Jan 4·edited Jan 4

It is abundantly obvious that Israel intends to goad its American goon and its buttbois into a war on Iran.

Yemen is but one facet of this.

America's wars on Iraq, Syria, and Libya (all at the behest of Israel) were then opening acts.

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"And all for land, money and geostrategic control, same as always." Does the US know anyanything else?

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"And all for land, money and geostrategic control, same as always."

This is a crisis of modern consciousness. As an Iranian scanning the politics for decades, the Iranian government is infected by the same consciousness of power, control, greed. They weaponize Islam. Zionists weaponize Judaism and the trauma of holocaust, West in general weaponizes freedom, equality, rights etc... It is all the same fractal pattern, which has always been there throughout human history, yet now it seems to be at its peak, as in this age it can source energy from millions of good hearted people's votes and taxes. I call it modern, as utilizing the 'sacred' towards material (political, economical) goals is an essential part of the modern consciousness.

But also it would not be fair to put Iranian government completely in the same plate, as they do not have the pattern of invading and colonizing others for the past centuries. The anti-dote to it would be a whole different level of consciousness, starting with education and human development, which no one is giving priority to. A new consciousness would need a new understanding of the 'sacred' orders. The work of Mercea Eliade, The Sacred and The Profane opens many doors, at least to figure out where to begin with.

I am sharing this as many people are habitually searching for a political solution for it all. Political solutions will mostly remain part of the problem and contribute to the complexity, as they do not arise from a different level of consciousness.

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Netanyahu only cares about his survival and the only option he has left is to double down and bring Hezb and Iran into the war - and drag America and the West into an active rather than passive role. They’ve been trying to goad Hezb into a response for months. The term ‘off ramp’ is so 2022...

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I am struck by the irony that the US threatens a country or people (Houthi's) for doing what it always does--impose sanctions and interrupt economic functioning. That is what BDS is all about and the US passes laws making such movements illegal while ignoring the issue of free speech and that 'strikes' against corporations is an old and respected form of protest against inhumane abuse whether on the job or on the international scene. Such is American exceptionalism which sorely deserves to be confronted and bested.

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Tony Blair's getting involved so you know a war is on the horizon!

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Is Ireland the only anglophone/European/western country with any morality?

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The blood drinkers want WW3 : This is what they want. Also, do you remember General Wesley Clark comment about war in the Middle East. The last country was Iran.

¨So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran."

General Wesley Clark Wars Were Planned Seven Countries In Five Years 2:12 min


General Clark on the Iraq Invasion | American War Generals 2:59 min


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The neocons want WW3...ASAP.

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Natanyahu has told the US to invade Iran. You can bet AIPAC is busy making phone calls and cutting a new round of checks. There will be a "terrorist" incident engineered by Mossad or Mossad/CIA to panic Americans to war, just like we saw with 9/11. This nation is bought. We are a vassal state of Israel.

We are being ordered to do the only thing we can do any more, as I illustrated here: https://mark192.substack.com/p/america-summed-up-in-a-quote-a-cartoon?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1730215&post_id=140318113&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=false&r=2iji4s&utm_medium=email

If you know any young people, encourage them to watch this interview for a dose of what "serving your country" really looks like: https://youtu.be/7FNDZkjIFCc?si=J4XkByQWCPaM823r

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

Why hasn't anyone apparently sought impeachment of Biden, particularly since he made it so obvious that he supports "Israehell's" genocide being carried out in Israel and Palestine, and that he is aiding and abetting it? Why is Biden supposedly "untouchable" when it comes to impeachment? Or are there rumblings about it that I haven't yet heard? By the foregoing Biden has perpetrated crimes against the peace, and supported crimes against humanity and war crimes. He has allowed, promoted and supported the wholesale genocide in Gaza, and is preventing the U.S. and global genocide via the scamdemic and the "vaccines" from being stopped, and he gets away with it?! I know the U.S. and the Western governments are far-gone, but this proves that they are more far-gone than ever. This mass-murderous cretin, Biden, needs to be impeached immediately, forthwith!

Heck, look at who most of Biden's cabinet is made up of; again, Ashkenazim. Who has run the CIA since its inception; Ashkenazim. And they don't have the best interests of the U.S. and the world at heart. Israeli government officials have admitted that they believe ALL "goy" (non-Ashkenazim) must be eradicated, not just the Palestinians and other Muslims. They hate the U.S. while gladly taking billions upon billions of our dollars. After all these many decades it must be up to a trillion dollars by now. All of the Ashkenazim who are against all of this madness, I am with you! All of the same who support what "Israehell" is doing in the Middle East, you should be in the Hague facing aiding and abetting of war crimes, etc., charges along with "Netanpsychopath", "Can't(a)Bide(n)him", et al. What goes around, comes around. It's time for bringing liberty and freedom back around, don't we think?!

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I heard yesterday in the French newspapers the Iraqi's are telling the Americans to get out!

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The US backed Israeli terrorists are keen to drag the whole region into war to cover up their crimes. Obviously all the white western powers have allowed the US to threaten / bribe them into compliance. Mercifully none of the Arab countries (except spineless corrupt Bahrain), nor Turkey have joined this desperate armada. Once again the world allows the criminal US regime to bring war and devastation as they sell arms to all sides but take no risk themselves. However, they are so stupid that they do not understand that yet more military action against Arab states will only make the situation worse, probably halting all shipping in the Red Sea, possibly forcing elements in Egypt to threaten the extremely vulnerable Suez Canal and the whole of the Mediterranean, not to mention the easily disrupted oil & gas pipelines. Of course, the US does not give a shit because the trade there does not affect them - it is Europe that will suffer the consequences. It is very difficult to envisage what the Chinese will make of this. And, of course, any disruption to the oil trade - by state or terrorist actions - only helps Russia, and will also hasten the end of US hegemony.

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The usa and israel have decimated their country and economy plus all their forces are jabbed more than once the adrenaline rush is causing them sudden deaths and heart issues and confusion no wonder the Israeli army are shooting each other.

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4

The US has killed over a million people in wars on arabs and Afghans and Africans:


What’s a few more thousand dead, to blood-stained, money-worshipping ghouls?

The Israelis are murderous colonial overlords who want a wide ranging war in the middle east to make them more important to the forbes of global war in the US…..and to allow them to unleaash nuclear weapons on the arabs and Iranians.

The west is supposedly says it is fighting a global war ON terrorism……while it is increasingly clear to the entre global south that this is a war OF terrorism waged on the global south by the western Neo-colonial Always war Terrorist Alliance…..aka «NATO».

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Since wesley clark this has always been the plan. Iran knows the plan. Assuming they have been very strategic about next steps. They are aware of the carrot and stick.

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