Meanwhile there are hungry and homeless in the countries that are buying more and more military equipment. Not to mention the horrible humanitarian consequences of using this equipment on other countries.

And the emissions created by war aren't even counted as the planet burns and floods.

What a waste of money, lives and everything else.

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“War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate.”

~Marvin Gaye

I’ve understood this since I was a teenager growing up in the 60s & 70s

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The message is so very clear but what to do when the fascism of endless war is so deeply rooted, people so deeply submissive, lied to constantly, so profoundly betrayed and abandoned? We have been slaves to the empires wars for the last half century. Predatory Western capitalism is the real enemy within the gates .

Last time I checked global military spending it was 1.4 trillion, here Caitlin reports it is now 2.24 trillion!

A hell of a way to start the day!

But who am I to complain? I am old and grey and had a very good life, but I sure as hell worry about my children and grandchildren and the horrific legacy visited upon them .

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News flash: It is not so much that society is sick (it is somewhat), but that governments and their putrid leaders are extremely sick (utterly insane and arrogant) and have been for the last 10,000 years.

All the advancement, technology, religion and presumed safe-for-us government has led us into the abyss staring into a gigantic black hole. Yes for billions, living standards have greatly improved. However, that means nothing when the murder of 90% of humanity has moved from the back burner squarely onto the front burner.

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If anyone is questioning why the United States is perpetually stuck in the Dark Ages instead of the 21st Century like most of the world, this is why. All this money could have funded social security, universal healthcare, incentives for manufacturing to come to back to America, housing, and so many other good things this country desperately needs.

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As I keep repeating - imagine yourself in 1930s, either in Germany or in numerous western countries that supported Hitler and his openly Nazi regime at the time. What do you think you would see? Which one, "witting" or "unwitting", would you be?

Exactly the same is happening right now. And the outcome will be the same - another devastating world war.

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Time to protest the obscene military budgets that are rubber stamped by our Congress every year. To stop worshipping our military at every turn and to start questioning our single-minded pursuit of Hegemony. Close down the hundreds of military bases overseas, bring home the troops from Germany and Japan (a military occupation force for 80 years!!) The pursuit of bellicose policies will bring nothing but bankruptcy, death and destruction.

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"Some 20,000 new millionaires in the United States alone came into being from the 10,000,000 dead [in WWI]"

Labor's Untold Story (1955) https://www.ueunion.org/labors-untold-story

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If only we didn't squander such obscene sums on projects that generate a negative ROI.

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It is ironic that the tax payers give money for these defense corporations to profit from, and every budget passed is another increase in the defense budget, in a country who has the biggest defense budget in the world, the same country who claims to be the wealthiest nation in the world...yet is morally bankrupt.

The very idea for killing people for money is what rational people call wrong. These are mercenaries, hired thugs. We don't need wars, they are unproductive, the claim that they are profitable is only true for those profiting, yet the loss of life disability, and trauma should morally prevent that.

I don't want people senslessly killed, I don't want bombs dropped on people living in poverty, I don't want children killed in the street in a shoot out between henchmen. Strange, I can't vote against it, only for it. I only have an option of who I want these things to happen to.

Sure I would want missles striking hospitals and bombs dropped on schools...I mean that's normal right? For a psycho or sociopath, maybe. I don't want to be adjusted, because killing people is inhumane, it is bad for humanity. Simple logic.

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A society that relies on "death" (war) in order to "survive" (make a profit) is not only sick and twisted, it's suicidal. Can someone call 9-8-8 and talk to a mental health counselor for us (US)?

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For the warmongers to conduct unrestricted wars around the world they need a silent, cowed, fearful

and obedient population that is immune to the outrages committed in their name around the world and will always be there to support the troops. Our surveillance apparatus makes the East German Stasi look like child's play. What "freedom" do we enjoy? The freedom to remain silent.....

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"Warmongering think tanks," a delightful oxymoron, up there with "military intelligence." These depraved lunatics continue fighting for more gold bars on the Global Titanic, even as it's aimed vertically to Davey Jones Locker.

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This shouldn't have been news since 1935 when Smedley Butler published War is a Racket.

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Sep 20, 2023·edited Sep 20, 2023

Too many Americans don't want to look at the FACTS & the TRUTH.

The US Arms Merchants are making a killing off the Ukraine War, much more than any Russian Oligarch having their wealth stolen by the US/NATO.

In the 20 year $2 TRILLION US occupation of Afghanistan, one of the poorest Countries on Earth, it's estimated some 70,000 CIVILIANS were killed. The only winners were the US Arms Merchants and Contractors

With the desperate hurried frantic exit from Kabul just 2 years ago, the last US VIOLENT WAR Act we know about was the killing of a CIVILIAN FAMILY of 10 with 7 CHILDREN by a remote controlled US drone.

No Americans have been held accountable.

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Anyone with any doubt this is a very sick society should take stock of their mental state. The question is, can it be remediated, and if not, can we survive it? Canada has just accused -right off the top of their heads- India of being behind the killing of a Sikh activist in BC: let's see, how big is IndIa? - 1.4 billion people, and they care about one separatist activist? If we got any dumber we'd be barking. On the upside, no one anywhere seems to agree with Canada.

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