I would like to agree. But did RFK Jr. not see what the Democratic Party did to Bernie Sanders during the last two elections? Does he really think his family name will protect him from a similar fate. He has a zero chance of success inside the Democratic Party. I will pay attention to him the moment he announces he is leaving the Democratic Party to run as an independent.
His actions on behalf of Children's Heath of recent times convinced me that if he threw his hat into the ring, he could make Biden and his Neocons retire gracefully from the race.
And then I woke up.
If the twenty five attendees at the special "party" the night before the assassination of JFK are still alive, or their heirs or their criminal followers, or families, or the FBI or CIA extremists, how long could he expect to last as President of the USA against the staggering wealth of military / industrial money, Israeli funding, corruption among his fellow Democrat politicians, Blackrock influenced investor (and their funding).
The US and half the world should find a way to add to the two party system with parties that are truly representative of values such as peace, climate care, education, health and social security efforts. Start by attracting all the younger generations, not yet corrupted, more intelligent hopefully than their parents and who would be voting for their future, not propping up a system that is well past its use-by-date.
It is 2023 and like it or not, one party is as bad as the other. No one will succeed in moving America forward being connected to either party.
I agree with Jack. An independent approach is the only way to go.
Might as well try. I could see him running for the green party too. My plan was to write him in no matter what even before he announced his candidacy lol
Perhaps RFK Jr knows the Democratic Party immune system will reject him, and perhaps he is calculating that he can spin that very publicized rejection into a lot of populous support and then run as a viable independent. Had Bernie done that, I think he very possibly could have won a three-way election in 2016. My theory is that if there is a viable independent candidate who manages to get on the '24 presidential ballot in all 50 states--and BTW that might be Trump if he is rejected by the Republican Party--the independent will win.
I actually wish RFK well--I might even consider coming out of hiding to vote for him.
That, and if it's obvious to an ordinary bloke like me how irrecoverably corrupt the Democratic party is - then there is no way JFK Jr. doesn't know as well. So yeah - unless he has the balls to run 3rd party (which Sanders didn't) - then forget it.
Yes. Always. He withdrew all of the most important language in his audit the fed legislation right at the last minute and left kucinich and Paul hanging. Betrayed them both.
Truly amazing there is all this controversy over who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines when Hersh merely confirmed what any sensible person already knew. There were videos galore of smirking politicians gloating over their destruction.
The hard bite is on as America gets more and more desperate for money and weapons allies are pressed to supply more and more. Canada supports US militarism in the hundreds of billions of dollars and we are now being pressed for more as our much venerated Medicare system is being starved out of existence by neoliberal privatization and government complicity.
We simply have no concept of the collateral damage wars do to our societies , all in the service of demented megalomaniacs.
I don't think that Americans will be able to vote their way out of this psychopathic virus, like the Crimean did. I went over our Crimea bridge headed to the mainland a couple days ago - looking good - heavy security and inspections but things look promising for the next 6 mos. A lot of Ukraine folks have moved to So. Russia and Crimea in order to get away from the shelling etc. I was born on the day the Korean War started, drank a couple warm budweiser's on my 21st birthday, somewhere in Vietnam and I'm on the last chapter, looking at the same BS psychopath types - pushing more war . America, you gotta wake up and get us out of this madness.
I'm already outraged over the mRNA pseudo-vaccine, a typical capitalist "more-is-more" strategy that despite being analogous to nuking an entire city to eliminate one houseful of "terrorists" nevertheless failed miserably, with the collateral damage expected of such a cretinous strategy (I'll spare you the immunological details). And although I refuse to vote for either arm of the duopoly, this characterization of RFK Jr. as anti-vax outrages me equally. The man is anti-shite-vaccines, like the ones using thimerosal as preservative, like this mRNA junk and other dicey formulations. He's against the arrogance with which Pharma creates this stuff with profit outstripping caution over side-effects, a perfectly sensible position. This is coming from someone, me, who pitched the strategic value of vaccines to his immunology students for 25 years. But strategy ≠ clinical outcome when profit rears its ugly head. RFK's stance on vaccines is perfectly reasonable and the NY Times is no longer remotely useful, even as birdcage liner to catch parakeet droppings. Run as a Green or Indy and you have my vote, Mr. Kennedy. Run as a Dem, lotsa luck.
And I just want to say the time for 3rd party politics is over in my HFO. The Dim Damn Dems have shot their wad, Biden is doing more to destroy this iteration of the party than all the Rethugs put together, and wasting time on 3rd party politics is to distract us from taking back FDR’s party. People all over the country are standing up to the DNC, DCCC, DLC and 3rd way politicians. Now’s the time to JOIN the masses, join the unions, scream at your feckless reps, especially your senators—those fossilized dinosaur turds. (Corpralites, right?) And take over your local precincts. It’s easy and fun. The Yippies did it in 1968, the Rethugs, for crissake did it in the last 30 years. Now we should do it again. Scare the 💩 out of them. 🤠
Have you watched RFK jr's speech? I found it beautifully constructed and totally absorbing, not rambling as NYT claims. He is a truly great orator in the old tradition - not snappy, trite soundbites as we're accustomed to hearing - wide-ranging powerful story-telling expressing a moral depth and humanity that hasn't been seen in politics for a long time. And of course, most people won't see because the MSM are out to destroy him. I just pray they don't literally destroy him as they did his dad and his uncle. I highly recommend watching the whole speech and being inspired. He's the president the US desperately needs. I hope you will give him lots of attention in your work, Caitlin.
The NYT has several uses that I've learned in the last 50 years or so: 1) starting fires while camping: 2) insulating under cold floors with throw rugs; 3) art projects that need protection from the floor; 4) learning truth by realizing all they say is BS; 5) making paper airplane contests for kids; 6) cellulose insulation for attics; 7) wiping your ass in a serious pinch (slightly better than peach tree leaves--hey, I supposedly still an Eagle Scout, definitely with some experience!).
BUT there are better uses, such as eliminating this pack of sickos, locking up anyone who works there, and letting acres of trees grow every day to give off O2, capture CO2, binding soil, giving safe haven to birds, insects, and countless other forms of life.
"As I never tire of reminding my readers, this is journalistic malpractice. It is never legitimate to mention war machine-funded think tanks promoting more war and militarism without also informing readers of their obvious conflict of interest in the matter." - Absolutely true. And the same for pharma - it's never legit to sing the praises of vaccines without also informing of pharma's conflict of interest, and the scientific fraud behind the studies that supposedly (but actually don't if look past the press release) show "safe and effective and saved millions of lives".
I hope you can change your mind about supporting Kennedy. Yes - the system is deeply rigged, and yes - they will do everything in their power to stop him - But - his integrity is so solid, and the growing numbers who have woken up since covid, and his refusal to fold like Bernie did, mean there IS a chance for a rising tide of huge numbers to overwhelm their abilities to rig the election, from media lies to DNC tactics to voting machines and ballots.
If as many who are registered Republican, Independent, Green, Libertarian change to Dem - and then change right back after voting for Kennedy - so they can vote in the primary, that could turn the tide. Leaving it up to current registered Dems, especially if Gavin Gruesome runs, would probably not come close to being able to overpower the forces against Kennedy.
https://www.kennedy24.com/heal ( and sometimes on Chromebook this site comes up with a bullshit warning label also .. the censorship industrial complex really hates him. All the more reason to support him. (Not the only reason, of course, but there are many. He is incorruptible.)
Listen to his announcement speech where he proclaims the American Exceptionalism as in "we are fundamentally good people" and as an example gives his son's service for the Ukraine Nazi regime killing those inferior ruskies. Fucking scumbag just like the rest of them.
I ran into StopFake on FB also. What a hopeless twit Suckerberg is. Musk is a much better billionaire, but what a shame we have to deal with either one of them. None dare call it fascism, but that's what it is. (Just wrote about it.) I'm hanging on in FB but expect to be booted sooner or later. I use it mainly to bookmark stuff I'll read or listen to later.
You should be getting rid of Facebook. Their mission is to Ruud your mind and empty your wallet by stripping you naked before advertisers. Get rid off. Poison.
Ever since the Bernie Sanders regional supporters' Facebook pages were trolled by David Brock's trolls (posting child porn images on them in order to make Facebook shut them down during the crucial NY primary in 2016), I've never trusted that platform to allow anything to be posted that goes against the neoliberal nightmare agenda. Dismissing Seymour Hersh's excellent reporting is just par for the course for this dirty Dem-obsessed social media platform. And obviously, they expect English speakers to be able to read Norwegian fluently... But maybe the magic of propaganda works its miracle in any language and across any communication barrier? Sigh!
I don't recall RFK Jr. being "anti science", but against what passes for science. I'm surprised any N American would object to that position - after the Covid vaccine and protocols fiasco. An Indian news outlet ominously noted the presence of Chinese warships in the S China Sea : where should they be- the moon? Any Western confrontation over Taiwan will prove only one thing, and conclusively: The West isn't a serious player on the world scene - it doesn't even know to duck in a shit storm.
'At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, he sought to undermine public trust in vaccines, comparing government efforts to impose mandates in some places to “Hitler’s Germany.” Both Facebook and Instagram took down accounts of a group he runs for spreading medical misinformation.
Family members have accused Mr. Kennedy of sowing distrust in the science behind vaccines.'
This is so fantastic that this coming out.
'The science behind vaccines' .... go on show us it NYT!!! It isn't there- not from the very first one for smallpox, nor for any other. Alfred Wallace wrote at the time in 1893
'This brief statement of the early history of vaccination has been introduced here in order to give what seems to be a probable explanation of the remarkable fact that a large portion of the medical profession accepted, as proved, that vaccination protected against a subsequent inoculation of small-pox, when in reality there was no such proof, as the subsequent history of small-pox epidemics has shown. Again and again they asked the witnesses above referred to to explain how it was possible that so many educated specialists could be thus deceived.’
Excellent! Thank you. Medical Fascism is right. Covid in particular proved to my satisfaction that T-rump is a Clinton, DLC stalking horse, used to take the focus off the Neo shitlibs and focus it on an offensive, ignorant conman so we’d get all exercised about a disease the security state created to scare the Sheeple with while the Orange man made us believe there was no one running the ship, when in fact there was—Pharma. Oy va!
I was already planning on voting for RFK Jr., and the NYT's peachy endorsement further cements that lol
I agree, RFK Jr. must be the best possible candidate in history : )
I would like to agree. But did RFK Jr. not see what the Democratic Party did to Bernie Sanders during the last two elections? Does he really think his family name will protect him from a similar fate. He has a zero chance of success inside the Democratic Party. I will pay attention to him the moment he announces he is leaving the Democratic Party to run as an independent.
His actions on behalf of Children's Heath of recent times convinced me that if he threw his hat into the ring, he could make Biden and his Neocons retire gracefully from the race.
And then I woke up.
If the twenty five attendees at the special "party" the night before the assassination of JFK are still alive, or their heirs or their criminal followers, or families, or the FBI or CIA extremists, how long could he expect to last as President of the USA against the staggering wealth of military / industrial money, Israeli funding, corruption among his fellow Democrat politicians, Blackrock influenced investor (and their funding).
The US and half the world should find a way to add to the two party system with parties that are truly representative of values such as peace, climate care, education, health and social security efforts. Start by attracting all the younger generations, not yet corrupted, more intelligent hopefully than their parents and who would be voting for their future, not propping up a system that is well past its use-by-date.
It is 2023 and like it or not, one party is as bad as the other. No one will succeed in moving America forward being connected to either party.
I agree with Jack. An independent approach is the only way to go.
If Bobby lives and advances, a power-coup wil have already happened.
Might as well try. I could see him running for the green party too. My plan was to write him in no matter what even before he announced his candidacy lol
Perhaps RFK Jr knows the Democratic Party immune system will reject him, and perhaps he is calculating that he can spin that very publicized rejection into a lot of populous support and then run as a viable independent. Had Bernie done that, I think he very possibly could have won a three-way election in 2016. My theory is that if there is a viable independent candidate who manages to get on the '24 presidential ballot in all 50 states--and BTW that might be Trump if he is rejected by the Republican Party--the independent will win.
I actually wish RFK well--I might even consider coming out of hiding to vote for him.
That, and if it's obvious to an ordinary bloke like me how irrecoverably corrupt the Democratic party is - then there is no way JFK Jr. doesn't know as well. So yeah - unless he has the balls to run 3rd party (which Sanders didn't) - then forget it.
And what sanders did to his supporters by selling out.
The only rational conclusion I can come to about Bernie is that he was *always* controlled opposition or a "deep politician."
Yes. Always. He withdrew all of the most important language in his audit the fed legislation right at the last minute and left kucinich and Paul hanging. Betrayed them both.
The corporate party chooses,why we have nut ball biden
RFK Jr. can only proceed in Democratic primmaries if there is a change in the DNC power elites.
Watch for it. He's the Kennedy-in-the-coal-mine.
Truly amazing there is all this controversy over who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines when Hersh merely confirmed what any sensible person already knew. There were videos galore of smirking politicians gloating over their destruction.
The hard bite is on as America gets more and more desperate for money and weapons allies are pressed to supply more and more. Canada supports US militarism in the hundreds of billions of dollars and we are now being pressed for more as our much venerated Medicare system is being starved out of existence by neoliberal privatization and government complicity.
We simply have no concept of the collateral damage wars do to our societies , all in the service of demented megalomaniacs.
The cancelation of Hersh is the dot on the "i". It just about endorses him.
You can also thank the Clinton’s, Obama’s and the DLC/Third Way advisors for your country’s sorry state, not just wars.
So true our governing Liberals are groupies to the US Democrats. It was truly embarrassing when Biden visited Ottawa recently.
Omygod yes! But think how WE feel! We’re responsible for that POS! 🤯😤😱
I don't think that Americans will be able to vote their way out of this psychopathic virus, like the Crimean did. I went over our Crimea bridge headed to the mainland a couple days ago - looking good - heavy security and inspections but things look promising for the next 6 mos. A lot of Ukraine folks have moved to So. Russia and Crimea in order to get away from the shelling etc. I was born on the day the Korean War started, drank a couple warm budweiser's on my 21st birthday, somewhere in Vietnam and I'm on the last chapter, looking at the same BS psychopath types - pushing more war . America, you gotta wake up and get us out of this madness.
The American Way is getting others _into_ madness, not out of it. Apparently that's what being Exceptional(TM) means.
I'm already outraged over the mRNA pseudo-vaccine, a typical capitalist "more-is-more" strategy that despite being analogous to nuking an entire city to eliminate one houseful of "terrorists" nevertheless failed miserably, with the collateral damage expected of such a cretinous strategy (I'll spare you the immunological details). And although I refuse to vote for either arm of the duopoly, this characterization of RFK Jr. as anti-vax outrages me equally. The man is anti-shite-vaccines, like the ones using thimerosal as preservative, like this mRNA junk and other dicey formulations. He's against the arrogance with which Pharma creates this stuff with profit outstripping caution over side-effects, a perfectly sensible position. This is coming from someone, me, who pitched the strategic value of vaccines to his immunology students for 25 years. But strategy ≠ clinical outcome when profit rears its ugly head. RFK's stance on vaccines is perfectly reasonable and the NY Times is no longer remotely useful, even as birdcage liner to catch parakeet droppings. Run as a Green or Indy and you have my vote, Mr. Kennedy. Run as a Dem, lotsa luck.
And I just want to say the time for 3rd party politics is over in my HFO. The Dim Damn Dems have shot their wad, Biden is doing more to destroy this iteration of the party than all the Rethugs put together, and wasting time on 3rd party politics is to distract us from taking back FDR’s party. People all over the country are standing up to the DNC, DCCC, DLC and 3rd way politicians. Now’s the time to JOIN the masses, join the unions, scream at your feckless reps, especially your senators—those fossilized dinosaur turds. (Corpralites, right?) And take over your local precincts. It’s easy and fun. The Yippies did it in 1968, the Rethugs, for crissake did it in the last 30 years. Now we should do it again. Scare the 💩 out of them. 🤠
Have you watched RFK jr's speech? I found it beautifully constructed and totally absorbing, not rambling as NYT claims. He is a truly great orator in the old tradition - not snappy, trite soundbites as we're accustomed to hearing - wide-ranging powerful story-telling expressing a moral depth and humanity that hasn't been seen in politics for a long time. And of course, most people won't see because the MSM are out to destroy him. I just pray they don't literally destroy him as they did his dad and his uncle. I highly recommend watching the whole speech and being inspired. He's the president the US desperately needs. I hope you will give him lots of attention in your work, Caitlin.
If cia is pissed off
Sounds like a true statesman. We need that so bad.
The NYT has several uses that I've learned in the last 50 years or so: 1) starting fires while camping: 2) insulating under cold floors with throw rugs; 3) art projects that need protection from the floor; 4) learning truth by realizing all they say is BS; 5) making paper airplane contests for kids; 6) cellulose insulation for attics; 7) wiping your ass in a serious pinch (slightly better than peach tree leaves--hey, I supposedly still an Eagle Scout, definitely with some experience!).
BUT there are better uses, such as eliminating this pack of sickos, locking up anyone who works there, and letting acres of trees grow every day to give off O2, capture CO2, binding soil, giving safe haven to birds, insects, and countless other forms of life.
Opposition research, Holmes. The NYT is useful for opposition research.
Don't mean I am going to give them anything, though. I wouldn't let them have the leavings of my turds.
"As I never tire of reminding my readers, this is journalistic malpractice. It is never legitimate to mention war machine-funded think tanks promoting more war and militarism without also informing readers of their obvious conflict of interest in the matter." - Absolutely true. And the same for pharma - it's never legit to sing the praises of vaccines without also informing of pharma's conflict of interest, and the scientific fraud behind the studies that supposedly (but actually don't if look past the press release) show "safe and effective and saved millions of lives".
I hope you can change your mind about supporting Kennedy. Yes - the system is deeply rigged, and yes - they will do everything in their power to stop him - But - his integrity is so solid, and the growing numbers who have woken up since covid, and his refusal to fold like Bernie did, mean there IS a chance for a rising tide of huge numbers to overwhelm their abilities to rig the election, from media lies to DNC tactics to voting machines and ballots.
If as many who are registered Republican, Independent, Green, Libertarian change to Dem - and then change right back after voting for Kennedy - so they can vote in the primary, that could turn the tide. Leaving it up to current registered Dems, especially if Gavin Gruesome runs, would probably not come close to being able to overpower the forces against Kennedy.
https://www.kennedy24.com/heal ( and sometimes on Chromebook this site comes up with a bullshit warning label also .. the censorship industrial complex really hates him. All the more reason to support him. (Not the only reason, of course, but there are many. He is incorruptible.)
RFK fucking Jr?
Listen to his announcement speech where he proclaims the American Exceptionalism as in "we are fundamentally good people" and as an example gives his son's service for the Ukraine Nazi regime killing those inferior ruskies. Fucking scumbag just like the rest of them.
I ran into StopFake on FB also. What a hopeless twit Suckerberg is. Musk is a much better billionaire, but what a shame we have to deal with either one of them. None dare call it fascism, but that's what it is. (Just wrote about it.) I'm hanging on in FB but expect to be booted sooner or later. I use it mainly to bookmark stuff I'll read or listen to later.
You should be getting rid of Facebook. Their mission is to Ruud your mind and empty your wallet by stripping you naked before advertisers. Get rid off. Poison.
I once did a dive into these so called experts on truth at that time,a uk “team” that advised governments!
Ever since the Bernie Sanders regional supporters' Facebook pages were trolled by David Brock's trolls (posting child porn images on them in order to make Facebook shut them down during the crucial NY primary in 2016), I've never trusted that platform to allow anything to be posted that goes against the neoliberal nightmare agenda. Dismissing Seymour Hersh's excellent reporting is just par for the course for this dirty Dem-obsessed social media platform. And obviously, they expect English speakers to be able to read Norwegian fluently... But maybe the magic of propaganda works its miracle in any language and across any communication barrier? Sigh!
Did Elon bring back the substack links so they function?
small typo: It's "Fecesbook".
Wish its users could smell it every time they check their feeds.
It sticks to their fingers, and gets on to their family and friends.
I don't recall RFK Jr. being "anti science", but against what passes for science. I'm surprised any N American would object to that position - after the Covid vaccine and protocols fiasco. An Indian news outlet ominously noted the presence of Chinese warships in the S China Sea : where should they be- the moon? Any Western confrontation over Taiwan will prove only one thing, and conclusively: The West isn't a serious player on the world scene - it doesn't even know to duck in a shit storm.
NY Times says 'For Mr. Kennedy, that cause is vaccine skepticism, a crusade that in the past led him to falsely link childhood vaccines to autism.
(The link to childhood vaccines and autism is not false https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/mmr-and-autism I was suspended from twitter just for putting MMR and autism in the same sentence)
'At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, he sought to undermine public trust in vaccines, comparing government efforts to impose mandates in some places to “Hitler’s Germany.” Both Facebook and Instagram took down accounts of a group he runs for spreading medical misinformation.
Family members have accused Mr. Kennedy of sowing distrust in the science behind vaccines.'
This is so fantastic that this coming out.
'The science behind vaccines' .... go on show us it NYT!!! It isn't there- not from the very first one for smallpox, nor for any other. Alfred Wallace wrote at the time in 1893
'This brief statement of the early history of vaccination has been introduced here in order to give what seems to be a probable explanation of the remarkable fact that a large portion of the medical profession accepted, as proved, that vaccination protected against a subsequent inoculation of small-pox, when in reality there was no such proof, as the subsequent history of small-pox epidemics has shown. Again and again they asked the witnesses above referred to to explain how it was possible that so many educated specialists could be thus deceived.’
Happy days
Excellent! Thank you. Medical Fascism is right. Covid in particular proved to my satisfaction that T-rump is a Clinton, DLC stalking horse, used to take the focus off the Neo shitlibs and focus it on an offensive, ignorant conman so we’d get all exercised about a disease the security state created to scare the Sheeple with while the Orange man made us believe there was no one running the ship, when in fact there was—Pharma. Oy va!
The NYT is garbage.
Facebook is garbage. Like government paid for media. It is losing peoplexall the time.