We've been here before. During the WWII freak out after Pearl Harbor there were internment camps. Then there was the red scare to hunt communists. Look at how the Democrats are positioning the inaugural, like a military win over the opposition during an actual Civil War. They are using the riot as a kind of Reichstag Fire - and the media, and social media, has no mercy for those who are stuck at home, terrified out of their minds from the pandemic. All of these things played into the events around 1943. In 2017 protesters were burning and looting all through DC and all over the country to protest Trump's inauguration and now American citizens are NOT ALLOWED to even protest at all even though their protests have been mostly peaceful. But when the entire media establishment, and all of your friends and neighbors, go along with it what can you do? You either stay silent out of fear, go along with it or stand up against it. You, Caitlin, are among the very small minority of brave people willing to speak out. I admire that..

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Leaving the country is another good option. You don't want to be around when this Rome goes down.

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seems to me you are applying different levels of scrutiny based on political agenda... And LMFAO that you are comparing alt right oppression to Japenese internment camps. There is no civil war in America. Also, you claim that liberals are using the inauguration protests as a "reichstag fire". LMFAO you can't denounce the people who raided the nations capitol building because liberals are??? Hilarious. Also what is laughable is that you're claiming that American citizens aren't allowed to protest. Yes, there were protests against racial injustice (a very serious issue in our country) and yes, some turned to rioting and were scrutinized. People are now trying to destabilize democracy with an attempted coup and you want to take their side? There is no evidence anywhere of election fraud. Yet, you still chose to side with these protesters, but denounce those in 2017 who were protesting the killing of innocent lives.

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It's hard to have conversations with shrieking people. I am not siding with anyone. I am saying that fear and hysteria, partisan media has taken us to a dangerous place, the same way it did after 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. We tend to overreact and purging citizens for being Trump supporters is insane. You don't agree, fine, but notice how many stupid digs you had to deliver along the way. Rationalize it however you want but eventually it will collapse into itself because witch hunts always do.

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An attempted coup? Honestly, that’s a coup? You’ve obviously been very sheltered, or drink the MSM kool-aid, or both. Coups usually involve much much more violence, and blood, oh the blood. This was a protest that went very bad, and according to some people, was instigated by the government itself along with crony corporations that it is in bed with. And BOTH factions have a verifiable history of using far-right movements to create chaotic conditions in other countries for the benefit of multinationals. Please, for the love of all that’s good in the world, turn off your TV and pick up a book. Preferably about how the CIA has caused these same situations all over the world. They’re just doing it at home now, too.

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"They are hidden among us, disguised behind regular jobs," Winslow warns. "They are your children's teachers. They work at supermarkets, malls, doctor's offices, and many are police officers and soldiers."

Sounds like witch-hunt McCarthyism. Here people are, trying to go about their business and live peacefully together in their communities, but no, someone's got to stir up shit for whatever vile purposes. These psychos are clearly manufacturing civil unrest that wouldn't even exist otherwise.

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Narcissistic triangulation works on the macro as well as the micro scale.

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Because every group should have its own Stasi informers.

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The fundamental problem is that America is a deeply sick society, totally Manichaean in its thinking, which always requires an enemy to fight and massive security forces to hold itself together, because it is naturally so disunited and inorganic. There’s a reason the USA has by far the high incarceration rate, the most military bases and fights the most wars on the planet: because the place is pathological, across the political spectrum. It’s not surprising to see this coming from “liberals”; it’s the twisted logic of American society, always looking for an enemy to destroy, turned on itself.

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2 wrongs don't make a right.. anti the anti - the best way to "fight back" is to live your best life!

This seems like counter intuitive promotion from the same background that has installed the far right objectives..

Play safe people

You promote Trump as the leader of radicals the movement is consistent with the fear and promotion we have seen for the last 4yrs no wonder the conjecture surrounded the #USElections Trump stood as leader of political party that has been confused with a want to conspire.

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the not-so-deep-any-more zionist neolibs have good reasons to fear the rest of the population domestic or otherwise. they know what crimes they have been commiting.

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this could be the spark that ignites the beginning of the end has a liveable society

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Plot twist: Don Winslow is Q.

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Trump has done nothing but try to invalidate a legal election that rightfully declared Biden the winner.

He said "we're gonna walk down, and I'll be there with you, to the Captiol" and he also urged the crowd to "fight like hell".

There is the small matter of explosive devices and 5 dead as well.

If this was Hillary Clinton, there would be apoplectic rage from the Republican side and she'll have to face another 11 hour grilling.

Funny how Trump doesn't have to answer for this.

Is the right doxxing Antifa members equally as repugnant to you?

If someone is potentially violent and dangerous, shouldn't they be brought to the attention of the authorities before it's too late?

If someone damages property and even kills people under cover of a protest, should that person not face justice?

Or is it a case of one rule for one side and another for you?

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We are all Palestinians now.

Soon the re-education camps will be opened, and anyone going up against the wire will be shot.

Resistance will be met with napalm, neurotoxic pesticides, and white phosphorus rained down upon you from the drones which circle overhead, beaming down pornography 24-7.

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There's a lot of those who'd like to burn a big fire in the US. As far as I see, such hysterics are to prompt it. However, the Americans are wise enough to cope with it avoiding an internal conflict on one hand and witch hunting on the other I'm sure.

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Fear porn at its best/worst.

Fortunately Don won't make a book out of it because the title has two words.

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... and who are the them? there are two ways to resolve duality: with ego, and without ego. those who wish to resolve it with ego are attempting to transcend duality through manipulation, control, and domination on every level of creation. from one world government to the singularity. while this domestic opposition is being fueled, by the same people - follow the money, the war of gog and magog is on a razor's edge. 1 is unity, the all, god. 2 is duality, the material world. 3 is relationship which creates a new unity 1. the great work of freemasonry - tikkun olam of judaism. god's chosen people to redeem, or re-unify, the world. ONE, between two poles since gobekli tepe.

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Jan 19, 2021
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Got that right people sway like the wind

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