elites blame this world on us

like there's nothing to discuss

yet not done by common man

but the elite's master plan

little peeps don't start the wars

or go invade foreign shores

big shots send us off to die

and we really don't know why

all power games of elites

we're dragooned by their deceits

enlisted to protect them

instead we should suspect them

their motives are always greed

casus belli as mustneed

foment mass insanity

subverting humanity

don't question what you are told

just conform to their fell mold

then arm us with a saber

ordered to kill your neighbor

nearly all of the world's strife

the most evil that is rife

caused by the people on top

its elites we need to stop

how peaceful this earth could be

if we serfs were truly free

The Worlds Most Dangerous Poet

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And we can't leave out our mainstream media that doesn't report stuff like Israel torturing UN staff, genocide and all the other garbage they spew.

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i had heard you were Brilliant and Beautiful, but now i believe it !


control of media is key, i think i've written about a hundred poems on that..

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{...control of media is the key...}

Media is just a tool ...

Total governance of Goyim's perception is the goal and the key to their wet-dream of planetary dominance.

Some call it The Zionist's Matrix to which billions succumb.

That's why they freak-out about hard-to-control alternative media and so-called "misinformation" spreading at the speed of electrons.

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um, i'm confused by your offhand dismissal of 'media is just a tool', y-e-a-h, realize that, but it is a necessary tool for elites to control to maintain their overall control... it ain't the bombs and guns and viruses they control that keeps 90% of us in line 90% of the time, it is the mediawhores selling us bright and shining lies we (meaning the majority of sheeple) WANT to believe in...

control of media is THE linchpin of elite's control, whether zionistas or whoever...

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We are being farmed.

Stare into the lights my pretties


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sorry, tend not to do vid-yos unless they have Dogs or guitar players in them, so unsure what 'farmed' means in this context...


think of us more as sheeple being herded than crops to be harvested, same diff...

Komrade ! Onward To Glorious Future !

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The biggest difference between Adolf Hitler and Netanyahu is that Hitler is dead. But Hitler also ended up taking "all the blame" when in fact his actions and all of the fascist evils were enabled by many others in Germany and all around the world, including the U.S. How history is taught has a lot to do with how it is repeated.

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If Hitler were alive he’d be proud of Netanyahu!

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Aha! Someone among Caitlin's minions who's channeling Hitler. It always amazes me to learn what people claim to know about what others think, especially the dead, who are necessarily unconscious of what's going on in today's world.

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CHEN Huizhe:

Yes. I agree.

Time to relegate Hitler to the 'annals of History' I think.

Time to realise that the US and GB are NO different except our weapons are barbaric.

I am not dead BUT I do know when a so-called country Israel is BUTCHERING/KIlLLiNG en masse Palestinians. IN my honest opinion Israel should not exist.

IF the USA could somehow come to this conclusion..........NO more money for Israel we would be better off. BUT Biden is an old warmonger.

In my view. The US is scared shitless.

Ukraine is a 'miasma' of everything 'gone wrong' in American politics.

America is defunct.

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{...America is defunct...} 🤔🤔🤔 !!!

For Americans not being employed in the MIC, but certainly NOT for Jewish and Christian Zionists who successfully squeeze-out billions of tax-payer's $$$s for their nefarious purposes in the Middle East ...

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never go full hitler !


Komrade, Onward To Glorious Future !

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Hitler didn't take "all the blame". Ever hear of a city called Nuremberg?

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What about Nuremberg? It was a thorough charade that had absolutely nothing to do with jurisdiction, it was vengeance, pure and simple, on the part of a certain group that wanted a homeland.

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I support vengeance.

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In the case of Nuremberg, that is exactly what made a charade of the judicial process.

In other words, you are against justice, so why are you "upset" about what the ZioNazi scum is doing to the Palestinians?

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Probably should have said "Just" vengeance. When the vengeance is Just.

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I realized your earlier reply was a quick, off the cuff comment, so I'll let you off the hook 🤣

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

(Reply to Jamenta, not Che Guevara worshipper Ernesto Che.) Of course you do, or you wouldn't be living out your retirement in Idaho. (Judgment based on personal experience there & what I've read & heard about it from past & current residents.)

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

Ah, just fuck you and your Idaho nonsense. My daughter’s half-brother lives in Idaho, works for the railroad and he’s a fucking prince. Talk about painting with one broad brush.

Oh and BTW, we’re ALL Muslims here in Michigan, too 😂

Oh, and what have you got against legendary revolutionary Che? That says VOLUMES about you. Run along now, and listen to the MSM.

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I've loved living in Idaho. The people here have been wonderful. Thanks gypsy.

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

I chose Idaho because it was affordable and rural. I've lived in enough big cities in my life - from LA to San Francisco to New York, to then decide to spend my twilight years in the country. Since most of my life was spent working for the public good (Librarian, NASA, Medical Research, University) I didn't pursue extreme wealth as a meaningful goal. My life has been far from perfect - I've had to carry my own personal crosses of suffering - as so many do - and it has dawned on me recently maybe it was because I often was unwilling to understand the suffering of others - or see their own viewpoints as valid. Live and learn. I guess even old age has a lesson or two to teach one.

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Nuremberg was for the news-outlets.

The real deal was operation paperclip ...

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18

The majority of Germans recruited with operation paperclip - was to exploit the "know-how" and expertise of thousands of German engineers in several different now defunct sectors: scientific, military and industrial. Many of them - their lives and families would have gone to waste if not for the American recruitment.

In addition, the US postwar in 1947, the US enacted the Marshall Plan and spent 140 billion dollars (equivalent) to rebuild Germany. Both decisions, were an intelligent move by US leadership at the time - rebuilding Germany, and recruiting many of the Intellectuals and Engineers that they could.

What is often left out of the narrative that paints the US as just another evil empire - is after the Potsdam Conference in 1945, the US spent the next two years, besides recruiting whatever intellectual capital they could - also vigorously denazified Germany - and it continued, albeit less vigorously, all the way up to 1951.

Yes, one could say there were some exceptions made - and some Nazis did slip through the works. But it is a false narrative to claim Nazis were fully embraced by the US after the war. The majority of those recruited by the US were not high ranking individuals in the Nazi party, nor did they practice Nazism after they arrived in the US.

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"Once you realize this it starts to land in exactly the same way as any other infantile name-calling from anyone else who’s lost the argument."

Isn't it odd that we used to realize that someone had lost an argument when they resorted to name calling or lies. These days name calling and lies is a tactic. What a mess.

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another scathing banger, these idiot politicians trying to act like it’s a netanyahu problem & not a fundamental israel problem is infuriating in ways i can’t even express

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Yeah, it's easier to be an outraged anti-Zionist & a pious anti-Semite than to think about what's really going on, i.e., what used to be called "Man's inhumanity to man" but what's really just the mob rule of "The Crowd". Humans always crave the simplest explanation when things go wrong & believe--but don't always express--"If only everyone felt & believed what I do, the world would be like 'Heaven on Earth', because I have the right values." It's really just a fundamental problem of humankind. Every human wants to wield their personal Occam's Razor, so the real rulers of the world oblige by providing their current scapegoat. Bibi's become a liability for them, so they won't mind if he's disappeared from the scene. There's always another Bibi clone they can sacrifice: Benny Gantz, Itamar BenGvir, What's his name (?) Smotrich, et al. The Israel problem won't go away, of course. Israelis are just as brainwashed by the plutocrats & autocrats as are the Brits, Amerikkkans, Aussies, Kiwis, Canadians, et al. Big money (the Mammonites) rule the world; Unjust States of Amerikkka (USA) is merely the military enforcer for the nonce.

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Brilliant piece Caitlin. The collective bastards have learned nothing if at all - but the real bastardry lies with the 1917 Balfour Declarations and Lord Balfour himself. That cunning pommy bastard knew what he was delivering would inevitably bring us to where we are now.

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Good point. However, I would like to add that the seed for the idea was planted by Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, who was then tasked by Balfour to draft the Declaration that Balfour would just sign.

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Thanks Christopher for liking. May I also please encourage you to subscribe to my substack. georgehazim.substack.com. Thank you buddy.

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Right. More than 100 years ago, "cunning pommy bastard <Nothing racist about this name-calling, is there, George?> knew what he was delivering would inevitably bring us to where we are now". Balfour was omniscient & could unerringly foresee the future. "[F]ierce defender of the underdog" George Hazim unerringly hindsights the past. Why didn't you warn the world much earlier, George? Why not tell us more secrets that you alone know about the sordid past?

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

I can do George one better. When I’ve visited friends in Ireland they unerringly refer to them as the BastardBrits, all one word. Stuck with me too! 😂

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That’s great Gypsy. Get them to subscribe too. And if they feel the need to be generous snd pay that would be kindly welcomed. Enjoy you r trip and travel safe.😎😊😊

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I like your replies to him, but you're wasting your time on an iconic troll.

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"It’s miraculous that so many people around the world are getting educated enough to see through the lies and support the Palestinians."

This is a true miracle, IMO. It's possibly the only light on the whole dark horizon that is the Israeli/US/UK/NATO genocide of Gaza. People are actually seeing how disgustingly biased the official narrative is. It's why we're still in the streets and posting the news everywhere. Keep sharing the miracle! #FreePalestine

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If you are in the streets of the USA, especially in the DC area, please consider how we might enforce 18 U.S. Code § 1091 against the Biden Administration. This statute is the US version of the Genocide convention. I can see a couple of ways, one is to go to court and apply for a Writ Of Mandamus for an order to the DOJ to enforce this law. The second is citizens’ arrests.

I”d love to see calls for this statute to be enforced at every protest. These officials need to worry about consequences, now and when they leave office.

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Maybe we declare sanctions on the US government, starting April 15, Tax Day.

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Free Palestine from the River to the Sea !!!!!

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Many people around the world have been aware of the relentless propaganda brainwashing the world's hapless inhabitants for millennia. This is a sham neo-Enlightenment. Palestine will never be free. In fact, judging from what's happening on the ground in what used to be Palestine but is now Rubblestine, Palestine will soon be disappeared from Earth. Or do you really think that the destruction can be stopped by a redundancy of information?

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As always, you’re full of shit. How motherfucking CRUEL can you be, referring to Gaza as “Rubblestine”?

Sorry, pal, but it’s ISRAHELL that’s a goner, not Palestine. The immense majority of the world has awoken. Bless South Africa! 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

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The US is very skilled at building up monsters and then dumping the "bad guys" all of a sudden when things start to get ugly and they need a scapegoat to avoid all responsibility. When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn!

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The Taliban, al-Qai’da, ISIS: all U.S./ZioNazistan-created monsters.

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Saddam Hussein, the Maidan coup, The Shah of Iran, and on and on and on.

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Pete Seeger's "Where have all the flowers gone", was the best adaptation of why we have never learned to be free. It was a time when hope still prevailed, where flowers worn in a girl's hair reminded all that peace was possible. It was a time of promise, a time to be alive. Unfortunately, young children today will never know why we love them and kiss them, yet send them to die. Try 'Little Play soldiers' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgesIum6rBw&t=8s

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And Dylan's "Masters of War"

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Diane (?), they learnt a while ago:

They simply ignore it.

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I t wont be long before they unleash their neo nazi armies in Ukraine - the European “ISIS” - turning them against western Europe and linking them up with the neonazis locally in Europe.

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Blaming on Netanyahu is also another stalling tactic. Won't happen, but will occupy the news cycle (like the rest of the Dems' nonsense blather) for a while more while the Israeli fascists continue their roundup into death. Israel needs a new story line every week or so to distract the media from the real story-- the growing international horror and opposition in the face of increasingly un-hideable, undeniable, atrocity after calculated atrocity.

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A good article, Caitlin.

Isn't it interesting how the world has been exposed to agitations over such phrases as "holocaust denier", "anti-Semite" and Jew hater", all phrases designed to divert attention from what in the main has only been a justified criticism of Israel and its 70 years colonial / settler murder and it's holier-than-thou attitudes, all coming from the well promoted "God's chosen people" fallacy, taught since the first days of childhood comprehension until it is believed by the Jewish masses, still promoted in Synagogue's every week, non stop.

Some people never learn.

Surely they must wonder why the whole world hates them with such a passion, getting worse by the day and unlikely ever to recover now.

Such a shame as I and perhaps everyone of our readers have met at some time in their lives wonderful, knowledgeable Jews. Those same people today probably need to be avoided as any support they give to the genocide in Gaza would kill any remaining respect and friendship immediately.

Long-term and permanent damage.

One has to ask why Jews think that they are so different, so privileged and so special that they can kill thousands mercilessly on land they have stolen from Palestinians, a country that posed no threat to anyone.

But one also has to ask why is that the leaders of so many so-called civilised countries can support such a criminal activity.

Now that's the real question. With no such support Israel and its murderous plans would wither on the vine.

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> Surely they must wonder why the whole world hates them with such a passion, getting worse by the day and unlikely ever to recover now.

That is the crux of the matter.

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They WANT to be hated - it validates their paranoid worldview and gives meaning to their lives.

Caitlin did a great post on this recently.

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> They WANT to be hated - it validates their paranoid worldview and gives meaning to their lives.

Yep. And with the significant amounts of bribery money the lobbies spend on corrupt politicians, they manage to keep the “anti-Semitism” concept not only alive, but they are able to integrate it into law in ever more restrictive ways.

Moreover, it “justifies” the existence of the world's only racist cesspool, that little stinking sewer in West Asia.

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Or, Che, as a French diplomat put it, “That shitty little country”.

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Yes Che, I've wondered that for a long time. After all, the only reason the state of Israel was created was neither the British, the Europeans nor Amerika wanted Jews in their countries.

It must take some considerable effort to make that many enemies.

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Hiya Dave, here are a couple of kicker quotes for ya:

“There is not a single instance when the Jews have not ==fully deserved== the bitter fruit of the fury of their persecutors.” Isaac Bashevis Singer, Yiddish writer & 1978 Nobel Prize nominee

“Any people who has been persecuted for 2000 years must be doing something wrong.” Henry Kissinger

“If it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be anti-Semitic.” Henry Kissinger

Any non-Jew who would have uttered those words would, if they were lucky, only be labeled as “anti-Semitic”.

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they also wanted the resources in those Countries

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sorry, and still want

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Of course. Netanyahu is a P.R. liability. The policies, however, will continue.

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Systematic ethnic cleansing & genocide blamed on an escape goat to mitigate changing any rules... Quite standard unfortunately

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17

Well, I think there is a lot of blame to go around but Netanyahu does have to go. Through the decades he cultivated Hamas who supported a one state solution as did he. However if people bother to look at what is going on in the West Bank, it's as much a tragedy on many levels as is Palestine and most of it's land now belongs to Israel where Jewish settlements continue to be built and violence toward the remaining Palestinians goes on, and has gone on for decades. If Netanyahu wanted a two state solution and worked to achieve that I don't think we would be where we are now. That being said, there is the extreme right in Israel who adhere to the same mindset, and it's rather obvious Israeli's have a very prejudicial mindset toward the Palestinians, and no doubt also want them gone. The last I heard the majority of Israelis supported the blockade on food, and medicines until the hostages are returned, and to me that is nothing but a cover for let them all die. Their army seems ruthless and too willing to take the food out of the mouths of babes, and they find it way too easy to kill children playing with firecrackers, or holding little white flags. Just shoot them. It's obvious Israel has a problem. In 1948 you have the state of Israel and then you have the Nakba, that also says quite a bit. Not to mention Balfour giving the land of a people to another, which says they're only Arabs, they don't count. Yeah it was your country, but too bad. Of course AIPAC helps cultivate this mindset as well, and American politicians like money, and of course there is always the word anti-Semite to be bandied about to keep you in line. So a lot of things have to go.

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A lot of things, people, and prejudices. The “New World Order”; must be scrapped with all due speed.

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eloquently outlined and comprehensively expanded, fran. inenarrable thank yous for your elucidating narratives throughout caitlin's and other humanitarian threads. it would appear, if i can correctly infer, that you too have recently been a pro-active volunteer in the west bank refugee camps, as my son and i have [3 months in 2023]. your observations and comments pierced my brain w/ memories too permanently visceral to ever deny or denitrify.

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Jeanie, you and your son are far above humanity for your service to the Palestinians. May the Goddess bestow upon you a million blessings.

I had expressed my intentions to my brother to do the same. As a lifetime gardener/landscaper, I wanted to help replant olive trees. He called me the next day and told me he had nightmares and premonitions about me being killed there and begged me not to go, telling me that I was the most important person in his life.

Since he is the most important person in MY life, I reluctantly promised not to go. 😢

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Thank you Jeanie, I have participated in any number of things and been proactive, but not in the West Bank. Personally from all those things I've seen and read that would be too much for me. You have a lot more courage then I do. Good for you. It would be great if you shared some of those experiences.

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Balfour declared a Jewish homeland within Palestine, "provided the rights of Palestinians are respected" or words to that effect.

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Balfour just another dimwitted minor British wannabe aristocrat sufficiently schooled in rat cunning to prosecute the wishes of the ruling financial overlords of the time. No care for the natives required, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

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Yes. That's how it went.

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How nice of him. You can call Palestine home, but don't forget to be nice to the people of Palestine, since it is their homeland. Such sensitivity, impressive.

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Fran, it would've been impressive if it had been adhered to, but having said that, I still consider the founding of the state of Israel illegal.

There never was a nation state called Israel and the Israelites were one of many tribes in Palestine. That might be one of a few.

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For way more then a thousand years the dominant population has been Palestinians, and for longer then that the Jews were in the small minority with more Christians then Jews. It is the land of Palestine, or was.

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Good post Fran, with one exception: the West Bank in no way belongs to IsraHell; it’s merely overrun by illegal squatters.

I wonder what the Amerikkkan regime would say if Putin began colonizing Ukraine.

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Hi, Gypsy. It does really since 60 percent of the land is filled with Jewish settlements, and that number continues to grow. People continue to be run off their land, and sent else where and their jails are full of people who can rot there for years, no charges brought. Settlers come in now and run the people off the land and I read some have killed Palestinians and suffer no consequences. There are roads on which they cannot travel and are specifically for Jews, and their are check points for Palestinians, and sometimes for no reason they'll bull doze their streets and their land , and all of this this has been going on for long time.

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Shitlibs were all over Bush for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars….

"let all the blame for the war hang on Bush"

…but then they went silent when Obama not only continued the wars, but expanded them to Syria, Libya and gawd knows where else. Plus his pivot to Asia which put China in the crosshairs.

Today we found out that Biden okayed what Schumer said about Netanyahu and Kirby congratulated him for his forceful commentary.

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You have scored an amazing succession of bullseyes. I've been around long enough to appreciate the Judith Miller allusion.

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NY Times just found another Judy Miller to throw under the bus in their scandalous atrocity propaganda story on mass rapes

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It’s Biden who should be locked up in Nuremberg.

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All of them who have not called for a Ceasefire when they knew warcrimes were being committed!

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> They’re really going to try to pin all the blame for the incineration of Gaza on Benjamin Netanyahu so that nothing has to change when this is over.

A very good, poignant observation. I had not thought about it in those terms but it does make a lot of sense.

The rest of the article is also spot on.

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