"that argument simply has not been made." Indeed it has not. The vaccines are leaping screaming mediocrities. A really good one would induce nasal membrane antibodies to attenuate spread and activate several populations of T cells, one of which would attack virus-infected cells, convincing them to commit suicide. The other T cell population would help initiate the phenomenon of immunological memory. Upon 2nd exposure, memory gives you a faster response and a greater variety of antibodies (including the ones in your nose, throat and respiratory passages ("mucosal immunity"). These vaccines do neither. And since they don't stop spread, they encourage survival of more-virulent mutants like delta etc. Trust me, this is my wheelhouse; I've taught immunology for 35 years. The vaccines suck and this is a setup for corporate pharma racketeering -- the "healthcare" mafia.

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I can't help but notice how this post COVID power grab sure looks a lot like the post 9/11 power grab. It's almost like having the other party in office doesn't make any difference at all.

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For all the new lovers of our "beloved" CIA:

Mass Murder, Regicide, Fratricide, Torture, Lying, Cheating, Stealing racing toward Armageddon

CIA ‘Reminds You of the Glory of the American Experiment’

CIA 'Reminds You of the Glory of the American Experiment' - This Can't Be Happening! (thiscantbehappening.net)



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These 'vaccines' are not vaccines. Pfizer themselves described them as gene therapies, then changed the name to obtain Emergency Use Authorisation. I thought you'd be aware? Thanks Caitlin.

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Thanks for your beautiful work. I just don’t think any government on earth has the right to mandate injections every 6 months or ever ( booster shots coming). Almost every probably all governments have bad track records foreign and domestic . They shouldn’t have more power. Thanks for all you do. I’m Just opining.

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I think it's high time you stopped skirting the issue and join the forces of liberty and freedom. If more people spoke up we might be able to slow or reverse this slide into neo-totalitarianism.

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I don't know what that means but hoping I become a joiner is a surefire path to perpetual disappointment.

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I'm pretty sure you know exactly what it means. I hope you don't disappoint though, and find some courage.

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It takes courage to oppose mandatory vaccinations even on slippery principles, these days.

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For some reason that Monty Python hermit sketch comes to mind.

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would you like to delete my post?

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Lawrence, in what way is Caitlin -- who writes a column on the Internet -- not speaking up?

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It strikes me as strange why a social commentator does not talk about the biggest threat to the social order. I think this is the first time she's mentioned it. Also, as an Australian, she doesn't talk about the rise of tyranny in her own country. Is it because Dan Andrews is in the Labour party? And I say this as a lifelong socialist. But I look around me these days and I don't see many true socialists. My values haven't changed. It's as though I've been abandoned by the left. You can be a collectivist and still support individual liberty.

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This is definitely not the first time I've talked about any of this and I've written multiple articles about the rise of authoritarianism in Australia fairly recently. Why are you just blurting out bullshit instead of checking to make sure you're making factual claims? Is it because you're so interested in truth and facts?

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I also remember you writing about why you won't write about it. Something about a hot button issue? My apologies if I missed your posts about Australia. I've been subbed for a while and usually read most articles. I just took a look at all your article headlines going back 2 months and only saw one post dedicated to it.


It's an important piece and I commend you for it. Why nothing since then? I know you don't support lockdowns and medical apartheid. Are these not topics worthy of your pen?

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I'm not going to teach a grown adult how to use basic search functions on the internet.

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My dear Laurence -- stop typing BS....

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My dear Boris -- stop trying to stifle debate....

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“Any time you see the US empire picking on a smaller nation just search that nation's name plus "Belt and Road Initiative" and you'll usually find a connection.”

This is truer than most might imagine.

Here in our Western bubble, we lose sight of how weak the Trans-Atlantic oligarchy is.

What we’re seeing now is their last stand. They know if the Belt and Road stuff takes hold and much of Africa and Asia don’t fall under a Malthusian depopulation program, all these countries will industrialize, develop advanced infrastructure, energy programs, nuclear power etc…

They won’t be able to put the genie back in the bottle at that point. It will be a runaway train.

Despite their problems, China, Russia, Egypt, Ethiopia, and a few other countries have a leadership that is dedicated to the survival of their nations. Here in the West, we largely have puppets who are being used by a small oligarchy to eliminate any remaining sovereignty, and essentially crush nation states in favour of one great technocratic feudal blah. Western economies are collapsing, Eurasian economies are drastically transforming. Egypt is building several new capitols.

Another big fear: that the US, as decrepit as it is, awakes. The US has a unique history of overthrowing tyranny, more than any other nation. Its institutions HAVE been subverted by a foreign power, a powerful financial oligarchy, but the impulse for overthrowing tyranny still exists in the population, its history, its identity.

If that’s awakened, then the bad guys are in serious trouble. They seem to be doing everything to awaken it. The media is there to make it look like it’s too late, everything is a fait accompli, demoralizing people into just submitting. But the reality is quite different. It’s ultimately a battle of morale. If they don’t destroy the population’s morale, it will fight back, and potentially win.

All the worthless Wall Street paper can still be cancelled, and should be. The US economy just needs a serious revival of its industrial, productive, and scientific base, major infrastructure programs etc…

Roosevelt succeeded in doing this with his Glass-Steagall banking reorganization and launching of the New Deal. Yes the war efforts came later and helped, but without all the major infrastructure programs before that, including the TVA, Hoover Dam, projects like that across the country, things would have been very different.

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“methane is a vastly more potent greenhouse gas than carbon over a hundred-year timespan.”

I think you meant carbon dioxide (CO2) because methane also is a carbon compound (CH4).

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I did a section on this issue in my article https://shadowlightblog.substack.com/p/the-hidden-climate-catastrophe. BTW methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, so its a major concern.

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BTW, if you wanna see why Turkey's economy was "suicided"....Jesus said to do it ( I kid u not) :


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That was hard going. I find the subjects of God and Donald Trump equally depressing.

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Big time protests in Melbourne and all over Ozz.... hearting to see in ground zero for the new fascism!

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If we lived in a decet society, it would provide for everyone, hence not the collective first and foremost to the detriment of others who don't fit into it, as it is, as it stands, hence left to battle and fight still, for their rights, made invisible, eliminated, to justify the priveledges and rights of the collective, ie 'general public'. The mindset of the general public against us, the minority of minorities, is always 'me first', we need to change that mindset, for as a friend of mine said, ;those of us on the bottom of the shitpile'. We need a shift in that Mindset. We all deserve Rights, whatever they are, whatever they cost, the whole politics is wrong, it destroys and condemns peoples health, wellbeing, lives. deemed 'innecficient use of resources' deemed ;against public interest', based on proportianality, providing for the majority, to the extent of Life or Death decisions, devalued to the extent of 'who they deem worthy of saving to live or to die. We all know why there is no money invested into society, but that is certainly not 'our fault', more that of a mememememe first selfish priveledge/We deep rooted mentality and from my position and perspective for me and my immediate family, that needs to bloody well shift, something i dont think you;ll understand without having lived it, affects every aspect and in every minuite of our lives.

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I've seen a lot of socialists using "the collective is more important than the individual" to put a boot in the face of the unvaxxed. Hasn't anyone heard of libertarian socialism??

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Yes. I have come to deeply dislike the term "collective" as it so often is used to declare imposed reality. "You there! I declare you part of a collective! As such, you will do what an expert/majority/my friends/my party inform you is for the greater good." A valid collective is one freely and voluntarily subscribed to by all "members". No valid collective can exist without individuals. They are not opposites engaged in a zero sum game. It's difficult to think of a less valid claim than: "Because I declare you part of a collective, I and mine have the power and right to violate the bodily sovereignty of other individuals."

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Jen -- Isn't it telling that the same folks issuing mandates because they're so concerned with public health won't see to it that we all have health care?

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what they call "health care" is only medical treatments that rarely cure, "managed" chronic illness is their game. "Public Health" is a cover for infectious disease specialists running the show.

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If true, it doesn't speak very well for Socialists, does it? Little wonder the left is so absolutely powerless.

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I think you can start with "If we lived in a decent society..." and just leave it there.

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"It's possible to imagine a situation where the arguments being made for mandates today are actually true: that your refusal threatens people and you have no right to do that to them."

Only someone who buries her head in the sand and ignores reality could think that, for instance, unvaccinated individuals working in nursing homes or hospitals doesn't threaten people, or that a right to do things that put other people at increased risk to their health or lives (whether it be insisting on being in proximity to others in public indoor spaces, driving drunk, etc.) exists.

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I find that to be a startling admission that you think the interests of the "collective" can overrule the rights of an individual to have autonomy over their own body and that the only problem you see with the mandates is the argument isn't convincing enough. After bearing witness to this past year and a half, pardon me if I don't trust that you and many other "collectivists" such are anywhere near being capable of evaluating whether an argument for something like a vaccine mandate is convincing enough. On a personal level you seem to lack all discernment from what I can tell and are well on your way to being the next Noam Chomsky at this point.

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I can't help but suspect your bar for being convinced of the necessity of a mandated medical procedure isn't really related to the validity of the argument itself but rather to how many people within your "collective" also seem convinced by it.

After this past year and a half's display of utter dissolution, forgive me if I'm not comfortable staking my own personal bodily autonomy on that. Your ignorance and lack of judgment on these matters is frankly astounding and I'm beginning to feel that perhaps your initial instinct of simply not weighing in at all was the correct one.


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Here in Alberta, Canada, thanks to our provincial Cons (worse than yours in Oz?), we have 15,000 surgeries (including cancer) postponed because the hospitals are clogged with antivaxxers.

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if i was hurting others by refusing to get "vaccinated" more than i would by getting "vaccinated," the majority of my society could decide to justly mandate me to get "vaccinated", and i would have to make a choice to either get "vaccinated" or leave. collective decision for collective good never has to infringe upon democracy or individual choice.

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Caitlin, you are wonderful. But on the vaccine, there is a hospital crisis, and therefore a health crisis, which requires solidarity. The vaccine is not so dangerous, as shown by the millions who have been vaccinated, that it should be avoided at the cost of a hospital crisis. Best would be for people to go along with the measures IMO until it is found that they are not effective. The real underlying controversy is that, instead of "money in politics", we have " money in health", and this is what people are protesting. Strong political leadership would help but since a majority of politicians can be bought, democracy has a trouble working.

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