Sanders is a shill and a fraude…

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Whenever I see an article by someone like him titled "The US should..." I just want to scream back at him "GO ON THEN! You're the US senator, not me! What's the point of you telling me what you think you and your colleagues should be doing?"

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It’s supposed to be a democracy. He is addressing the Demos, or The Populace.

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He's trying to please his masters.

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Err... so? Yes, he's addressing the 'free men of the city', what of it? All they can do is elect senators. He IS a senator. His rhetoric is just that - rhetoric

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It's his deal w the devil.

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The idea being that full participation in democracy is much more than a vote every __ years.

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So Sanders is telling the populace that THEY should be deciding foreign policy?

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US democracy would be a lot better off if voting was mandatory and every citizen had the same modest sum (say <$1000) of tax dollars to distribute annually to political campaigns. No other contributions.

Get big money out, it’s running/ruining everything.

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Yes, and Sanders spent many years enjoying Russia, even got married in Russia and bragged about Cuban schools when Obama was president.

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Sanders stands by his defence of Cuban social programs because...they’re good social programs.

Next you’ll be accusing him of supporting racist governor Wallace, when he just agreed with Wallace’ assessment of many US problems. The point, however, was the different conclusions drawn.

Likewise Trump - one could put together the actual points of 45’s speeches (ie minus the blather and covfefe), and Sanders could make 90% the same speech, just with different policy conclusions (M4A, for example). THATS why Trump was afraid of Sanders - Sanders represented CHANGE in 2016, which is what won the vote. Too bad the DNC half of the One-Party-Two-Faces that occupies US politics, blocked him and offered up Business-As-Usual (but in a Pantsuit! See? Change!), and lost.

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With bomb bomb Obama leading the charge. Without Obomba and Clyburn, Sanders might have won South Carolina which started the domino effect of Super Tuesday. But it’s a good thing. The mic would have offed Bernie if he had gained office. As they are trying to do to RFK by denying him secret Service protection. Bloody Nazis.

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RFKJR needn’t fear the MIC. He wants to sate it not eliminate it. A little less of a bloated Pentagon can win him a hero’s crown. But very few leftists will get behind an apologist for an apartheid Israel. He’s deluded.

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Very few leftists vote so they are not needed. They’ve made themselves irrelevant by eschewing electoral politics. Nobody cares what they think or are behind. Besides—if I were running for something I’d be sure to stay away from lefties—they will savage you if you don’t do what they decide you should do. Bernie is an object lesson in why one should avoid leftist “support”. They can have their circular firing squad. I’m opting for a strategic thinker who courts both the right and the left and who knows how to approach an apartheid state in order to actually accomplish something for Palestine.

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Trump afraid of Sanders? Surely you jest. The fool is a joke. I lived in Vermont 30 yrs. Look up Jennifer Gruskin, see what she has to say about him.

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Curious as to why the democrat party chose Biden over Sanders, who clearly was ahead for months and months.

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That’s a fair question, and I think if you look at the budgets of both the DNC and the RNC, and the largest donors to each, you see that the donors’ wishes are the areas where the two parties agree. Those areas include very low taxes on corporations and billionaires, wars across the planet that justify American military involvement, austerity for the domestic population, and stoking the fires of social division.

Sanders was trashed in the mainstream media as an angry curmudgeon, who would be seen as a feeble president overseeing two supposedly adversarial parties working together to undermine his mandate at every turn. Most of his supporters knew that a class struggle would come to the fore if their guy was to win, and that is a struggle that no billionaire wants conducted in public.

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I think you might take the myth of agonistic politics as reality, and so you misunderstand the purpose of election. In fact, partisan "democracy" is nothing more than a spectacular cosmic epic in the form of a passion play crafted to reproduce the myth of contest as a truth device and the norm of silent submission to "winners". Western liberal-bourgeois politics in particular reenacts the Glorious Revolution, pitting country club against country club, Puritan workshop authoritarianism against heritage plantation authoritarianism. It is by design as closed to effective public participation as the US Civil War was closed to effective Houthi participation: the story simply isn't about them.

Elections are crap. Sortition affords the closest to real popular rule that can be had in a class system.

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Biden is even dumber and easier to control.

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Why?!? Because Sanders is a Social Democrat and the closest thing to a statesman the US has. Biden is a solid member of the neoliberal reality that populates much of the nominally saner* parts of amerikkka’s One-Party-Two-Faces operation (*the less sane part would be the GQP Freedom Caucus, lol)

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Sanders a statesman??? Bahahahahaha

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I'm not sure what you mean. Both things can be true.

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Both true? He's now opposed to Russia and for China.

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Bernie is a politician first. Bernie has been a war/DOD funder most of his career. The fact that during end stage U.S.S.R. and Castro Cuba Bernie spent time there changes nothing about Bernie the politician now. Bernie also has a portrait of Eugene Debs in his office however Debs is spinning in the Universe now.

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Bernie is a lazy commie first.

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Sadly, then you don't know what a Communist is unless you were using very well done sarcasm. Medicare for all is a Capitalist program, National Healthcare would approach Communism. That's why we don't have healthcare in the u.s. or the DOD is Communist owned by the people, education, healthcare and retirement maybe we should all join.

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You mean, he actually held Jesus to his word instead of using him as a fantasy ideal to extract labor from the slaves for the lazy, useless, whiny middle class? How tyrannical!

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Will someone please inform him that there is no climate crisis. We know you've been compromised Bernie, give it up. And Vivek is WEF.👎

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I have no desire to defend Sanders, but I see him as not so much a fraud as having traded his opinions for his platform. Maybe that’s the definition of “fraud,” but not what I typically think as fraud.

As far as I know, he’s still a dues-paying member of the Democratic Socialists, still sees capitalism as an economic system that warrants much more stringent controls than Americans have ever experienced, and still harbors hope, against all evidence, that the American people can force their corrupt leaders to do the right thing.

I suspect that Sanders opposition to an investigation of the funding of the proxy war is covered in his contract with the DP. The investigation is a Republican initiative, and the only things sponsored by Republicans that Democrats support are those consistent with the the DP’s platform. Questioning the funding going to Ukraine can only shine a light where the DP wants nobody looking.

So Bernie and AOC and her three co-conspirators have all achieved a modicum of official status, only to learn that they have absolutely no ability to speak authentically or promote any agenda in which they believe. It begs the question, what do these people really believe? And, unfortunately, this all reinforces a perception of hopelessness.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

At some point, when you barely stand up for anything - when you definitely had many opportunities to do so and the power to do so as a US Senator - you do become a fraud. The democratic party itself is a pile of shit made up of fraud and bribery. It only answers to big money now.

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I agree with that but I don’t think any single elected official, even a president, ever gets multiple opportunities to speak out when he/she is swimming against the tide. When Sanders had a growing wave of supporters in 2015, the media ignored them and focused on his stubborn, humorless personality and no columnists in all major newspapers gave him a positive review.

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Aug 23, 2023·edited Aug 23, 2023

Sanders had a huge groundswell of support from ordinary Americans - despite being blacklisted by MSM. Large numbers of working Americans were sending him $10 donations, and his rallies consistently drew large crowds - usually more than Hilly's political rallies. He really did have a kind of revolution on his hands - but he was too much of a political coward and Washington insider to take his huge support any further. He folded like a house of cards when the rubber really began to hit the road. Now he's just an empty suit.

Sanders gave some great speeches though. JFK Jr. can't even really do that - half the time it's hard to follow what he's actually saying - his speech clarity/cadence is so poor - senile Joe Biden is even worse. The democratic party itself - well you've seen the movie the Godfather - you know how Mob organizations work right?

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They're all lazy commie grifters who get rich in office sucking out the lifeblood of our country.

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“'That sounds like a win for Putin,' Acosta said of Ramaswamy’s plan."

Not only do sociopaths view everything as a zero-sum no holds barred winner takes all game, they are *only* capable of viewing the world in such terms.

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Then sociopathy is fundamental to Western cosmology (The Great and the Small), and we ought to give up on these childish doctrines of Unity and Subordination, or at least stop all this cope.

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Nah, awe is what makes us enslaveable. My aim is to destroy as much as possible the means and methods by which humans can be enslaved.

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Leaders have almost always been sociopaths, the tiny existence of the west has had its share of sociopaths but certainly not a unique feature of western society.

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A convenient name for the propaganda or debating technique you're describing is "framing". If one party can set the fundamental terms of the argument, they can almost always "win". The Overton Window is of course a frame, as is the "debate" between the war-with-Russia sockpuppets and the war-with-China sockpuppets. Of course you can and should challenge the frame, but people who engage in framing (Bernie Sanders, for example) are not arguing in good faith, so there is probably no use talking to them; they're just waiting for you to run out of breath so they can start up again.

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Being against the needless slaughter of people by other people with differing views is a posture that world history --- but especially the puny 250 years of US history --- renders "unnatural". For with that backdrop, Nature itself is then perceived as a fundamentally dog-eat-dog proposition, rather than the vast symbiotic communication network it actually encompasses. And in a developing human personality, the entire mess rolls onward within an environment of propaganda, like a snowball becoming an ice boulder, those propagandized fabrications acting as the added icy layers of snow enlarging the lethal boulder. Humans are a semi-rational, semi-lunatic evolutionary experiment, which depending on your viewpoint is not turning out so well for the rest of the biosphere. For any individual member of Homo sap to demur from that path, and step aside from the entire dynamics of the scene is truly a challenging task. Not many are really successful. Bless all that do succeed.

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To be fair, worlds and history are both unnatural products of Plato's teachings to love artifice and excellence more than life itself. The existence of imperfection or mediocrity isn't really important except to those who believe their dreams ought to mean something. To escape the theater, we must fall out of love with it.

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I think Russell Brand agrees with you. He defines spiritualism as the non-material, and that eschewing god, however one defines it, means immersion in the ego-driven. I’ve identified as an atheist for most of my life, but hearing him makes a kind of sense that is provocative.


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"Nobel Laureate and physicist Steven Weinberg was far from alone when he conceded that there's a problem with consciousness: Its existence doesn't seem to be derivable from physical laws." ~Robert Lanza

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Afraid not; I share Marx's goal of demystifying the world. Gods are nothing more than an ideal personification of value judgment, with all the usual waste and atrocity that attends idealism.

Brand is partaking of exactly the middle-class Platonic nonsense I'm talking about dispatching. He even goes so far as positing the free man as necessarily _driven_ by outside forces. That indicates how deeply Anglos have internalized slavery as a cosmological imperative and how it is only a question of which master to surrender to. Reenacting the Enclosures in your own mind? Seriously?

No matter how much the brainwashed middle class complains about critique, the ideology of spirit is but another myth in the Greek addiction to drama and narrative that functions as a reproductive instrument of slavery.

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I won’t presume to know your motivation, but when I read this line in your comment:

“To be fair, worlds and history are both unnatural products of Plato's teachings to love artifice and excellence more than life itself.”

I read this as resonant with Brand’s view that our brains can help make survival possible, and sate our many appetites, but the natural impulse to find meaning is a wormhole constructed by our conscious mind to deal with what it cannot glean.

I think that Brand respects excellence and beauty, but loves life. I’m not understanding what he is saying that you reject. That’s okay, I don’t think you can or should clarify what you argue for my benefit.

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No wonder I dislike RB.

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Great! I love Caitlin, but she keeps pretending that white citizens are victims or dupes of these POWERFUL propaganda machines that make us all think things we do don’t want to think. But the truth is, white citizens love the lies they are fed. Without them they couldn’t get up in the morning. Well, except for those who are on pharmaceuticals and booze. Of which there are many. But yes, they love their kabuki theater and fight tooth and nail to silence anyone who suggests that they fall out of love with their delusions.

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Race? What was written that makes you think this is anything other than class? The article doesn't make sense unless it's about class. We know the tools of propaganda however we can all fall victim to it without effort?

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I don’t get this. And who is it to? It was in my inbox so I assume you’re talking to me but I don’t remember saying anything about race.

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"But the truth is, white citizens love the lies they are fed."

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O well that’s true. 😄

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Yep, Caitlin just keeps on pretending. But she really knows better.

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I don’t mean that. And I don’t think so. She’s not a phoney. I think she’s shoveling out the stables and isn’t sure what she’s seeing. And certainly there is no coherent philosophy anywhere that explains what she and all of us are seeing right now. And I think she’s working her way towards that coherent philosophy. And she speaks for a lot of similarly struggling, well meaning people trying to make sense of it all. I’m just saying that thinking that we are victims of overlords who dupe us is a stumbling block. When we get past that Matrxy kind of thinking, we’ll have made a big step towards dropping any pretense that we are not responsible for our fate.

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We don't "see philosophy".

There are many layers to what we are seeing. There's only one truth to it all and if you look it's there to find.

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By "coherent" do you mean "total"? There doesn't need to be a total philosophy above us, much less one for all the species. That's Christian (née Platonic) ideology and it is the root cause of essentially all of our current predicaments. It inherently degrades others' values and seeks to combat them for supremacy in some arena.

The only coherent philosophies are nihilisms. Caitlin seems like an Existentialist to me, with a more particularly Absurdist outlook on society.

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I had a friend that used to laugh at Absurdist philosophy as “the best that Patriarchy could finally come up with.”

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Coherent means logical and well organized.

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That's quite the generalization.

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If by white you mean middle-class, PMC, elites, yes. But to let Black, Asian, Hispanic, etc. people of property off the hook is simply to use them to continue the dramaturgy by other means. Most of what is odious about 'whiteness' is socially transmitted and not essential to the white body, anyway. Gangsta rap has mostly supplanted the Black church as the favored theater of transmission: (CW: Jung, Zizek)


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By white I mean white supremacy. Many different colors can participate in it. Just like women can participate in patriarchy.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Very well said. It really is turning into a Shadow struggle with the human psyche - and whether human neurotic tendencies end up destroying ourselves and the planet. I don't think it's looking very good at the moment. I'm not sure how killing 400,000+ human beings in Ukraine has helped any of us.

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This whole situation was predicted by George Orwell's 1984. Whenever one of the three world powers grows too strong the other two unite against it. He even specified that the perpetual battlefield would stretch from eastern Europe to Vietnam.

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Patrick Powers: Most of the people and wealth of the Earth is concentrated in Eurasia, specifically SE Asia. This is the enemy of the New World and the Old World in Western Europe. It's madness to fight these wars for the elites arguing over who gets the caviar.

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I live in SE Asia and it is a pipsqueak compared with South Asia (India) or East Asia (China&Japan). It has 700 million people but not much in natural resources except for tiny Brunei. And technology, forget it. Maybe that's why it's such a nice place. No one is afraid of SE Asia, no one wants to conquer it either.

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Patrick Powers: By SE Asia I include India and China. I wasn't talking about Indochina. Central Asia would be Iran and the other stans. NE Asia would be Siberia. Western Asia would be Russia and the Middle East.

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Hate is the hallmark of American foreign policy. It is never a worthy undertaking and a ruse to trick the country into endless wars . Hate is the breeding ground of xenophobia, racism, bigotry and jingoism all at the same time. It also provides the odious pretext for endless wars against concocted enemies feeding the insatiable greed of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex (MICC) which runs the US government.

It never occurs to the wizards of Washington the hate and violence they project on to the world poisons and debilitates their own culture. What we do is what we become.

American political debate has become a bunch of screaming zombies who have fetishized war.

Peace will only come when stupefied American political elites repudiate their war on the world which was started by the Dulles brothers 75 years ago.

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States destroy and simplify everyday aesthetics so that they can appear special and spectacular in contrast. It isn't possible to have a state without a class system, and it isn't possible to have a class system without comprehensively dominating others. It's the nature of the beast and no amount of love or imagination can change that. If you want a different outcome, do a different thing.


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I think you can go back further. The fundamentalist immigrants feared and hated the indigenous population who believed the land they inhabited was nobody’s to claim. Appropriation is a colonial practice that this country’s founders all embraced. The Constitution not only legalizes appropriation, but mandates it. Hatred has been cooked into Americans generationally. Capitalism breeds suspicion of authority, which is celebrated as a mark of freedom, but it also promotes suspicion and resentment of your neighbor, and it ascribes a holy status to powerful individuals while demonizing any assumed government power as illegitimate. It is the framework of organized crime.

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Nails it on many levels - and great tie in to Chomsky - on limiting the spectrum of what can be debated. Well done!

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Ah, Bernie - such a disappointment for the smartest among us, aka the lefties.

But no worries. Here comes RFK Jr., the real anti-war figure despite sucking Israel's cock and licking its ass. As holding noses has become a second nature for the lefties here's another hero to do it this go-around, lest the habit is lost.

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And Lefties are still falling for it. *smh* It's like we had 2 election cyles with this same crap with Sanders. Now we're suppose to do it all over again with JFK Jr.

No thanks.

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"And Lefties are still falling for it" - proving they're indeed the smartest of the bunch. Where it leaves the bunch is another discussion.

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russian_bot: What a lovely bunch of coconuts.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Well many of us did watch the Brady Bunch. I thought Marcia was pretty cute.

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russian_bot: LOL at "Ah, Bernie- such a disappointment for the smartest among us, aka the lefties."

I'm going to laugh over that sentence for a week or two. LOL!

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As long as you're not out and about, Timmy. Though where you're at they won't care. They'll think it's a new trend.

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russian_bot: if you think I'm a trendsetter, you are delusional. LOL!

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That's right. There's a fully operational dick club where you are, already.


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russian_bot: I like the "harrowing" joke in the video. Very clever. I see folks like those in the video every day. One day I saw a white guy with long blond hair riding down the street wearing only shorts and sandals on a skateboard. He was playing a guitar.

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That's not bad at all. I saw video, supposedly in Portland, where a creature was rinsing its privates on top of the street water fountain. Judging by bone structure it was probably born male but I couldn't attest further from the angle.

Makes one think twice before using public water fountains.

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Bernie Sanders is a WAR PIG. I bitterly regret every minute and ever cent I spent on his campaigns for president.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Yep, I have the same sentiment. The guy even told us to vote for Joe Biden. And continues support him and the democratic party to this day. No longer my cup of tea. This lesser of two evils crap is an immoral excuse by those who refuse to take any responsibility for the state of American politics today.

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RFK Jr is the only 2024 presidential candidate who is sincerely anti-war. His resistance to the Ukraine war stems from the horror of Ukrainian lives lost and nuclear holocaust. He clearly acknowledges US provocation of Russia and manipulation of Ukraine's leadership. His suggestions for a better use of the money are about helping the poor not targeting China. He states let us compete fairly with China on the economic field. They don't want war with us. We shouldn't be asking for war with them.

I initially dismissed him over the vaccine debate. Since I had a career in medical research, I spent many hours educating myself. His questions about safety and efficacy are legitimate. We need a more open-minded commitment to scientific debate and research. Instead, the public has been fed propaganda by Pharma owned media, regulatory agencies and medical journals. The inmates are truly running the asylum on this issue.

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Israel has been in perpetual war for as long as I've been alive. RFK Jr. has come out unequivocally supporting Israel - so no, he is not "sincerely" anti-war. Not at all.

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Respectfully, my answer is he supports the right of Israel to exist, not war. Israel is not the only source of violence in the mid-east. Red-line positions are the first step towards war. Look at the man. Look at all his positions and why he holds them. Ultimately, I think he will contribute towards a non-violent resolution. Thank you for your reply.

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Aug 22, 2023·edited Aug 22, 2023

Sorry, RFK Jr. said a lot more than that. Chris Hedges, a journalist and leading intellectual - who has a great deal of integrity, published this article just a few days ago:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - The Israel Lobby’s Useful Idiot


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I spent some time reviewing this issue and now agree with you that RFK's "100% support of Israel" position is wrong. Thank you for causing me to look more closely.

I do still believe he is a man who strives for peace. Considering the extent of abuse he has taken by our media for being true to his beliefs, I doubt he will remain firm on this issue. I don't believe that he is a "useful idiot" or someone who doesn't care about injustice, only that on this issue he is simply wrong.

I suggest you watch his second interview with Glenn Greenwald (System Update #98 on Rumble). He demonstrates his ability to learn and change his views twice in that interview. Once was on the issue of financial support to Israel.

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Aug 25, 2023·edited Aug 25, 2023

Extra credit for actually looking at what Chris Hedges wrote. Unlike yourself, I have no faith his outlook will actually change, and even if he does announce a substantial shift in his political position (and it would have to be substantial) I would probably not believe him - after already being been burned by another candidate running twide as a Democrat: Bernie Sanders. I don't believe anyone running in this corrupt party can be trusted. Be Well.

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Regarding Bernie; I can't know his mind. I have chosen to believe he sincerely tried and simply failed. Now he is doing what good he can. His campaigns changed the Overton window on several issues. People I care about got aid and healthcare during the pandemic that never would have without his behind the scenes influence. When he endorsed Clinton, then Biden, I wanted to scream about DNC cheating. He chose to carry on. The truth is probably not my simple fairy tale version but I also doubt he completely changed from saint to shill.

Regarding the DNC; something wicked this way comes. The party of FDR has become a grave threat to every concept of freedom and decency in the US and the world. The DNC and their army of "journalists" certainly don't consider RFK a member of their party. Maybe that is a reason to take a closer look.

Finally (I swear), as a correction, the Greenwald interview I still hope you will listen to is #97, not #98. It is from about two months ago. Kennedy's bias on Israel is present but his willingness to listen and learn is evident and worth considering.

Be well to you too.

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I totally agree with you Mary. I’m voting for him no matter what. All the Israel stuff is just that—stuff. I think he’d be able to handle the Washington cabal—unlike Bernie or West or Marianne—precisely because he’s not pure as the driven. And his critics. I wish he’d look at Tulsi as a running partner. But… Tucker would make a powerful VP!

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Trump is ANTI-WAR.

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I regret every second, breath, dollar and the 2020 vote I wrote his name in for in support of Bernie Sanders. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

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I share your sentiment. The sting of it is so much more painful and bitter, given how well he duped all of us who supported him.

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"CHOICES" Comrades, as long as War is the Option. How about a CW??? the 3rd Option. Not to worry the American Sheeples are too far gone for that option.

Let's just Destroy the only President that fought the Deep State (and Lived fo far) since JFK.

Trump's Enemies are My Enemies and All Domestic USSA.

Perfection is a Bolshevik Illusion, btw.

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Trump fought the Deep State so hard that he went along with their war plans in Yemen, Syria, and Ukraine. I seem to remember Trump caving in like a wussy under pressure and giving a billion dollars of weapons to our Ukraine Maidan Regime. As wild as Liberal rhetoric and hand-wringing gets, Trump is absolutely acceptable to the Power Elite. He also cut taxes for the rich and continued economic Neoliberal privatization policies. Trump ain't no savior, but a useful idiot that will jump in the seat and keep the machine grinding.

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Well the Only time Victoria Nuland was Out of the Feral Gov was in the 4 years of the Trump Admin.

The Economy was doing well for the people during Trump, not that 40 years of Debt Accumulation was going to vanish.

Straw man arguments from you not withstanding, Life Was Better 3.5 years ago.

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For the wealthy and for those comfortable in a white Christianist nationalist milieu.

Otherwise no, it wasn’t better despite some momentary metrics suitable for cherry picking.

For youth, the impoverished (excluding ignorant dupes*), and most people of colour, TFG was recognized as a narcissist suited to the latent authoritarianism forged in the crucible of uniquely American divisiveness (there’s a reason to put “United” in the name out front); and more to the point, he was recognized as the harbinger of fascism. There are studies that show amerikkka has a substantially higher percentage (2-3x) of folk with violent right wing authoritarian tendencies, than any similar nations (* and those dupes referenced above, are in this cohort). Dickens warned us ignorance would be our doom, Twain added that dupes double down rather than lose face.

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Twain added that dupes double down rather than lose face. "Projecting Much?"

Try this comment below on for size, Comrade "Danger" (btw, are you related to "Carlos" Weiner?)

"There’s SOME anxiety in the air, but I don’t think it’s from Trump or his allies. I think it’s from his political enemies.

Trump is innocent. He knows this. We know this. The enemy knows it, too.

Watch the events of the coming days, and ruminate on their impact on the Collective Mind with one simple question in mind:

After this week, is Donald J. Trump going to look like he’s a part of the Establishment … or an existential threat to its continued existence?” — Burning Bright

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Reference unfamiliar but I’m gonna say no relation.

As for the quote, just more noise. I understood all I needed to about TFG on Jan 23, 2016. Snopes seems to suggest much MSM took his Shoot Somebody quote out of context, but Snopes lacked the nuance to address Trumpspeak. The key to the statement was “Fifth Avenue”, which should be all the information a rune reader like yourself needs to catch my drift.

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Trump won 2020. The current NWO mother WEFer JoBama sElection Coup Regime is Illegitimate, Illegal and UnConstitutional.

"Trump is innocent. He knows this. We know this. The enemy knows it, too."

have a "nice" day, comrade.

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Nuland may have been out of office, but her murderous policies were not.

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The Deep State IS DEEP, Comrade. Obamy Mammy continued as the Shadow Resident during the Trump Presidency as he still is during the Coup Regime of the Biden Slush Fund $$$$.

Estab NWO-democRats continue to Defend Debauchery & Debt $pending on Ukraine.


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It's not as if Team R were fundamentally any different.

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Team "R" is Not MAGA. Team "R" & "D" are the two wings of the Buzzard Party.

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That's fair that Nuland was out, but you know darn well the Trump admin had plenty of banksters and swamp creatures.

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NO DOUBT about it. So What's Your "Voting" Solution ??? Moar democRats??? Moar rinoRats??

or perhaps No Voting at all ???

I'll Vote (If sElections happen) for Trump. his enemies, Are my Enemies. That's It.

No long intellectual tomes on the preponderence of stupidity of the laboring class not recognizing the brillance of the ivy league professoral class.


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Four more years of Trump I guarantee will disappoint you. Right now my vote is looking like Cornell West. It also remains to be seen if West will be viable or effective, but as of today he's the best candidate running.

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Hey, go for It !!! Perhaps Don Quixote could be Cornell's VP ???

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Ya better for Nazis. You myopia renders your opinions foolish.

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What happened to Russia !!! Russia !!! Russia !!! ??? Comrade "O"bamy???

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Outstanding summary of our War Uniparty

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The aggression against Russia vs. aggression against China ploy may work on the American citizenry, but it won't work elsewhere in the world:

1. It would take decades for the US Empire to repair relations with Russia after what it has done to that country--if it will ever even try.

2. China has seen, of course, what the Empire has done to Russia, and so would never trust the Empire enough to join in any sort of significant action against Russia.

3. The rest of the world has also seen what the Empire has done to Russia. Although geopolitical realities require that many countries feign a faux neutrality, they know they cannot trust the Empire not to aggress against them like it did against Russia (and countless other, less powerful countries before that) and are actively working behind the scenes to protect themselves from the Empire. This entails tacit cooperation with Russia and China.

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Literally Mussolini: The American Empire is falling apart internally (like all empires do). The median family in the USA now spends $709 more per month on essentials than it did two years ago.

That is not sustainable.

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I think it’s more that we, the American public, have finally seen these 3 points. The rest of the world has always known it—especially the global south. Well, and Africa. O ya and Indochina. And The Middle East, and… 😄

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“War is the health of the State. It automatically sets in motion throughout society these irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense.”

— Randolph Bourne

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Or, more succinctly, "The state is war."

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Easy Democrats are pro war with Russia and Republicans are pro war with China. See, the thing is justifying the wars, with Democrats it is stopping Putin and saving the Ukraine, with Rublicans it seems war would be the best option to improve the economy?

The United States always supports war, because it is to the empire's benefit. That the ordinary people here aren't the ones suffering bombs and missle attacks. Sniper fire...The moment we realize war is not worth it, then we can make the change through the zeitgeist, but I think people are too irrational to fight the empire because of the two party mindset created through the propaganda. No war is seen like a third party, it is almost an inconceivable notion.

"It is better to blow up the planet than let the other party win!"-propaganda logic

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Unironically, it is better to desecrate the agon than to think that contest will reveal anything true.

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