"The leaders of the US-centralized empire understand that real power lies in the ability to control not just what happens in the world but what people think about what happens, because doing so allows them to act however they want to act without the risk of revolution."

So...It's up to us to not let them tell us how to think. We have to teach others how to ignore the propaganda and think for themselves as well. We can't let up until we have the majority out of the clutches of the imperialists. Power to the people!

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Today I observed two posts from friends on very opposite ends of the propaganda divide. One is a very conservative Christian who commented about how crazy Kamala was threatening to stop weapons going to Israel whilst on other posts sharing examples of Jesus’s teachings around love and forgiveness. She’s college educated, not retarded, so I can’t believe she doesn’t see the paradox there. The other friend was sharing a commentary from MSNBC on how dangerous Trump is and with ‘his’ Agenda 2025. Feminists unite! I find it impossible to explain to both that they’ve been fooled and their work view is a big fat lie. What can we do? I just keep my mouth shut now

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Cognitive dissonance is prevalent everywhere. Critical thinking is discouraged in the education system so it starts really early. It's a deliberate political strategy.

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Cognitive dissonance 24/7 is "The New Normal" !!!

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Critical thinking in the school system is discouraged for two reasons. 1) adults want to thoroughly control young people. Yes, this is partly for political reasons, but plenty of liberals and lefties are completely on board with this agenda. It's time we talked about it. And 2) much more money can be siphoned from public education tax dollars with a system that treats kids like morons than from one that trusts them to be intelligent and sociable humans. Pearson doesn't get fat and rich by respecting the intelligence of young people. It's baked into the system to be extremely labor intensive (great for more and more jobs and, therefore, teachers' unions) and immensely dumbed down. We've transferred to children the contempt and control we once tried to have over women and black people. It's no longer "barefoot and pregnant" or "You're too simple-minded so we must have slavery." Now it's: every single impulse children have to explore their world and take normal childhood risks is suddenly "too dangerous." In this way we keep our public spaces child-free and make a killing on anti-anxiety meds and more and more school. Why the left refuses to understand any of this is beyond me.

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As the saying goes, "a man (person) convinced against their will is of the same opinion still", but don't keep your mouth shut "Silence is Consent".

I was talking to a "Christian" lady in a Grocery Outlet parking lot earlier today. She kept trying to tell me how Revelations is coming true. I said "yeah people have been saying that for decades and still..." She said, "oh but it is different now because we are coming to the last two revelations." I just told her, you know there are more than 4,000 religions in the world. We ended the discussion in a friendly way talking about other things.

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Self fulfilling. It appears the crazies are making it happen, then saying ‘see! the world IS ending and so god IS real!’

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5000%. My mother voted for trump because of the Supreme Court appointments (yeah she wanted that shit) even though she hates him/his personality. And now everything is going to hell in exactly the ways I told her it would BECAUSE of him, and she ignores the fact that I was right about literally everything, in favor of thinking about how Jesus is coming soon so it was inevitable and doesn’t matter anyway 🤪 I swear this woman would rather vote for hitler’s reanimated corpse than listen to a word I say about anything lol

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"But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

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Thank you. Having just read an excellent article about Caitlin Johnstone, and your helpful reference to Matthew 24:36, I was prompted to go and read the whole of Matthew 24. It is always good to be reminded of these things.

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Truly no one knows the hour or the day. I an not even sure of the decade. But it is obvious that these events correspond to changes in the sun and such changes are now ongoing. The decline in Earth's magnetic field associated with these solar changes is measurable and accelerating. Thus it is a reasonable prediction that some people now alive will see the predicted events unfold.

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NO......dont keep your mouth shut that's what all these people want.

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Nope never let them silence you. If these "friends" will not hear truth, it might be time to reconsider the relationship. It's hard however I sleep better knowing I am not feeding the Monsters of Genocide.

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We can pray 🙏🏼

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Some people just can't understand it. For the same reason some folks cannot understand math, for example. Politics is the same. Some people are incapable of getting it, their brains are wired that way.

And that is something that, in turn, lots of people in this forum can't understand. And the rulers know it very well. That's why they promote "democracy" because it's guaranteed they can fool the required majority feeding into their vanity as everybody is afflicted with the latter.

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{...What can we do?...}

Emigration to a place with people having more sanity and less corporations helps ...

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And power of truth over government and Israeli lies about the US/Israel Gaza genocide.

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Not to mention the lies of Kamala's VP!

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Teach others how to think for themselves as well? Crikey!

I like the tone of this post by Caitlin much better- less patronising looking down on the 'brainwashed masses' and more about our jobs as 'ordinary citizens' .

Anyone who practices meditation knows we can't even control how we think- let alone take responsibility for how anyone else does.

We must come constantly back to centre, constantly back to discovering how our thoughts are conditioned by our whole childhood, upbringing and exposure to media. None of it is who we really are.

Yes- we may point out lies and deceptions that we observe as clearly as we can- but we detach ourselves from all the outcomes that we want to see from this pointing out.

And the more planks we remove from our own eyes the more dust we may be able to guide others to remove from theirs.

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Nice post... I think it may have been Don Mateus Quixote who said something to the effect that getting rid of the baggage stuffed into our suitcases from birth is one of the most difficult and unending struggles of life.

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Thank you. Yes it never ends but I’m told it gets easier with practice.

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Jo Waller, I like your post - when thoughts keep coming back when meditating, we realise how conditioned we are from birth. We have to look after ourselves in body and mind in order to look after others.

Which is not contrary to what Caitlin is doing. I do not think she is ever patronising. She seeks the truth and good, and shares it with others, so that they too will see.

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Thought I'd look and see which of our congresscritters signed that letter, but guess what? The query "22 members of congress send letter to white house about protesters" returns no useful results in the first 5 pages of either Google or Duck Duck Go (which is just repackaged results from Bing.

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Here is the link. I went looking at congress.gov without finding it but then I looked at Caitlin’s article above again and she links to Klippenstein’s substack article and he has a link in there to a PDF of the letter. I don’t recognize of the congresspeople signing.


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{...Letter On Iranian Support For Pro Hamas Protests...}


NOBODY ever protested PRO Hamas but

EVERYBODY protests against Zionist Genocide ...

Are people's brains and consciousness in permanent hibernation ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔

Btw: How about applying the Foreign Agents Registration Act directives to AIPAC and ADL ???

No need, they're funded by rabid Zionists having double nationalities, therefore not applicable !!!🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Klaus, WHY isn't FARA applied to politicians taking foreign money? Hopefully this legislation will backfire!

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Maybe, they're already working to abolish it ...

Btw: US politics definitively is beyond repair !!!

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Bob Menendez is the only exception to your rule that I could find.

I wonder who he pissed off???

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Sorry for that long crazy link but it works! 😝 😂

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The Rev,

Your first paragraph resonates, but the second needs a lot of work.

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Pretend this happened in Russia or Iran. Every MSM jackhole woul be falling all over themselves to proclaim solidarity.

Remember, kids, totalitarianism is ever always only something that happens in countries that the Empire doesn't like.

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The irony here is that "Israel and the Zionist supporters of Israel" (including the various Israel Lobbies and organizations such as ADL) have been the largest group of "Agents of Foreign Influence" in the US - not journalists, not protesters, not human-rights activists, and certainly not the students fighting for a Free Palestine and an end to America's & Israel's genocidal madness.

But as long as you support US Foreign Policy and share the same goals as those of the US Empire Managers, you will be protected (regardless of the degree of foreign influence and long-term destruction you cause to the majority of the population and its systems).

Hyprocrisy and double-standards. Rules for thee but not for me. Support who we support or you will be silenced.

Why is this not considered to be dystopian, authoritarian, fascist and totalitarian behavior? WAKE UP PEOPLE! The Empire Mangers are telling us who they really are and how they really want us to behave. We should listen closely, pay close attention to the propaganda and gaslighting, and form groups of solidarity, resistance, and opposition to combat this state of affairs!

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That's not irony. It's an outrage. They flaunt their hypocrisy in our faces!

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Good on you Chang! All you have said is why we are on Caitlin's page. " The dystopian, authoritarian, fascist, totalitarian" empire is wrapped up in something called democracy!

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Isn't Israel foreign? The hypocrisy. And the arrogance. I'm Irish, and grew up in N Ireland, and everyone I know despises Israel's campaign. Importantly, not just recently, but we've shared this perception for half a century. I grew up with British PR bullshit, and, for us, it's not difficult to recognise the same lying bullshit in a different context. So the idea that I oppose Israel's murderous rampage purely because I've been influenced by a foreign state is pitiable nonsense. Our community saw through Israel's self-pitying, self-serving rubbish decades ago, purely as a matter of deductive reasoning. You'd have to be mentally defective not to figure out what Israel's up to, namely land-grabbing, apartheid, and a slow-walking ethnic cleansing (the latter conducted at whatever pace the Western public will bear). Left to its own devices, the Israelis would clear out the Palestinians in a few months of course, but the inconvenient aspect for them is that they need to square theft and ethnic cleansing with the "self defence" PR narrative. The Western public, racist to their cores, couldn't care less about a few thousand dead Palestinians per month. Not headline material. There is, in rich Western societies, an acceptable level of genocide. But once the bodies pile up too high, the nice middle-class folk in the West (who, in their self-image, have superior ethics, and are definitely not terrorists) start to feel a little bit squeamish over their avocado toast of a morning, at which point their leaders (with a straight face) start talking about a "two state solution" and how unfortunate it is that the Palestinians aren't civilised enough for self-government, and all is well again in hasbara-land.

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Well said.

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"Well said". in spades... now if the narrative doesn't include ruling the rest of the planet, it needs to be added.

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Solid, rock-bottom thoughts from a bogman ...

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Thought provoking. Essentially it is ok for Western governments be racist against Palestinians as governmental policy, yet not against illegal immigrants in their own country.

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Great post, Bogmanstar. As you are saying with deductive reasoning and a bit of caring and compassion, a desire for justice, we can discern the truth bereft of lies and hypocrisy. I remember a time when Irish resistance fighters ( IRA ) names, faces and any mention of them were banned from the British media.

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Mind blowing. The deliberate dismantling of the U.S. citizen’s Constitutional Rights by the Biden/ Harris Administration with Republicans assisting.

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He also was critical of the Israel Lobby. Makes more sense then.

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Scott earned himself a reputation first by being vocal about NATOs destruction of Ukr. But the not-so-clandestine cease & desist op against him didnt commence until he started speaking up against Israel. It should be obvious who’s running the US.

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To be fair, Scott Ritter was stitched up in a fairly obvious honeytrap operation some years ago.

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"It should be obvious who’s running the US." and is running all other countries....

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Dr. Who,

We should campaign for Scott Ritter as much as we did for Julian Assange.

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Although Gaza is the most urgent issue, there is ample increasing level of settler violence and land confiscation. Here’s a group we can support that is working in the West Bank to support the Palestinians there.

Work on the Ground: Transforming Lives in Israel-Palestine — American Friends of Combatants for Peace


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Joy, " There is ample increasing level of settler violence and land confiscation."... MMmmmmm but that's happening everywhere on the planet....

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"The US empire has been doing everything it can to restrict the flow of inconvenient information as public opposition to its criminality swells at home and abroad." So do they think people cannot ever see that this is what they are doing? Do they really think we need funding or encouragement from other places or people to oppose their support of a genocide? Do they think the people they govern are complete idiots unable to see and think for themselves?

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The "Just-Us" Department is not thinking, they are lying in service to Israeli Zionists.

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In answer to all your questions... YES!

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"Do they think the people they govern are complete idiots unable to see and think for themselves?" - yes, and moreover - they are right.

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sometimes, but not always. There are idiots in every class of people

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Sure. Every single one of us is an idiot in at least one aspect of life. The ones who are picked to rule are no exception. But they're not idiots in the key aspects of ruling. Just like professionals are not idiots in their field, while they can be clueless in politics.

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To answer your questions: yes.

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"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

—Martin Niemöller, (1892–1984) was a prominent Lutheran pastor in Germany. In the 1920s and early 1930s, he sympathized with many Nazi ideas and supported radically right-wing political movements. But after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Niemöller became an outspoken critic of Hitler’s interference in the Protestant Church. He spent the last eight years of Nazi rule, from 1937 to 1945, in Nazi prisons and concentration camps. Niemöller is perhaps best remembered for his postwar statement, which begins “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out…”

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Caitlin today

“Last Thursday, 22 members of Congress sent a letter to the Biden administration demanding the investigation and criminal prosecution as well as financial ruin of Gaza war protesters, whom they claim have received funding from Iran.

Please read the following extracts from Philip Giraldi, friend of Scott Ritter, who is still without the return of his passport and now having had his house raided by the FBI (Friends of Brutal Israel;).

These US politicians mention Iran, just by way of a red herring, to steer the naive public away from the real corrruption providers, Israel. plus the US Congress.

My God! This is so blatantly biased in favour of the foreign controlled disloyal Zionists in the USA.

"Recent revelations suggest that Israel’s cheating involves subsidies that are paid covertly by Israeli government agencies to groups in the United States which in turn took direction from the Jewish state, often inter alia damaging genuine American interests. The Israeli Lobby also has been long noted for its interference in American elections, including spending large sums of money to oust politicians who complain about the Jewish state and its behavior. Progressive Congresswoman Cori Bush, a critic of Israel, was recently ousted. after her opponent received $8 million and earlier this year Jamaal Bowman lost after a record $15 million went to support another “friendly to Israel” candidate."

That’s what you can get away with in America. Electoral corruption, known by all, never likely to be changed by a totally corrupted government sitting at 86% owned and / or controlled by Israel.

"Many of the groups receiving Israeli money failed to disclose the payments, which is a felony under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) of 1938. At the same time, even the casual observer of government in Washington would inevitably note how Israel’s various friends and proxies, uniquely, have been de facto exempt from any regulation by the US government. The last serious attempt to register a major lobbying entity was made by John F. Kennedy, who sought to have the predecessor organization to today’s American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) comply with FARA. Kennedy was killed before he could complete the process and some have linked his death to efforts to register the Israel lobby elements while also blocking Israeli attempts to illegally and secretly develop nuclear weapons."

The political climate in the USA today is identical to the controls and attitudes in Germany before WWII. FASCISTIC

Back to the future.

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"The political climate in the USA today is identical to the controls and attitudes in Germany before WWII. FASCISTIC

Back to the future."

"Those who do not study and learn from the mistakes of the past, are doomed to repeat those same mistakes."

Does this sound familiar?

We live in a "Historic Desert" here in the USA. The 24 hour attention span of most people has almost entirely negated the study of any historic records for guidance and enlightenment.

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What ca we do about it, Michael. There is not one of my 38 friends in the US, all over, that agrees with almost anything the government has put into play and yet, we end up with two almost identical war philosophies for your electoral "illusion" in November and an inability to elect anyone with a counter view to the Israeli controlled US government.

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"The leaders of the US-centralized empire understand that real power lies in the ability to control not just what happens in the world but what people think about what happens."

This is the definition of a totalitarian state. They want to control not just your actions. They want to control your thinking. This is done by a combination of total control of information and punishment of deviation.

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"This is done by a combination of total control of information and punishment of deviation."... In other words, the exact conditions banksters require from you at birth.

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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Pope fucking Francis?!?!?!?

You are quoting the most evil SOB on the planet? WOW.

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The guy in charge of the institution that admonishes there employees that they should not get caught molesting children and (per documented policy) excommunicates anyone that says anything about the rapes. You are quoting THAT guy?

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Don’t really like that guy but I guess I’ll take it. The problem is people like him don’t give a fuck. It’s all about money and power. Don’t try and religion your way out of this pal.

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"It’s all about money and power"... You could extract the words 'and power' from your sentence and it would still be complete.

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{...Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom...}

Let him go ...

The IOF and their Zionist ilk will soon come up with a new drone-control AI called: Where's Popi ???

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Fuck the Pope and fuck the entire Catholic Church

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Good luck with that !!!

You'll spend a fortune on lubricant ...

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Hey, hey, it was an honest mistake! The FBI thought they were going to the address for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) because everyone in DC knows they have always been in obvious, blatant violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

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Your article made me channel Emily Litella:

"Oh, if only humans had eyes, then they could see for themselves what's going on. They couldn't be misled by manipulators who lie.

What's that you say? They do?

Oh, well, nevermind."

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I have watched him enough to say he is probably a good guy. So many opportunities for him to get paid and he’s always on the losing end. And if he’s somewhat accurate, then he’s a hell of a soldier….. I think he’s good (gut)

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He is very good. Try to read is old substack. He is a true patriot!

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I watch everything he has to say......practical and common sense. His friends mostly ex-military are now coming out in force to express their anger.

Scott is gutsy enough to fight this but he might need financial support which I will definitely do.

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Scott Ritter on Substack: Scott Ritter Extra

A Video Response to the FBI Raid on Scott Ritter's House

Scott Ritter Aug 09, 2024


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Thank You Caitlin

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