Ukraine will not win this war. They will not win any more battles. Whatever military equipment the U.S. and the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization place in Ukraine will be destroyed by the Russian military. Keeping this farce going is just killing more Ukrainians and Russians. But, then again, there isn't a war the neocons and the MIC don't salivate over.

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Very slowly but rather surely it's coming to a point when not just those two peoples are going to get killed. The western fucktards are itching to engage too. They cannot allow all those decades of practicing war video games go to waste.

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NATO would lose decisively against Russia. The real reason this farce is still going on is profits for Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and other parasitical arms industries. Throw our dual-citizen neocon foreign policy imbeciles into this mess and you have created a nightmare only a monster could love.

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Agree with the first sentence, not the second. Ukraine just recently retook at least a part of a town in the Donbas. That is part of what makes this whole situation so fucking tragic.

The US knew (as much as anyone can "know") that Ukraine could not win for many years. But by constantly escalating the weapons sent and support provided, Ukraine can win some battles. Through the massive western propaganda, a Ukrainian battle win is plastered over all media 24/7 for a week. The Russian battle wins that happen 4x as often are ignored or downplayed. This leads to continued support for Ukraine, when all it does is delay the inevitable and get a shitton of people killed along the way.

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In our Indian Wars the Sioux won the Little Big Horn. How did that work out for them?

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Please send me your source for this supposed Ukrainian victory. I have a contact in Donetsk who hasn't heard of one. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but, it is highly unlikely. If your info is from the Western MSM, just throw it in the trash can.

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Source: Alexander Mercouris. Pretty sure it was yesterday's video (maybe the day before).


I watch at 2x because the videos are long and he talks reaalllly slooowwllly.

He noted that Ukraine took back at least part of a town.

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Sadly, the US is just bleeding Russia dry, and it's using Ukraine as a sacrificial pawn. The weapons manufacturers (aka death merchants) don't want this war to end. This war shouldn't have even started.

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Russia is far from being bled dry. The only countries these sanctions are hurting is all of Europe and the United States.

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I totally agree. I'm in the EU watching our prices soar and wondering where we'll get gas next year.

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I'm saying that that's what the US is doing. The US doesn't care about Europe or the EU. They're going to do anything to weaken Russia. And the sanctions DO hurt ordinary Russian people.

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Sally, Putin has been sanction proofing Russia's economy since 2014 when the first sanctions hit when the Crimea decided to get out of the corrupt state of Ukraine.Russia's industry is not under the influence of the West any longer. And, Russia's GDP is at 1.48 trillion which is just over 3% of the Global GDP and annual trade between the U.S. and Russia is at about 34 billion. In other words any Russian funds the U.S. can sanction are negligible. The Russian people are really not suffering very much.

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Unless "NATO" troops are doing offensive things...

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Russian forbearance is causing the United States and its vassals and puppets to behave more and more recklessly.

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That alone is a clear as day indication of who it is that wants this war. No matter what Russia does to cool down the situation you have Dr. Strangelove type people at the Rand Corporation and elsewhere throwing gasoline on the fire.

Russia has been backed into a corner and faces an existential crisis. Even a blind man can see that.

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I can guarantee you that if Russia were to leave Ukraine today, Donbass and Crimea included, the United States and its vassals would demand more.

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They already did. They demand now Russia completely demilitarizes itself and gives up on its nuclear weapons. And why not Russians just kill themselves and hand over those resource-rich places to the western corporations? Anything less would not suffice

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Would love to argue with you but ideas elude my normally creative mind.

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That's ok, Daniel. If I were faced with an assertion like that I would be stumped too. :-)

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“Here’s something you must understand. We were not given any opportunity to act differently.” Vladimir Putin


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Very good link and it makes sensible, logic reading. Why the spuds in Washington can't see this is beyond my comprehension. The MSM are equally to blame and it is difficult to find alternatives sites now.

I just hope when WW3 happens, I live long enough to see America and the rats in their bunkers destroyed.

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It is not "can't see" it is "get paid well not to see"

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Forbearance? I think they have been quite aggressive in the sense that their message is they are not going to back down. The US is crazy, well this neocon driven agenda is.

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Russia is fighting a proxy war against the United States on its own border.

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At this point, I skim over the comments everywhere asking, "What would the US do if Russia were arming Mexico/Canada to fight the US?" These are aimed at the (too many) people who still don't get what the real situation is in Ukraine.

But to read your simple remark--"Russia is fighting a proxy war against the United States on its own border"--and sit back and let the gravity of the situation for Russia sink in still strikes me.

(Especially being aware of the US propensity to interfere in the internal affairs countries in recent decades, extending back much further in its history, and that this is the culmination of a slow military creep by the US towards the Russian border since the mid-1990s. Fighting the US on your border is an existential matter indeed.)

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If I learned nothing else from Orwell, it is that plain speaking exposes truth, while long-winded bafflegab hides the truth.

Everyone should read "Politics And The English Language" (available for free on the internet, hint hint) and take it to heart.

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I find that plain speaking causes many people cringe. They want nothing to do with anything.

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on it's own territory.

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I know.

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The degree of Russian “forbearance” becomes more and more suspicious with every day that passes, since, to me, the biggest question is whether or not this conflict is or is not part of the Great Reset, and whether or not Russia and former WEF Young Leader Putin are merely playing their scripted and directed roles.

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Putin speaking at the WEF hardly means he's a participant in any grand scheme. He was warning the West of the coming conflict.

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Here's Klaus Schwab bragging that Putin was a WEF Young Leader: https://youtu.be/0v1pB8l6pQc

Don't get me wrong, at this point the jury is still out on what's what. Even if Putin was a Young Leader, it doesn't mean he can't change his mind or his allegiances. It certainly appears that his insider knowledge is now being put to very good use in his tear-down of The System. However, I will be increasingly suspicious of motives if the Russia-NATO war settles into an endless war of attrition. It is time for the coup de grace, and that now seems well within Russia's capability. It is counterintuitive, perhaps, but the most humane end to this war would be a quick military victory by the Russians. Otherwise, the West will eventually send in troops, and then all bets are off.

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I understand your desire to see this conflict come to an end sooner. I'd rather it hadn't happened at all.

However the Banderites were formed during WWII. They were propped up after the war by the USA to create problems for Russia. While at the Maidan coup they were 10% or less of the protestors, they take credit (and are given credit) for actually "making it happen". Since then they have continued to gain power and their fascist philosophy has begun to permeate more of Ukraine. There have been books for children praising Bandera and videos of children hating on the Russians. This is just a long lead in to reminding us all that one of the objectives of the SMO is the denazification of Ukraine. A second is the demilitarization of Ukraine.

How did Ukraine become so evil? (BTW, Chrystia Freeland of Canada is a Banderite) How were the Nazis in Germany destroyed?

I'm afraid it is up to the Russians to make the decision. After all the double dealing by the US/NATO (the fraud of the Minsk accords, the withdrawal from treaties) -- it appears to me that they have decided the only way to protect themselves is to completely and utterly destroy Ukraine. As long as NATO keeps sending in weapons, Russia will continue to eliminate those weapons until NATO has no weapons left. (Brian Berletic has done several podcasts on the inability of US industry to manufacture reliable weapons. I haven't seen anyone rebut his analysis, but perhaps I'm not looking in the right place.)

Several analysts are basically saying that Russia is showing that it is no longer afraid of NATO. It has been said that several Western generals (Millie of the US, Vad of Germany) are saying NATO can't win against Russia.

I suggest we reframe the nature of this conflict. It isn't the West against Russia, it is the Oligarchy against humanity. The super-wealthy who believe they have been anointed by God to rule over us and that whatever they do to gain wealth is blessed, against the rest of us who want to solve problems and get along with each other. To help each of us achieve not steal from one another.

How do we destroy the Oligarchs?

Well, when the Oligarch send NATO troops into battle against Russia, NATO will be destroyed. The Oligarchs will be revealed and reviled.

Have you seen what the French are doing? Maybe the rest of the "West" should take a hint.

I've heard rumors that Macron is considering rapprochement with Russia.

OTOH, the Oligarchs might rather die in a nuclear fireball than give up power.

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We probably get our war news from many of the same sources. I watch Brian Berletic religiously, Alex and Alexander at The Duran, and Scott Ritter whenever he is interviewed (just to name a few). I also try to temper those views by reading articles from the AP in my local newspaper, as well as watching some of the reporting from CNN, NBC, and CBS. While I often find the propaganda of the mainstream infuriating, I force myself to study their propaganda techniques, which I find increasingly blatant and amateurish—and that is a bad sign, because it shows the increasing desperation of the neocons to disguise their failures. It seems neocons actually think the information war can win the military war, and only worse things will happen if they begin believing their own lies.

With regard to nazis, we rather contemptuously watched (mostly from the sidelines) as the Soviets defeated the German army in WWII . And during that period the loyalties of U.S. oligarchs were obviously suspicious (if not blatantly sympathetic to the Nazis). Along with the CIA’s Operation Paperclip to bring nazi scientists to the U.S.—as well as allowing most of the nazi elite to escape or continue their businesses in Germany—and Phillip K. Dick’s “Man in the High Tower” scenario does not seem entirely fictional. That said, I am still astounded by the scale and success of U.S. and European (especially German) propaganda to hide the banderite history and their outright dominance of modern Ukraine. And don’t get me started on Freeland, Nuland, etc., and their father Klaus Schwab (and his Hitler Youth, er, WEF Young Leaders).

I tend to frame the war as between Russia and NATO, but your framing of the Oligarchy (whom I call “The Rulers”) against Humanity is, indeed, more accurate. And it has been the case, IMO, at least since the Greek and (even more obviously) the Roman Empires.

Your last line about The Rulers choosing to die in a nuclear fireball rather than being run out of Dodge may be accurate, though I suspect they have their safe (probably deep underground) facilities already prepared and stocked. Their evil is unbounded.

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Ritter has his own web site. ScottRitterExtra.com. The man is quite active.

Last night he explained how he believes Russia will use its 700,000+ troops to complete their objectives. I was always wondering about the deNazification part.

700,000 troops is not enough to occupy all of Ukraine. So the Russians are going to expand into the proRussian parts (Odessa, Kharkov) and stop. Then unleash fire and brimstone from the air on Kiev until the people of Western Ukraine rise up and destroy the Banderites.

The forces in Belarus will only be used to wipe out any Polish forces that try to enter Ukraine and take Lviv.

I don't know if Ritter is right. Ritter constantly reminds us that he has no direct connection to the Russian Military Staff. He doesn't know if he's right.

He was also asked why, if the Banderites are so few, why do they have so much influence in Ukraine. He basically outlined them as Bully Boys who will beat you and kill you if you don't do what they say. It is almost like we're watching a Clint Eastwood Movie. The bad guys have to be completely wiped out.

Scary stuff.

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Nothing can be dismissed, of course, but whatever those goals might be I'm stumped at why this way is the only one to achieve them.

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Crimea already voted decades ago to stay a part of the Russian Federation, but, with Russia reeling and powerless, Ukraine occupied it forcibly. When the US backed coup in Kiev threw out the legally constituted government in Kiev, using the Ukrainian Nazis the US had been cultivating for decades to accomplish this, Crimeans asked the Russian government it had wanted since the fall of the USSR to come to their aid. This happened, and in Crimea, there was yet another referendum, which duplicated the first one’s result. The United Nations has turned into one of two things, depending on the situation with which it is faced; a feckless puppet for its puppeteer in Washington, or nothing at all. The idea that Russia would, or should, let it and its cholera-infected ‘peacekeepers’ anywhere near Crimea (or, for that matter, Donbas) is crazy. There is absolutely no way, now, that there will be any ‘negotiated settlement’ in Ukraine. The Russian government now knows that there is no point in even discussing anything with the US or its stooges in Europe, and that any end to this conflict must be imposed by Russia, and that Russia must be capable of enforcing the endgame result unilaterally. Russia’s ‘forbearance’ is rooted in its knowledge that it will have to govern at least a large part of what the US and its stooges regard as Ukrainian territory, and that said post-war governance will not be aided by US- style murderous ‘shock and awe’ against future citizens of Russia. And, contrary to western propaganda, if Putin is ever removed from his position in Russia, especially for the failure of the Russian armed forces to win this conflict, forbearance and all, there will not be a collapse of Russia. The new leaders will abandon the policy of forbearance.

The last time there was a real chance of nuclear war occurring was in October of 1962. It was called the Cuban Missile Crisis, and it damned near finished off the world in the manner Caitlyn describes. It riveted the world’s attention for 13 DAYS, before a way out was found. The crisis stage in Ukraine has been ongoing for 11 MONTHS, and, aside from Caitlyn, and a smattering of others, no one who has any visibility at all has any idea of the insane risks the US is taking on behalf of every shred of flora and fauna remaining on our planet. If the US goes forward with this insanity, which it has run up the flagpole in the NYT article to see who salutes amongst the .01% and their dutiful enablers in the PMC, it will quickly result in catastrophe.

As this is exactly what the Empire had in mind when it launched the coup in 2014, I sadly share Caitlyn’s grim thought that the DC blob just doesn’t care.

Right after the 1962 near miss, the film Dr. Strangelove was made. The currently serving loons in the military-industrial-intelligence complex are clearly crazier than the ones portrayed in that movie. Can anyone imagine Biden on the hot line telling Putin ‘nobody’s sorrier than I am, Vlad’? Although it would surely be true.

If the creatures currently gathering at the WEF in Davos respond negatively to this idea, it won’t happen. They are the people who constitute the clientele of the DC Blob, after all. So, our collective fates lie in their hands. Ain’t that just great?

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"The new leaders will abandon the policy of forbearance." - the fucktards don't get this part. They cannot comprehend that most Russians are tired of Putin's forbearance practice that they consider is largely responsible for the current crisis.

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I have not found any evidence to support your claim.

80% of Russians totally support Putin.

Perhaps your words didn't convey your meaning?

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Most Russians support Putin as a person, but Putin’s foreign policy is about as dovish as it gets, compared to the remaining segments of the viable Russian political spectrum.

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Good cop/Bad cop.

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Support is not unqualified. Almost two decades of constantly increasing pressure, sanctions, belligerence, open disregard, fake agreements with no timely check of progress - and all that time Putin and Foreign Ministry were like, "partners", "Minsk agreements", "express concern", etc.

That often caused stupefaction - what fucking "partners" when they openly disregard agreements? Why continue building the pipeline when they quit participating in it? Etc etc. The examples are numerous.

And so many feel this appeasement is the major cause of the situation having been brought to the current state. That is, the "forbearance" term is not restricted to the SMO. It stretches well into the past.

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I heard a report that Putin apologized to the nation for having tried for so long to reach an agreement with the Oligarchy. I've been looking for that speech but haven't found it. Supposedly it was in December. The report (it was Alexander Mercouris I'm pretty sure reporting) said that after the speech Putin's approval went up.

Mercouris (and Ritter and Berletic and even Lira) all believe Putin and Lavrov are playing this "perfectly". Mercouris in yesterday's show, discussed the resurrection of the "Russian economy is collapsing) story and then ripped it apart laughing at several authors and declaring that he now finds even Bloomberg to be unreliable. The Russian economy seems to be doing "just fine", proving that American sanctions have become toothless.

This is going to hasten the pace of dedollarization and build economies much more independent of the west.

So, the Ukrainians keep advancing into Russian artillery (leading to as many as 150,000 dead vs the Russian 15,000, who I understand are mostly Wagner and Donbas Militia) thus fulfilling the objectives of demilitarization of Ukraine and deNazification.

An added bonus (IMHO) is the demilitarization of NATO. Berletic's reports on the uselessness of the promised arms to Ukraine are quite revealing. NATO is promising about 450 new artillery pieces, what happened to the 2000+ they had on 22 Feb?

The Oligarcy has a bunch of stupid idiots running Washington.

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I can try looking up any of his speeches assuming you understand Russian.

As for those commentators considering he plays it "perfectly" - many ordinary Russians don't think that. Likely most, actually. They're sick of that mealy-mouthed approach that let the West get so bold it led to the current situation.

Yes, nobody doubts the final victory and the disintegration of the devilish West even if it means going nuclear. The question is costs. Many - myself included - think they are unnecessarily high. Incredibly high in fact, and Putin bears much of that burden.

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I appreciate the offer.

Perhaps you can also point to a reliable resource. I do not trust the MSM at all since they are owned by the oligarchy and have lied to me so often that what can I say. I depend on sources that many disparage. Scott Ritter seems to have the best insight into what is going on in Russia, but sometimes Mark Slavbota shows up (I totally hammered his name sorry)

Let me also explain that I recognize that the USA is totally controlled by our Oligarchy. That same Oligarchy wants to destroy Russia (and China) to maintain US hegemony over the entire planet. Many Americans think this would be a "good thing" even while they lose their Social Security payment or their homes or are failed by incompetent private medical insurance.

So, from here, Putin is almost reaching the reverence levels of George Washington.

A lot of people really hated Washington though. The Whiskey Rebellion comes to mind.

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I don't know that, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least.

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I wouldn’t write off the European stooges prematurely. The longer this conflict goes on the more likelihood that many of the NATO members in the vicinity of the conflict will reconsider their affiliation with Washington. War has a way of clarifying threats, and Putin is a lot less threatening than Biden.

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I sure hope you are right.🤞🙏

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Me too. Mossad may have been responsible for blowing up Nordstream, but the fallout might well see Germany’s leadership in the EU very diminished. Fuel costs will double or triple, and their leading manufacturing sector will take a big hit. That augurs continent -wide economic woes that, in turn, will see more of Europe open to right-wing mantras like France First and Germany for the Germans. However ugly it becomes, Washington will have no credibility or money to demand loyalty.

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What is the societal threshold for maintaining silence while witnessing a wholesale abdication of basic human responsibility? The billionaire club was created by a conscious re-routing of monies earned by and owed to the whole society, and from that conscious decision, the circling of the drain did begin. First taxes were lowered, and then again, and yet again. Then manufacturing was cavalierly ruled to be a “property,” one owned solely by proprietors who, no surprise, chose to maximize profits by vacating the country. Then there were trade agreements to consolidate corporate profits, and sock it to the formerly employed Americans.

Twenty-some years down the road, and the lies have multiplied faster then the time has elapsed. Now a batty career hack known as a compromiser is following a script that he could not have written, and the planet is in serious peril.

I recently posted a link to a news story about the Croatian President who stood up and called out his fellow citizens for swallowing NATO lies. Is it too much to expect at least one American to speak the truth?

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I don't think you recall the protests against the war in Iraq. No one does, except for the millions of us who were there. How did our voices get silenced? You know how.

They allow Caitlan to publish so they can locate us and keep track of us and our "dangerous thoughts". If any of us manage to rise, we're accused of child pornography, or prosecuted by a corporate hired lawyer or thrown into a British jail on trumped up charges.

You and I have the luxury of being "unimportant".

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John, I often have the same thoughts. But don’t you think it may already be too late for most of us here who read Caitlin’s posts? It’s too late to cover our pasts. They've known for years (or decades) who we are and what we think. We may be unimportant, but we were put on their list of suspects long ago. The "luxury of being unimportant" is an illusion--it is the illusion that every dissident had before being dragged off to the gulag.

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I'm not in jail, therefore, I'm not important. I don't see them coming. Why should they bother? We'd be more work for them in the gulag. Imagine the costs of just building one. There would have to be "facilities". It's easier to just have us "live on the beach".

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It amazes me that some thing (obviously not human) has a mind so full of excrement that they can design and Use (?), a system to pinpoint a cell phone number and then drone it.

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I doubt that the Deep State finds anyone unimportant: a digital Opticon is certainly in operation - for some reason. Jeremy Bentham's fearful vision has been accomplished at this time, and there is no expressed thought or action however small, that goes unnoticed or can't be traced - if it attracts attention. Words like "fascism" and "slavery" might seem melodramatic: they aren't. We've been there, seen that, and it didn't disappear into the ether.

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I'm not in jail.

I've not been assassinated.

I'm not important.

Doesn't mean I'm not being surveilled.

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I agree, however I was not referencing those of us who exercise our responsibilities as citizens, but those in established positions of authority whose primary responsibility is to serve. All of our leaders are hogtied when it comes to uttering a truth that counters the false narrative. Most are probably happy to promote duplicity, but I suspect there are some, the ones who seek no corporate support, who may believe that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and they compartmentalize and survive and accomplish nothing of note. I think Bernie Sanders may have expected his simple platform to catch fire across the country, and he was met with a web of resistance that he could not overcome. His message was effectively silenced, and his supporters were dispersed by time. None of this contests the essential truth of his message, but the strapped-with-corporate-money crowd are deaf to it. Perhaps Sanders is searching for a single billionaire who is averse to lying.

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"Perhaps Sanders is searching for a single billionaire who is averse to lying."

On the other hand, Bernie proved you don't need dark money from the wealthy. You just need small contributions from millions of people, which is what he was receiving. He proved the worst fear of the political establishment: that a candidate could actually get elected with the right set of ideas alone. (Trump, to a lesser extent, also proved this.) So they neutered Bernie. He sold his soul to them. Or was he always a shill? Or was he always controlled opposition?

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It's too much to expect that that voice would ever make it to the public.

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The US needs to stop saber-rattling with Russia NOW, and start negotiating a peace deal.

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If the US is unable to defeat Russia via Ukraine, it (the US) will not be able to start a war against China, and there goes the full spectrum dominance down the drain. It's all or nothing for the district of criminals.

Everyone in the Kremlin knows that this is a do or die situation for them. They will not back down because their lives depend on it. Literally.

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I would like to agree with you, but it does seem that the US Oligarchy (I'm not a member) is going to start that war with China anyway.

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All I can say is that I hope you're wrong. On the other hand...... If the people in the district of criminals got their collective ass handed to them that would be a good thing.

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Which is why the Biden Admin is courting a nuclear confrontation. This may actually be a death scare that can wake up a few sheeple. The Icarus effect. In that context, Putin may end up calling Joe’s bluff, and then it will be up to the sheeple to lower the warfever.

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I have lost count of how many times the doomsday clock has been less than 30 seconds from midnight since the senile hologram said "America is back!", and people still don't register it.

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Surely Crimea is the place to start for advancing the notion of peace, a word nearly never employed in MSM accounts of this war.

A UN supervised referendum er staying with Russia should be straightforward but the US knows Ukraine will lose, so they keep coming up with reasons not to have it.

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More than that, even, the US doesn't care about peace, about what Crimeans want, what Ukrainians want, or what Russians want.

They just want to continue putting pressure on Russia with the hopes of toppling Putin and seeing him replaced with someone who will do whatever the US wants.

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“More than that, even, the US doesn't care about peace, about what Crimeans want, what Ukrainians want, or what Russians want.


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Yup. Business as usual.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

"A UN supervised referendum"

I cannot think of a more useless exercise. Surely you've noticed how elections in the US have been rigged for 20 years or more. I would have no faith in an election held in Crimea supervised by the UN.

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The reason they "warm" to the idea of attacking Crimea is not that they don't predict it will cause escalation, but rather the opposite - they predict it will cause escalation, and escalation is in their interest.

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"Nuclear warheads don't care about your feelings."

And I would add that the war hawks in the US and related NATO governments don't care one whit about our feelings or our very lives. Risking total nuclear Armageddon just so their Raytheon and Lockheed Martin stocks can go up. But where will they spend their profits after the Earth is a cinder? Sigh.

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Shalom, I'm in Cincinnati Ohio fighting within the evil empire itself. Not a lot of allies here.

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I used to be a Reds fan: remember the Big Red Machine? Those were the days, my friend!

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I was just a kid back then and don't really remember a lot of that except that my father was a big fan.

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Stay the course!

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I may be wrong but I suppose hypersonic missiles can cause huge damage without the need for nukes. What if Mr. Kinzhal and his friends pay a visit to Washington?

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I'm looking forward to it. But then, I'm old and schadenfreude is my favorite pastime. Can't imagine anyone under 40 (50?) would appreciate my perspective. Were it to happen, I kinda think I'd have regrets.

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I'm old as well and I remember the 80s - when millions went to the streets against nuclear madness, not counting films, music, books etc.

Maybe one of the reasons for the currenty apathy/stupidity is the fact that back then there were still some journalists and commentators worthy of those names. The mainstream media today is an absolute horror. And most people are too lazy or dumb to look for alternatives.

It's also amazing to see the formerly pacifist German Greens turned into bloodthirsty warmongers (Joschka Fischer was a pioneer). I always saw eco-fanatics as reactionary, now they are finally showing who they are.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023

Unconditional support for the United States was the price the Greens had to pay to get their mitts on sspower.

They jumped at the opportunity.

Same reason free-speech and peace advocates in the US magically transmogrified into censors and warmongers, the moment they got a chance to get the whip hand.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

The Brandon regime has now become a danger to all life on earth. The only solution I can see is for the deep state to force pedo Joe's resignation. He's stumbled too far down the plank to ever admit he was wrong and turn around. They've given up on losing wars before - witness Afghanistan. How could airhead Kamala be worse?

One scenario floating around in my head is for Biden to be forced out by the 25th Amendment, unless he agrees to go quietly. Then, when Kamala takes over (at least as a figurehead) she won't have pedo Joe's baggage. I believe she'll do whatever Obama tells her to. Whatever you think of Obama, I don't think he was an insane neocon. Really, he went to war reluctantly and refused to give deadly weapons to Ukraine after the McCain/Nuland coup, which was probably accomplished behind his back. Obama has long known that Biden is incompetent, even before his current dementia, and advised him not to run in the first place. Then Kamala, directed by Obama, could push for a negotiated settlement. She should replace our rotten neocon SOS Blinken with Obama. Perhaps he'd finally earn the Nobel Peace Prize that he didn't deserve in the first place. Maybe my scenario is farfetched but I'm just looking for a way out the nightmare that the braindead Brandon regime and the State Dept. neocons got us into before the nukes start flying.

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I believe that US Presidents are figureheads with marginal influence on the course of events. I recall a general calling for the impeachment of President Trump. The crime? Attempting to alter US foreign policy. I further recall Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Rachel Maddow declaring Trump a fool for trying to control the military/intelligence wing. "They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you," said Chuck. Commander in Chief my foot.

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This government is run by MIP. That is it. Obama is a mouthpiece. That is all he is, was, ever be.

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"The Brandon regime has now become a danger to all life on earth. The only solution I can see is for the deep state to force pedo Joe's resignation."

Do you really think Kamala Harris would do anything different? It doesen't matter who is sitting in the chair behind the large desk in the oval orifice. It's the deep state, i. e. the neocons, that have been working on this project for more than three decades.

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How can you acknowledge the existence of the deep state yet think Obama has any power at all? Obama don' care. Put a fork in 'em

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It was obvious to me from the beginning what he was. One does not have a meteoric rise in Chicago politics if one is not dirty to start with.

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If only you had the capacity to let the rest of us know.

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I remember watching Obama when he won in 2008. That haughty look scanning over the crowd of people among which grown white men were crying. And then that right arm hoisted which, coupled with his look, prompted me to exclaim "Heil Hitler".

That was the last time I voted. My choice was Ron Paul.

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OH, MY GOD! After eight years of that war mongering shithead in the White House there is still someone in the world who believes in hope and change. WOW!

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In response to all the Black Pilled commenters, do you have any better solutions? The president certainly isn't running the show, but he still has considerable power to sway public opinion as the voice of the Regime. He's the one who has the Bully Pulpit and goes on TV all the time. Every time a soldier goes into battle he knows he's risking his life. What if the president, as the Commander 'n Chief, had the courage to go on national TV and say we need to seek a peaceful solution instead of an ever-escalating war? He would be risking assassination, but no more than a soldier in battle. A true Statesman, if he wants the job as president, should not be afraid to risk his life for his country.

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Every POTUS since JFK has been a sock puppet who is told what to say. The only solution to the problem is to give all the dual Israeli citizens a choice of what passport they want to keep. The ones who choose Israel should go there and stay there.

You and I know that's never going to happen. Many Americans are also well aware that the government has in excess of a billion rounds of .357 hollow points in stock if they should be inclined to deal with the district of criminals in a drastic fashion.

In short, there IS no solution. All we can hope for is that the transition from global super power to a third rate banana republic is a fast one so we can experience some peace before we die.

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It's hard to believe - reading this newest essay of doom by Caitlin. This Dr. Strangelove idiocy - with a fucking half-wit mentally debilitated US president at the helm - but who in truth is actually a puppet for a bunch of US fanatical militarists who are way the fuck out of control, and putting humanity on the brink of a catastrophe never before seen in the entire history of the species.

I got to get some fucking sleep.

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The neocons are driving this agenda, and our demented president isn't calling the shots, although if he does have lucid moments I'm sure he would agree with their agenda, since this was the agenda in 2014 when Obama supported these neo-nazi's in Ukraine in order to over turn a pro-Russian government.

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One absolute reality emerging from the ongoing US/NATO/Zelenski/Nazi foolhardiness in refusing to confront the realities around the conflict they deliberately engineered with Russia...... LUNACY FEEDS ON ITSELF!

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attacking Crimea must look like a bold move to these people and so are sure to win.

They have walked the plank and taken the plunge.

Too bad the bookies aren't taking bets on what happens. They wouldn’t want to lose.

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Attacking the Crimea is a very bold move.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

The Biden administration is dealing with climate change issues, and has already implemented some changes to slow it's progress, good, although not always wise choices are being made in that regard, but elevations in temperatures will ultimately affect all life on this planet profoundly, and has to be of primary concern. That being said, this administration is willing to play chicken with Russia by encouraging Ukraine to attack Crimea that could precipitate a nuclear war and destroy all life on earth as we know it. To be polite to our demented president and his neocon driven administration, what a classic example of irony.

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How can you have two such totally opposing thoughts at the same time?

Biden doesn't care about climate change. It is a beard being used to pacify resistance to the WEF plans of neo-serfdom.


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"How can you have two such totally opposing thoughts at the same time? "

There's a diagnose for that. :-)

Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance

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I did't say Biden cares about climate change, but it is a selling point of his administration, and they have implemented some changes to make people think he really cares. Do I think he does, no. Maybe Al Gore was sincere in this regard, but who knows, and even if he were the question is would he be able to implement change.

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Climate change is a reality whether you choose to believe it or not. Personally I don't care whether you do or not.

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"...., but elevations in temperatures will ultimately affect all life on this planet profoundly".

Yeah, when the crazies in the basement, as Bush41 called them start lobbing nuclear warheads at Moscow it definitely will.

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Biden - like Obama - is setting records on US oil and gas production. His infrastructure and inflation bills trigger investments and economic growth that can only greatly increase GHG emissions. He's done Diddley on climate, other than to make it much worse.

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Do I trust Biden on the issue of climate change, no. Look my background is in the biological sciences and I do believe in the reality of it, and believe absolutely in the need to make changes . Do I think Biden or this administration cares about this issue, no, just a selling point for them, and to hall in the left.

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As a biologist, you should follow the work of the Center on Biological Diversity:


In addition to all their great work, they are one of the very, very, very few groups that are telling the truth about the Biden climate, public lands, and energy scams.

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Thanks for the link. As I said I absolutely recognize climate change as a reality and changes need to be made. However from the beginning I thought the Covid pandemic should have put many things on hold, and I am fully aware things are not going to turn around overnight nor do you want to make people suffer by implementing changes too quickly, or in an untimely fashion otherwise you turn people off all together which is what I think Biden did. I never knew him in the past to be concerned about this issue and I thought he implemented it to draw in the left wing crowd, and distinguish his party from the Trumper's.

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I can recall, as an adolescent learning elementary history of world wars, being just baffled by how the world "stumbled" or "blundered" into insane world wars, when they were so obviously predictable, predicted, and avoidable outcomes. Later in my educational experience, I came across Freud's ideas and the concept of "Thanatos", the death drive.

I feel the same absurd irrational death drive operating right now and can now appreciate what must have been incredible emotionally crushing feelings of powerlessness and despair by the people then living through the insanity.

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Jung talked about "mass psychosis".

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It’s not a mass problem. It’s a problem of concentration of power. First of all the most powerful and the most pathologically greedy. This is then compounded by known fact that high amounts of power has the effect of deadening the person’s empathy.

So if you allow huge concentrations of power - and we are at an all time high - you are cultivating basically sociopathy.

With predictable consequences.

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