The terrifying thing is the question of collusion between our government and the "enemy" government for the benefit of the elites to the detriment of citizens on both asides. They do not care about anyone beneath them and feel if you die for their cause that was your choice.
I can only hope that the global elite don't believe they can survive or want to live in a post-nuclear war world thinking they can just wait it out in their Patagonian fallout shelter/silos. That said if I'm honest with myself I see very little if anything to be even the slightest hopeful for. If I didn't have family that have their head in the sand and I could convince otherwise then I would seriously be thinking of where I can ex-pat at.
The human species as a whole is a failed species in my opinion that probably won't survive another 20 (or less) years, and if it does it will be the likes of a totalitarian dystopia like you wouldn't believe. The sociopaths are in control and the percent of people that understand this to be a life or death issue are inconsequential and too few to reverse course on anything.
Marshall McLuhan: our inventions intermediate our experience of reality, they change our reality and as such the medium is the message. The effect of the Internet is - all people everywhere live in immediate proximity, a village of 8 billion people, conversation has become cacophony, information is infinite causing all previous modes of organization to be swamped, eroding legitimacy and authority counters by turning to authoritarian reactionary control. We can’t uninvent the Internet, electricity, we have usurped time and space in our human relationships, we are inundated with other people and the experience is sickening to us as individuals.
RJF, you say “We can’t uninvent the Internet, electricity….” And I often feel the same. It sure seems like we’ve techno-painted our species (and most other species) into a corner and it’s all over but the synthesized shouting.
On the other hand, consider the societies that followed the fall of the Roman Empire. In fact, they mostly did forget how to make the technologies—the vast road grid, aqueducts, sewers, concrete. And while they did benefit for a time from the roads and stone buildings, even those eventually disappeared into the ground, and those societies “reverted” mostly to previous ways.
As we watch our own Empire fall, the Internet will no doubt be one of the very first technologies to utterly disappear. Maybe in a thousand years, when the survivors crawl out of their deep underground military bases, we’ll find a note that will remind us that when we reinvent the Internet, we should prohibit Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Perhaps there will be a new Ten Commandments in a future religion that begins, “Thou shalt have no fucking social media monopolies….”
Nothing will change until the corporate media monopolies are totally discredited. Currently, over 50% of the public still initially trusts corporate media. Every lie is looked on as an anomaly, a mistake.
In some sense, the most "uneducated" people are the most likely to discern the truth, because their very real "lived experience" of poverty, injustice and the bigotry and arrogance of much of the "educated" class tells them the emperor has no clothes regardless of what the corporate media says. They may be wrong on individual issues, but they correctly see that the system is rotten.
I'm in a quandary about Trump and DeSantis. On the one hand, I think they "get it" when it comes to this "lived experience" of middle America and perhaps the Bill of Rights. On the other hand, Trump committed unspeakably evil acts like assassinating Suleimani, unjustifiably bombing Syria, trying to coup Venezuela and appointing neocons and torturers like Jim Jeffrey, John Bolton and Gina Haspel.
I've long advocated 3rd parties, but we're so close to the edge of the cliff now, the federal government so full of totalitarians and the Democratic Party so irretrievably corrupt, I'm not sure what I'll do n 2022 and 2024.
Very eloquent but misguided in my experience, humanity wasn't exposed to some unknown with the invention of the internet, the expanded amount of experiences and information can be overwhelming but they are quintessentially human experiences that we already know.
We are not finding that people on the other side of planet live with completely alien definitions of being human. Rather what the exposure of a worldwide village has shown is our sameness, the fact that humans on a base level care about the same things. We are motivated by the same basic needs and desires.
Suggesting legitimacy is gone and authority has somehow changed since the 1960s is naive. Legitimacy is a product of logic and logic is independent of cultural differences. Some sources of centralized legitimacy like the law have been exposed for the frauds they are but that does not mean that law and legitimacy have been ejected from the world. Authoritarians have existed for as long as there has been societal structures and have always had a bent towards totalitarianism even in small tribal societies.
To suggest that people are overwhelmed by tribal, societal or individual differences with other people is ludicrous, now if you had said we are being told that we can't handle that exposure and that authoritarian sources are attempting to control or restrain our view of the rest of humanity for its own gain I would agree.
I have the same fear that the political rulers in the west at least think they can win a limited nuclear war to use their terminology. My fear is that there is no way to limit a nuclear war, it is like a nuclear reaction, once it starts it is self sustaining until the fuel runs out. Once a war crosses the threshold it will quickly escalate and stop being limited in any way. There is a small glimmer of hope, it would mean that the first strike might not trigger an all out response, it might be limited in the beginning which could provide an opportunity to reconsider.
the thing thats bothering me this week is the constant war crimes squealing, this may be happening but frankly i cant trust anyone to provide the truth
however if they go down this road it should be made abundantly clear that Bush committed war crimes and so did Obama, many.
Sadly though Ray, you will never see that sort of history referred to in the corrupted MSM these days. It is fiction time with the White House Media Circus (Service) leading by example with most of the journalists following along like sheep as BlackRock and Vanguard dictate the 2022 rules of employment in "their" media.
For the record, 28 million shares in the NYT.
A bit like the Ukraine war in one way. You really wish that Putin hadn't been forced to go into Ukraine to protect their own country as you probably also wish that good, previously truth-telling journalists didn't have to lie to keep their jobs, just a collection of controlled mouthpieces for a slowly dying, always lying government.
"Trusting anyone to tell the truth" has almost become
Sorry. Don't know what happened here..... but to finish, .....has " become the impossible dream" There are so many once respected writers that I have known that I assume are still in the same position as a year ago, who must have submitted to this demeaning new management style of "do it my way, or else".
Now that is a shame. A real shame. But families must be fed and cared for, so one cannot be critical. Who knows how any of us would react under the same circumstances?
Hence the respectful appeal of this courageous lady, Caitlin. Creative and very intelligent, and in this day and age, badly needed.
Jeremy Scahill comes to mind. He tried to balance between the truth and what Pierre Omidyar wanted him to say. The only thing Rob Kall (Op Ed News) got out of it was the condemnation of Russia.
To expound a little: Russia has not even demanded we denounce and prosecute our own well-known war criminals: W. Bush and support team, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, etc., ; Clinton, before them, Obama and Biden afterwards. You could call it a lethal club sandwich. But they don't even demand Russians denounce these criminals much less Hemingway, F.Scott Fitzgerald, Flaubert, DeMaupassant, and dozens of American or Western artists. And wouldn't we call it bloody ridiculous if they did? Well, it works the other way round, but we suffer from a kind of fatal astigmatism.
Everybody shudders when we speak of Russian nuclear capabilities but it is the US that has dropped a nuclear bomb on tens of thousands of civilians, not just once but twice!
If I may add one more item: how convenient that everyone is focusing on Ukraine/Russia instead of CHINA. The U.S. has next to zero nat'l interest in Ukraine but nobody is asking cui bono. LOVE your stuff Caitlin, keep it up.
"Pax Americana", one of the more blatant chunks of pure propaganda around. JFK recognized this and spoke to the necessity for a genuine peace, not a fictitious one, so he had to be murdered. Peace and pacification are not the same, and all the evidence screams that PA is actually TAPP -- Threat Americana for the Pacification of the Proletariat --- the cocked economic and military gun that these madmen wave at the rest of the planet in defense of a brutal socioeconomic system, a system so perverse that it also maims and kills its own biosphere resource base. That so many in the US and elsewhere buy into this idea of such a unipolar authoritarian peace in the face of all that evidence for perpetual war is, for me, a most distressing aspect of living this insanely brainwashed society. I've seen so many empty-eyed expressions in the faces of my fellow septuagenarians when confronted by the facts about this country, whose upstanding position in the world they've swallowed since infancy and have never seriously taken time to reexamine.
Thank you. Our financial-monetary system is the heart of the sickness that has befallen humanity to the point where we are willing to destroy our planet for more piles of useless shit. Sad. No one wants to question or see the truth.
Unless you're whole-hog, blind loyalty, hand-over-heart, true blue, and hate even the name Putin, along with his co-conspirators, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Dostoevsky and so many other inspired artists, familiar or not; whether you recognize them or not, you must condemn them or, well, you just ain't the right kinda guy. Nothing approaching this kind of absurdity is required by Russians of Westerners.
And concerning Bucha, the only side asking for an independent inquiry before the firing squad gets into gear - are the Russians. In my view, that puts them on the high ground, until proven otherwise.
Scott Ritter was banned for declaring that it was the Ukraine police who committed the crimes in Bucha. Here's his explanation to Gonzalo Lira over telegram:
It's wholesale suppression of free speech and even thought, and the most alarming aspect is that it passes under the radar for many people. I follow Scott Ritter, who is very reliable and always willing to adjust his views when new evidence surfaces. But more than anything, he is capable of reasoned analysis.
Thanks for this info. I hadn't heard this yet (though I follow Lira on Telegram.) I would love it if The Duran would add Ritter to their regular roster, though I wonder how long Locals (and Substack) can hold off the censors. My own view is that Internet outages will soon begin to mysteriously affect uncensored sites (while having no impact at all on the sites of the MSM and social media monopolies).
I suspect you've already discovered Richard Medhurst, but in case you haven't...he provides an excellent critique from the perspective of a Syrian born British citizen. (His parents were Nobel Peace Prize winners.) He recently posted an excellent interview with Scott Ritter.
After reading a few things I like this site, comments. It seems there is real discussion here. I have a few things to add. The US is not in charge or leading the great reset & one world order. It's klaus shwab & WEF (world economic foundation. Soros and the multi billionaires in the world are doing what's happening, to almost every country.
And the UN with their Agenda 21 & 30, & 50. Ll this is easily found in a search. Begin w UN and move on if interested. At least read UN action items in section 3 ( the last section. It's very long, I read it all.
All this, what's is happening, is due to these people. Biden & everyone else are puppets going with the with intention to be one of the top dogs in the end or just gain $.
This process will ruin the world, by itself. I saw schwab say, in a video. that his goal is to get world population to 3 billion with most of the reductions to be in the west, US & Canada. He was serious as a heart attack. I think covid was the serious beginning. Others do as well.
I now believe nothing until I've researched it thoroughly. Our own govt is doing all to us intentionally. It's confirmed, to me, as I've heard things from Biden & Co. the see what actually happens. They've actually done a lot but it's ALL been to our needs. They will lower our quality of living and raise other countries'. They've said this. So many countries hate us many are glad to go along.
None of this is secret, it's all available to anyone that looks for it. They think it's not completed, but close enough to call it a win. (also said in public video)
Did you know there have been three attempts toward this? 1st one in early 1900s, all failed. My insides worry a lot about this one. All the high powered countries/ dictators will want to be the in the #1 spot, greed, power are all consuming. I don't know if this time it will fly but we all will suffer until its successful, it falls apart, or it starts many wars and the world will be trashed.
I don't consider climate change to be an anomaly it's changed, been cyclical over time. It's total BS . I think Vax are also. Possibly to reduce population, the beginning. Everything green & all things making us worried & fearful is another thing to make us want the govt to save us, comfort us that everything will be ok. Not that they are doing that now, just the opposite now. Pres doom & gloom telling us how hard things are going to be hard on US.
We need all different types of countries & types of govts. What we really need, in my opinion, is to dialog with countries to exchange products and how to do that to a win -win result. war , mandates, sanctions are off the table. If a country doesn't want to do that, ok, we move on. We make what we need to in-country. We let our companies run production of items that we need AND they make $. NO one will want to pump & process oil right now. We don't have any data, assurance that as they get started the govt will say stop, however they would use the production law to make them. That's not how to run things. Also it's very bad to run a country on a signature. Only good thing about this record setting executive orders situation, for congress is that they have all kinds of plausible deniability, I didn't do it. The effort to forgive student loans. That's exactly what's going on. He doesn't have authority or someone has alerted him to this. I do NOT want these loans canceled. Where are the parents? I paid for mine. I will be so unhappy about this. I just read Albuquerque is paying for people's current college, free college. This country has already lowered standards, it should be easier to get in now, much less stay in. I predict people will go a year and quit. Going to be a big waste of $ & resources.
I agree with most of this, but I think the CCP is truly terrifying. Between the Uyghur genocide to their actions in Africa to their social credit score, censorship, and quashing dissent, I think that regime is truly terrible. I agree that the US and globalist plutocrats don't have a lot of moral authority, but I don't prefer one version of global Totalitarianism to another. Anything + Totalitarianism = bad for people.
It is hard to feel optimistic about humanity's chances of survival, and not even sure we deserve to survive. We are not great neighbors on this planet. Honestly, the planet is better off without us. We are not very bright: we use our amazing creativity to create weapons of mass destruction, tools of massive distraction, and plunder, pillage, and lay waste to the our home planet so we can all own more useless shit. There is nothing civilized about the modern way of life.
While I get the nihilistic angst humans may well survive.
We have not laid waste to the planet, we have not destroyed the ecosystem yet, we still have significant biodiversity, pollution is a problem but it is being addressed. The concept that humanity is destroying the planet is hyperbole sold by politicians.
Were you able to breath when you woke up today ?
Did you drink clean water today ?
Do you worry about your weight because you have too much food available ?
The news wants you to think that humanity is doomed, it helps them control your mind.
I am simply wondering if we deserve to. And I don't watch the news. The truth is, we are not living in a sustainable way, and I can see that with my own eyes. I also have faith and believe in a higher power, so I do not think this existence is all there is.
Stupidity reigns supreme, we want to be lied to or rather we want to avoid having our beliefs refuted. Confronting people‘s believe system is to risk violence. I think it is our native state: belief and defending our belief system , tribalism, it is innate. New information is seen as a personal assault prompting a reactionary impulse, animal instinct and violence. Avoiding this and being able to contemplate new information is learned behavior. Do we teach this skill in school?
It's funny how history rhymes or repeats or spirals upwards - every single time there's an attempt by some arrogant would-be hegemon to take over the world, they run up against Russia and find their doom. Napoleon, Nazi Germany, now it looks like it's the US taking their turn. Russia works like a failsafe of the planet against world conqueror megalomaniacs.
Every time before it was decided in the greatest war in known history at the time. Can only hope that some way, somehow, that part needs not repeat.
You and I think we should just all be able to get along. Normal people think that. But there are a lot of people running things who don't think like that. So I think I'd tend to disagree with the idea that China doesn't want to dominate the world. They may already, and we just haven't realized it. Look at how much influence China has in Latin America and Africa. I often think of how we're told how horrible British rule around the world was. I'd guess that would pale in comparison to if we really start seeing China put their claws in. I may be wrong, but a country that would kill people for their body parts ... what do you think?
You make some good points, but this feels pretty weak:
"Do you truly believe it's a coincidence that mainstream Americans were made to despise Putin with a Trump-Russia collusion narrative that turned out to be pure bullshit in the years preceding an unrelated US proxy war against Putin?"
Not sure what you mean by "mainstream," but that apparently doesn't include the millions of Americans who used to see Russia as the pivot in the Axis of Evil who now view Putin as the savior of "traditional values." If anything, Russia and Putin are less demonized now by "mainstream" Fox-viewing folks than ever before in US history. So that leaves the MSNBC crowd and DC left-leaning elites, which are the minority party in most of the country, the Supreme Court, and probably Congress in a few months.
Also, the Trump-Russia collusion thing. "Pure bullshit"? Hardly. Hypocritical as hell, sure (in that the US regularly tries to mess with elections all over the world), but there is abundant evidence that Trump and the US electorate were being played by Putin.
"but there is abundant evidence that Trump and the US electorate were being played by Putin."
All the 'big evidence' presented to the American people has been debunked. It was all systematic propaganda that has remarkably fed into the narrative we now have today that Putin and Russia are absolute evil, and the US, Britain and Joe Biden are blameless.
I call BS, you say there is abundant evidence of Russian intervention in a US election, is that the very same evidence that failed to support the accusation for years ? I have heard this lie so many times that I just have to say that Russia had no need to intervene in our elections, we are self destructing under the weight of our own hypocrisy with no outside help.
Don't know what basis you have to say "Russia and Putin are less demonized ... by Fox-viewing folks ..." That's simply untrue. I watch Fox regularly, and they moved to warmongering, "get Putin," with the exception of Tucker who asks reasonable questions, and to a lesser extent, Ingraham.
Certainly their long-time Pentagon reporter was all to eager to deliver as truth the reports she was getting from the Pentagon ... although I haven't seen her on here lately ... hrrrm? Maybe just not watching the segments she is on.
Again, completely wrong on Trump-Russia collusion. Indeed it was "pure bullshit," and the information is out there if you choose to follow it.
The terrifying thing is the question of collusion between our government and the "enemy" government for the benefit of the elites to the detriment of citizens on both asides. They do not care about anyone beneath them and feel if you die for their cause that was your choice.
I can only hope that the global elite don't believe they can survive or want to live in a post-nuclear war world thinking they can just wait it out in their Patagonian fallout shelter/silos. That said if I'm honest with myself I see very little if anything to be even the slightest hopeful for. If I didn't have family that have their head in the sand and I could convince otherwise then I would seriously be thinking of where I can ex-pat at.
The human species as a whole is a failed species in my opinion that probably won't survive another 20 (or less) years, and if it does it will be the likes of a totalitarian dystopia like you wouldn't believe. The sociopaths are in control and the percent of people that understand this to be a life or death issue are inconsequential and too few to reverse course on anything.
There is no place to "ex-pat".
If you want to be freed of the terrorism you have to disconnect your laptop, go outside and have a beer.
However, I can assure you that there is no such thing as enough gin. Not as long as the connection to the internet is maintained.
Marshall McLuhan: our inventions intermediate our experience of reality, they change our reality and as such the medium is the message. The effect of the Internet is - all people everywhere live in immediate proximity, a village of 8 billion people, conversation has become cacophony, information is infinite causing all previous modes of organization to be swamped, eroding legitimacy and authority counters by turning to authoritarian reactionary control. We can’t uninvent the Internet, electricity, we have usurped time and space in our human relationships, we are inundated with other people and the experience is sickening to us as individuals.
RJF, you say “We can’t uninvent the Internet, electricity….” And I often feel the same. It sure seems like we’ve techno-painted our species (and most other species) into a corner and it’s all over but the synthesized shouting.
On the other hand, consider the societies that followed the fall of the Roman Empire. In fact, they mostly did forget how to make the technologies—the vast road grid, aqueducts, sewers, concrete. And while they did benefit for a time from the roads and stone buildings, even those eventually disappeared into the ground, and those societies “reverted” mostly to previous ways.
As we watch our own Empire fall, the Internet will no doubt be one of the very first technologies to utterly disappear. Maybe in a thousand years, when the survivors crawl out of their deep underground military bases, we’ll find a note that will remind us that when we reinvent the Internet, we should prohibit Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Perhaps there will be a new Ten Commandments in a future religion that begins, “Thou shalt have no fucking social media monopolies….”
Nothing will change until the corporate media monopolies are totally discredited. Currently, over 50% of the public still initially trusts corporate media. Every lie is looked on as an anomaly, a mistake.
In some sense, the most "uneducated" people are the most likely to discern the truth, because their very real "lived experience" of poverty, injustice and the bigotry and arrogance of much of the "educated" class tells them the emperor has no clothes regardless of what the corporate media says. They may be wrong on individual issues, but they correctly see that the system is rotten.
I'm in a quandary about Trump and DeSantis. On the one hand, I think they "get it" when it comes to this "lived experience" of middle America and perhaps the Bill of Rights. On the other hand, Trump committed unspeakably evil acts like assassinating Suleimani, unjustifiably bombing Syria, trying to coup Venezuela and appointing neocons and torturers like Jim Jeffrey, John Bolton and Gina Haspel.
I've long advocated 3rd parties, but we're so close to the edge of the cliff now, the federal government so full of totalitarians and the Democratic Party so irretrievably corrupt, I'm not sure what I'll do n 2022 and 2024.
Fantastic, you gave me a chuckle.
Very eloquent but misguided in my experience, humanity wasn't exposed to some unknown with the invention of the internet, the expanded amount of experiences and information can be overwhelming but they are quintessentially human experiences that we already know.
We are not finding that people on the other side of planet live with completely alien definitions of being human. Rather what the exposure of a worldwide village has shown is our sameness, the fact that humans on a base level care about the same things. We are motivated by the same basic needs and desires.
Suggesting legitimacy is gone and authority has somehow changed since the 1960s is naive. Legitimacy is a product of logic and logic is independent of cultural differences. Some sources of centralized legitimacy like the law have been exposed for the frauds they are but that does not mean that law and legitimacy have been ejected from the world. Authoritarians have existed for as long as there has been societal structures and have always had a bent towards totalitarianism even in small tribal societies.
To suggest that people are overwhelmed by tribal, societal or individual differences with other people is ludicrous, now if you had said we are being told that we can't handle that exposure and that authoritarian sources are attempting to control or restrain our view of the rest of humanity for its own gain I would agree.
Very well written and sensible argumentation, I will give it a think.
I have the same fear that the political rulers in the west at least think they can win a limited nuclear war to use their terminology. My fear is that there is no way to limit a nuclear war, it is like a nuclear reaction, once it starts it is self sustaining until the fuel runs out. Once a war crosses the threshold it will quickly escalate and stop being limited in any way. There is a small glimmer of hope, it would mean that the first strike might not trigger an all out response, it might be limited in the beginning which could provide an opportunity to reconsider.
the thing thats bothering me this week is the constant war crimes squealing, this may be happening but frankly i cant trust anyone to provide the truth
however if they go down this road it should be made abundantly clear that Bush committed war crimes and so did Obama, many.
Every US president in my lifetime has been a war criminal but then again war is a crime against humanity.
Sadly though Ray, you will never see that sort of history referred to in the corrupted MSM these days. It is fiction time with the White House Media Circus (Service) leading by example with most of the journalists following along like sheep as BlackRock and Vanguard dictate the 2022 rules of employment in "their" media.
For the record, 28 million shares in the NYT.
A bit like the Ukraine war in one way. You really wish that Putin hadn't been forced to go into Ukraine to protect their own country as you probably also wish that good, previously truth-telling journalists didn't have to lie to keep their jobs, just a collection of controlled mouthpieces for a slowly dying, always lying government.
"Trusting anyone to tell the truth" has almost become
Sorry. Don't know what happened here..... but to finish, .....has " become the impossible dream" There are so many once respected writers that I have known that I assume are still in the same position as a year ago, who must have submitted to this demeaning new management style of "do it my way, or else".
Now that is a shame. A real shame. But families must be fed and cared for, so one cannot be critical. Who knows how any of us would react under the same circumstances?
Hence the respectful appeal of this courageous lady, Caitlin. Creative and very intelligent, and in this day and age, badly needed.
Jeremy Scahill comes to mind. He tried to balance between the truth and what Pierre Omidyar wanted him to say. The only thing Rob Kall (Op Ed News) got out of it was the condemnation of Russia.
Cognitive dissonance will be the end of us all.
To expound a little: Russia has not even demanded we denounce and prosecute our own well-known war criminals: W. Bush and support team, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Blair, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, etc., ; Clinton, before them, Obama and Biden afterwards. You could call it a lethal club sandwich. But they don't even demand Russians denounce these criminals much less Hemingway, F.Scott Fitzgerald, Flaubert, DeMaupassant, and dozens of American or Western artists. And wouldn't we call it bloody ridiculous if they did? Well, it works the other way round, but we suffer from a kind of fatal astigmatism.
Everybody shudders when we speak of Russian nuclear capabilities but it is the US that has dropped a nuclear bomb on tens of thousands of civilians, not just once but twice!
If I may add one more item: how convenient that everyone is focusing on Ukraine/Russia instead of CHINA. The U.S. has next to zero nat'l interest in Ukraine but nobody is asking cui bono. LOVE your stuff Caitlin, keep it up.
"Pax Americana", one of the more blatant chunks of pure propaganda around. JFK recognized this and spoke to the necessity for a genuine peace, not a fictitious one, so he had to be murdered. Peace and pacification are not the same, and all the evidence screams that PA is actually TAPP -- Threat Americana for the Pacification of the Proletariat --- the cocked economic and military gun that these madmen wave at the rest of the planet in defense of a brutal socioeconomic system, a system so perverse that it also maims and kills its own biosphere resource base. That so many in the US and elsewhere buy into this idea of such a unipolar authoritarian peace in the face of all that evidence for perpetual war is, for me, a most distressing aspect of living this insanely brainwashed society. I've seen so many empty-eyed expressions in the faces of my fellow septuagenarians when confronted by the facts about this country, whose upstanding position in the world they've swallowed since infancy and have never seriously taken time to reexamine.
Thank you. Our financial-monetary system is the heart of the sickness that has befallen humanity to the point where we are willing to destroy our planet for more piles of useless shit. Sad. No one wants to question or see the truth.
Unless you're whole-hog, blind loyalty, hand-over-heart, true blue, and hate even the name Putin, along with his co-conspirators, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Dostoevsky and so many other inspired artists, familiar or not; whether you recognize them or not, you must condemn them or, well, you just ain't the right kinda guy. Nothing approaching this kind of absurdity is required by Russians of Westerners.
And concerning Bucha, the only side asking for an independent inquiry before the firing squad gets into gear - are the Russians. In my view, that puts them on the high ground, until proven otherwise.
Scott Ritter was banned for declaring that it was the Ukraine police who committed the crimes in Bucha. Here's his explanation to Gonzalo Lira over telegram:
It's wholesale suppression of free speech and even thought, and the most alarming aspect is that it passes under the radar for many people. I follow Scott Ritter, who is very reliable and always willing to adjust his views when new evidence surfaces. But more than anything, he is capable of reasoned analysis.
Thanks for this info. I hadn't heard this yet (though I follow Lira on Telegram.) I would love it if The Duran would add Ritter to their regular roster, though I wonder how long Locals (and Substack) can hold off the censors. My own view is that Internet outages will soon begin to mysteriously affect uncensored sites (while having no impact at all on the sites of the MSM and social media monopolies).
I suspect you've already discovered Richard Medhurst, but in case you haven't...he provides an excellent critique from the perspective of a Syrian born British citizen. (His parents were Nobel Peace Prize winners.) He recently posted an excellent interview with Scott Ritter.
I listen to Medhurst occasionally. Mostly when someone brings him up on Reddit. I agree that he is very good.
An independent inquiry is imperative.
After reading a few things I like this site, comments. It seems there is real discussion here. I have a few things to add. The US is not in charge or leading the great reset & one world order. It's klaus shwab & WEF (world economic foundation. Soros and the multi billionaires in the world are doing what's happening, to almost every country.
And the UN with their Agenda 21 & 30, & 50. Ll this is easily found in a search. Begin w UN and move on if interested. At least read UN action items in section 3 ( the last section. It's very long, I read it all.
All this, what's is happening, is due to these people. Biden & everyone else are puppets going with the with intention to be one of the top dogs in the end or just gain $.
This process will ruin the world, by itself. I saw schwab say, in a video. that his goal is to get world population to 3 billion with most of the reductions to be in the west, US & Canada. He was serious as a heart attack. I think covid was the serious beginning. Others do as well.
I now believe nothing until I've researched it thoroughly. Our own govt is doing all to us intentionally. It's confirmed, to me, as I've heard things from Biden & Co. the see what actually happens. They've actually done a lot but it's ALL been to our needs. They will lower our quality of living and raise other countries'. They've said this. So many countries hate us many are glad to go along.
None of this is secret, it's all available to anyone that looks for it. They think it's not completed, but close enough to call it a win. (also said in public video)
Did you know there have been three attempts toward this? 1st one in early 1900s, all failed. My insides worry a lot about this one. All the high powered countries/ dictators will want to be the in the #1 spot, greed, power are all consuming. I don't know if this time it will fly but we all will suffer until its successful, it falls apart, or it starts many wars and the world will be trashed.
I don't consider climate change to be an anomaly it's changed, been cyclical over time. It's total BS . I think Vax are also. Possibly to reduce population, the beginning. Everything green & all things making us worried & fearful is another thing to make us want the govt to save us, comfort us that everything will be ok. Not that they are doing that now, just the opposite now. Pres doom & gloom telling us how hard things are going to be hard on US.
We need all different types of countries & types of govts. What we really need, in my opinion, is to dialog with countries to exchange products and how to do that to a win -win result. war , mandates, sanctions are off the table. If a country doesn't want to do that, ok, we move on. We make what we need to in-country. We let our companies run production of items that we need AND they make $. NO one will want to pump & process oil right now. We don't have any data, assurance that as they get started the govt will say stop, however they would use the production law to make them. That's not how to run things. Also it's very bad to run a country on a signature. Only good thing about this record setting executive orders situation, for congress is that they have all kinds of plausible deniability, I didn't do it. The effort to forgive student loans. That's exactly what's going on. He doesn't have authority or someone has alerted him to this. I do NOT want these loans canceled. Where are the parents? I paid for mine. I will be so unhappy about this. I just read Albuquerque is paying for people's current college, free college. This country has already lowered standards, it should be easier to get in now, much less stay in. I predict people will go a year and quit. Going to be a big waste of $ & resources.
Thanks for listening 🎶
No Nukes ideas here:
I agree with most of this, but I think the CCP is truly terrifying. Between the Uyghur genocide to their actions in Africa to their social credit score, censorship, and quashing dissent, I think that regime is truly terrible. I agree that the US and globalist plutocrats don't have a lot of moral authority, but I don't prefer one version of global Totalitarianism to another. Anything + Totalitarianism = bad for people.
It is hard to feel optimistic about humanity's chances of survival, and not even sure we deserve to survive. We are not great neighbors on this planet. Honestly, the planet is better off without us. We are not very bright: we use our amazing creativity to create weapons of mass destruction, tools of massive distraction, and plunder, pillage, and lay waste to the our home planet so we can all own more useless shit. There is nothing civilized about the modern way of life.
While I get the nihilistic angst humans may well survive.
We have not laid waste to the planet, we have not destroyed the ecosystem yet, we still have significant biodiversity, pollution is a problem but it is being addressed. The concept that humanity is destroying the planet is hyperbole sold by politicians.
Were you able to breath when you woke up today ?
Did you drink clean water today ?
Do you worry about your weight because you have too much food available ?
The news wants you to think that humanity is doomed, it helps them control your mind.
I am simply wondering if we deserve to. And I don't watch the news. The truth is, we are not living in a sustainable way, and I can see that with my own eyes. I also have faith and believe in a higher power, so I do not think this existence is all there is.
Stupidity reigns supreme, we want to be lied to or rather we want to avoid having our beliefs refuted. Confronting people‘s believe system is to risk violence. I think it is our native state: belief and defending our belief system , tribalism, it is innate. New information is seen as a personal assault prompting a reactionary impulse, animal instinct and violence. Avoiding this and being able to contemplate new information is learned behavior. Do we teach this skill in school?
It's funny how history rhymes or repeats or spirals upwards - every single time there's an attempt by some arrogant would-be hegemon to take over the world, they run up against Russia and find their doom. Napoleon, Nazi Germany, now it looks like it's the US taking their turn. Russia works like a failsafe of the planet against world conqueror megalomaniacs.
Every time before it was decided in the greatest war in known history at the time. Can only hope that some way, somehow, that part needs not repeat.
You and I think we should just all be able to get along. Normal people think that. But there are a lot of people running things who don't think like that. So I think I'd tend to disagree with the idea that China doesn't want to dominate the world. They may already, and we just haven't realized it. Look at how much influence China has in Latin America and Africa. I often think of how we're told how horrible British rule around the world was. I'd guess that would pale in comparison to if we really start seeing China put their claws in. I may be wrong, but a country that would kill people for their body parts ... what do you think?
You make some good points, but this feels pretty weak:
"Do you truly believe it's a coincidence that mainstream Americans were made to despise Putin with a Trump-Russia collusion narrative that turned out to be pure bullshit in the years preceding an unrelated US proxy war against Putin?"
Not sure what you mean by "mainstream," but that apparently doesn't include the millions of Americans who used to see Russia as the pivot in the Axis of Evil who now view Putin as the savior of "traditional values." If anything, Russia and Putin are less demonized now by "mainstream" Fox-viewing folks than ever before in US history. So that leaves the MSNBC crowd and DC left-leaning elites, which are the minority party in most of the country, the Supreme Court, and probably Congress in a few months.
Also, the Trump-Russia collusion thing. "Pure bullshit"? Hardly. Hypocritical as hell, sure (in that the US regularly tries to mess with elections all over the world), but there is abundant evidence that Trump and the US electorate were being played by Putin.
"but there is abundant evidence that Trump and the US electorate were being played by Putin."
All the 'big evidence' presented to the American people has been debunked. It was all systematic propaganda that has remarkably fed into the narrative we now have today that Putin and Russia are absolute evil, and the US, Britain and Joe Biden are blameless.
I call BS, you say there is abundant evidence of Russian intervention in a US election, is that the very same evidence that failed to support the accusation for years ? I have heard this lie so many times that I just have to say that Russia had no need to intervene in our elections, we are self destructing under the weight of our own hypocrisy with no outside help.
Don't know what basis you have to say "Russia and Putin are less demonized ... by Fox-viewing folks ..." That's simply untrue. I watch Fox regularly, and they moved to warmongering, "get Putin," with the exception of Tucker who asks reasonable questions, and to a lesser extent, Ingraham.
Certainly their long-time Pentagon reporter was all to eager to deliver as truth the reports she was getting from the Pentagon ... although I haven't seen her on here lately ... hrrrm? Maybe just not watching the segments she is on.
Again, completely wrong on Trump-Russia collusion. Indeed it was "pure bullshit," and the information is out there if you choose to follow it.