Since Hezbollah has not been decapitated by Israel, quite the opposite say the military experts, their view is that Shitrael has turned to Syria because they just need to keep killing someone, so also busy in Gaza, but the aim for Syria is to close off the option of weapons getting to Lebanon through Syria.
The poor Syrians have been bombed by the Israelis for years and their forgotten war is a disgrace. The Americans of course are there helping with the slaughter which aims to topple Assad in order to keep the oil flowing to Shitrael.
I agree with the vast majority of this except Israel gets almost its from Azerbaijan via Turkey. Azerbaijan have allies with isIsrael for decades. Mossad uses Azerbaijan as a base of operations and Israel provided lots of eequipment and intelligence to Azerbaijan in their conconflict with Armenia. Turkey and Israel have also been allies for ages. Erdogan is a snake.
Since what you call Levantine politics is most often the result of Western, particularly American meddling, then we can conclude it is not Levantine in nature. You seem to take a racist view of a situation created by Americans and their lackey allies.
I am sure Al-Qaeda is doing what they've been paid to do by those who have the money to pay them. The participation of a supposedly respectable state like Turkey is a bit more mysterious.
Like all of them they are paid big money by the Americans. Egypt is no different to Turkey. The old colonial divide and conquer still at work. Sadly it still works.
So, How about a campaign to pressure the Azerbabaijanese to cut off the oil that feeds the jet planes that bomb Gaza? What if we had known this a year ago? BDS them too!
Keeping the focus and power on Israel is more effective. Cripple and destroy Israel's economy with boycotts and sanctions and the occupation and genocide is forced to end. Wasting time pressuring the rest dilutes the impact on shitrael.
Since all are ingredients in the great hegemonic soup with the Israeli sausage floating in the middle, protesting the occupation, colonisation, genocide and ethnic cleansing would appear to be the correct focus. KISS, keep it simple stupid.
Homelessness now extends to postal delivery workers who sleep in their cars and shower at union halls, living in penury while the NY Times features a story about the nice new duck shaped postal vehicles, totally ignoring the real story of the empire's Capitalist economy failing its workers while it funds chaos throughout the Middle East. America is such an incredible failure.
I am a 76 y-o American, and no I don't hate ALL Americans, obviously, only the thoroughly brainwashed bullshitters -- which in my EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE having lived all over this country, with at least 10K former students in a huge diversity of professions, has convinced me comprises about 80 percent of the population of the US. Hence, I hate the fundamental ethos of America that has produced this situation of gross mindless idiocy, illustrated by the blubbering idiots we throw out onto the world stage, idiots incapable of diplomacy, i.e., idiots still awash in the fucking nightmare of American exceptionalism. My country is a sad joke and I have the psychological scars -- and the dead friends --- to prove it.
HTS and the SNA (assets of turkey, Israel and the US) made rapid inroads in the last few days bubut it seems like the tide has started to turn today. The SAA has stabilized the front around hama and massive Russian air support is causing mass casualties on the jihadis. Iran has promised support so have Iranian allied militias from Iraq. The kurds and the SDF are fighting alongside the SAA. Most surprisingly the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have publicly come out in support of Assad. Hopefully this time Assad and the Syrian people along with their allies can smash the puppets of israel, turkey and the US for good.
It’s probable that this new activity and destruction in Syria is in fact aimed towards Putin, and with stretching the capability of Russian forces which are actively engaged in assisting Assad & Syria. Iran too. The Western warmongers’ hegemon are so cold blooded they are happily taking advantage of death and destruction in other countries.
In Montreal, a mall has started playing "Baby Shark" on repeat in the stairwells to make homeless people go away. I am surprised by people who take anything on the mainstream news as honest reporting. Sometimes it can be useful for local news, although regarding homeless people, they often lie about that too. They seldom, if ever, tell the truth about how people get rich. Inheritance. Paying low wages. Union busting. Not paying taxes. Flipping houses. Raising rents.
CJ>>"If you saw through the lies about Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious."
Thank you Caitlin! Good (and essential advice)! BUT, what about the people that could not see through the lies of Gaza? How do we reach them? Are they forever lost to Empire propaganda? Many have refused to open their eyes even after 1+ year of a live-streamed Genocide. How do we wake them up? (I try to do my best, and often get into heated arguments in the process. Maybe I need to work on my communication and persuasion skills. Maybe more empathy on my part?)
They are gone. Anyone who excuses the daily slaughter of over 200 children, in the most gruesome ways (and that’s just children)—and the starvation of a population of over 2 million people trapped in a concentration camp, among every other horrifying torture and abuse tactic known to man—when it has been live-streamed to them, is pretty unlikely to become unhypnotized by whatever forces have caused them to be that way. I’m still loud about it, but mainly as a way to keep myself human and to connect with and recognize other actual humans. I’d imagine it’s somewhat like being a dissident among the Nazi population, but I’m not sure even as many then were so totally aware of what was happening and willing to ignore it despite that recognition. I’m seeing people trip over their logic and truths they know to defend being silent on this, still repeating blatant falsehoods like “both sides” and “there are other genocides” (which while true is meant to deflect from the reality that we are directly carrying this one out and could stop it at any time) and it is horrifying. Every day I see lines at the McDonald’s and Starbucks, people complement my “scarf” (my keffiyeh) without any recognition of what it really is, liberals at the dog park avoid me in it or when I’m wearing my watermelon hat. Our town has criminalized protestors to extreme degrees, all supported by the quiet liberal elite. All people seem to care about is escapism—football games, stereotypical holiday bs, personal growth, etc.— and they can’t be bothered to think of anything beyond their front yards. I don’t know how to live amount this people, honestly. It was one thing with people being ignorant or uninformed about our history and defending and upholding this system, but it’s another altogether when they’re aware of the absolute evil that upholds it and instead choose to ignore it so they don’t have to face the slightest inconvenience. How can any of them be trusted at all?
Your words resonate deeply with me too. I want to scream multiple times a day about the mundane, bullshit life people are living in the US and how deeply in denial they are about the truth. I too have people compliment my "scarf" without any knowledge of what it is. At my business, people approach me to ask for product donations, and what are the fundraisers for? Never for helping people near or far. It's for a swim club, or a soccer team, or a Christian school. I even got a request for a donation to fight "antisemitism". I would give my little store's income for an entire month if it was going to Gaza, but I can't even get a person to say the word "genocide" in my self-centered community. Sick of it all. I want out.
Completely get this. You're not alone. I'm stumbling looking at the absolute hypocrisy of all the cheery run up to Xmas with no-one batting an eye at the deliberate death and destruction inflicted upon those in the holy land. If the Big J came back and saw the horror inflicted on his homeland,all those tiny bodies and shuffling limbless children, he would surely turn his face away.
Totally. Is it really worth it to them? Shitty Netflix and overpriced coffee, no homeownership for their children, huge medical costs, huge food and gas costs for shit food, no community, elderly homeless people digging through trash and freezing in the cold before being sent off to labor camps… like we just realllllllyyy need to be mutilating, orphaning, and viciously slaughtering children every single day before the eyes of the world or all this joy might end? I honestly feel like I’m surrounded by zombies.
Most human beings are pretty untrustworthy in the sense of having some blind spots ! sometimes a lot . I am Muslim from a Muslim family and have come to expect at least low level racism all the time . I am pale-skinned so usually get apparent compliments like " Oh but you don't look Muslim/Asian - I would never have guessed !
My mother always repeated "there are none so deaf as those who will not hear !" She meant that hearing is itself a matter of will ie on the part of the hearer . You cannot make people take notice ! I don't see how empathy and persuasion really helps . It never did me anyway .
Kudos, Caitlin. Damnable Dirty Dastardly Deeds by Demonic Deadbeat USA and its mostly Colonial Zionist ilk. I'd like to be in denial but cannot be: this is Dreadful reality.
Exactly Lorna. Need to have comprehensive evaluations of candidates regarding fundamental knowledge of history ,geography, biological and other science, and most importantly a history of ethical behavior before being allowed on ballots. Imagine state laws doing that!
One of the earliest things US Intelligence forces (pre-CIA) considered doing was blowing up a passenger ship and setting off bombs in various US towns to justify an invasion of spanish-held territories.
They then did something similar but with less mass civilian casualties.
This is just standard imperialist propaganda tactics. It's nothing new.
Caitlin you hit the nail on the head. Yes they're lying about Syria and here's why: the latest reason is the US funded this US-backed insurgency bullshit to try to distract and take away Russian soldiers from the Ukrainian battlefield to cover Syria.
But the larger context is Israel has been lusting to steal Syria since 1948. Why? Precisely because Syria has plenty of oil, bountiful water tables and rich farmland: deep, wide and continuous; while Israel has shit for oil, shit for water tables and arrid desertland.
Why do you think Israel is always lusting to steal Palestinian land? See, GREATER ISRAEL.
Also, if you read in the diary of Moshe Dayan, he actually describes how Israeli officials pushed and pushed him to invade Syria to steal Syrian land -- precisely because Israeli officials told him they wanted the rich farmland; Moshe argued against it, telling them it was a bad idea; but they demanded that he start a war with Syria, so Moshe said he sent a guy with a shotgun on a tractor across the Syrian countryside to try to start trouble, but nobody gave a shit, so Moshe gave up at that time.
Yeah, 'Food Not Bombs' have been dealing with over 40 years of official hostility and harassment for having the temerity to feed homeless people.
You see, if you establish a place to feed hungry people they'll probably come there to get food and the comfy yuppies and self-interested business owners nearby will lodge a complaint and sick the police onto you.
Thank you for posting the Aaron link. I highly recommend reading it to understand how much the Obama administration was involved in arming the groups that we had deemed our enemies. If congress hadn’t been on board with regime change in Syria they would have impeached Obama and tried him for treason.
Same with John McCain and Lindsay Graham! Then they did the same thing in Ukraine.
John McCain met with so many al-Queda members on this trip. Meanwhile so many Arab folks have been framed up and put in jail. Why didn't John McCain get major jail time for treason?
No, because Admiral John McCain Sr, his father, was a major figure in the sham ''inquiry'' into the June 8, 1967 bombing/torpedoing of the USS Liberty by our ''ally'' Israel. Old man McCain was instrumental in covering up the slaughter of American sailors and others on the Liberty...34 dead, 174 wounded by the vicious, demented Israelis. The McCain family was set for life after that. Treason runs in the family. The survivors of the attack had their lives mostly ruined.
I didn't know this ! I am surprised that Israeli murders of US citizens are apparently OK . Murders of UK citizens were OK during Israel's "fight for freedom" but we now pretend it never happened .
IsraHell attacked the Liberty in an attempt to blame the Egyptians. The government threatened the lives of the survivors and their families if they came forward, and then-president LBJ (Lying Bastard Jackoff) whined, I’m not going to lose an ally over a few sailors! He also forbade other US ships from going to the aid of the Liberty. This, courtesy of the “great man” who gave us Vietnam, also based on lies.
I'm not surprised at Israeli crimes , of course and the UK has form on finding Israeli murders of their own citizens acceptable . I thought , I suppose , that US citizens might be important to the USA ?
Since Hezbollah has not been decapitated by Israel, quite the opposite say the military experts, their view is that Shitrael has turned to Syria because they just need to keep killing someone, so also busy in Gaza, but the aim for Syria is to close off the option of weapons getting to Lebanon through Syria.
The poor Syrians have been bombed by the Israelis for years and their forgotten war is a disgrace. The Americans of course are there helping with the slaughter which aims to topple Assad in order to keep the oil flowing to Shitrael.
I agree with the vast majority of this except Israel gets almost its from Azerbaijan via Turkey. Azerbaijan have allies with isIsrael for decades. Mossad uses Azerbaijan as a base of operations and Israel provided lots of eequipment and intelligence to Azerbaijan in their conconflict with Armenia. Turkey and Israel have also been allies for ages. Erdogan is a snake.
The oil which comes through Syria out of Iraq is cheapest. All about the money.
But yes, agree with your comment.
Is the U.S. still occupying and stealing the oil from one site?
That oil stolen by the US from Syria goes to.......Israel. To literally fuel a genocide.
Not mentioned anywhere in the mainstream media.
The US Steals Syrian Oil, and the Kurds Sell It to Israel at a Discount in Erbil.
It bribes minions to do that.
Iraqi oil isn't actually very cheap these days.
It's amazing how all you ulamas have the wisdom to distill the whirling madness of Levantine politics into the delimiting categories of Good and Evil.
When Iraqi /Syrian oil is stolen by us (and it is stolen, and was stolen after war 2001) it is free for Isr, since Isr. is an extension of US .
Since what you call Levantine politics is most often the result of Western, particularly American meddling, then we can conclude it is not Levantine in nature. You seem to take a racist view of a situation created by Americans and their lackey allies.
Ignore Erdogan's touching rhetoric about Palestine. Pay attention to what he does.
Erdogan was 2023's biggest dancer, and will win the title in 2024.
I am sure Al-Qaeda is doing what they've been paid to do by those who have the money to pay them. The participation of a supposedly respectable state like Turkey is a bit more mysterious.
Like all of them they are paid big money by the Americans. Egypt is no different to Turkey. The old colonial divide and conquer still at work. Sadly it still works.
Why mysterious?
*most of its oil
So, How about a campaign to pressure the Azerbabaijanese to cut off the oil that feeds the jet planes that bomb Gaza? What if we had known this a year ago? BDS them too!
Hard agree you absolutely right
Keeping the focus and power on Israel is more effective. Cripple and destroy Israel's economy with boycotts and sanctions and the occupation and genocide is forced to end. Wasting time pressuring the rest dilutes the impact on shitrael.
Taking that as given, what does anyone propose to do about it?
Since all are ingredients in the great hegemonic soup with the Israeli sausage floating in the middle, protesting the occupation, colonisation, genocide and ethnic cleansing would appear to be the correct focus. KISS, keep it simple stupid.
Homelessness now extends to postal delivery workers who sleep in their cars and shower at union halls, living in penury while the NY Times features a story about the nice new duck shaped postal vehicles, totally ignoring the real story of the empire's Capitalist economy failing its workers while it funds chaos throughout the Middle East. America is such an incredible failure.
Nobody of influence and authority cares in the least.
Naturalmente. Their investments are in their "sponsors" and "sponsoring bodies".
dont you hate Americans?
I am a 76 y-o American, and no I don't hate ALL Americans, obviously, only the thoroughly brainwashed bullshitters -- which in my EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE having lived all over this country, with at least 10K former students in a huge diversity of professions, has convinced me comprises about 80 percent of the population of the US. Hence, I hate the fundamental ethos of America that has produced this situation of gross mindless idiocy, illustrated by the blubbering idiots we throw out onto the world stage, idiots incapable of diplomacy, i.e., idiots still awash in the fucking nightmare of American exceptionalism. My country is a sad joke and I have the psychological scars -- and the dead friends --- to prove it.
Of course the dirty hands of US, EU and Israel are behind this terrorists in Syria.
HTS and the SNA (assets of turkey, Israel and the US) made rapid inroads in the last few days bubut it seems like the tide has started to turn today. The SAA has stabilized the front around hama and massive Russian air support is causing mass casualties on the jihadis. Iran has promised support so have Iranian allied militias from Iraq. The kurds and the SDF are fighting alongside the SAA. Most surprisingly the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have publicly come out in support of Assad. Hopefully this time Assad and the Syrian people along with their allies can smash the puppets of israel, turkey and the US for good.
Yeah clearly I was wrong.
It’s probable that this new activity and destruction in Syria is in fact aimed towards Putin, and with stretching the capability of Russian forces which are actively engaged in assisting Assad & Syria. Iran too. The Western warmongers’ hegemon are so cold blooded they are happily taking advantage of death and destruction in other countries.
In Montreal, a mall has started playing "Baby Shark" on repeat in the stairwells to make homeless people go away. I am surprised by people who take anything on the mainstream news as honest reporting. Sometimes it can be useful for local news, although regarding homeless people, they often lie about that too. They seldom, if ever, tell the truth about how people get rich. Inheritance. Paying low wages. Union busting. Not paying taxes. Flipping houses. Raising rents.
The US is only happy when they're murdering people around the globe to keep the war machine well oiled with $$$
Remember this: The system is BRITTLE--hard but fragile. Too old and ossified to bend any more. Osteoporosis of the economy.
Our Luciferian overlords love murder, theft, and violence. In fact, they actively worship these things.
CJ>>"If you saw through the lies about Gaza, don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep pulling on threads. Keep learning. Stay curious."
Thank you Caitlin! Good (and essential advice)! BUT, what about the people that could not see through the lies of Gaza? How do we reach them? Are they forever lost to Empire propaganda? Many have refused to open their eyes even after 1+ year of a live-streamed Genocide. How do we wake them up? (I try to do my best, and often get into heated arguments in the process. Maybe I need to work on my communication and persuasion skills. Maybe more empathy on my part?)
They are gone. Anyone who excuses the daily slaughter of over 200 children, in the most gruesome ways (and that’s just children)—and the starvation of a population of over 2 million people trapped in a concentration camp, among every other horrifying torture and abuse tactic known to man—when it has been live-streamed to them, is pretty unlikely to become unhypnotized by whatever forces have caused them to be that way. I’m still loud about it, but mainly as a way to keep myself human and to connect with and recognize other actual humans. I’d imagine it’s somewhat like being a dissident among the Nazi population, but I’m not sure even as many then were so totally aware of what was happening and willing to ignore it despite that recognition. I’m seeing people trip over their logic and truths they know to defend being silent on this, still repeating blatant falsehoods like “both sides” and “there are other genocides” (which while true is meant to deflect from the reality that we are directly carrying this one out and could stop it at any time) and it is horrifying. Every day I see lines at the McDonald’s and Starbucks, people complement my “scarf” (my keffiyeh) without any recognition of what it really is, liberals at the dog park avoid me in it or when I’m wearing my watermelon hat. Our town has criminalized protestors to extreme degrees, all supported by the quiet liberal elite. All people seem to care about is escapism—football games, stereotypical holiday bs, personal growth, etc.— and they can’t be bothered to think of anything beyond their front yards. I don’t know how to live amount this people, honestly. It was one thing with people being ignorant or uninformed about our history and defending and upholding this system, but it’s another altogether when they’re aware of the absolute evil that upholds it and instead choose to ignore it so they don’t have to face the slightest inconvenience. How can any of them be trusted at all?
Your words resonate deeply with me too. I want to scream multiple times a day about the mundane, bullshit life people are living in the US and how deeply in denial they are about the truth. I too have people compliment my "scarf" without any knowledge of what it is. At my business, people approach me to ask for product donations, and what are the fundraisers for? Never for helping people near or far. It's for a swim club, or a soccer team, or a Christian school. I even got a request for a donation to fight "antisemitism". I would give my little store's income for an entire month if it was going to Gaza, but I can't even get a person to say the word "genocide" in my self-centered community. Sick of it all. I want out.
Completely get this. You're not alone. I'm stumbling looking at the absolute hypocrisy of all the cheery run up to Xmas with no-one batting an eye at the deliberate death and destruction inflicted upon those in the holy land. If the Big J came back and saw the horror inflicted on his homeland,all those tiny bodies and shuffling limbless children, he would surely turn his face away.
Totally. Is it really worth it to them? Shitty Netflix and overpriced coffee, no homeownership for their children, huge medical costs, huge food and gas costs for shit food, no community, elderly homeless people digging through trash and freezing in the cold before being sent off to labor camps… like we just realllllllyyy need to be mutilating, orphaning, and viciously slaughtering children every single day before the eyes of the world or all this joy might end? I honestly feel like I’m surrounded by zombies.
Except zombies have no responsibility !
If the Big J came back today, he'd be crucified again or locked up in a Zionazi prison and tortured.
Most human beings are pretty untrustworthy in the sense of having some blind spots ! sometimes a lot . I am Muslim from a Muslim family and have come to expect at least low level racism all the time . I am pale-skinned so usually get apparent compliments like " Oh but you don't look Muslim/Asian - I would never have guessed !
Yes, agree with you and empathize.
Stay strong.
Agree. They're scared. We can't change the minds of the hypnotized. I've tried.
My mother always repeated "there are none so deaf as those who will not hear !" She meant that hearing is itself a matter of will ie on the part of the hearer . You cannot make people take notice ! I don't see how empathy and persuasion really helps . It never did me anyway .
Kudos, Caitlin. Damnable Dirty Dastardly Deeds by Demonic Deadbeat USA and its mostly Colonial Zionist ilk. I'd like to be in denial but cannot be: this is Dreadful reality.
Say it Roz! Please carry on for me for a few hours. I'm in a fix. My little brother died tonight. He was only 59.
Condolences for your brother.
Same from me.
Thank you.
Deepest sympathies on the loss of your brother. He was too young to go so soon. May he rest in peace.
So so sorry
Memory Eternal+ to the servant of God, your brother.
So sad. Much sympathy and strength to all those who loved him.
Sorry man. Too young.
I’m so sorry.
Of course they are lying, they have been lying the entire time. What does anyone propose to do about it?
Hypocrisy troubles sociopaths not a whit. Force and fraud, reward and punishment are the language that they understand.
Sadly so. Lesson being. Create social systems that do not reward sociopaths. That actively discourage those traits.
Exactly Lorna. Need to have comprehensive evaluations of candidates regarding fundamental knowledge of history ,geography, biological and other science, and most importantly a history of ethical behavior before being allowed on ballots. Imagine state laws doing that!
Would be sooooooo great wouldn't it
You act as if there was a point in US history when the CIA wasn't lying to the average US citizen in the first place.
One of the earliest things US Intelligence forces (pre-CIA) considered doing was blowing up a passenger ship and setting off bombs in various US towns to justify an invasion of spanish-held territories.
They then did something similar but with less mass civilian casualties.
This is just standard imperialist propaganda tactics. It's nothing new.
Propaganda has distinguishing characteristics one can learn to recognize.
Caitlin you hit the nail on the head. Yes they're lying about Syria and here's why: the latest reason is the US funded this US-backed insurgency bullshit to try to distract and take away Russian soldiers from the Ukrainian battlefield to cover Syria.
But the larger context is Israel has been lusting to steal Syria since 1948. Why? Precisely because Syria has plenty of oil, bountiful water tables and rich farmland: deep, wide and continuous; while Israel has shit for oil, shit for water tables and arrid desertland.
Why do you think Israel is always lusting to steal Palestinian land? See, GREATER ISRAEL.
Also, if you read in the diary of Moshe Dayan, he actually describes how Israeli officials pushed and pushed him to invade Syria to steal Syrian land -- precisely because Israeli officials told him they wanted the rich farmland; Moshe argued against it, telling them it was a bad idea; but they demanded that he start a war with Syria, so Moshe said he sent a guy with a shotgun on a tractor across the Syrian countryside to try to start trouble, but nobody gave a shit, so Moshe gave up at that time.
Greater Israel. Some dude speaking for God promised it to them. That's the equivalent of a title deed in geopolitics.
Yeah, 'Food Not Bombs' have been dealing with over 40 years of official hostility and harassment for having the temerity to feed homeless people.
You see, if you establish a place to feed hungry people they'll probably come there to get food and the comfy yuppies and self-interested business owners nearby will lodge a complaint and sick the police onto you.
Food Not Bombs is a wonderful group.
Thank you for posting the Aaron link. I highly recommend reading it to understand how much the Obama administration was involved in arming the groups that we had deemed our enemies. If congress hadn’t been on board with regime change in Syria they would have impeached Obama and tried him for treason.
Same with John McCain and Lindsay Graham! Then they did the same thing in Ukraine.
John McCain met with so many al-Queda members on this trip. Meanwhile so many Arab folks have been framed up and put in jail. Why didn't John McCain get major jail time for treason?
Because he is a white American ?
No, because Admiral John McCain Sr, his father, was a major figure in the sham ''inquiry'' into the June 8, 1967 bombing/torpedoing of the USS Liberty by our ''ally'' Israel. Old man McCain was instrumental in covering up the slaughter of American sailors and others on the Liberty...34 dead, 174 wounded by the vicious, demented Israelis. The McCain family was set for life after that. Treason runs in the family. The survivors of the attack had their lives mostly ruined.
I didn't know this ! I am surprised that Israeli murders of US citizens are apparently OK . Murders of UK citizens were OK during Israel's "fight for freedom" but we now pretend it never happened .
Hi Rukshana
IsraHell attacked the Liberty in an attempt to blame the Egyptians. The government threatened the lives of the survivors and their families if they came forward, and then-president LBJ (Lying Bastard Jackoff) whined, I’m not going to lose an ally over a few sailors! He also forbade other US ships from going to the aid of the Liberty. This, courtesy of the “great man” who gave us Vietnam, also based on lies.
Don't be surprised at anything they do. Ever.
I'm not surprised at Israeli crimes , of course and the UK has form on finding Israeli murders of their own citizens acceptable . I thought , I suppose , that US citizens might be important to the USA ?
The difference between Hezbollah and the Israeli and Western armies? Its moral superiority: