John Stockwell gave presentations to Henry Kissenger and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He reports that the level of dialog was "these are the good guys, these are the bad guys."

They argued at length about who got to sit in what chair.

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It could be said that China is now the biggest tug boat on the ocean, running salvage missions to lift up all boats that western great whites have been feeding on for far too long.

The following amusingly blends with your article...

"Chinese president Xi Jinping went on stage at Davos to castigate Trump and the US for being scared of international trade. He used nautical terms to do so:

"If one is always afraid of the sea he will get drowned in the ocean sooner or later. So what China did was to take a brave step forward and embrace the market. We have had our fair share of choking in the water and we have encountered choppy waves. But we have learned how to swim in this process. It has been the right strategic choice ... whether you like it or not the global market is the big ocean you cannot escape from," Xi said."

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John Stockwell, a real American human being, unlike the vast majority.

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This is not news. They are greedy conformist robots who are chosen because they WONT think. That’s the main qualification by which they are chosen.

They get issued brainwashing materials by the war college and West Point and the disinformation schools at Georgetown, and American U, that tell them who to hate. And they hate. Their entire world is divided up into “adversaries” (the un conquered) and allies (the defeated vassals).

And they get unlimited funding to carryon with this idiocy, failure after failure. 20 years of failure in the middle east,


And what to they do in reaction to this? They decide to repeat a failed strategy in Europe now.

They have no interest in thinking.

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It is difficult to determine who is a dupe and who is a careerist. My view is that trying to figure out what someone "really believes" seldom succeeds, especially when there is self-interest at stake. Besides, I hope you'll forgive me for pointing out the fact that millions of people are involved and they do not all think the same. Some of those involved are secretly your allies. John Stockwell is such a man.

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“… I hope you'll forgive me for pointing out the fact that millions of people are involved and they do not all think the same..”

Well no. Millions of people don’t determine foreign policy. It’s a couple of school buses of people, nearly all of when have gone through brainwashing aka “Indoc”, before being allowed anywhere near decisions. The rest are sheep tutored by the rest.

When you hears strange, manufactured terms like “adversaries”, “Indo-Pacific” etc being repeated ad infinitum, that’s a hint: you are listening to the Borg. They don’t think. They are programmed bots.

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What I had in mind was the millions of police and soldiers, many of them who do not support the system as it is. This one reason the oligarchy is moving as fast as they can to robot police and soldiers .

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They all kill people with no compunction.

From the soldiers going on endless missions of death abroad (US has active troops in 100 countries - active as in actively killing not sitting around ) and the police kill ordinary Americans everyday.

When was the last time you heard of a U.S. police whistleblower? The 1970s. Ashley Manning stepped forward to blow the whistle on crimes against humanity. His colleagues are the ones who imprisoned him.

No they all comply. That’s they problem. It’s a brainwashed nation.

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Chris Hedges said when he was rousted by the capitol police "they told me, keep doing this. Keep protesting."

On the day of January 6th 2021 on a television broadcast the chief of the capitol police angrily declared that the police who collaborated with the protesters would be punished. A deep silence then dropped over this issue.

Lots of soldiers learn to despise the army. Danny Sjursen for one.

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Don't panic. As we have seen played out in the current Russia/Ukraine conflict, drones are vulnerable to hacking and electronic blocking techniques and I'm pretty sure we'll have plenty of resourceful hackers wanting to down that system, AND I imagine there will be support from US 'adversaries' to break the system. PLUS China are starting to put western chip manufacturers out of business by making their own supply at lower prices, the western chip sector has started screaming for mercy(by trying to sanction them to constrain them they self inflicted their own wounds lol). PLUS our western manufacturing sector is history without rebuilding all the infrastructure with access to surplus energy and commodities, so they won't be able to build extensively without access to all the labor and resources of the non-aligned and adversarial nations lol.

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"(by trying to sanction them to constrain them they self inflicted their own wounds lol)"

I also am struck that all of the USA actions seem destined to accelerate their slide from dominance. They had the slickest money machine of all time but have now lost about half of their customers. Duh.

I recently read that New York City hired a Chinese company to refurbish one of their big bridges.

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Nothing wrong to look at the antics of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN'S headquarters but not seeing a reflection of their deeper motivation regarding their thinking and as a consequence their acting is the true revelation of above comment.

To brush it aside as childish behaviour - these people's intellect overwrites all common sense, i.e. divine purpose of existence as they believe they are above GOD ALMIGHTY - is the true DISEASE "plaguing" the planet - better said THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE BLINDNESS OF THE HUMAN MIND and those complaining the loudest about the consequences are the first one's to tear into those warning about it.


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The simplicity makes it easier to focus on what really mattered in the end - action. Support the good guys, kill the bad guys. Easy!

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John Stockwell opined that the brass didn't know what was going on and so chose the wrong good guys.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

Could the concepts in this piece be dumbed down for laypeople and others the likes of me?

(More pictures from Randy would be appreciated.)

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And randy ones too, please.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

So - I think I'm able to understand Caitlin's analysis here (just barely though). So she's saying - China is a great white shark? Sharks are bad?? And the US - the US is a boat, and will save Taiwan from the shark??? Like in the movie JAWS? Is Richard Dreyfuss getting into a shark cage?

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“You’re going to need a bigger boat!”

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"You open the beaches on the 4th of July, it's like ringing the dinner bell for Christ's sakes."

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Pelosi coulda given the bleeding guy a bandaid for the love of God. She was JUST THERE!

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Pelosi went there to steal all their bandaids, so McCarthy could needle the shark with Javelins.

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In the end the boat smashes the head of the swimmer, killing them. The shark meanwhile is too busy eating fat seals and penguins (ie: American consumers - they'll eat, wear, and abuse anything if it's sold in Walmart) chummed into the waters by American Capitalist, so the body called Taiwan sinks to the bottom of the China Sea, where it slowly rots (like Taiwan's economy in the anaerobic conditions caused by American IC chip sales ban).

There, is that any simpler?

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Sharks are much nicer than the governments of China and the USA.

Pretty sure no shark has ever bombed or invaded another sovereign territory except for the dive bombing sharks in Sharknado.

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Sharks are much much much nicer than the usa has EVER been. China & Russia and the rest of the BRICS are sick and tired of war criminal, terrorist, genocidal, ... usa stealing from the world, starving millions of children, the ones that the usa doesn't napalm, cluster bomb, carpet bomb, land mine, ... . PURE EVIL is the usa.

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There is no such thing as USA and China - this is a mental concept "invented" by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - epitomised by the likes of BRANDON i am the saviour, KAMALA i am going to giggle you into heaven, BILL i know everything, TONY i am science, KLAUS i am the revolutionary leader, YOUVAL i am the mind shaper .... - with the sole purpose of offering those HUMAN MINDS blinded enough, based on their PRIDE, a mental prison cell they would be ready to walk into "voluntarily" (commonly called deception) in order to perceive their existence exactly the way THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN wants them to see the world in order to direct them towards their own destruction. There are so many layers to this hundreds (an maybe even thousands) of years old deception, which would exhaust the space of a comment.


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Ok, but which one is Luke Skywalker and which one is Voldemort?

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Time magazine once had a cover featuring President Xi as Star Wars' evil hooded Emperor Palpatine.

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Winnie-The-Pooh transforms into the Axis-Of-Evil.

Mind is blown.

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Back in the day Time magazine treated heads of state with respect, even Hitler and Stalin.

Noam Chomsky recalls WWII well. He says censorship is worse today than it was then.

My Mom told me they'd listen to Hitler's speeches on the radio. Even if you didn't understand German it was pretty clear what was going on. Now everything from China and Russia is made highly inconvenient of access.

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The non-West (remaining half) of the World listens to Putin's speeches and are enlightened. It is America who remains bamboozled.

#SlavaRaytheon y'all #NulandIsYourFriend

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The original idea was that our weak and gullible citizenry must be protected from (phony) foreign influences. Somehow this rapidly expanded to include domestic influences. What a surprise.

I read the speeches because I don't trust the media. If you really want to know what is going on you have to read original material. I don't necessarily trust Putin either but I want to know what he is selling. At least it's better than the highly processed pablum we get from the USA. I even took a look at Pravda recently. It had a war story that seemed phony so it doesn't appear to be any better than Time.

Note that Putin's speeches aren't banned. But they've been pushed in such a corner I bet that fewer than one in a thousand of US citizens read them. I think the constitution should be changed to read, "you have the right to speak ineffectively."

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There is no other way TO SEE than being exposed to different shades, forms, intensities of light ... - a child being kept in the dark in the first couple of years will never be able TO HAVE EYESIGHT.

If this insight is not a SIGN for everyone to see - well if not already blinded by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - why THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN is hiding everything in the dark I would not know what is!

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This was because a lot of Americans LIKED Hitler. AND spoke German in various enclaves, even after the First World War when “the hun” was blamed for everything. Lucky Lindy was a famous admirer of Hitler. The idea that the US was once a “great nation” and has now, out of nowhere become the monster it is, is just wishful thinking. We were always a baby monster, killing Indians, enslaving blacks, stealing from Mexicans, working the Chinese to death on the Trans-continental RR build. We’re a settler nation, just like Israel, just like Canada, just like Australia and New Zealand, we’re just the worst of the bunch.

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While that is so, particularly in Wisconsin, they were not numerous and not feared. Respect for heads of state was a well established tradition. Napoleon had been responsible for much suffering and death, he was a usurper when that was not OK, but nevertheless was given use of a mansion on the island of St. Helena. As late as Vietnam there was no attempt to bomb Ho Chi Minh's residence.

They did assassinate Admiral Yamamoto but I believe this was controversial as dishonorable. Then there were the persistent attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. I'm not sure when this sort of thing began. Even Gerald Ford would mix with crowds. He almost got killed doing that, Reagan got shot, after that they live in a glass cage.

Nowadays the rule is anything you can get away with. The West sponsored the suicide bombing of the Azov bridge, assassinated a little girl, tortures, you name it. Trump pardoned a war criminal. The American Sniper guy is a hero. I can't get used to it.

Atrocities have always been committed during war but I say that having it be open official policy instead of a shameful deviation is a whole different deal.

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Whoa. Embarrassing.

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Make no mistake all those looking for worldly power are certainly disciples of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN ... no exceptions!

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That kind of "rescue" nobody needs. Read J K Noh's account of the US "rescue" of the S Korea economy in the '60s - (Counterpunch): it was enabled by the wholesale forced prostitution of hundreds of thousands of S Korean women, 16 to 29 yrs of age, as incentive and compensation for US soldiers. This was the great "rescue" N Korea is ostracized to this day for avoiding. So backward that country. So dangerous too. I mean, what kinda people don't trust the US?

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I would suggest the following comparison: How Otto Ambros was treated after WWII and How Russia is being treated today... in Germany.

Otto Ambros was indicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity (Slavery ) in the 6th Nürnberg Military Trial (https://digitalcommons.law.uga.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=nmt6). He was sentenced to 8 years in prison. The highest prison sentence among the convicted. Mainly because he ran the KZ Monowitz, which actually was Auschwitz III. He was released after having served 3 years by the US High Commissioner John J. McCloy. Afterwards he worked for the US Army, the US Department of Energy, The US companies W. R. Grace and Company and Dow Chemicals, he was an advisor to the first chancellor of the new Germany, Konrad Adenauer, as well as to Friedrich Flick, held multiple positions in the board of directors at companies like Grünenthal GmbH, Julius Pintsch AG, Knoll, Feldmühle, Telefunken. He also worked at BASF, which was part of I G Farben.

As well as being one of the inventors of Sarin gas (the 'a' in 'Sarin' stands for Ambros) he also was part in the development of Thalidomide (Contergan, Softenon) which was already tested on KZ prisoners during WWII and he helped further its development later at Grünenthal. He likely also helped to quash any court cases later on against Grünenthal and his former colleague Heinrich Mückter.

On the 8th of May this year 2023, during the celebrations of the end of WWII, it was forbidden to show the flag of the nation that liberated Auschwitz.

So on the one hand, the person responsible for Auschwitz III was welcomed with open arms after WWII. On the other hand the nation that liberated Auschwitz was hated after WWII, and its heirs today are equally resented by the peace loving, free Western countries.

Notice anything?

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Germans are proving to be everything witnesses back in 1920-40's were saying they were. The worst. Also dumb and servile, currently happy to allow themselves be manipulated by the Anglo-Saxons.

For the interested read "End of a Berlin Diary" by William L. Shirer.

There are also several essays by Erich Maria Remarque of the "All Quiet on the Western Front" fame. Unfortunately they don't appear to be available in English. The German published set is here: https://www.kiwi-verlag.de/buch/e-m-remarque-das-unbekannte-werk-9783462026955

There is also a Russian book having translated some of that, and that's where I got it from. It's stunning the way he describes what has happened, was happening, and was going to happen.

That Russian book appears to be available in quite a few libraries in the US and Canada according to this: https://www.worldcat.org/title/891305024?oclcNum=891305024

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Throw into the mix the Nazi godfather of NASA, the fact Jim Crow through WWI and well until the 1960s and a couple of nukes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the story gets even murkier.

People show their true colours over time.

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Funniest thing I've read for ages. I'd love to see you send it to all the major media outlets and satirical magazines for publication. Because we also know that our free press loves to be objective and give an airing to all sides of an argument.

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"MAD" magazine would love it!

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A few Left publications might take it. Jacobin, Current Affairs, The Baffler, Capitol Hill Citizen, probably a few others.

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What to me emerges from all these observations, is the growing realisation that we are governed by a kind of Taliban.

They circulate bizarre edicts and govern based not on knowledge but some sort of circular logic where knowledge, reasoning and facts go out the window - things are true, because they believe them. That’s it.

And these are also the same people who then spent 20 years bombing the Taliban apparently because by doing this they would bring Afghanistan into the light.

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Some of the actors are dupes, others are careerists. The exposure of Tucker Carlson's formerly private texts proved that he was a careerist who didn't believe what he was saying. The goal of the system is to get the people to do what you want them to do.

The Taliban are ostensibly traditionalists who follow a religious text. While interpretations of religious texts can be very flexible, it does constrain them to some degree.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

American Exceptionalism is too a religion. And the neocons are its fundamentalists, Opus Dei, salfists, Taliban - whatever you want to call it.

The danger comes when people don’t understand that RFK Jr, Obama, Biden, Clinton are all believers in the same holy book as those neocons. Question is how the interpret it.

They have exported this religion to Europe and Australia and Canada. The likes of Trudeau, Baerbock, Von der Leyen, Stoltenberg these are all cult members too, and you can see they even sacrifice their own people on the altar of American exceptionalism.

But tgat core belief of manifest destiny, we are the chosen and better one, it’s something they all have deep down. And that’s not a workable religion on a planet with 8 billion people, most of whom are NOT American.

But the cult of American exceptionslism rolls on, which sets up a huge clash.

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You just summarised THE BOOK OF DANIEL AND REVELATION - but you might be already aware of that!

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Knowledge, reasoning, and facts were thrown out the window in the beginning with a moralizing diatribe called the Declaration of Independence. Incriminating words and phrases there include "We hold these truths to be self-evident". No argumment is needed. It's all just obvious. 'Shut up, and be a team player', is the message to the insurrectionists' intended subjects. The authors feigned respect for the opinions of a candid world, but they were really just gaslighters, like the ruling class and managers of the USA now.

The pattern continued with the not-so-perpetual Articles of Confederation, and bad habits intensified outlandishy with the Constitution. This holy scripture begins with the biggest lie in politics since Israel declared itself a chosen kingdom of priests (Ex. 19:5-6). Another brazen lie is Article VII, which pretends to tell the reader all about the law on "Ratification" and "Establishment" before both ratification and establishment. The Con will provide good teaching material for philosphers (if there are any) a few centuries from now.

Since personnel is policy, we need to recognize that there are "self-evident" solutions to this bourgeois (and now Zionist) empire. These are the fragmentation of ruling class networks and the extinction of leading personnel and their supporters. Expect nothing less to work.

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One can only start to fathom what THIS is all about in the context of THE BIBLE - IMHO. Which by no means devalues what you are saying. To the contrary ALL (apart from the last paragraph) that you are revealing is pointing into EXACTLY this direction.

I don't remember whether in the book of Daniel or Revelation there is this picture of a nation being (artificially) created on land and not rising (organically) out of the sea. I would have to look it up, but it seems so relevant.

Independently from your comment the following just popped into my mind today. That all the "founders" referred themselves to a divine source/cause/purpose without truly carrying it out. As I learned over time they were all Freemasons - LUCIFER - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - creating HELL on earth while PRETENDING to preach the gospel of HEAVEN. There are so many angles to it - GOD ALMIGHTY proving himself - that one could spend one's whole existence to it and still would only be able to scratch the surface!

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

There is ENOUGH literature with proven facts and even the actors making those statements themselves more brazenly than ever - anyone remembers Brandon, Nuland, Blinken, Sullivan ... making public remarks of their bravery to coerce EU members into the UA massaker based on state sponsored terrorism - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN'S HEADQUARTERS is a revolving door of psychopathic sociopaths BELIEVING to hover above they pretend to protect from all the evils they represent - THE LITERAL WOLFS IN SHEEP CLOTHING!

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Actually, boys and girls, the boat in this scenario that's so beautifully illustrated should be replaced with a Megalodon. In this new scenario, we all know from previous class lessons that the prehistoric Megalodon would devour the Great White shark first on its way to gobble up the bleeding man as a nice morsel. The moral of the story is: America is very, very bad and will do everything in its power to maintain its global superiority. End of story.

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China, Russia and by extension BRICS are no Libia, Syria, Afghanistan, Irak.... or Megalodon has been mistaken for Nemo ...

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The Hoover Institution thought they could transform a baby shark into a dolphin over time...?

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Beat me to it!

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i must've missed that in my 4 year degree in Alchemy at the ivy leagues! knowledge gets obsolete SO fast nowadays!

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Let me help: Lamarck - inheritance of acquired characteristics.

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I love the illustrations. Thank you for providing graphic aid.

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kinda rooting for the shark now, never thought I’d say it😂

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Thank you for a true LOL this morning!

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Hilarious! Colby is fecking idiot! Taiwan is run by Chinese who fled Mao's China because they, the General "Cash My Check" nationalists lost the civil war. Imagine if Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee had fled to Cuba and with their armies had taken over Cuba. I don't think DC would be happy about that. LOL!

America should just stay out of the family squabble like the UK did in the American Civil War.

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A delightful piece Caitlin ! I read it with a smirk on my face as it confirms once again how infantile Washington's pretexts for war have been and always will be. Randy's great drawings say so much with a few lines.

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Sadly Robert, Washington's pretexts for war are 'infantile', but even more sad, without an honest source of news, without knowing the opinions of the people, their attitudes to the present government (Biden's Neocons), it seems to me that the current environment in the US is such that they seem to be getting away with it as 'apathy’ now appears to reign supreme.

Something radical is required.

The emergence of Robert Kennedy as a candidate may be the trigger, as in the opinion of this observer, he appears to have some of the qualities that used to make America great, (not 'great' as in a Trump meaning), but as it was in the days of a Republican named Eisenhower, or a Democrat named Kennedy. They were both Americans, living at the same time. There were a lot just like them as well. The majority of the country in fact.

Both parties with decent well-informed people in those days. Gone in 2023 thanks to carefully engineered corruption in the media.

What he needs to see is no AIPAC, no dual citizens, no corrupt consultants by the score, no University "advisors" (with hidden agendas), no military organisations with too much power, a banning of Israeli policy dictates by the score (both Houses) or military / industrial war profiteers, all currently thick on the ground. He may even disband the CIA, close 800+ military bases worldwide and force the once-trusted FBI to be honest and then to top it off, ensure that the Constitution is adhered to without any change.

No Boltons, Blinkens, Clintons, Wolfowitz types, Pompeos and others of similar ilk. No room for such people in 2024.

Then let the people see all see the 400+ nuclear warheads hiding in Israel, , show the starving people in Yemen and tell them how this happened, produce a list of the past use of the victims of the US favourite weapon, deadly sanctions (500,000 dead children in Iraq) and a photo display of the CIA at work in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay torture centres. Then stop his country threatening not to financially support the UN and bring about some well overdue decisions like 70 years of apartheid against Palestine, the single most outrageous lack of action by the corrupted UN since its inception.

The groundswell from his nomination may force the NYT, Washington Post, The Guardian and Fox and all the other Blackrock influenced media whores to start telling the truth again. He may also see the disclosures by the likes of Juian Assange, Edward Snowden and Daniel Ellsberg as far more value in being aired for all to see, knowing that the events leading up to their disclosures with NEVER occur again, under his Presidency. Yes, a risk for another Dallas assassination, but everything worthwhile has a risk component. He'll decide if it is worth it.

Yes, Robert. Shades of Hans Christian Andersen, I know, but sometimes good things do happen. Any other alternative is frightening.

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It saddens me greatly to see what is happening in America. Much the same is happening here in Canada as we are an echo chamber for what happens down south. The warfare culture is so deeply embedded in the West courtesy of NATO. To change things now is going to take a social revolution, and hopefully not a violent one. It took seventy- five years to create this mess and it might take as long to correct it. As long as we are fighting wars progress is paralyzed. Contrition is the first step forward.

The infantilization is not only of our leadership but of whole populations as we are constantly lied to and betrayed. America is exhausted after fighting too many wars for too long and its leaders refuse to accept this harsh reality. They also refuse to accept the rest of the world is going to move on in spite of America's hegemonic ambitions. You should read Carl Jung on how war and tyranny imposes psychosis on populations and whole societies.

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Instead of infantilization I'd say "duping."

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Not that I disagree, but "... how war and tyranny imposes psychosis on populations and whole societies." - who could disagree with that and still it is simply the bogeyman for a much "deeper problem" not even the most brilliant HUMAN MIND can "solve" because there is nothing to "solve" as far as THE HUMAN MIND can actively contribute. To the contrary THE HUMAN MIND IS IN THE PROCESS TO LEARN TO ACCEPT THE DIVINE ORDER OF EXISTENCE by finding the limits of its own (lack of) authority regarding THE DIVINE ORDER OF EXISTENCE.

THE WAR is within each HUMAN MIND towards its CREATOR - THE SOVEREIGN! Once every of HIS CREATIONS becomes SANE - accepting its role within THE DIVINE ORDER OF EXISTENCE based on FAITH INTO THE DIVINE - the whole will become (W)HOLY again.

There are NO THREATS in HIS CREATION it is all made up by THE HUMAN MIND ultimately turning into THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN running amok based on its own DELUSION OF DEATH.

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RFK jr is no saviour. The is an American exceptionalist too. Beware of these false-left saviours like Obama, Biden and Clinton. RFK is one too.

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Agreed ! President's now are irrelevant. They are captive to the vested interests and the deep state controlling them. There has to be a whole slate of reformers to move in with a reform agenda. In both the US and Canada the party system is shot to hell having been destroyed by neoliberalism and endless corruptions.

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I rather see us forming alternative systems...currency, health care.... can't "fight" the globalists.

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Good idea! In fact, that is what is suggested for regime change: building up an alternative network. We hippies tried to do this in the 1960s, but the government and the media marginalized us and made us laughingstocks, so that no one would understand what we were doing, or follow our clues. Unlike the student activists, who believed in fighting the system, we had another subversive plan: to replace the old system with another one.

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Yep, I'm one of those hippies😉

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Susan - have you listened to RFK, Jr. invoke Dr. King's "Beyond Vietnam" speech and poor people's campaign? Watch and listen:


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RFK Jr. is not a globalist. He publicly said he wants to terminate the US Empire, close 800 foreign military basis, smash the CIA , and dismantle the National Security Surveillance State.

On economic policy, he wants to reinvest in America (America First without all the MAGA xenophobia and racism) restore regulation of Wall Street, break up the banks and end “the corrupt merger of State and corporate power” .

I would think that many here would support all those policies. But is anyone willing to build the movement and coalitions required to make it happen?

Watch and Listen here:


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Read up on Gramsci:

“The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”

RFK Jr. can help make the transition to a new paradigm.

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I would like to think you are right. But like Bernie Sanders the boys and girls in the back rooms will make sure a reform minded president never gets near the Oval Office.

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I fully understand that, and that's why I wrote:

(my advise to RFK Jr. would be to lay the foundations and develop plans for bolting the Democrats for a 3rd party after they sabotage him like they did Bernie Sanders (twice! in 2016 and 2020)."


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RFK,right. For the latest example of him leaking his true colours, find this example:

“ Robert F. Kennedy Jr approvingly citing Israeli “fencing systems” as a model for the U.S.-Mexico borderlands.”

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No one is looking for a "savior". A leader with vision, principles, compassion, and honesty will do. RFK Jr. fits that bill.

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RFK is not what you think he is. He is an American exceptionalist too. Go deeper than the sound bites. He’s not a solution.

Some people never learn.

1) The Dems primaries are rigged and no one passes go without kissing the ring of the overlords. See Obama. And ask Bernie.

2) The Dems co-opt everyone that passes through their portals. The “DSA” are now fully paid up members of War machine Inc. Bernie too. Howard Dean was head of the party and full on-agenda. Yes that Howard Dean. The one they told you was an outsider, to whip excitement, before moving back to regularly scheduled programming.


What will it take for you to catch on? Halfway through term 1 when your new great hope reveals himself like Obama, to be completely just a front man who wil read any statement the three-letter deep state overlords put in front of him, like “Oh we tortured some folks, no big deal…”

Vision, principles, compassion and honesty my foot.

Nobody of such a description will pass through the portals of a democratic rigged primary system. Dont bother. Change will never come unti a third party has built up progress over decades.

There is no saviour there is no easy solution. The search for this is what leads you to charlatans and sheepdogs, over and over.

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You are clearly on to something - and I don't mean it in any self-gratifying way. Just encouragement in order to keep on going. THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN will never change - no matter what clothing, wording, virtue signalling .... THE SYNAGOGUE IS HELL BEND (literally) to tear it all and everyone down willing to ride along ....

NOAH'S ARCH should be everyone's example eager/ brave enough/ strong enough ... to see THE LIGHT!

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The many comments on Robert Kennedy haven't surprised me.

I mentioned that someone different (or according to some, the same) could be a "trigger" in the short term, as so many have said that the massive changes required in the USA right now could take 5 years.

Does our world have that amount of time? That probably means more of the same staring afresh in November 2024. Then if we are still around following another period of lies, misinformation, nuclear devices increasingly being scattered and ready for action all over the globe, avoiding false flags and on, we'll see another crack at forward progress again in 2028.

A trigger creates movement, good or bad and right now, if I am right, any change WOULD be a good one.

There would not be a single idea as to what is required to solve the problems raised as a result of the intelligent writings and comments appearing on these pages, which would not warrant a barrage of criticism.........and that's the way it should be.

These days though it is not picking the best (the big manipulators will never allow that), it is selecting the lesser of the nominated evils.

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“….. These days though it is not picking the best (the big manipulators will never allow that), it is selecting the lesser of the nominated evil……”

Heard that old line a million times before, most recently when Biden was ushered in.

Next thing you know, the “lesser of two evils” has put Nuland in charge of foreign policy, we’re stimulating war with Russia AND China, and on the brink of a nuclear wipeout. Biden of course will be in a bunker along with Hunter and the rest of the grifters.

On top of that there’s no 15 dollars an hour. Money for war but not for people. Strikes are being broken by Biden and the Dems.

But the check book is wide open for Raytheon, Boeing and the ghouls of war profits. No sorry, I meant “to support Ukraine”, which was Biden’s previous source of income. “Which Biden” you ask? Well I know and you know. It’s an intelligence test. As is this old tripe about the “lesser of two evils”.

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If you read anything I've written about Bernie and the Democrats, you would know that I fall for no charlatans or sheepdogs, instead I expose them.

Get your knee jerk reactions under control and read what is written, instead of what you presume.

I get so sick of this shit - you are as bad as the Trumpers.

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I wrote what I think, which you completely distort. I explicitly wrote (above) that I'm not looking for any savior. I've previously written about how little time and effort and resources would be invested on electoral strategies instead of massive cilivl disobedience to shut it down.

Do you know anything at all about RFK Jr.'s career and works? You think his campaign kickoff was all self serving cynical lies? If so, I pity you.

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I pity you if you dont understand that he is an american exceptionalist. And that no matter what he is, once he enters the Dems primaries, what comes out it a “made man”.

Hope and change in the Democratic Party Inc, is just so 2008.


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At this point, I'd be happy with someone who can put (even a few) grains of sand in the gears and slow things at the Empire down a bit.

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Remember GOD ALMIGHTY slowing down the chariots of the Egyptians and standing as the wall of clouds between HIS CHILDREN and the henchmen ....


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What was your savior saying about Hillary and John "Maverick" McCain just a few years ago?

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RFK Jr. is not my savior. In fact, I criticized him long ago (12 years), and on his primary issue, environmental policy, see:


All I am doing is relaying his positions on key issues and rebutting the smears against him and criticizing what I view as what amounts to nihilism here among many.

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May 17, 2023·edited May 17, 2023


You know who the nihilist are ? It’s all the milquetoast people you kept voting in like Biden and Schumer and Peloisi.

This is what you get from what we are told is the “lesser evil”:


So these false prophets keep rolling in, they pursue nihilist policies, they get a free pass on it…but anyone who points it out is called a “nihilist”.

The irony of it all.

Worse yet is the deception that in a nation of 300 million people democracy will further fed by voting in yet an another Gore or an another Clinton or another Cuomo or another Kennedy.

No folks. That’s called OLIGARCHY not democracy . And the Dems are guilty of it too.

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You read Caitlin's blog, so you know that American citizens are the most propagandized people in the world.

It's not "apathy," it's mass formation psychosis. The dumbing of America.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

Sorry to disappoint you.... it is all well meant and everyone far enough away from the epicenter of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN'S HEADQUARTERS can see it now and then but the "gravitational" forces of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN'S HEADQUARTERS are irresistible dust speck for dust speck. No matter how well one's intentions are at the outset - in the meat grinder of real world power struggle THE TRUTH goes by the way side sooner rather than later. THE TRUTH does not make ANY COMPROMISES IT JUST IS.

UNLESS RFK is the second coming he is more likely the unsung AC .... but who really knows!?

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I got confused genuinely when we thought the shark was a dolphin. He conveniently did not go over the dangers of dolphins. Dolphins are sea assholes, they routinely rape other dolphins, and have been recorded several times of sexually attacking people. We will not even discuss what a pod of dolphins do to when they meet a female dolphin with a baby that is not a member of the male pod. Dolphins are not the care bears of the ocean, they are a dangers wild animal. Just look at the teeth on a dolphin they are made to eat meat just like the shark! It’s always government and lobbying groups that always tone down all the dangers of the situation.

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