If US military intervention were what it takes to bring progress and enlightenment, then Haitians ought to be in a state of five-dimensional nirvana by now.

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Did you hear the latest? DEA, FBI Informants LINKED TO Haiti Assassination?!?! "Shocked! Shocked and utterly surprised by this information" - absolutely NO ONE!


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"US Intervention Is Never, Ever, EVER The Solution" is the epitome of understatements.

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Back in high school I grew my hair out and thus became a target for harassment; always the same gang of dolts from the back of the bus. One day one of them got on alone and without his buddies around he totally ignored me. Every person calling for intervention and a muscular response is this guy grown up.

And never one to pass an opportunity to remind everyone of the dysfunctional American/Israeli dynamic, the UN recently overwhelming passed a resolution calling for an end to America's economic blockade of Cuba. Only two countries voted No. Try and guess which ones...

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Gawd, I love that Godzilla meme! It's far better than my standard "pick up a gun and go there yourself" retort to the busybodies.

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The unrest in Cuba is not dissatisfaction with the government so much but the hardships they face because of the US blockade. American clandestine operators have been sowing discord in the activist NGOs to make it look like an anti-government uprising. The Cuban government responded by lifting restrictions on what travelers can import.


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LOL this looks like the Brazillian protests in 2013, insuflated by social networks. The situation now in Brazil is so ridiculously worse that it is now a *shame* to have participated in those in 2013. And yes, Brazillian have been protesting against Bolsonario for months and it is increasing and it won't stop.

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I am more right leaning Canadian and that Republican mayor is an absolute disgrace. Cubans need to solve their own problem. US needs to stop with these regime change wars.

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US 'intervention' is the same euphemism as Ministry of Defence. It is in reality nothing but war crime, invasion and occupation and generally a good dose of mass murder and theft to go with it.

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First off - I agree ... but having said that, I suspect those in South Korea might not appreciate living in a united Korea ruled by Little Kim. Maybe this is the exception that proves the rule.

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So that is justification for US military intervention is it "Hal"

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OK moron ... what part of "I agree" didn't you read?

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Ok moron, why did you arbitrarily bring S Korea in unless it was to qualify the "I agree" which preceded it. Or are you so stupid you didn't know what you were doing?

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Totally agree.

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Also, let me know when we are going to bomb France because Yellow Vests. Or Colombia, for that matter.

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