It's not lost on me that the Zionists are essentially saying that it's impossible for Jews to live in peace among non-Jews, that unless they have their own apartheid state they'll be eternally at war. Besides being blatantly racist it's also historically incorrect, since Jews, Muslims and Christians lived in peace in this same area for centuries before the influx of the descendants of European converts.
But they hate each other. I’ve heard them call the Ethiopians trash, the ultra orthodox fanatics, and in N/A they frequently patronize Gentiles because they find them more trustworthy. Working in a Jewish dominated field, I’ve heard more anti-Semitic comments from Jews than from Gentiles. As is their custom, and to provide yet another focus for their aggression, they even invented a name for them - the self-hating Jew. Israel is crumbling and giving their hegemon-provider of protective skirts to hide behind, their young are fleeing and their chickens may be coming home to roost. Tragic.
Zionists actually don't consider anyone that is not a Zionist as anything less than sub human including Jews. Netanyahu has stated that the Jews in Israel that want peace with Palestinians should be cleansed alongside them. The people who have made any type of comments against him have been silenced by fines and other means. The main place entered by Hamas was a group of people who supported Palestine! This was found out by the son of a woman who was taken hostage who said she was part of an organisation that supports Palestinians and he said this whole area is because they live right by the border and try to get along with them!
Hamas apparently didn't even know that the rave was taking place, they ran into it on their way to attack a military bases nearby. Many of the dead Israelis were machine gunned by Apache attack helicopters who assumed anyone running was a Hamas fighter
As ugly as the Israeli government is, what about the Zio-enema we are getting here in the US? The totally Zionist governmental representation we have thanks to Biden guarantees our obeisance to the horrific entity called Zionism. You deal with the Zios, you get exactly what you deserve, the royal shaft.
It's not just Biden, every president including Trump loved their Jewish ness. Except Jimmy Carter who tried to build a 2 state resolution but was twarted by the ADL, AIPAC and Zionists in US government .
That's right. If you look at who takes money from AIPAC there are 3 full pages of traitors (politicians) who are on that take! Lots of them are Dual citizens! So how can this possibly be legal!? They take money from a foreign government and profit from the policies along with Israel profiting from it even to putting every single American in danger! This is criminal beyond criminal. I have to say also that I do not believe anyone is obligated to obey laws made by criminals that make their criminal activities legal! These are the lowest form of primate on the planet.
Or something different. It is impossible to hit the heart icon for a brilliant exposition of a horror without feeling that something is wrong. You just have to hope the people who see it know it is for the writing, not the subject.
Make that 125 years ago with the Herzl quote (President McKinley was deep into Empire with the Spanish American war at the time). Israel is now the Empire's iron fist in the Middle East.
I disagree that "This obviously makes the argument for the “voluntary migration” of Gazans completely nonsensical..." It's far worse than that: It is what psychopaths say when committing genocide.
Sociopaths will continue ruling the world until the masses rise up and change the form of governance from democracy to demarchy, alternatively termed sortition. If democracy is to be retained, then barriers must be erected to prevent sociopaths from being electoral candidates.
All that will do is increase the power of the government bureaucracy. As it is, many of the most successful sociopaths themselves rarely stand directly for office.
Oh, we still have people in this country that think Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Same ones that think Russia is the big bad boogeyman and Putin is Hitler reincarnated. These people really get on my last nerve. ZioNazis and Russiaphobes. So sad.😢
You don't seem familiar with demarchy. Under a truly demarchic system, there would be no permanent bureaucracy. After psychological screening to weed out high D-score quasi-sociopaths, qualified individuals would be drafted to serve a term on an administrative committee, in an executive position, or as a legislator. There would be no permanent bureaucrats, legislators, nor executives, and the people who serve would be less self-aggrandizing than the current crowd.
Further, if the executive, legislative, and judicial officers were not quasi-sociopaths, they would presumably cleanup any bureaucracy that was not peopled via sortition.
I skimmed your article, which confirmed my understanding that imperialists and settler colonists (including Israelis) with no feelings for fellow humans do detestable things. That's psychopathy, in my book...
Most of us have done detestable things, by proxy, to fellow earthlings because we've been taught that other animals are less than us. Same with European imperialists. We are still living in neocolonial world and most of us haven't done much to stop the exploitation that we are still benefitting from.
It makes us all psychopaths if the term is not applied in it's clinical sense
" We are still living in neocolonial world and most of us haven't done much ..." PRIDE cannot see the woods for the trees ... because man - his mind - is still existing in its fallen state since THE GARDEN OF EDEN and there is only ONE REMEDY - THE ONE AND ONLY SHEPHERD AND SAVIOUR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT - AMEN HALLELU-YAH!
THANK YOU FOR ASKING! Whether angrily, confused or otherwise it leaves some hope for the one asking - expressedly or silently - to get it answered.
Here is the best response I am able to give. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is by no means the magician that the commenter and all like/"like" minded wo/man are mistakenly - BLIND out of their own PRIDE - diminishing HIM to be.
Contrary to popular belief - as spread over centuries/millenia by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - HE gives EVERYONE what he/she desires in his/her HEART. Either war with GOD ALMIGHTY opposing HIS COMMANDMENTS - or HIS PEACE by accepting HIS OFFER OF SALVATION by accepting HIS COMMANDMENTS.
S. Kierkegaard summarises this perfectly
"It is so hard to believe because it is so hard to obey." - and lower oneself underneath HIS WISDOM, MIGHT AND GRACE!
The opposite can be found here:
12How you have fallen from heaven,
O day star, son of the dawn!
You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations.
13You said in your heart:
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God.
I will sit on the mount of assembly,
in the far reaches of the north.
14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” ISA 14, 12-14
PRIDE OF THE HEART KNOWS/ ACCEPTS NO BOUNDARIES so GOD ALMIGHTY delivers what is desired by each and every HEART HE CREATED - INDIVIDUALLY, so it can see its own wickedness in THE MATERIAL.
Tribalism and group guilt - contrary to INDIVIDUAL responsibility according to GOD ALMIGHTY'S WORD - are only ascribed - cloaked in moral outrage about injustice, "war", inequality ... - by by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - all its disciples.
The latter being started in THE GARDEN OF EDEN by EVE out of her "wisdom" - THE SERPENT - about GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT AND GRACE, later joined by ADAM trusting the "wisdom" of EVE more than his CREATOR - THE ONE AND ONLY SOVEREIGN!
Most of us have eaten animal products produced in factory farms where sentient beings are treated unconscionably but we are not psychopaths.
Genocides happen when people are taught from a young age that they are separate, different and superior to others. The way most us regard animals, some regard other humans.
It's what the whole military industrial animal ag media complex is based on and how it makes profits.
A matter that has received much research attention.
Most serial killers are on the normal spectrum. Few Physical Anthropologists would be surprised.
Soldiers require seriously effective conditioning to make them efficient killers. The armed forces screen out psychopaths. The political process does not.
There may well be psychopaths who make into the upper echelons of influence and control. What makes it appear that they may well all be psychopaths is standoff or distancing - from the consequences of their decisions, not even seeing those who are directly affected, ever.
Harry Truman as US President directed the use of atomic weapons on a defeated Japan, so holding the record for killing more people in the shortest time. Barack Obama directed foreign executions via the Tuesday Kill List. Doubtful that they were psychopaths. Just regular guys.
where the book Madness and Psychiatry in War is examined. To quote . . .
“The mindset of the soldier on the battlefield is a highly disturbed mind . . . an epidemic of insanity which affects everybody . . . those not affected by it die very quickly” - William Manchester, WWII marine.
Psychopaths are not so affected, exhibit heroic qualities and may be the first to die. Some make it back to receive decorations by Heads of State.
One does not need to be a clinically diagnosed psycopath to believe in all the dogma of the clinical variety who have ordered society in their own image...they become what I have termed the contact psycopath who have taken in the belife systems imposed into society by the clinical set...they run western society and have influenced the minds of the normies to emulate them..this gives the psycopath an advantage in a world they can profit from.
A vast Government and Military-Intelligence Complex providing their narratives and recommendations to a President or other executive who can give approval, thereafter those down the line, unknown to the final decision maker, execute the operations.
If outcomes are not as desired, become public and meet with disapproval, they apologize and escape consequences. This they know . . .
Your description resembles very much my observations.
This modern version summary of man's mind wickedness and helplessness as described in THE BIBLE is valuable ONLY as description of the status quo of man's mind dynamic within GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION. But it undermines its usefulness by denying - for the same reason(s) the described phenomena exist - the broader and deeper context of THE BIBLE and therefore being prone to the same DECEPTION described above.
ADAM is not his own master - he can try and he is doing his utmost to live up to the described wickedness - very much cheered on by EVE, which of course is pretending otherwise - since THE GARDEN OF EDEN and there is no other way around THE ONLY SOVEREIGN GOD ALMIGHTY - THE SPIRIT CREATOR OF ALL VISIBLE (to man's mind) EXISTENCE!
Recent work by Moshagen and colleagues shows that anti-social aspects of personality can be recognized in persons who don't fit the clinical criteria of psychopaths/sociopaths. They accomplished this by using factor analysis of questionnaire data to obtain a D-factor which is analogous to the g-factor of intelligence. Just as intelligence can be manifest in several forms, sociopathy can be as well; hence the value of factor analysis, which is a multivariate statistical method of data summary.
A person with a high D-factor score has the basic tendency to maximize his own utility at the expense of others, accompanied by beliefs that serve as justifications for his malevolent behaviors. Utility refers to goal achievement. The D is in reference to the Dark Triad of clinical diagnoses.
When I assert that sociopaths rule the world, I don't mean that all highly placed members of the managerial state are pedophiles or murderers, but that their D-scores are high enough that you would not want them as a co-worker or as a spouse for your daughter. Certainly, given enough power high D-score individuals can orchestrate financial fraud, environmental destruction, and of course genocide.
If the concept, and the reality, of the D-factor and D-scores were taken seriously, they could create a beneficial earthquake in electoral politics.
Indeed Jim, for individuals who exhibit Dark triad personality traits (narcissism. Machiavellianism, psychopathy) empathy is a 'myth' they despise. The hierarchical structure of power uses negative selection to promote individuals with some specific physical but also personality characteristics. For example, psychopaths and narcissists find politics particularly rewarding. Also correct, Factor analysis is used to improve its scale measurement. Individuals who score higher on the Dark Triad scale (e.g., DD, FFMI, HEXACO) are more likely to support candidates who share these traits.
Research also suggests that personality traits are linked to moral identity. The discrepancy between the judgement people make when considering what they should do and what they actually do is not rare. However, individuals with psychopathic traits are aware that their choices reflect their sense of self - their moral identity. They endorse utilitarian moral judgement for their own self-interests, practice virtue signalling, yet demonstrate weak moral identity (weak link between Self and morality). The application of ‘for the greater good’ reasoning hides the empathy deficit and deceitfulness. They may display immoral behaviour partially because they do not construe their personal identities in moral terms.
Still, they may also suffer from the collective Delusional Disorder. If anyone is interested:
Chen, P., Pruysers, S. and Blais, J. (2021) The Dark Side of Politics: Participation and the Dark Triad. Political Studies 69(3), 577- 601
Hart, W., Richardson, K., and Tortoriello, G. K. (2018). Dark Personality Voters Find Dark Politicians More Relatable and Fit for Office. Journal of Research in Personality (75), 59 - 68.
Glenn, A. L., Koleva, S. Iyer, R., Graham, J. and Ditto, P.H. (2010). Moral identity in psychopathy, Judgement and Decision Making, Vol. 5, No. 7, December 2010, pp. 497–505
Djeriouat, H. and Tremoliere, B. (2014). The Dark Triad of personality and utilitarian moral judgement: The mediating role of Honesty/Humility and Harm/Care, Personality and Individual Differences, (67), (pp. 11–16).
Thanks for these insights and references. For what it's worth, social psychologists might find HOAs (homeowners associations) useful as research objects. My own interest in D-factor theory was spurred by experiences in my HOA which are inexplicable without considering dark personality traits and motivations.
They ARE sociopaths... regardless how ‘normal’ sociopathy has become. How.... does one maintain sanity in an insane context? How... is this our human race to evolve, in a context of devolution & destruction? Decency & sanity are under-rated in these times of ours... 😵💫🏵️🌷😘
This article nails it. The social media comments led by most media in our country disturbs me greatly. The biggest lie is that somehow the Palestinian people have a choice. Anyone who points out that 2 million people living in 360 square kilometres have run out of choices, are decried with the usual terms. Mr. Pape is right. The State of Israel has become the nightmare it wanted to avoid.
It never wanted to avoid it,,it simply never wanted anyone to see it and figure it out. Thus all the lying and mind control they got up to. Plus full control of Americans government. As well as the entire feckless lap dog UK and EU.
Like a headache indicating the intoxication from the day before!
Get intoxicated enough on PRIDE, ARROGANCE, IGNORANCE, HYPOCRISY AND HUBRIS - denying THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE - and the outcome is INEVITABLE, exactly as prophesied.
But I know, we suddenly have all become so "wise, educated and enlightened" that THE TRUTH OF EVERY SINGLE HEART doesn't count anymore, at least for those that have fallen for PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE offered by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN around the world.
He’s not my ‘daddy’ fyi. I just know the difference between the SMO and what Israel is doing. The people in the Donbas were being shelled for over 9 years by Neo Nazis in western Ukraine, they had enough and asked Russia to step in. Plus NATO kept expanding to the east when US had promised time and time again not to. US kept saying Ukraine can be part of NATO when they knew that was a redline for Russia. The U.S. provoked this war, not Russia. Go back and look up Maidan Coup 2014 or better yet watch Ukraine on Fire, the one by Oliver Stone, not the Netflix version. The U.S. has been lying for decades when it comes to Russia imho. It’s not Russia that has all those military bases around the world and goes around provoking other countries and doing regime changes. It’s the U.S. I don’t like any countries to be invaded, but unlike the U.S. and Israhell, this one was provoked big time. Learn your history. Just sayin....🤔. What Israhell is doing is genocide pure and simple.
As I listened to this, my stomach tightened and I felt physically sick. It is the most immoral, cruel inhumane kind of behaviour. It is destroying the Palestinian people and it is toxic for the whole world.
It is toxic, and no doubt reflects the toxic environment that made it happen. Israel is a country that kept people in a big cage with very little room to grow mentally or physically. A concentration camp of sorts where they were periodically slaughtered. the Jewish people were given the homeland of the Palestinians because during Hitler's rein they experienced an attempted genocide of their own, and if anything should know better, but instead they just became copy cats.
All wars create hatred. This war is creating hatred all over again and, unless things can somehow be turned around, there will be more war and more hate and it will just go on and on. The only people who really benefit from any of this are the people who make a lot of money from it. Blood money.
I'm sure there will be more war. People like Bolton, a neocon war monger, are calling for an attack on Iran. After all they're tight knit with the Houthis, etc, etc, etc. We're lucky if we don't wind up in a third world war. What is really scary is that all our Middle Eastern wars were pushed by a neocon agenda, and who resides in Biden's White House, Nuland, Blinken and other neocons. They all slid over to Biden, the democrats, during the Trump years, and these are people that never call it a day.
I read it as well. Very good and insightful. People in the U.S. better wake up. This is not a joke. We need peace NOW and open communication between Russia and the U.S. This Biden administration could get us all killed. It’s insane!! PEACE!!
I have to mention I saw an interview with Nikki Helly and she described the assault on Israel which she claims brought them to their knees, and as the worse thing that has happened since the holocaust. Her problem isn't math, but she is really playing up to the Jewish population in America and evangelicals as well. She is one of the candidates from hell.
Oh, do I remember that. I hear she has her hand in the till of the weapons industry. The trouble is so many will sell their soul for money and power, amazing, and so much for her phony religious BS.
The MIC capitalists in this late stage capitalism are sucking dry the U$ofA's & the UK's internal vitals to no positive end. Kim Dotcom shines a welcome bright light on them:
All the candidates running for president are in the same boat. None will stop aiding Israel. None will shut off the spigot in Ukraine. They are all war pigs.
You're right, and if you don't support our wars you're labeled anti-American and definitely not presidential material. Don't they say peace is what got Kennedy assasinated?
Luckily, Jill Stein (Green Party) is not in that boat. She's running as an anti-genocide/anti-war president. People, Planet and Peace is her slogan. Check her out
Why should other countries be forced to take more refugees when there was a home there for the Palestinians. Letting the Jewish population flood in there after the 2nd world war was a huge mistake.
I wonder if Palestinians being refuged in another country will cause Israel to turn on that country as an excuse to say that there is a terroist[s] residing in one's country and that they must be flushed they claim to be doing now...'flushing out Hamas'....this is a critical view I cam having.
Yes until such time as more Jewish people moved in after the war and between the wars. My father was there as a peace keeper in the 30's and he said there were always problems between Arabs and Jews. There might have been more to it but he's dead now so I can't ask. He said it was too easy to get a knife in the back so left after 3 years.
Gaza is going to become a seaside resort town for Israelis and the POS people who will still visit it as tourists. May their own dead haunt them for eternity.
It's a fucking new year and I still have to spend every morning writing to the white house, my senators, my representive and whoever else has power telling them to stop funding genocide. Fucking sick of this shit. Fuck It's Not Real.
I saw that and felt jealous. Mine just keep send out generic messages of support for Israel. I used to donate to many democratic campaigns. I am unsubscribing from them and when there is the box to write 'why do you want to unsubscribe' I tell them their support of genocide makes me not want to support them.
I called my rep in DC 3 or 4 times daily. Email didn’t work. I got very aggressive and demanded to speak to him personally every time ( which of course I never did.) I told his secretary ( or whoever I spoke to) that I didn’t have a problem standing outside his local office with a sign that read “So-and-So Supports Genocide”.
Shortly afterwards, I saw Code Pink’s list of signatories to Cori Bush’s legislation for permanent ceasefire. His name was on it!
I can’t claim to have done this by myself, but I think I helped😉
Thing is, Sarah, you can’t be nice about it. Politicians don’t understand “nice”. I hope this helped you some. Keep trying and good luck!
Definitely be aggressive. And use the word genocide. If we all just keep calling and writing they will feel the pressure. My district has a huge Muslim population. I so wish I voted for Warren. She signed it.
Dick Durbin was the first to call for a ceasefire and now he’s backed off. It was only recently that I found out how much money AIPAC has given him and, in fact, for his initial run for the House seat Durbin was the first successful recruit by AIPAC. It’s all such f’g sickening.
They lie. We know they lie. They know we know they're lying. We know they know we know they're lying. But, they remind us of the Samson mythology and they know that we know they have nuclear warheads.
«Samson said: “Let me die together with the Philistines!”. He bent over with all his strength and the house collapsed on the leaders and all the people who were inside. There were more deaths that he caused with his death than he had killed in life." Book of Judges XVI,30.
The phrase tells that Samson (the one who would have transformed things into precious metals ...) caused the house in which he was with all the Philistines to collapse, causing not only their death but also his own.
And the world accepts the blackmail. Someone necessarily has to intervene.
...and, I'm told, his doctrines were set out to deliberately create a cold war with Russia thereby giving the excuse to keep and enlarge the continuing presence of U$ofA troops in Europe.
Let’s not forget this is about the oil and gas under Israeli-controlled and occupied Palestinian territories. Israel has already been drilling offshore in fields that belong to Palestine.
Any wonder the U.S. in concert with Israel is not just ‘mowing the lawn’ this time...they’re ripping it out even if they have bulldoze some people camped in the hospital grounds...
And they’re being very bold about it. Brash. As in a ‘watch me’ move.
Netanyahu just got a ruling today from his own Supreme Court, which shut down BN’s plan to overhaul judicial law. He was supposed to be on trial for corruption right now, just like Trump.
Meanwhile, we’re soon going to start hearing ‘the ends justify the means’ narrative from all sides.
Look on the bright side. They've turned the gaslighting up to eleven, but it isn't working. They're yelling "Antisemitic!" so often that gambit doesn't work anymore. They're resorting to criminalizing dissent, firing people, in what looks like increasingly desperate McCarthyism. The whole world is seeing Israel as a cruel, racist state, supported by...white people. No, wait, not the PEOPLE...The Zionists can bribe the governments and media of English-speaking countries and the EU to support their project of ethnic cleansing--well, maybe not all of them, anymore--but the only PEOPLE, anywhere in the world, which supports it is the Israelis.
Incapable of irony and beyond shame, the ugliness of the Israeli government knows no bounds.
It's not lost on me that the Zionists are essentially saying that it's impossible for Jews to live in peace among non-Jews, that unless they have their own apartheid state they'll be eternally at war. Besides being blatantly racist it's also historically incorrect, since Jews, Muslims and Christians lived in peace in this same area for centuries before the influx of the descendants of European converts.
But they hate each other. I’ve heard them call the Ethiopians trash, the ultra orthodox fanatics, and in N/A they frequently patronize Gentiles because they find them more trustworthy. Working in a Jewish dominated field, I’ve heard more anti-Semitic comments from Jews than from Gentiles. As is their custom, and to provide yet another focus for their aggression, they even invented a name for them - the self-hating Jew. Israel is crumbling and giving their hegemon-provider of protective skirts to hide behind, their young are fleeing and their chickens may be coming home to roost. Tragic.
" But they hate each other." Beelzebub knows himself very well, which translates well into the next observation
"... they frequently patronize Gentiles because they find them more trustworthy."
Zionists actually don't consider anyone that is not a Zionist as anything less than sub human including Jews. Netanyahu has stated that the Jews in Israel that want peace with Palestinians should be cleansed alongside them. The people who have made any type of comments against him have been silenced by fines and other means. The main place entered by Hamas was a group of people who supported Palestine! This was found out by the son of a woman who was taken hostage who said she was part of an organisation that supports Palestinians and he said this whole area is because they live right by the border and try to get along with them!
Hamas apparently didn't even know that the rave was taking place, they ran into it on their way to attack a military bases nearby. Many of the dead Israelis were machine gunned by Apache attack helicopters who assumed anyone running was a Hamas fighter
As ugly as the Israeli government is, what about the Zio-enema we are getting here in the US? The totally Zionist governmental representation we have thanks to Biden guarantees our obeisance to the horrific entity called Zionism. You deal with the Zios, you get exactly what you deserve, the royal shaft.
It's not just Biden, every president including Trump loved their Jewish ness. Except Jimmy Carter who tried to build a 2 state resolution but was twarted by the ADL, AIPAC and Zionists in US government .
That's right. If you look at who takes money from AIPAC there are 3 full pages of traitors (politicians) who are on that take! Lots of them are Dual citizens! So how can this possibly be legal!? They take money from a foreign government and profit from the policies along with Israel profiting from it even to putting every single American in danger! This is criminal beyond criminal. I have to say also that I do not believe anyone is obligated to obey laws made by criminals that make their criminal activities legal! These are the lowest form of primate on the planet.
Totally agree.
Textbook genocide. South Africa's action in the ICJ can't proceed quick enough.
Or something different. It is impossible to hit the heart icon for a brilliant exposition of a horror without feeling that something is wrong. You just have to hope the people who see it know it is for the writing, not the subject.
Exactly as they called it 75 years ago.
Make that 125 years ago with the Herzl quote (President McKinley was deep into Empire with the Spanish American war at the time). Israel is now the Empire's iron fist in the Middle East.
I disagree that "This obviously makes the argument for the “voluntary migration” of Gazans completely nonsensical..." It's far worse than that: It is what psychopaths say when committing genocide.
Sociopaths will continue ruling the world until the masses rise up and change the form of governance from democracy to demarchy, alternatively termed sortition. If democracy is to be retained, then barriers must be erected to prevent sociopaths from being electoral candidates.
All that will do is increase the power of the government bureaucracy. As it is, many of the most successful sociopaths themselves rarely stand directly for office.
Feral, what needs to be done ( in Amerikkka at least) is to declare AIPAC as a foreign entity, which it is.
I wonder how the Amerikkkan people would feel if it were, say, Venezuela, buying our elections.
Oh, we still have people in this country that think Russia meddled in the 2016 election. Same ones that think Russia is the big bad boogeyman and Putin is Hitler reincarnated. These people really get on my last nerve. ZioNazis and Russiaphobes. So sad.😢
That's what I said. What if I was a Russian lobbyists with Dual citizenship? How would I be treated compared to these Murdering bastards.
You don't seem familiar with demarchy. Under a truly demarchic system, there would be no permanent bureaucracy. After psychological screening to weed out high D-score quasi-sociopaths, qualified individuals would be drafted to serve a term on an administrative committee, in an executive position, or as a legislator. There would be no permanent bureaucrats, legislators, nor executives, and the people who serve would be less self-aggrandizing than the current crowd.
Further, if the executive, legislative, and judicial officers were not quasi-sociopaths, they would presumably cleanup any bureaucracy that was not peopled via sortition.
Not sure how you're going to get the roads paved or taxes collected using "psychologically screened" names out of the phone book, but go on.
"psychological screening" by whom?, didn't we just go through a period with constant attempts of crazy screening by some "authority"
"administrative committee" anything with committee in it, should give every level headed man shivers down the spine
You appear to be an example of a someone who LOVES sociopaths. See the comment immediately below.
You seem to be a disciple of THE CULT jumping to conclusions, while crawling in the maze of MASS DELUSION!
All plebes LOVE sociopaths !!
They are not psychopaths, Dave. They are on the normal spectrum.
The long and rich history of the contemporary genocides of the cultured, cultivated Europeans, The Americans and the Brits., to nominate yet a few.
Free to subscribe . . . The Dead Do Not Die.
I skimmed your article, which confirmed my understanding that imperialists and settler colonists (including Israelis) with no feelings for fellow humans do detestable things. That's psychopathy, in my book...
Most of us have done detestable things, by proxy, to fellow earthlings because we've been taught that other animals are less than us. Same with European imperialists. We are still living in neocolonial world and most of us haven't done much to stop the exploitation that we are still benefitting from.
It makes us all psychopaths if the term is not applied in it's clinical sense
Do you dutifully sign and date your tax checks like an obedient civilian under contract by the state?
Then you are also complicit.
Not this year, Chaz! 😁
" We are still living in neocolonial world and most of us haven't done much ..." PRIDE cannot see the woods for the trees ... because man - his mind - is still existing in its fallen state since THE GARDEN OF EDEN and there is only ONE REMEDY - THE ONE AND ONLY SHEPHERD AND SAVIOUR THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT - AMEN HALLELU-YAH!
Then where the hell is Jesus when we need him?
Where was he when the indigenous people of the Americas were all but eliminated?
Where was he when 20+ million Russians died in WWII?
Where was he during the rule of the Khmer Rouge?
Or Idi Amin?
If your Jesus does indeed exist, then he sure doesn’t appear to think much of the people he’s supposedly “saving”.
Oh my wonderful gypsy,,,opening up a can of worms with a theist is a recepie in justifying mind fuckery
THANK YOU FOR ASKING! Whether angrily, confused or otherwise it leaves some hope for the one asking - expressedly or silently - to get it answered.
Here is the best response I am able to give. THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is by no means the magician that the commenter and all like/"like" minded wo/man are mistakenly - BLIND out of their own PRIDE - diminishing HIM to be.
Contrary to popular belief - as spread over centuries/millenia by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - HE gives EVERYONE what he/she desires in his/her HEART. Either war with GOD ALMIGHTY opposing HIS COMMANDMENTS - or HIS PEACE by accepting HIS OFFER OF SALVATION by accepting HIS COMMANDMENTS.
S. Kierkegaard summarises this perfectly
"It is so hard to believe because it is so hard to obey." - and lower oneself underneath HIS WISDOM, MIGHT AND GRACE!
The opposite can be found here:
12How you have fallen from heaven,
O day star, son of the dawn!
You have been cut down to the ground, O destroyer of nations.
13You said in your heart:
“I will ascend to the heavens;
I will raise my throne
above the stars of God.
I will sit on the mount of assembly,
in the far reaches of the north.
14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” ISA 14, 12-14
PRIDE OF THE HEART KNOWS/ ACCEPTS NO BOUNDARIES so GOD ALMIGHTY delivers what is desired by each and every HEART HE CREATED - INDIVIDUALLY, so it can see its own wickedness in THE MATERIAL.
Tribalism and group guilt - contrary to INDIVIDUAL responsibility according to GOD ALMIGHTY'S WORD - are only ascribed - cloaked in moral outrage about injustice, "war", inequality ... - by by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - all its disciples.
The latter being started in THE GARDEN OF EDEN by EVE out of her "wisdom" - THE SERPENT - about GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT AND GRACE, later joined by ADAM trusting the "wisdom" of EVE more than his CREATOR - THE ONE AND ONLY SOVEREIGN!
Yeah i agree they are not psychopaths.
Most of us have eaten animal products produced in factory farms where sentient beings are treated unconscionably but we are not psychopaths.
Genocides happen when people are taught from a young age that they are separate, different and superior to others. The way most us regard animals, some regard other humans.
It's what the whole military industrial animal ag media complex is based on and how it makes profits.
...and I'm pretty sick of being mocked for being a vegan. I am for the animals. Also as an old lady my health is great.
Thank you! Your comment is spot on.
There were a lot of Psychopaths involved with those, too.
A matter that has received much research attention.
Most serial killers are on the normal spectrum. Few Physical Anthropologists would be surprised.
Soldiers require seriously effective conditioning to make them efficient killers. The armed forces screen out psychopaths. The political process does not.
There may well be psychopaths who make into the upper echelons of influence and control. What makes it appear that they may well all be psychopaths is standoff or distancing - from the consequences of their decisions, not even seeing those who are directly affected, ever.
Harry Truman as US President directed the use of atomic weapons on a defeated Japan, so holding the record for killing more people in the shortest time. Barack Obama directed foreign executions via the Tuesday Kill List. Doubtful that they were psychopaths. Just regular guys.
On the matter of psychopaths and normal soldiers under fire, refer
where the book Madness and Psychiatry in War is examined. To quote . . .
“The mindset of the soldier on the battlefield is a highly disturbed mind . . . an epidemic of insanity which affects everybody . . . those not affected by it die very quickly” - William Manchester, WWII marine.
Psychopaths are not so affected, exhibit heroic qualities and may be the first to die. Some make it back to receive decorations by Heads of State.
Free to subscribe . . .
One does not need to be a clinically diagnosed psycopath to believe in all the dogma of the clinical variety who have ordered society in their own image...they become what I have termed the contact psycopath who have taken in the belife systems imposed into society by the clinical set...they run western society and have influenced the minds of the normies to emulate them..this gives the psycopath an advantage in a world they can profit from.
A vast Government and Military-Intelligence Complex providing their narratives and recommendations to a President or other executive who can give approval, thereafter those down the line, unknown to the final decision maker, execute the operations.
If outcomes are not as desired, become public and meet with disapproval, they apologize and escape consequences. This they know . . .
Your description resembles very much my observations.
This modern version summary of man's mind wickedness and helplessness as described in THE BIBLE is valuable ONLY as description of the status quo of man's mind dynamic within GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION. But it undermines its usefulness by denying - for the same reason(s) the described phenomena exist - the broader and deeper context of THE BIBLE and therefore being prone to the same DECEPTION described above.
ADAM is not his own master - he can try and he is doing his utmost to live up to the described wickedness - very much cheered on by EVE, which of course is pretending otherwise - since THE GARDEN OF EDEN and there is no other way around THE ONLY SOVEREIGN GOD ALMIGHTY - THE SPIRIT CREATOR OF ALL VISIBLE (to man's mind) EXISTENCE!
Recent work by Moshagen and colleagues shows that anti-social aspects of personality can be recognized in persons who don't fit the clinical criteria of psychopaths/sociopaths. They accomplished this by using factor analysis of questionnaire data to obtain a D-factor which is analogous to the g-factor of intelligence. Just as intelligence can be manifest in several forms, sociopathy can be as well; hence the value of factor analysis, which is a multivariate statistical method of data summary.
A person with a high D-factor score has the basic tendency to maximize his own utility at the expense of others, accompanied by beliefs that serve as justifications for his malevolent behaviors. Utility refers to goal achievement. The D is in reference to the Dark Triad of clinical diagnoses.
When I assert that sociopaths rule the world, I don't mean that all highly placed members of the managerial state are pedophiles or murderers, but that their D-scores are high enough that you would not want them as a co-worker or as a spouse for your daughter. Certainly, given enough power high D-score individuals can orchestrate financial fraud, environmental destruction, and of course genocide.
If the concept, and the reality, of the D-factor and D-scores were taken seriously, they could create a beneficial earthquake in electoral politics.
For more on D-factor, see this website:
Indeed Jim, for individuals who exhibit Dark triad personality traits (narcissism. Machiavellianism, psychopathy) empathy is a 'myth' they despise. The hierarchical structure of power uses negative selection to promote individuals with some specific physical but also personality characteristics. For example, psychopaths and narcissists find politics particularly rewarding. Also correct, Factor analysis is used to improve its scale measurement. Individuals who score higher on the Dark Triad scale (e.g., DD, FFMI, HEXACO) are more likely to support candidates who share these traits.
Research also suggests that personality traits are linked to moral identity. The discrepancy between the judgement people make when considering what they should do and what they actually do is not rare. However, individuals with psychopathic traits are aware that their choices reflect their sense of self - their moral identity. They endorse utilitarian moral judgement for their own self-interests, practice virtue signalling, yet demonstrate weak moral identity (weak link between Self and morality). The application of ‘for the greater good’ reasoning hides the empathy deficit and deceitfulness. They may display immoral behaviour partially because they do not construe their personal identities in moral terms.
Still, they may also suffer from the collective Delusional Disorder. If anyone is interested:
Chen, P., Pruysers, S. and Blais, J. (2021) The Dark Side of Politics: Participation and the Dark Triad. Political Studies 69(3), 577- 601
Hart, W., Richardson, K., and Tortoriello, G. K. (2018). Dark Personality Voters Find Dark Politicians More Relatable and Fit for Office. Journal of Research in Personality (75), 59 - 68.
Glenn, A. L., Koleva, S. Iyer, R., Graham, J. and Ditto, P.H. (2010). Moral identity in psychopathy, Judgement and Decision Making, Vol. 5, No. 7, December 2010, pp. 497–505
Djeriouat, H. and Tremoliere, B. (2014). The Dark Triad of personality and utilitarian moral judgement: The mediating role of Honesty/Humility and Harm/Care, Personality and Individual Differences, (67), (pp. 11–16).
Thanks for these insights and references. For what it's worth, social psychologists might find HOAs (homeowners associations) useful as research objects. My own interest in D-factor theory was spurred by experiences in my HOA which are inexplicable without considering dark personality traits and motivations.
They ARE sociopaths... regardless how ‘normal’ sociopathy has become. How.... does one maintain sanity in an insane context? How... is this our human race to evolve, in a context of devolution & destruction? Decency & sanity are under-rated in these times of ours... 😵💫🏵️🌷😘
Of The Leadership Class, say . . .
Civil towards each other, more or less. Less civil towards The Majority.
The character of the last remaining Peak Primate . . .
Cooperation and Aggression.
Cooperation as needed; Aggression when necessary.
Both behaviours leave destruction behind, including destruction of The Ecosystem.
Now a vast number of this class of primates overpopulate the planet.
Genetically programmed behaviours become necessary to remove competitors . . .
Lol...then the norm are psycopath psychopaths.
Maybe not clinically diagnosed but as I call them contact psycopath living in the environment created and run by the clinical variety.
But still an MI6 brain-child ...
This article nails it. The social media comments led by most media in our country disturbs me greatly. The biggest lie is that somehow the Palestinian people have a choice. Anyone who points out that 2 million people living in 360 square kilometres have run out of choices, are decried with the usual terms. Mr. Pape is right. The State of Israel has become the nightmare it wanted to avoid.
It never wanted to avoid it,,it simply never wanted anyone to see it and figure it out. Thus all the lying and mind control they got up to. Plus full control of Americans government. As well as the entire feckless lap dog UK and EU.
Like a headache indicating the intoxication from the day before!
Get intoxicated enough on PRIDE, ARROGANCE, IGNORANCE, HYPOCRISY AND HUBRIS - denying THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE - and the outcome is INEVITABLE, exactly as prophesied.
But I know, we suddenly have all become so "wise, educated and enlightened" that THE TRUTH OF EVERY SINGLE HEART doesn't count anymore, at least for those that have fallen for PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE offered by THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN around the world.
Imagine if Putin urged voluntary migration of Ukrainians.
He did, with bombs and the military invasion.
Oh, here we go again.🤔🤣
All hail Putin, amirite? I forget we don't criticise daddy around here.
He’s not my ‘daddy’ fyi. I just know the difference between the SMO and what Israel is doing. The people in the Donbas were being shelled for over 9 years by Neo Nazis in western Ukraine, they had enough and asked Russia to step in. Plus NATO kept expanding to the east when US had promised time and time again not to. US kept saying Ukraine can be part of NATO when they knew that was a redline for Russia. The U.S. provoked this war, not Russia. Go back and look up Maidan Coup 2014 or better yet watch Ukraine on Fire, the one by Oliver Stone, not the Netflix version. The U.S. has been lying for decades when it comes to Russia imho. It’s not Russia that has all those military bases around the world and goes around provoking other countries and doing regime changes. It’s the U.S. I don’t like any countries to be invaded, but unlike the U.S. and Israhell, this one was provoked big time. Learn your history. Just sayin....🤔. What Israhell is doing is genocide pure and simple.
As I listened to this, my stomach tightened and I felt physically sick. It is the most immoral, cruel inhumane kind of behaviour. It is destroying the Palestinian people and it is toxic for the whole world.
It is toxic, and no doubt reflects the toxic environment that made it happen. Israel is a country that kept people in a big cage with very little room to grow mentally or physically. A concentration camp of sorts where they were periodically slaughtered. the Jewish people were given the homeland of the Palestinians because during Hitler's rein they experienced an attempted genocide of their own, and if anything should know better, but instead they just became copy cats.
All wars create hatred. This war is creating hatred all over again and, unless things can somehow be turned around, there will be more war and more hate and it will just go on and on. The only people who really benefit from any of this are the people who make a lot of money from it. Blood money.
I'm sure there will be more war. People like Bolton, a neocon war monger, are calling for an attack on Iran. After all they're tight knit with the Houthis, etc, etc, etc. We're lucky if we don't wind up in a third world war. What is really scary is that all our Middle Eastern wars were pushed by a neocon agenda, and who resides in Biden's White House, Nuland, Blinken and other neocons. They all slid over to Biden, the democrats, during the Trump years, and these are people that never call it a day.
Neoliberals are just the enablers of neocons in this abusive family dynamic
Kim Dotcom has a most interesting view on war related things that he shared in a recent tweet:
Interesting. KDC is usually well-informed.
Very good, DL! Thank you for sharing.
I read it as well. Very good and insightful. People in the U.S. better wake up. This is not a joke. We need peace NOW and open communication between Russia and the U.S. This Biden administration could get us all killed. It’s insane!! PEACE!!
That indicates that you are a normal, feeling individual, Susan
I hope so.
I have to mention I saw an interview with Nikki Helly and she described the assault on Israel which she claims brought them to their knees, and as the worse thing that has happened since the holocaust. Her problem isn't math, but she is really playing up to the Jewish population in America and evangelicals as well. She is one of the candidates from hell.
She's one sick woman. The viciousness with which she told Isreal to FINISH them! Finish them! was stomach turning.
Oh, do I remember that. I hear she has her hand in the till of the weapons industry. The trouble is so many will sell their soul for money and power, amazing, and so much for her phony religious BS.
Nikki Haley is one sick nut job. She’s the female version of Lindsey Graham, a total WARMONGER.🤮
Nikki Hellacious is no different than any other Zionism suck-up. Behind every great fortune is a great crime. She can't wait......
The MIC capitalists in this late stage capitalism are sucking dry the U$ofA's & the UK's internal vitals to no positive end. Kim Dotcom shines a welcome bright light on them:
Haley knows well what the donor class wants to hear.
All the candidates running for president are in the same boat. None will stop aiding Israel. None will shut off the spigot in Ukraine. They are all war pigs.
You're right, and if you don't support our wars you're labeled anti-American and definitely not presidential material. Don't they say peace is what got Kennedy assasinated?
Luckily, Jill Stein (Green Party) is not in that boat. She's running as an anti-genocide/anti-war president. People, Planet and Peace is her slogan. Check her out
Fran, and ignoring that SLAVERY was the root cause of the Civil War!
Could this “woman” be any more psychopathic?
Why should other countries be forced to take more refugees when there was a home there for the Palestinians. Letting the Jewish population flood in there after the 2nd world war was a huge mistake.
I wonder if Palestinians being refuged in another country will cause Israel to turn on that country as an excuse to say that there is a terroist[s] residing in one's country and that they must be flushed they claim to be doing now...'flushing out Hamas'....this is a critical view I cam having.
They are regularly bombing Lebanon at the moment.
Now you just sound like Lindsey Graham..kill em all!!!
That is, the European Jewish population. Jews, Muslims & Christians had lived there together for centuries.
Yes until such time as more Jewish people moved in after the war and between the wars. My father was there as a peace keeper in the 30's and he said there were always problems between Arabs and Jews. There might have been more to it but he's dead now so I can't ask. He said it was too easy to get a knife in the back so left after 3 years.
Then let's continue to call the centuries-old region Palestine & not try to impose the name Israel on it. Problem solved. /s
You mean people like this: ?
We need an angry icon in addition to the heart icon.
Gaza is going to become a seaside resort town for Israelis and the POS people who will still visit it as tourists. May their own dead haunt them for eternity.
Oprah probably has the architectural plans drawn up for he seaside palace.
Seriously. With a concord flight from Hawaii.
It's a fucking new year and I still have to spend every morning writing to the white house, my senators, my representive and whoever else has power telling them to stop funding genocide. Fucking sick of this shit. Fuck It's Not Real.
Sarah, it’s soul-wrenching and anger-inducing. But you’re doing your part. Please keep up the good work.
I’m continuing the slog myself, and was very gratified when I learned that my US congressman FINALLY signed on to Cori Bush’s ceasefire proposal.
I saw that and felt jealous. Mine just keep send out generic messages of support for Israel. I used to donate to many democratic campaigns. I am unsubscribing from them and when there is the box to write 'why do you want to unsubscribe' I tell them their support of genocide makes me not want to support them.
Hi Sarah
I called my rep in DC 3 or 4 times daily. Email didn’t work. I got very aggressive and demanded to speak to him personally every time ( which of course I never did.) I told his secretary ( or whoever I spoke to) that I didn’t have a problem standing outside his local office with a sign that read “So-and-So Supports Genocide”.
Shortly afterwards, I saw Code Pink’s list of signatories to Cori Bush’s legislation for permanent ceasefire. His name was on it!
I can’t claim to have done this by myself, but I think I helped😉
Thing is, Sarah, you can’t be nice about it. Politicians don’t understand “nice”. I hope this helped you some. Keep trying and good luck!
Definitely be aggressive. And use the word genocide. If we all just keep calling and writing they will feel the pressure. My district has a huge Muslim population. I so wish I voted for Warren. She signed it.
I just looked and my representative has signed it!!!!
So I'm writing her to say thank you.
Great work Sarah!
My district has a large Arab-American population, both Christian and Muslim.
Dick Durbin was the first to call for a ceasefire and now he’s backed off. It was only recently that I found out how much money AIPAC has given him and, in fact, for his initial run for the House seat Durbin was the first successful recruit by AIPAC. It’s all such f’g sickening.
It's always about the money.
They lie. We know they lie. They know we know they're lying. We know they know we know they're lying. But, they remind us of the Samson mythology and they know that we know they have nuclear warheads.
«Samson said: “Let me die together with the Philistines!”. He bent over with all his strength and the house collapsed on the leaders and all the people who were inside. There were more deaths that he caused with his death than he had killed in life." Book of Judges XVI,30.
The phrase tells that Samson (the one who would have transformed things into precious metals ...) caused the house in which he was with all the Philistines to collapse, causing not only their death but also his own.
And the world accepts the blackmail. Someone necessarily has to intervene.
Recall the title of Seymour Hirsch’s book from many years ago about Israeli nuclear weapons, “The Samson Option.”
And that someone will be Iran.
IsraHell can launched a nuke on them, but Iran will nonetheless finish off the ZioState in ten minutes.
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. It’s just a matter of time...
im thinking eventually it will be free of Israel. How long did the Nazi regime last? 15 years? Israel is going full Nazi.
12 horrific years, from 1933-1945.
USrAel has been inflicting death for 80 plus years.
1948 movie creation and catastrophe documents how Israel was formed in violence.
President Truman had something to say about this...
Well that's a fascinating look at proof of what I was asserting.
Said the man who ordered two nuclear bombs dropped on civilian populations.
...and, I'm told, his doctrines were set out to deliberately create a cold war with Russia thereby giving the excuse to keep and enlarge the continuing presence of U$ofA troops in Europe.
Let’s not forget this is about the oil and gas under Israeli-controlled and occupied Palestinian territories. Israel has already been drilling offshore in fields that belong to Palestine.
Any wonder the U.S. in concert with Israel is not just ‘mowing the lawn’ this time...they’re ripping it out even if they have bulldoze some people camped in the hospital grounds...
And they’re being very bold about it. Brash. As in a ‘watch me’ move.
Netanyahu just got a ruling today from his own Supreme Court, which shut down BN’s plan to overhaul judicial law. He was supposed to be on trial for corruption right now, just like Trump.
Meanwhile, we’re soon going to start hearing ‘the ends justify the means’ narrative from all sides.
Look on the bright side. They've turned the gaslighting up to eleven, but it isn't working. They're yelling "Antisemitic!" so often that gambit doesn't work anymore. They're resorting to criminalizing dissent, firing people, in what looks like increasingly desperate McCarthyism. The whole world is seeing Israel as a cruel, racist state, supported by...white people. No, wait, not the PEOPLE...The Zionists can bribe the governments and media of English-speaking countries and the EU to support their project of ethnic cleansing--well, maybe not all of them, anymore--but the only PEOPLE, anywhere in the world, which supports it is the Israelis.