Caitlin your words sre too kind toward Israel. Since before its official founding the Zionists have used terror and blackmail to create Israel. David Ben Gurian and others are on record. Example-

"Our race is the master race! We are divine God's on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. Other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Our Destiny is to Rule over the inferior races, the masses will lick our feet and serve as Our Slaves!" - Menachem Begin, founder of the Likud

And this-

“We will expel the Arabs and take their place. In each attack, a decisive blow should be struck resulting in the destruction of homes and the expulsion of the population.”-

David Ben-Gurion: Zionist and first Prime Minister of Israel–In Letters to his son, 1937 before Israel was created.

The hide behind AntiSemitism and Jew religion but those are tricks like US politicians hiding behind Christianity and The Constitution and they destroyed 100 years ago..

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I think you'd enjoy Whitney Webb's two volume set 'one nation under blackmail."

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Don't forget the non-Jews who can be equally prejudicial otherwise how do you explain America's many Middle Eastern wars with little opposition form the American people and all the wars we engaged in were based on lies. Read about the history of the US when it came to their immigrant populations. Poles, Jews, Italians were considered beneath blacks and Poles weren't even considered human, and trust me they were treated badly. It was the northern and western Europeans that were desirable. Oh, and not to forget slavery. Don't forget our closest living relatives in the animal kingdom are chimps, and although I love them, they do run around too often killing, or attacking those within their group, or other groups they come across and it can be an all out war.

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We are equally related to bonobos, who run around making love and cooperating with fellow tribes.

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We also share half our DNA with bananas. why can't we all just be a little bit like bananas?

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Yes, and genetically speaking more so, however they are not in our direct line of ancestry. I agree, and it is quite unfortunate.

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So, apparently, at one point - we had a choice. We chose the wrong tree.

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We got some chimpanzee genetic material somehow...

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Evolution seems to favor those that are more aggressive, since survival dominates everything. Bonobos just go around kissing each other.

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Humans have been on the planet for around 100,000 years. It’s only been in the last 9,000 or so, with the advent of the notion of private property and paternity that we have become notably aggressive. Earlier anthropological records seem to indicate that we were more cooperative in our ancient past. We developed language and big brains for the purposes of cooperation - (you don’t need language if your survival depends on breeding and random acts of violence.) We are weak, stumpy, and slow. Our babies are helpless and require some 12+ years of community and parental investment to be self-sufficient. Those are not the markers of an aggressive uncooperative species. But look, in the few short centuries where we have evolved into a Hobbesian species, we are ushering in our own extinction.

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Great comment! The Menachem Begin quote was new to me... A real MASK-OFF moment.

People are waking-up to this reality of the Zionist Supremacists, who've been working with the Xristianist Dominionists, on a common Armageddon project (that each supposes will work out for themselves and theirs, but not for the others).



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I have been saying for some time that the Zionists are simply Israel's reinstitution of the Third Reich using large outdoor camps eventually resorting to genocide that would have made Hitler proud.

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Jew organized crime plus Zionism protected by ADL and AIPAC

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The Jewish religion has nothing to do with Zionism.

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Remember the founder of "Murder Incorporated", Meyer Lansky was a Jew who worked for Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.

Harvey Keitel starred in the movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lansky_(2021_film)

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Also remember that Jack Ruby's real name was Jacob Rubenstein and he was an associate/crew person of Mossad connected pro Israel jewish-American mobsters.

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@just sayn

Without attribution, those quotes mean little. Sources?

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Do you doubt the attitude from politicians ?

Do you question if politicians are monsters or not ?

After witnessing the war prosecuted by Israel and those by the US do you doubt they hate humanity ?

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I certainly question the attitudes, morality (and legality!) of individuals in ANY government, positions of power draw intelligent sociopaths like manure draws flies.

And in internet political commentary, misattributed, edited or downright fake quotes by famous names are more common than actual ones offered in context and with correct attribution.

Verifiable attribution or I must assume it is just more self serving BS, regardless of wether or not I find the quote in line with my prejudices!

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I agree with you. People went to the trouble to look up the quote, it wouldn't be that hard to paste in the web page they found it on.

OTOH one can always enter the quote and see what turns up, like this link: https://www.counterpunch.org/2005/03/11/ben-gurion-quot-we-must-expel-the-arabs-and-take-their-place-quot/

Then you go down a rabbit hole of other links that will deny the quote.

In the end, there's no real way of being "sure". It is all a question of narrative and who writes the history. With the Oligarchy working so hard to maintain US hegemony though, it becomes easy to believe the re-written history.

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Whitney Webb is the hardest working woman in the legally actionable conspiracy business. For more of the kind of confirmed misanthrope from policy makers in the Dulles camp and succeeding kings I trust her adherence to journalism standards. Counterpunch I tell people is the vetted news. As a news consumer I put this categorically senior wh house adviser in three boxes. Lunatic, for pitys sake, idealogue making up that he takes decent humans into his accounting, of course only a guess that if he was as rabid as Ms Clinton he would have been found out. And thirdly sociopath, we have to guesstimate that we who are willing to enact firebombings are corpses of their vital selves. If we cannot have a democracy including experiments in sortician all the way to the senate then we are the kind of Republic and not a democracy that Hillsdale college in MI is selling. Our representatives are born fresh every day so that if they wished to act out of another attitude than abject fear for tomorrow, they might exercise the power of the purse. I look at John Meersheimer who grins when he talks about megadeaths, and I forget that we have been told, actually that some people have innocent problems of affect like that. It is all I can see clearly that representatives whose goal was to survive a term in service with their goodwill toward man would not settle for the poor persuasions of the armaments lobby. I think.

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I couldn’t of said it better myself, Caitlin. This is horrific what this a*shole did to these people simply b/c they are Muslims. Yes anti-Jewish hate is real, but every bit as real is Islamophobia and yes, Russophobia, sadly. I’m saddened about what my country’s government is supporting and I’m all alone in this in my family.😢☮️

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If he stops at that food stand regularly, I hope they peed in his drinks. But that's just me.

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You really think this Nazi is stopping there to eat halal food? Pretty sure he considers the food filthy and subhuman. He would also not give money to that man. Nice sentiment though.

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I think quite a few people felt at liberty to attack Muslims because the focus was on what Hamas did, which was not only murder, taking captives, but rape and killing babies much of which turned out to be a lie. Interesting that his comments were so, well, low class and those who responded to it acted with dignity. He should reflect on that. He's a Pariah now facing a lot of backlash. Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I wonder if there are any ways to sue him and others like him civilly. I note that the police refused to act on "first amendment considerations" when they have no problem arresting pro Palestinian protesters for just asking Bernie Sanders to support a ceasefire. It would be a helpful start to have him and others bankrupted for a pattern of harassment and blatant threats to the poor halal cart operator.

All our politicians, save the very few who came out to say least support a ceasefire, needs to go. They should be charged for abetting a genocide and they and others like them should be shunned as the ex-Nazis were properly shunned in Yugoslavia and the non-imperialist controlled parts of Europe after WWII.

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The backlash they face always feels like a little pat. It never receives the response it deserves. This man will not be doxxed and I doubt he will suffer much.

Bunch of Zionists have said despicable things and they are doing just fine.

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I sympathize. I truly do.

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I as well, Sylvia, except for hubs, whose family supports IsraHelli atrocities.

My relationship with my in-laws ended when I threatened to put my fist down my insufferable, chickenshit sister-in-law’s throat.

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Israel supported Hamas for many years in order to defeat the PLO and any possibility of a two-state solution. Israel’s goal has always been to take the West Bank and Gaza for its own. All Israel’s policies--even the “hymns” their children sing--extol the complete extermination of people they refer to as “human animals” and “beasts.” Israel craves the enormous oil field, worth $500 billions, that lies under Gazan sands and offshore, intending to replace Russia as the world’s leading supplier of oil. And the USA fully intends to buy as much of it as possible, at a greatly reduced price. (Surely Israel will eventually turn tail to tell the US to “pound sand.”) In their cultish belief in their supreme entitlement, Israel has created a nation state of liars contaminated by their own fictions. (We suffer similar self-delusions in the US, with our cozy “history” relating no genocides here but valorous Texas Rangers and colonizing settlers, despite the near extinction of all Indigenous tribes, the kidnapping of some 6 million Africans into slavery, the continuing institutionalized trauma of racism and murders committed by police--our alleged “protectors”--and more deaths from guns since 1968 than in all our wars--combined.)

The world is witnessing the deep trauma inflicted by the Holocaust repeating, with its victims now become eager perpetrators. A further irony is, while Israel accuses those who protest as anti-Semites, the actual Semites are the Palestinians; most Israelis --and most Zionists--are of European and Anglo ancestry. Thus does humanity eat its own.

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AGREED! however I must state that ACTUAL holocaust survivors in their 90s in Israel are never consulted. Most of them live in near poverty despite the billions in restitution that Israel CONTINUES to get from German government..so BLAME must be placed on the NEVER ENDING propaganda/hasbara/brainwashing from cradle to grave, now to THIRD generation post Holocaust...wallowing in the Shoah, 80 + years later, creates monsters. How do other populations move forward ? Armenians, Rwandans, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Japanese, Koreans...on and on and on....THE FACT THAT ALL THIS WAS PREDICTED thanks to the EXCELLENT KING CRANE COMMISSION in 1919 perhaps is the icing on the top of all this..which was suppressed and ignored after presented to President. Wilson then. HERE is a snippet and link to the KING CRANE 1919 Report that EVERY AMERICAN especially should KNOW:presented to President Wilson in August/1919, it makes for some interesting reading. It is quite prophetic:

"The Peace Conference should not shut its eyes to the fact that the anti-Zionist feeling in Palestine and Syria is intense and not lightly to be flouted. No British officer, consulted by the Commissioners, believed that the Zionist program could be carried out except by force of arms. The officers generally thought that a force of not less than 50,000 soldiers would be required even to initiate the program. That of itself is evidence of a strong sense of the injustic e of the Zionist program, on the part of the non-Jewish populations of Palestine and Syria. Decisions, requiring armies to carry out, are sometimes necessary, but they are surely not gratuitously to be taken in the interests of a serious injustice. For the initial claim, often submitted by Zionist representatives, that they have a "right" to Palestine, based on an occupation of 2,000 years ago, can hardly be seriously considered. "

The King-Crane Commission Report: Syria: Recommendations


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Thank you for your quote from the 1919 King-Crane commission report, Miriam--I knew nothing about it. It’s not only telling but prophetic, indeed--and the “right” to occupation based on a 2,000 year old one seems so frankly ludicrous when looked at objectively, as this commission did. What an eye-opener!!

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WOW! ... the irony that Zionist are doing to Arabs what NAZIs did to Jews.

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As you dig more into the history of Zionism, you will realize that they always wanted to do what the Nazis did, to non-Jews and anti-Zionist Jews who were in their way. They've been doing it since the 1930s and planning it for far longer.

It's not ironic, it's been their plan all along. If they could, they would do the same to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Luckily IDF appear incapable of even fighting the lightly armed Hamas in Gaza. All they can do is fire American made missiles at Palestinian hospitals and schools and homes and mosques/churches.

They're worse than Nazis in practice. The Nazis were compelled to hide their extermination campaigns in extermination camps and sites away from population centers. The Israelis are loudly announcing their final solution on TV and social media, they don't even bother to hide that they are genociding civilians everywhere, in hospitals and in places that days ago they claim to be "safe", and that was always their "final solution".

They do this because the American political class is bought and paid for, and frankly share their views (witness carnage in Libya and Afghanistan and Latin America, where the argument of Israeli national interest is peripheral).

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Nov 22, 2023
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Che, I wonder where I could get an armband with a Palestinian flag and the words “Never Again”…🤔

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"Israel really is exactly as evil as it appears to be, and its behavior in Gaza is exactly what it looks like."

When someone reveals who they truly are to you--believe it! Don't let them gaslight you into thinking it's not true or that they're being smeared by others. If a country's leaders openly say racists things and order the murder of thousands of innocents--including newborn babies in incubators--then they're openly admitting they are evil. Take them at their word. Let their words and actions damn them for all eternity. And never let anyone forget this evil and how you exposed it to the world for judgment.

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This shit just gets worse by the day. I'm just thoroughly disgusted with this country.

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What’s worse is he seems to enjoy the cruelty with confidence and no fear knowing ‘his tribe’ is running things

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Not for long, they aren't.

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What makes you think they will lose power over the narrative? AIPAC is working 24/7 to silence any pro Palestinian protests and funds government to protect Israel. Zionists aren’t going anywhere.

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We’ll see.

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That video is hard to believe. It's as though someone used AI to create an improbable monster. He looks like a normal, educated man but has attitudes from the arse end of society. That such a creature was employed by the US establishment clearly does speak volumes about that establishment, as Caitlin is saying..

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Speaking of the arse end, this person's behaviour would seem to spring from the same racist place as a Klan lynching - or maybe a 'no' vote in the referendum..

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These types of posts trigger comments that are most amusing to me. Namely, people commenting how can it be; how could such people exist; how could they be part of the government, etc.

Welcome to the real world, O Gullible Ones™! It's been the case always. These are the characters doing the grunt work to implement whatever "needs to be done" in the interests of those who pay. A.k.a. the Deep State™. Yes, you better believe it exists. And when you vote for the figureheads you are being laughed at with similar cynicism by similar characters as this scumbag.

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He knew he was being filmed and did it anyway. Perhaps he put on this Oscar-worthy performance *because* he was being filmed.

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What a jerk!

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He's worse than a jerk. He's pure filth, human filth.

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"He's worse than a jerk." - indeed. He's the "former US State Department Deputy Director in the Office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs.".

Just think about whoever holds that post now. Or similar posts, now and in the past. They're of the same ilk. That's the slice of the Deep State™.

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1) Deep State

2) Double agent

The zionists aren’t just in charge in Israel. They run US foreign policy.

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He's a sadist. He just enjoys spouting racists things to hard working immigrants in hopes that they'll react and then he can throw the book at them and lock them up and deport them. This goes beyond mere "jerkdom" and into the realms of the Marquis de Sade. Sicko sociopath.

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He's just another perfect & real live example of a smug knuckle-dragging maniac consumed by hatred. The Zionist population is full of them.

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Oh, come on, who owns the media, who controls Hollywood, who controls FIRE -- finance insurance real estate? Is that Larry Jewish Fink with Blackrock? Hmm, 30 trillion bucks, $70 trillion in assets?

And, drumroll, the Jewish State of Jewish Israel and their Jewish Backers in Diaspora and all those Jewish Backers of Israel who Have power, well, firing time:


Hollywood actress Susan Sarandon has been dropped by her talent agency after criticizing Israel at a pro-Palestine rally last weekend, a spokesman for the agency confirmed. The star also came under fire for sharing social media posts by Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters, a vocal critic of Israel’s war in Gaza.

In a statement on Tuesday, United Talent Agency (UTA) told Deadline it would no longer work with the Oscar-winning actress after she spoke at a pro-Palestine protest in New York. In particular, Sarandon drew criticism for stating: “There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country.”

“People are questioning, people are standing up, people are educating themselves, people are stepping away from brainwashing that started when they were kids,” she told attendees at the rally, going on to thank “the Jewish community who’s come out to have our backs.”

Sarandon also went on to share a pro-Palestine message from Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters, who has frequently condemned Israel’s policies toward the Palestinans over the years. Though critics have labeled the musician antisemitic, he has repeatedly rejected the charge.

UTA’s decision to part ways with Sarandon is the latest controversy linked to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in the world of entertainment. Last month, a senior official at the CAA talent agency, Maha Dakhil, resigned her position after suggesting Israel was committing “genocide” in a social media post. She later deleted the message from her account, however, saying she had “made a mistake.”

Soon after Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel, which killed some 1,200 people and took more than 200 hostage, CAA issued a statement declaring that it “stands with the people of Israel” and condemned “horrific acts of terrorism.”

Actress Melissa Barrera, who had been tapped for the lead role in the upcoming horror flick ‘Scream VI,’ was also reportedly fired from the production over pro-Palestine social media activity, according to Variety and the Hollywood Reporter. The entertainer had reportedly posted “I too come from a colonized country” while sharing a Mexican flag emoji, adding “Palestine WILL be free.”


oel Stein wrote that he was upset by the fact that only 22% of Americans believe the movie and television industries are run by Jews.

Stein wrote that “The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC President Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish.”

Stein concluded by saying that “as a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.” So he has taken it upon himself to “re-convince America that Jews run Hollywood.”


Rabbi, Can You Spare a Dime?

Alan Dershowitz: "Jews Must Never Be Afraid To Use Their Well-Earned Power" -- “People say Jews are too powerful, too strong, too rich, we control the media, we’ve too much this, too much that, and we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don’t do that!”


Later, https://paulokirk.substack.com/p/smalltown-newspapers-struggling-to

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The DEI monster they abbetted will now turn and eat them.

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A genuine, mentally deranged monster...But he will escape scot-free despite his brutal harassment...BTW, I know many jewish people, and none of them are like this...they would be horrified...

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It is not as much the words but the sense of racism is his tone and actions. No doubt many like him in high position now. I wonder if people with the power to stop the genocide in Gaza share his views. I am certain without any doubt that our President would have stopped the killing of civilians in Gaza in a heartbeat if those were Ukrainian babies and children. Only difference is we actually got to see this one on camera

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I don't know which president you mean as "our President" but if it's Biden then according to him Ukrainian babies and children are being slaughtered by the evil Russkies. And yet he does not "stop" it.

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"Our President" could not give a rat's ass about any babies, except as they are useful props at the moment.

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I disagree about Ukraine. The US stopped a ceasefire agreement between Russia and Ukraine in March 2022. They've been telling Ukraine to feed men into the war and possibly as many as 500,000 have died as a result so far. Before that, 14,000 died in the Donbas, primarily due to Ukrainians shelling of ethnic Russians.

We're ruled by ghouls who will murder any one of us, if it benefits them. Any concession they made in the past and may make in the future is not done out of their humanity. Don't forget this!

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Thank you Caitlin🙏

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The real face of empire is that of a Zionist supporter.

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