To see first hand examples of what Johnstone is talking about, watch this valuable discussion with Aaron Maté on Taibbi and Halper's "Useful Idiots" webcast. Go to 27:15 into video to see the discussion on a host of issues, mostly in the untouchable area of foreign policy, to understand how factual info about the U.S.'s role in the world is systematically narrowed in media to keep citizens in the dark. It's implicit in the discussion, so take a macro perspective. https://youtu.be/yGy6c3SHWf0

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"If you lived over there you wouldn't be allowed to criticize the government the way you criticize western governments!" Anyone taking this diversion-denial viewpoint needs to quite simply extract their head from their rectum. In Italiano, per favore estraete la vostra testa dal culo.

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Jimmy Dore has reached that critical mass, and we, his supporters, are daily waiting for his show to be pulled off YouTube.

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I'm one of you, and I have also been waiting for a while.

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I agree with everything you say up until the point you subtly divert people back into the corrupt Democratic Party by touting people like Tulsi Gabbard as being authentic or sincere in their criticism of the empire. They are controlled opposition and serve as a release valve for the disillusioned population and keep them on the political hamster wheel looking for real representation. I am surprised that you do not seem to realize this. Anyone encouraging the masses to look for help in this corrupt political system is either wittingly or unwittingly doing the bidding of the empire. They will allow you to continue unmolested.

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Some questions: To claim that someone like Gabbard is "controlled opposition" and can't be an authentic critic implies that being critical of "the empire" can't be sincere, doesn't it? What's your definition of an authentic critic? How is Johnstone not in the same boat as Gabbard? How can we tell that you're not part of the controlled opposition?

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What makes you think that Tulsi Gabbard is critical of the empire? That's kind of having blind faith, isn't it?

No matter what she says, it's Gabbard's actions that show her position. Where was she during #ForceTheVote?

The definition of an authentic person is that their actions are congruent with their speech, or, in vulgar terms, they put their money where their mouth is.

None of the #FraudSquad has done that.

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Its encouraging to read you believe that something can be done about the propaganda machine...I don't see it disappearing. We have had it from the beginning of our Nation and before that ..

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How many 18th century newspapers have you read? I beg to differ. Plus I honestly doubt we even have to go back that far. Before that, certainly, however. That's why the Bill of Rights enshrines freedom of the press and of expression (however poorly certain periods and judges have enforced it).

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To see first hand examples of what Johnstone is talking about, watch this valuable discussion with Aaron Maté on Taibbi and Halper's "Useful Idiots" webcast. Go to 27:15 into video to see the discussion on a host of issues, mostly in the untouchable area of foreign policy, to understand how factual info about the U.S.'s role in the world is systematically narrowed in media to keep citizens in the dark. It's implicit in the discussion, so take a macro perspective. https://youtu.be/yGy6c3SHWf0

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Millions of us saw it firsthand during both of Sanders' campaigns. Noam Chomsky's documentary "Manufacturing Consent" - from 1999 - is also quite eye-opening.

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