Wow Penn and Stiller are clueless Hollyweird wankers who either know zilch about sordid Ukrainian / NATO / Nazi history or are propagandist shills of the worst stripe. Stick to making movies, you “ambassadors” of delusion.

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Same thing can be said about Bono/U2. The worst thing is that they all are posers of the worst kind, see Sean Penn at the Golden Globes.

Man I am happy that my main distractions are sports and geopolitics...... can't stand any actors or musicians; that's why I do not watch any movies nor listen to any music. It just doesn't do anything for me, it's all so corny.

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While I can see your point, what you say is generalizing: maybe you don't know but we are a few musicians and other artists who do see what's going on and speak up. For instance, I am a singer 😊

Good music is healing, you might wanna discover non-mainstream artists, to get nicely surprised.

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Thank you for your comment. I should have better qualified my comment and detailed that I meant mainstream movies and music and not the "true" alternative actors and musicians..... neither the "oldies", for example, I like listening to classical music. Thanks.

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Listen to Roger Waters he has spent his life against the "Machine"!

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Their sleep movies make my eyes rain.

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Simple Ben.

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This article and the pictures and text of the events it describes, should be carefully preserved and brought out every five or ten years to embarrass the participants in the future. Never forget!

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I think Penn is the clueless one, and Stiller will do anything that he's paid (or thinks he might get paid) to do.

I worked as a techie in live theater for a few years after high school, and swore that I would never go back until they replaced actors with holograms (of course at that point the lighting guy is superfluous too).

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Any time there is such a concerted, 24/7, no-holds-barred, no-dissent-permitted effort to sell us anything, especially something that has no impact on us or our lives, and that most people, frankly, are not that interested in, then it becomes a duty to look behind the curtain and ask why the relentless propaganda blitz?

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You are mistaken if you believe this has no impact on our lives. And if you are not interested in geopolitics, you are very foolish. These events have mammoth influences on ALL of our lives.

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I believe that you miss my point. Most people in no way benefit or are harmed by what happens in Ukraine, but for the fact that the Empire is playing Russian roulette with all of our lives.

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Yes. Russian roulette with six bullets in the barrel.

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Ignore him.

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Not unlike the weather.

Though that’s more relevant to my day to day.

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We need breathing room!

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WEF, Atlantic Council, Bellingcat, WaPo, NYT; ALL TV & Prop'RNot blog-aggregators' ubiquitous & frequently verbatim rip&read echo-chamber agitprop (simultaneous with Let 'er RIP COVID & China must DIE) Gish gallop "They Live" style subliminal conditioned response brainwashing is immediately apparent, when witnessed in sneering yuppie nincompoops. But it's not likely, anybody's going to prod them into cattle cars with bayonets? They'll START by unleashing MAGA Sturmabteilung on US, rioting, looting, striking, protesting uppity essentials & death o' disparity deplorables? Hatred of reactionary PMC elites results in non-Aryan corpses, just like Ukraine?

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Creative Class™ & PMC yuppie liberals are like supperating maggots writhing about in a cesspool of their regurgitated vomit and ever so brilliant poop, constantly feeding upon us unremittingly gnawing at 'Murikas rotten carcass. Indistinguishable from inbreeding & awareness, change & reality programmed out of their feeding frenzy. I'd reminded a local about the electoral college in '16 & Azovstal's freedom fighters this year & they can only glaze, limmediately. It's like wearing a mask & saying pandemic in 2020? Or NOW?


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Whoever is running this cartoon war (and it ain't GI JOE or combat Zelensky) must be incredibly powerful! The organization and coordination, marketing and advertising involved to sell this marvel comic t-shirt character is uniquely huge! I find it all terrifying, disgusting and breathetakingly brilliant - the worst nightmare I've ever had!

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Well choreographed preparations for WW3

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The WW3 is already there.

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Must be the same people that run the media. Pretty convenient honestly!

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The blackmail he has on the Biden’s made him a billionaire. He’ll be snorting coke in his Miami mansion later this year after turning his people into cannon fodder.

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He'll feel right at home in Florida with its loony fascist governor.

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And all those obsolete Latin-American dictators, their families, and their retinues. It's good to have them all in one place so we can keep an eye on them.

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The fact that workers rights in Ukraine have been eliminated makes the country Fascist.

"Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism. It is, after all, a merger between corporations and the government."

- Benito Moussolini -

There were 12 political parties in Ukraine. Now there is one. The leaders in the 11 now illegal parties are in jail.

Several TV stations, radio stations and newspapers that were critical of Zelensky. They are now shut down, and their administrations are in jail.

All this makes Volodimyr Zelensky a Fascist dictator, and it speaks volumes of anyone voting for the erection of a bust in that scumbag's honor.

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I saw a video with judge Napolitano interviewing MacGregor just now. MacGregor said that he had seen a video of soldiers on the front saying that Zelensky and the rest better hope that Russian soldiers get to Kiev before they do. Then they will only be facing incarceration.

The Ukrainian forces are quickly running out of food. Close to 150.000 Ukrainian troops are dead, too.


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So cringeworthy, I wish Substack would give us the choice of a cringe face instead of just a heart for likes!

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Thank you -- among your most detailed efforts. It will shame US for geenerations

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

And -- VERY same PEOPLE, SAME mentality (+ identical GOP RINO fascists):

Glenn Greenwald tweet - @ggreenwald (with the incredible video compilation below)

The Democrats and their media allies spent 5 full years drowning US politics in a deranged conspiracy theory from the bowels of the CIA -- that Russia had seized control of the levers of power in America -- and when you watch them do it, one feels a mix of contempt and pity:


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Watching that made my skin crawl. They knew it was a lie, and yet they are so capable of looking sincere in their stated convictions. I guess they had a lot of practice from lying us into one war after another in the Middle East. Do you think it's a coincidence that the democrats got rid of the hated Trump and now they are on their way to getting rid of Putin?

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Nothing shows the unfortunate effectiveness of a relentless, unwavering diet of propaganda and narrative control than what has been dished out by media and the national security state in the US and its lackey West. It's an awesome display, one in which I still struggle to understand how so many people do not see through it.

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"how so many people do not see through it" - in my experience they don't want to. They're partisan to the core and ends justify any means for them.

The anti-Russia theme has been maintained and ramped up with Trump especially exactly because it suits both "aisles". It's universal. The Russophobic character of the US and western politics has never been in doubt. It's justified simply because it's against Russia. The "communist" label at one period was just a convenient amplifier.

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Same thing happened with Iraq, all of the media were in propaganda mode, so were all of the politicians save for old Ron. Years later the same media clown pretended it never happened as they spread propaganda about the current War they were selling.

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Great collection thanks. Zelensky and friends have likely outdone the cast and screenplay of Glass Onion. Maybe there will be a sequel with a Zelensky clone. Begs to be written. Impossible to make this stuff up.

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Prefer email thanks. Please send email to dreamcatcherowl2050@proton.me

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At the start of the war with all its early signs of Zelensky worship, I wrote this as a reminder to myself (should anyone of my friends want to know my opinion) how I summarized the man. Indeed, it has become completely cringeworthy. It only remains to be seen how his inevitable demise will come about--living in luxury in exile or assassinated. Anyway, here were my early thoughts.

This hero worship of Zelensky only sickens me more everyday. An heroic statesman would have gotten the troops killing in the Donbas out of the region (standing up to the Uka-Nazis, yielded to the reality that Crimea is now reunited with Russia, declared neutrality, and most important of all, thrown out any and all American “advisors” and refused any military aid. That he did none these and instead played (and continues to play) a loosing game of Russian roulette with a fully loaded pistol (and one hell of a pistol it is with its unlimited bullets and bombs) against his own people is as despicable as it gets. It may be true that only 10% of their military troops are actual Nazis, but the influence they have had on Zelensky and the push towards antagonizing Russia can't be ignored in any true accounting.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023

A Michelin 4 star (beyond worth a journey) main course for the propagandarati (aka propaganda junkies). Caitlin, you distill the BS into a compact neat emetic 🤢.

Anyone’s BS detector should be smokingly short-circuited.

This is very reminiscent of the full court PR jamboree when the US forcibly inserted ( without anesthetic) the dreaded Shah and Farrah Diba into all American orifices.

No country would take him when he was dying of cancer except for his good buddies, the US. All it took was a donation of $50 million stolen from the Iranian people to the medical Center treating him in NYC. Zelensky take note.

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I shared this with this preface. Feel free to use it

"Goebbels in the age of celebrity 

A handy reference guide on current accepted best practices to manipulate an ignorant of history and context, deprived of critical thinking education population, into acting in their own worst interests. 

Or you can use it to embarrass someone who still doesn't get, it's all about the Benjamins. Or Blackrocks."

I did not however, share it with well-off Dem brunchers. That Upton Sinclair "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary (portfolio, 401k, entire privleged life, etc.) depends on his not understanding it."

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why is there no Saturday morning cartoon show? Oh wait, thats on Sundays.

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Hero Worship. Americans are psy-op'd from birth to hero worship whomever their Elite masters need them to worship. And ignore all the rest.

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The other hot one these days is Elon Musk. Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald are doing an excellent job selling him to an oblivious crowd.

Whether you're an Elon Musk fan, or not, you should see this:


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They aren’t selling Elon to the crows. He’s their source. Should they not report vital news stories because the source is a creep?

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What's vital news about anything regarding a fucking social media platform? All of them are created to monitor and control people the way churches did a hundred plus years ago.

Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald are gatekeepers.

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You do not know that. Taibbi and Greenwald are excellent journalists and they are not partisan. There are so few. If you are going to criticize at least give some examples, specifics or evidence for your dissing.

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Greenwald not only believes the official CT on 9/11. He mocks anyone who hints at the official story is a stack of lies several miles high.

How can anyone be partisan in a political system with one party that has two wings. One right wing and the other ultra right wing. Their foreign policies have been identical since the cigar smoker left the oval orifice.

Click on my avatar and read what I have written on limited hangout.

Then check this out to hear what James Corbett and Jason Bermas have to say about them.


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Thank you for responding! When I saw a video of firemen the day after 9/11 claiming there were many explosions on many floors like a controlled demolition I began to doubt the MSM narrative though I have not researched it. There is a case before the Supreme Court at the moment apparently. But it does not prove he is a gatekeeper. Neither Greenwald who published Snowden docs nor Taibbi who lived in Russia for many years are accepted by MSM.

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Jan 14, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

I think Elon remains deeply linked with the deep state. He's still hanging out with the wrong crowd.

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He is indisputably the largest player in the MIC. You know, the MIC that Eisenhower warned us about in his final speech before leaving the Oval Orifice.

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Nauseating propaganda

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I have been let down by more people than I ever thought possible these last few years. What a fantastically depressing and cringeworthy compilation! 😑

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