Could we please attack Gaetz for his very real insanity rather than imagined statutory rape? This quote is packed with multiple layers of insanity, "The cost to China was $23.7 billion — a mere fraction of a rounding error when compared to the trillions of dollars our country has spent trying to build democracies out of sand and blood in the Middle East." "Our country" didn't spend a dime to "build democracies" in the Middle East. It spent money making war and killing people, destroying infrastructure and countless lives.

Those who want to make peace with Russia so we can focus on China are not conservative. They are simply the China hawk faction Republocrats, aka Republicans. Real conservatives like Ron Paul oppose all war, like Dennis Kucinich on the left.

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the neocons and the neolibs have to do their darned best to differentiate themselves from the other side and perpetuate the illusion of real choices.

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Excellent. And this is a variation on a theme that plays out in almost all areas. Both "sides" pretend to care about humanity and talk of real progress for citizens. Only to fail again and again to make real structural and significant change to the system when "their" side is in power.

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Don't "buy" ANYthing mentioned on Faux news. They are very very duplicitous poseurs. They may say "Arent' we better off being friends with Russia etc etc etc blah blah.". BUT when they are in power, THE SAME NEOCONS have their balls and their ear. And it costs them nothing in face, nor shame, to drop the prior hot air and serve NEOCON power.

This is a dirty dirty dirty game.

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Any amount of bombing, rape, coercion, corruption, brutality, injustice, cajoling, murder, swindle, double-cross, or assassination is just fine as long as it's America that's doing it. People who embody this floating ethos are no better than what they constantly rail against. American functionaries like Gaetz are sadly not extraordinary in this regard. I cannot imagine anyone either killing or dying for such people.

Plus, big surprise: he has absolutely no problem with Israel.

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Let us remember it was Obama who first brought up the "pivot to Asia".

The Oligarchy screwed up. NATO is starting to fracture in the face of the economic independence that the SCO is quickly developing across all of Eurasia. Look at the membership map on wikipedia.

America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: Michael Hudson


The Oligarchs bubble is about to burst as the world "de-dollarizes".

Oh yeah, some Pepe Escobar and Scott Ritter needs to be thrown in here.

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Sterling example of why I have two opinions about Carlson and Gaetz: one bad, for the reasons you put forth here, and one good because they support freedom for Julian Assange.

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Bravo Caitlin !!

PS: What does the acronym NPC" mean?

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Great piece.

It's very true that many self-described Conservative thinkers look considerably decent and reasonable since they reject the outright insanity voiced by the CRT-confused anarcho-terrorist left, but they don't really appreciate the degree to which Psy-Ops are used on them too. Being so sure and so proud that you're right and have all the right opinions tends to make you a fine target for Psy-Ops. People are made to feel like they're arrived at the positions and opinions they have on their own.

In fact, this is also how suggestion works in hypnosis. Language is used in such a manner that there are gaps in the speech, using language that is ''artfully vague, but systemically so'' (Richard Bandler, world-leading hypnotist) which the unconscious naturally feels the need to fill to make meaning out of things. So subtle gaps are left in the speech, suggesting to the mind that these gaps need to be filled, and then the unconscious mind does just that. The fact that the person thinks they came to their ideas on their own has the effect of solidifying the new beliefs into the deep structures of the psyche in a much more profound fashion than if the person had just been told ''this is what you need to believe,'' which actually causes the mind to push back.

In the case of traditional Conservative thinking, the main Psy-Op was to get them to buy into the Free-Trade dogma. We should all remember, how did so many of America's cities become the economically destroyed holes of despair that they are today? This happened with globalization, Free Trade policies that gutted the industrial and manufacturing bases of the country and its once powerful cities. This was a total Psy-Op, convincing Conservatives that the US economic system was a product of Adam Smith... a British economist for the British East India Company...

Globalization was basically the British East India model: keep all the colonies dependent, make sure they can never establish a sovereign manufacturing/industrial base and a full spectrum economy. Instead, one country grows the cotton, or the food, one relies on tourism, one relies on consumerism of cheap goods created by the looting and cheap labor of another country. This is literally what happened to the US, they got them to adopt the ''FIRE'' economy centered on finance, insurance, services, and abandoned their industrial and manufacturing base, and productive sectors of the economy.

This was all done by design. It's pretty obvious. All sides need to do some soul-searching because we are in a different kind of world, and writing the new chapters starts by first doing a serious inventory of what our story actually has been over the last decades, rather than the fairy-tale lies that were sold as our story.

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Sowing confusion on Russia and/or China keeps the folks from noticing the totalitarian takeover by the healthcare industrial complex. The Canadians have the correct idea, but it has to be inclusive of all political stripes not like here in the US where the far right are the only resisters to the wholesale, experimental, vaxx to max, all inclusive, even for very young babies; a call to arms for "The Jab". It's simply a sad thing to sit helplessly and watch unknowing parents submit their young children to the totalitarian experiments that certainly don't stop the spread of the c-virus.

We don't need a war either. It is a serious juggling act for me to keep track of all the disparate problems demanded by the state. And I have a lot of time...and a new Roku I got for my birthday yesterday. It's movie time, so I can forget about all the shit for a few days immersed in film and TV shows. Peace, The Ol' Hippy

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"Webinar: Countering the Authoritarian Wave in Latin America" is worth watching in the context of what Caitlin said.


From the description:

"The Center for Security Policy’s Hemispheric Security Initiative hosted a webinar on February 3 to address the growing threat posed to the United States and its people by the rising tide of Communist authoritarianism across Latin America.

[...]The webinar is of special timeliness as it comes shortly after Vice President Tudela has initiated a process calling for the impeachment of President Castillo on the grounds that he has engaged in treason by suggesting in an interview last week a willingness to relinquish Peruvian territory to Bolivia in violation of Peru’s constitution. It also will frame the issues and challenges facing freedom-loving people in Colombia and Brazil – and the dire implications for America if the authoritarian tidal wave of 2021 continues unchecked, aided and abetted by external forces like the Chinese Communist Party, Russia, Iran and Cuba."

Full transcript could be found on CSP website https://centerforsecuritypolicy.org/webinar-countering-the-authoritarian-wave-in-latin-america/

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Excellent insightful article

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"That this insanely imperialist and white supremacist doctrine is still being cited by high-profile politicians to this day says so much about what the US government is and how it operates on the world stage."

Let's ignore the ignorant and entirely unsupported/unsupportable "white supremacist" crap lazily flung into that sentence for now and focus on the imperialism aspect - the important and real, supportable, existential if you will, aspect.

1. The imperialism being applied in Argentina is by the hands of China. To suggest that China is acti9ng any other way there is not supported by any evidence and contrary to all the evidence we have.

2. The history of Argentina selling itself out like a cheap whore over the past 60 years, to the detriment of its people, is indisputable.

3. To suggest that US imperialism is the cause of the suffering in Argentina over that period is unsupportable.

4. OTOH, to suggest that ceding control of Cape Horn to CCP is in the interest of any nation not controlled by CCP is as ignorant as it is dangerous. You may think that the way CCP runs it show is a better solution for its citizens than the way the US does for its, but that is a debate and not settled science - in fact, if you have enough social credit to spare, we can debate that at length.

Russia is not a threat to humanity at the level that CCP is, not even close. Russia simply wants its historical peoples united, again. CCP already has that going for it and is expanding.

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❤ Ils en choisissent un, ils auront les deux peu importe ce qu'il vômissent !

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