I've come to a nuanced view about ol' Noam, after his views on the unvaxxed. Listening to Russell Brand's interview of him, I was struck by his sense of his own moral rectitude, his superiority over everyone else, his insistence that young people will save us (Greta speaking at Davos!), and his statement that only change within the existing system can happen in time to avert climate catastrophe. As one of my viewers said, "the only anarchist in that conversation was Russell."

And so I've concluded: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/noam-chomsky-is-the-problem.

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and he's is a 9/11 gatekeeper

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Oh that's interesting too. I forgot how dismissive he was of 9/11. Which also goes to Grasshopper's point about David Ray Griffin. Amy Goodman hosted a 'debate' between him and Chip Berlet, someone who I found to be pretending to be liberal but really defending the status quo. Chip used a classic rhetorical trick of ignoring the larger argument and finding some obscure point to question, I think giving some of the names of people who supported his argument. When DRG addressed the larger point, Amy went back to, but can you give us names? Because he didn't have them at his fingertips, it made him look stupid, even though they only needed to refer to his book to find the answer.

Years later, I asked Amy why she had framed that as a debate to discredit him, rather than interviewing him herself to hear his research. She said that she thought he would come back with a list of names. And she was sure Chip Berlet was not a propaganda double agent (although I wasn't using that term back then.)

There were many, many who stopped listening to DN over 911. I also heard that on the live version, she reported on the 'dancing Israelis' but it got edited out in the recording.

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White goys killing white goys for the benefit of others. It has always been thus.

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I recall hearing her mention the dancing dIsraelies and going her trademark...


Which signifies debate is closed and look elsewhere not at the elephant

Also she AG total big Harma whore...woopsie daisies...


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Im surprised jootube hasnt banned this video...guess they didnt catch it...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0UZ23A3VzM

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Anyone who has done more than an hour of reseach and accepts the gov't story of 9/11 at face value of how the towers collapsed is to me not serious. Start with WTC Tower 7, but the math from NIST for 1 and 2 just doesn't work. It is just phyiscally impossible for the towers to collapse using the NIST models as presented.

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Such a good point. I tried to argue this with many, that you would need to change the laws of physics that something collapses at freefall speed against the resistance of an existing building. You also need to change the temperature at which steel melts to be lower than that at which jet fuel burns--and the jet fuel needs to keep burning all the way down.

In 2009 when Third Paradigm was a radio show on a pirate station, someone asked me to interview Richard Gage, founder of Architects & Engineers for 911 Truth. It was a turning point in recognizing that there's NOTHING they wouldn't do. There was also a conference on the 20th anniversary that had a presentation linking 911 and Covid. I did an episode called Cui Bono Covid? on Kevin Ryan: https://youtu.be/jSF7O2FI0S4

Here's the description:

In this video I look at who benefited from the pandemic, other than just pharmaceutical companies, and how the left became so obedient. I examine presentations linking 9-11 and C-19, and compare biodefense labs to breeding sabertooth tigers, just in case they came back in the wild. I ask whether we've been masterfully played by both sides to make the left into non-questioners of authority--Big Government, Big Tech & Big Pharma. I examine the savings to Medicaid from nursing home mortality, and the bankruptcies of small businesses, eliminating the competition for Amazon and Big Box Behemoths.

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

I'm an engineer and a member of A&E for 911 Truth. I found them while doing my own research a few years ago.

Your points about physics are things that even laypeople can understand. Take a shoe box and crush it with a weight. Then stack four shoe boxes on top of each other and crush down with the same weight. You'll see it gets harder to crush down. Add more boxes and eventually the bottom boxes will only deform or maybe not even show outward signs of stress. Same thing with WTC 1 and 2. Even if you believe the planes could completely cut through the building, it is then just like the weight falling on the boxes. The lower boxes don't lose structural integrity because of something that happened 75 floors above them.

Sorry for the rant. I try not to think about that too much the official story, as it is intellectually insulting.

Thanks for the link. I've put it in my playlist.

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I've always thought Gnome chumpskie sucks ass, his own ass, even if I agree with his boring bought off sentiments.

He is as dangerous as anyone else Amy badGoodman worships.

I pay attention to the folks who get ignored and sidelined.


David ray Griffin


Mike Yeadon

You and your efforts

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I actually think he's totally right here in this instance, with regard to the enormous pro-war propaganda and the way this war is being portrayed, it's very disturbing.

By the way he never insisted that the state imprison people, he said they ought to have the decency to distance themselves. You might disagree with that, fine, but he's still correct on this Ukraine conflict. It was avoidable, it was provoked, and it's a very dangerous moment for us all, and a peaceful solution is not even contemplated, only further provocations.

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Oh we couldn't agree more and you're giving me an opening to prove it by linking a couple of my recent Ukraine articles at the end of this. Thanks for that!

On Noam's view of the unvaccinated self-quarantining, I never disagree with someone's conclusion. What I say is they need to show me facts and logic that support it. That was what set Noam apart and enabled him to 'get away with' so much truth in the MSM. The man had facts at his fingertips! I was so envious of his prodigious memory. He gave credit to the whole community who brought him facts, for which he was their spokesperson, but he was armed and ready. I had wondered if his training in semantics gave him that impressive ability.

His statement that the unvaccinated didn't have a right to endanger other people was something he didn't bother to substantiate. He just assumed that everything he'd been told by the gov't was absolutely true. How is that different than waving a blue and yellow flag? And the result of somewhat with his status saying it was more hatred, fear and blame. In another episode, called Manufacturing Contempt, I talk about the studies done for what messaging would most increase anger and disdain--something NC fell for, hook line &...




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I've thought it was a bit funny how the expression "growing the beard" came to mean that something or someone suddenly got a lot better, and yet with Chomsky his takes became worse overall around the same time he literally grew his beard. And Caitlin has mentioned that everyone telling you not to listen to him now will do a 180 and tell you "Listen to him, he's NOAM CHOMSKY FFS!" when it's time to vote again and he says (as he always does) that everyone should vote blue no matter who.

He's at least correct about this, though.

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I hadn't seen FFS before, very funny! Yes, on this issue he's being the logical, even-handed analyst that made me love him and Glenn Greenwald. I'm glad that Glenn hasn't let me down ... yet. I didn't want to pile it on but I also find Chris Hedges sanctimonious. If I have to hear one more time about his war experience ... I think it comes from being a preacher's son and going to seminary, he just can't help lecturing and talking from his pulpit on high. When he got kicked out with RT I relented and subscribed. But then I couldn't take it. His research is good but he has his liberal-icon blind spots, like Chomsky.

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I've often said that next to Assange, I think that Glenn is the GOAT of journalism, so if he ever does let me down the way so many others have then I'll probably take it pretty hard. But I don't think he has yet either.

I don't feel quite the same way about Hedges since for the most part I think he's worth listening to, but he did sort of rub me the wrong way recently when he invoked Karl Popper's "Paradox Of Tolerance" in one of his articles. Popper evidently wasn't a fan of free speech. I am a fan of free speech, so I don't like it when people repeat what he said about how there's some speech we just shouldn't tolerate, since that kind of thinking played a big part in getting us where we are now with out of control censorship.

And it's weird the way Hedges wrote some years ago that antifa was a gift to the right (his reasoning being, as I recall, that it made the left look violent and crazy and the right look like victims) and yet more recently wrote about how he once said in a speech "There is no dialogue with those who deny your legitimate right to be. At that point it is a fight for survival.” I mean, that's the kind of thing that the average self-described anti-fascist would say, and I don't believe it's even true...

To explain why I don't feel that way, Hedges said he was addressing LGBT students at a university. I happen to be LGBT myself, and hearing about people who deny my right to exist doesn't make me think "Well, there's no possibility of changing their minds via dialogue, guess there's nothing left but to throw hands!" It makes me wonder what would happen if I did try to talk to them, either online or in person. Perhaps I could clear up some misconceptions they have that feed their hatred. I also imagine that Daryl Davis might have a thing or two to say about the futility of having a dialogue with Klan members, if not bigots of every stripe. Obviously it won't always be successful, but I really don't think it's always doomed to failure either.

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I didn't realize that GOAT was a compliment, but I'm learning all kinds of hip lingo from you. Pretty soon I'll be able to impress my daughters ;-)

You're doing a better job of naming Hedge's blind spots than I am, and you're his fan! I'll add one more. I think he's very preachy about non-violence as the only way and cites his war street cred to make it inarguable. In the book Arundhati Roy did with John Cusack and Ed Snowden, she says that non-violence is fine when you have the star power of Gandhi to bring in the foreign journalists. But when you're out in the jungle, three days from the next town, you'd better be able to defend your own community.

I think that armchair moralists like Hedges take international legitimacy and solidarity away from the Maoists, Zapatistas, Hamas, etc. Roy also talks about how NGOs became 'Gandhified' the year they all got funding from foundations. Suddenly it was all about peaceful resistance and armed resistance was abandoned. I think Hedges does this oversimplification.

And YES on Assange, home-schooled to recognize rhetorical tricks and stay true to his principles. And YES to dialogue. As Thich Nhat Hanh said, "In a true dialogue, both sides are willing to change." We need more of that. Today more than ever.

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GOAT = "Greatest Of All Time"

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Yeah, I couldn't tell you when it "GOAT" went from being the opposite of the hero in sports to an acronym for "Greatest Of All Time", but it did. Happy to help. :)

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My cousin had this awful parrot he taught to say 'twat twat'. The bird would go 'twat' in response to everything. Whenever it thought it was spoken to: twat, twat, twat. When it wanted to make its own parrot noises: twat, twat.

For years, nothing but twat, twat, twat. Parrots are remarkably patient and mindless. They're long lived too. Some of them are thousands of years old, or something. Twat twat... twat, like a Chinese water torture.

I hear the bird's vapid mantra from time to time, clear as day, though I've not visited my cousin in over a year. Twat, twat, twat.

Don't know why but I'm hearing it now. Twat, twat Hopefully it'll stop. Twat. It must be worse to be the parrot, I reckon. No escape from itself. That's some consolation.

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I hear that parrot every day. He must be a helluva psychic parrot.

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To be fair, the Russia hate hysteria began before the russiagate conspiracy theory was thought up.

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Indeed. It’s what Russiagate was all about. Has no one noticed the following?

1) the look of forced coprophagia on Mueller’s face when he presented the findings? Like Powell at the UN.

2) the ridiculous redactions used to make it seem like there was something there? By a government that classifies a petabyte of data a month (~ a dozen entire libraries of Congress)

3) the inability of average Americans to explain what the Russians were alleged to have done.

4) the complete lack of advice to the public on avoiding the “Russian menace” = no menace?


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1. Paragraph 95 or so of the much-hyped Mueller indictment ZOMG made it clear that the Internet Research agency was, in fact, a clickbait operation, or, in the words of the indictment, a "commercial operation".

2. When the IRA called Mueller's bluff and responded to the indictment, the DoJ was forced to drop all charges under threat of court sanctions from being unable to provide any evidence that the IRA or its affiliates were in any way linked to the Russian government.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022


Loved the way Fraudsters Inc. chimed in, in unison about decent Mueller’s “lacklustre performance”. Men with integrity don’t find public lying easy.

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

I dunno, Mueller was one of those who led the charge when it came to lying about Iraqi WMDs.

In this case, however, he had even less to work with.

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

And likely why he was picked for Russiagate? I think he was had in the first instance (lied to) and swallowed several times in the second. But I’m by no means sure.

There are certain things at the core of the rot that escape scrutiny. Largely because there are other more obvious pathogens.

So in the case of the MSM a key ~never seen preamble to any article could be a note from the editor as to why the topic was picked and why it was written by a particular writer. We can usually guess now but it doesn’t come naturally. Same is true for commissions/inquiries. Instead what you get as a voter are endless Rhodes Scholars and Ivy League affiliations without any sense of real integrity of the individual or his/her capacity to rise up and rock a boat desperately needing it. So Sanders marched with MLK at a time when it wasn’t in the regulations, so it was just a matter of time before Debbie Wasserwoman screwed him. Not promoting him, mind you.

One explanation for the muteness of 42,000 NSA employees while the Fourth Amendment was being trampled and shat on, is that hiring was based on the same spying techniques used ubiquitously by the government. Sort of a Stepford apparatchik filter. Any dissent blackballs you. That’s how you get 42,000 who collectively agree “boys will be boys”, and keep mum.

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If my memory serves me correctly seems Russia, al la the Soviet Union, was reviled when I started 1st grade back in 1960. "Commies", bad, US imperialism/capitalism, good. So it's been ongoing since the early 20th century. Peace

They helped defeat Nazi Germany in WW II. All but forgotten in today's discourse. Hence their(Russia's) extreme distaste for the Nazis in Ukraine. Which, BTW, were installed by the Obama/Biden/Clinton State Department back in 2014. Hmmm...

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"They helped defeat Nazi Germany in WW II" - usually when one helps somebody that somebody does the actual job. So who actually defeated Nazi Germany - aka Nazi Europe at the time - in WW II?

Some numbers to do crunching with.

American casualties - 400K, all military, no occupation of the USA, no destruction, no civilians

Soviet Union:

- 27 million, of which

- 8 to 10, let's take 10 million military

- that leaves 17 million civilians

You know the Holocaust number of which there were many in that 17 million. Let's be "generous" though and deduct 6 million from 17 million, pretending they were all in the Soviet Union.

That leaves 11 million civilian non-Jewish dead - almost twice that of Holocaust.

Plus total devastation of a huge territory. All the while the USA perfecting its industry.

So who helped whom?

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Perhaps "helped" wasn't the proper term. Without Soviet sacrifices the world would be a far different place than it is today. The invasion of Russia cost Hitler everything. Invading Russia historically is folly. Kinda like invading Afghanistan; no one ever wins. The US suffered more casualties fighting Imperial Japan than they did in Europe.

Yes, the Soviets were the US's allies and were the key State in defeating Nazi Germany. Which was then promptly brushed aside to become THE enemy. The US sought to capitalize upon a destroyed Europe(and Japan) as they became the world force we see today. They became the enemy because of communism.

Hitler was supposed the defeat the Soviets and rid the world once and for all of communism. It is a sordid event if one cares to delve into the deep end and see the real. Something never discussed in history class.

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Reminds me of Oliver North's words, "I want you to know, lying doesn't come easy to me."

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It's centuries old. Just sitting dormant periodically, but always there.

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While I wasn't paying super-close attention, I think it was just Romney and others like him engaging in it at first, with Democrats not joining in until they needed to discredit the e-mails from WikiLeaks and then later when they needed a scapegoat for Hillary losing besides Hillary herself. But as I said, I wasn't watching closely and could be wrong. At any rate, the hysteria sure got much more hysterical and unhinged after 2016.

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It's true, Romney was sounding the alarm early and was largely scoffed at and ignored by the Dems and their supporters. Obama was dismissive of Putin calling him Junior Varsity. Then, suddenly and inexplicably, the Dems got religion and were on board. In fact, the Dems took control of the train and it's a Midnight Black Earth Run.


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You're pretending to be a lefty as you praise Mitt Romney, whose policies have never been left-wing in the slightest.

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Pretending to be a lefty? In what way? Praise for Mitt Romney in what way? You're such a pus and a coward.

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And yes, I'd be happy to say that to your face.

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Been a while since you had a facelift?

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Russia — the eternal victim. Cry me a river with the "Russia hate" nonsense. Putin's a troll and any hate directed at him he's solicited.

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And, you have been brainwashed by the CIA, North Atlantic Terrorist Organization, and the FBI for how long?

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The FBI if they're tuned in have to be laughing their asses off at this comment.

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I forgot to mention the MSM which is basically an arm of the government!

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I think you are more likely the one who is brainwashed. You espouse an equal and exactly opposite perspective from that of the Western propagandists in their myriad forms and in doing so, you also draw the wrong conclusions. Now, whether you're doing that naively and unwittingly or you're doing it wittingly in order to deceive is another question entirely.

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The post was about Russia, not Putin. And you've been a perfect example of that seething hatred towards Russia masquerading it under "Putin". Now Putin, earlier communism, and still earlier something else. Underneath it all it's Russia, its vast resources, and its invincibility against external aggression. It can only hurt itself, from within, and never from without.

Face it, admit it, and prepare for the inevitable - Russia will prevail this time once again and unless the West finds the way out claiming "victory" it's an all-out nuclear armageddon. Get ready.

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the guys a troll...probably from a certain ethnic tribe...https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/how-jewish-is-the-war-against-russia/

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It is a troll, but I suspect that you have it's ethnic beef wrong.

Either way, the troll pretty much lives here, posting inane comments and otherwise wasting bandwidth, and has a real fixation on Putin.

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I know it's a troll. I'm having fun with it now and again. Not sure about your ethnicity inference, though. There's lots of ethnicities fighting on both sides there. Why single out Jews?

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Putin IS Russia. He has thus made it so.

Too funny telling me to get ready for nuclear armageddon. Scary!! As if anyone could "get ready" for it. Vlad has much more to lose than me. I'm close enough to the epicenter of a blast that I will go poof immediately. The hell is reserved for those who don't incinerate in a flash but instead die over many grueling suffering months and perhaps years for some.

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hey troll get a real job and stop living on her substack

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And you responded to it bringing up Putin. Why?

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It always brings up Putin. Possibly even more often than Hillary.

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Your response caused diarrhea from the troll. Hey, Simple One - was "Hillary" the magic pill?

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Rob, you promised the unexpected from you but all you have is the expected. That's disappointing.

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Rob, where do you get your white sheet and pointy hat? Made in China?

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Rob blowing Putin again. Hey Rob, get it through your prodigiously thick skull. Putin is Russia. There is no denying it.

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Because he's the titular head of Russia and he calls the shots.

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Hey, fucktard - don't edit your messages from under already posted responses. It's uncouth.

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Such a potty mouth you have. Lots of anger too.

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Speaking of uncouth, Putin is about as uncouth as one can get. Or haven't you done your homework on him?

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I like using people's real names.

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the eternal victim award was given to da joos long before Putin was born...or hadnt you heard

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When you have to hate Dostoevsky, demand fealty from orchestra conductors, reduce the Western EU to economic rubble as a promo gimmick? Provoke mass starvation for lack of Russia's chemical fertilizers? But of course in spite of over 6000 sanctions Russia should never consider its own interests. Yeh, something's a little weird. Unprovoked war? Like the US Britain, any power that could wouldn't take more stringent actions for far less? Falkland Islands? Propaganda? This is fantasy land.

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Hedges fails to reconcile his contradictions and his American Exceptionalism. I was watching a Hedges' speech on YouTube this morning where he was discussing climate change and overall environmental armageddon and yet in his latest article related to NATO and the war in Ukraine, it's as though environmental armageddon isn't an issue for him at all and it's not relevant.

China and Russia are not the answer to Western neoLiberalism. In fact, they're worse considering neither gives a shit about climate change and environmental degradation. China is addicted to growth and will continue to grow until the planet is no more. Russia is committed to extracting and renting every last resource contained in its soils until none is left and it is committed to a world that ALWAYS relies on those rented resources, planet be damned.

Take BRICS, for example. Brazil is a wet dream for oligarchs. It has pretty much zero regulation of industry. Hence, the Amazon rainforest, part of the planet's lungs if you will, is being destroyed at such a rapid pace by and for industry, that it now in parts emits more CO2 than it absorbs and it once upon a time was a massive CO2 sink. Putin is fine with this. Xi is fine with this. So tell me, how is a so-called multipolar world, if Xi and Putin are to be believed that's what they truly want, any better than a neoLiberal unipolar world when environmental armageddon is assured either way?



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Putin has taken great pains to avoid unnecessary civilian deaths.

Your criticism is valid, but then again , our e p a ain't....

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Very interesting post with useful info. I noticed the same gratuitous adjectives and modifiers used against Trump very early on and not being a Trump supporter I was shocked at the credulity of those who missed the manipulation.

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Now do “global pandemic.”

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It does not seem to me like an event of the same class.

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PFAS is a safeguard against COVFEFE-45 and against the harms caused by the vaccines and the great part is, many people have loads of it in their blood already and if they don't they soon will considering it's ubiquitous and free or at least free for now. It's better than Ivermectin and disinfectant and UV light injected directly into the veins. So screw the global pandemic — we're protected by the same thing that keeps food from sticking on your pots and pans. It keeps food from sticking and water from penetrating and it keeps COVFEFE-45 from attaching.

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the self proclaimed expert on Russia is also a self proclaimed expert on the scamdemic....is there any subject that you actually know anything about?

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hey rich, where's your newsletter? There is nothing there to read. Just empty space like the inside of your puny cranium. Check your closet again and under the bed, rich, you may have missed a "Jew."

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So that's the routine you use looking for Putin then. I'd add check the crapper too before sitting down. Or maybe you do and that explains your constipated mind.

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Now I understand your potty mouth. Your head is always in the toilet.

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and guess whos behind all of america's invasions? https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/how-jewish-is-the-war-against-russia/

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Clearly russian bot's friend here is an anti-semite. Birds of a feather.

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anti-semite...its a trick we always use it...straight from the horses mouth...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW3a1bw5XlE

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Keep in mind, Chomsky's parents were Ukrainian Jews when their population was upwards of 5 million. Today their population in Ukraine is around 200K. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

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I think that means 4,800,000 moved to Western Europe, America and Canada, and, Israel.

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No. Most perished between 1941-45, and with their Ukrainian nationalist neighbors taking an active role in the killing.

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Of course, you know better than Rabbi Stambler, don't you? Nothing like killing a bunch of Jews during one's denazification campaign, is there?


****Filatov doesn’t see any sense in trying to debunk Russian propaganda about Ukraine: “How can you comment on the delusion of the inflamed mind of Putin? When you talk to a psychopath, you can’t explain his virtual world. I don’t have a drop of Ukrainian blood, I speak Russian, mostly in a Russian-speaking city, and they put me on the shooting lists in Russia. There is another problem here – why did the West try to reach an agreement with him? I think that Mrs. Merkel has been sleeping very badly lately, if she has any remnants of her conscience left. The whole world calmly watched as a new Reich was created and a new Fuhrer grew up in Russia for 20 years.”

“I was born in the U.S. and to be honest, I always thought that democracy was about a better life,” he says. “Now I see it’s about the right to choose. That’s exactly what Putin wants to deprive Ukrainian people of. That’s something for which we, here in Ukraine, give our lives. This is truly a people’s war. It is a war for Justice. For me, this is God’s war.”****

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No wonder you're deranged. Reading vomit like that.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

Pretty funny that when Zelenskii tried saying similar nonsense before the Knesset, his speech went down like a lead balloon. In fact, members described it as "close to Holocaust denial".

Then again, in Jewish folk memory, Ukrainians were the most vicious and ogrish antisemites of all.

It is also rich that you consider the US proxy war in Ukraine to be "God's war" (then go sign up and fight, troll!), a war so terrrifying that Ukraine’s own human rights ombudsman was forced to resign for making up atrocity tales (you would think that this would not be necessary if thw human rights situation in God's war were so awful?) but you ignore the very real genocide in Yemen.

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What I heard she said she was just trying to rile up the world and her source was her daughter's social media circle. Noble cause, reliable sources.

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I don't consider it to be God's war. The rabbi does and he's closer to it than you are, isn't he? In fact, he's closer to it than Putin is.

Also, I do not ignore the genocide and atrocities in Yemen and have condemned it many times including now. It is stark hypocrisy for America, the West more generally and NATO to decry what Putin is doing in Ukraine when they support and aid and abet what MBS is doing in Yemen.

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Jul 13, 2022·edited Jul 13, 2022

More assuming facts not in evidence, more special pleading, more bullshit arguments, more trolling from you.

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Rabbi Stambler may not feel threatened as his grandparents did, but we were talking about his grandparents (Chomsky's generation). And because we recognizeed the real threat from then, doesn't mean we've dismissed the threat of Putin to anyone now. Splitting your enemies, as the saying goes. That said, I'm sure Rabbi Stambler is not dining with the Azov Battalion any time soon, even though he may recognize the West as the shining city on the hill. All things considered, he's probably right. But that doesn't change history and why the Jewish population has diminished by 90% in four generations.

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fe fi fo roll...I smell a zio troll...https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/how-jewish-is-the-war-against-russia/

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This article hits at the heart of it. It's why Zelensky has become a poster-child from DC to Hollywood and lauded everywhere in the media. That said, it will go down as their greatest mistake.

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Wow, another racist white nationalist Putin fanboy. You hang with "rich," that's what you are.

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That's right. Population reduced to 2 million when the Soviet Union collapsed.

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How would you know? Were you there!

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What silliness are you insinuating? Are you not aware that the Nazis raised concentration camp guards from among the Ukrainian nationalists?

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Папаша старенький, ему простительно.

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Старый, ли нет, не знаю, но нонсенс я прекрасно признаю.

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And Chomsky knows exactly why.

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Is it really an “Invasion” though? As this commenter put it: “What Russia intended was to decimate Ukraine’s military capability, crush Azov and other hostile fascist elements stationed in the east, liberate the Donbas and connect Crimea to the independent republics”

Do you know about Azov Caitlin?

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The empire behaves towards the world like a maniacal rejected and abusive aspiring lover: if i can't have you, no one can.

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I must take issue with Caitlin’s judgment that Russia is responsible for having started the war, provoked as it was. From Russia’s standpoint, the war actually started on February 16 with the heavy shelling of Donbas by Ukrainian forces. Russia claims to have had reliable intelligence that an invasion of Donbas would begin in early March. Hence, Russia’s invasion was fundamentally defensive in nature and only happened after a fruitless wait of 8 years for the Minsk Accords to be implemented.

Even more importantly, Russia justifiably viewed NATO’s expansion as an existential threat that aimed to split the country into smaller states and remove Vladimir Putin from power. The US/NATO alliance had shown itself to be totally disinterested in peaceful negotiations. How else could Russia have addressed the very real threat to its existence as a sovereign and self-reliant nation? It seems to me that the only viable course of action under the circumstances was a military one.

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Yes exactly! Richard gave a demo of that in his film. Even my young daughters got it, it made it so obvious. A&E for 911 Truth was such a brilliant organization. It reminds me of the Covid Truthers now, and the integrity and solidarity with which they discussed research and put together the pieces. It's hard to develop a conspiracy theory alone (a term I use with respect as the basis for all journalism.) You need others who are seeing the same thing that doesn't make sense and developing hypotheses and adding to the data set of what's known and what's the best working explanation.

My focus, in my book How to Dismantle an Empire, is on a new economic model. I've been envious of the community around 911 then or Pandemic+ now. Even those who are the foremost thinkers on economic reality and what to do about it, like Ellen Brown, are shot down by egotistical assholes on sites like scheerpost. There's no fraternal (gender non-specific) organization that's operating with the same reality and agenda.

Thanks for adding my episode to your playlist! Here's my book, fyi:


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Definitely interesting times... But :

"Unfortunately the managers of empire don't seem to have any plans to abandon their goal of global conquest anytime soon", and "unless the empire had some major agendas..."

The trouble with that view is that "they", "the managers", "the empire" implies there is some sort of unified conspirational "they" who make the plans around a "green baize table" (re: Tom Wolfe). The reality is more complicated, and perhaps even more worrisome as I discuss here:


There are several, perhaps a multitude of "theys" who operate mostly independently, and without much communication to other "theys" as to their true plans. There is a "they" at BigPharma, as well as at each BigPharma enterprise, at each of the three letter agencies, "theys" at the several thinktanks, at BigOil, BigChemical, BigFinance, BigCongress, BigJudiciary, et al. Mostly “they” hate the other “theys” and wouldn’t give them the time of day. One might even speak of a "War Between the Theys"

On one thing they are unanimous, however. They will never back down! Neither for the "safe and efficient" charade nor for the "Evil Dictator-of-the-Month" idiocy. "They" all will have to continue this abomination to the very end, with the top echelons of "they" hoping and/or planning something big that will divert attention, that will bring such change that all else will be forgotten, overlooked, ignored. One or two scenarios come to mind...

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hmm. ''intelet' chomsky should learn A LOT! ftom Pepe ESCOBAR, and vomit garbage!...Here’s the arguably key passage:

“They should have understood that they have already lost from the very beginning of our special military operation, because its beginning means the beginning of a radical breakdown of the World Order in the American way. This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world – a world based not on selfish rules invented by someone for themselves, behind which there is nothing but the desire for hegemony, not on hypocritical double-standards, but on international law, on the true sovereignty of peoples and civilizations, on their will to live their historical destiny, their values and traditions and build cooperation on the basis of democracy, justice and equality. And we must understand that this process can no longer be stopped.”

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hmm, chomsky?, nothing but masticate, vocabulario!, it is so sad ! how much this person dislike Slavic people!, always try to ''equalize'' constant crimes with Russian real defense! (870mill. nato VS 146 + in other countries Russians!, HISTORICALLY ), same about ex. yugo and on and on..... to his blabering, I will agree with Putin statement : COMPARE TO ''YOU'' WE ARE ANGELS WITH WHITE WING!!... excrement propaganda does work!

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Thoughts to add NYC PSA?....National Security Archive June 2022 "Nuclear Winter: U.S. Government Thinking During the 1980s"

Nearly half of luxury units empty in Billionaires' Row buildings


Nearly Half of the Pricey Condos on Billionaires' Row Sit Empty


National Security Archive released last month. "Nuclear Winter: U.S. Government Thinking During the 1980s" Washington, D.C., June 2, 2022 – The apocalyptic threats emanating from Moscow over the Ukraine war raise the terrible prospect of nuclear weapons use. The probabilities may be low, but if a major nuclear war occurred, the catastrophic impact of a so-called nuclear winter could be felt on a global scale.

Today the nongovernmental National Security Archive presents an assortment of government and contractor reports from the 1980s, when scientists first surfaced the nuclear winter theory. These records describe preliminary efforts to explore the thesis along with related issues. Although the topic quickly became politically charged, some high-level officials including President Ronald Reagan indicated that they accepted the concept was theoretically possible.

Among the primary documents posted today are an early overview of the Defense Nuclear Agency’s research program, published for the first time, concluding that a large-scale nuclear exchange could cause “atmospheric trauma” with “serious potential for severe consequences” for the weather and climate. Also in the compilation are progress reports on the Lawrence Livermore National Lab’s research agenda, and a CIA report from late 1984 on nuclear winter research in the former Soviet Union.


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April 30, 2001 National Security Archive released "Operation Northwood"


May 1, 2001 -- In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba. Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.


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