I can’t believe someone is finally calling him out on this. Excellent post

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Vivek is Obama version 2.0, spewing conservative talking points. Make no mistake he has been groomed from an early age to be a political player just like Obama. He has been coached on how to woo the right, how to convince Americans that he is a breath of fresh air just like Obama. They even recirculated Obama's ham fisted introductions - a sknny guy with a funny name kind of garbage.

He is a product of the intelligence world, it appears he was on the liberal train early in his grooming career but the deep state is crafty and sneaky and realized the way forward is to put up the Obama for the right.

That is Vivek in a nutshell, the Obama for the right, he will lie, tell the right everything they want to hear and when he is elected the right will rejoice until it dawns on them that he lied and has no intention of being good to his campaign lies and fully plans on stabbing the right in the back.

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Uh no comparison- Vivek is merely a wannabe Trump- not even close to an Obama.

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Not even close to Trump

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Closer than anyone else on that stage

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We can see that you worship war, death and destruction, it is what your entire life revolves around.

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None of them come close and Trump was smart in not lowering himself to be there. Vivek=WEF GLOBALIST OVOMIT 2.0 👎

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This is exactly what I would expect from the establishment narrative manager. The deification of ex-presidents is really one of the most disgusting elements of the establishment. Yeah not even close to Obama, who has had multiple gay lover die suspiciously around him.

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Sounds about right

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The solution to all of this (and all corruption in government) is creating Swarms and running both businesses and governments using decentralized, transparent, and trustworthy swarming systems. Have you ever heard of Human Swarm Intelligence? Stay tuned because you are about to. https://joshketry.substack.com/p/human-swarm-intelligence-the-most

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I work in AI on a daily basis, swarming is great in a system where you have control, what do you do when the swarm members are shot on sight ? Do you think the fascists in D.C. will stop at jailing their political opponents, history teaches us that dictators and tyrants have no line they will not cross.

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Neocon in Pacifist Clothing! I am always skeptical of a candidate that appears to be too good to be true!

Regarding China, John Pilger's excellent documentary, "The Coming War With China" really hits the nail on the head!

Great job Caitlin! The last thing we need is a true warmonger in the WH!

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Yes. As soon as he uttered the words "national identity", I thought - there is only one reason for that - war. After all, look at how much time and money has been spent deliberately dividing the US up into artificial interest groups and setting those groups at each other.

Are politicians born with forked tongues, or do they just naturally develop them because they enjoy feeling like a snake? Apologies to actual snakes.

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Politics attracts the worst form of people, power hungry psychopathic liars

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That's *representational* 'democracy' that is tailor made for psychopaths and sociopaths everywhere! They're the ones without any form of conscience who know exactly how to climb the greasy pole with whatever it takes. Direct democracy is the next and better level to take politics. Dump ALL forms of party politics.

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The imperatives of the state fashion these people because these are the kinds of people that a capitalist state's existence depends on.

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Great article as always. However, I must point out, this has very little to do with intelligence and significantly more to do with conditioning, which as I have previously mentioned is much, much more than just mere propaganda. When something is domesticated like a cow, horse or dog, it will both act against its own nature as well as resist any calls against this new condition of domestication. Humans are no different. In fact, the conditioning will be reinforced to an even greater degree than that of lessor animals because of our ability to reason. This is why animal behavioral models have been applied to humans since the late 19th century. ( especially in public schools) Our own psychological defense mechanisms have been weaponized to preserve desired narratives. Intelligence is only a small part of the equation , the largest part of the equation is the cultural and societal subterfuge known as mass society formation. Facts will not break this type of witchcraft any more than releasing a dog into wild to become a wolf. A person has to be shaken awake by an event to break the spell, even then it may fall in stages. For some such as myself it was 9/11.

However the domestication apparatus has its own defense mechanisms, one of which that was identified by Guy Debord is called "recuperation". ( there are others including the conspiritainment industry) People become herded into a controlled opposition then rolled back into the fold of the main narrative.. or reality tunnel. Once seen for what it is, Vivek becomes a predictable stock character in the modern commedia dell'arte. There is no "outing" him, much like DeSantis for those who have broken the spell, their roles are axiomatic. If not, they would not be on your TV.

As you said in another article, everything has been gamified. This is all a game, the war for the mind. It has little to do with intelligence and more to do with awareness and active thinking. And perhaps a bit of luck, especially considering the algorithmic advancements of the 21st century.

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Plato’s Allegory of the cave can be an interesting starting point in understanding what lies ahead. It is to me interesting that individuals within societies haven’t changed in 3000 years as Plato understood the people in his time are similarly in a circumstance that he would notice today. People self imprison themselves in technology viewing the world through the lens of their screens seeing and hearing only what those in charge want them to see and hear. Occasionally someone breaks out of that and yet it still takes years to adjust their vision to see things in the light. But those people are few. One of the aspects I find interesting about The Cave is Plato’s understanding that forcibly moving someone to the light can have violent repercussions towards the ones enlightening them as they will want to stay in their cave viewing the world they know regardless of whether or not it’s real. This theme plays out throughout the ages as it can be noted I think, that the modernist theory of relativism, that truth is relative and that my truth is just as correct as your truth in my view is a form of chaining people in the cave to view the world through the shadows of their minds.

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Very well said. In addition to the struggles of those inside the cave.. in his allegory those who have returned to the cave to inform the remaining prisoners are most often met with scorn and are not taken seriously. We see this today as well.

Plato was special.

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This will help break the spell for those who still read books:


and for those who wish to dig deeper...


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Thank you for sharing. I will look into these.

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Believe me, if I had a cure for cognitive dissonance....

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Again, trying desperately to remember the last time Russia OR China were a threat to the U.S.

But Americans so uncritically accept both narratives, never realizing that perhaps both these countries have the right to advance their own ECONOMIC fortunes, while the U.S. advances it rights to to complete global hegemony through the use of force.

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States exist to protect property values. Any threat to the US-Puritan system of globalized wage and debt slavery is a threat to the entire order. All heroes are liars that haven't been exposed yet.

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Warmongering is just one of his flaws - The man is a right wing nut - and his 10 Commandments are the red meat of the climate denying, scientifically hostile, and rising cultural and political White Christian Nationalist fascists:

1. God is real.

2. There are two genders.

3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels.

4. Reverse racism is racism.

5. An open border is no border.

6. Parents determine the education of their children.

7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind.

8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty.

9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four.

10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedoms in history.


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His 10 Commandments are a perfect example of the kind of drivel that has replaced real politics and passes for inspired political thought these days. To borrow another term from poor Orwell since the newspeak the Party used in 1984 to limit people's thought is ironically expanding ours in real life all the time, such slop is an excellent example of what's essentially political prolefeed.

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AfD's platform isn't much different. It's all neo-Puritanism with a neoliberal twist.

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Ramaswamy sounds like a real wanker. He's yet another U$ warmonger we do not need.

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Vivek's a slick dick with a motor-mouth full of talking points, the neo-con in sheep's clothing. He's the guy on the Showroom Floor down-playing the one model for an even more expensive one, the Republican's version of Pete Buttigieg (apparently they both have a history together).

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Meanwhile...keep em looking “over THERE!” And not here...that is how we continue to poison them, burn them alive, destroy fertilizer production so they will either starve or eat our bugs, turn off their money whenever we decide, herd them into digital prisons...their arrogance and blissful ignorance that the war is already here and it is against THEM by US while hundreds of military aged males (PCR) pour over their borders, escorted to lay in wait for further instruction in cities throughout the country is all going according to plan. They will continue to play into our plans as they spend the next 14 months arguing over which is the candidate that will rescue them or drag the deeper into the quagmire of transhumanistic totalitarian one world government hell. “Everything is in place and nothing can stop us now” (Day tapes 1969). Every. single. candidate. has the same group of handlers that has groomed them to APPEAR to have a unique solution but if you listen CLOSELY you don’t hear a single one talking about a single aspect of the kill box being built around us all through our food supply, (Bluetooth)transportation, surveillance tech, “SMART” everything, manufactured health emergencies, border invasion, child trafficking, genital mutilation and sterilization (no more babies!), geoengineering, escalating incurable and financially unmanageable health crises (rapidly falling to land among the worst health outcomes in the world with the worst care) and the silent creep of the BIG Three who will guarantee you own nothing and will be happy (cuz they already own it all). If they aren’t saying anything about any of this then you KNOW you are only hearing blah blah blah blah [buzz word] blah blah blah [more psyop]. Russia and or China our biggest threats? Huh. Guess I live on a different planet altogether.

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Wow. Talk about slogans that mask deception and depravity, you've mastered the list, I see!

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I'm glad you pointed this out. He is also a Young Global Leader, which might be all you need to know. (So is Tulsi, by the way.) Studying Vivek is an excellent way to become proficient in sniffing out the latest and greatest modes of political deception, and you've gone a long way in this article. To illustrate how effective his method is, even Chuck Baldwin has given him a glowing review, placing him a notch above DeSantis. And Chuck is one of the very few who can come out and say the Sars-Cov-2 is a total fiction, so you know he has not adopted his stance out of cowardice. In nature, we have flies that look like bees, the reason being obvious. In the present case, we have a bee* who looks like a fly. A hawk in dove's clothing.

* I know, bees are beneficial, pollinators, etc. Calm down environmentalists, I'm just referring to the sting.

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YGL inclusion is an attempt to appropriate someone who shows promise that the rulers see could be exploited. Whether that person eventually answers the call is uncertain. But rulers promote the label in order to tar and box him/her in. With Tulsi they likely missed. Just like they did with Simonyan.

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Agreed. They've also tried to tar Putin with that brush, which is absurd. The counter-argument to the YGL narrative is simple. Since the WEF is an influential organization, it makes sense for major governments to send their envoys to keep an eye on things. Spies basically. I also don't buy the narrative that the WEF is the power behind the current agenda. That's a throw. I think it's far more likely the impetus is coming from the Atlantic Council, the CFR and NATO acting on behalf of international bankers as represented by the IMF, World Bank and powerful families that nominally own the member banks. All wars are bankers wars, except in this case the bankers are unable to control both sides, which is why all the panic and hysteria in the western media, which they also control.

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I have heard many arguments that the WEF is nothing but the front organization for something akin to the Rothschilds. Regardless: the power behind the throne is far enough from the limelight to not be seen even in the shadows.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Not a Vivek cultist, BUT anyone that isn't all in for Nazi Ukraine and as a bonus gets the neocons worked into a lather and distracts them with purity tests and rooting out imaginary enemies is to be encouraged.

N.b. as bad as I am with typing, autocorrect has earned a special place of wrath in my heart.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

He is just setting Russia aside for the moment. He is just another Obama, IMO. Which really does beg thequestion - why believe anything good a politician says whilst campaigning? Been there, done that. Campaign rhetoric is uttered solely for votes and money. The neocons will "handle" Viveck. Losing their shit is just for show. IMO.

He would not get my "vote".

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I think that the neocon panic over Vivek is real, as I think it was with Obama.

However, if they are good at nothing else, the neocons are very good at bureaucratic infighting. Expert-level "Yes, Minister" type stuff.

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You think the neocons were really panicking with Obama? I don't. I think they wanted him all along.

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I don't. Georgia launched its attack in the summer of 2008 based on the fear that of Obama won, the US would no longer write blank checks for military adventures, so the window to act was closing fast.

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You may be right, but Obama was linked to people like Tim Geitner going way back, and his mom was a banker. He was never anything close to working class, and DID go to Harvard, so he was already in the power elite. I think he was the best con artist ever elected President.

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Not arguing any of that, but it's not as if every banker is ever always only a neocon.

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Revisionist history- Putin Russia has been fomenting issues along its border with neighbors from day one. Putin simply used the same Sudatenland argument Hitler did.

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Any comparison between Hitler and Putin shows a dangerous ignorance of history. There are several tremendous differences, the most important of which is that there were no nuclear weapons in 1938.

Nukes change everything. Anyone who thinks a war between the US and Russia should even be considered is, well, dangerously insane.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Except that the border didn't really change. South Ossetia and Abkhazia (neither of which are ethnically Russian) remained de facto independent, nor did Russia impose regime change upon Georgia.

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"Cart before the horse". Strange you seem to be unfamiliar with this.

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Even Biden at the time kept telling Obama not to let the generals roll over him.

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This is such war machine propaganda, Biden nor Obama were ever in charge of the military, they didn't make strategic international decisions around war or statecraft, they are both nothing more than cheerleaders delivering the news to the public. Simpletons and talking heads used to mollify the masses.

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Don’t disagree. I think that shows how low the bar has gotten.

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Why would you fantasize that you won't get all in for Nazi Ukraine anyway. A president is not going to change the course of the empire, no matter how many times he says he will.

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Worthy point, but the neocons are losing their collective isht. Sort of like how the did over Obama, and we know how that worked out....

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I agree, in many ways the hate vector is planned out, thats how its decided which side you are on, which side hates you - your on the other side.

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“I considered the Armed Forces of Ukraine to be the armed extension of the Nazi ideology. Accordingly, that is what I told my men. When I got here, I saw that was not the case. I faced reality. I came to this conclusion after being captured, after I met them, and communicated with them. I changed my views based on how they treated me.”

“While in captivity by the Ukrainian forces, we have been given three meals daily and medical care. We have plenty of water and a place to sleep.”

“When we first arrived in Ukraine, the attitude of the local population was negative towards us. We were treated as invaders. There was no contact with them; it was tense and dangerous. Any contact could erupt into conflict. Even when moving from place to place, we had to take special measures to ensure safety.”

“After seeing the situation of how the locals were living, that they were not in danger before we came, I concluded that the reality of the war started by Vladimir Putin is far removed from the goals that we were told. This is an occupation and a cruel war that does not spare the peaceful population, the life, and health of the citizens of Russia or Ukraine.”


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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Can you show me photographs of Russian military units sporting Nazi tattoos, logos, symbolism associated with Nazism - No you cannot. Ukraine on the other hand has flaunted their Nazi roots obviously because it pisses off the Russians. If there is anyone on this planet that hates Nazis it is Russians.

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The only 'nazi-ish' country at this time involved is fascist Russia under Putin. Calling Ukraine nazi is repeating Russian propaganda

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That's an argument by association, the equivalent of Goebbels dismissing inconvenient facts as "Jew propaganda".

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Troll much? Lies lies and more lies. You obviously are another dumocrat. Can't see the swastika in the picture because the name of the person showing it to you you were told to dislike by your Mass Murdering Sociopath president.

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Troll much ? Which propaganda department is paying your salary as a narrative manager ?

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There is no nazi ukraine- that is largely russian propaganda being parroted by useful idiots in the west.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Funny, some actual Nazis just back from Ukraine had a bit of a demonstration suggesting otherwise.

For that matter, I lived much of my adult life in Ukraine. Nazis were not hard to find.

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In Florida indeed. Just proves the USA is a free country.

And openly supporting Nazism. Finally getting all of its puppets vote along to ensure the UN is worth shit: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3997769?ln=en

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Your on the wrong substack >>dumocrats that away! People here are all aware of bullshit so give it a rest.

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You're right, and he's not the only one. Tucker Carlson and also (even) John Mearsheimer (and others, I'm sure) have made similar, but not so feverish, statements about China being "the real enemy." Where does this come from, except from the sick of the evil empire that cannot conceive of a world without the US as absolute master. The best word for it is "evil" -- see David Ray Griffin's last book, "America on the Brink." In short, the US, dragging its vassals along with it, has long been on a demonic trajectory (while thinking it divine). Roberts make the same argument as Ben Abelow, Jeffrey Sachs, Mearsheimer, Griffin and before all of them the late Stephen Cohen.

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There’s no competitive game without sides. And if we had to pick the country most able to steal our crown it has to be China.

I believe nations are a good thing so I reluctantly accept that we’ll always paint someone as the enemy ?

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"Ramaswamy says he would ... let the Russian Federation keep the Ukrainian territories it already controls and guarantee no future NATO membership for Ukraine in exchange for Moscow ending its military partnership with China."

What arrogance, to believe he as President should have any say whatsoever as to what happens between Russia and Ukraine or between China and Taiwan.

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I laughed when he said that since it has been an ongoing lie that so many US presidents have told before!

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Beyond disgusting that WeThePeople are SO well-Programmed to tremble in terror at “The Big C” word, (no not cancer) without questioning whether the word “democracy” means Political, Economic & Judicial Apartheid under an InsiderTraders CorporateFascist-WEALTH SSupremacy who Pervert Public Office for Personal Gains, via Perpetual HumanSacrifice MassMurder / MassDestruction, for as long as they can get away with it.

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So slick, looks just like the other young well - groomed WEFFIES. . . Justin Castro, Gavin Newsom, Macron, etc. He is Obama resurrected.

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