white men, neoliberal corporate fascists to a one, have distorted our global economy to support their psychopathy of wealth hoarding and they're destroying our ecosystem in the process. Naomi Klein has covered this fact in her seminal work, The Shock Doctrine.

We are witnessing these corporate fascists (psychopaths, in my opinion) stripping our planet of every possible resource; leaving in their wake millions of metric tons of radioactive waste (still spewing into the Pacific Ocean, actually; did you know GE is the "parent corporation"?), multiple deathly toxic Superfund sites, and decades of poisons in our air, our water and our soil. We bear witness to the fact that a hundred multinational corporations (most from the United States) are responsible for 70% of CO2 emissions. We bear witness to their hoarding of the wealth of this planet, keeping the vast Hoi Polloi in or near destitution and vulnerable to their relentless resource-theft aggressions and their relentless hoarding of wealth.

I think our children and our children's children deserve better. At the rate we're going, we're sentencing our entire species to a hellish future and our likely extinction event... all for filthy lucre.





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"Any solution is therefore going to have to come from somewhere they haven't secured." - Impossible! All we have is capitalism - and we must use it to break out of it.

Might consider taking inspiration from Adorno: "...freedom itself and unfreedom are so entangled that unfreedom is not just an impediment to freedom but a premise of its concept" (from Negative Dialectics)

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