when people start laughing at the regime, you know it is over. thanks for making me laugh, Caitlin, again.

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While Caitlin provides the perfect take on this asinine fabrication, it's important to see who isn't laughing: members of our estemed congress.

"The Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks (HAVANA) Act, which was authored by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) along with Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), would authorize financial support and ensure medical care for injured individuals."

It passed unanimously. Unanimously. Let that sink in for a moment.

Americans suffering from the physical and financial burdens of non-CIA-induced maladies can't even get a floor vote on medicare, but this shit occupies the tiny minds of our representatives, all because it's one more opportunity to throw shade on an official Bad Guy.

And the press, who should be doing just what Caitlin did, is instead spreading the madness with a straight face.

This situation is ludicrous. So is our republic.

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Hahahahaha!This is genius!Thanks for the brilliant tip!🤡

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These have been deemed ineffective, by some of the same organizations that promoted them a year ago.

The general consensus is that the KN95 foil hats are the ones that will 'foil' the Russians most effectively.

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Looks like they're still working out the bugs.

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Looks promising, but is it effective against deadly attacks by Keith Olbermann?

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Don't giving them any any ideas Caitlin. Next they'll be mandating these nifty tin foil hat shields and millions of Americans will turn them to badges of honor in the unending culture wars. This nifty invention might also help deflect attention away from the capitalist class imperialists and keep the hoi polloi fighting among themselves.

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That's a cutie, Caitlin. 💚

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Aluminum works better than tinfoil I find.

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Does anyone know who still make "tinfoil" instead of counterfeit "aluminum foil" hats these days?

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Love it! Classic Caitlin❤️😂😂😂

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Best tool in the People’s Arsenal: Ridicule. Sadly, it is also a ferocious demon that too often consumes love in lesser hands than yours, dear Caitlin.

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They make metal-lined hats... one brand is Spero... regular 'baseball caps' or 'beanies' that are made with a fabric with metal woven into it. speroprotectionclothing.com

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A tin hat to match tin ears?

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You mean, "with this one weird trick" ?

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Now we can finally retire our pussy hats.

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