What we have learned is that European settler genocide is not genocide at all. This genocide is a reminder to all who had forgotten that it’s just business as usual.

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Caitlin, you are simply brilliant. Bless you for such intellectual clarity. 🕊️🇵🇸

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Very well put. It is kind of intellectually extraordinary that those denying there is a genocide happening, concurrently don’t seem to have bothered to look up the definition of a genocide...decrying what is definitively not an emotive term (but a legal one) as being inherently emotive and, as such, somehow antisemitic...hmmm 🤔

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Yup, Caitlin, that just about sums up the Israeli view. Fortunately, the leaders of the US and the UK understand this so that’s why they support Israel. It must be great being that intelligent, I wish I was nearly as clever. This is the same intelligence which made the UK Home Secretary a few days ago say it was okay for him to give his wife small amounts of the date-rape drug Rohypnol to make sure she was mildly sedated and didn’t go off with other men. Yup, this is the quality of the people running the UK.

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I never write to you because you cover everything so explicitly well that there is no need to comment. However, this time, I feel compelled to comment. I want you to know how much I sincerely appreciate and congratulate you for writing exactly how I feel about this conflict. I want you to understand how much your writing means to me. You are a gem to behold and your integrity, honesty and morality are appreciated a thousand times over. I know this has been tough stuff for you to continually write about this subject. Thank you so much for your dedication and feeling a moral obligation to document this immoral genocide. Big love, appreciation and respect in your direction.

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The Zionists tell me that because other people have committed genocide, but the Jews in Israel haven't pulled one off in 3000 years, that it's their turn and anyone who says otherwise hates all Jews.

It sounds kinda like Hillary Clinton's informal campaign slogan--It's Her Turn! And anyone who disagreed was a misogynist woman-hater who was undoubtedly a racist to boot. It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now.

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Caitlin didn't even take time off for the "festive season" - how could she when the Israeli killing machine is hard at work doing what they do best!

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I have to admit that when i started reading this substack i thought it was even tooooo negative, tooooo cynical—- those things i can provide for myself. But then came gaza and every single post is right on, perhaps because my own cynicism about genocide joe and what he is doing is so great. Thank you for injecting a bit of humor onto an absolutely awful situation.

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

Thanks so much, Caitlin, for enlightening me. Here I was mistakenly thinking that the IDF was wantonly murdering civilians, including babies, and mindlessly blowing up hospitals and apartment buildings where people were trying to live. I am certainly glad that you have managed to straighten out my deranged thinking and there is, in fact, no genocide happening at all.

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This just on RT:

IsraHell is now refusing visas to UN workers.

Well, THAT’S a good way to try and keep news of your genocide-in-progress from the world.

The apartheid quasi-nation must be dismantled. No two-state solution: one state. Palestine.

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I think it's wonderful how patient and considerate the Israeli and US governments are being towards the unenlightened. Explaining again and again, over and over how wrong thinking we are. Teaching us the errors of our ways with gentle remonstrations.

Blessed are we to have such kind, considerate leadership. We all just need to see the light.

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Perfect summary. Saw article today in NYT (can't find it now) discussing the "trauma" the Israelis are dealing with... wrote a comment...to the effect that I am much more concerned about the trauma of the parents of the babies and children (you know, those "human beasts") continuing to be slaughtered by, as you pointed out, the REAL "good guys." I am so F**KING ANGRY...thank you for being there, a voice of truth and sanity...

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It's so interesting that you posted this as I was literally just finishing writing something which touched on this. I'm going to paste it if you don't mind:

"The British university professors of today very patiently tell us brown folk with only the 'slightest' of irritation that no, Winston Churchill was not an advocate of chemical warfare. It was only teargas to make those natives run away crying and that is no different from taking a doll from a little girl when she is being naughty, and it is all for their own good. Yes, the Bengal famine thing was not his proudest moment, but the British soldiers were very hungry so he was in a bit of a pickle.

Minimisation of abuse of coloured people is routine in the Western Empire because they abuse them non-stop. I'm gonna get super serious for just a moment: in Western Family Court systems alone, the minimisation of abuse of brown and black women is completely systemic. Here are some of their own reports:

UK Ministry of Justice Report 2020: "The specific difficulties of BAME (black and ethnic minority) women navigating the family justice process should not be overlooked..there is.. ‘a continuing pervasive culture of disbelief, indifference and hostility towards victims of abuse’.


It is extraordinary that in 2023, this is what Western governments and the UN themselves are writing about their own regimes of systematic racism. Even they - Masters of double-speak, Orwellianism, hypocrisy, down right mendacity, non-stop fabrication, pathological lying - can't hide in any of their multitudes of arsenal they have amassed to conceal all truth - the fact that they are malevolent and tyrannical oppressors of women of colour.

I hear genocide experts in the world are arguing of whether the murder of 25,000+ brown people in the biggest assault to human life in history is actually a genocide or not. What more proof that white people are so used to taking brown lives that they are literally still having arguments about about where the line of "maybe a bit too much" is 10,000 dead children later. As the sermon from Bethlehem this Christmas said:

"To our European friends. I never ever want to hear you lecture us on human rights and international law again. And I mean this. We are not white I guess. It does not apply to us according to your own logic."


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There are many moving parts here. In the evidence of things not seen . . .

The Global War On Terror, a rebadging to address the increasingly effective Counter-Insurgency Operations, where Global South, so-called, state forces are committed to removing the Western Occupiers whose wealth and prosperity is out of proportion to their own countries' real estate and resources - Western Europe and Britain. This they understand all too well.

They, along with Israel, built an even larger arms industry for export, a significant component of all their economies and means to foreign repression and vast profits, while creating division in foreign lands.

The primacy of Western, notably U.S., weapons in The Ukraine has been destroyed and so goes their arms export markets.

Israel, a major exporter of weapons systems and civilian control systems, along with its claims to technical supremacy of their systems, including their use of U.S. systems, was destroyed on October, 7th.

Thus a very hard, arguably hysterical response from both Tel Aviv and Washington, to salvage something of their vast military export oriented economies. Among other things.


On related themes . . .

The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.


Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.


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To establish a measure for what is morally right or wrong all you have to do is ask the question: What if everybody in every society was allowed to do this? A question too rarely asked and answered honestly on too many issues.

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Israel is "Wrong," Capital "W," plain and simple. The historical extreme of their "Wrong" is on full display, and only some in the Western World are averting their eyes to it, adopting a "This can't be happening!" attitude. How long can this genocidal tantrum go on before it collapses under its own weight? Even the Nazis "burned out" (Well, the Russians had a lot to do with that, even though the "Allies" who pumped up Hitler in the 1930s tried to take all the credit, and their spineless historians went along with this narrative) after a while. Israel's currently crashing the car-known-as-Israel, only they're running over a lot of Palestinians in the process.

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