"...The two administrations are working “hand in glove” as the presidency changes over."
More evidence that the red and blue MAGA teams are one and the same. And they both do as the military industrial complex tells them to do. It's why you can't get too excited or hopeful as long as a duopolist is in the White House.
From a dogmatic perspective you may be right. But you know better than me what Bretton Woods (revisited 70’s) are. They built the dollar not as a national currency but as the reserve currency for the whole ´international’ system.
Now the BRICS are slowly unraveling this system.
Without this international perspective you cannot explain the size of the US debt, which is only sustainable through the combined military and financial dominance of the dollar.
>>"The Ponzi $dollar financial system of debt/asset bubbles is skyrocketing by money printing at a hyperbolic rate rushing to a collosal blowout."
This WON'T happen because:
(1) The US Govt. is a currency ISSUER, not a USER (users are local and state govts., private enterprises, and people). Check out MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) for more.
(2) The problem is NOT "debt" bubble, but YES - "asset" bubbles ARE a problem - and so is inflation. As long as the INFLATION is controlled, Govt. debts and budget deficits aren't a concern (MMT)
(3) It isn't a Ponzi scheme. One of the jobs of the Govt. (that has sovereign currency control) IS to increase the money supply.
The REAL problems are likely to be (1) greater inequality (2) asset bubbles (real estate, equities markets, cryptocurrencies, etc.) (3) inflation IF appropriate fiscal policies are not enacted
People say it "won't happen", until it does. Trust me, there is a limit to how much money printing can be done. You can only bail out the banks and print money for the military so much before it simply doesn't work anymore.
>>"Trust me, there is a limit to how much money printing can be done."
That's not how money printing works for countries that have sovereign control over their currencies (especially the US).
This is really important to understand: As long as the inflation can be controlled, a currency issueing monopolist can keep printing money. And when it comes to inflation, there are multiple methods to keep it controlled (read up on MMT to understand how).
>>"You can only bail out the banks and print money for the military so much before it simply doesn't work anymore"
Nope - the US can KEEP bailing out institutions and spending on military (or other things like healthcare, education, housing, child care, social welfare, etc.) AS LONG AS IT CAN CONTROL INFLATION.
Again, to understand how - you need to understand how the US financial system works in reality (and not in theory as they teach in economic courses or on the media and by politicians). Read up on MMT - I can't stress this enough.
No, Weimar Germany and the modern US are COMPLETELY different financial systems - there is NO valid comparison between them.
>>"Money printing without manufacturing, physical production of capital goods leads to hyperinflation"
Nope. There are multiple reasons for hyperinflation. The MAX official inflation in the US (since the 1960s) has been 20%. The way the US financial system works (the Fed in charge of monetary policy and the US Treasury in charge of fiscal policy), I can see NO scenario for hyperinflation.
On what basis (or how exactly) do you think the US would experience Weimar Germany inflation? Care to outline a plausible scenario? (I suggest looking up MMT to understand how the money system REALLY works instead of how people THINK it works).
* Rounds up and imprisons or deports millions of undocumented aliens
* Enacts stiff tariffs on various items and commodities from China
* Guts any rules or regulations related to M&E or trust/monopoly busting
* Goes to war with Iran in some overt capacity and disrupts the world petroleum markets
I can see massive inflation. I don't know the textbook definition of "hyperinflation" but those three or four things could cause 'effective' hyperinflation for the average US citizen (aka "consumer"). None of them require any action (or lack of action) by the Fed.
No, even if Trump does ALL of those (or not), it will not create hyperinflation.
(1) Rounds up immigrants... -> no inflation here because the US STILL needs low-wage workers. The profit margins of companies will suffer if the US does not have enough low-wage workers.
(2) Enacts stiff tariffs on various items... -> Slight inflation for consumers -> fall in consumer buying -> fall in business profits -> contraction in US GDP ->Trump will reverse on tariffs (as oligarchs and corporations will lose too much money if demand drops off due to high prices/affordability)
(3) Guts any rules...monopolies... ->There is only so much money in the hands of consumers. If some prices go up (because of monopolies), consumers will be able to buy LESS stuff (or alternative stuff). i.e. consumer money supply is limited (unless Fed/treasuries increase the money supply like they did with Covid). Hence, you might see pockets of inflation in some areas, but not overall generally.
(4) Goes to war... -> this would cause a supply side shock and supply-side inflation (as with Covid). In this scenario, to control inflation the Govt. would either FREEZE PRICES (or limit prices) like it did during WW2 or the Fed/treasury could increase taxes (like it did during WW1 & WW2), or a number of other strategies.
So, no - for a sovereign currency issuing monopoly like the US Govt., I can't EVER see hyperinflation coming to the US. The only scenario in which this is possible is if the Govt. is overthrown COMPLETELY (through war or otherwise) and the US becomes a rump state and the whole world loses confidence in it.
Remember, before hyperinflation/inflation comes to the US, it will come to many other countries of the world (most of which do not have the same level of sovereign control over their currencies - and hence do not have the same tools required to tame inflation).
I guess what Charles Leone was referring about is that the dollar is not a national money. It is the instrument needed to suckle the wealth out of the ´global south’ to create an epidemic of obesity (or hyperinflated accumulation) in the US and its vassals.
It will not, as you state rightly, implode or explode because of national economic policies but because of its irrelevance once the US looses the right to call the shots on the international scene.
The US dollar IS a national (AND international) currency. The "wealth suckle" you speak of is IMPERIALISM and COLONIALISM and will continue to occur regardless of the currency - i.e. it has no relation to the US Dollar per say.
Again, the causes of inflation and hyperinflation need to be understood. Most people don't understand these terms and what causes them.
The US dollar will lose part of its value for various reasons (including currency market fluctuations, international trade imbalances, interest rates set by the Fed, and many more). But as long as it is THE global currency, it will not be affected as much as the currencies of other nations.
The fears of the US Dollar crashing are espoused by people that don't understand how the US (and global) financial system works (and there are many in this group - including my previous self, politicians, economists, academicians, media personalities, podcasters, etc.).
I recommend understanding MMT as a way of understanding how the US Financial System (on a macroeconomic level) works.
You are full of shit. Governments job is not to increase money supply, nor is it to create more inflation. You sound like a halfwitted wanna be economist.
Of course it is a ponzi scheme you blithering idiot.
Mark my words folks, Trump cannot offer Putin “a deal” that is anything less than Putin has already set as the aims of the SMO.
There will not be a return to any variation of the Minsk agreement, that one’s history.
Any suggestion of a cease fire and a demilitarised zone with European troops enforcing the peace. Well once Vlad stops laughing, Trump will unceremoniously be shown the door.
When you negotiate, you’ve got to have something to negotiate with and really, Americas has nothing Russia needs or wants.
Or is Trump going to threaten Russia with nuclear war? Russia really has shown that nukes are obsolete!
Trump’s got nothing else, remove sanctions? Irrelevant. Take the oil price cap off?
Let Russia use SWIFT? Piss off! Russia has left that one well behind,
Or a war with NATO? Well I really don’t have to state the obvious on that do I?
Oh I know! He won’t let Ukraine join NATO for 10-20 years (plenty of Tom to rearm them)
Nah! Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out Donald!
What Russia wants is to get RID OF SANCTIONS (from what I understand). They have managed to survive (and even thrive in certain ways) for the last 3 years, but sanctions do affect them because of the domination of the US Dollar in the global financial system.
Sanctions is the WAY the US primarily wages war in the 21st Century. Ask Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc. Until BRICS (or something else) offers an alternative system, there doesn't seem to be any other option other than the US Dollar based global financial system.
The American financial hegemony is done for mate, the US dollar is as all predecessor fiat currencies is done for.
The only reason the US has not been thrown into financial calamity and chaos is because BRICs are taking their development responsibly without malice toward the people of the west.
Sanctions by the west mean nothing to Russia anymore, annoying at worst. Russia has broken free of the world’s financial hegemony and the fiat currency system.
America is dangling from the precipice of financial ruin as they are a house of cards, their entire fiscal system is a scam.
Russia and China have and are creating markets all across the globe.
The demise of all previous hegemonic powers has always been accompanied by turbulence and war as the hegemonic power staggers like a drunken sailor into a fist fight claiming his is the only ship worth sailing on.
When any authoritarian regime starts to believe its own propaganda they’re doomed by reality.
America has had a good run but has succumbed to greed and corruption.
Crypto, CBDC based on nothing other than “imagined glories” are just another Dutch tulip economy, because greed and corruption do not willingly give up their self appointed God like position.
>>"The American financial hegemony is done for mate, the US dollar is as all predecessor fiat currencies is done for."
I prefer to work with facts and reality rather than conjecture and confirmation biases.
What data do you refer to in making such an assertion (that the US dollar is done)? In fact, every time there is a crisis, the US dollar goes up (and so does Gold). Why? Because the US Dollar is considered a SAFE asset. Why is it safe? Because the world knows that the US cannot default. Why not default? Because the US is a monopolistic US Dollar currency issuer and can keep increasing the money supply and printing more dollars (which is just changing numbers on a computer screen in a digital ledger). And - the Fed sets the interest rates (specifically the short-term overnight interest-rate on which all other interest rates are calculated). Also, the Fed and fix the interest rates (including longer term ones) on all asset purchases (i.e. bonds) - including setting them to zero or negative (like the Bank of Japan has done in the past) - and thus control the money supply.
Most people DON'T UNDERSTAND how the US (and global) financial system works. Why? Because it's (a) complicated, (b) false narratives are propagated through media, academia, politicians for reasons of maintaining US global financial hegemony.
>>"America is truly done for."
I so badly wish that were true. But just because I badly want it to be true doesn't mean it is.
Mate we could discuss the duplicity of fiat currencies all day long but it doesn’t change historical precedent and America is following a well worn path.
A debt based system of just continuing to print money is doomed. As more money is printed the value of the dollar decreases. By all means go to the federal reserve bank’s website and you’ll see for yourself the purchasing power of the US dollar is down to three cents in the dollar
The global dedolarisatiovn is moving ahead at an astounding pace. BRICs will replace the US dollar hegemony as the global reserve
Am i some financial whizz kid that believes he understands the intricacies of the American monetary system? No, I’m not, but I am a student of history.
I'm sorry Jim, but you don't really understand the financial system and how it works (history or no history).
>>"purchasing power of the US dollar is down"
Yes, that's what INFLATION means/does - and it happens to ALL currencies
>>"The global dedolarisatiovn is moving ahead at an astounding pace."
Unfortunately, it is NOT.
How does the US Govt. accumulate debt? By selling bonds/treasures/etc.
Who buys this? Everyone that is not the US Govt.
In what currency do they buy it? US Dollars.
Where do they get these US Dollars to buy this US Govt. debt? Either by trade surpluses, outright buying of US Dollars, converting of other assets into USD, or other means.
>>BRICs will replace the US dollar hegemony as the global reserve"
(1) BRICS does NOT have an alternate currency.
(2) BRICS goal is NOT to replace the US Dollar (please read up on the goals and purpose of the BRICS from official BRICS documents). One of the goals of BRICS is to create an alternate system of trade that is in addition to the US Dollar System.
>>"but I am a student of history."
Nothing in history backs-up your claims. Can you point to specifics in history for supporting the assertions you claim?
at this time of hi-tech vision WE CANT UNSEE OUR ACTS & OURSELVES & WE SUCK we have reached a point where exposure of our inhuman grotesque depravity is obvious to all. i cant say its not better we are ended? Argue at will amongst yourselves🤷♀️Our parasitic nature has let us watch our abominations live on a vast scale & still most are still eating drinking kissing their kids gnite ,Watching "housewives of hell" going to work & just ignoring the rest.Its still too effing much BAU? We are a shameful lot of cowards we may get just what we have been dispensing to the world in 1 fell swoop. too bad we have to take everyone else out with us . If we do end ourselves & life somehow restarts i hope man is no where near the top of the food chain ever again. as I said when we suck we really suck .
The Russians, led by the admirable Putin and Lavrov, may appear "dithering and indecisive," but I posit that such is due to their so-far inability to fully comprehend the extent of the insanity of the US....
Armchair commanders and Monday morning quarterbacks like Feral assume that Russia is/was this almighty power that just could do whatever it wanted. Just decided not to because, you know, indecisive and "dithering". Should have done this and that instead.
Whereas I only definitely know, for example, that if my grandma had balls she'd be my grandpa. I'm 100% sure of that.
Quit equivocating. If Russia is not "almighty" then where does it get "overwhelming force"?
I've engaged with you couple times before re the topic and have no intention to keep trying. Your love of "dithering" and now "indecisive" is too strong to get mixed in between. Monday morning quarterbacking is something you've perfected as far as Russia actions and I don't care about your navel gazing there.
Russia doesn't need "overwhelming force" not to do stupid things like "not undertake SEAD or even bother load fighter planes out with SEAD loads because there will be no air defense worth the trouble!" or "invade using only 60,000 troops!" or "pull troops out of the lne to participate in athletic competitions when few more troops would have saved much of Kharkovskaya Oblast in 2022."
It did, the whole eastern half of Ukraine (the part that voted to seceed, got blocked by west Ukraine, revolted, got put down, and prompted Russia to get involved in the first place) was theirs very early on.
Ukraine, and by extension NATO & US refused any attempt to peace. So the war has continued because war profiters in the two above are using the war as a testing ground for new tactics and a way to starve the EU (which was getting a bit too successful for Usania's taste) of energy *from* Russia and easy trade with China.
Don't fall for the bullshit narratives that crop up to explain the last 6 months.
This stuff is part of an ongoing narrative of violent economic and military interventions across Eastern Europe since before the USSR got gutted from within by corruption and the CIA.
Hundreds of military bases around the world would also be helpful to not even get to this point. Russia would have been much better if Feral was in charge. Keep the routine going 🤣
Why are Trump fans so easily triggered? You people cannot brook an honest assessment of him, but you eagerly jump on board as soon as the same things are said about the Blue Wing of the War Party and its figureheads. Trump is stupid and weak - if you knew anything about human psychology you'd understand that his *desire* and *demands* to appear strong are what's known as overcompensation and projection.
uber-megalomaniacal -- the ultimate teenage bully never advancing to adulthood. (I abhor Kamala/Tim-Genocide Joe precisely as much as I detest Trump...of course refused to vote for either.)
I've had it with the USA Empire. Fkn done. Possessed AND DEMONIC. Nothing will ever change until Washington, Wall St, Silicone Valley & Hollywood are v.a.p.o u.r.i.s.e.d.
Read my piece and see the CNN video reporting Trump wants to keep arming Ukraine:
CNN: Trump Wants to Keep Arming Ukraine for 20 years in Exchange for no NATO for Ukraine for 20 years
I told you Trump would not disappoint US defense contractors and their bi-partisan Congressional lobbyists who make a living selling US arms to the world:
The problem for the US is that Trump no longer has the power to bully and exercise brinkmanship. Russia is part of an alliance with China and other countries and the more aggressive Trump becomes the more they will consolidate their defenses.
Since the Ukraine war started and NATO has alienated world opinion which is becoming more and more proactive in opposition to the West's endless warfare.
America's indebtedness precludes it fighting a major war and the support of other NATO countries is waning as their economies are in ruins from the Ukraine war.
The US and Russia's nuclear arsenals are about equal though Russia is superior in missile technology any exchange between the two would be world ending.
The idea that Russia is bluffing is insane as Russia has made great sacrifices in this war as it did in WW ll--It was fighting Western fascism then and is now. Both Russia and China have shown great forbearance in dealing with always escalating NATO belligerence and they are not about to back down now.
Both US political parties are unitary, both dominated by the MICC , when it comes to war the hand-in-glove treachery is of great concern. Unfortunately we won't know for several months the actual disposition of this administration.
I suspect much of what Trump says and does is tactical, but we may not know in whose favor until it is too late.
We must therefore assume the threat of war is very grave and must act accordingly.
Trump should know General Bullmoose is dead and his presidency is dead if he tries to resurrect him.
When it comes to dealing with Putin, Trump should be very conciliatory!
China wouldn't necessarily mind US getting sucked into one or more hot wars. Would save them the trouble. US can't intimidate Russia (they've been trying for a century now), but they've now got themselves stuck where they can't back down - anywhere - without admitting defeat. They'll probably have to find some way to fight Yemen some more (and probably lose again), just so that they can show their face in a Taiwan Strait again and do FONOP's without getting laughed at. Trump and Biden admins both totally insensitive to this pattern, they think they're being smart.
>>"America's indebtedness precludes it fighting a major war"
America's debt has NO relation to America's ability to fight a war. There are other REAL WORLD constraints - like manufacturing, resources, labor, etc. but money (or debt) is not one of them. When is the last time the US said "we have NO money for the military" ?
>>"Governments can't print money they don't have without consequences."
The only consequence to worry about is "Inflation" - and there are multiple methods to control it (including adjusting interest rates, taxation, etc.). Countries that have sovereign control over their currencies CAN ALWAYS print money they don't have.
When has printing money ever been a problem for the US when it goes to War?
>>"The world is de-dollarizing."
The world is ATTEMPTING to de-dollarize. I hope they succeed. Only time will tell. Either way, it's not happening fast enough.
>>"War is always inflationary"
Any shocks to the global supply chain (not just War) is inflationary. Eg. Covid. And it is supply-side inflation (and has nothing to do with the printing of money).
The US's military is 110% reliant on international trade to function. It's full of fancy tech gizmos and overengineered bullshit that breaks down constantly.
The US hasn't fought a proper war since Vietnam and Korea, which it lost for similar reasons as above. If it tries to go to war with Russia or China the US economy will collapse in on itself and shatter the 'Empire'.
I take solace in the fact that Washington DC will be the first target to be obliterated. May it consume all of them. I'm not worrying about it any further. There's really not anything we can do on our end but wait & watch. I only hope I live long enough to know that they all died. Done worrying about these crazy fucks.
The US and US presidential administrations are but game pieces on a board. If they were too unacceptable to the players, they'd never have made it into the box the board game comes in. The oligarchical elites and the institutions and agencies they hide behind will move the pieces around according to their short term whims or long term aims. We've reached a point where the average IQ (or feeling of having a stake with the rest of humanity) of the players is at an all time low, and this is showing in their preference for short term whims and the delusions apparently driving them.
"Conventional wisdom about the outgoing Biden administration’s reckless escalations in Ukraine ..." - I don't know whose "conventional wisdom" it is but in Russia they've had enough of this clown show. No more games. Let's see Trump and his stooges try that.
Bernie writes Opinion piece in Washington Post: Continuing to provide Israel with the offensive weapons it uses on civilians is morally wrong.
RON HAROLD: “All Hail Bernie Sanders for putting the smackdown on Democrats’ candy ass.
MY POINT IS: I’m building a new political party to run candidates for the U.S. House and Senate in 2026 and a TDP candidate for President in 2028.
THE POINT IS: We need a President who will appoint a U.S. Attorney General who will enforce existing federal law by prosecuting Democrats and Republicans who violate a list of existing federal laws prohibiting U.S. officials from providing U.S. weapons to any government who utilizes our American weapons in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity or in ANY offensive capacity whatsoever.
If We The People elect a new political party President in 2028, that President could accomplish things that no DNC-based or RNC-based President would ever do; such as,
*enforce federal laws which prohibit the U.S. transfer of U.S. weapons to any government who uses our weapons in ANY offensive capacity or in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity.
*enforce federal law which prohibits foreign lobby groups from making political campaign contributions in U.S. elections. The Foreign Agent Registration Act requires any foreign lobby group in the United States must register as a foreign lobby group that they are.
Sanders knows he's been relegated. He's merely a sideshow at this point. So I don't think he's running interference. He actually tried to introduce legislation to compel Genocide Joe to adhere to the law(s), which he likely knew was doomed to fail, but at least it drew some eyeballs. He also correctly called out why the Democrats lost the elections again.
In my lifetime we have never had peace. The draft system to carry on the illegal war in Viet Nam is being dusted off again to bring to bear as a tool for more endless war. Class war in our country also abets the ongoing divisions in western societies claiming to be democracies while being run like military oligarchys on steroids. Witness support of the ongoing genocide in Gaza by western powers yearning to rule in perpetuity. Our young under class of college age face an implacable military-mafia- industrial complex that owns an empire. They will never stop.
There is no difference who is at the head of the Empire. The Empire lives only on wars all over the world.
No Difference Between Trump and Biden on Arming Israel's war crimes and Occupation
There's absolutely no doubt that Trump will not stop the flow of U.S. arms to Israel when Trump takes office:
"...The two administrations are working “hand in glove” as the presidency changes over."
More evidence that the red and blue MAGA teams are one and the same. And they both do as the military industrial complex tells them to do. It's why you can't get too excited or hopeful as long as a duopolist is in the White House.
The American Empire is desperately trying to avoid humiliation on all fronts because it is losing both internally and externally on all fronts.
The Ponzi $dollar financial system of debt/asset bubbles is skyrocketing by money printing at a hyperbolic rate rushing to a collosal blowout.
From a dogmatic perspective you may be right. But you know better than me what Bretton Woods (revisited 70’s) are. They built the dollar not as a national currency but as the reserve currency for the whole ´international’ system.
Now the BRICS are slowly unraveling this system.
Without this international perspective you cannot explain the size of the US debt, which is only sustainable through the combined military and financial dominance of the dollar.
It's coming to an end The Vampire Ball is over.
>>"The Ponzi $dollar financial system of debt/asset bubbles is skyrocketing by money printing at a hyperbolic rate rushing to a collosal blowout."
This WON'T happen because:
(1) The US Govt. is a currency ISSUER, not a USER (users are local and state govts., private enterprises, and people). Check out MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) for more.
(2) The problem is NOT "debt" bubble, but YES - "asset" bubbles ARE a problem - and so is inflation. As long as the INFLATION is controlled, Govt. debts and budget deficits aren't a concern (MMT)
(3) It isn't a Ponzi scheme. One of the jobs of the Govt. (that has sovereign currency control) IS to increase the money supply.
The REAL problems are likely to be (1) greater inequality (2) asset bubbles (real estate, equities markets, cryptocurrencies, etc.) (3) inflation IF appropriate fiscal policies are not enacted
People say it "won't happen", until it does. Trust me, there is a limit to how much money printing can be done. You can only bail out the banks and print money for the military so much before it simply doesn't work anymore.
>>"Trust me, there is a limit to how much money printing can be done."
That's not how money printing works for countries that have sovereign control over their currencies (especially the US).
This is really important to understand: As long as the inflation can be controlled, a currency issueing monopolist can keep printing money. And when it comes to inflation, there are multiple methods to keep it controlled (read up on MMT to understand how).
>>"You can only bail out the banks and print money for the military so much before it simply doesn't work anymore"
Nope - the US can KEEP bailing out institutions and spending on military (or other things like healthcare, education, housing, child care, social welfare, etc.) AS LONG AS IT CAN CONTROL INFLATION.
Again, to understand how - you need to understand how the US financial system works in reality (and not in theory as they teach in economic courses or on the media and by politicians). Read up on MMT - I can't stress this enough.
Check out some of these links for more info:
(1) How a $13 Trillion Cover Story was Written (https://michael-hudson.com/2011/06/how-a-13-trillion-cover-story-was-written/)
(2) The Use and Abuse of MMT (https://michael-hudson.com/2020/04/the-use-and-abuse-of-mmt/)
You are still full of shit
Money printing without manufacturing, physical production of capital goods leads to hyperinflation ala Weimar Germany.
No, Weimar Germany and the modern US are COMPLETELY different financial systems - there is NO valid comparison between them.
>>"Money printing without manufacturing, physical production of capital goods leads to hyperinflation"
Nope. There are multiple reasons for hyperinflation. The MAX official inflation in the US (since the 1960s) has been 20%. The way the US financial system works (the Fed in charge of monetary policy and the US Treasury in charge of fiscal policy), I can see NO scenario for hyperinflation.
On what basis (or how exactly) do you think the US would experience Weimar Germany inflation? Care to outline a plausible scenario? (I suggest looking up MMT to understand how the money system REALLY works instead of how people THINK it works).
If Trump actually does the following:
* Rounds up and imprisons or deports millions of undocumented aliens
* Enacts stiff tariffs on various items and commodities from China
* Guts any rules or regulations related to M&E or trust/monopoly busting
* Goes to war with Iran in some overt capacity and disrupts the world petroleum markets
I can see massive inflation. I don't know the textbook definition of "hyperinflation" but those three or four things could cause 'effective' hyperinflation for the average US citizen (aka "consumer"). None of them require any action (or lack of action) by the Fed.
No, even if Trump does ALL of those (or not), it will not create hyperinflation.
(1) Rounds up immigrants... -> no inflation here because the US STILL needs low-wage workers. The profit margins of companies will suffer if the US does not have enough low-wage workers.
(2) Enacts stiff tariffs on various items... -> Slight inflation for consumers -> fall in consumer buying -> fall in business profits -> contraction in US GDP ->Trump will reverse on tariffs (as oligarchs and corporations will lose too much money if demand drops off due to high prices/affordability)
(3) Guts any rules...monopolies... ->There is only so much money in the hands of consumers. If some prices go up (because of monopolies), consumers will be able to buy LESS stuff (or alternative stuff). i.e. consumer money supply is limited (unless Fed/treasuries increase the money supply like they did with Covid). Hence, you might see pockets of inflation in some areas, but not overall generally.
(4) Goes to war... -> this would cause a supply side shock and supply-side inflation (as with Covid). In this scenario, to control inflation the Govt. would either FREEZE PRICES (or limit prices) like it did during WW2 or the Fed/treasury could increase taxes (like it did during WW1 & WW2), or a number of other strategies.
So, no - for a sovereign currency issuing monopoly like the US Govt., I can't EVER see hyperinflation coming to the US. The only scenario in which this is possible is if the Govt. is overthrown COMPLETELY (through war or otherwise) and the US becomes a rump state and the whole world loses confidence in it.
Remember, before hyperinflation/inflation comes to the US, it will come to many other countries of the world (most of which do not have the same level of sovereign control over their currencies - and hence do not have the same tools required to tame inflation).
You are now babbling irrelevant bullshit to feed people more bullshit
Somehow knowing the dollar will be OK isn’t that comforting while looking at a mushroom cloud 😱
I guess what Charles Leone was referring about is that the dollar is not a national money. It is the instrument needed to suckle the wealth out of the ´global south’ to create an epidemic of obesity (or hyperinflated accumulation) in the US and its vassals.
It will not, as you state rightly, implode or explode because of national economic policies but because of its irrelevance once the US looses the right to call the shots on the international scene.
The US dollar IS a national (AND international) currency. The "wealth suckle" you speak of is IMPERIALISM and COLONIALISM and will continue to occur regardless of the currency - i.e. it has no relation to the US Dollar per say.
Again, the causes of inflation and hyperinflation need to be understood. Most people don't understand these terms and what causes them.
The US dollar will lose part of its value for various reasons (including currency market fluctuations, international trade imbalances, interest rates set by the Fed, and many more). But as long as it is THE global currency, it will not be affected as much as the currencies of other nations.
The fears of the US Dollar crashing are espoused by people that don't understand how the US (and global) financial system works (and there are many in this group - including my previous self, politicians, economists, academicians, media personalities, podcasters, etc.).
I recommend understanding MMT as a way of understanding how the US Financial System (on a macroeconomic level) works.
The dollar is losing its grip on being “the global currency.”
Any valid data to corroborate your "opinion"? (Let me add that I wish what you say was true, unfortunately the data doesn't reflect this yet).
" Again, the causes of inflation and hyperinflation need to be understood. Most people don't understand these terms and what causes them."
No stupid, we understand how it works. You just babble bullshit.
You are full of shit. Governments job is not to increase money supply, nor is it to create more inflation. You sound like a halfwitted wanna be economist.
Of course it is a ponzi scheme you blithering idiot.
Losing economically too.
It looks like the psychotic US strategic goal of fighting to the last Ukrainian might actually happen.
The problem is not the last Ukrainian. It is the first, the second, the third…. European and natoan.
GOP = Gigantically Overwhelming Psychopaths.
Trump will not bring “peace” to Ukraine, nor Israel, Gaza or Iran and China! Period!
Mark my words folks, Trump cannot offer Putin “a deal” that is anything less than Putin has already set as the aims of the SMO.
There will not be a return to any variation of the Minsk agreement, that one’s history.
Any suggestion of a cease fire and a demilitarised zone with European troops enforcing the peace. Well once Vlad stops laughing, Trump will unceremoniously be shown the door.
When you negotiate, you’ve got to have something to negotiate with and really, Americas has nothing Russia needs or wants.
Or is Trump going to threaten Russia with nuclear war? Russia really has shown that nukes are obsolete!
Trump’s got nothing else, remove sanctions? Irrelevant. Take the oil price cap off?
Let Russia use SWIFT? Piss off! Russia has left that one well behind,
Or a war with NATO? Well I really don’t have to state the obvious on that do I?
Oh I know! He won’t let Ukraine join NATO for 10-20 years (plenty of Tom to rearm them)
Nah! Don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out Donald!
Trump is weak, stupid and easily manipulated.
Call him "Putin puppet!" and he will fold.
Flatter him and he will do whatever you want.
>>"Americas has nothing Russia needs or wants."
What Russia wants is to get RID OF SANCTIONS (from what I understand). They have managed to survive (and even thrive in certain ways) for the last 3 years, but sanctions do affect them because of the domination of the US Dollar in the global financial system.
Sanctions is the WAY the US primarily wages war in the 21st Century. Ask Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea, etc. Until BRICS (or something else) offers an alternative system, there doesn't seem to be any other option other than the US Dollar based global financial system.
The American financial hegemony is done for mate, the US dollar is as all predecessor fiat currencies is done for.
The only reason the US has not been thrown into financial calamity and chaos is because BRICs are taking their development responsibly without malice toward the people of the west.
Sanctions by the west mean nothing to Russia anymore, annoying at worst. Russia has broken free of the world’s financial hegemony and the fiat currency system.
America is dangling from the precipice of financial ruin as they are a house of cards, their entire fiscal system is a scam.
Russia and China have and are creating markets all across the globe.
The demise of all previous hegemonic powers has always been accompanied by turbulence and war as the hegemonic power staggers like a drunken sailor into a fist fight claiming his is the only ship worth sailing on.
When any authoritarian regime starts to believe its own propaganda they’re doomed by reality.
America has had a good run but has succumbed to greed and corruption.
Crypto, CBDC based on nothing other than “imagined glories” are just another Dutch tulip economy, because greed and corruption do not willingly give up their self appointed God like position.
America is truly done for.
>>"The American financial hegemony is done for mate, the US dollar is as all predecessor fiat currencies is done for."
I prefer to work with facts and reality rather than conjecture and confirmation biases.
What data do you refer to in making such an assertion (that the US dollar is done)? In fact, every time there is a crisis, the US dollar goes up (and so does Gold). Why? Because the US Dollar is considered a SAFE asset. Why is it safe? Because the world knows that the US cannot default. Why not default? Because the US is a monopolistic US Dollar currency issuer and can keep increasing the money supply and printing more dollars (which is just changing numbers on a computer screen in a digital ledger). And - the Fed sets the interest rates (specifically the short-term overnight interest-rate on which all other interest rates are calculated). Also, the Fed and fix the interest rates (including longer term ones) on all asset purchases (i.e. bonds) - including setting them to zero or negative (like the Bank of Japan has done in the past) - and thus control the money supply.
Most people DON'T UNDERSTAND how the US (and global) financial system works. Why? Because it's (a) complicated, (b) false narratives are propagated through media, academia, politicians for reasons of maintaining US global financial hegemony.
>>"America is truly done for."
I so badly wish that were true. But just because I badly want it to be true doesn't mean it is.
Mate we could discuss the duplicity of fiat currencies all day long but it doesn’t change historical precedent and America is following a well worn path.
A debt based system of just continuing to print money is doomed. As more money is printed the value of the dollar decreases. By all means go to the federal reserve bank’s website and you’ll see for yourself the purchasing power of the US dollar is down to three cents in the dollar
The global dedolarisatiovn is moving ahead at an astounding pace. BRICs will replace the US dollar hegemony as the global reserve
Am i some financial whizz kid that believes he understands the intricacies of the American monetary system? No, I’m not, but I am a student of history.
I'm sorry Jim, but you don't really understand the financial system and how it works (history or no history).
>>"purchasing power of the US dollar is down"
Yes, that's what INFLATION means/does - and it happens to ALL currencies
>>"The global dedolarisatiovn is moving ahead at an astounding pace."
Unfortunately, it is NOT.
How does the US Govt. accumulate debt? By selling bonds/treasures/etc.
Who buys this? Everyone that is not the US Govt.
In what currency do they buy it? US Dollars.
Where do they get these US Dollars to buy this US Govt. debt? Either by trade surpluses, outright buying of US Dollars, converting of other assets into USD, or other means.
>>BRICs will replace the US dollar hegemony as the global reserve"
(1) BRICS does NOT have an alternate currency.
(2) BRICS goal is NOT to replace the US Dollar (please read up on the goals and purpose of the BRICS from official BRICS documents). One of the goals of BRICS is to create an alternate system of trade that is in addition to the US Dollar System.
>>"but I am a student of history."
Nothing in history backs-up your claims. Can you point to specifics in history for supporting the assertions you claim?
And he will not bring jobs back to America. Trump is a Free Trade liberal. It's Save Israel First. Genocide is the Forever War for the Mafia Don.
Sadly , our greedy, sociopathic leaders will start a nuclear war with everyone and everything annihilated
at this time of hi-tech vision WE CANT UNSEE OUR ACTS & OURSELVES & WE SUCK we have reached a point where exposure of our inhuman grotesque depravity is obvious to all. i cant say its not better we are ended? Argue at will amongst yourselves🤷♀️Our parasitic nature has let us watch our abominations live on a vast scale & still most are still eating drinking kissing their kids gnite ,Watching "housewives of hell" going to work & just ignoring the rest.Its still too effing much BAU? We are a shameful lot of cowards we may get just what we have been dispensing to the world in 1 fell swoop. too bad we have to take everyone else out with us . If we do end ourselves & life somehow restarts i hope man is no where near the top of the food chain ever again. as I said when we suck we really suck .
we're running out of options and need to prepare to take the wheel.
Those who expect anything from Trump will be disappointed. His silence is deafening.
Trump was and is weak, stupid and easily manipulated. The Russian leadership has proven dithering and indecisive.
The Russians, led by the admirable Putin and Lavrov, may appear "dithering and indecisive," but I posit that such is due to their so-far inability to fully comprehend the extent of the insanity of the US....
Armchair commanders and Monday morning quarterbacks like Feral assume that Russia is/was this almighty power that just could do whatever it wanted. Just decided not to because, you know, indecisive and "dithering". Should have done this and that instead.
Whereas I only definitely know, for example, that if my grandma had balls she'd be my grandpa. I'm 100% sure of that.
Nobody said anything about "almighty Russia" so quit arguing with strawmen.
What Russia did was fail to use overwhelming force at the outset, then continue to fail to take the war seriously.
Missiles now are hitting Russia.
Quit equivocating. If Russia is not "almighty" then where does it get "overwhelming force"?
I've engaged with you couple times before re the topic and have no intention to keep trying. Your love of "dithering" and now "indecisive" is too strong to get mixed in between. Monday morning quarterbacking is something you've perfected as far as Russia actions and I don't care about your navel gazing there.
Russia doesn't need "overwhelming force" not to do stupid things like "not undertake SEAD or even bother load fighter planes out with SEAD loads because there will be no air defense worth the trouble!" or "invade using only 60,000 troops!" or "pull troops out of the lne to participate in athletic competitions when few more troops would have saved much of Kharkovskaya Oblast in 2022."
Like I said, if only Russia had Feral as a commander from the get-go. I'm beginning to enjoy this.
That's how the US commit warfare..........other countries do NOT use the US method!
So what? It works.
Depends what you mean 'works.'
Does everyone have to copy USA?
even that my friend you don't know.lol (ve know nussink). Perhaps "she " might have different pronouns 2024😱☮️
Had Russia used adequate force from the beginning, the war would be over and the point moot.
It did, the whole eastern half of Ukraine (the part that voted to seceed, got blocked by west Ukraine, revolted, got put down, and prompted Russia to get involved in the first place) was theirs very early on.
Ukraine, and by extension NATO & US refused any attempt to peace. So the war has continued because war profiters in the two above are using the war as a testing ground for new tactics and a way to starve the EU (which was getting a bit too successful for Usania's taste) of energy *from* Russia and easy trade with China.
Don't fall for the bullshit narratives that crop up to explain the last 6 months.
This stuff is part of an ongoing narrative of violent economic and military interventions across Eastern Europe since before the USSR got gutted from within by corruption and the CIA.
Define "adequate". Prove you know it had the capacity.
Something more than 60,000 troops. Something that doesn't indicate that they thought Ukraine would roll over.
Hundreds of military bases around the world would also be helpful to not even get to this point. Russia would have been much better if Feral was in charge. Keep the routine going 🤣
Except Russia doesn't need hundreds of military bases around the world to subdue Ukraine in Russia's border.
Keep the excuses coming!
Good Riddance , Evil should not have a place in US ,,
I think your also talking about genocide Joe Biden too ,,
I am, but he will soon be gone.
Weak....stupid.....are you kidding me.
Of course Trump is weak and stupid. Look how twice he cucked out of leaving Syria, like thr pathetic weakling he is.
Oh, my I hear a person who hates Trump. Why don't you do something better?
I don't hate the man. He just is what he is. I note that you don't produce any evidence to dispute my point other than you wish it weren't true.
It will be pervertedly comic to watch cultists like you dish out excuse after excuse, the way Obama cultists did for eight years.
You apparently just speak words yourself. You are out there to find anything wrong with what people say. How do we know that you are who you are?
Say it isn't true! Cultist? What group are you in?
Why are Trump fans so easily triggered? You people cannot brook an honest assessment of him, but you eagerly jump on board as soon as the same things are said about the Blue Wing of the War Party and its figureheads. Trump is stupid and weak - if you knew anything about human psychology you'd understand that his *desire* and *demands* to appear strong are what's known as overcompensation and projection.
Ok, so you can't actually dispute anything I wrote.
I would say confused, bullying, vengeful and narcissistic
uber-megalomaniacal -- the ultimate teenage bully never advancing to adulthood. (I abhor Kamala/Tim-Genocide Joe precisely as much as I detest Trump...of course refused to vote for either.)
He's bot especially vengeful. Hell, Zelenskii openly campaigned for Harris in Pennsylvania, but that appears to be forgotten.
I've had it with the USA Empire. Fkn done. Possessed AND DEMONIC. Nothing will ever change until Washington, Wall St, Silicone Valley & Hollywood are v.a.p.o u.r.i.s.e.d.
Trump seems to be fake as usual with YS presidents
Read my piece and see the CNN video reporting Trump wants to keep arming Ukraine:
CNN: Trump Wants to Keep Arming Ukraine for 20 years in Exchange for no NATO for Ukraine for 20 years
I told you Trump would not disappoint US defense contractors and their bi-partisan Congressional lobbyists who make a living selling US arms to the world:
Rus will never accept that deal or anything remotely like it.
I read from several analysts and ex-army people.
US does NOT have enough weapons and what they do have are old.
The other reason for the above is that they cannot get people to build new weapons because they are uneducated.
The problem for the US is that Trump no longer has the power to bully and exercise brinkmanship. Russia is part of an alliance with China and other countries and the more aggressive Trump becomes the more they will consolidate their defenses.
Since the Ukraine war started and NATO has alienated world opinion which is becoming more and more proactive in opposition to the West's endless warfare.
America's indebtedness precludes it fighting a major war and the support of other NATO countries is waning as their economies are in ruins from the Ukraine war.
The US and Russia's nuclear arsenals are about equal though Russia is superior in missile technology any exchange between the two would be world ending.
The idea that Russia is bluffing is insane as Russia has made great sacrifices in this war as it did in WW ll--It was fighting Western fascism then and is now. Both Russia and China have shown great forbearance in dealing with always escalating NATO belligerence and they are not about to back down now.
Both US political parties are unitary, both dominated by the MICC , when it comes to war the hand-in-glove treachery is of great concern. Unfortunately we won't know for several months the actual disposition of this administration.
I suspect much of what Trump says and does is tactical, but we may not know in whose favor until it is too late.
We must therefore assume the threat of war is very grave and must act accordingly.
Trump should know General Bullmoose is dead and his presidency is dead if he tries to resurrect him.
When it comes to dealing with Putin, Trump should be very conciliatory!
China wouldn't necessarily mind US getting sucked into one or more hot wars. Would save them the trouble. US can't intimidate Russia (they've been trying for a century now), but they've now got themselves stuck where they can't back down - anywhere - without admitting defeat. They'll probably have to find some way to fight Yemen some more (and probably lose again), just so that they can show their face in a Taiwan Strait again and do FONOP's without getting laughed at. Trump and Biden admins both totally insensitive to this pattern, they think they're being smart.
>>"America's indebtedness precludes it fighting a major war"
America's debt has NO relation to America's ability to fight a war. There are other REAL WORLD constraints - like manufacturing, resources, labor, etc. but money (or debt) is not one of them. When is the last time the US said "we have NO money for the military" ?
War is always inflationary as we are seeing now. Governments can't print money they don't have without consequences. The world is de-dollarizing.
>>"Governments can't print money they don't have without consequences."
The only consequence to worry about is "Inflation" - and there are multiple methods to control it (including adjusting interest rates, taxation, etc.). Countries that have sovereign control over their currencies CAN ALWAYS print money they don't have.
When has printing money ever been a problem for the US when it goes to War?
>>"The world is de-dollarizing."
The world is ATTEMPTING to de-dollarize. I hope they succeed. Only time will tell. Either way, it's not happening fast enough.
>>"War is always inflationary"
Any shocks to the global supply chain (not just War) is inflationary. Eg. Covid. And it is supply-side inflation (and has nothing to do with the printing of money).
The US's military is 110% reliant on international trade to function. It's full of fancy tech gizmos and overengineered bullshit that breaks down constantly.
The US hasn't fought a proper war since Vietnam and Korea, which it lost for similar reasons as above. If it tries to go to war with Russia or China the US economy will collapse in on itself and shatter the 'Empire'.
I take solace in the fact that Washington DC will be the first target to be obliterated. May it consume all of them. I'm not worrying about it any further. There's really not anything we can do on our end but wait & watch. I only hope I live long enough to know that they all died. Done worrying about these crazy fucks.
The US and US presidential administrations are but game pieces on a board. If they were too unacceptable to the players, they'd never have made it into the box the board game comes in. The oligarchical elites and the institutions and agencies they hide behind will move the pieces around according to their short term whims or long term aims. We've reached a point where the average IQ (or feeling of having a stake with the rest of humanity) of the players is at an all time low, and this is showing in their preference for short term whims and the delusions apparently driving them.
"Conventional wisdom about the outgoing Biden administration’s reckless escalations in Ukraine ..." - I don't know whose "conventional wisdom" it is but in Russia they've had enough of this clown show. No more games. Let's see Trump and his stooges try that.
Bernie Sanders: No more arms sales to Netanyahu
Bernie writes Opinion piece in Washington Post: Continuing to provide Israel with the offensive weapons it uses on civilians is morally wrong.
RON HAROLD: “All Hail Bernie Sanders for putting the smackdown on Democrats’ candy ass.
MY POINT IS: I’m building a new political party to run candidates for the U.S. House and Senate in 2026 and a TDP candidate for President in 2028.
THE POINT IS: We need a President who will appoint a U.S. Attorney General who will enforce existing federal law by prosecuting Democrats and Republicans who violate a list of existing federal laws prohibiting U.S. officials from providing U.S. weapons to any government who utilizes our American weapons in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity or in ANY offensive capacity whatsoever.
If We The People elect a new political party President in 2028, that President could accomplish things that no DNC-based or RNC-based President would ever do; such as,
*enforce federal laws which prohibit the U.S. transfer of U.S. weapons to any government who uses our weapons in ANY offensive capacity or in the commission of war crimes, crimes against humanity.
*enforce federal law which prohibits foreign lobby groups from making political campaign contributions in U.S. elections. The Foreign Agent Registration Act requires any foreign lobby group in the United States must register as a foreign lobby group that they are.
So what was Sanders doing, running interference for Biden?
Sanders knows he's been relegated. He's merely a sideshow at this point. So I don't think he's running interference. He actually tried to introduce legislation to compel Genocide Joe to adhere to the law(s), which he likely knew was doomed to fail, but at least it drew some eyeballs. He also correctly called out why the Democrats lost the elections again.
I was talking about before the election.
In my lifetime we have never had peace. The draft system to carry on the illegal war in Viet Nam is being dusted off again to bring to bear as a tool for more endless war. Class war in our country also abets the ongoing divisions in western societies claiming to be democracies while being run like military oligarchys on steroids. Witness support of the ongoing genocide in Gaza by western powers yearning to rule in perpetuity. Our young under class of college age face an implacable military-mafia- industrial complex that owns an empire. They will never stop.
And behind all of this is an entity we call The State that people embrace