"Biden 2024: Eh you know you'll vote for me anyway ya losers."

"Biden 2024: Because fuck you, that's why."

Can I put these slogans on bumper stickers? On t-shirts? I mean, they make just as much sense as what the Dirty Dems are planning to put on the t-shirts and bumper stickers...

My personal fave slogan: "Vote Biden: Because only a walking corpse can destroy the Earth and all living things with any sincerity."

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Too prolix.

BIDEN : Smiling Death <Skull logo>

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"walking corpse" would be sufficient as they won't get nor care about the sincerity part.

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Biden looks more embalmed with each passing day. Be interesting to know what drug cocktail he is getting to keep him marginally functional.

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What? Insincere corpse gets no votes.

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Oh I really like that one! As an aside you will have some difficulty finding an actual T-Shirt printing company that will print anything political! I have tried!

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I think that's why all these "vanity press" type of print t-shirts and bumper sticker places have popped up online. It is hard getting things political printed.We actually had trouble getting yard signs printed for a local candidate a couple of years ago. His sin? He wasn't a Dem or a Republican! The local union shop would only print out Democrats' or Republicans' signage, not Greens or independents!

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Another means of controlling free speech which appears to be not so free after all! This is done almost voluntarily!

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

I wonder if there are any billionaires happening to read Caitlin's substack in this little digital world here (still without censorship, for how long who knows?) - that realize a war with China will probably not only ruin the lives of millions, but will likely ruin their Gatsby parties in their gold plated mansions? I mean, you gotta believe some billionaires realize war with China isn't a good idea. Someone needs to reign in the neocon nutjobs in DC, they're out-of-control - including Murdoch.

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If billionaires don't want a war with China, they sure are being quiet about it.

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They own the state. And the state is waging war. They are also the ones steering investment away from China, to Vietnam, India, etc.

They are even stripping Taiwan to prepare it to be the next Ukrainie-style killing field

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I don't think any billionaire in the US wants or looks forward to any war with China or Russia. They do, however, want someone else getting into conflict with those. Doesn't matter who, NATO, Australia, whoever. Then they'll find the reason to step aside, watch, and profit.

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No they are pathologically greedy t megalomaniacs. They believe they can go in their nuclear bunkers and survive and own what’s left. Which is insane, they won’t survive either.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

More profit to be made by avoiding a nuclear conflagration, not to mention a worldwide economic meltdown - even if nuclear war manages to be avoided. You think China is going to say - ok we'll keep trading with the West even after a war breaks out over Taiwan? You think the West has economic problems now. Even assuming you can keep a cap on military escalation - the neocons are opening a Pandora's Box - billionaires ought to familiarize themselves with the Pandora box story.

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If the US doesn't formally step in then there's no reason for going nuclear. And since the Western nukes are controlled by the US they're safe in that regard. All other regular destruction equals accelerated profit for the US.

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Yeah - assuming the US doesn't step in - like it has been doing now for the last several decades from Iraq to Ukraine. China isn't Syria or Afghanistan. You are aware we got war maniacs not on a leash in DC right now - along with a POTUS who talks to trees, and shakes hands with thin air. The fools could very easily start a war with China over Taiwan. I wouldn't bet on rationality in the Capitol right now.

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Hey, y'all I saw this from RB yesterday, pretty much making your point I think. It's not Americans who want to provoke a war with China by 'protecting' Taiwan it's the military industrial complex which is maxxed out protecting the US itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VmPY_dmxOc

Someone commented on my post a while back about nuclear weapons not existing, showing the old clips of the experiments; which when you look at some of them the blast seems to come from behind the camera which surly would be destroyed. Radiation exists and nuclear power can heat tonnes of water, but a bomb? Anyway that fact, that those-in-the-know know, that nuclear weapons can't be made (or more to the point have in fact been made or not) realise that the nuclear threat is just a way to make all countries continually cough up lots of money for 'deterrents' and also can be used to end wars when an excuse is needed, but that there is no actual danger of billionaires in the US being nuked- there is only the very real danger to military personnel (and as Brand points out they are generally very poorly treated and no one cares about), and to Ukrainian, Taiwan, Russian and Chinese citizens who bear the brunt of money making wars, not US billionaires.


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Did you ever here of Nagasaki? How about Hiroshima? Don't exist? Not possible? What on earth have you been smoking?

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deletedApr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023
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I'm not saying it can't happen. I'm saying they're not looking for it.

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

And I'm saying - they ought to be worried.

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That's the real story at the end of the day! Look at how this exactly portrays what they did with Ukraine! Slice a piece of pie for me too!

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Ever seen "Don't Look Up!"?

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

The election is just kabuki. No matter who people vote for,

- three letter agency bosses like Nuland and Power will be running a foreign policy of war, coups and intimidation, not diplomacy or engagement

- and private bank cartel tools like Powell and Yelleen will be running a domestic and global financial policy impoverish the masses to pay for it

Which everyone should have known already in the decade since this research proved it:


“….. Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism…”

Those hard fact are more important than all the theatrical personality “political news” stories in the papers or the tall tales spun by political pundits and “ex generals” that generate consent on TV.

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Strong agree. Books have been written on this lack of actual democracy. Even back in the 50's academics understood our Democracy was gone. See C Wright Mills, "The Power Elite". EE Schattsneider "The Semisovereign People", or Wolin "Democracy Incorporated". Each generation of academics (a small outsider portion of them anyways) has been screaming at us to wake up.

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Carlson, should you choose to accept was a tool used by whomever to spout propaganda for them. Recently, he came to a realization of exactly what he was doing.

He often pointed out truths that everyone else refused to speak.

Ukraine bad, the Bidens, the vaccines and other things that MSM refused to entertain.

He admits to being used and wanted to do things along a path.

His guests on his show weren't suits, but people who dressed differently, weren't physically perfect and at times seemed uncomfortable. It just wasnt bullshit. Real people.

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No primary debates? They sure aren't shy about autocracy any more.

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Who can claim America isn't free country. They even have freedom to cancel debates.

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One reason you might be getting pushback on your criticism of Tucker Carlson is because your analysis seems to be consistently way off.

A "virulent empire propagandist" yet regularly rails against the military industrial complex, calls out defense contractors and pro-war politicians by name and regularly invites his audience to hear from guests like the following:

Jimmy Dore

Glenn Greenwald

Aaron Mate

Michael Tracy

Tulsi Gabbard

Dennis Kucinich

Jackson Hinkle

Russell Brand


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This is the point I suppose. Tucker Carlson can be as big a scumbag as the rest of the mainstream media propagandists but it's not about the guy himself. His show was the only one giving airtime to dissenting voices. It's loss is nothing to celebrate.

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That's the real problem. Now the above list has been removed from the mainstream media completely. I really think the dark state was afraid he was about to shine the light on documentary proof on the criminal activity of the Bidens and they had to stop him before he did it! I listened to all the airing of his interviews which lead up to this and I saw this very evidence coming to the top so I am sure I was not the only one seeing this also.

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The WWE has far more dignity AND integrity than the Washington election swamps, even with the rampant PED use acknowledged and even celebrated. Th

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Don't forget Trump was featured in both the WWE and the last two presidential elections.

I'm sure that says something significant about how stupid this all is lol

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FYI, I mentioned you in a post on this thread.

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Trump totally seems like a wrestling heel to me.

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I don't follow WWE, but from the snippets I have seen, Trump was the good guy and McMahon the heel in a billionaire vs. billionaire storyline.

I think the idea was that Trump was some billionaire who stood up for the little guy, which to samoan62's point, rolls right into his 2016 election claim.

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They have high school student council elections, too. Of course, this is permitted, because the student council has no real power.

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Tucker Carlson is a Christian (Episcopalian). Russians are Christians. Chinese are not.

That is why Tucker went after China and not Russia.

It's not complicated.

But perhaps for leftist atheists they just don't get it.

Look at the other person's motivations.

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White Supremacist Christian Nationalist Fascist.

There, I fixed it for you.

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You describe the Nazi Party if you take out the "Christian". I can't find the statement you are responding to. What are you talking about?

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And it could be Tucker went after the Chinese because they're Asian and he's of European extraction (white). Besides, the Christian church is growing quite rapidly in China. Look at the numbers. Chinese Christians outnumber European Christians.

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The Revolution Continues: Tucker talks about Christianity and good vs. evil in his speeches. He doesn't talk about tribal rivalries.

Chinese Christians may well outnumber European Christians, but we are talking Russian leadership vs. Chinese leadership. Putin is, or says he is, a Christian. Xi is an atheist.

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Are you saying the Chinese are evil?

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No. The Chinese Communist Party that runs China like a criminal gang (sound familiar) is evil.

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Any government out there not running their respective countries as a criminal gang of one degree or another? Is "Communist" in the Chinese case that makes it uniquely evil?

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Uruguay's government isn't too bad. At least that's what I've read. Maybe Botswana? Do you know any good governments?

China is uniquely evil. It harvests organs from political prisoners and locks up its citizens for "bad social credit scores". That's pretty uniquely evil.

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"By their fruits you shall know them." If they don't act Christian (Love your neighbor as yourself, Love God and be a good steward of Creation) then who really cares what they put on paper? They're not.

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The Revolution Continues: Who the hell is THEY? (Famous line from "the Wild Bunch") Don't use pronouns! I hate people who use pronouns and don't finish their sentences. Speak clearly so your audience can understand what you, The Revolution Continues, are trying to say.

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Ok, Caitlin, I do have to make this point, despite your comment that “Don't cultivate parasocial relationships with rich TV pundits, it's gross.” Let me be clear, I am NOT Tucker Carlson’s admire but I do recognise that he had opened up an alternative space to the dominant MSM narrative. As Gilbert Doctorow and Alastair Crooke noted, in the USA, Carlson, at least, offers an alternative, which does not exist in the EU, or, as we know, in Australia, for that matter. Now, that space disappeared, closed, it was shut. Here is an interesting analysis offered by Jonathan Cook, which I think, is worth reading: https://open.substack.com/pub/jonathancook/p/tucker-carlsons-firing-reveals-how. And he also provides a link to Carlson’s episode with Jimmy Dore, where Carlson also critiques the war with China. Well, yes, that is right! And I watched Democracy Now and their analysis is just appalling, keeping the same old ‘leftist’ tropes.....to dismiss Carlson. Anyway…. I think that one should give a due where it belongs.

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He never even came close to that "third rail."

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Biden's record should give the game away: getting a Ukrainian judge fired for his interest in investigating a crooked oil company, and his son's crooked interest in it: supporting the Ukraine war with immense monetary backing, all the while knowing it can't possibly win. And so much more. The prospect of a shitty pants episode is not inconceivable. Yet, they'll chance it. Can the public of a democratic country be that stunned, or indifferent, and can its movers and shakers? That's the truly mystifying part. There is something here that doesn't add up. Some card held under the table.

Something they hope to blame Russia for, with no chance of cooler heads taking over?

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Biden slogan? How about "They've got the limos and you don't."

He really said that.

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It is time. Who has angle grinders? 2am 5G take downs. Let’s ride

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And they want that war with China because China is economically and globally doing so much better than the US. I truly do not understand the why of this war with China.

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Tucker thinks Russian & Ukrainian = white oligarchic autocracy. The notion of heathen Chinese & particularly Mongol Muslim commies kicking 'Murkan butt is something I'm pretty sure ALL these psychopathic racist Nazi cretins agree upon destroying. Notice how Biden's STILL trying to kill Huawei, BYD, TSM, more vehemently than Trump? Chinese, Taiwanese, Korean, Malaysian, Vietnamese... the idea that they were well on the way to making AGW-mitigating products the hottest equities in NASDAQ & rich white folks were making 120% on mostly Asian innovation, free market innovation (while OUR tech oligarchs needed trillions in free money to stay afloat. WILD, ain't it. Everything we all believe, is intentionally blatant lies.

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'Vote using paper for Trump, vote electronically for Biden!'

'The greatest autocracy on earth! Vote Biden 2024!'

'If I had the brains to represent you and challenge my handlers, I wouldn't be a Senator, let alone President!'

'Slaves work for freedom, I work to put them back where they belong!'

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Apr 26, 2023·edited Apr 26, 2023

I appreciate your brutal honesty and even your cynicism; the Western world is a truly mad and frustrating realm. However, as someone who used to buy into great delusions and slowly shook out of the hypnosis, there was a time when your language here would've caused me to scoff and close the browser tab along with my mind.

I'm not suggesting you switch to honey instead of vinegar, but if you want to reach people, then please consider the Matrix not as an array of gross subjects who need a hard lecture on who they admire, and try to instead give them a reason to admire you more and more.

I went through years of refusing to listen to certain sources who didn't seem to be arguing in good faith; they opined, lectured, and too often were so cynical and unbelievable that the result was a car accident where nobody agrees on whose fault it is, and doubting each others' motives, when the more immediate point is to check on each other and to be respectful.

The Matrix has tranches. I believe there are few true demons. Then there are the puppets and minions (note these may also be victims, the corrupted). Lastly, most of us are the hypnotized; all victims. We get older, we resist, we don't want to be "freed". What we need, however, is someone who can show us behind the curtain, and that someone must first have our respect. We have to believe, on some level, they're sincere and don't have an angle.

Your greatest tool is the great weakness of evil: exposure. But you must convince people to hear you out. For me, it was only after years of observation, an erosion of trust that allowed me to see bare truth, when the façade no longer made sense. After the pandemic and Afghanistan, it was maddening to me how so many people jump to Ukraine and China as if nothing happened. Still, I can only lament how it was once me. All of my previous sources of information had failed me. I only blame myself for not being more assertive, as I'm quite passive and non-confrontational, and so I go along to get along too often.

Perhaps these words are lost in the Matrix, seen by nobody. But if they do reach you, I hope they're also taken sincerely. I share your frustrations and value your insight and raw voice of sanity, however, in a house of mirrors, it's easy to lose sight of, well, everything. Let's try to find each other and get through to each other. Inform, expose, and reach out as if you have something to show everyone. Cheers.

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"Perhaps these words are lost in the Matrix, seen by nobody."

FWIW, I saw them and thought they were well put.

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"Yeah unfortunately it looks increasingly probable that I'm going to get into a fight with the guy sitting in front of me on the plane, he really takes exception to the way I keep slapping the back of his head"

sheer fandom not really my thing as you may have noticed but dammmmmn you funny

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I was literally on a plane when I read it. And chuckled audibly.

Then visualized going full Benny Hill head slap on the passenger in front of me.

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