How dare anyone "accost" the People's Servants™ in public. You, plebes, are supposed to write to them. Or call their offices, at the most.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

Company A wants regulatory favors from Congress/Prez.

Company A tells Congressmen it will be buying Firms B, C, and D in the next 2-3 years as it seeks to grow. Congress/Prez invest in private equity firm that buys stock of firms B, C, and D, on the cheap.

Wait 2-3 years.

Congressmen sign into law favorable regulation to Co. A

Co A buys B, C, and D from Private equity firm at premium

Pvt Eq firm shuffles record sure fire profit in 2- 3 years to investors (Congress/Prez).

Everyone greased sings patriotic songs.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

Public Servant™ is a career.

Anyone not understanding it is a moron. And you can call and write to them till you're blue in the face - they've already made arrangements for after they're gone.

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Except for how they'll be remembered. They don't seem to care very much about that.

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The old, i got mine, screw you

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Or pray to them, perhaps — as they Stand With Moloch.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

There is not much polite about mass murder and children by the thousands being crushed to death or blown apart with tax payer, made in America bombs. And yet these people, want us to believe it's impolite to bring the subject up.

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I would have been sorely tempted to punch the hooter of that bought & paid for senator because I've had enough of weasel words and enemy action. It would have been disappointing & greatly regrettable though as I do not support violence. That 'senator' is however beyond any human reasoning and needs his power removing forthwith.

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I consider myself a peacenik , except in certain circumstances

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Hi Pat

I used to be a peacenik until I figured out it doesn’t work.

What we need in this country is a French-style revolution: NO QUARTER.

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I do agree,time to burn the house down. I was only referring to my own hypocrisy, i hate violence but if there is a cause, i have no prob.

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I guess I have to point out that in France, where they had a French-style revolution _par excellence_, they wound up with a Reign of Terror, followed by a dictator who crowned himself emperor and started innumerable wars. I concede that the weather later turned very nice for Capital. So, is that what you want?

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The reign of terror was only deadly for the aristocrats and upper tier of the bourgeoisie. Just as life expectancy went way up under Stalin and Mao, even with the purported terrors that went on under their reign. Then it went way down under the supposed democratic and liberal Yeltsin regime.

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After all is said and done, i’ll take france any day. I miss my neighborhood. Wine is nice, ppl friendly.

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Yep. I say party like it's 1789.

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Dear gypsy. —-Off with their heads!!! I think this time around tho, we should aim lower and say off with their little heads. That might get their attention!!! 😄😁😆

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"I think this time around tho, we should aim lower and say off with their little heads." - does that mean that the likes of Hillary, Nikki, Madeleine, Golda, Ursula, etc are spared? What are you getting at with your juvenile babbling, Jeano?

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Naw, we can take off their literal heads, RB.

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Jeano I LOVE IT! 😁

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

I think the use of Force is necessary in certain circumstances. But psychopathic, mass murderers tend to blur the line of that - "when necessary".

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Yes, I also. Appropriate self-defence is acceptable. Similarly, interceding between a child abuser and the child requires as much force as is necessary to immediately separate the child abuser from the child.

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Yay Aaron!!! They ALL NEED TO BE “ACCOSTED“ One of my favorites: After the invasion of Iraq, SOD Rumsfeld was spotted and approached in a ski resort lodge by someone who said “well well well, it's Donald Rumsfeld, my favorite war criminal“. He was whisked away of course.

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It's always interesting to me that a guy who chose to work in a public arena like Coons did, specifically to represent the public, reacts like he did rather then to even attempt to have a reasonable discussion with Aaron and come out looking decent. Not being able to think on your feet when you're an experienced US Senator is a really, really bad look. And Coons looks really, really bad here. Just another politician who is on the wrong side of history and will spend the rest of his life attempting to back pedal and make excuses for it.

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To be fair, he did rattle off a couple of catch phrases. He even tried the suitably bored look.

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Yes, things like a "pause" (which my Senator former peacenik Bernie Sanders just mentioned recently after tons of criticism) which insinuates resuming the genocide after a spell...great plan😡

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He's "only following orders". Now where did we hear that before?

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While he collects millions. Backpedalling means earning your pay

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I wrote to my Senator and asked if he seriously wanted to be in a class with this guy. Wyden works so hard to appear dignified. Hahahahaha

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The 'Buzzsaw' at work. Coons squirming is rather delicious, yes? Thank you Aaron.

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Mate- a life well lived.

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“Please stop” from an enabler of genocide is peak projection

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Yes 100%, the moaning of those continuing to leverage the Holocaust drives me mad.

'Hate crime' is a political tool to beat people with. Nothing people say or sing should be banned; arrest people if they personally make death threats but otherwise let them speak, debate the hell out of them and make them look callous and/or stupid if they are actually hateful.

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Sounds like you are asking for, gasp, free speech! So 1960s. However did we get from then to where we are now?

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Oh yes, what a concept! Being able to say what you think!

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Kent State

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Berkeley. The Free Speech Movement was my Great Awakening. Thank you Mario Savio.

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"This is a quiet car"? That's this creepy looking GEEKs response? Another disgusting, WEASELEZE little bastard!

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

We are critical of our representatives, well those that get elected, but people make no effort to make a difference, or let their voice be heard. It's true, often nothing changes, but what if the whole country rose up, or even half, or even a quarter of the people in this country spoke up against this genocide. I think they would listen. Also one can not buy anything made in Israel, what ever, and better then doing nothing.

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If a quarter of the people rose up against the power, then they would build bigger jails. Money and power is really important to these people. Much more important than babies dying because there is no electricity for their incubators; maybe even more important than being polite.

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Well, at least I feel I tried. I think they are very reliant on the indifference of people and to let them know you are not, does matter on some level. I well understand your destain for these people and I really don't feel differently on that score.

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I agree they count on complacency. In this case many thousands have spoken. It has changed nothing. We know now, they do not care. Glaring example of reality.

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Wrote a letter to jar head golden. The response ,as expected. His proud support of bds, weapons, aipac unloaded 300,00 for that vote. Will be calling today. He is only there because of dark money. And probably w their money , we will never be able to unload him.

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Don’t give up. These classic examples of Yuppy values are on the way out.

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We don't need [psychopathic] representatives. Direct democracy (qv.) cuts out the malevolent Hidden Hands of High Finance & their murderous psychopathic puppets. All that the bought & paid for politicians want is power & the high life regardless of the massive children's agony that they are responsible for. Once elected they do not care. The cattle people can want and moan all they like. They're not interested in moans; you can't spend moans in the super-yachting shops. It's that simple.

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Very easy for me since I don't think any of them have seen my money. Good to know, and pass around.

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Another important BDS target: HOME DESPOT ( spelling intentional).

Avoid at all cost.

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Thank you—I did not know this.

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eBay, Amazon, Facebook, Google (Alphabet), Microsoft, etcetera, all Israeli companies, they all very quietly moved their headquarters a number of years ago on orders of the Israeli government.

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Run by Jewish people, but I don't know that they are owned, or benefit Israel. in anyway. I don't want to make this a personal issue, but one that needs to be addressed in terms of Israel itself. In all our middle eastern wars nothing was said about all those who died and one did not get accounts of death on that level. Thank you for this information. I'll look into it.

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For the ladies:

Please also boycott these cosmetics:

Revlon, L’Oreal, Este Lauder, Garnier.

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They are rising up. Join Jewish Voices for Peace—they’ll keep you informed.

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Thanks. I joined. I am a member of ANERA for last 10, or 15 years, and they do a great job, in terms of the middle east in providing assistance. Those pleas from doctors about premature babies dying was really disturbing to me.

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There are weasels on my farm. I believe I’ll organize a group of the bloodthirsty little creatures to rip out Coons’ spleen.

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Not in the "Quiet Car" I hope.......SO!

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Oh, most definitely in the Quiet Car! I like to raise a little hell 😉

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Hahahhhaha. I wanna see this.

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Aaron's nice, and his daddy, Gabor, nice.

But, it's training these Goyim get, and we are in a quiet riot, those quiet cars and quiet rooms they demand of us.

Verbal Molotovs is what they need. Or, just plain old cocktails, unleaded and high octane!

Playing nice gets you feces from their mouths.




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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

Hmmm...why would anyone want to destroy people that think like this commenter? I cannot figure it out. Coons (a democrat Swamp creature) should be aware that not answering Mate is a bombable offense. I have no love whatsoever for Coons, but I prefer he wipe out violent, low-iq, idiots than debate honest people like Mate to please those violent, low-iq, idiots.

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Even if you meant this metaphorically, please cut it out. We don't need to give the security goons to accuse Caitlin of attracting violent terrorists.

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

I really hoped there are some OCD people out there obsessively taking down every instance of crimes against humanity, giving material support for CAH, giving cover to CAH. I do hope for the day when these people will be brought into dockets and properly tried by laws on the books. I hope the rest of them will live the rest of their lives as known genocide enablers, shunned by all polite society, have all their assets confiscated to pay to their victims, and be as unemployable as they've threatened to make Palestinian solidarity folks.

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Caitlin blamed the 10/7 CAH on the western media, good luck taking them down...or justifying her position. Sure the western media sucks, but they didn't do 10/7.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Western media distorted and hid what Israelis did during the lead up to October 7th and then spread Israeli lies about what happened in that day, no matter how ridiculous.

Call it whatever you want, they enabled the current situation by making peaceful change impossible. They have blood on their hands and should be prosecuted like Goebbels (and his henchmen would be, except the Anglo-American Nazi sympathizers made sure that the vast majority of them got off and almost immediately started funding many of them against European leftists).

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Doesn't matter. You cannot cross a border, murder 1000+ people, and then claim victimhood when there is retaliation. The entire problem here is that hamas will not follow the law and will not negotiate towards peace in good faith w/o gettin israel out of the area and will not stop provoking israel.

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accuse Caitlin of attracting violent terrorists?

She supports them, daily. And the person I commented to and others here and in the press and on the campuses are all being conditioned to accept any kind of violent terrorism, as long as they can somehow claim they are 'oppressed, disadvantaged, poorly-dressed, were picked on in middle school," you name, the Grievance Industrial Complex is in full regale right now.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Hamas is the legitimate authority for Gaza and the Gazans have an absolute right to armed resistance. That right is not negated even if they did commit war crimes, which appears to not to be the case as we are learning more about what IDP did that day. Israel, as the occupying force as per international law, has no right to retaliation.

I have seen basically no evidence of terrorism from Palestinian solidarity people. I have seen over 100 Palestinians in the West Bank killed, even though there are no Hamas there. I've seen IDP kill unarmed and nonthreatening civilians. If you want to talk about terrorists, there are plenty around and 99.9% of them are Zionists.

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Spot on.

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"Gazans have an absolute right to armed resistance." "Israel, as the occupying force as per international law, has no right to retaliation."

You want to parse that and provide proof? So israel must sit there as palestinian terrorists fly over the border and massacre 1000+ civilians? Even if that were true, no one would blame israel for retaliating, every nation on earth would do the same thing, if it could. If you flew people into my city and killed 1000 people, we would kill 100,000 of your people without blinking an eye.

You don't want gazans killed, then stop being terrorists. You want people to believe that israel is on the slow march to the suez? lol. No, palestinian terrorists are on the march to the mediterranean, they have stated it, they have acted towards that goal. They are fucking retarded and cannot help themselves.

If gazans want out of gaza, "the concentration camp" ask the UN and find a place to go. But don't say Jordan or Egypt because those nations know better than to harbor palestinians - see: Black September.

Nobody wants palestinians because palestinians suck, are terrorists, and refuse to admit they lost. Maybe you can't blame them for that, but you certainly can't blame everyone else for not wanting anything to do with those pre-civilized peoples.

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You're lying. Hamas could not have killed 1,000 civilians that day because even the Israeli government admit total civilian deaths is lower and it's clear that a high proportion, maybe 80-90% of the civilian deaths were from IDP indiscriminately firing into civilians.

The rest of your response is similarly lies and ungrounded ad hominems that I'm not going to dignify with responding to. You Zionists are best at showing yourselves to be hateful liars who deserve full condemnation from any civilized person. Hell, forget civilized, how about just anyone who has an ounce of humanity left in them.

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"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."


Their questions hit home, and I knew that I could never again raise my voice against the violence of the oppressed in the ghettos without having first spoken clearly to the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today — my own government.


As it was true when spoken in the 1960’s, it unfortunately continues to be true today.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

I'm sure that if you were dispossed of your home, constantly under physical threat by an occupation force, treated like "human animal" by an exterminationist regime, locked up and not allowed to leave, deprived of food and water...you would bootstrap yourself and not succumb to the "grievance industrial complex".

Alas, the rest of us are not such ubermensch as you. I hope you live a long life and get to experience complete fulfillment of your ubermensch destiny. Buh bye.

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Why aren't they allowed to leave? Why has their population grown faster than most any place on earth since 1968? That doesn't seem like, they are being exterminated to me.

The gazans, led by overt, acknowledged, and admitted terrorists have no claim to being treated any other way than as animals, PERIOD. hamas uses its own citizens as fodder in the PR war against israel - it knowingly provoked the response. If you fail to acknowledge that, you are not an honest agent.

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All politicians of the West belong to the "Bought and Paid for Club"(BPC) which means your silence is bought and paid for if you want to keep your career and membership.

I Have yet to hear a federal politician in Canada speak for peace since the outset of the Ukraine conflict. The BPC has always been very active here with truckloads of charter members.

One member of the Ontario legislature misspoke and was kicked out her party.

As they say in hockey Mate, just scored into an empty net.

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I really loved when they tried to literally strike from the record the Hunka incident. Highlighted how far gone the Candian political system is.

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They sure were glad when October 7 hit and they could finally change the subject.

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After Charlottesville, the stage is set to censure anybody and everyone, and at any given time, you could make ADL "list," I told Leftists. One day it will be YOU!

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All about manufacturing and getting us to walk into our own prison. No First Amendment means no freedom- period.

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Or SECOND Amendment, Bill!

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If being anti-Semitic is being anti-Israel, then count me in. The Israeli Death Force (IDF) is clearly modelled on Waffen-SS, both in ideology and methodology, so anyone with just an inkling of decency would be anti-Israel (and anti-US for that matter).

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So I was an antisemite when I was physically confronting bona-fide Nazi skinheads putting up antisemitic graffiti in Ukraine?

I detested Israel as it was constituted then as well.

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The term "anti-semitic" lost all sense just like the use of "Nazi" has after it started being applied in the "Soup Nazi" sense Seinfeld helped propagate.

Nowadays "Nazi" to have its real punch always needs to be defined properly. Same with "anti-semitic". However, in the middle of this ongoing thing, it's easier to just ignore the "charges".

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I'm ashamed to say that Chris Coons is my Senator and also a neighbor of sorts. I'm even more ashamed to say that I voted for him years ago when I was a naive Democrat, and further back when he was a local politician. Nothing like the truth to help radicalize a person.

I love Aaron; Coons is a prick for having him thrown off the train. Sadly, I think the only takeway Coons will have is to not ride Amtrak anymore, that or buy up all the adjacent seats.

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Did you call or email him? I keep hammering at my Wyden guy, whom I also voted for faithfully as you did Coons. I’m sure he doesn’t even know I’m doing it but it feels great to do. Sort of cleanses my pallet from all the bullshit I swallowed! 💩🤢🤮

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I emailed him, and I email him regularly to call for a ceasefire. He always auto responds claiming to get back to me soon. He rarely does though, and even when he does its always the BS talking points.

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Good that you got wise. Too many keep doubling down, or start to get smart, then something happens and they respond to the old stimuli like Pavlov's dog.

Too many conservatives were starting to really question the Empire. Then October 7 hit, and like a dog returneth to its own vomit, so the fool repeats his folly.

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I like that comment. May i borrow? “Nothing like the truth to radicalize a person” wow!

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Of course you may borrow. Feel free!

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I watched it, and this is a link to senator Coons where you can voice your opinion on this encounter. Can't hurt.


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"Can't hurt" him.

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Especially if no one tries.

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Let us all know the response you received. ;^}

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Had to call since, they had so many people addressing this issue.

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I wonder if responses come with a badge to wear saying something like "I wrote to my senator and got a response. Life is good!".

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If you want to sit on your ass and do nothing, by all means do so, but don't put me down for making that effort.

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Are you joining Jeano the Foreman in bossing the forum around?

You are expressing your opinions/attitudes and I'm expressing mine. Or is it that I'm not up with the times and the current "The Land Of The Free and Home of the Brave" America prohibits opinions?

That's right, I forgot. Well, I'll still wait until the forum's owner kicks me out, not a bunch of schoolyard bullies.

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Why are you always trying to make people stop taking action? You’re like a toad sitting in the mud and you spit every time someone frees themselves from your mud hole. You’re just like Coons, actually, but just at the mucky end of the “don’t dare do anything” crowd.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Hi, Jeano!

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"trying to make people stop taking action" - stop making shit up and cut out your juvenile babbling, Jeano the Foreman.

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Unfortunately can't sign because I live in France. Hope people do sign.

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Just did so, Fran! Thanks!

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Aaron should have shot him instead. What a statement that would be! Ahahahaha 👏 oh, sorry, fid I write that in the real world? Oh no, how do I canc

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Even if you're not an agent provocateur, you sound like one. Please take your violent talk (even if it is well justified venting) elsewhere.

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Roll over and present your rear to The Masters, you cur. The Elite$ kill us yet you consenting swine want to play nice. Why don't you lick their balls, if They still have them?

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

Yelling violent provocations in a leftist public forum is government agent provocateur 101. You're either an ignorant dumbass who hasn't figured this out yet or you are an agent provocateur trying to discredit Caitlin. In either case, I am blocking you.

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I personally would have punched him in his teeth. The jail time would have been worth it! 😁

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023

You two should do what hamas does, send someone else in to do harm to Coons, and then sit back and let others get killed in retribution - the morons of the world will love you, apparently.

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those others are killed with your support.

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The others were sacrificed by those two in order to get you to bleat that bile.

If you stick a knife into an electric socket, you don't get to blame the electric company. Whiny-assed progressive losers and their "victimhood olympics" Go team!

Or did you mean my share of the $6B that we sent to Iran...that support?

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israel nor the us have a natural privilege to 'being electric sockets'. they are not. you are not immune to being victimized by the system you advocate for.

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No one is immune from being victimized by criminals, true.

You do not get to proclaim your own victimhood status and then act extra-judicially without rebuke. But hamas knows that, which is why they do it anyway, sacrificing their own citizens at the alter of PR in this marxist/western proxy war.

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Fuck you.

Oh wait…in your dreams.

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Let me guess, after you fuck me over, then I retaliate, you're gonna claim you're the victim, right?


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