McCaul thinks that going to war with China is going to make all those Chinese Engineers and Scientists suddenly forget how to add? Way back in 2017, China was graduating 2x the number graduating in the USA. Such arrogance and stupidity go hand in hand. How is it that we allow such clowns to be our Congressional Representatives? Well, we know the answer. The Oligarchy bought them. The Oligarchy are criminals. We allow criminals to control out lives.

If this were a Western, the "Magnificent Seven" would come riding in about how. Of course, they too were criminals. Makes it a tough choice to know what to do.

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What will it take for Americans to realize they are being had? And finally get in the streets and overthrow the criminals running the clown show?

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I think many Americans realize they are "being had". They just don't know who to blame for it. The Oligarchy hides itself quite well. OWS was a possibility, but it was infiltrated and destroyed from the inside. The FBI is very good at their job.

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I think most Americans know that things are not okay, they just don't know what to do about it, and they are easily distracted by shiny objects.

If the Establishment is good at nothing else, it is very good at determining whom to buy off, whom to co-opt, whom to neutralize, who can safely be ignored.

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Things are fucked up…Ooooh a laser!

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You try catching one of those things!

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The Right and with billions in oligarch funding have done a superb job in diverting the focus from corporate power to blaming government.

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Humans are easily manipulated.

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Yes - The Milgram Shock Experiment (1963) comes to mind. Anybody with a "White Coat" or a Suit perhaps.

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A British accent really seems to do it for some American humans. In Australia, they call it the "cultural cringe".

I don't get it.

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hence the aggressive push for copbots ...

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There is nothing it would take.

They are an utterly brainwashed people who operate with a caste system internally with certain peoples exceptional and trodding on others….and they replicate that caste globally, as in:: they are an exceptional people, the top of the global caste system. and no one else in the world deserves to prosper.

You have to understand that fact, of the complete and utter mass brainwashing if you want to understand why the oligarchy that runs the country can do what they do to abuse their own people, and why they have free reign to abuse others globally.

There is not going to be any revolt. It will never happen.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

1) Will somebody inform McCaul that to make the chips Taiwan imports sand, from the mainland. They probably import Palladium from Russia too. Oh, and the PRC Navy has just demonstrated that it can blockade Taiwan at the drop of a hat.

2) The contents of the leaks are already known and not that important. I've published an article with 17 sources (of which 1 is the MSM) if you wish to know the relevant contents and the implications of the leak. Hint: somebody, probably at the Pentagon does not like where the "spring offensive" is going to lead.


3) Adding autonomous robots to the NYPD is the latest phase of the violence of empire coming home to roost in the USA's states' police forces. Ladies, now next to that can of mace you'll need a couple of strong electro-magnets.

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On a related note, under a national program with the acronym "REPI", military money is being used domestically to log forests and purchase "forest excavators" to assure "protection" of military bases from the impacts of climate change (sea level rise, flooding, forest fires, etc), see:

The DEP Considers Virtually The Entire NJ Pinelands As A “Military Influence Area”


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and protection of military bases and military missions from climate impacts is getting funding and priority over protection of public infrastructure, natural resources, public safety, and residential and commercial properties.

State agencies are masking and flat outlying about this, in some cases providing false rationales of protecting forests and public safety, when the real agenda is set by the military.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Caitlin Johnstone

I like this news round up feature. Maybe it can become more regular?

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Yeah I think it could work? Some days I don't like having to choose a thing to write about.

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Humanity is in a race between the awakening of our consciousness on one hand and the plunge toward armageddon and dystopia on the other. I hope we can wake up and turn this thing around before we're locked in to this sinking ship for good.

Great article. Robots are another step toward dehumanisation. Fantastic summary. I hope we do something before it’s too late to!

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Your post reminds me of one of my favorite Papa George Bush stories.

He was initially way ahead of Clinton in the polls after his "triumph" over Saddam in Gulf War I, so his strategists suggested that he keep his campaign low key and just coast to re-election.

However, as time went on, his poll lines were falling and Clinton's were rising (economic trouble, Clinton charisma, etc.), and eventually Bush's campaign realized that the lines would likely cross before the election. So Bush changes tactics and becomes more aggressive. Al Gore is now the "Ozone Man", and he called Clinton a "bozo", for which the press made him apologize. Unsurprisingly, he lost anyway.

We hope humanity's awakening line will reach its goal before the other reaches Armageddon.

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I am quoting Caitlin here. It’s her summarising paragraph 🙏

Interesting re Bush and Clinton.

Both of them deep state corrupt 🌘

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In response to the last line, it’s already over. The ship is taking on water much faster than most people realize.

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Democracy has just become the world's most transparent code word for GAE hegemony.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

I really liked the sentence: "The real danger is that these robots will be fully controlled by humans, and humans have a long track record of oppressing and abusing other humans."

Too often I've read arguments where we ought to just go back and live like the Amish, and reject advances in technology, because of the possible dangers. And I've always felt this staple argument against technology is surface level. For starters, you're simply not going to stop the advance of technology knowing human nature. But also what gets left out of the equation - there is unquestionably huge - humane benefits in many technological advances, that have alleviated suffering or made the quality of life for humans better.

The problem is not the "robots" per se, or the advances of human technology - the problem is the "humans" themselves controlling the technology. What is needed is humane choices directing technological advances, where technology is used to benefit the human species and other species on the planet. But that's just it - if technology is only viewed as a way to make more profits for corporations - without any compensation for all the jobs being lost - or not replacing the current system with a system where all of us benefit - or if technology is used to exploit and oppress the populace, so that a few minority obscenely wealthy people - like in the Hunger Games - get to live in an unimaginable utopia, while the masses suffer - then you got a major human disaster on your hands. But it isn't the technology itself that is the problem, it is human psychology and the psychology of unchecked greed and exploitation that is leading the planet (and many Western countries) right now into a death spiral.

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Yes Yuval Noah Harai has had a lot of stick for talking about AI at Davos, I don't think they want us to talk about it. The rise of AI is unstoppable, what we need to do is control who controls it and make sure that there are workable rules about how its used between countries. I don't think the robots will become Cylons, but the algorithm, which makes military, financial and employment etc decisions that no human actually understands could ultimately destroy all living things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOsKFOrW5h8&t=1707s


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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

But no one has ever reined in the tech oligarchs and overlords, even as they have used all types of new technology to exploit and brutalise and manipulate the masses

So I have a hard time understanding the fantasy that with AI suddenly “ we need to manage them”? How, when everyone continues to enrich them by using by using facebook, Twitter, instagram and so on.

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Well quite. We are all, including on substack, enriching the power of the algorithm. Should we not make any effort to legislate who has access to this data and what they can do with it?

I agree with your pessimism. I was only pointing out the vilification of anyone who tries to point out the where this is all inevitably heading.

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Comment on sub stack in support of independent writers is not remotely the same as handing over your contact book to Facebook or Snapchat and living your life on their app and consuming their mind control content.

Not remotely. One of these is the core problem. The other is part of the solution.

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In terms of the brain washing and mind numbing doom scrolling on FB and Twitter it is absolutely not the same thing as substack at all. I am an independent writer on substack and hope that I am part of the solution, I know that I have opened the eyes of at least a couple of people to the real causes of disease, so that makes it all worth while for me. I have changed the world for them.

I was referring to the gathering of our data every transaction we make on our phones, laptops, with our credit cards, data from biometric devices, our preferences, opinions, what we buy and what we read.

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For 3500 yrs, the tactic has been working to bring military/ police from elsewhere to do your dirty work. No ties, no conscience. Robots are the ultimate 'from elsewhere.'

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023

I think what makes the "robot" question tricky, is that one can easily see where a "robotic dog" could be very useful in situations where there is, say, a bomb threat, or fire threat etc.

So the problem is not the technology itself, but the people in charge of that technology and what they may do with it. Since governance has become so corrupted in the USA, we are run by sociopathic oligarchs and amoral corporations - it's easy to imagine how the technology could quickly be expanded to lead to a dystopian police state.

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First, they will begin with using it on prisoners, who are open season for abuse. Then next they will shove them into public schools, as an “improvement” on policemen and “protection” from school shootings. Then in poor neighbourhoods, as a “solution” to high crime rates and an “improvement” on plain clothes police bandits.

Next thing, you know, the streets of every downtown have become a dystopian scene from “Robocop”.

You have to understand how sick and twisted they are, and how the operate.

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Robots can be hacked.

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Yes... See my comment. "Copbots are the anti-guillotine." But we can turn them into the "New Guillotine" if we the workers are smart and get down to work.

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Well, controlling microchips is about democracy - isn't it? Isn't it? You mean, there might be another kind of democracy?

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From the article: ""Fox News has agreed, along with other news organizations, not to publish the leaked highly classified documents which were discovered last week."" That sent a chill down my spine. Dark days, indeed. But hey, an armed robot will soon relieve me of my worries...by killing me. So, there's that.

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Expect more and more, until the Empire is finally stopped, whether as a result of a sharp military defeat or economic collapse, or both.

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With regard to the “leaked” Pentagon docs, I will remain skeptical of their source and purpose. I would like to think there is a noble insider turned whistleblower who is heroically trying to provide facts that prove the Ukrainians have already lost the war and that peace talks—not another pointless counter-offensive—is the only rational and humane path forward. But let’s face it, the odds of anyone with that kind of security clearance having an ounce of empathy or humanity is vanishingly small.

It seems most likely that this is a controlled release (especially because it was first reported in the U.S. by the New York Times, which only reports what is in the interest of the American intel community). I suspect that leadership inside the intel community smells a rat (or mole), so one key purpose of the “leak” will be an immediate crackdown on any American or ally who holds a security clearance. This effort will employ “FBI investigations” to create fear to enforce discipline among the rank-and-file, but more importantly to identify and purge suspected potential legitimate whistleblowers and other undesirables (including any suspected Russian and Chinese moles). If this speculation is correct, expect the story to be placed on the back burner while FBI investigators begin to wreak terror internally by systematically targeting and pursuing internal “Russian and Chinese sympathizers”. Such internal purges are a hallmark of late-stage empires in rapid decline. This will not only affect the intel community, but the military as well, and may especially be aimed at politicians who, like Macron, are publicly questioning U.S. domination of European vassal states.

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I share your skepticism on the motivations for these "leaks".

First, consider how the role of social media and the intent was emphasized. I see this as a change in the Russia-gate and TikTok China examples for the need for internet censorship and surveillance. This "leak" will be used to support those rationales, which are failing badly in public perception management.

Second, I heard an argument that the CIA/NSA types advised against it and are extremely pissed off at Biden for blowing the cover on the Nordstream pipeline sabotage by telegraphing beforehand that US would blow it up and then Blinken and Nuland bragging about it after the fact. This argument then explained that the Sy Hersh story source was a CIA/NSA payback to Biden and the first in their attacks to embarrass and oust him. SO this "leak" could be part of that campaign to discredit Biden.

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The apologists for Empire should look at this Laotian song celebrating the Belt and Road and the high speed rail connection between Laos and China. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVXnIzLYQ1I

Recall Laos was the most bombed country by the US & CIA during the Vietnam War. No wonder the Laos refused to participate in sanctions against Russia and has close relations with China. People of the Majority have longer historic memories than the mutts who run the US Empire. As the song goes "Linked Hands, Linked Hearts" between Laos and China - any wonder given the US approach to the Majority World - bomb and pauperize populations.

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You "can't just dismiss" slippery slope arguments, period.

Texts that classify these arguments among the fallacies of inductive logic are mistaken.

A slippery slope argument is a claim that a chain of causal connections exists, and as Caitlin notes, causal chains do often exist. A slippery slope argument must be addressed by raising doubt that one or more events in the causal chain are likely to follow from the situations that precede them.

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A better term might be “Mission Creep”.

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Cop-bots! If I was an evil genius running things, I’d make sure to make it very unattractive to become a police officer. I’d have my media agents promote every instance of possible police brutality. I’d promote the idea that all cops are racist and trigger happy. My operatives would organize riots and looting to raise demand for law enforcement, while the public screams for less. Cops will quit or retire and nobody would want a career as a policeman. Then it’s too easy to form my cop-bot army. No chance for human morality to get in the way of my tyranny

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I really appreciate that your Substack allows for 'listening' by clicking 'online' rather than listening from the app via mobile phone. I refuse to add more apps to my mobile; just turning on the mobile data to install everything required starts a headache. I do enjoy your posts, especially via audio, and apologize that I can't do a paid subscription yet... crazy, limited income right now.

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