Where I disagree: "The Jews have a state". Wrong. The ZIONISTS have a state populated by Jews brainwashed to believe that Zionist psychopathy is of benefit to Judaism, when it's really exactly the opposite: Zionism is a stain upon Judaism. Where I agree: Tying hatred of Zionist Israel to Colonialist Imperialist USA. Yes, agree I hate them both for the same reason, i.e., their self-proclaimed "right" to appropriate land and resources, and enslave people. That one of those two objects of my disdain (USA) is my native land mollifies my hatred not one iota.

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I use to wonder why no one gave the human carnage caused by our American 21st century wars more coverage which is particularly true in Syria, as well as ignoring and supporting Saudi Arabia's genocidal attack on Yemen. Maybe there is no good explanation, but certainly one of the main differences is that Israel  made it clear, always has, Israel is a Jewish state. Now, only months ago they made it very clear that their target was the people of Palestine, not Hamas alone, but the people of Palestine whom Gallant openly defined as animals, not deserving of water, food, and fuel. Israel  targeted hospitals, on the  lie that Hamas made the ground beneath them their refuge, and in the lie they killed babies, children, old people, those that were the most vulnerable among us.They repeatedly said they want the Palestinian  people out of Gaza and into Egypt. They tried to destroy what little they had so they would be unable to go home. They made it quite clear that Israel was the land of the Jewish people. The Nakba was a genocidal example of that truth. Netanyahu never wanted a two state solution as did Yitzhak Rabin, and through his prejudicial hate speeches caused Rabin to be murdered. Even Rabin's wife made those claims against him. Musk should have stayed home because now he is part of the lie.

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replying to Fran: it's just more stink added to what Musk was already carrying around

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Haretz | Israel News

Opinion | A Brief History of the Netanyahu-Hamas Alliance

For 14 years, Netanyahu's policy was to keep Hamas in power; the pogrom of October 7, 2023, helps the Israeli prime minister preserve his own rule

Oct 20, 2023

Much ink has been spilled describing the longtime relationship – rather, alliance – between Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas. And still, the very fact that there has been close cooperation between the Israeli prime minister (with the support of many on the right) and the fundamentalist organization seemingly evaporated from most of the current analyses – everyone’s talking about “failures,” “mistakes” and “contzeptziot” (fixed conceptions). Given this, there is a need not only to review the history of cooperation but also to conclude unequivocally: The pogrom of October 7, 2023, helps Netanyahu, and not for the first time, to preserve his rule, certainly in the short term.

I didn't download the entire article since I am not a subscribed member.

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More and more Americans should realise that 'My country right or wrong' is not an option.

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...yes, but see this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67KXRi4gCSw , never, in my 73 y. I believe , not see something like this!..

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Yes, I've seen it. Twice. It's pretty solid evidence for Zionist brainwashing of Israeli children, thereby smashing their Jewish values of love, compassion and mutual help. Kind of reinforces my assertion.

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"During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism': Howard Thurman

"We will be safer from terrorist attack only when we have earned the respect of all other nations instead of their fear, respect for our values and not merely our weapons." Theodore C. Sorensen

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WHAT values of love , compassion and mutual help?!

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The video is disgusting, but Jimmy Dore laughed heartily when they were singing "planes are bombing, destruction destruction". I guess I have no sense of humour.

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Susan, Jimmy was not laughing because he found it humorous.

He was laughing to hide his shock and disgust.

Jimmy is a good guy. That's why soon he will be banned on YouTube.

He's already been "shadow banned" for months.

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He laughed at the horror of it all. Re-watch the commentary during the play.

That video broke humanity possibly for all time. People seek refuge where we can.

Jimmy Dore is for a free Palestine.

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...Sorry you see that way!...I don't! He is tha guy who figth ....elitist !

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OK. I will accept that Jimmy Dore is the kind of person we need more of. I have probably laughed at things that were not really funny just because they were so ridiculous just as Dore laughed at that video being made by an Israeli communications group. It just hit me the wrong way when I first watched it. I hate to think what those poor children could grow up to be.

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I laughed, too, after I picked my jaw up off the floor. I laughed because that scene reminded me of the Hitler Youth. You've gotta admit there's plenty of irony there.

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"During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism': Howard Thurman

"We will be safer from terrorist attack only when we have earned the respect of all other nations instead of their fear, respect for our values and not merely our weapons." Theodore C. Sorensen

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Poor, poor children…riiiight.

You couldn’t have done one damn thing to convince me to sing little ditties about supporting the Vietnam war when I was a child.

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Nov 28, 2023
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Are you a contrarian by profession? How can you correctly maintain that that Zionism has hijacked Judaism, but deny that this constitutes a stain on the religion? You're just mincing words. Are you deaf to the numerous Hasidic rabbis who've characterized it as "antithetical" to Judaism? To me, that's a statement about the ethical system of each -- Since American Jews are taught early to embrace Israeli Zionism as a necessary consequence of the holocaust (I'm paraphrasing Russell Dobular), clearly this instantly stains their perception of their religion. Sure the Torah, the holy books, but also, necessarily, Israel and Zionism.

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Not all jews are taught to embrace colonialism/zionism. But far too many of them are. And what’s more is that both in the USA and Israel for several decades now the highest birth rates in the jewish population are from those who belong to the extremist sects that are rabidly racist and avid supporters, and practitioners (as in settlement of occupied land) of zionism.

So there is a demographic issue driving this. But it would be wrong to say ALL jews are raised this way.

Biggest problem we have at the moment is the powerful people in the world who go out to partner with the zionist extremists and then claim that this is the view of all jews. It is not.

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Nov 29, 2023
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According to Alison Weir, nearly 75% of Amerikkkan Jews support what IsraHell is doing.

Kind of says it all, doesn’t it Che?

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Nov 29, 2023
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Washing can't purify Zionism, but either fire or a BDS movement like the one that ended apartheid in South Africa can end it.

Come to think about it, Zionism can never be purified, only destroyed.

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See... this was the whole problem with Gaza. They didn't take enough time to manufacture consent!

Bibi thought that by using the 9/11 playbook, people would globally and immediately side with Israel against Gaza. The problem was that the attack simply wasn't flashy enough. On 9/11, we allowed a major religious building to be hit (the US official religion is commerce, after all - and what better representation that the two tallest buildings of commerce in the US?) - it was photographically spectacular.

The attack on the settlements was not photographed until it was too late. No big rockets bombing a landmark; no people falling from buildings; no images of weeping fire-fighters covered in ash... really, as far as manufacturing consent goes, the mission was an utter failure.

When will they learn? You either need to keep things hidden (Yemen, Africa), pump out a few years of propaganda and false flag ops* (Syria, Iran, Afghanistan). It's not enough to just arm the 'terrorists' and then use 'terrorism' as an excuse anymore. You need to run a years long campaign from all sides declaring that your opponents are 'commies' and of being 'Hitler' (Russia, China) - that's how you manufacture sufficient consent!

You can't just allow a few small townships to be attacked and then expect full-bodied global blood-thirst! Bibi and his pals just didn't think this through.

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Ya, we got Hollywood, they don’t. WE know how to put on a convincing show, written by the best twisted minds of the CIA and filmed by best powerful cameras that just happened to be there that day.

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It didn't help that so many people believe 10/7 was a false flag.

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I don't think it was a false flag as much as it was opportunistic... (which might have been how 9/11 played out as well.) They received a warning, they pulled back the troops and allowed the attack to occur (apparently, the settlers near Gaza were a bunch of peace-loving leftist types anyway...) TBH, 9/11 always seemed far more manufactured to me... more... coordinated. And of course, it came out just this year that two of the pilots had CIA handlers... so there's that.

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Yes, the Social Darwinists 'R' US playbook has its morally bankrupt, but far too effective, perception management "rules".


Another reason 9/11 was so "effective" at its impact on the propagandized masses is that PNAC, way back in 1998, decided that the fascist takeover agenda for the USA needed another "Pearl Harbor" in order to be successful. They KNEW 9/11 was going to happen, at least 6 months before it happened, because of YEARS of careful planning for the sequence of destructive events, including that "airliner" that magically shrunk to the size of a missle when it hit the Pentagon, the military drone versions of airliners to crash into the two tallest WTC towers (NOTE: they KNEW that the military drone versions of airliners would be unable to bring the WTC towers down - the airliners were for propaganda optics), AND obtaining the services of Netanyahu's tight lipped Zionist Team of explosive demolition experts to rig WTC 1, 2 AND 7 for explosive demolition. By a strange coincidence, Netanyahu was in NYC on 9/11, the same day the dancing Israelis were filmed joyously filming the burning WTC towers....


Perhaps Gore would have delayed their MIC Fascist Dream Come True for a few years, but I doubt that because the MIC has owned the Duopoly for at least half a century, if not more. At any rate, as soon as Bush and Cheney took office. The BIG GREEN LIGHT for the "New Pearl Harbor" to take place was given.


See below, irrefutable evidence that 9/11 was an inside job:



It's the Social Darwinism, stupid!


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On Social Darwinism and its origins -> https://les7eb.substack.com/p/genocide-and-economics

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Good, but rather long article.

🤠 So, let me summarize:

📢 Social Darwinist Ideology is the pseudo-scientific exercise in the erudite, but mendacious, defense of the morally bankrupt modus operandi/vivendi commonly known as, 'Might Equals Right'.

Of course this socially destructive worldview is as old as humanity, but it was Darwin's "PRESERVATION OF FAVOURED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE" legerdemain that convinced ethics challenged Academia into accepting it as, not only the privilege, but the "Evolution Theory based Obligation" of we-the-apex-predators to do our BEST to 😈 "rid the world of the lesser" races.

Netanyahu, a member in good standing of the Social Darwinists 'R' US, knows his MORALLY BANRUPT "Darwinian Duty"....




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They've been manufacturing consent the same old way about Palestine since 1947. That's the problem. Everyone's seen the garbage the Israelis are spouting before, and after Yugoslavia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine, it just doesn't work on Americans anymore. Not even on Wolf Blitzer, of all the celebrated imperial talking heads, the which is a bloody miracle.

The Zionist state is in very serious trouble.

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It worked with Ukraine. It worked on most all my friends - and my friends aren't stupid people. I think it would have worked for Israel too had they spent more time demonizing Gaza in the Western press.

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Caitlin once again puts a spotlight on the real machinations of empire.

As we are speculating why there is a discrepancy in the reaction to the empire wars that were waged before without sustained world wide protests as is happening now - with Israel's carpet bombing of Gaza and the massacre of Palestinians amounting to genocide - one would like to think maybe people are waking up to being caring human beings, who want justice for others, not only for themselves.

The reality is that time is running out for a decaying empire and its vassals. It is only a bunch of oligarchs.They are rapidly losing control and there is no time to create necessary illusions and manufacture consent. Even their own people, specially the young are beginning to be immune to the propaganda and mind control that kept them apathetic. No longer can they keep up the farce.They are bogged down in an utterly useless, cynical proxy war in Ukraine and thankfully aren't succeeding in diminishing Russia or balkanising it, then dreaming of going onto create misery in Taiwan so as to start a war with China. Let's hope that in future humanity won't allow it.

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Would to God that you prove prophetic.

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This is Caitlin at her best, providing the background and context missing from mainstream "stenography" journalism.

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Another difference is the media landscape has fractured. Beforehand, the lulling, hypnotic, and subliminal messages of the lamestream meedja would have sunk people back into sleep, as it continued the same lines as they are pushing during the conflict, until most just accept them for a quiet life.

But corporate media no longer dominates, especially among the young. They make their own media, and post it to each other, sans subliminals and psychopathic messaging.

We can certainly expect a much stronger focus "against disinformation" in coming times, and prison sentences "To send a message" for those who refuse to toe the line - all further undermining the narratives that we are "democracies".

The Western empire wishes to eat its cake and have it. They have all the data [of Authoritarianism, and Dissidence] compiled by Soviet authorities, along with a powerful PR system the Soviets could only dream of.

Before the French Aristos lost their heads, covered in so much gasping, outraged Anglo history lessons, 10s of thousands of French peasants lost their lives. Same in every anti-Colonial struggle.

That struggle has now come home.

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This is an interesting thought. Do you mean that when Empires fall, the lowliest suffer the most? That seems to be true. And why it’s hard to make a middle class person into a revolutionary. They much prefer their comfort to real freedom and self responsibility.

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What do you mean by 'Western Powers?'

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Interestingly, although I use that term, and generally it refers to the old Colonial, Imperial Euro countries and their offspring like the USA, rereading the above post carefully I did not in fact use that term.

As this is the second time you've posted in reply, and the first was an invitation to go commit suicide, do you have a personal problem with me, Jennifer?

I hope not. Can't see the point of it.

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Gnuneo I have absolutely no problem with you. I certainly would never suggest anyone commit suicide.

A lot of comments get mixed-up on these pages.

Be safe.

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Why I try to preface every response with @somebody's screen name

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There was a time when Zionists/Israel Apologist could plead ignorance about what was happening, they could lie to themselves just enough to claim Israelhasarighttodelfdefense and leave it at that.

Not anymore. They were lying the whole time, you us or themselves. They never cared the targets of the IDF, they were always looking for a way to justify cold blooded murder.

It's time to call them out on it.

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Eddie—From your lips to god’s ears

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Possibly the Only RealSolution for Israel/Hamas and More...

The situation in Isreal with Hamas is a wakeup call. Everything needs to be changed and rectified. It is based on a lie.:That Israel is the homeland for Jews, Zionism. Israel is not the homeland for Jews.

Planet Earth is the homeland for Jews and all humans. Is N. America the homeland for all native americans? The young Zionists came to Israel to escape Nazi persecution. The land was "given" to them by rabid anti-semites (Lord Balfour, etc.). A desert region surrounded by Arabs. The Zionists might have considered themselves "guests" of those who inhabited the area, but instead, treated them as colonists would treat the indigenous, resulting now after 75 years of oppression, in the desire for ethnocide.

These Zionists are an abomination for all Jews, creating a real excuse to hate Jews world-wide. They do not follow the precepts of their religion. They need to be removed and incarcerated (their leaders) though all Israelis are implicit in allowing them to reign.

The "homeland" needs to be a home for anyone to live in peace and harmony. Governed in a horizontal fashion to eliminate the possibility of subversion, corruption, and control. All people with equal rights and ethnic differences are honored and permitted. It needs to be an example to the world of how people can live together. The Jews were "chosen" not because they were in any way special, they were chosen to help lead the way to an ethical, just, and peaceful world.

And whatever happened to the 10 Commandments? Thou shalt not kill. And do unto others.... These Zionists are not really Jews, they are blasphemers.

The challenge now is to get this solution into the heads of humanity and especially Israelis and Palestinians.

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From what I hear (and you never hear this from Zionists) at the time the Jews were placed in Palestine there were already Jews living there along with other religions and they were at peace. It was a great place where lots of trade and commerce was done and everyone got along fine. Then that immediately went to shit.

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Thats right, when Zionist goons showed up it all went to hell. Watch the documentary Tantura

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Complaining that others have committed war crimes so why can't you is like saying Jack the Ripper got away with murdering all those women, so why can't I. Musk and Netanyahu are birds of a feather. They are both concerned only about what they want: money and power. I don't understand why anyone subscribes to X or why anyone would support Zionism or Netanyahu.

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or Trump or Biden!

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Trump never started a war Jenny!

If his second term had not been stolen from him...

....the Ukraine and Gaza "wars" would never have started.

And not one person would have been killed.

Trump being re-elected in 2024 is the only slim chance the US has to reform itself.

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Do you know that Netanyahu loves Trump. Do you know Trump has the development contract for the new settlements in The West Bank and now apparently Gaza. Do you know Trump killed Iran's general. He is a warmonger of opportunity and is not the solution. He bombed Syria and wanted to do more. Billionaires ARE NOT YOUR BUDDIES!

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But unlike Netanyahu, Trump has not killed 30,000 people. 60% of them woman and kids.

If Trump had not of had the election stolen from him, he would have stopped his buddy Netanyahu on the second day of the genocide. Trump is human.

"Do you know Trump has the development contract for the new settlements in The West Bank and now apparently Gaza?" No, I didn't. Got a source for that my friend?

Obama killed American citizens with drones, like those used to kill the Iranian General.

Trump bombed Syria to stop the regime using of prohibited chemical agents. Secretary of Defense James Mattis said “This is a one-time shot, designed to set back the Syrian war machine’s ability to produce chemical weapons.”

FACT: John F. Kennedy. Peak net worth: $1.1 billion. WAS HE YOUR BUDDY?

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The chemical bullshit was just that BullShit. They wanted to have permission to do what they are now doing illegally anyway which is to be stealing Syrian oil. Watch Glenn Greenwald in his nightly "System Update" for a better understanding of the truth. Also watch Richard Medhurst for more truth. I don't have any political parasite as a "Buddy" they are all the enemy of the people of the world only in it for the money and they don't care how many bodies including American soldiers bodies THEY PILE UP!

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You don't think Trump knows the settler's are on Palestinians land? Trump gave Netanyahu a penthouse in New York.

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Trump didn't get the election stolen from him. He's a sore loser, just like Hillary Clinton.

Trump also didn't end wars either so let's stop pretending that Republicans are saints that are for peace or humanity. Remember George Bush? Ronald Reagan? Trump is part of their party.

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Who is pretending that Republicans are saints that are for peace or humanity Eddie?

Not me. I think the Republicans are disgusting.

Just not as disgusting as the crooked Democrats.

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The only reason Trump never started a war was because of the extreme forbearance shown by Iran, Russia and Syria.

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Dennis; you must have been dreaming about another person. in the 2016 primaries, Trump apparently had a Hitler youth choir sing "Enemies of Freedom". Such a great guy (sarcasm)

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apparently eh!!! LMFAO

Got a link to that?

BTW, do you have TDS my dear?

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First please understand that I am not your dear. I could not find a link to the youth choir singing but I did find this: "Then-President Donald Trump allegedly praised Adolf Hitler during a discussion with his White House chief of staff John Kelly in 2018 while on a trip to Paris to commemorate the armistice after World War I, according to excerpts of an upcoming book, obtained by CNN, from Wall Street Journal reporter Michael Bender.

“Well, Hitler did a lot of good things,” Trump reportedly told Kelly, who was explaining to the 45th President who the allies and adversaries were in both World Wars, according to Bender." Trump denied saying this.

Bender also writes in the book, titled “Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost,” that Trump was “undeterred” and persisted in his defense of the German dictator by claiming the country made economic gains under Hitler’s leadership. https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/07/politics/donald-trump-adolf-hitler-book-claims/index.html

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Of course you could not find a link to the youth choir singing it. It never happened! LOL

"Allegedly" eh! LMFAO

"Excerpts from a book" - LOL. You think all books are the truth? How naive are you?

Go lie-down my dear. Take a rest!

Your acute Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is making you delirious.

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Hello Dennis. I know this I was agreeing about 'money and power.'

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Recommended listening and reading.

'With All Eyes on Gaza, West Bank Palestinians Are Facing Unprecedented Violence'

Over 200 Palestinians have been killed and Ethnically cleansed in the OCCUPIED West Bank under cover of the Gaza WAR


And this: 'The war in Gaza has been an intense lesson in western hypocrisy. It won’t be forgotten'


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As usual, Caitlin hits the nail on the head. Today the US Congress is voting about mass surveillance to shut American free speech down. Sounds like Muskrat will jump onboard with that since he makes more money with advertisers than he does with subscriptions. These are very dangerous times. I am too afraid to go to protests anymore because of police violence. I don't see any way out except for a General Strike, which hardly anyone could afford without starving to death. Revolution against killer drones? WHAT THE FUCK CAN WE DO ANYMORE?

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As I have said elsewhere perhaps even here - Covid is what ripped the barn door off the hinges. Other than a very small minority (the elderly who're are fixated with the nightly news and of course the imbeciles who watch shows like The View) no one believes anything anymore! It took a mass killing throughout the entire world but thank God it worked! The only good thing to come of Covid and of course the lethal injections that have killed and harmed millions upon millions! Now instead of being able to lie so nonchalantly you have to go to the ends of the earth and back to get anyone to believe anything you say. No one seems to have informed Hillary Clinton of this. Her debacle on "the View" was priceless when she told all how the Palestinians refused a two state solutions neglecting to mention all the pertinent facts such as the perimeters of the deal. The best however is the younger generations that are now so astute!

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I so completely agree. Also nice to know that Killary is relegated to a daytime talk show with a collective IQ of 3.7. I’m thinking this is her launching pad to replace Joe, maybe helping him have a stroke and then stepping in to save America!!!!

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Oh it is absolutely coming - this entire shit show with everything going on - Trump and Bidens legal woes - not to mention Hunters - the thinly veiled threats against Obama (even thinking about running Michelle) releasing the "love letters" that had been sequestered since 2006 and then of course the "drowning chef" and all the other surfacing scandals, has Hillary's paw prints written all over it! Biden will get the nom replace the laughing hyena with an even older model then resign and it'll be another match-up between her and Trump - only this time she'll pull it off just like they pulled off getting Biden in! Look for the 3am ad's to resurface!

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Don’t take your eyes off blue-eyed boy Gavin Newsom

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Tell me!!! Another sewer rat!

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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"I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole." Malcolm X ..."The state represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The individual has a soul, but as the state is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence." Mahatma Mohandas K. Gandhi

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Thank you for these pithy, highly relevant quotes🤗

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This is precious. When we questioned the lack of outrage about Yemen during the initial round of outrage about Ukraine people called us "whataboutists". When we spoke about the disastrous meddling of the U.S. in Syria, we were called Assad apologists. Now a mass murderer is calling us out for not speaking about Yemen and Syria. This civilization deserves whatever is coming at it.

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When the liar’s lies become so convoluted they begin to tell the truth the emperors nakedness becomes clear.

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It's down the memory hole now, but I would argue that there was a mass protest against the war in Syria. It came in response to Western threats to bomb Damascus after the Ghouta chemical weapons incident. First the UK House of Commons, no doubt chastened by its involvement in Iraq and vocal constituent outrage, opted against intervention, and then Obama, because the Congressional telephone switchboard overloaded Labor Day weekend 2013 due to the massive number of calls, did an about-face on his famous red line and decided against bombing. I did the same thing then as I did after October 7. I called and wrote my U.S. representative and senators and said no to more war.

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