We give our tax dollars to Israel, but what about the backs of our own people? Affordable housing has not been supported here by the federal government since the Nixon administration. People are waiting up to 18 years for housing in some areas of the country. People are living in their cars with their children because they can’t afford private housing. The federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised since 1975 and that alone could alleviate much of the problem, but no, our tax dollars are going to other countries and the military corporate complex while the very people who pay taxes can’t afford food or a place to live. This is the most corrupt shit hole on the planet.

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And then there are payment terminal prompts at grocery stores asking for donations to "feed the hungry", "help for Ukraine", "Lahaina", etc. All the while sending billions in war stuff abroad.

The gall they have!

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It's why Trump is beating Biden in swing states, while another recent poll shows RFK Jr at 22%.

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See my comment about Kamala assuring they will win. Good luck believing in polls and honest elections.

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I ignore their insulting prompts, and hand out a $20 bill to whatever homeless person happens to be holding a "homeless and hungry" sign in the supermarket parkinglot exit that day. It's a pittance but at least it's going directly to a person in need.

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You have to be careful of that though too as some of them go get in a 60k cadillac at the end of the day!

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It is easy to see that these unfortunate beings have no home or transportation. My state has the second-highest per-capita rate of homelessness in the country, behind only California. Their home is under a bridge and their mode of transportation is shoe-leather patched with newspaper. Your supposition is a wild fantasy.

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If you are actually seeing those people that is a valid reason to give directly to them and I am all for it. I have seen directly the very issue I stated here as when I could work (and I have been homeless living in a tent in the past) I watched people doing this while I was working out of a temp service. I asked them why they did that instead of working out of the Labor pool I was working out of because where they sent us there was a need for more people! They just didn't want to work.

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How could I possibly hand someone a fiat bill in the parking lot if I were not "actually seeing him?" I don't know what any individual homeless person's deal is, but I know this: I am going home to a warm house in a car full of groceries that could feed me for several months (I make a trip to town for supplies on average twice a month) while this person is standing on a street corner with no home and no food and winter temperatures often in the sub-zeros. Housing here is limited and working families are losing their homes right along with the unemployed because of rising rents, property taxes, and outrageous medical bills. (As stated, I am in Vermont, not Cali; my state is 2nd in homelessness. This epidemic is nationwide and be assured , it will be coming before long to your state.) There but for fortune...

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I live in Florida and I see the problem you have in California it is not that severe here.

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Just click “no”.

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Yeah, we can’t click “no” on our tax forms.

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As much as I am reluctant to use American slang/obscenities, Sharon you are right , US is - "....the most corrupt shit hole on the planet". More than that they are pushing the rest of the world into it.

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What's wrong with American slang and obscenities? One of America's contributions to world civilization are its pithy slang and its brutal obscenities.

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I’m a big fan of them, Feral 😉

That’s just how us redneck cowgirls talk!

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I grew up in a barn. One of the toms used to be a ship's cat, or so he said.

He swore like a ship's cat.

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So do I, Feral, so do I 😉

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Now that MAGA's been de-platformed by the captured MSM, Trump's lowering his sights to MANAS: "Make America Not A Shithole"

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Not “shit hole.” Nazi & Stazi type Shit sprayer is a more accurate term for the #nefariousNewWorldOrder’s Sociopathic HOMIES (Huxleyan Orwellian Machiavellian Imperialist Evil Slytherians) who’ve been CONNEDtrolling #WeThePeople since 11/22/63 via their #PowersThatBe’s highly effective propagandizing promotion of “perpetual war,” 1984-style.

Wanna resist the terrorizing totalitarian “Leviathan of Authoritarianism” (ref. Grant@GrantPeeples.com)? Then identify as #CREATORS (Conspiracy Realist Educator Activist Truther Organizer Reader Socializer) in the nonpartisan and nonviolent #RevolutionOfAwareness for #FreeingTruthAndReconciliation (ref. Bollyn.com, John 8:32, & #NelsonMandela, respectively).


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With the passage of Citizens United those we elect into office must consider corporations people, which also enables them to give as much money as they want. The Supreme Court in that decision allowed them to have much more influence over those we elect to represent us. Years ago I saw a documentary of women living in their cars. They worked, but couldn't afford housing. Yet we have so much money put aside for war, and to give Israel so they extend this war, kill children, and erase Palestine from the map. Didn't Gallant reference Palestinians as animals not deserving of food, water, and fuel? They weren't deserving of life is what he said. Since the majority of people living in Gaza are under the age of 18, Gallant was basically talking about killing children. Israel has been a sick country for a very long time, but their sickness profits the US.

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The US has been a sick country for a very long time too. they feed off each other

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Agreed, It seems from what I've read after WWII we went on a real downward slide, especially with the CIA coming into the picture, not to mention our wars.

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I think it actually started with the long series of traumas from 1963-1980ish. (I personally remember back to about 1968.) Then Reagan taught us how to go into denial.

We got a reprieve with tech revolution in the 90s, which shifted the downslide path up a bit. But then TPTB used 9/11 as an excuse to clamp down on the population for the eventual inevitable, meanwhile robbing us blind as the music plays, and continuing to coast on the fumes of what America once was (in economic and military power). Until today, when we just can't fake it any more.

Brace for impact.

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TPTB created an excuse.

You do know of PNAC?

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They created a lot of ridiculous excuses for a lot of outrageous abuses the last 22 years, and, as a whole, the country fell for every one of them. But yes, they also outlined their plans, in various ways over decades. PNAC was one of the more recent ones.

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I think you're changing the subject, maybe to deflect from the fact that Jews are murdering Palestinians without accountability? That's the subject matter here.

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No I am not, but was simply responding to the initial comment made here.

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If your meaning is, a true minimum wage yes, however July 24 2009 was the last wage increase to 7.25 an unlivable wage increase. The Republicans tell you up front we will do nothing for working people. What I despise about Democant's they champion working class issues when they are out of power and lip service when they are in power. Who is the real enemy of working people, I think Martin Luther King had it right, the real enemies are those that stand with you and do nothing. My greatest political depression came from Bernie " Joe Biden would make a great President" on the stage in the South Carolina debate. Bernie the greatest enemy/WARMONGER followed by Obummer. Great hope without deeds. They can but they won't. End Stage Capitalism is with us and what comes next I have believe is nuclear war for the Great Restart.

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Israel has free Healthcare and public university education, among other things that the US does not have.

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It's easy when somebody (the US) is paying for those. What a paradise country that Israel is.

Btw, similar sentiments brought Ukraine to its total subservience to the West. "We get accepted to EU and NATO and we're all set - they'll pay us like they do Poland, Baltics, Israel, etc".

Parasitic mindset, slavish behavior.

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I think the Israeli standard of living is far higher than the US.

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i'm sure palestinians appreciate your support and share your concerns.

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Nov 6, 2023
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You are wrong Israel makes some of the best weapons on the planet! They also made the best spying software available.

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Agreed, but they fund this manufacture with our US tax dollars.

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With money from “where”? Your pocket.

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"Biden just can't stop sniffing little girls undie-pants" Bitch, You just lost credibility with people who have brains.

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I have a brain and I can recognize a pedophile when I see one.

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He’s a hair-sniffer too 😁

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Nov 7, 2023Edited
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mental case........

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Nov 6, 2023
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feel sorry for everyone on the planet. Americans are being ripped off by their government and that government influences other governments (with threats?) to do the same to their populations.

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You are being 'ripped off' because you didn't care about politics for years!

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Well Jenny, I'm 72 years old and I've been paying attention to what is going on in the world around me since Kennedy got killed. I don't think I'm being ripped off, I know.

Sorry I can't say that in French.

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You probably have but a lot of Americans haven't?

My French is not as good as English!

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Hi Jenny

One enormous favor my father did his children was making sure that we knew what was going on in the world: he insisted that we watch the nightly news during our dinner every night.

Back then, it was ( rightfully) all Vietnam all the time.

It stuck. We three kids continued throughout our lives to stay closely abreast of world events.

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I think Americans have been brainwashed - similar to all the French who were brainwashed into believing Macron was a man of the people.

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Never liked him.

The reality here is that everything is about immigrants (racism). Le Pen is a horror and unfortunately Melanchon is getting old and he will not relinquish his hold on the Left.

The Greens and the communists who were with Melanchon have now pulled out of his Group.

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You sound judgmental. People end up in difficult situations for many reasons. They are poor, they grew up in abusive environments, they have a disability, they are victims of racism etc. The people of America and other western countries are ripped off because they have been tricked into thinking they live in a democracy but when it comes to getting their needs met, there is nothing. Plenty for other governments who need money and weapons, plenty to bail out companies that "just can't fail". Even if some people watch the news every night and are privileged enough to be able to live the life prescribed by the Leave it to Beaver family, there is a lot of suffering and a huge gap between rich and poor in the US, in France, in the UK, in Canada, in Germany and in many many other "democracies". Those at the bottom suffer. They are ripped off.

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Even if people by a takeaway they can still eat with the children?

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Buy a takeaway??? Just how do you think a person who has no money or very limited money is going to get takeout? Or do you mean takeout from the garbage?

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Don't, feel sorry for those we have wantonly killed for no reason other then dominion over the rest of the world, which for the most part profits the proponents of war.

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You are right Fran about those your country has wantonly killed for no reason other than dominion, but a large number of those were Americans. Killed for who knows what reason - possessing a rather dark complexion? the wrong head ware? speaking the wrong language? for being children at school?

Admittedly, Amerika does seem to ruled by psychopaths and as R.D.Laing said: “Schizophrenia is a sane reaction to an insane world.” Here in Australia we have saying 'a fish rots from the head down'. I think that's correct.

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"a fish rots from the head down" - same exact saying in Russia. Only I heard in reality it doesn't. I wouldn't know, I do not fish.

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I don't know myself whether it's true or not. If I catch a fish I don't leave it laying around long enough to rot, I cook it and eat it that evening. But it certainly seems true of countries.

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The thing is that a lot of Americans die too because of the demands of those in power. American power does not discriminate much between foreign poverty and abuse and domestic poverty and abuse.

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Susan I know there are, and thanks for the link. I remember there were a whole lot of us protesting our Middle Eastern wars, and one just followed another. If you ever watched the video clip with Westly Clark, he talks about our agenda for 7 more wars before we even went into Afghanistan. I saw the anti-war movement die, and nothing. Not to say anyone and everyone shouldn't try. It was amazing to find out that people continued to hold on to the idea Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and they just got them out before we arrived. Also in America your dealing with people's prejudices, and too many care little about Muslims. Some have the attitude, kill them all. Maybe you live in the states too, and see this all for yourself.

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I don't live in the States but I once lived on the border and we used to visit back and forth a lot. For the most part, I didn't see there was a lot of difference between us other than the usual difference that everyone has. I think it is our governments that mess up. I don't buy that it is our fault because of who we vote for. As far as I can see neither the US nor Canada have any candidates worth voting for. The US is preceding us with discrimination against LGBTQ people, making abortion illegal etc, but we have some good Christians here in Canada quite ready to follow their American counterparts.

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Well, the news is no longer a reliable source of information since they lack objectivity and support one side or the other. In other words they're very good at polarizing people and this was especially true during the Trump years. Turn on MSNBC and you get one perspective while FOX provides another. They have pretty much turned politics into a religion. No shades of grey, everything black and white, and as a teacher, a science teacher, that's a great way to teach people how not to think and simply follow their leader.

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"The US is preceding us with discrimination against LGBTQ people, making abortion illegal etc," - that's catastrophe! Forget bombing, or helping to, half the world - it's LGBTQ and abortions that are of prime importance. Assisted suicides too!

At least you in Canada are ahead of the US in cheering a Waffen SS "Galizien" soldier in the parliament. Standing ovations. Well done, eh.

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"some American people are working on changing things" - that's always been the case. We can see results now.

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Who’s this “we” you refer to?

You, not me.

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Then why did you call me an SOB?

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Just so I cover all the bases, Fran.

I didn’t address you.

That was Liz I was speaking to, about what I perceive as a self righteous comment.

Kind of a half-assed apology, when you preface it with “if”, wouldn’t you say?

Sounds like a politician.

I apologize IF any innocent children are killed by my bombs in Gaza.

That qualifier is a killer.

The newborn infants were probably Hamas, according to the talking heads.

Like I said before, it’s all good.

Misunderstandings suck, big time.

Kin even get people killed.

I wish you well.

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Thanks and I appreciate you really went out of your way to make me see my misunderstanding and I think I was on the defensive since someone the day before called me a Fuck, and was rather relentless about it, and why because he wanted me to read something he posted, and I think written by the Brooking,

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Self righteous SOB.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Get your spectacles out, or wash em off.

Then maybe you’ll be better able to determine whom I was addressing as self righteous.

I’ll just wait to hear your ooops.

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No oops, well if you didn't I apologize.

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No ifs and or butts about it.

I don’t know if you’re self righteous or not.

Maybe vision impaired?

It’s all good.

My senses are also deteriorating in my late sixties, so no harm, no foul.

Have a nice day Fran.

As good as we can seeing genocide, anyway.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—the US is owned and operated by AIPAC. AIPAC calls the shots. AIPAC bought and paid for the Congress. AIPAC put little Bippy Biden in office. AIPAC is a curse on our country and it is ALL ZIONISM ALL THE TIME. Now I even have Scott RItter to back me up. If we want our country back we have to take down AIPAC.

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Israel has been directly ‘interfering’, and proudly so, in US elections through scumsucking cutouts like AIPAC for decades. Then, the Democrats try to lay that rap on Russia, with the help of the most dishonest media with anything resembling constitutional protection that exists anywhere, or ever has existed. So, the Israeli tail wags the US dog. Of course, the cast of US Zionist billionaires who openly helped create the lunatic version of Zionism that has taken over Israeli public opinion like a plague. And, together, they created the deranged narrative that ANY criticism of the Israeli state is by definition ‘antisemitism’. While, the rise of very real Nazi movements are completely ignored and sometimes aided directly by the Israeli state. Not to mention that state’s massive popularity with the craziest people in the US, who call themselves ‘evangelicals’. These people HATE JEWS ON PRINCIPLE, but support Israel because, according to their ‘beliefs’, its existence will bring about the ‘Second Coming’ of Christ, and only a few Jews who convert will be spared the fires of eternal damnation, yadda yadda yadda. These nitwits have taken over the GOP, while the Dems have embraced the Neocon nutcases whose ambitions are far more prosaic- the total domination of the entire earth- “full spectrum dominance” they call it- for shits, giggles and endless profits. It’s enough to puke a buzzard off a gut wagon.

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Honestly, I am yet to meet an Evangelical who hates Jews.

If anything, they bend over backwards to show they're not like back in The Bad Old Days.

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I don’t hate Jews, or anyone. I just despise all religions. It’s not the people.

Zionist Israel did not exist prior 1948, and IMHO, it should not exist now. Nor should Hamas.

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I’ve never met an Evangelical who expresses the hatred they practice. Jews, queers, uppity women —look out, Jesus is gonna GET ya! Poor Jesus.

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Jesus is coming : ) All will be right with the world when they all ascend to heaven. Of course I will be with a few friends left behind. The world will be a better place my friend, trust in Jesus.

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I don't pore over Revelations, but I thought that Jews were supposed to covert en masse just before The End Times?

n.b. Martin Luther was surprised and personally offended that Jews did not adopt Lutheranism, which is the genesis of that antisemitic trolls Martin Luther comment.

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Yes and this is the great hope of the u.s. Christian right and left. War for Jesus.

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Are you being facetious? I hope so.

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Excellent post, Andrew. Also—wasn’t Epstein Jewish? I think he must be part of the hammer that took over.

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Of course Einstein was Jewish. Here's what he wrote to some pro-Israel US group back in 1948: https://rumble.com/v3t1rz1-albert-einstein-called-zionists-criminals.html

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AIPAC is a US Jewish organization made up of American Jews. Not Israel. It's not part of the "Israel Lobby," it's part of the US Jewish Lobby. There are also Jewish Lobbies in the UK, France, and Germany, and they have the same controlling effect on those countries and the same murderous effect on the Palestinians.

But along with AIPAC, there are 250 other US Jewish strictly-political organizations, and it's the thousands of American Jews who head these organizations - having endowments in the billions of dollars - who make up the US Jewish Lobby.

Take down the US Jewish Lobby, and take down the ability of Israeli Jews to murder Palestinians withous accountability.

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There are plenty of decent Jews in the US, lots of them fighting against AIPAC. AIPAC makes no distinction between American Jews and Israeli’s, especially Mossad. Nuttyyahoo has bragged openly about this. AIPAC is Israel’s lobby in the US and should register as a foreign agent. Your distinctions are in fact anti-Semitic. It’s like saying all Germans are Nazi’s.

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I agree. So what? How many is "plenty"? The bottom line is that the output of the US Jewish Community is to force our government to unconditionally support the Israeli Jews. Another output is that the US Jewish leaders - organized by the community - brainwash the Jewish community into supporting them and brainwash the bulk US citizenry to believe their lies and obfuscation. It's revolving feedback and normal for how politics works.

I say "So what?" also because we've seen many protests by "decent" US citizens against the many wars the US has engaged in. It all had little effect, and the fact of those protests does nothing to prevent us from saying that the US murdered innocent people in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, etc., and also in many South American and Middle American countries. I'm overwhelmed how stupid Americans are. US citizens murdered people without accountability. Jews are now murdering Palestinians without accountability.

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"US" or any other country's Jewish lobby - what does it matter? Their work benefits Israel as well as that of the US evangelicals. So they're as good as "Israel lobby".

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AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs Committee: A bunch of rich people, mostly white men, who are presently directing way too much in the world.

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If memory serves, Netanyahoooo was the first "world leader" to congratulate the president of the Neil Kinnock fan club for being selected President of the US of A.

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Nov 6, 2023
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You know your argument is spot on when comments like that appear : ) I am listening to you : )

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You’re mouth is open a lot.

You suck it.


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"Biden is powerless to stop the genocidal massacre in Gaza because he really likes the people doing the genocide and doesn’t want to stop them from doing it."

That's essentially the crux of the problem. Biden (owned and operated by the MIC & Big Oil) is going to pretend to be "powerless" so nothing will stop. The genocide will continue, even though the US could stop providing military aid and assistance this very moment and save all remaining Palestinian lives.

The true powerless ones are we the American people who don't march into the White House and take out these bloodthirsty war hawks who can never have enough wars for oil at the expense of indigenous peoples. #FreePalestine

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Lead the charge.

We’re right behind you.

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Don’t invite the russian bot.

He’s afraid of jail.

Possibly another pussy revolutionary.

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There's also the part where the destruction Israel is doing is parallel to what the US did after the 9/11 bombing. For a very sad 2500 people lost, the US felt justified to spend the next 20 years obliterating Afghanistan and Iraq, spending trillions of dollars and killing and displacing an orders of magnitudes more innocent people than we lost in the trade center attack.

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Vayu, wasn't avenging 9/11 just a pretext for waging wars of conquest, cornering global south resources and in the process demoralising whole nations so they will become compliant?

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the even unfunnier parallel is that nutyahoo said after 911 "this is great for isreal" before he backtracked it.

and even worse, Mossad/CIA/FBI/Israel were all in on the planning and orchestration of 9-11, then the follow-up afterwards.

just like "humus" is a mossad/cia creation. same with al-CIA-da.

so you see, this is LITERALLY 9-11, created by the same zionists, TWICE, just two decades apart to make it seem less obvious. no goat herders created three building demolitions from two planes getting past USAF/NORAD (9-11) and Mossad/IWF (10-7).

SAME BORING SCRIPT. No originality. Same lies and spin, again and again.

ACTUALLY; it's the THIRD time they've done this! Probably many times in between. See this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing Zionistz dressing up as arabs and bombing a hotel in palestine, JUST LIKE "9-11"


--kuwaiti babies- check ziopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_testimony somehow still published

--passports found in the rubble (911 lie)

--three missles shot at TWA-800 over long island, July 1996 (I think this was a practice run to flush out honest reporters before 9-11 and prep NTSB/FAA ahead of time; see documentary: TWA Flight 800 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3040528/ )

-- israel bombed and strafed the USS Liberty navy ship which was monitoring israel and egypt at the time, so that the US wouldn't catch on about israel killing so many egyptians at the time.. never apologized to the US, pentagon, or USS Liberty sailors..

--one patsy, tim mcveigh, did OKC federal building bombing with a van with some fertilizer in it, NOT the CIA/FBI/Mossad using detonators in the building parking garage (See documentary: A Noble Lie https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2119373/ )

--one patsy, "lee oswald" shot JFK and the other riders in his open limo, with one magic bullet that hit everyone 7 times, and was found perfectly intact on JFK's gurney the next day (watch Oliver Stone's "JFK" movie for a rough explanation of reality, not exact but close enough)

--one lone gunman similarly killed Lincoln.

What did JFK/Lincoln have in common?

--both issued United States Notes (our own currency, NO INTEREST paid to private central banksters aka WEF/JPMchase/etc) - this is like Gaddahfi in Libya deciding to issue his own gold-backed money, or Hussein doing same in Iraq... THEY also got killed like Lincoln and Kennedy... for the same "Crime" against the international globalist ZIONIST banktards!

as a bonus, JFK tried to block US from giving Israel nuclear bomb technology.

JFK also tried to break up the trash CIA.


satan rules earth, GOD rules heaven.

THE MAIN THING to remember is this:

The "right" saw the covid scam, but misses racist apartheid israeli genocide/land grabbing

The "left" sees the racist genocide terrorism of israel, but missed the covid scam.

We must use both sides of our brains. Balance!

You can see the media spun the left on "community" shit and the right on "personal freedom" shit. That's what the 2 sides care about. Everyone needs to be more centrist and holistic.

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Nov 6, 2023
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bush was just a frontman, like mark for meta, jeff for amazon, elon for tesla. gates, fauci, trump, biden. it's all "DS"/globalist/zionest-made.

the main players were: cia + mossad + israel + fbi + zionists/globalists in media, government, military... 9-11 NYC was planned 20 years ahead of time. Just like "covid." This mini-911 in israel was probably concocted in 5 years or less as a "plan d" to land grab the rest of "eretZ iZrael" for their new suez canal competitor project... "VEE VANT ZEE PROFITZ" -klaus swab voice

if you don't believe it, get the receipts here -

-- https://www.amazon.com/Solving-9-11-Deception-Changed-World/dp/0985322586/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1JNVZD67QN3F1&keywords=Solving+9-11&qid=1699267498&s=books&sprefix=solving+9-11%2Cstripbooks%2C137&sr=1-2

i think it was FDR who said "every major world event doesn't happen by chance, it is planned and orchestrated" or similar. Believe!

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Nov 6, 2023
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well, not all Jews (or xtians or muslims or buddhists or aethists) agree with the zionist bullshits.

and these seem to be fake heebs. khazarians. ultimately, all the players on stage are backed and funded by the same bankster uniparty satanic-economic-forum, satanic-bank, satanic-nations clusterfuckers.

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Spot on, Caitlin. The U.S. is culpable, and it goes way back. It's all theater, lies all the way. Believe nothing from Washington. Israel needs Gaza cleared out, or the EastMed pipeline can't go through there and Israel can't claim the gas and oil that should belong to Gaza. Washington previously saying no to the pipeline was also a lie to prepare for "Israel's 911." None of this is just happening, it's all going according to plan, and the west is totally on board. Greater Israel is what is planned, the world is waking up and not cooperating-not buying the lies, so desperation is setting in.

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So Biden finds the bombing frustrating. Why not outrageous? Amoral? Psychopathic? Wanton and illegal?

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Because Biden has been wantonly immoral and psychopathic for decades, all the while rewriting the law to make all of that legal.

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So very ashamed of Biden and US Gov., Democrat and Republican Parties.They have no regard for dying children, human life. At least JVP is protesting, along with other good citizens, in many areas for a cease fire, for the Palestinians, Gazans

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Moral arguments are meaningless to sociopaths.

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So very true. They have no conscience.😢

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I’m trying to directly quote a Chinese saying maybe by Lao Tse, that we can inflict damage to the Empire but subtly and steadily. It’s his “death by a thousand cuts”. Damage that may seem like pin prick will become overwhelming by the time it is recognized!

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Our Western trauma based economies thrive on war, environmental destruction, and supremacy. There ARE alternatives.

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"Our Western trauma based economies thrive on war, environmental destruction, and supremacy." That is the very essence of bankonomics and usury, poisonous to the end.

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Biden demands that the Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin be fired, and brags about it. Biden calls meekly for a 'pause' in Israel-Hamas war. Netanyahu says NO. Who is boss here?

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This. Funny how Biden isn't so powerless when he doesn't want to be.

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Biden is. He just plays dumb. At this stage it's very easy for him.

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Fk biden and the horse he rode in on austin and blinky too

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The thing is, there are clones of various ages of those folks just waiting in the wings. The whole system is rotted. The DNC has lots more corrupt warmongers for us to use our faux "democracy" on. Side note - every time I think Bernie could not disappoint me more - he disappoints me more.

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Please make that a “tricycle”, Pat. Horses are innocent. 🙂

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True ,🤡or a unicycle like clowns use

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A few more bullshit lies in the linked NY Times articles:

1) US officials say that "smaller bombs" will reduce civilian murders. A kinder gentler form of genocide!

2) The US official's quote about IF "things go really bad" reveals that US officials think that current 10,000 civilian genocidal murders is NOT "really bad".

Even the lipstick these bastards try to put on this pig is a disgrace. These Biden people are revolting war criminals.

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Well the Biden Trump and Obama admin all themselves bombed Afghan and Syrian civilians and supplied the Saudis with “precision” weapons and ammo to do the same.

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The US is sanctioning more than half of the global population:




All those sanctions are supposedly imposed for breaches of human rights, international law or terrorism.

Now why is the state of Israel, its top officials, its military and tech companies and their owners, NOT sanctioned by the U.S. government ? Not just for open genocide and state terrorism now, but for several decades of occupation of Palestine and the Golan Heights of Syria - and building colonies in there and removing the local people, which the UN has declared is illegal in international human rights law?

Also, why are all the U.S. companies that are sending weapons for genocide not sanctioned?

Because, well in this instance not only is Israel the entity committing terrorist acts and crimes against humanity…these crimes against humanity are being committed with the approval and participation and FUNDING of the U.S. government and U.S. companies.

So apparently terrorism against civilians and illegal invasion and illegal occupation of other states is A-OK. All you have to do is make sure that US companies profit from it and that US politicians profit richly from it, in the form of “political donations”. At which point that suddenly isn’t “foreign interference in U.S. politics” either.

They are dirty, rotten and corrupt. The entire country.

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It's interesting how Caitlin and many others are willing to see that Biden and the US government is complicit in the war crimes committed by Israeli Jews - and they are - but they cannot see the complicity of the US Jewish Community, who overwhelmingly supports the Israeli Jews. A responsible political organization here is the US Jewish Lobby, the leaders of whom have long ago thrown Judaism under the bus - in the same way the Nazi leaders threw Germany under the bus. It's this US Jewish Lobby that forces the US government's unconditional support for Israel, and we citizens must all claim some responsibility in the murders that Israeli Jews inflict on Palestinians. It's our government.

We have no problem demanding that the German people pay for their crimes, but we can't seem to muster the moral strength to tell the Jewish community to stop their political leaders - the ADL, AIPAC, numerous senators and congressional representatives, JDL, and the many thousands of American Jews who head the 250-odd US Jewish political organizations that have endowments in the billions of dollars. Without these American Jews, the US government would not be giving unconditional support for the atrocities of the Israeli Jews. Yes, the Israeli Jews, not the obfuscating term, "Israel." It's these Jews, supported by the world Jewish Tribe, who constitute the core political entity that creates this debacle. Long before there was Israel, this struggle was known as the Arab/Jew struggle, and that's still what it is. The Palestinians were always fighting world Judaism, and they still are. It's not just Israel. And when you say "Isreal," do you also mean the Israeli Arabs? Wake up!

Does the Tribe exist? Indeed it does, when a single Jew is attacked by a Jew hater, the entire community is offended. But when most of the world Jewish Tribe focuses their political power and murders Palestinians without accountability, we are told it has nothing to do with the Tribe.

It's as if by magic, the Tribe then disappears. Or if a brilliant Jewish scientist wins the Nobel Prize, all of Judaism takes credit. But doesn't take credit when it's organized political arm murders Palestinians.

It's the Jewish Nation, stupid. It's a political entity as sure as was Germany, Italy, Russia, China, etc. It's been an entity for thousands of years, and its cohesiveness is the reason for its survival. We are right to identify it as such, as a perpetrator, in the same terms of English usage that we use those other named nouns. Tribalism, in its broadest term is a main reason behind most all killing in the human world, and the sooner the world rids itself of Tribalism, the less we will see such demented behavior.

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Wow. This is really getting to the crux of it. Yes. This.

'They' have got us lefty liberals so afraid of being called antisemitic we can't speak at all.

We can make jokes about the gay mafia in creative industries and the establishment can support Black Power, because Black people are nowhere near power. But jokes about the Jewish mafia and support for Jew Power? No, Jewish people are too close to power.

We can't admit that we find the customs of dress and behaviour of the Chosen People, deliberately designed to make orthodox Jews stand out from the rest of us plebs, plus the stigma of 'marrying out', diluting the purity, a bit insulting. That carrying around a massive chip on one's shoulders when no one alive had anything to do with what happened to one's ancestors is a drain on everyone. That 'least we forget' is not helping. That letting go might actually be better than constant holding on.

The Tory government and MSM's use of antisemitism as a weapon against peaceful protests for peace shows the power and scope of the Tribe. It swung into action immediately after Oct 7th. But the Holocaust industry really overplayed its hand with the Israeli UN reps pantomine of wearing yellow stars.

The high profile UK journalists, who make it known that they are Jewish (does any other non visible group or religion feel compelled to do this?) are complaining that the Israeli victims are being forgotten by calls for a ceasefire, that only Jewish people are remembering them, show that a) they think that indiscriminate bombing without trying to understand, negotiate nor have a trial is a fair reaction (great religion folks) and b) Palestinian women and children's deaths already out number Israeli by 10 to 1; so Jewish lives must be at least 10 times more important than non-Jewish ones.

An offence to one Jewish person is an insult and a danger to all Jews. The Tribe is determined to be distinct from the rest of us and not regard all people as just people.

We respect people but we don't have to respect their beliefs. Like Dawkins says of the Icelandic culture and tradition of murdering whales; they need to get a better culture.

When a belief is that one belongs to a very powerful and influential (but victimised), racist, Chosen by God tribe that can murder with impunity; it's time to get a better belief.

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georgi&donny, Excellent. Thank you. You are the first one who has responded in a cogent way to my posts on this issue. Why is such a simple thing so difficult to grasp? Answer: lies and propaganda, or "brainwashing."

And even our best writers and journalists fail to show understanding of this in their writing. I can't believe they don't understand it, so my guess is that they fear the wrath of the Jew, in their professional careers. I hope I'm wrong.

But I've been blocked by Caitlin Johnstone, Philip Giraldi, Jonathan Cook, and many others. So far, Chris Hedges has not blocked me.

So let's keep the momentum growing. Maybe if such momentum would've developed in Germany, the Germans would've not supported Hitler. Maybe there's still time to wake up the Jewish community that their leaders are throwing them under the bus.

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The obsession with identities is also to blame. Encouraging identification as this, that or the other, man, woman, cat, dog, Black, White, sub, dom, teapot- all identities are divisive, restrictive and unhelpful social constructs. We are all human beings for god’s sake, different in form but part of one consciousness.

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Who is "we", human?

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Yes we are not even all human. We all are.

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Cats are far superior to human beans, as we all know!

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no no no. dogs are the best

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I'm slurping, chewing and licking my leg. My brother is asleep.

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Not all Jews are rich. The rich stick together no matter their ancestry. There are a lot of Jews who do not support Netanyahu or Zionism. There are Jews who are rich, greedy and power hungry just as there are in other groups of people in our world.

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Listen to yourself. Are you even aware the fundamental Islamist Hamas, elected leaders of Palestine, massacred more than 2000 in Israel. They proclaim they will do it again and again until they have eviscerated the Jewish nation. "Without these American Jews, the US government would not be giving unconditional support for the atrocities of the Israeli Jews" Does the Tribe exist? Indeed it does". You are delusional or worse.

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Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Along with all those “beheaded babies”.

Israeli witnesses maintain that IDF were shooting anything that moved, including their fellow Israelis.

Give Gazans their freedom if you don’t want violence; it’s so fucking simple as to make one’s head spin. As they say, sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.

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The easiest and most fruitful way to develop context and perspective on everything is to pretend you are a space alien watching this from a distance and without a stake in the game.

The first thing you would note is that humans torture and murder each other to their own detriment even though they all occupy the same planet.

They "could" do things that are for the betterment of all, but instead they fight over land, skin color and beliefs in words in books that speak of imaginary gods who don't even exist, and the supposed "rights" that groups are endowed with by mythical beings.

Centuries old slights by one group over another that no-one even remembers - Hatfield vs. McCoy, but on a global level.

Instead of recognizing that the Earth has enough resources for everyone to have everything they could possibly want and need you have everyone living in lack and thinking that in order for them to be successful they need to take something from someone else. The whole basis of Capitalism - to "capitalize" on others. A complete system of LACK.

How petty and ridiculous and childish we seem. We all really need to grow up and be the powerful entities we can be outside of these trauma-induced response to our world.

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Thunderous applause from the devil himself.

”Bombing refugees! Couldn’t have done better myself.”

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. . . the world’s food chain is broken

. . . the world’s water chain is broken

. . . the word’s air chain is broken

& all of the human race fights to the death for the scraps of Greed & Profit.

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Film at 11:00.

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