Today, one image said all your words to me, like one crossbow arrow fired deep into my brain. It was of a 10-year-old Gazan boy almost dead of malnutrition, his face a mask of death, there being barely any fat or muscle left under the skin to disguise that it was reduced to a skull seeking eternity. It was horrific, and it made me want to spit in the ugly faces of Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, and all the other effing sociopath money-shakers who inject these fake politician assholes with the funding that serves as their puppet strings and turns the sick imperialist engines of corporate crony Capitalism into pauperizing and murdering everything, everywhere. Omicidio di tutto, dappertutto.
I didn't see that video, Gypsy33. That must have been hard to bear, but a common sight today thanks to Israel sadism, coupled with America's support.
The more I read in these comments and from Caitlin, the more I question what is is that I am missing when I see all these European countries, some who I greatly admire as people, all anxious to assist Ukraine with weapons and troops; all of which are openly supporting this genocide in words and actions: all towing the American line.
I read of the Labour Party leader in the UK, in a party that has dispensed with what I regard as decent representatives to end up with an Israeli trumpetblower like Starmer; also a Prime Minister who, as far as I can see, has no reason to feel obligated to support the Zionists in the UK.....that is, therefore, both the leaders of the UK; almost enthusiastic comments from Italy, France, Germany, and now, the Scandinavians, one and all.
Then Canada, New Zealand and Australia, all seeing genocide, starvation, murder and sadistic Jewish actions as acceptable, noticeably less vocal now than two months before, but still supporting a nation being ruined, citizens being killed by the thousands, people not in any way an enemy or a threat to any country, anywhere, in any way at all
The greatest criminal action by any country in living memory. US approved and funded, white, anglo supported.
What am we missing here. In my advocacy for Palestine commencing in 1967, have I and others like me taken a wrong turn along the track? Are we missing something that makes us fail to see that what is happening today is justified in any degree whatsoever.
A backstep for a second. In contemplative moments I think of WWIi, the crimes committed against the whole world by Germany, the treatment of the Jews during those years, promoted by the Jews since 1945 ad nauseam, as a crime.
Are they any different from the treatment today by those same Israelis, of Palestinians for the past 70 years. Loss of land, cruelty, murder every possible crime in the book being a part of their obviously well planned scheme to take over the Palestinian state.
They have done it....with the total support of a country like America, who like all others involved in WWII, know full well of the death and destruction during those WWII years.
Tell me, Joe Biden. Don't you know that what you have allowed to happen by supporting a demonstratively sadisitc Israel, is the equal of the Nazi attacks during WWII.
Show us the difference, Biden. If you cannot, hang your head in shame.
A shamed President in a politically shamed America, now to a shames Western world, almost without exception.
The Germans did not commit all the crimes in WWII. The U.S. dropped several atomic bombs on Japan. Actually, there were a lot of crimes committed by other actors. But Germany's goal was control of the European continent and UK, as the US goal is complete control of the Middle East and Northern Africa and their resources Along with other parts of the world..
But I just want to say that for awhile now I have been unable to deny (to myself) seeing the shocking similarity between the U.S./Israel and all their European/Commonwealth suck-ups and the Third Reich. We're even supporting a genocide that is worse than what the Germans did. Israel isn't an underling to the US since they control our government.
But the real probably is our economic system. Capitalism. The REAL religion of the West (and too much of the East).
Almost everyone in the West is unaware of the history of Eastern European Jews prior to World War II. The most important fact of that history is that, because of the Arenda System (see below), the Jews there prospered by having little empathy for the native peasants over whom they had economic control. What the world sees Jews doing today in Gaza stems from an attitude toward goyim that has deep roots.
The Israeli population is overwhelmingly descended from Eastern European Jews who prospered by imposing harsh taxes on the Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian peasantry through administering estates for and collecting taxes for the "nobility" of those countries. To avoid the bother of managing their estates (peopled of course by serfs or serf-like peasants), the "nobles" leased out management rights for their estates to Jews, and the Jewish managers pocketed whatever they could squeeze out of the peasants above what the "nobles" had instructed them to collect. It is called the Arenda System. That's not the sort of societal arrangement that would favor the inter-generational transmission of fairness in dealing with others, either culturally or genetically.
Thanks, a long while back I read a book by Booker T. Washington, The Man Furthest Down, and remember when he was in Galacia and since I am half Polish it was something I would remember. He referenced the destain the Jewish tax collector had for the impoverished peasants. I know little else about this. Thanks for the links.
I think your point is as consequential as it gets. Plus, as far as I have been informed, Jews did not have a country for a few thousand years, thereby obliging them to fend for themselves. nd so the enslavement condition is endemic to all of us... We do it to ourselves, and keep doing it.
Israel is not a Jewish country. Jews have had countries, for god's sake. You think American Jews do not have a country? They most certainly do. In fact, I don't think it's unfair to say they are privileged in the US. Think about the terminology you are using and the assumptions underlying those assumptions. German Jews had a country. They were GERMAN. Polish Jews had a country. They were POLISH. Iraqi Jews had a country. They were IRAQI. The idea that Israel is a JEWISH country is part of the Zionist propaganda. Listen to Rabbi Yaacov Shapiro, for god's sake.
I have listened to Ben Shapiro... but not much since he didn't impress me that much. As far as Zionists are concerned, please BRIEFLY explain to me what a Zionist is? Also, Israel is not a country? Again, I'm short on history but didn't the U.N , or world, divide the Palestinian territory in 1the late 1940s and give it to Jewish people? I'm all ears. Thanks.
My comments keep disappearing. Here's a really interesting talk by YAACOV Shapiro about the history of Zionism's development. it's fairly recent. Israel is recognized as a country, yes. But as Ralph Wilde recently discussed in his remarks to the ICJ--brilliant and well worth watching everything he's got to say--it is not LEGALLY a country. Britain gave it to the Zionists but it wasn't Britain's to give. The right-wing in Israel have opened a Pandora's Box and the end result is going to be the complete end to the Zionist project, I think. I don't know how long it will take but they don't even have a big enough population to hold onto that colonialist outpost and now most Americans are questioning the money and support we're giving them. Without the US support they cannot live. It's a parasitic entity and supporting it and Ukraine (and the whole wealth transfer to the billionaire class during COVID-19 too) are the reason we have such ridiculous amounts of inflation. It's way worse than the economists are saying. My car insurance has doubled and I'm an excellent driver. The cost of food is out the roof and going up. Don't tell me it's only 3%. We are all paying a war tax when Congress gives Israel and Ukraine money. The Mandate--yes, Britain passed the Balfour Declaration. That mandate actually started long before. It's too much to go into here. Read about the fall of the Ottoman Empire up until the end of WWII and you will understand what's really going on. Oh, and then into 1956 and the fall of the British Empire. There are tons of resources online. But books are better. But in 1947 the UN decided to divide what remained of Palestine (Lebanon and Syria and part of Jordan were initially Palestine also). They were supposed to use current population figures of Jews v. non-Jews to do so, but they didn't. Jews were around a third of the population and they were given 56% of the land. Both Jews and Arabs were supposed to stop acquiring weapons in hopes that would help stop the fighting (against each other and the Brits who finally threw up their hands and left). The Arabs kept their word; the Zionists did not. They acquired a whole arsenal from I think Czechoslovakia or somewhere in Eastern Europe. In 1948 they attacked the Arabs and that's the Nakba. They acquired a lot of land, killed a lot of people, and the people they didn't kill are the refugees, many of whom were shoved into Gaza. Others ended up since then in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Some emigrated West. Those people still have a right to their land and have been asking for a right to return which the Israelis will not allow. Other wars they acquired more land. It is against the law to acquire land in this manner. And occupying forces do not have a legal right to fight against resistance forces. The land belongs to the Palestinians--not the Israelis. I'm talking about Gaza and the West Bank now.
Israel also took a corner of Syria because that's where most of the water for the whole area comes from. That's what is meant by "the Golan Heights". During WWII up until the present they were acquiring more population through false flag operations in Arab countries, bombing Jews there and trying to get the whole community to emigrate to Palestine to increase their claim to even MORE land. Eventually all this bombing caused political instability and countries where their families had lived for centuries peacefully began to see them as a real problem. And then 1967 took more land, then 1973, etc. Meanwhile the US kept arming them surreptitiously (and illegally). As we are to this day. The UN recognized that the first division of land was grossly unfair and they sent a rep to go interview, investigate, and re-draw the map, which he did in 1948. Shin Bet assassinated him on the way to the airport and the new map disappeared. And the Brits left.
It goes on and on and on. These are primarily European Jews who have no basis in the Middle East. They treated the Arab Jews horribly. And many of the Arab Jews (the Mizrahi) have left Israel to countries where they had a chance of a normal life (and not as European Jews' servants, frankly--the European/American racism is used against non-"White" Jews from many countries).
PLEASE watch some of Rabbi YAACOV Shapiro's You Tubes. You'll understand then.
Nosey,I You may have to excuse my ignorance, but I was told Jewish people did not have a country for 2,000 years. If I was misinformed, or I was dreaming during history in my class, It would not have been the first time. ."For God's sake", you keep saying. That was one of my problems in listening in school during bible period. I just didn't believe much about anything, still don't. ... so if you want to make a point with me, please leave God out of it. Besides, using God in your corner of this exchange seems unfair. Moreover Nosey, relax a little, Valium maybe? What I do feel is that our humanity is being diminished in every way possible when seeing the events that ae occurring in Gaza. My point is that Jewish people, if they were indeed prosecuted for being Jewish in the countries you mentioned, (they certainly were in Germany) then that alone could have caused what is happening today.
I've posted about this elsewhere in Caitlin's newsletter so forgive me if I don't take the time to find the exact links. Just do a search on "Rabbi Yaacov Shapiro" and watch a couple of his talks. You'll understand what I'm talking about. He is trying to educate the general public about Israeli propaganda because he thinks Zionism is extreme anti-Semitism (for one thing) and endangers all Jews everywhere. But basically he makes the point that there is no country in the world that says they represent all practitioners of a particular faith the way Israel does. Israel says all Jews are Israelis, or potential Israelis, or have the right to be Israelis. So they represent all Jews. Also non-Jews can hold Israeli citizenship but do not have "sovereign" rights. Only Jews have full rights in Israel. Israel does not represent Yaacov Shapiro; he is a US citizen, thank you very much. (Plus, there aren't many more than 10 or 11 million Jews on the planet and I recently read that 7.8 million live in the US at this point--a lot of people have left Israel, at least temporarily.) He goes into the whole issue of citizenship for Jews. Just watch 3-4 of his YouTubes. They're pretty compelling.
I just saw a u-tube interview on exactly this. I was pondering this for an hour and I came to the conclusion that maybe we all have been hoodwinked because of not knowing enough history about these Zionists. I did not know this information. Well worth looking at.
True..........but we see what we see and it's too late to think kindly of any of these people. If I was an Israeli now living in Israel I would get the hell out as fast as possible. I don't know where I would find a place but anywhere is better than in Zionist Israel.
agreed, vin. the denaro-wagging, duplicitous, dandified power-elite have perpetually disdained and repudiated us "deplorables" [tnx ms hill-bitch virago for your undisguised disdain for us]. throughout history, they have been hell-bent on neutralizing us, exploiting us, then finally eliminating us by marching us off and over the horizon to fight their invidious wars for them in order to gain heightened access to others' resources. we are verminous cockroaches to the power-elite and as dispensable as cockroach carcasses.
Just a personal note, Caitlin. I’ve had no inspiration to paint for months. Then today, going through my email, I came upon a photograph of my hero, Rachel Corrie.
Voila! Inspiration! While I generally prefer cats, horses and pastorals, Rachel will be the subject of my next painting. I pray I can do her justice.
My son went to the same university as Rachel Corrie - Evergreen State University in Olympia WA. Love and respect her and her parents. Love that you are inspired to paint her. Please share if you are moved to do so. Grateful.
I want to believe that we can stop it, but it won't be by voting. Our government is NOT representative, it is oppressive and more interested in power games than anything else. Dr. John used the phrase "the apex predator" which chilled me.
Caitlin, here’s the thing. We DON’T have to choose between two genocidal candidates. It’s the fact that Amerikkkans are too stupid to realize that one CAN actually cast a vote for someone who doesn’t have a D or an R after their name.
People will sanctimoniously tell me that I’m “wasting my vote” for giving it to Jill Stein; to which I will reply, No, YOU’RE the one wasting your vote. Someone famous (was it Einstein? I’m sure someone here can identify this quote) once said something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
That’s the problem with ignorant Amerikkkans…voting for the same vile parties continuously and thinking, THIS time it’s gonna be hunky-dory.
I don't waste a lot of time and mental energy on electoral politics, but if Jill Stein gets on the ballot in Pennsylvania (where I now live), I will vote for her.
Biden and the Dems will get crushed and blame the left again (or make up another Russia-gate excuse). I'm terrified by the thought of Trump, but maybe if they lose all the swing states by wide margins, they'll be forced to deal with reality. And maybe a third party can emerge from the ashes, but maybe a second Trump term will make that impossible. Who knows.
But whatever alternative emerges, we all should work to prevent a fascist consolidation - which I think is coming.
Jill is building a team for Pa. now. Deadline Aug. 1st. 5k signatures meaning 10k.
It's easy to collect signatures as I did for Bernie several times.
You just need to make sure they are registered and haven't signed another petition.
They can get you ballot petitions quickly.
The fact that you would even collect five is a big deal : ) I am so excited we could actually have a real democracy with many parties to choose from when people understand we can make it happen.
Though I personally voted Uncommitted, Jill got 4% of the votes here in Michigan on the Democratic ballot. That’s not insignificant. If Uncommitted hadn’t been an option, she would have garnered far more.
With the horror show of two Genocidal maniacs, Jill could win. I never thought I would say that ha. I thought Bernie could have won third party with that s hit show.
Good for you, this is so disturbing and ugly, and so profoundly sick for this genocide to be going on as their people support it, and we support it. Not in my name.
gypsy33, you are missing the reality here. Voting for any of them is a waste. It doesn't matter who the President is (Caitlin wrote a great post proving it.).
The only solution begins by understanding that voting for anyone is to support the corrupt, evil system that exists. The empire must fall.
Please, the term "Amerikkan" assumes all Americans are Nazis. We are not.
I don't think not voting is particularly effective. But I've come to the same conclusion as you re voting. I actually don't think our votes matter in the last. We can't even choose who is going to be on the ballot in the primaries. Those decisions are obviously made behind the scenes by people with more money than we can visualize (or spend) or whose votes as "super delegates" way out-power ours. It's a myth that any country on the planet today is a democracy.
FYI, Einstein wasn't all that smart. I think it was the definition of neurosis os doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
I doubt the majority of Americans vote R or D. In fact, I doubt the majority of Americans vote, period.
Yeah. And a lot more rigid class structure. And a lot more history which has its good points, but also can be quite restrictive. But multiple parties don't seem to be doing most European nations much good when it comes to Israel.
I don't have time to go through the whole threat to figure out what you are responding to. Please elucidate or refer to what you are responding to in your comment.
I am, Jill is on the ballot in over 40 states now and most likely by deadline 50. Cornel is on 11 states. Sorry, not a chance. Vote Jill for PEACE and stopping the genocide IF there are any Palestinians left in Nov. We as a world are failures as humans.
That our ruling class not only stands idly by during an genocide in broad daylight*, but actively openly and directly assists, tells us all we need to need to know about the people who rule over us.
Remember this, every time they preach to us about how bad China and Russia are.
Exactly. And since many of these leaders are elected by the electorates in representative democracies, I suspect that it might also tell us something about these electorates.
Democracy, as a practical matter, is basically an exercise in passing the buck, in avoiding responsibility. Everyone in power claims to answer to and derive their authority from someone else, going ultimately back to "the people" who themselves do not directly exercise power, and who would find it difficult to exercise as a collective action problem, even if they had the formal authority to do so.
What this means is that real power is often in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, who typically don't even want to stand for election because they don't want the voters to know what their programs are, much less to exercise any oversight. Robert Moses is the classic example here.
Even that minimal level of scrutiny is too much for some, and real power is often exercised by people not formally part of any government structure. Corporate lobbyists or Robert Kagan come to mind .
"The biosphere we depend on for survival being fed into a soulless profit-generating death machine because everything on our planet has been turned into a commodity."
Thanks, Caitlin for keeping Aaron Bushnell's supreme sacrifice of self-immolation alive. Just as we won't forget the Vietnamese Buddhist monk's self-immolation during the American war in Vietnam.
Yes, we are living in the age of the New Normal. A dystopia where Israel can invent a lie about UNRWA - to cover up the fallout from the ICJ " plausible genocide"- and the Western media run with it spreading it all over the world. And quick smart the governments of US/West make it an excuse to shut off aid to UNRWA, the only lifeline that kept Gazans from famine. Israel is good at killing two birds with one stone!
The reports that Israel IDF tortured the UN workers comes as no surprise. Whatever the zionist regime does won't be any surprise to us anymore. Nor would the total complicity of US/West.
Are you donating to UNWRA monthly? If not, I suggest you do. Palestinians are affected in all the UNWRA refuge sites--not just in Gaza.
FYI, we're doing the same thing in Syria. It's pretty extreme and has been going on longer. At the behest of Israel (and to control their oil fields), as well as power over all of the Middle East and therefore--you may have noticed--the world.
I couldn’t listen to his video let alone watch. It’s sort of funny I reckon (not the video). I have been in double digit levels of violent encounters. I’m not anything like a cop or .mil guy. Most of my situations have been street and barrooms shake ups.
I can’t watch violent videos where innocent people get hurt. Well I can just fine if I deem them the recipients worthy. Got mad at some on the right about their less than well thought out responses about this young soldier.
Aaron Bushnell had a set on him. To pass it off as insanity broils my skin. And then Caitlin brings this up: “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal”
YES, this is what gripped me to the core when I watched the events of 2020 unfold. I knew I would never be the same because America could never go back. Aaron makes brilliant point on his way out. 🥺
The rules have been established by those who set them. It is up to us to find ways to circumvent them.
Ahh, the great decider, who would that be? We just stop going to work? We have deputies who work for the rental unit management companies, for the car dealers, for the bill collectors in general.
We can't even take a step in this country, U$A, without being fined, fee-ed, tolled, taxed, code enforced, ticketed, surcharged, late fee-ed, handling cost charged, and alas, we have ZERO power to even stay under a roof with a few lights on and a working oven.
They turn the lights out, and they repossess goods and furniture and cars.
Ya see, no matter which ten thousand here or a million there killed by Five Eyes and EuroTrashLandians, ten years ago? Twenty? THirty? This is the latest iteration of bleeding real time murdering.
Who was that great decider? George W. Bush? "I'm the decider, and I decide what's best," said the president.
The Decider in Chief is the Zyclon B Blinken and Company.
Get a solar generator if you absolutely need electric. And you can surely gather a few pieces of wood to cook your dinner? In South India they make a "stove" out of three bricks to make a circle and a coconut frond which they keep pushing into the circle of bricks as it burns. You can cook one meal with less than one frond and nobody can stop you. if you don't participate in the economic system, why do you need a car? You are not really buying furniture on time, are you?
A strike. That is what we really need. A nation-wide STRIKE.
Yeah, we need more than a strike. We need community patrols. Here in Oregon, and elsewhere, you can get a fine and a deputy sheriff in your face if you state that coconut frond fire out back. Can't gather wood on beaches (that makes sense, though).
A rolling strike, and really, an advance strike force willing to die in the melees.
Poor Oregon. What has happened there? I lived there in the 70's and do not recognize it. Back then the skinheads made my skin crawl--beneath the boogie progressiveness. Why no fire in your backyard? Can you barbecue?
Ahh, you can have barbeques in rural areas, but alas, you know NYC is banning pizza ovens that use wood.
Heat Island and all that.
Ahh, I am not in India, but alas, things are not well in El Mundo. Are there still people out in the woods on their property doing burns and such? Of course, but you have to follow the county laws, and then there are so many good little Germans in the USA, and, unjfortunately, chronic illnesses, like COPD and other asthma issues, well, we are barbequing ourselves.
No burns where I live. Well, hardly any. Mostly they like to clearcut. Idiots. A lot of the problems with woodsmoke is coming from Canada. There's a cool app--I can't remember--think it's called Null Earth or something. Fascinating. It shows currents, winds, particulate matter, everything, in real time. Beautiful.
CJ: US airman Aaron Bushnell said the words “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal” before self-immolating in protest of the genocide in Gaza.
Actually, Caitlan, and all, this has been what Gangster "nation" usa decided by the Founding Liars and it has never been any different than that.
You have to hold Israel to account even more so, and it's people who support not providing or blocking aid from getting into the country. The claim too often is they want the hostages back first or something like that, but it's a cover because it seems obvious to me now the people of Israel are in total support of this genocide
US Marines could land on the beach and liberate the thousands of food trucks Israel is blocking from entering Gaza. You think IDF would fire on them? (do you remember why US invaded Grenada?
If Biden were serious, that's what he'd do (after canceling all US funding, military and diplomatic support). US (and Biden) own this just as much s Israel.
I agree, that Biden and his administration own this genocide as well, but any administration in there would no doubt do the same and that is not meant to let Biden off the hook. I never could stand that self serving SOB. A total opportunist in every regard. I wonder what the impact of AIPAC has on this decision to feed Israel weapons and that is another thing that has to go, AIPAC. I can't believe I was a democrat always, and now they are bald, bespectacled and senile with an agenda that makes me want to throw up on them.Thanks for the link.
The PTB have been making mass-scale atrocities "normal" for Americans at least since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with Vietnam in which our soldiers were literally fighting women and children in their homes, in Iraq where the horrific slogan "shock and awe" led to the death of some half a million, followed by the unspeakable treatment of the Libyan head of state, the covert support of ISIS in Syria, the coup in Kiev.
If it was "actually", Jeck, you would have offered even a tiny speck of evidence. There is none for a decent usa while there is volumes for THEE war criminal, always lying, genocidal, Holocaust perpetrating usa and much much more. Just a stead stream of lies.
Wow, your evidence for your fatuous notion that the usa is some decent nation is sure dandy stuff, Jeck. You must be a top scientist given all that evidence and rational thought and discussion. Momma must be proud.
Dingdong, that you believe that your statement is proven true by my refusal to teach you otherwise proves that you are not just ignorant but stupid as well.
My statement is proven true by usa history, dingdong jeck. Have you got some jeck brainwashing you want to share to show the usa is something other than a gangster, war criminal, terrorist, crimes against humanity, genocidal, Holocaust doing, ... "nation"?
We are all infinitely ignorant in that the ratio of our knowledge to that which is in principle knowable is de facto zero. What little we do know may differ greatly between individuals. When encountering someone who does not know something you know, teach!
OMG I had seen bombing watch parties (similar to US media's coverage of "shock an awe" in Iraq) but didn't know about the “demonstrators” bringing cotton candy machines and bouncy castles to create a fun, family-friendly atmosphere for their blockades to stop aid trucks from getting into Gaza." Another daily new low.
This is one of your most devastating pieces, Caitlin.
WARNING: Adult, crazed, rowdy words ahead....not for the squeamish:
Fuck Israel. Fuck Genocide Joe. Fuck Bibi Naziyahoo. Fuck "civility" brain is breaking from the doublespeak....Genocide Joe professes "care" for dead Palestinians ("cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead”.)....but remains committed to his terrorist pal, Bibi Naziyahoo. Well, now we know....the deaths of 30,000 innocents apparently is the genocide limit Biden et al. will countenance before gently admonishing Israel. But HEY, not to worry, you fellow terrorist, we're keeping the weapons flowing your way. A deadly POX upon all their houses.
Over the past several weeks, the lyrics of a song from SOUTH PACIFIC keep coming to mind: "You've Got to b Carefully Taught." The era in which I grew up seemed drenched in racism - as a child I could not understand why people acted this way. As an adult, I began to realize that many of my friends could not tell me why they held such hatred toward other people - they just did. Over the years, little by little, many of them have freed themselves from this ideology.
In reading a lot about the absolutely insane genocide perpetrated on Gaza, I recently saw that roughly two-thirds of people living in Israel support this horror. All I can say is that they "must have been carefully taught."
Lastly, another of my favorite old movies is THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING. One part of the story involves an American teenage girl and a Soviet sailor falling in love. While walking on the beach, the sailor says he wishes "not to hate anyone." His girlfriend replies something to the effect that "it doesn't make sense to hate people - it's such a waste of time."
I grew up singing this song in the 1960s. Never forgot it. Rogers & Hammerstein were originally asked by the producers to cut the song but they refused.
Today, one image said all your words to me, like one crossbow arrow fired deep into my brain. It was of a 10-year-old Gazan boy almost dead of malnutrition, his face a mask of death, there being barely any fat or muscle left under the skin to disguise that it was reduced to a skull seeking eternity. It was horrific, and it made me want to spit in the ugly faces of Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Ursula von der Leyen, and all the other effing sociopath money-shakers who inject these fake politician assholes with the funding that serves as their puppet strings and turns the sick imperialist engines of corporate crony Capitalism into pauperizing and murdering everything, everywhere. Omicidio di tutto, dappertutto.
Hi Vin
For me it was a video of a desperate man standing atop a pile of ruins. When asked what he was looking for, he screamed, MY FOUR CHILDREN!
I didn't see that video, Gypsy33. That must have been hard to bear, but a common sight today thanks to Israel sadism, coupled with America's support.
The more I read in these comments and from Caitlin, the more I question what is is that I am missing when I see all these European countries, some who I greatly admire as people, all anxious to assist Ukraine with weapons and troops; all of which are openly supporting this genocide in words and actions: all towing the American line.
I read of the Labour Party leader in the UK, in a party that has dispensed with what I regard as decent representatives to end up with an Israeli trumpetblower like Starmer; also a Prime Minister who, as far as I can see, has no reason to feel obligated to support the Zionists in the UK.....that is, therefore, both the leaders of the UK; almost enthusiastic comments from Italy, France, Germany, and now, the Scandinavians, one and all.
Then Canada, New Zealand and Australia, all seeing genocide, starvation, murder and sadistic Jewish actions as acceptable, noticeably less vocal now than two months before, but still supporting a nation being ruined, citizens being killed by the thousands, people not in any way an enemy or a threat to any country, anywhere, in any way at all
The greatest criminal action by any country in living memory. US approved and funded, white, anglo supported.
What am we missing here. In my advocacy for Palestine commencing in 1967, have I and others like me taken a wrong turn along the track? Are we missing something that makes us fail to see that what is happening today is justified in any degree whatsoever.
A backstep for a second. In contemplative moments I think of WWIi, the crimes committed against the whole world by Germany, the treatment of the Jews during those years, promoted by the Jews since 1945 ad nauseam, as a crime.
Are they any different from the treatment today by those same Israelis, of Palestinians for the past 70 years. Loss of land, cruelty, murder every possible crime in the book being a part of their obviously well planned scheme to take over the Palestinian state.
They have done it....with the total support of a country like America, who like all others involved in WWII, know full well of the death and destruction during those WWII years.
Tell me, Joe Biden. Don't you know that what you have allowed to happen by supporting a demonstratively sadisitc Israel, is the equal of the Nazi attacks during WWII.
Show us the difference, Biden. If you cannot, hang your head in shame.
A shamed President in a politically shamed America, now to a shames Western world, almost without exception.
The Germans did not commit all the crimes in WWII. The U.S. dropped several atomic bombs on Japan. Actually, there were a lot of crimes committed by other actors. But Germany's goal was control of the European continent and UK, as the US goal is complete control of the Middle East and Northern Africa and their resources Along with other parts of the world..
But I just want to say that for awhile now I have been unable to deny (to myself) seeing the shocking similarity between the U.S./Israel and all their European/Commonwealth suck-ups and the Third Reich. We're even supporting a genocide that is worse than what the Germans did. Israel isn't an underling to the US since they control our government.
But the real probably is our economic system. Capitalism. The REAL religion of the West (and too much of the East).
"That must have been hard to bear, but a common sight today thanks to Israel sadism, coupled with America's support."
Along with the rest of Western 'civilization.'
Agree with you 100%. This is just insane. Unbelievable.
Hi Contrarian
Like Ilhan Omer said: it’s all about the Benjamins.
Imagine if Russia or China were allowed to buy our politicians!
Vin LoPresti, thank you. You speak for me too.
Perhaps it might make a difference if the vast majority of Israeli's didnt support withholding aid from Gaza which is their disgrace.
Almost everyone in the West is unaware of the history of Eastern European Jews prior to World War II. The most important fact of that history is that, because of the Arenda System (see below), the Jews there prospered by having little empathy for the native peasants over whom they had economic control. What the world sees Jews doing today in Gaza stems from an attitude toward goyim that has deep roots.
The Israeli population is overwhelmingly descended from Eastern European Jews who prospered by imposing harsh taxes on the Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian peasantry through administering estates for and collecting taxes for the "nobility" of those countries. To avoid the bother of managing their estates (peopled of course by serfs or serf-like peasants), the "nobles" leased out management rights for their estates to Jews, and the Jewish managers pocketed whatever they could squeeze out of the peasants above what the "nobles" had instructed them to collect. It is called the Arenda System. That's not the sort of societal arrangement that would favor the inter-generational transmission of fairness in dealing with others, either culturally or genetically.
Documentation is provided in the links below.
Thanks, a long while back I read a book by Booker T. Washington, The Man Furthest Down, and remember when he was in Galacia and since I am half Polish it was something I would remember. He referenced the destain the Jewish tax collector had for the impoverished peasants. I know little else about this. Thanks for the links.
Thank you for the book reference. B. T. Washington was certainly a man able to see events through the eyes of an underdog.
Thanks for your links.
I think your point is as consequential as it gets. Plus, as far as I have been informed, Jews did not have a country for a few thousand years, thereby obliging them to fend for themselves. nd so the enslavement condition is endemic to all of us... We do it to ourselves, and keep doing it.
Israel is not a Jewish country. Jews have had countries, for god's sake. You think American Jews do not have a country? They most certainly do. In fact, I don't think it's unfair to say they are privileged in the US. Think about the terminology you are using and the assumptions underlying those assumptions. German Jews had a country. They were GERMAN. Polish Jews had a country. They were POLISH. Iraqi Jews had a country. They were IRAQI. The idea that Israel is a JEWISH country is part of the Zionist propaganda. Listen to Rabbi Yaacov Shapiro, for god's sake.
I have listened to Ben Shapiro... but not much since he didn't impress me that much. As far as Zionists are concerned, please BRIEFLY explain to me what a Zionist is? Also, Israel is not a country? Again, I'm short on history but didn't the U.N , or world, divide the Palestinian territory in 1the late 1940s and give it to Jewish people? I'm all ears. Thanks.
My comments keep disappearing. Here's a really interesting talk by YAACOV Shapiro about the history of Zionism's development. it's fairly recent. Israel is recognized as a country, yes. But as Ralph Wilde recently discussed in his remarks to the ICJ--brilliant and well worth watching everything he's got to say--it is not LEGALLY a country. Britain gave it to the Zionists but it wasn't Britain's to give. The right-wing in Israel have opened a Pandora's Box and the end result is going to be the complete end to the Zionist project, I think. I don't know how long it will take but they don't even have a big enough population to hold onto that colonialist outpost and now most Americans are questioning the money and support we're giving them. Without the US support they cannot live. It's a parasitic entity and supporting it and Ukraine (and the whole wealth transfer to the billionaire class during COVID-19 too) are the reason we have such ridiculous amounts of inflation. It's way worse than the economists are saying. My car insurance has doubled and I'm an excellent driver. The cost of food is out the roof and going up. Don't tell me it's only 3%. We are all paying a war tax when Congress gives Israel and Ukraine money. The Mandate--yes, Britain passed the Balfour Declaration. That mandate actually started long before. It's too much to go into here. Read about the fall of the Ottoman Empire up until the end of WWII and you will understand what's really going on. Oh, and then into 1956 and the fall of the British Empire. There are tons of resources online. But books are better. But in 1947 the UN decided to divide what remained of Palestine (Lebanon and Syria and part of Jordan were initially Palestine also). They were supposed to use current population figures of Jews v. non-Jews to do so, but they didn't. Jews were around a third of the population and they were given 56% of the land. Both Jews and Arabs were supposed to stop acquiring weapons in hopes that would help stop the fighting (against each other and the Brits who finally threw up their hands and left). The Arabs kept their word; the Zionists did not. They acquired a whole arsenal from I think Czechoslovakia or somewhere in Eastern Europe. In 1948 they attacked the Arabs and that's the Nakba. They acquired a lot of land, killed a lot of people, and the people they didn't kill are the refugees, many of whom were shoved into Gaza. Others ended up since then in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. Some emigrated West. Those people still have a right to their land and have been asking for a right to return which the Israelis will not allow. Other wars they acquired more land. It is against the law to acquire land in this manner. And occupying forces do not have a legal right to fight against resistance forces. The land belongs to the Palestinians--not the Israelis. I'm talking about Gaza and the West Bank now.
Israel also took a corner of Syria because that's where most of the water for the whole area comes from. That's what is meant by "the Golan Heights". During WWII up until the present they were acquiring more population through false flag operations in Arab countries, bombing Jews there and trying to get the whole community to emigrate to Palestine to increase their claim to even MORE land. Eventually all this bombing caused political instability and countries where their families had lived for centuries peacefully began to see them as a real problem. And then 1967 took more land, then 1973, etc. Meanwhile the US kept arming them surreptitiously (and illegally). As we are to this day. The UN recognized that the first division of land was grossly unfair and they sent a rep to go interview, investigate, and re-draw the map, which he did in 1948. Shin Bet assassinated him on the way to the airport and the new map disappeared. And the Brits left.
It goes on and on and on. These are primarily European Jews who have no basis in the Middle East. They treated the Arab Jews horribly. And many of the Arab Jews (the Mizrahi) have left Israel to countries where they had a chance of a normal life (and not as European Jews' servants, frankly--the European/American racism is used against non-"White" Jews from many countries).
PLEASE watch some of Rabbi YAACOV Shapiro's You Tubes. You'll understand then.
Nosey,I You may have to excuse my ignorance, but I was told Jewish people did not have a country for 2,000 years. If I was misinformed, or I was dreaming during history in my class, It would not have been the first time. ."For God's sake", you keep saying. That was one of my problems in listening in school during bible period. I just didn't believe much about anything, still don't. ... so if you want to make a point with me, please leave God out of it. Besides, using God in your corner of this exchange seems unfair. Moreover Nosey, relax a little, Valium maybe? What I do feel is that our humanity is being diminished in every way possible when seeing the events that ae occurring in Gaza. My point is that Jewish people, if they were indeed prosecuted for being Jewish in the countries you mentioned, (they certainly were in Germany) then that alone could have caused what is happening today.
I've posted about this elsewhere in Caitlin's newsletter so forgive me if I don't take the time to find the exact links. Just do a search on "Rabbi Yaacov Shapiro" and watch a couple of his talks. You'll understand what I'm talking about. He is trying to educate the general public about Israeli propaganda because he thinks Zionism is extreme anti-Semitism (for one thing) and endangers all Jews everywhere. But basically he makes the point that there is no country in the world that says they represent all practitioners of a particular faith the way Israel does. Israel says all Jews are Israelis, or potential Israelis, or have the right to be Israelis. So they represent all Jews. Also non-Jews can hold Israeli citizenship but do not have "sovereign" rights. Only Jews have full rights in Israel. Israel does not represent Yaacov Shapiro; he is a US citizen, thank you very much. (Plus, there aren't many more than 10 or 11 million Jews on the planet and I recently read that 7.8 million live in the US at this point--a lot of people have left Israel, at least temporarily.) He goes into the whole issue of citizenship for Jews. Just watch 3-4 of his YouTubes. They're pretty compelling.
You cannot ever in History ignore Religion however much you or I might want to.
I just saw a u-tube interview on exactly this. I was pondering this for an hour and I came to the conclusion that maybe we all have been hoodwinked because of not knowing enough history about these Zionists. I did not know this information. Well worth looking at.
True..........but we see what we see and it's too late to think kindly of any of these people. If I was an Israeli now living in Israel I would get the hell out as fast as possible. I don't know where I would find a place but anywhere is better than in Zionist Israel.
agreed, vin. the denaro-wagging, duplicitous, dandified power-elite have perpetually disdained and repudiated us "deplorables" [tnx ms hill-bitch virago for your undisguised disdain for us]. throughout history, they have been hell-bent on neutralizing us, exploiting us, then finally eliminating us by marching us off and over the horizon to fight their invidious wars for them in order to gain heightened access to others' resources. we are verminous cockroaches to the power-elite and as dispensable as cockroach carcasses.
Don’t forget Canada
Canada has become really right-wing. Have you been following Trish Wood?
You have an uncanny ability to maintain a focus on the most important things, those that really matter.
Thank you.
Just a personal note, Caitlin. I’ve had no inspiration to paint for months. Then today, going through my email, I came upon a photograph of my hero, Rachel Corrie.
Voila! Inspiration! While I generally prefer cats, horses and pastorals, Rachel will be the subject of my next painting. I pray I can do her justice.
My son went to the same university as Rachel Corrie - Evergreen State University in Olympia WA. Love and respect her and her parents. Love that you are inspired to paint her. Please share if you are moved to do so. Grateful.
Thank you, Aleta. Again, It’ll take me awhile.
I the photo I intend to use as reference, she is unsmiling and appears to be lost in thought. Very somber. Very appropriate.
Dear , dear Caitlin, you just made my day for liking my comment!
I’ll do my best to Che. Unfortunately don’t expect it too soon; I just may be the world’s slowest artist.
When my art teacher used to refer me for commissions, he’d tell my client: She’ll get it right the first time, but it’ll take her awhile 😉
I want to believe that we can stop it, but it won't be by voting. Our government is NOT representative, it is oppressive and more interested in power games than anything else. Dr. John used the phrase "the apex predator" which chilled me.
Not voting and not paying taxes I think is the answer.
Stop participating in the whole economic system.
Caitlin, here’s the thing. We DON’T have to choose between two genocidal candidates. It’s the fact that Amerikkkans are too stupid to realize that one CAN actually cast a vote for someone who doesn’t have a D or an R after their name.
People will sanctimoniously tell me that I’m “wasting my vote” for giving it to Jill Stein; to which I will reply, No, YOU’RE the one wasting your vote. Someone famous (was it Einstein? I’m sure someone here can identify this quote) once said something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
That’s the problem with ignorant Amerikkkans…voting for the same vile parties continuously and thinking, THIS time it’s gonna be hunky-dory.
I don't waste a lot of time and mental energy on electoral politics, but if Jill Stein gets on the ballot in Pennsylvania (where I now live), I will vote for her.
Biden and the Dems will get crushed and blame the left again (or make up another Russia-gate excuse). I'm terrified by the thought of Trump, but maybe if they lose all the swing states by wide margins, they'll be forced to deal with reality. And maybe a third party can emerge from the ashes, but maybe a second Trump term will make that impossible. Who knows.
But whatever alternative emerges, we all should work to prevent a fascist consolidation - which I think is coming.
Jill is building a team for Pa. now. Deadline Aug. 1st. 5k signatures meaning 10k.
It's easy to collect signatures as I did for Bernie several times.
You just need to make sure they are registered and haven't signed another petition.
They can get you ballot petitions quickly.
The fact that you would even collect five is a big deal : ) I am so excited we could actually have a real democracy with many parties to choose from when people understand we can make it happen. is the ballot petition builder.
I sent an email to that address offering to help - it's been a long time, see:
Thousands March In Philadelphia for Climate, Clean Energy And Bernie Sanders
And this:
May Day Message: People, Peace, and Planet Before Profit
Hi Bill
Though I personally voted Uncommitted, Jill got 4% of the votes here in Michigan on the Democratic ballot. That’s not insignificant. If Uncommitted hadn’t been an option, she would have garnered far more.
Good idea and if she gets enough votes maybe they'll get the message that many Americans abhor what the carnage they support
Fran, this time I truly think she will. I believe she just might put the fear of god into the Dems in particular.
Jill is on many state ballots with more to go. Contact for ballot petitions in your state. It's actually fun. : )
With the horror show of two Genocidal maniacs, Jill could win. I never thought I would say that ha. I thought Bernie could have won third party with that s hit show.
Wouldn’t that be a dream come true, Landru?
Hope so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me too Fran. And if I can’t obtain a yard sign for her, I’ll paint my own; I did used to be a sign painter 🙂
Good for you, this is so disturbing and ugly, and so profoundly sick for this genocide to be going on as their people support it, and we support it. Not in my name.
Nor mine, Fran.
I reject my identity as “American”.
gypsy33, you are missing the reality here. Voting for any of them is a waste. It doesn't matter who the President is (Caitlin wrote a great post proving it.).
The only solution begins by understanding that voting for anyone is to support the corrupt, evil system that exists. The empire must fall.
Vote takes 10 minutes of 1 day every 2 - 4 years.
You can rebel the other 364, 23 5/6/24 to take down the empire.
"Vote takes 10 minutes of 1 day every 2 - 4 years." - but the effects last.
Lou, I completely agree. But I’m too darn old to start the revolution by myself!
Please, the term "Amerikkan" assumes all Americans are Nazis. We are not.
I don't think not voting is particularly effective. But I've come to the same conclusion as you re voting. I actually don't think our votes matter in the last. We can't even choose who is going to be on the ballot in the primaries. Those decisions are obviously made behind the scenes by people with more money than we can visualize (or spend) or whose votes as "super delegates" way out-power ours. It's a myth that any country on the planet today is a democracy.
FYI, Einstein wasn't all that smart. I think it was the definition of neurosis os doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
I doubt the majority of Americans vote R or D. In fact, I doubt the majority of Americans vote, period.
At least in countries in Europe we have at leat 8 parties to vote for.
Yeah. And a lot more rigid class structure. And a lot more history which has its good points, but also can be quite restrictive. But multiple parties don't seem to be doing most European nations much good when it comes to Israel.
Oh. Excuse me. Assumes all Americans are White Supremacists! But very similar to Nazis.
He's modified his stance on Israel. No backbone.
Not from what I saw today!
I don't have time to go through the whole threat to figure out what you are responding to. Please elucidate or refer to what you are responding to in your comment.
I am, Jill is on the ballot in over 40 states now and most likely by deadline 50. Cornel is on 11 states. Sorry, not a chance. Vote Jill for PEACE and stopping the genocide IF there are any Palestinians left in Nov. We as a world are failures as humans.
Hi Che
He’s hurt himself by switching parties too many times. Now he’s running as an independent, and I highly doubt he’ll be on the ballot on every state.
Jill is a more recognizable name with a recognizable party. She has a far better chance of putting the fear of god into the oligarchy.
Agree, Che. When’s the damn revolution gonna start? I’m ready!
That our ruling class not only stands idly by during an genocide in broad daylight*, but actively openly and directly assists, tells us all we need to need to know about the people who rule over us.
Remember this, every time they preach to us about how bad China and Russia are.
*Biden could stop it with a single phone call.
Exactly. And since many of these leaders are elected by the electorates in representative democracies, I suspect that it might also tell us something about these electorates.
Forgive me for repeating myself:
Democracy, as a practical matter, is basically an exercise in passing the buck, in avoiding responsibility. Everyone in power claims to answer to and derive their authority from someone else, going ultimately back to "the people" who themselves do not directly exercise power, and who would find it difficult to exercise as a collective action problem, even if they had the formal authority to do so.
What this means is that real power is often in the hands of unelected bureaucrats, who typically don't even want to stand for election because they don't want the voters to know what their programs are, much less to exercise any oversight. Robert Moses is the classic example here.
Even that minimal level of scrutiny is too much for some, and real power is often exercised by people not formally part of any government structure. Corporate lobbyists or Robert Kagan come to mind .
Thank You Caitlin
"The biosphere we depend on for survival being fed into a soulless profit-generating death machine because everything on our planet has been turned into a commodity."
So true. The sad truth.
Thanks, Caitlin for keeping Aaron Bushnell's supreme sacrifice of self-immolation alive. Just as we won't forget the Vietnamese Buddhist monk's self-immolation during the American war in Vietnam.
Yes, we are living in the age of the New Normal. A dystopia where Israel can invent a lie about UNRWA - to cover up the fallout from the ICJ " plausible genocide"- and the Western media run with it spreading it all over the world. And quick smart the governments of US/West make it an excuse to shut off aid to UNRWA, the only lifeline that kept Gazans from famine. Israel is good at killing two birds with one stone!
The reports that Israel IDF tortured the UN workers comes as no surprise. Whatever the zionist regime does won't be any surprise to us anymore. Nor would the total complicity of US/West.
Are you donating to UNWRA monthly? If not, I suggest you do. Palestinians are affected in all the UNWRA refuge sites--not just in Gaza.
FYI, we're doing the same thing in Syria. It's pretty extreme and has been going on longer. At the behest of Israel (and to control their oil fields), as well as power over all of the Middle East and therefore--you may have noticed--the world.
Not just Israel but also the US.
I couldn’t listen to his video let alone watch. It’s sort of funny I reckon (not the video). I have been in double digit levels of violent encounters. I’m not anything like a cop or .mil guy. Most of my situations have been street and barrooms shake ups.
I can’t watch violent videos where innocent people get hurt. Well I can just fine if I deem them the recipients worthy. Got mad at some on the right about their less than well thought out responses about this young soldier.
Aaron Bushnell had a set on him. To pass it off as insanity broils my skin. And then Caitlin brings this up: “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal”
YES, this is what gripped me to the core when I watched the events of 2020 unfold. I knew I would never be the same because America could never go back. Aaron makes brilliant point on his way out. 🥺
The rules have been established by those who set them. It is up to us to find ways to circumvent them.
This has been going on for more than a century. You just didn't realize it.
This is a boot stamping on a human face. Don't let it be forever.
Ahh, the great decider, who would that be? We just stop going to work? We have deputies who work for the rental unit management companies, for the car dealers, for the bill collectors in general.
We can't even take a step in this country, U$A, without being fined, fee-ed, tolled, taxed, code enforced, ticketed, surcharged, late fee-ed, handling cost charged, and alas, we have ZERO power to even stay under a roof with a few lights on and a working oven.
They turn the lights out, and they repossess goods and furniture and cars.
Ya see, no matter which ten thousand here or a million there killed by Five Eyes and EuroTrashLandians, ten years ago? Twenty? THirty? This is the latest iteration of bleeding real time murdering.
Who was that great decider? George W. Bush? "I'm the decider, and I decide what's best," said the president.
The Decider in Chief is the Zyclon B Blinken and Company.
Get a solar generator if you absolutely need electric. And you can surely gather a few pieces of wood to cook your dinner? In South India they make a "stove" out of three bricks to make a circle and a coconut frond which they keep pushing into the circle of bricks as it burns. You can cook one meal with less than one frond and nobody can stop you. if you don't participate in the economic system, why do you need a car? You are not really buying furniture on time, are you?
A strike. That is what we really need. A nation-wide STRIKE.
Yeah, we need more than a strike. We need community patrols. Here in Oregon, and elsewhere, you can get a fine and a deputy sheriff in your face if you state that coconut frond fire out back. Can't gather wood on beaches (that makes sense, though).
A rolling strike, and really, an advance strike force willing to die in the melees.
Poor Oregon. What has happened there? I lived there in the 70's and do not recognize it. Back then the skinheads made my skin crawl--beneath the boogie progressiveness. Why no fire in your backyard? Can you barbecue?
Indians do this inside on concrete cabinets.
Ahh, you can have barbeques in rural areas, but alas, you know NYC is banning pizza ovens that use wood.
Heat Island and all that.
Ahh, I am not in India, but alas, things are not well in El Mundo. Are there still people out in the woods on their property doing burns and such? Of course, but you have to follow the county laws, and then there are so many good little Germans in the USA, and, unjfortunately, chronic illnesses, like COPD and other asthma issues, well, we are barbequing ourselves.
No burns where I live. Well, hardly any. Mostly they like to clearcut. Idiots. A lot of the problems with woodsmoke is coming from Canada. There's a cool app--I can't remember--think it's called Null Earth or something. Fascinating. It shows currents, winds, particulate matter, everything, in real time. Beautiful.
CJ: US airman Aaron Bushnell said the words “This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal” before self-immolating in protest of the genocide in Gaza.
Actually, Caitlan, and all, this has been what Gangster "nation" usa decided by the Founding Liars and it has never been any different than that.
You have to hold Israel to account even more so, and it's people who support not providing or blocking aid from getting into the country. The claim too often is they want the hostages back first or something like that, but it's a cover because it seems obvious to me now the people of Israel are in total support of this genocide
US Marines could land on the beach and liberate the thousands of food trucks Israel is blocking from entering Gaza. You think IDF would fire on them? (do you remember why US invaded Grenada?
If Biden were serious, that's what he'd do (after canceling all US funding, military and diplomatic support). US (and Biden) own this just as much s Israel.
No need to do even that. Biden could tell Israel that the genocide stops this instant or the military aid and diplomatic support stops this instant.
I agree, that Biden and his administration own this genocide as well, but any administration in there would no doubt do the same and that is not meant to let Biden off the hook. I never could stand that self serving SOB. A total opportunist in every regard. I wonder what the impact of AIPAC has on this decision to feed Israel weapons and that is another thing that has to go, AIPAC. I can't believe I was a democrat always, and now they are bald, bespectacled and senile with an agenda that makes me want to throw up on them.Thanks for the link.
Actually, no.
The PTB have been making mass-scale atrocities "normal" for Americans at least since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with Vietnam in which our soldiers were literally fighting women and children in their homes, in Iraq where the horrific slogan "shock and awe" led to the death of some half a million, followed by the unspeakable treatment of the Libyan head of state, the covert support of ISIS in Syria, the coup in Kiev.
Truth is the middle ground.
If we could say the truth perfectly, we would agree.
If it was "actually", Jeck, you would have offered even a tiny speck of evidence. There is none for a decent usa while there is volumes for THEE war criminal, always lying, genocidal, Holocaust perpetrating usa and much much more. Just a stead stream of lies.
Spoken like the usual totally brainwashed usa lover of all the usa lies, bool shtt, ... .
You are ignorant, and that is self evident.
Wow, your evidence for your fatuous notion that the usa is some decent nation is sure dandy stuff, Jeck. You must be a top scientist given all that evidence and rational thought and discussion. Momma must be proud.
Dingdong, that you believe that your statement is proven true by my refusal to teach you otherwise proves that you are not just ignorant but stupid as well.
My statement is proven true by usa history, dingdong jeck. Have you got some jeck brainwashing you want to share to show the usa is something other than a gangster, war criminal, terrorist, crimes against humanity, genocidal, Holocaust doing, ... "nation"?
We are all infinitely ignorant in that the ratio of our knowledge to that which is in principle knowable is de facto zero. What little we do know may differ greatly between individuals. When encountering someone who does not know something you know, teach!
Ignorant and cock sure. Awful combo.
More Jeck fabulous evidence.
The less you know the more you think you know. At this point I know just about ZIP.
I’m sure you’ve got all the answers, Dreck.
If you mean Jeck Dreck, gypsy, you must be right 'cause I was wowed by the evidence and more so the eloquence.
OMG I had seen bombing watch parties (similar to US media's coverage of "shock an awe" in Iraq) but didn't know about the “demonstrators” bringing cotton candy machines and bouncy castles to create a fun, family-friendly atmosphere for their blockades to stop aid trucks from getting into Gaza." Another daily new low.
This is one of your most devastating pieces, Caitlin.
WARNING: Adult, crazed, rowdy words ahead....not for the squeamish:
Fuck Israel. Fuck Genocide Joe. Fuck Bibi Naziyahoo. Fuck "civility" brain is breaking from the doublespeak....Genocide Joe professes "care" for dead Palestinians ("cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead”.)....but remains committed to his terrorist pal, Bibi Naziyahoo. Well, now we know....the deaths of 30,000 innocents apparently is the genocide limit Biden et al. will countenance before gently admonishing Israel. But HEY, not to worry, you fellow terrorist, we're keeping the weapons flowing your way. A deadly POX upon all their houses.
Very good summary - thanks!
Over the past several weeks, the lyrics of a song from SOUTH PACIFIC keep coming to mind: "You've Got to b Carefully Taught." The era in which I grew up seemed drenched in racism - as a child I could not understand why people acted this way. As an adult, I began to realize that many of my friends could not tell me why they held such hatred toward other people - they just did. Over the years, little by little, many of them have freed themselves from this ideology.
In reading a lot about the absolutely insane genocide perpetrated on Gaza, I recently saw that roughly two-thirds of people living in Israel support this horror. All I can say is that they "must have been carefully taught."
Lastly, another of my favorite old movies is THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING. One part of the story involves an American teenage girl and a Soviet sailor falling in love. While walking on the beach, the sailor says he wishes "not to hate anyone." His girlfriend replies something to the effect that "it doesn't make sense to hate people - it's such a waste of time."
Here are the lyrics to "You've Got to be Carefully Taught" -
100% correct.
I grew up singing this song in the 1960s. Never forgot it. Rogers & Hammerstein were originally asked by the producers to cut the song but they refused.
Me, too! (In the good way!)....loved that flick....Alan Arkin a hoot!