Thank you for this beautifully expressed truth.

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Indeed it is., beautiful

.Ambitious but beautiful

I want it.... but too many others do not, the likes of the Libyan Dragon Clinton , the frightening Pompeo, the multitude of Zionists in the corridors of power in all countries, the disgraced media (war is good for circulation, the BlackRock-type media owner's profits, the rolled-over journalists who have sold their souls), the politicians everywhere who accept money from vested interests for their vote on Palestine and after 55 long, painful years even the feeble, toothless and disgraced political social club, the United Nations who have allowed the criminal occupation of Palestine by an apartheid state (far worse than Africa ever was).

A crime against humanity.

The motivation by the likes of our respected Caitlin and other like-minded peace-lovers is a very powerful weapon. All we have to do is produce the will to outvote that criminal list above, encourage voters the world over to look carefully into the motivations of their candidates and discard those whose values fail to reflect equality for all and and end to the objectives of the once-respected USA, now seen for what ir is.

The world's #1 criminal and bully boy.

Best wishes to you all. Continue the fight

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When the rest of the world embodies peace, there will be no defense against its vibration .

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Merry Christmas, Caitlin! All the best to you and your family and thank you for what you've been doing and for what's yet to come.

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When are the American people going to recognize that their leaders are bought, their government has gone rogue, liberalism has outlived its functionality and it is time for them to get off their asses?

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this! all of this!! unfortunately not until it is far too late, which isn't far away...

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When the rest of the world embodies peace, there will be no defense against its vibration .

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Hey, Joe Biden said "America is back!" The Biden US is leading the "international rules based order" and the Dems are saving Democracy at home and promoting liberal western values abroad!

And the Democrats, Progressives, Media, Liberal Elites, Wall Street, and corporations all saluted that.

So, what's your beef? Perhaps a Putin puppet? (snark!)

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War is good for Absolutely nothing!

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there's some WMDs makers

like to Differ with you

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Sad but true. I was trying to quote an old song lol. Beautifully written, Caitlin. Sharing 🐾💞

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

that song Was right on the Button.

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When the rest of the world embodies peace, there will be no defense against its vibration.

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Say it again : ) Solidarity! Just Imagine : ) Lennon and Waters together today.

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I am an American male

War is my birthright

Young brain stewed and sauteed in it

Christianity offering no panacea

In its co-hypocrisy.

Since Cain murdered Abel

Since Set murdered Osiris

Since Romulus murdered Remus

But only in America

Could it became an economic base

A PR-supported industry

The detox is task monumental.

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Thanks our dear poet of truth 👍🙏🏼

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Thank you for that , poet of truth : )

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022

Bob Dylan was miffed at the Beatles:

you have the Megaphone:

why aren't you Using it?


and out John Lennon

popped a Warrior

for Peace


'War is over If you want things

to be right more than

you want the story

of being wronged


War is over

If you want happiness

more than you want to win.


War is Over..


omg Thank you Caitlin

Merry Christmas


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It won't be a Happy Christmas until War is Over! Next year...maybe next year.

Happy holidays to you and yours!

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I want it, thank you Caitlin for expressing this strong desire so well.

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Beautiful truths. And challenging (in a “good” way).

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Dec 24, 2022·edited Dec 24, 2022

This is brilliant 🤝🏻Thank you Caitlin🙏🏼Have a blessed holiday season •̩̩͙❅*̩̩͙‧͙♡*̩̩͙❆ ͙͛

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Your writing really helps me keep perspective sometimes, thanks for your writing Caitlin.

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This is what I want, but the diseased minds that are running the Empire won't be satisfied with anything less than the destruction of Russia. See this superb analysis:


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When the rest of the world embodies peace, there will be no defense against its vibration .

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Working in Dark Matter, vibration is everything, Dark Matter to the rescue : )

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https://rageagainstwar.com/ - the event to take place 2/19/23 at the Lincoln Memorial.

Jimmy Dore is discussing the above here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRF_mjMndHs.

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Solidarity, seems we have much in common : ) I would love for Caitlin to write an essay on where we should direct our funding of news/info/community resources. Every year I re-evaluate where my funding goes. Caitlin always remains on the list. The only political candidate I work and fund for is Kashama Swant. Jimmy is still on the list : )

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Like always- great. Thank you for everything you are doing.You are so unique,so special, so courageous…In one word- you are our so needed hope .

All, all the best to your family and to you - b.

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