Did everyone notice how everything dissipated? A lot more people were murdered from the shots particularly in Israel!! No more mention of the Biden crime family and where is our lovely warmongery Hillary Clinton? Look for her to exploit and capitalize on this the most!
...and probably the reason we hightailed it out of Afghanistan TO Ukraine as well. They'll do anything at this point to distract everyone from their failures. Hopscotch wars.
This is FALSE. People need to wake up! The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan achieved their actual objectives, to eliminate a leader of a country who dared defy directives from Washington, make an abject example of their country, and transfer contracts for Iraq's oil from Russia and France to US and UK companies. Get the greenlight for a gas pipeline across Afghanistan. In Ukraine, to weaken Russia (that hasn't worked as well as hoped) and to replace the big EU/UK market for gas from Russian to US sellers (blowing up the pipelines eliminated the chance that EU would get tired of paying much more for gas from the US). And for all of them, perhaps the #1 objective of all US wars, feeding the insatiable military industrial complex. NONE of these were failed wars, although it does help to take attention away from the ugly Ukraine situation, since there had been a big pretense of concern for the Ukraine civilians being steadily slaughtered while Washington blocks negotiations.
If you want to be well informed, it's probably more important to stop watching "mainstream news" than to find better sources.
The US now says CHina is a “security risk” and they will not allow any Nvidia chips, used for AI, to be sold to China. Not even for non-military use cases.
The warmongering neocons are so pathetic they are determined to start war against 80 % of the planet. At the same time. Because they must lord it over all others - or else. I mean how dare China develop its self from poverty and actually uplift its people and educate them, instead of wasting it all and stashing it in private bank accounts in Delaware, Cayman Islands, City of London, Switzerland, Jersey etc.
The same sanctions that prompted China to develop 7nm microchips, and I now hear rumours that the Chinese have gone so far as to develop 3nm microchips.
So the US has, through sanctions, actually inspired the Chinese to achieve more, even faster.
well, you know the saying. When you cannot enter through the door, enter through the window.
Sanctions and all kind of restrictions make you in the end stronger. Look at Vladimir Putine and Russia. They developped their own industries when they were " sanctionned".
People who claim the Gazans deserve this for "electing terrorist group Hamas" are almost never aware that most of Hamas' budget is supplying services like food, water and medicine. They weren't electing the guys with the guns, they were electing the guys who had smuggled in the medicine that kept their baby alive.
Sure - Israel has the right to defend itself - but that right under International law doesn't include the systematic mass murder of innocent civilians (including children) - which has been outlawed since World War II. Collective punishment is a war crime. It is what the Germans did to the Jews and other defenseless populations throughout Europe during World War II. It is what many German leaders were hanged for - post World War II during the Nuremburg trials. War crimes should not be forgotten.
Actually, the killing of children and the shedding of innocent blood was not only outlawed but defined as an "abomination" in the Bible (2 Kings and Proverbs and elsewhere). So when you look at Biden or Netanyahu or Blinken and so on, you're looking at an abomination.
Yes. That is so sadly true. That’s how it was at the beginning of the peace movement against war in Vietnam. That’s the way it was when Dr. King was calling for the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I’m sure that’s the way it was when Gandhi started his march to sea for salt. But from the tiny acorn, the mighty oak etc. All the more reason to find a rally or protest or march in your city and go to it. Check out Rashida Tlaib’s website for info for your town. It’s mostly Jewish Voices for Peace that’s starting things. And Rashida is Palestinian American. It’s these little ironies that make me a believer.
The closed, un-modifiable synapse crowd is hopeless; they represent a direct refutation of the fundamental principle of human — actually all animal — neurobiology that all synapses are modifiable in the strength of connectivity among the various participant neurons (nerve cells), the broad term being neuronal plasticity. Or as Chris Hedges puts it in his most recent piece, quoting Edward Bernays: the “logic-proof compartment of dogmatic adherence". In this compartment, the entire biological basis for learned behavior is scuttled in favor of a single phrase: Israel has a right to defend itself. How sad.
Some young aspiring researcher should seek to preserve samples of the postmortem brains of Lindsay Graham, Ron DeSantis, and other US pols, seeking a new protein that I'd call LockPropsin, which is responsible for abrogating neuronal plasticity and is generated in those brains that fail over time to reach some threshold of diversity in overall neural pattern representations.
Yes indeed, "Israel has a right to defend itself". Big strong mantra for the ever greedy MIC & the dangerously unhinged warmonger knuckle-draggers who crave constant war. Israel gets to be pushed by the U$ofA & its accomplice Netanyahu into being as horrendously medieval as possible to keep up the war momentum in the entire region for big fat profit, and more. How about installing a better mantra revolving around: *Israel has the right to co-exist peacefully with Palestinians in a single democratic country.*?
I also prize the right to defend myself. Unlike the Zionists I understand that proportionality is key when defending oneself. Unlike the Zionists I don't go round night and day parroting this mantra preaching and screeching to all and sundry normal folks in town that I've a right to defend myself but there again I don't go round stealing land, murdering children, throwing people out of their houses & generally being a large scale psychopathic bloodthirsty bully with a stolen privatised planet firmly on the agenda.
It’s not just the U.S. The entire Neocolonial Always state-Terrorism Organization is lockstep behind the U.S. in support of the murderous colonial project of “Israel”.
One would have thought that in 2023 outdated colonial strategies such as Zionism could no longer be justified or even countenanced - after all like 80% of the world has had to escape European colonial rule. - and many of THEM too declare “never again”. But there is no end to the shamelessness and greed of the colonialists.
This is WW III in the making. Because the colonialists have completely lost their minds. For them even just existing as EQUALS to the rest of the planet is an unacceptable humiliation- a fate worse than death or Armageddon.
- taking land where people of many types of people already live
- dispossessing some or all of these people, based on their non-membership of a “chosen race”
- kick out the disposssed, or structurally oppressing them and denying them equality in their existence in that state
- and then top of that structurally locking out or banning any newcomers or immigrants not from the “chosen race”
It’s quite laughable for you to sit here in 2023 and pretend such a scheme is anything except virulently racist.
Zionism was invented in an era when it was a norm for Europeans to go around the world lording it over brown skinned people, taking what they had and even killing them with impunity. In such a context of course no one blinked an eye about everything I have listed above in those bullet points. It was “normal” back then from a Eurocolonial perspective to treat brown skinned people like chattel.
But we are not in 1923. We are in 2023. And that sh$% does not fly anymore. Also the colonised people too say “never again”.. Everyone knows better, or ought to know better, that you cannot build justice and peace on a foundation of brutal structural racism and oppression.
In that sense zionism is a pipe dream, and ironically…….fatally flawed by its own inherent racism.
Kudjoe, I am totally with you on Zionism. When I wrote ' Zionism no longer equates racism ', I was lamenting the sanitising, that it was equated with racism once upon a time at the UN. Serves me right for trying to be pithy with a one liner!
Lindsay Graham is on the same order of warmongering whores that Bolton is. He is also one of 2 current members who are killing free speech and the 1st amendment. I just got off an Uber ride and I am beyond belief in the mindset of people and the clear statement of "Level Gaza until there is nothing left"! When I could finally get through the red haze of bloodthirstyness and stated that the percentage of people are children and elderly women there was not a moments hesitation in stating "I don't care". So this is where we are and it has become very apparent that we who are sick to the very core of our being of death and destruction are the minority. When the continual lies about Iran needing to be bombed because "They did this" are now suddenly the truth we are clearly headed straight into WW3. I think it is insanity now driving the boat not money.
No it isn't the big brains. It isn't even agriculture. It's when agriculture enables tribes to grow into cities, needing ever more room, needing hierarchy to manage it all, and the sociopaths who seem to arise among us in every society are able to slither into positions of power, that the trajectory toward this atrocity begins. People lived in basically peaceful hunter-gather-societies, sometimes with a little agriculture in the ix, for 100,00 years or more. Big brains and all.
The media do the work. Media owned mostly by jewish/ ultra zionist sympathisants.
You only get partial info. Most people working many hours don t have the priviledge of having time for searching the net. They get info on tv. Are tired and see abomination commited by only one of the parties
While younger and having yo work and raise kids, i had no time to inform myself.
That is why the media should not be own by only a small part of humanity. They form or most of the time manipulate public opinion to their own benefit/ goals
And now with the advent of covid, we have censure disguised as the "ministry of truth"
What truly concerns me is that the world (controlled of course by Mass Murdering Sociopaths) has allowed this "Open Air Prison" for well over 75 years and now they are killing this group of people (on both sides (West Bank too!) with the Criminal Elite supporting the whole genocide. So my 40 dollar question is "What do you think they have in store for the rest of us especially US WHO EXPOSE THEM!?" I believe they intend to herd us all into open air prison camps!
who owns the US central bank ? who own most of the msm ? who owns politicians ( pay for their election ? (= both sides financed by jewish billionaires).
Hey thanks for this! I started reading and find a lot of what is shown here is directly related to the very things I have been saying for years! I knew that they had been busy enacting laws against us but did not realise it had gotten to the horrible state we are now in! The problem has been so much that I get nothing but disbelief or deemed a nut job conspiracy theorist that all the while I knew what was being done right out in the open no one caught on! I am glad you showed me this because it sure shows I WAS NOT ALONE!
katherine watt ( jurist) publishes on substack. Has done remarkable job of researching law.
As well as sasha latypova ( covid vax) .
Another guy ( gp) from autralia also on substack is nixonlab ( david nixon) He publishes pictures ( of all kinds medication/ blood ) taken under microscope.
Specialized and should be spread. ( it is what i do mostly) to warn people against for example dental anaestetics ( filled with seemingly nanobots).
All of them need financial support as they work for the community.
The Uber driver. Who by the way stated his son was in the US army and over in the middle east! When I said that this could certainly get him killed he said unless Gaza is completely leveled and next Iran that it will be likely that his kid will be killed! Reverse logic anyone?
? You don't think that a moment of clarity instead of bombing would have lead Iran and others to wait and not take action when immediately bombing innocent civilians will most surely bring about WW3?
I don't know about anyone else but I knew next to nothing about Israel and Palestine on October the 6th, although I've heard the names PLO, Yassah Arrafat and Netanyahu over and over in my life.
The fake pandemic woke me up to geopolitics and what a time to do so!
Looking at the situation in Israel now it beggars belief that Israel can literally be getting away with murder and at the same time for us to think of ourselves as enlightened 21st century democracies.
This short video with Elan Pappe really helped. The lie that Jewish people have nowhere else to go, that they can expel the native population, that a democracy can only work if the colonists are in the majority is so enormous it can hide in plain sight. That Israel is allowed to exist despite the fact that in the 20th century much decolonisation has happened and colonisation is no longer acceptable is pure double think.
The new anti-sematism= anyone who criticises Zionism. Therefore the far right across Europe is accepting Israel (and can say they're not anti-semitic) but at the same time can also believe the Jews should not live amongst them.
Whether people in the West prefer Jews not to be in their countries or not; Israel is a beacon of fascism, advising other countries how to handle the problem of Moslem immigrants (though native in Palestine's case) who are always violent and troublesome.
As we have noted; the open acceptance of Nazis by the Canadian government and immigrant policies in the UK along with the continued existence of openly racist Israel point to the rise of right wing fascism, which is the great threat we face and not conspiracies wanting us to eat bugs.
the fake pandemy did the same to me. And the ukraine /russia war.
That because it was so obvious that we were served only propaganda and that different opinions were villified or totally " cancelled". We were all lied to on both subjects. That is why we looked for truthfull info. The same is happening now with israel.
And it is really bad as the muslim community will turn against the western world because of dishonest and corrupt politicians acting not in the interest of their own country, but backing up an oppressor and corruptor
Mitt Romney: a monster whose Bain Capital’s start up funds came from Salvadoran families who funded the Atlactl battalion which committed the El Mozote Massacre. Romney has no moral conscience.
"It's not Israel, it's Hamas" seems a kind of superficially silly formulation.
I mean, Hamas does not have membership in the Israeli Knesset, nor the IDF, nor the Prime Minister's office. If Hamas was actually in control of Israeli decision-making centers, and therefore in charge of Israeli actions, I suspect we would be seeing very different outcomes. For instance, I doubt very much whether Hamas would be attacking people in Gaza.
No, Israelis are in charge of making decisions about Israeli actions, and Israelis are in charge of carrying them out. You can argue about whether you believe that these actions are justified or not, war crimes or not, or something else entirely, but the idea that the Israelis are somehow not responsible for their own considered, intentional actions is simply childish and silly.
Sure the HAMAS are guilty as fuck of an atrocious pre-planned murder of innocent civilians. And (perhaps) some in Gaza are guilty because they voted and were aware of what Hamas was planning to do.
But that does not validate or give Israel the moral fiat to then do exactly the same murderous human crime themselves, and do it on a far larger scale. One human atrocity doesn't cancel out another human atrocity. This is the kind of obscene math we're being told we should believe in. By massacring defenseless civilians does not make the Israelis any better or any more moral than the Hamas.
The systematic slaughter of innocent civilians is what the Germans did in World War II - against the populations of many countries and against Jews. Since then, the world has outlawed such actions even in war - and it is Internationally known as a war crime. Collective punishment is a war crime.
Yes I've struggled with this. What if Hamas are really bad people?
These young men in Hamas have lived their whole lives in a prison and have been subjugated and humiliated daily by Jewish people. Hamas was formed by Israel to counteract the PLO and Arrafat and was funded and bolstered by Netanyahu to divide Gaza and the West Bank politically and to prevent the formation of a Palestinian State. The US openly meddle in Palestine elections and Hamas have American weapons.
Why was the barrier deserted?
Even superficially there is some serious manipulation going on and if the CIA is not involved I'll eat my hat.
No one is born hating Jews, nor hating Arabs and Moslems for that matter.
The truly shocking thing for me has been the acceptance of UK politicians for the Israeli solution to what drove these young men to do and say such a terrible things; which is to double down and do more of it. Starve, dehydrate and bomb the shit out of them. That'll really help.
The UK is clearly complicit in war crimes but must also be complicit in the either the plan to eradicate the Arabs or to start another war that our master the US openly wants.
The two greatest purveyors and supporters of terrorism in today's world are the US and Israeli/Zionist states and their interlinked intelligence networks, CIA and Mossad.
I think it is not unreasonable to break it out like this. However, in reality you should probably focus solely on the US. Israeli policy and capabilities are largely possible due to the direct support from the US. In essence, Israeli policy is US policy.
I'm afraid, as an American, that it is the US that bears primary responsibility for much of the strife and conflict on this planet. We don't always act directly (in fact, we mostly act through proxies like Israel, Ukraine, and possibly coming to a theater of war near you, Taiwan), but it is our money, our weapons, and our policy that drives the conflict.
Exactly! To say that the U.S. is to blame for what is happening is only because the U.S. is completely controlled by the Jewish ulltra zionists, and all actions and decisions made by the U.S. are the actions and decisions of the Zionists, and not the American people.
This is so well said, thank you. When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, I loved Jews! I’d read Anne Frank at 14, the same age she was when she died. Then when I was 21, I went to NYC and met all these Jews who were absolutely amazing and I got a job waitressing at a resort in New Hampshire that was completely kosher. I’d never tasted such good food nor met such wonderful people, all of whom still had the tattoos from the camps they’d survived. And then of course reading so many Jewish writers who stood up for Dr. King’s work and for civil rights and the peace movement. I was such a fan. Now, to see what becoming a settler nation has done to them and what they have done to the Palestinians as a result, I can hardly stand it.
I loathe and blame them for this horror as much as I loathe and blame the US and Ukraine and Nazi’s everywhere. But that’s a lot of loathing. Maybe I better get back to as much Taoism as I can muster in this time of world calamity.
This is so interesting. I've had two diametrically opposite experiences of Kosher food, one was fish and chips and mushy peas which I think just needs a certificate from a shop in Hampstead ;one of my best ever meals and the other some liver with no gravy, it was so dry me and my friend who were being kindly treated to a meal could hardly swallow it.
Yes that's a lot of loathing. I prescribe switching off the computer and doing some yoga Nidra (ie lying on the floor). Do something that makes you happy. Watch a cat breathing xxx
I have met people from all groups, religious, political, social etc that I like. In those same groups, there are also people that I don't want to be around. I don't understand liking or hating someone because of their ethnicity, religion, skin colour, gender or some other outwardly defining characteristic.. There are wonderful people in every group and there are shitheads in every group.
That is a sad comment. It does not give much hope for a peaceful world. Or for a non-racist world. I think it makes sense to be wary of people who think the way you do. No matter their ethnicity.
I knew there was a reason I quit watching Fox News. These sicko politicians and corporate media scum bags need to be put in the boxing ring with Hamas and go add it since they seem to like war and killing so much. They make me sick to my stomach. God help us all.
The MIC and its war machinery stands to make another killing from the Mideast. Dead bodies don't matter it's the money made in killing them that matters.
"... if everyone clearly understood what’s being done in their name, all that carefully manufactured consent would rapidly disintegrate."
Impossible to get "everyone" to understand.
However, IMHO, most people (much more than 50%) understand at least intellectually what is happening. (Graham and Romney know what's happening.) Of that though, a large number still support it because they cannot imagine a world where people just "get along" with one another. The huge majority of the Oligarchy (90%+) support the slaughter because it makes them money.
Basically, it is capitalism that is the reason for these atrocities. The Palestinians are "externalities" to be ignored, just like the Oil companies ignore Climate Change; Warren Buffet doesn't care enough about the Norfolk Southern infrastructure to protect the people of East Palestine; and the residents of Lahaina will have their land stolen to build the "Plantation's" (Hawaii's Oligarchy) second city.
If people could be educated on how the Oligarchy steals their labor, leaving them with "just enough" to survive on, then -- and only then -- will the Oligarchy be removed from the powerful positions it now populates.
Why does the US support Israel -- MONEY!
It is this greed that is so prevalent across humanity that is the direct cause of, not just the Palestinian suffering, but all the suffering in the world.
Two days before the missile attack, Israel did its 'humane' double knock warning on the Hospital roof to get out, because the Hospital would be bombed.
Americans haven't got a clue what the Palestinians of Gaza have endured for the last 17 years with the Jewish controlled Gaza Ghetto and the biggest CONCENTRATION CAMP in the World for over 2 MILLION Human Beings.
The SIGNS were perfectly clear the privation Israel imposed on Gaza was building the rage and hatred for their Jailers.
The West remained SILENT as the rage, despair and depression with NOTHING left to loose built up, and ALL Western governments knew it. There is 50 % unemployment and 50% of Gaza inhabitants are UNDER 18. Think about those Jewish imposed conditions.
If Americans had to go through 17 years in the Place of Palestinians, they would devise a plan to Break Out and then Hell would have to be paid.
All the so called Experts are not True Experts like like Professor Norman Finklestein who devoted the last 40 years of his Life becoming the Real EXPERT on the Jewish-Palestinian conflict since Israel was recreated from THE BIBLE.
Here he is talking his experience as the EXPERT he is. If anyone really wants to know the background and the TRUTH of what's happened on the ground leading to that Day of Rage October 8, and potentially leading to ARMAGEDDON, listen to the Talk.
ALL the young Hamas Forces, that actually got into Israel and did all the killing, some 1500 of them, were born in the Jewish Concentration Camp, were killed by the IDF inside Israel within 2 days according to Israeli Media.
It was their 1st taste of Freedom outside their that 26 x 5 mile prison.
The people Israel is bombing Day and Night are INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Can you imagine how Israel is TERRORIZING those Innocent Human Beings when it's done in the DARK because Israel shut off the power?
Listen and Learn from the real Expert, Jewish Norman Finklestein, whose Parents endured the NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMPS here:
So if Israel were to nerve gas toddlers, Hamas is to blame. Got it.
"Look what you made me do!" Is a favorite tactic of abusers.
The description of a malignant narcissist.
Also, why do these neocons constantly deny any agency whatsoever to Israelis?
I've seen fingerpuppets, comic book superheroes and cardboard cutouts with more depth of character.
Exactly. Blame the victims. If anyone blames the perpetrator, they cry foul and claim to be a bigger victim. Disgusting.
Did anybody notice how quickly the "China Threat" narrative dissipated when the conflict in Israel and Gaza started???
All the US wanted, was another conflict, because they're getting a thrashing in the Ukraine, it didn't matter where.
Did everyone notice how everything dissipated? A lot more people were murdered from the shots particularly in Israel!! No more mention of the Biden crime family and where is our lovely warmongery Hillary Clinton? Look for her to exploit and capitalize on this the most!
...and probably the reason we hightailed it out of Afghanistan TO Ukraine as well. They'll do anything at this point to distract everyone from their failures. Hopscotch wars.
This is FALSE. People need to wake up! The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan achieved their actual objectives, to eliminate a leader of a country who dared defy directives from Washington, make an abject example of their country, and transfer contracts for Iraq's oil from Russia and France to US and UK companies. Get the greenlight for a gas pipeline across Afghanistan. In Ukraine, to weaken Russia (that hasn't worked as well as hoped) and to replace the big EU/UK market for gas from Russian to US sellers (blowing up the pipelines eliminated the chance that EU would get tired of paying much more for gas from the US). And for all of them, perhaps the #1 objective of all US wars, feeding the insatiable military industrial complex. NONE of these were failed wars, although it does help to take attention away from the ugly Ukraine situation, since there had been a big pretense of concern for the Ukraine civilians being steadily slaughtered while Washington blocks negotiations.
If you want to be well informed, it's probably more important to stop watching "mainstream news" than to find better sources.
No, it did not dissipate. In fact today - today - the US govt announced an escalation of its mindless mission to impose tech sanctions on China.
The US now says CHina is a “security risk” and they will not allow any Nvidia chips, used for AI, to be sold to China. Not even for non-military use cases.
The warmongering neocons are so pathetic they are determined to start war against 80 % of the planet. At the same time. Because they must lord it over all others - or else. I mean how dare China develop its self from poverty and actually uplift its people and educate them, instead of wasting it all and stashing it in private bank accounts in Delaware, Cayman Islands, City of London, Switzerland, Jersey etc.
The same sanctions that prompted China to develop 7nm microchips, and I now hear rumours that the Chinese have gone so far as to develop 3nm microchips.
So the US has, through sanctions, actually inspired the Chinese to achieve more, even faster.
well, you know the saying. When you cannot enter through the door, enter through the window.
Sanctions and all kind of restrictions make you in the end stronger. Look at Vladimir Putine and Russia. They developped their own industries when they were " sanctionned".
" regime change "
People who claim the Gazans deserve this for "electing terrorist group Hamas" are almost never aware that most of Hamas' budget is supplying services like food, water and medicine. They weren't electing the guys with the guns, they were electing the guys who had smuggled in the medicine that kept their baby alive.
hamas is financed by the USA and israel
Fox News war slut Sean Hannity...that sums it up pretty nicely.
Sure - Israel has the right to defend itself - but that right under International law doesn't include the systematic mass murder of innocent civilians (including children) - which has been outlawed since World War II. Collective punishment is a war crime. It is what the Germans did to the Jews and other defenseless populations throughout Europe during World War II. It is what many German leaders were hanged for - post World War II during the Nuremburg trials. War crimes should not be forgotten.
Actually, the killing of children and the shedding of innocent blood was not only outlawed but defined as an "abomination" in the Bible (2 Kings and Proverbs and elsewhere). So when you look at Biden or Netanyahu or Blinken and so on, you're looking at an abomination.
Agreed. But it doesn’t take a bible to see that. A child can see that.
And yet many do not. At least not yet.
Yes. That is so sadly true. That’s how it was at the beginning of the peace movement against war in Vietnam. That’s the way it was when Dr. King was calling for the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I’m sure that’s the way it was when Gandhi started his march to sea for salt. But from the tiny acorn, the mighty oak etc. All the more reason to find a rally or protest or march in your city and go to it. Check out Rashida Tlaib’s website for info for your town. It’s mostly Jewish Voices for Peace that’s starting things. And Rashida is Palestinian American. It’s these little ironies that make me a believer.
ah yes, but " the promised land" pretend to be " God's chosen.
The closed, un-modifiable synapse crowd is hopeless; they represent a direct refutation of the fundamental principle of human — actually all animal — neurobiology that all synapses are modifiable in the strength of connectivity among the various participant neurons (nerve cells), the broad term being neuronal plasticity. Or as Chris Hedges puts it in his most recent piece, quoting Edward Bernays: the “logic-proof compartment of dogmatic adherence". In this compartment, the entire biological basis for learned behavior is scuttled in favor of a single phrase: Israel has a right to defend itself. How sad.
Some young aspiring researcher should seek to preserve samples of the postmortem brains of Lindsay Graham, Ron DeSantis, and other US pols, seeking a new protein that I'd call LockPropsin, which is responsible for abrogating neuronal plasticity and is generated in those brains that fail over time to reach some threshold of diversity in overall neural pattern representations.
Yes indeed, "Israel has a right to defend itself". Big strong mantra for the ever greedy MIC & the dangerously unhinged warmonger knuckle-draggers who crave constant war. Israel gets to be pushed by the U$ofA & its accomplice Netanyahu into being as horrendously medieval as possible to keep up the war momentum in the entire region for big fat profit, and more. How about installing a better mantra revolving around: *Israel has the right to co-exist peacefully with Palestinians in a single democratic country.*?
Gaza used to own oil and gas in the Mediterranean Sea. I understand it is now owned by Israel!
I also prize the right to defend myself. Unlike the Zionists I understand that proportionality is key when defending oneself. Unlike the Zionists I don't go round night and day parroting this mantra preaching and screeching to all and sundry normal folks in town that I've a right to defend myself but there again I don't go round stealing land, murdering children, throwing people out of their houses & generally being a large scale psychopathic bloodthirsty bully with a stolen privatised planet firmly on the agenda.
"proportionality" ? No way. Terrorism is an
opportunity for israhell for ethnic cleansing.
Might even be provoked, israel and US funding Hamas
It’s not just the U.S. The entire Neocolonial Always state-Terrorism Organization is lockstep behind the U.S. in support of the murderous colonial project of “Israel”.
One would have thought that in 2023 outdated colonial strategies such as Zionism could no longer be justified or even countenanced - after all like 80% of the world has had to escape European colonial rule. - and many of THEM too declare “never again”. But there is no end to the shamelessness and greed of the colonialists.
This is WW III in the making. Because the colonialists have completely lost their minds. For them even just existing as EQUALS to the rest of the planet is an unacceptable humiliation- a fate worse than death or Armageddon.
Kudjoe, Gone are the days when Zionism equated racism.
Zionism aka going to a country, occupying it and kicking out the inhabitants or making them live in semi slavery and segregation is…..racism.
Zionism is outdated idea from a colonial era:
This “zionism” inherently involves a process of:
- taking land where people of many types of people already live
- dispossessing some or all of these people, based on their non-membership of a “chosen race”
- kick out the disposssed, or structurally oppressing them and denying them equality in their existence in that state
- and then top of that structurally locking out or banning any newcomers or immigrants not from the “chosen race”
It’s quite laughable for you to sit here in 2023 and pretend such a scheme is anything except virulently racist.
Zionism was invented in an era when it was a norm for Europeans to go around the world lording it over brown skinned people, taking what they had and even killing them with impunity. In such a context of course no one blinked an eye about everything I have listed above in those bullet points. It was “normal” back then from a Eurocolonial perspective to treat brown skinned people like chattel.
But we are not in 1923. We are in 2023. And that sh$% does not fly anymore. Also the colonised people too say “never again”.. Everyone knows better, or ought to know better, that you cannot build justice and peace on a foundation of brutal structural racism and oppression.
In that sense zionism is a pipe dream, and ironically…….fatally flawed by its own inherent racism.
Kudjoe, I am totally with you on Zionism. When I wrote ' Zionism no longer equates racism ', I was lamenting the sanitising, that it was equated with racism once upon a time at the UN. Serves me right for trying to be pithy with a one liner!
Lindsay Graham is on the same order of warmongering whores that Bolton is. He is also one of 2 current members who are killing free speech and the 1st amendment. I just got off an Uber ride and I am beyond belief in the mindset of people and the clear statement of "Level Gaza until there is nothing left"! When I could finally get through the red haze of bloodthirstyness and stated that the percentage of people are children and elderly women there was not a moments hesitation in stating "I don't care". So this is where we are and it has become very apparent that we who are sick to the very core of our being of death and destruction are the minority. When the continual lies about Iran needing to be bombed because "They did this" are now suddenly the truth we are clearly headed straight into WW3. I think it is insanity now driving the boat not money.
Yes. Thank you for sharing this. It’s just gutting, isn’t it?
Yes indeed, insanity (only my opinion: we should have stayed on the trees - this big brain we grown is TOXIN)
No it isn't the big brains. It isn't even agriculture. It's when agriculture enables tribes to grow into cities, needing ever more room, needing hierarchy to manage it all, and the sociopaths who seem to arise among us in every society are able to slither into positions of power, that the trajectory toward this atrocity begins. People lived in basically peaceful hunter-gather-societies, sometimes with a little agriculture in the ix, for 100,00 years or more. Big brains and all.
You should read Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut. He speaks about the problems these great big brains cause for the human animals.
The media do the work. Media owned mostly by jewish/ ultra zionist sympathisants.
You only get partial info. Most people working many hours don t have the priviledge of having time for searching the net. They get info on tv. Are tired and see abomination commited by only one of the parties
While younger and having yo work and raise kids, i had no time to inform myself.
That is why the media should not be own by only a small part of humanity. They form or most of the time manipulate public opinion to their own benefit/ goals
And now with the advent of covid, we have censure disguised as the "ministry of truth"
What truly concerns me is that the world (controlled of course by Mass Murdering Sociopaths) has allowed this "Open Air Prison" for well over 75 years and now they are killing this group of people (on both sides (West Bank too!) with the Criminal Elite supporting the whole genocide. So my 40 dollar question is "What do you think they have in store for the rest of us especially US WHO EXPOSE THEM!?" I believe they intend to herd us all into open air prison camps!
who owns the US central bank ? who own most of the msm ? who owns politicians ( pay for their election ? (= both sides financed by jewish billionaires).
Who runs the Deep state etc.
Got this just niw in my mail box. Sharing
Hey thanks for this! I started reading and find a lot of what is shown here is directly related to the very things I have been saying for years! I knew that they had been busy enacting laws against us but did not realise it had gotten to the horrible state we are now in! The problem has been so much that I get nothing but disbelief or deemed a nut job conspiracy theorist that all the while I knew what was being done right out in the open no one caught on! I am glad you showed me this because it sure shows I WAS NOT ALONE!
katherine watt ( jurist) publishes on substack. Has done remarkable job of researching law.
As well as sasha latypova ( covid vax) .
Another guy ( gp) from autralia also on substack is nixonlab ( david nixon) He publishes pictures ( of all kinds medication/ blood ) taken under microscope.
Specialized and should be spread. ( it is what i do mostly) to warn people against for example dental anaestetics ( filled with seemingly nanobots).
All of them need financial support as they work for the community.
So spread it also please
should be shared.
Answer to all nowdays troubles
This is what US politics has achieved. And the one sided ( biaised = jewish owned) media have achieved.
When people are lied to.
Remind me of vax. We were also all lied to
The Uber driver. Who by the way stated his son was in the US army and over in the middle east! When I said that this could certainly get him killed he said unless Gaza is completely leveled and next Iran that it will be likely that his kid will be killed! Reverse logic anyone?
? You don't think that a moment of clarity instead of bombing would have lead Iran and others to wait and not take action when immediately bombing innocent civilians will most surely bring about WW3?
OK thanks for the clarity.
I don't know about anyone else but I knew next to nothing about Israel and Palestine on October the 6th, although I've heard the names PLO, Yassah Arrafat and Netanyahu over and over in my life.
The fake pandemic woke me up to geopolitics and what a time to do so!
Looking at the situation in Israel now it beggars belief that Israel can literally be getting away with murder and at the same time for us to think of ourselves as enlightened 21st century democracies.
This short video with Elan Pappe really helped. The lie that Jewish people have nowhere else to go, that they can expel the native population, that a democracy can only work if the colonists are in the majority is so enormous it can hide in plain sight. That Israel is allowed to exist despite the fact that in the 20th century much decolonisation has happened and colonisation is no longer acceptable is pure double think.
The new anti-sematism= anyone who criticises Zionism. Therefore the far right across Europe is accepting Israel (and can say they're not anti-semitic) but at the same time can also believe the Jews should not live amongst them.
Whether people in the West prefer Jews not to be in their countries or not; Israel is a beacon of fascism, advising other countries how to handle the problem of Moslem immigrants (though native in Palestine's case) who are always violent and troublesome.
As we have noted; the open acceptance of Nazis by the Canadian government and immigrant policies in the UK along with the continued existence of openly racist Israel point to the rise of right wing fascism, which is the great threat we face and not conspiracies wanting us to eat bugs.
O wow! So completely right it’s not spot on, it’s BANG ON!
Boom! Mic drop!!!! 🎤😺 xx
the fake pandemy did the same to me. And the ukraine /russia war.
That because it was so obvious that we were served only propaganda and that different opinions were villified or totally " cancelled". We were all lied to on both subjects. That is why we looked for truthfull info. The same is happening now with israel.
And it is really bad as the muslim community will turn against the western world because of dishonest and corrupt politicians acting not in the interest of their own country, but backing up an oppressor and corruptor
yep, they already hate us
Greetings fast learner! :)
Aww 😊
Thank you Robert 🙏🏽
Mitt Romney: a monster whose Bain Capital’s start up funds came from Salvadoran families who funded the Atlactl battalion which committed the El Mozote Massacre. Romney has no moral conscience.
Ever look deep in his eyes on camera or a photo? There’s something squirming in there.
I believe it’s tapeworms, Jeani.
"It's not Israel, it's Hamas" seems a kind of superficially silly formulation.
I mean, Hamas does not have membership in the Israeli Knesset, nor the IDF, nor the Prime Minister's office. If Hamas was actually in control of Israeli decision-making centers, and therefore in charge of Israeli actions, I suspect we would be seeing very different outcomes. For instance, I doubt very much whether Hamas would be attacking people in Gaza.
No, Israelis are in charge of making decisions about Israeli actions, and Israelis are in charge of carrying them out. You can argue about whether you believe that these actions are justified or not, war crimes or not, or something else entirely, but the idea that the Israelis are somehow not responsible for their own considered, intentional actions is simply childish and silly.
Sure the HAMAS are guilty as fuck of an atrocious pre-planned murder of innocent civilians. And (perhaps) some in Gaza are guilty because they voted and were aware of what Hamas was planning to do.
But that does not validate or give Israel the moral fiat to then do exactly the same murderous human crime themselves, and do it on a far larger scale. One human atrocity doesn't cancel out another human atrocity. This is the kind of obscene math we're being told we should believe in. By massacring defenseless civilians does not make the Israelis any better or any more moral than the Hamas.
The systematic slaughter of innocent civilians is what the Germans did in World War II - against the populations of many countries and against Jews. Since then, the world has outlawed such actions even in war - and it is Internationally known as a war crime. Collective punishment is a war crime.
Yes I've struggled with this. What if Hamas are really bad people?
These young men in Hamas have lived their whole lives in a prison and have been subjugated and humiliated daily by Jewish people. Hamas was formed by Israel to counteract the PLO and Arrafat and was funded and bolstered by Netanyahu to divide Gaza and the West Bank politically and to prevent the formation of a Palestinian State. The US openly meddle in Palestine elections and Hamas have American weapons.
Why was the barrier deserted?
Even superficially there is some serious manipulation going on and if the CIA is not involved I'll eat my hat.
No one is born hating Jews, nor hating Arabs and Moslems for that matter.
The truly shocking thing for me has been the acceptance of UK politicians for the Israeli solution to what drove these young men to do and say such a terrible things; which is to double down and do more of it. Starve, dehydrate and bomb the shit out of them. That'll really help.
The UK is clearly complicit in war crimes but must also be complicit in the either the plan to eradicate the Arabs or to start another war that our master the US openly wants.
The two greatest purveyors and supporters of terrorism in today's world are the US and Israeli/Zionist states and their interlinked intelligence networks, CIA and Mossad.
I think it is not unreasonable to break it out like this. However, in reality you should probably focus solely on the US. Israeli policy and capabilities are largely possible due to the direct support from the US. In essence, Israeli policy is US policy.
I'm afraid, as an American, that it is the US that bears primary responsibility for much of the strife and conflict on this planet. We don't always act directly (in fact, we mostly act through proxies like Israel, Ukraine, and possibly coming to a theater of war near you, Taiwan), but it is our money, our weapons, and our policy that drives the conflict.
I hang my head in shame for being an Amerikkkan. Does anyone have an Irish passport to sell?
all key government and law positions in the USA are occupied either by jewish ultra zionists of their associates neocons.
The same applies for many european countries
Exactly! To say that the U.S. is to blame for what is happening is only because the U.S. is completely controlled by the Jewish ulltra zionists, and all actions and decisions made by the U.S. are the actions and decisions of the Zionists, and not the American people.
Yes I think that is right.
This is so well said, thank you. When I was a kid growing up in Minnesota, I loved Jews! I’d read Anne Frank at 14, the same age she was when she died. Then when I was 21, I went to NYC and met all these Jews who were absolutely amazing and I got a job waitressing at a resort in New Hampshire that was completely kosher. I’d never tasted such good food nor met such wonderful people, all of whom still had the tattoos from the camps they’d survived. And then of course reading so many Jewish writers who stood up for Dr. King’s work and for civil rights and the peace movement. I was such a fan. Now, to see what becoming a settler nation has done to them and what they have done to the Palestinians as a result, I can hardly stand it.
I loathe and blame them for this horror as much as I loathe and blame the US and Ukraine and Nazi’s everywhere. But that’s a lot of loathing. Maybe I better get back to as much Taoism as I can muster in this time of world calamity.
Thank you Jeano, you're welcome.
This is so interesting. I've had two diametrically opposite experiences of Kosher food, one was fish and chips and mushy peas which I think just needs a certificate from a shop in Hampstead ;one of my best ever meals and the other some liver with no gravy, it was so dry me and my friend who were being kindly treated to a meal could hardly swallow it.
Yes that's a lot of loathing. I prescribe switching off the computer and doing some yoga Nidra (ie lying on the floor). Do something that makes you happy. Watch a cat breathing xxx
I have met people from all groups, religious, political, social etc that I like. In those same groups, there are also people that I don't want to be around. I don't understand liking or hating someone because of their ethnicity, religion, skin colour, gender or some other outwardly defining characteristic.. There are wonderful people in every group and there are shitheads in every group.
That is a sad comment. It does not give much hope for a peaceful world. Or for a non-racist world. I think it makes sense to be wary of people who think the way you do. No matter their ethnicity.
the viet cong acted just like this. It was their country. Terrorism is only a facet of armed resistance.
Israel has been at war with palestinians since 1948
Who did the poll? How accurate is it? Did they ask the kids too? Just curious. Whenever I hear a poll, I wonder just how objective it really is?
But it doesn't surprise me too much given these people have been living in an open air prison now for most of their lives.
More like open air hell
I knew there was a reason I quit watching Fox News. These sicko politicians and corporate media scum bags need to be put in the boxing ring with Hamas and go add it since they seem to like war and killing so much. They make me sick to my stomach. God help us all.
The MIC and its war machinery stands to make another killing from the Mideast. Dead bodies don't matter it's the money made in killing them that matters.
"... if everyone clearly understood what’s being done in their name, all that carefully manufactured consent would rapidly disintegrate."
Impossible to get "everyone" to understand.
However, IMHO, most people (much more than 50%) understand at least intellectually what is happening. (Graham and Romney know what's happening.) Of that though, a large number still support it because they cannot imagine a world where people just "get along" with one another. The huge majority of the Oligarchy (90%+) support the slaughter because it makes them money.
Basically, it is capitalism that is the reason for these atrocities. The Palestinians are "externalities" to be ignored, just like the Oil companies ignore Climate Change; Warren Buffet doesn't care enough about the Norfolk Southern infrastructure to protect the people of East Palestine; and the residents of Lahaina will have their land stolen to build the "Plantation's" (Hawaii's Oligarchy) second city.
If people could be educated on how the Oligarchy steals their labor, leaving them with "just enough" to survive on, then -- and only then -- will the Oligarchy be removed from the powerful positions it now populates.
Why does the US support Israel -- MONEY!
It is this greed that is so prevalent across humanity that is the direct cause of, not just the Palestinian suffering, but all the suffering in the world.
And the US is onto them as well.
Two days before the missile attack, Israel did its 'humane' double knock warning on the Hospital roof to get out, because the Hospital would be bombed.
Americans haven't got a clue what the Palestinians of Gaza have endured for the last 17 years with the Jewish controlled Gaza Ghetto and the biggest CONCENTRATION CAMP in the World for over 2 MILLION Human Beings.
The SIGNS were perfectly clear the privation Israel imposed on Gaza was building the rage and hatred for their Jailers.
The West remained SILENT as the rage, despair and depression with NOTHING left to loose built up, and ALL Western governments knew it. There is 50 % unemployment and 50% of Gaza inhabitants are UNDER 18. Think about those Jewish imposed conditions.
If Americans had to go through 17 years in the Place of Palestinians, they would devise a plan to Break Out and then Hell would have to be paid.
All the so called Experts are not True Experts like like Professor Norman Finklestein who devoted the last 40 years of his Life becoming the Real EXPERT on the Jewish-Palestinian conflict since Israel was recreated from THE BIBLE.
Here he is talking his experience as the EXPERT he is. If anyone really wants to know the background and the TRUTH of what's happened on the ground leading to that Day of Rage October 8, and potentially leading to ARMAGEDDON, listen to the Talk.
ALL the young Hamas Forces, that actually got into Israel and did all the killing, some 1500 of them, were born in the Jewish Concentration Camp, were killed by the IDF inside Israel within 2 days according to Israeli Media.
It was their 1st taste of Freedom outside their that 26 x 5 mile prison.
The people Israel is bombing Day and Night are INNOCENT CIVILIANS. Can you imagine how Israel is TERRORIZING those Innocent Human Beings when it's done in the DARK because Israel shut off the power?
Listen and Learn from the real Expert, Jewish Norman Finklestein, whose Parents endured the NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMPS here:
President Biden publicly stated that he personally watched photos of 40 beheaded Israeli babies. All state media repeated that “news”.
Whom should I believe -- US president and media or shameful (?) retraction by State Department?